gw4plord · 23 days
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gw4plord · 24 days
All of these Israeli military war machines against civilians and defenseless people in Rafah
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gw4plord · 24 days
People now in gaza strip are facing the danger of hunger again and displaced since the occupation invaded rafah please can you help this family is for my cousin they need money to survive in gaza to buy food and water since everything is so expensive
And my cousin family are close to me if you can't donate share it
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gw4plord · 24 days
Israel is now bombing 1.7 million civilians trapped in Rafah, threatening an imminent invasion of the last “safe place” in Gaza.
Israel is committing the worst crimes in modern history, and Western regimes are calling it “self-defense”.
Never forget. Never forgive.
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gw4plord · 24 days
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gw4plord · 24 days
Rapper Macklemore is releasing a track called “Hind’s Hall”, speaking out on the genocide of Palestinians, and the United States complacency in this ongoing violence. Macklemore has stated that once the track drops on streaming, all proceeds from streams will be going directly to UNRWA— the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East.
The new tracks namesake Hind’s Hall echoes the honours that Columbia University encampment protestors bestowed the Morningside Heights campus’ Hamilton Hall— in memory of Hind Rajab, the 6 year old Palestinian girl in Gaza who was shot by Israeli soldiers after being trapped inside a vehicle, with her dead family. She had begged to be rescued as tanks closed in on her.
Macklemore using his platform to vehemently speak out against genocide, the Israeli occupation and United States-led violence is what every single artist should be doing right now. The power of art should not be underestimated. Macklemore started out in the Hip-Hop scene within communist circles, namely working alongside Blue Scholars, and has never neglected his Leftism through out his career: the artist has spoken on issues regarding mental health, addiction, racial profiling and police violence, Capitalism, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights and toxicity of American culture.
“The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied” Hind’s Hall, Macklemore, 2024
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gw4plord · 24 days
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gw4plord · 24 days
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”We condemn the human violations done by the state Israel. And its attacks on the freedom of the press. This is why we have temporary halted this segment of this broadcast.”
From the Belgium tv union.
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gw4plord · 24 days
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🍉Data sources under the cut🍉
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gw4plord · 24 days
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How much you wanna bet that the driver was either a cop or was friends with a cop?
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gw4plord · 24 days
Joost Klein and Käärijä have the opportunity to do the craziest thing ever
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gw4plord · 24 days
the Dutch commentators are being SO salty and shady and I love it tbh
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gw4plord · 24 days
I, a student actively protesting against investment in Israel, called my grandmother yesterday. I offhandedly mentioned that I was still bruised from my run in with the cops. She was appalled. She asked me “why on earth would you be protesting?!”. I, somewhat surprised, she knows I care about left wing political causes and like, human life, told her I was protesting because I believed in the cause. She then asked me “you believe in the cause of getting rid of Jews?!?”
Of course not. I told her that I was protesting against genocide and that many of the people protesting beside me were Jewish. That our encampment held a Seder led by Jewish students followed by Maghrib (evening prayers) for Muslim students. She was so surprised. She told me to be safe and to call my mom if I got arrested.
These right wing fake news rabbit holes are so easy to fall down and get stuck in. To the extent that this very smart woman genuinely thought I was protesting to get rid of Jewish people rather than against genocide.
Good luck out there folks. Keep pushing, keep supporting Palestinians and protestors in any way you can. Call your grandma.
Free Palestine!
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gw4plord · 24 days
last chance to evacuate
as you may know, israel has begun its ground operation in rafah. they dropped leaflets last night ordering people to evacuate, and bombing in east rafah has already begun.
The border is about to become unreachable.
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Rafah is trapped.
We have literal hours until no-one, all the GoFundMe's you've scrolled past, all the people desperately begging on TikTok, will be able to escape.
Give now. Give whatever you can.
I am fundraising for the Odeh family, which is only 3k away from meeting its goal.
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you will not get another chance.
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gw4plord · 24 days
A group of kids, no more than fifteen years old, yell to the Egyptian watchtower guards located on the Rafah- Egypt border, "Throw us your weapons. We'll fight the enemy ourselves!"
Our Egyptian besiegers are technically on our side, by the way. The people, at least, but their Western masters paralyze them. Don't Zionists occupy us all after all?
I want to die now!" We want to eat! we want something to eat!" A child in Rafah climbs an electricity pole along the Southern border to shout out to the soldiers on the other side. "For God's sake, Egypt, come on!" Another group of children chants as they bang on the steel fence, urging the guards to make a move against the Zionist usurper.
Most of the children in these videos wanted food, others protection, and some decided they would take matters into their own hands. How does one have the gall to condemn any of those kids?
"Children told me that fully armed Egyptian soldiers were weeping in helplessness," Dr. Mustafa Elmasri from Gaza recounts. And I thought to myself, how cruel the world is, that starving children under bombardment felt fully grown armed men were helpless. What big hearts they have.
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gw4plord · 24 days
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Just gonna....leave this here
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gw4plord · 24 days
Crazy how the entire Middle East is now in ruins because the US government didn’t want to stop a genocide.
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