hachicide · 7 months
yes the fish are that important.
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In Jujutsu Kaisen’s second season’s ending theme of the Hidden Inventory arc, the sequence opens with a black screen, two white fish starkly contrasted. Though at first glance they may appear to be identical, upon further inspection it becomes obvious that their fins are slightly differently shaped and one of them has black eyes, while the others’ are strikingly blue, immediately reminiscent of Satoru. The two fish circle each other briefly before swimming offscreen. About ten seconds later in the ending, the fish return for a mere flash, an overhead shot of them, again, swimming past each other. This time, however, a drop of water hits the surface of the otherwise unbothered surface, and one of the white fish becomes black. Also worth noting, both fish are Betta Splendens, otherwise known as Siamese fighting fish. The Betta Splenden fish will turn black when under heavy stress and inhabiting poor conditions, which we can easily liken to Suguru’s circumstances at the end of the Hidden Inventory arc. Evident from the first glimpse of the eye colors, the fish are clearly representative of Satoru and Suguru. The water dropping onto the pond could be likened to Amanai’s death, the trigger for Suguru’s descent into darkness and major shift in his life path. The next time the fish return in the ending theme, we see a close up of Satoru’s face, turning to follow the black fish that swims through the frame. He stares openly at the fish representing Suguru, unable to tear his eyes away. In complement, a shot of Suguru’s face follows. As Satoru’s fish swims onto the screen, Suguru refuses to look, and instead casts his gaze downwards. He, contrastingly, cannot bear to look. The fish return one final time, in the closing shot. The camera faces a pool of water on the ground, reflecting Satoru and Suguru’s backs as they walk side by side. In the water, we can see the Betta Splendens, Satoru’s fish at Suguru’s side and vice versa. The very last second consists of the camera suddenly swinging upwards, fish now obscured from our view, and Satoru pulls Suguru in for a hug, though is jokingly pushed off. The screen snaps to black.
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