hakusbakus · 2 months
The promise
It’s that time of the year when the leaves start to change into a beautiful orange-red, the kind you only really see in sunsets.
I look out at the leaves from my balcony and I promise myself that when the last leaf falls, I will let you go.
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hakusbakus · 2 months
The anatomy of a wave
Life has an interesting way of guiding you in a direction you needed to go towards. Like a piece of wood floating in a meandering river, or the crest of a wave before it crashes. The water will guide you, you just need to lift your feet off the ground and float.
The feeling of playing in the ocean waves is a glorious one. It allows you to admire the cosmic order of things. Right before a wave crashes, it pulls all the water around you to form a large and bulging ripple. When you feel the water drain, the barrel is about to arrive. It's using up all the water around it.
At this critical moment, you have two options: 1. get washed over by the crashing wave OR 2. Allow it to lift you up
When you let go of the control by loosening your foot's grip on the sand, the wave gently lifts you up as it passes you by. Serenity follows.
And just like that, by happenstance or perhaps some divine intervention, I found myself in a small village by the sea in a yoga retreat with my sister, a group of Italians and Mani R.
The past week has been a breath of fresh air. The ocean, the love and the practice have been so healing. Life is simple, yet disciplined. Food is plentiful and delicious. Days move slowly. Stress is a momentary guest who is not welcome here.
"Dulce far niente"
Italian for the sweetness of nothing. In this moment, life is slow, the days are sweet & the nights hold the simple promise of consistency. The muscles are in turmoil, yet the mind is in peace.
Image art and credits go to StephHathawayDesigns
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hakusbakus · 2 months
The lighthouse
Memories of you feel like the lighthouse you see when you are sailing away from shore. Lights blinking, dwindling slowly, but never quite fading to darkness.
This past year, I was trying to leave the shore on a boat, making a journey to the other end of the horizon. I row hard, trying desperately to get to that point just after the horizon dips. "If only I can get there," I think to myself, "if only I can get to the other side, the lighthouse disappears."
I row with all my might for days and weeks on end, but I never seem to get to the edge of the earth.
The lighthouse twinkles in the distance, just how the thoughts of you never seem to stop following me around.
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