guysgetbigger · 1 month
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (12 of 12)
Derek, emboldened by the jolt of energy from the redwood, faced Ethan with newfound confidence. Even in his tiny form, his spirit remained undaunted. He knew exploring Ethan's colossal body wouldn't be easy, but the thrill of the unknown outweighed his fear.
With a determined glint in his eyes, Derek began his ascent. He used Ethan's thick body hair as grips, his tiny hands surprisingly strong as he scurried up his friend's massive belly. The soft, warm hair tickled his skin, sending shivers down his spine that were a mix of excitement and apprehension.
Ethan watched him with amusement, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint. "Careful, little explorer," he rumbled, his voice a deep tremor that vibrated through Derek's tiny body. "Don't get lost in the jungle."
Derek giggled, his voice high-pitched and almost comical coming from his miniature form. "Don't worry, big guy," he chirped, "I'm a seasoned adventurer!"
He examined Ethan’s belly, a vast expanse of smooth, taut skin. His tiny hands found purchase on the hair growing there, using it as a ladder to climb further. As he ascended, the rumbling of Ethan's stomach sent waves of vibration through his body, making him giggle and lose his balance momentarily.
"Whoa!" he exclaimed, clinging to a stray hair for dear life. "Your tummy is like an earthquake!"
Ethan chuckled, the sound echoing through the room. "Just a reminder that I'm not just a mountain, little one," he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I'm a living, breathing… thing."
Derek reached the top of Ethan's belly, his tiny hands resting on the firm mounds of his pecs. He marveled at their size, the warmth radiating from them like miniature suns. "Wow," he breathed, his voice filled with awe. "You're even more impressive up close."
Ethan's smile widened. He flexed his chest muscles, sending shivers down Derek's tiny body. "Like what you see, little explorer?" he teased, his voice a low rumble.
Derek's cheeks flushed a deep red. "Maybe," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "But I'm not just here for the scenery, big guy."
He winked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm here for an adventure."
Ethan's smile deepened. This wasn't just a playful exploration anymore. It was a dance of power and vulnerability, a test of their unique bond. And as Derek, emboldened by his newfound confidence, continued eyeing the forbidden territory of Ethan's redwood, one thing was certain: their journey into the unknown had just begun, and it was a journey filled with thrills, chills, and a love story that defied all definitions. The morning sun, casting long shadows across the room, seemed to hold its breath, waiting to witness the next chapter in their extraordinary tale unfold.
As Ethan rose, the room seemed to shrink. The ceiling, once comfortably high, now pressed down on him, and the walls felt like they could cave in at any moment. Derek, clinging precariously between his pecs, yelped as the sudden movement almost dislodged him.
Ethan chuckled, a deep rumble that reverberated through the floorboards. His newfound size was intoxicating, his muscles straining beneath his skin with unspent power. He glanced down at Derek, now dwarfed to the size of a doll. "Hold on tight, little monkey," he said, his voice booming in his own ears.
He attempted to pull on his usual clothes, but they were laughably inadequate. The fabric ripped with a satisfying tear as he tried to fit his arm into the sleeve, leaving jagged edges that mocked his efforts. Even his underwear, once comfortably loose, now resembled a child's toy.
Frustration mingled with amusement. He was a giant in his own home, a physical anomaly defying definition. He took a tentative step forward, the floorboards groaning under his immense weight. Each movement sent tremors through the room, threatening to topple furniture and shake loose objects from the walls.
Derek, clinging on for dear life, giggled nervously. "Whoa, big guy! Careful, you might break something!"
Ethan laughed, the sound echoing off the walls. "Maybe that's the point," he rumbled, a hint of mischief in his voice. He lumbered towards the window, drawn by the sliver of blue sky visible beyond the dusty pane. With a herculean effort, he pushed against the frame, the wood splintering as it gave way. Cool air rushed in, carrying the scent of freedom and possibilities.
He stepped out onto the balcony, the world tilting beneath his feet. The once familiar backyard looked like a miniature landscape, houses like dollhouses, cars like beetles. He could see for miles, the horizon stretching out like a promise of endless exploration.
A thrill shot through him. He was no longer confined by walls and limitations. He was something more, something extraordinary. And with Derek, his tiny companion perched proudly on his chest, he was ready to explore the vastness of his new world, one earth-shaking step at a time.
But amidst the exhilaration, a sliver of concern nagged at him. How long would this transformation last? What were the consequences of his ever-growing size? And most importantly, how would he navigate this new reality, not just for himself, but for the tiny friend who shared his extraordinary journey?
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. As the world around him darkened, Ethan knew this was just the beginning. The future stretched before him, uncharted and uncertain, but he wouldn't face it alone. He had Derek, and together, they would write their own story, a story of love, adventure, and the boundless possibilities that lay hidden within the extraordinary power of size.
The moonlight streamed through the shattered window, casting an ethereal glow over the room. Ethan, still colossal, stood before the shattered remains of the full-length mirror, its jagged edges reflecting a distorted image of his massive form. But it was enough. He could see the immensity, the rippling muscles, the way his skin seemed to glow with an inner light.
Derek, perched on his shoulder, his miniature size even more pronounced against Ethan's enormity, traced the outline of his friend's reflection with a tiny finger. "It's incredible," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "Like looking at a mountain come to life."
Ethan chuckled, a deep rumble that vibrated through the room. "More like a redwood," he corrected, flexing his bicep, the movement sending tremors across the floor. "Just imagine, little explorer, all the things we could do with this… size."
Derek's eyes lit up with excitement. "Climb buildings! Swing from trees like Tarzan! See the world from a whole new perspective!"
Ethan's smile widened. The limitations that had once bound him now felt like mere suggestions. The world, shrunk beneath his gaze, offered endless possibilities. But amidst the thrill, a flicker of concern flickered in his eyes.
"What about Sarah?" he asked, his voice softer now.
Derek's smile faltered. The joy faded, replaced by a shared unspoken worry. Their secret, amplified by Ethan's growing size, loomed heavy between them.
"We'll figure it out," Derek said, his voice firm despite the tremor in his hands. "Together."
And as they stood there, bathed in the silver moonlight, their reflection a distorted testament to their extraordinary connection, they knew it wouldn't be easy. The path ahead was fraught with dangers, both physical and emotional. But they had each other, and that, for now, was enough.
Ethan turned his gaze back to the mirror, focusing not on the immensity but on the details. The intricate map of veins on his forearms, the way his chest rose and fell with each deep breath, the gentle curve of his stomach. He saw not just size, but power, potential, and an unexpected vulnerability.
Derek, mirroring his gaze, reached out and touched the reflection's cheek, his tiny hand dwarfed by the vast expanse of skin. His touch, light as a feather, sent a jolt through Ethan, a reminder of the delicate balance between power and intimacy in their unique bond.
They weren't just two friends exploring the uncharted territory of size difference. They were partners, confidantes, sharing a secret that bound them closer than ever before. As they stood there, their reflections merging and blurring in the shattered glass, they knew this was just the beginning. Their journey, extraordinary and uncertain, had taken a sharp turn, and they were ready to face it, hand in hand, heart to heart, two souls forever intertwined in the captivating dance of size and desire. The night stretched before them, pregnant with possibilities, and in the silvered reflection, they saw not just their transformed bodies, but the reflection of a love story defying definition, waiting to be written one extraordinary step at a time.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (11 of 12)
As Derek nestled against Ethan's side, the aftermath of their shared intimacy swirling around them like a warm haze, Ethan couldn't resist a playful jab. "You know," he rumbled, a hint of amusement in his voice, "the redwood's getting almost as big as you are, little elf."
Derek chuckled, his small hand tracing the outline of the still-imposing appendage. "Almost," he conceded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But size isn't everything, big guy."
Ethan raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his voice. "Oh, is that so?"
Derek, emboldened, began a playful exploration of Ethan's colossal form. He ran his fingers along the ridges of Ethan's impossibly vast muscles, marveling at the power contained within. He climbed Ethan's arm, giggling as his hand disappeared into the crook of his elbow. He even peeked over the edge of Ethan's chest, peering down at the vast expanse of skin with wide, curious eyes.
Ethan, enjoying the attention, playfully rumbled his amusement. He shifted slightly, offering Derek a better vantage point, a playful giant inviting exploration by a curious pixie.
Derek, fueled by Ethan's encouragement, continued his journey. He traced the intricate web of veins on Ethan's neck, sending shivers down his larger friend's spine. He cupped Ethan's massive hand, dwarfed by its size, and marveled at the warmth radiating from it.
"You're like a walking mountain," Derek breathed, his voice filled with awe. "A living monument to… size."
Ethan chuckled, a deep, earthy sound that resonated through the room. "And you, my little friend, are the bravest explorer I know."
His words ignited a spark within Derek. He wasn't just exploring Ethan's body; he was exploring the possibilities of their unique connection. Their size difference, once a source of curiosity, had morphed into a playground of intimacy and desire.
He inched closer, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He looked up at Ethan, his eyes searching for permission, for acceptance.
Ethan met his gaze, his expression soft yet filled with a hidden hunger. He leaned down, his colossal form dwarfing Derek, yet the gesture felt more like an invitation than a threat.
And as their lips met, the size difference seemed to melt away. They were two souls connecting, fueled by a shared secret and a forbidden desire. The kiss was tender yet passionate, a dance of dominance and submission, where roles shifted and blurred with each touch, each moan.
As their exploration continued, fueled by newfound confidence and a deepening intimacy, they discovered a world unknown even to themselves. Ethan, overwhelmed by the intensity of Derek's touch, reveled in the feeling of being worshipped, adored. Derek, emboldened by his friend's acceptance, explored with a newfound confidence, claiming Ethan as his own personal giant.
The night melted away, filled with laughter, whispers, and stolen moments of intense pleasure. When they finally drifted off to sleep, curled up together on the too-small bed, they knew their journey had just begun. They were bound by their shared secret, their unique connection, and a love that defied definition, as vast and uncharted as the mountains Ethan resembled and the unexplored worlds Derek dared to explore. Their path ahead was uncertain, yet they faced it together, hand in hand, two souls drawn together by the strange and unexpected allure of size difference. It was a love story whispered in the shadows, a testament to the human spirit's capacity for acceptance and the exhilarating journey of discovering pleasure in the most unexpected places.
The night had been a whirlwind of exploration and forbidden pleasure. Ethan, bathed in the afterglow of their shared intimacy, stirred first, a playful glint in his eyes as he looked down at Derek. But where he expected to see his friend curled beside him, he found... nothing. Or rather, almost nothing.
In Derek's place was a tiny figure, barely a foot tall, blinking up at him with wide, frightened eyes. It was Derek, shrunken down to miniature size, his naked body dwarfed by Ethan's now colossal form. A double chin wobbled beneath Ethan's jaw, testament to the unexpected size transference that had taken place during their night of passion.
"Good morning, little one," Ethan rumbled, his voice a deep tremor that vibrated the bed. Derek gasped, his tiny hand flying to his mouth. "Looks like your exploration skills just got a whole lot more interesting."
The playful humor in Ethan's voice couldn't mask the underlying apprehension. Size transference had always been unpredictable, a wild card in their secret world. Now, with Derek shrunk to such a vulnerable size, the power dynamic had shifted dramatically.
Fear flickered in Derek's eyes, momentarily eclipsing the embers of desire from the previous night. "Oh god," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper, "I'm tiny!"
Ethan watched him, amusement battling with concern. He knew the sudden shift in size could be terrifying, even disorienting. Yet, beneath the fear, he saw a spark of curiosity, a flicker of the adventurous spirit that had drawn Derek to him in the first place.
"Don't worry," Ethan said, his voice softer now. "I won't hurt you. We'll figure this out." But even as he spoke, he felt a familiar stirring within him, a response to Derek's vulnerability, his tiny form sprawled helplessly on the bed.
His redwood, usually dormant after such an intense encounter, pulsed to life, throbbing with a primal urge. Derek, sensing the shift, whimpered, his fear morphing into something else entirely.
"Ethan," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "you're… bigger."
The double chin wobbled again as Ethan chuckled, a deep, unsettling sound that sent shivers down Derek's tiny spine. "Indeed I am," he agreed, his playful facade slipping ever so slightly. "And you, my little friend, are now smaller than my redwood."
The unspoken challenge hung heavy in the air. Fear and desire waged war within Derek as he looked up at Ethan's colossal form, the immensity of it both terrifying and undeniably arousing. He knew the potential danger, the way the power dynamic had shifted so drastically. Yet, a part of him, the adventurous part that had always been drawn to Ethan, couldn't help but be intrigued.
Ethan watched him, the tension crackling between them. This wasn't the playful exploration of the night before. This was something new, something primal, fueled by the intoxicating allure of danger and the forbidden thrill of their extraordinary situation.
As the silence stretched, the air thick with unspoken desires and unspoken fears, Ethan knew they had reached a crossroads. Their journey, already fraught with uncertainties, had taken a sharp turn down an even more perilous path. Would they embrace this unexpected twist, navigate the unknown together? Or would fear tear them apart, leaving them adrift in a world where size mattered more than ever before?
The morning sun streamed through the window, casting long shadows that danced across the room. The answer, like the future itself, lay shrouded in uncertainty, awaiting its unveiling in the intimate silence between two very different men, bound by a secret and a size difference that had just become a whole lot more personal.
The morning light glinted off Ethan's colossal form, his immense shadow engulfing Derek as he cautiously stood beside the still-pulsating redwood. Derek, dwarfed by the appendage's immensity, traced its outline with a hesitant finger, the coolness sending shivers down his now miniature spine. He craned his neck, his tiny heart pounding against his ribs as he confirmed his suspicions.
"Oh God," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "It's even bigger than me now."
Ethan chuckled, a low rumble that reverberated through the room. "Quite a change from 'almost as big,' wouldn't you say, little one?"
Derek couldn't help but crack a nervous smile. Ethan's amusement was infectious, yet the playful glint in his eyes held a hint of something primal, something that both terrified and excited Derek.
"Yeah," Derek managed, his voice trembling slightly. "Definitely a change."
He took a tentative step towards the redwood, its warmth radiating towards him like a miniature sun. The urge to explore, to feel the immensity against his tiny skin, warred with the instinctual fear of venturing into unknown territory.
With a shaky breath, he stretched up on his tiptoes, reaching out to touch the base of the redwood. His fingers barely grazed the surface, swallowed by the sheer scale of it. This wasn't just an appendage anymore; it was a monument, a living testament to their bizarre and exhilarating connection.
Ethan watched him, the amusement morphing into a mix of fascination and something deeper. Derek, usually bold and adventurous, seemed vulnerable now, his smallness highlighting his dependence. Yet, the fear in his eyes was laced with a flicker of curiosity, a spark of the defiance that had always drawn Ethan to him.
"Scared?" Ethan asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.
Derek looked up at him, meeting his gaze with unexpected defiance. "Maybe," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "But also… curious."
A slow smile spread across Ethan's face. "Curious enough to explore?"
Derek hesitated, then nodded, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Only if you promise not to crush me like a bug."
Ethan's laughter boomed, shaking the very walls. "No promises, little explorer," he teased, extending a colossal finger towards Derek. "But I can guarantee it'll be an adventure you won't forget."
Derek, a thrill of excitement battling his nervousness, climbed onto Ethan's finger, clinging on as it lifted him towards the pulsating redwood. The world tilted on its axis as he ascended, the room shrinking around him until the redwood dominated his entire vision.
As Ethan lowered him closer, Derek felt a mix of wonder and trepidation. The heat radiating from the redwood was intense, yet strangely inviting. He reached out, his tiny hand dwarfed by the massive surface, and tentatively touched it.
A jolt of energy shot through him, a current of something primal and electrifying. His fear faded, replaced by a surge of curiosity and desire. This was more than just exploring Ethan's body; it was exploring the very nature of their connection, a connection forged in size difference and fueled by their shared thirst for the unknown.
As their journey into the uncharted territory of their transformed bodies began, one thing was certain: their lives, already extraordinary, had just taken another unexpected turn, a turn that promised danger, pleasure, and a love story unlike any other, written in the intimate language of size and the thrilling whispers of forbidden desires. The morning sun, bathing the room in its golden light, seemed to nod in agreement, silently witnessing the start of a new chapter in their extraordinary love story.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (10 of 12)
Life with Sarah had become an exhilarating tightrope walk between normalcy and the extraordinary. Their sex life, fueled by the novelty of Ethan's size and Sarah's adventurous spirit, had reached heights they never thought possible. But maintaining their secret added a constant layer of tension, a delicious thrill that shadowed their every move.
Ethan, unable to hide his transformation forever, invested in a wardrobe of custom-made clothes, each garment reflecting his ever-increasing bulk. As he returned to work, the initial shock soon faded, replaced by a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He became a living legend, the "colossal colleague," his booming voice and earth-shaking steps echoing through the office.
The gym, once a place of casual workouts, became a personal sanctuary. Each rep, each set, fueled not just his growing muscles but also his ever-expanding belly. His clothes, tailored just weeks ago, began to strain again, the fabric stretched taut across his abdomen.
One evening, as they cuddled on the couch, Sarah dropped a bombshell. "Honey," she began, her voice laced with excitement, "there's something I need to tell you."
Ethan's heart skipped a beat. Was their secret out? His mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last.
"I'm pregnant," Sarah announced, her eyes sparkling with joy.
Relief washed over Ethan, followed by a surge of paternal protectiveness. A child, amidst the chaos of their secret world, felt both daunting and strangely grounding.
The pregnancy progressed normally, albeit with a few unexpected challenges. Sarah's cravings were legendary, requiring Ethan to source exotic fruits and obscure ingredients to satisfy her whims. Her belly, growing in tandem with his, presented logistical hurdles, requiring special furniture and strategic maneuvering around the house.
Yet, through it all, their bond deepened. The shared experience of parenthood, coupled with the constant undercurrent of their secret, forged an even stronger connection. They were a team, navigating uncharted territory, hand in hand, heart to heart.
As the baby bump grew, so did the whispers around Ethan. His size, once a novelty, became the subject of speculation and rumors. The line between amusement and concern began to blur, making them even more cautious about maintaining their secret.
One day, while Sarah was at the doctor's appointment, Ethan overheard a group of colleagues gossiping. Their hushed tones spoke of "genetic abnormalities," "freak of nature," and even "medical marvel." Anger flared within him, a primal urge to protect his family, his secret.
But then, he remembered Sarah's radiant smile, the soft kicks from within her growing belly. He couldn't let fear and anger jeopardize their fragile normalcy, their little family built on love and acceptance.
Taking a deep breath, he composed himself. The path ahead would be challenging, fraught with judgment and scrutiny. But they wouldn't face it alone. They had each other, their love an unyielding shield against the outside world. And as he placed a hand on Sarah's belly, feeling the tiny life stir within, he knew their journey, extraordinary as it may be, was just beginning. Theirs was a love story defying definition, a testament to the power of acceptance and the resilience of the human spirit, and they would face whatever came next, together, as a family, forever bound by the threads of their extraordinary secret.
Sarah, humming a cheerful tune, caught a glimpse of Ethan emerging from the bathroom, leaving a trail of steam in his wake. Her jaw dropped. Even towel-clad, his sheer immensity filled the doorway. Gone was the toned physique she once admired, replaced by a gargantuan mass of muscle and sinew, barely contained by the fabric.
His body hair, now longer and thicker, matted against his skin like the fur of a mythical sasquatch. "Ethan!" she exclaimed, a mix of awe and concern in her voice. "You seem… bigger than ever."
Ethan chuckled, a deep rumble that vibrated through the floor. "Just making good use of that gym membership," he joked, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
Sarah stepped closer, tracing the outline of his massive silhouette through the towel. He dwarfed her completely, his head scraping the ceiling. "How do you even fit in the shower?" she marveled, unable to stifle a giggle.
Ethan's chuckle died down. "Honestly," he admitted, his voice low, "it's getting difficult. Every doorframe feels like a squeeze, the furniture seems miniature, even the bed…" He trailed off, the unspoken implication hanging heavy in the air.
Sarah's smile faded, replaced by a concerned frown. The novelty of his growth, once exciting, now seemed to be taking a toll. "Does it… bother you?" she asked softly.
Ethan hesitated, then sighed. "Sometimes," he confessed. "This house, built for normal-sized people, feels like a constant reminder of how... different I am."
But then, a surprising honesty slipped into his voice. "But at the same time… there's a power in this size. A feeling of raw strength, of being something beyond human."
Sarah looked into his eyes, seeing the conflicting emotions swirling within him. Fear and excitement, confinement and liberation, all battling for dominance. She reached up, her small hand dwarfed by his massive bicep, and squeezed gently.
"Ethan," she said, her voice firm yet filled with love, "we'll figure it out. Together. This house, our life, it might need to adapt, but you don't have to shrink yourself to fit in. You are who you are, and I love you for it, all of it."
His heart warmed at her words. He might be growing bigger, physically pushing the boundaries of their world, but her acceptance, her unwavering love, remained a constant anchor. He leaned down, nuzzling her forehead with his cheek, the gesture surprisingly delicate despite his size.
"Thank you, Sarah," he whispered, the words thick with emotion. "For understanding, for loving this… this giant mess I've become."
She giggled, the sound tinkling like wind chimes against his massive form. "Mess? Maybe. But a pretty amazing mess at that."
Their situation was complex, filled with uncertainties and challenges. But as they stood there, bathed in the warm afterglow of their connection, they knew they weren't alone. They had each other, and that, for now, was enough. The future might be as vast and unknown as his ever-expanding size, but they would face it, hand in hand, their love a beacon guiding them through the uncharted territory of their extraordinary lives.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Sarah gathered her things and announced she was heading out for a girls' night. Ethan, a wave of relief washing over him, offered a tired smile and a mumbled goodbye. He wasn't sure how much longer he could maintain the charade, the constant fear of exposure gnawing at his already stretched nerves.
With Sarah gone, the silence of the house felt deafening. It was a silence Ethan knew wouldn't last long. A quick text later, Derek appeared, his small frame dwarfed by the doorway.
"Ethan," he whispered, his voice filled with awe as he took in his friend's colossal form. The redwood, pulsating with an internal life of its own, dominated the room.
Ethan beckoned him closer, a small smile playing on his lips. Derek, his eyes wide, approached cautiously, his hand trembling as he reached out. The warmth radiating from Ethan's flesh was unlike anything he'd ever felt, a potent mix of power and intimacy.
Hesitantly, Derek traced the outline of the redwood, his fingers barely able to wrap around its base. The immensity of it both terrified and excited him. He was a tiny explorer venturing into uncharted territory, a feeling that fueled his growing desire.
Ethan let out a low moan, the sound vibrating through the floorboards. He closed his eyes, savoring the touch, the power dynamic shifting as Derek, emboldened, explored further. His small hands, nimble and curious, danced across the redwood's surface, sending shivers of pleasure down Ethan's spine.
Derek, no longer just a submissive admirer, became an active participant. He stroked the sensitive glans, eliciting a guttural growl from Ethan. The sight of his friend, normally so composed, reduced to a state of primal desire by his touch, fueled his own excitement.
He worshipped the redwood, kissing its tip, tracing its veins, marveling at its size and power. The fear, once present, was replaced by a strange sense of awe and reverence. He was worshipping something beyond human, a force of nature contained within his friend.
Ethan, in turn, surrendered to the pleasure. The size difference, once a source of anxiety, became a playground. He reveled in the control he held over Derek, the way his touch, however gentle, sent tremors through his smaller form. Yet, there was also a vulnerability in Derek's worship, a purity in his fascination, that touched him deeply.
As their exploration deepened, the lines between pleasure and reverence blurred. They were no longer just two friends, but participants in a ritualistic dance, a celebration of their unique and forbidden connection.
When the climax arrived, it was earth-shattering. The room reverberated with Ethan's roars and Derek's muffled cries. The power dynamics shifted once more, Ethan a force of nature unleashed, Derek a tiny boat tossed in a raging sea.
As the tremors subsided, they lay together, the silence thick with unspoken emotions. Derek, curled up against Ethan's side, felt a strange sense of peace, a connection deeper than any he'd ever known. Ethan, the immensity of his form both a burden and a shield, felt a flicker of hope. He wasn't alone in this, not anymore.
They had shared a secret, a forbidden dance fueled by size and desire. And as they drifted off to sleep, they knew this was just the beginning, a first step into a future as vast and unknown as Ethan's ever-expanding form. Their journey, fraught with danger and uncertainty, would be walked together, bound by the threads of their extraordinary secret and the unexpected intimacy they had discovered in the shadows.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (9 of 12)
Panic, cold and sharp, ripped through Derek. Ethan's guttural groan had barely left his lips when the sound of the front door unlocking echoed through the house. "Honey, I'm home!" Sarah's voice called out cheerfully from downstairs, each word a hammer blow to Derek's already frantic mind.
He scrambled back, his tiny form disappearing into the folds of the blanket. No way could Sarah see him like this, exposed and vulnerable beneath Ethan's colossal form. Shame burned hot in his cheeks, mingling with the heat emanating from Ethan's throbbing mass.
Ethan, eyes squeezed shut and breath coming in ragged gasps, seemed oblivious to the approaching danger. But just as a floorboard creaked under Sarah's approaching steps, he let out a choked moan, the sound tinged with both pleasure and urgency.
Derek peeked out from his hiding place, heart pounding a frantic tattoo against his ribs. Sarah stood frozen in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock as they landed on Ethan. Gone was the familiar figure of her husband, replaced by a colossus, muscles straining against his pajamas, his face flushed with exertion. And then, her gaze fell on the most shocking sight of all: Ethan's manhood, engorged to an impossible size, pulsed beneath the thin fabric.
"Ethan," Sarah's voice was barely a whisper, "what... what on earth is happening?"
Ethan, finally registering the danger, ripped himself from his haze of pleasure. He scrambled to pull himself together, the monumental erection shrinking slightly but still far from its usual size. "Uh, honey," he stammered, his voice thick with panic, "it's... it's a new workout routine I'm trying. Special stretches, you know?"
Sarah stared at him, her brow furrowed in confusion. The explanation was flimsy at best, but thankfully, her attention was momentarily diverted by the sight of a crumpled magazine lying on the floor. "Oh!" she exclaimed, bending down to pick it up. "Is this that new fitness magazine you ordered?"
Ethan seized the opportunity. "Exactly!" he boomed, forcing a smile. "Yeah, these stretches are supposed to, uh, increase flexibility and... well, other things." He winked suggestively, hoping to deflect suspicion.
Sarah, still bewildered but seemingly appeased, glanced back at him, her gaze lingering on his impossibly large form. "Well, it certainly seems to be working," she commented, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Though, maybe you should wear looser clothes next time?"
Ethan let out a relieved chuckle. "Yeah, good point. Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, right?"
As Sarah disappeared into the kitchen, humming a cheerful tune, Derek remained hidden, his heart still hammering in his chest. The close call had left him shaken, the fear mingling with a strange sense of relief. Sarah hadn't seen him, but the secret they now shared with Ethan added another layer of complexity to their already intricate relationship.
Ethan, seemingly recovered from his near slip-up, glanced down at Derek, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Looks like we got lucky, little elf," he whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But remember, secrets have a way of getting out. And the bigger they are, the harder they fall."
Derek swallowed, the weight of Ethan's words settling on his small shoulders. The adventure they had embarked on was thrilling, but the risks were undeniable. They were walking a tightrope, the potential for exposure hanging over them like a Damoclean sword. But as he met Ethan's gaze, a spark of defiance ignited within him. This was their secret, their forbidden dance, and they would face the consequences together, no matter how big or how small they may be.
The journey continued, fraught with danger and excitement, their bond growing stronger with each shared secret, each stolen glance, each forbidden touch. And as they navigated this new reality, one thing was certain: their lives would never be the same again. It was a path paved with uncertainty, but they were determined to walk it together, hand in hand, even if those hands were of vastly different sizes.
The morning light streamed through the kitchen window, casting long shadows across the room as Ethan lumbered in, Sarah's cheerful chatter trailing behind him. He was still colossal, his muscles strained against his clothes, a constant reminder of their close call and the secret hidden beneath.
Reaching the table, Ethan awkwardly maneuvered two chairs together, creating a makeshift throne to support his enormous frame. As Sarah chattered excitedly about her night with the baby, Ethan struggled to maintain a facade of normalcy. Each sip of coffee felt gargantuan, his voice booming unnaturally in the small kitchen.
"And little Timmy was just the cutest thing," Sarah gushed, oblivious to her husband's discomfort. "He kept giggling and reaching for my face - you wouldn't believe how strong he's getting already!"
Ethan mumbled a noncommittal response, his mind racing. How long could he maintain this charade? How long before Sarah noticed the lingering traces of their earlier escapade, the unspoken tension that thrummed between them?
She paused, tilting her head and looking at him with wide eyes. "You know, honey," she said, her voice laced with curiosity, "these gym visits seem to be working wonders. You're practically... larger than life!"
Ethan choked on his coffee, sputtering as he tried to regain his composure. "Larger than life, huh?" he managed, his voice strained.
Sarah giggled, snuggling closer to his massive frame. "I mean it!" she exclaimed, her hand reaching down instinctively. "You feel... different."
His breath hitched as her hand brushed against the fabric of his pants, the outline of his still-impressive erection sending a jolt through him. He froze, fearing the telltale signs of arousal would betray him.
"Maybe," Sarah murmured, her fingers tracing the shape beneath the fabric. "Maybe I like you big."
Ethan's mind reeled. Was this an innocent observation, or did she suspect something more? He couldn't tell, her touch sending conflicting signals through his already overloaded system. Panic warred with a strange thrill at the thought of Sarah accepting, even embracing, his transformation.
Before he could respond, the doorbell rang, the sudden sound shattering the charged atmosphere. Sarah, startled, pulled away, a flush creeping up her cheeks. "Oh, that must be the babysitter! I completely forgot..."
Relief washed over Ethan as Sarah rushed to the door. But even as the tension dissipated, a new seed of doubt had been planted. Sarah's innocent touch, her casual acceptance of his size, had opened a Pandora's box of possibilities. Was she truly oblivious, or was she waiting for him to confess, to share the secret world they now inhabited?
As the babysitter arrived and Sarah's attention shifted, Ethan remained at the table, his massive form dwarfed by the small chairs. He stared at his coffee, the steam swirling upwards like wisps of uncertainty. The road ahead seemed more perilous than ever, fraught with hidden desires and unspoken truths. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were nearing a crossroads, a point where their secret would either bind them closer or shatter their fragile normalcy. And as he contemplated the unknown, he knew one thing for sure: their lives had irrevocably changed, and there was no turning back. The size difference that had started as a playful curiosity had morphed into a life-altering reality, and they were both hurtling towards a future they could barely even imagine.
Sarah's hug fell short, her arms barely able to encircle Ethan's impossibly broad torso. He had become something beyond human, a force of nature contained within their small home. Their usual affectionate routines felt awkward, comical even, in the face of his colossal form.
She playfully ran her hands up his chest, marveling at the rippling muscles that felt more like boulders than flesh. "Wow, honey," she breathed, a mixture of awe and amusement in her voice. "These workouts are really paying off."
Ethan chuckled, a deep rumble that vibrated through the floor. "Just trying to keep up with all your energy," he winked, though his heart thudded nervously. Sarah was getting too close, both physically and emotionally to their hidden secret.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sarah's hand trailed down his arm, finally reaching the sensitive bulge beneath his clothes. His breath hitched. The touch was innocent, playful, yet it sent a jolt of forbidden desire through him.
"Remember when you could fit in the palm of my hand?" she mused, her voice a husky whisper. The memory, once tender, now felt laden with an undercurrent of something more.
Ethan swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. "Those were… different times," he managed, the words heavy with unspoken meaning.
Sarah leaned closer, her lips brushing against his ear. "Maybe it's time for new memories," she purred, her fingers tightening around his arousal. The heat emanating from him felt like a brand on her skin, both frightening and exciting.
Ethan felt torn. The intimacy Sarah offered was tempting, a forbidden fruit hanging just out of reach. But the risk of exposure, of their carefully constructed reality crumbling around them, was too great.
"Sarah," he began, his voice thick with unease, "maybe not now…"
His words were cut short by her lips meeting his, a kiss filled with pent-up desire and unspoken longing. His body, despite his reservations, reacted instinctively. His heart hammered against his ribs, his arousal straining against the fabric.
As Sarah's hand continued its exploration, venturing into forbidden territory, Ethan knew he was at a crossroads. He could surrender to the intoxicating pleasure, pushing their secret to the brink, or pull away, risking Sarah's hurt and suspicion.
The decision, however, wasn't entirely his. Sarah, fueled by newfound curiosity and a growing desire for her transformed husband, pushed him onto the bed with surprising strength. His size, once an obstacle, became a playground for her exploration.
But even as their breaths mingled, even as pleasure threatened to drown out his fear, Ethan couldn't shake the nagging feeling that their stolen intimacy was teetering on the edge of a precipice. Their secret, like a giant sleeping in their bed, might stir at any moment, shattering the illusion of normalcy and forcing them to confront the true consequences of their extraordinary situation.
Theirs was a dance on a tightrope, a passionate exploration fueled by stolen moments and unspoken truths. And as they navigated this new reality, one thing was certain: their lives would never be the same again. The size difference that had started as a playful curiosity had morphed into a life-altering reality, and they were both hurtling towards a future they could barely even imagine. But whether it would be a future of shared secrets and forbidden love, or of broken trust and shattered realities, remained to be seen.
The hot water pounded on Ethan's colossal form, a futile attempt to wash away the day's sweat and the lingering tension. His mind replayed the events of the morning, Sarah's touch sparking a mixture of fear and desire. He knew their secret couldn't be contained forever, but he dreaded the moment it slipped out, shattering their fragile normalcy.
As he stepped out of the shower, towel barely covering his imposing physique, Sarah walked in, her eyes widening in surprise. His enormity, even cloaked in the thin fabric, was impossible to ignore.
"Wow," she breathed, her voice tinged with both amusement and awe. "You're even bigger after a shower."
Ethan chuckled nervously, unsure how to react. Was Sarah suspicious, or simply accepting of his unusual transformation?
"I told you these workouts were working," he joked, hoping to deflect any possible questions.
Sarah approached him, hesitantly reaching out to touch his arm. The muscle beneath her fingers felt firm, powerful. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice surprisingly low. "I shouldn't have been dismissive before. This change… it's scary, yes, but also… fascinating."
Her honesty caught him off guard. Relief mixed with apprehension. Did she know more than she was letting on?
"Fascinating?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow.
She met his gaze, a determined glint in her eyes. "Yes. You're different, stronger, almost… larger than life. And honestly, I kind of like it."
The confession, laced with something more than mere curiosity, sent a thrill through Ethan. He had feared rejection, but Sarah's words sparked a forbidden desire, a yearning for her acceptance, her touch.
He wrapped his towel tighter, suddenly self-conscious of his enormous form. "Sarah," he began, unsure how to proceed.
Before he could voice his concerns, she cut him off. Her lips landed on his, the kiss hesitant at first, then quickly deepening as his towel slipped forgotten onto the floor. Her hands explored his body, tracing the new contours, marveling at the raw power beneath the skin.
Ethan, swept away by the tide of her desire, surrendered to the moment. He explored her with newfound confidence, his size no longer a hindrance but a potent tool of pleasure. Their movements were clumsy at first, fueled by novelty and nervous excitement, but they soon found a rhythm, a dance of dominance and submission that resonated deep within them.
As their passion reached its peak, Ethan couldn't help but think of the precariousness of their situation. This stolen intimacy, this exploration of his new size, felt both exhilarating and reckless. Each touch, each shared gasp, was a brush with exposure, a reminder of the secret they desperately tried to keep.
But for now, in the heat of the moment, such concerns faded away. They were lost in a world of their own, a world where size difference morphed into an unexpected intimacy, where fear and desire intertwined, creating a connection they never could have imagined.
As they lay entangled afterwards, the aftermath of their passionate encounter a warm glow on their skin, Ethan knew things had changed irrevocably. Sarah's acceptance, her willingness to explore this new reality with him, was a turning point. They were on a path uncharted, fraught with risks and uncertainties, but the journey, however perilous, had begun. And as he held her close, the immense weight of his form both a burden and a shield, he knew they would face whatever came next, together. Theirs was a bond forged in secrecy and desire, a bond that, like his own colossal form, defied definition and promised a future both thrilling and terrifying.
The steamy bathroom mirror reflected Ethan's colossal form, his towel barely containing the immensity of his transformation. Yet, it wasn't his size that caused the apprehension etched on his face, but the thought of Sarah. The intimacy they shared earlier had opened a Pandora's box of desire, but also fear. Could his manhood, now engorged beyond human proportions, truly satisfy her, or would it be too much, too big, too alien?
As Sarah entered the bathroom, her eyes widened at the sight of him. But unlike previous shock, it was quickly replaced by an amused glint. "Still admiring the view, huh?" she teased, her voice laced with a playful lilt.
Ethan managed a sheepish smile. "More like worrying about it," he confessed, gesturing towards his hidden erection. "It's… bigger than before. A lot bigger."
Sarah's smile widened, devoid of any fear. "That's the point, isn't it?" she winked, walking towards him, her hand trailing up his leg, the boldness sending a jolt through him. "Besides, when did size ever matter to me?"
Ethan swallowed hard. Her confidence was both arousing and terrifying. He yearned for her touch, yet the potential for pain, for her rejection, loomed large.
Seeing his hesitation, Sarah cupped his face in her hands, her gaze unwavering. "Trust me," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "I might be small, but I'm a lot tougher than you think."
Emboldened by her words, Ethan reached down and pulled her close. As their lips met, a sense of urgency mingled with excitement. Her hands explored his massive form, tracing the unfamiliar contours with a curiosity that sent shivers down his spine.
He guided her hand down, the heat emanating from him almost palpable. As her fingers brushed against the fabric, she gasped, but it was a gasp of anticipation, not fear.
Ethan was about to pull away, his fear threatening to overwhelm him, but Sarah stopped him. "Don't be afraid," she whispered, her eyes locked on his. "Let me explore it all."
Hesitantly, he loosened the towel, revealing the true immensity of his arousal. Sarah stared for a moment, then a slow smile spread across her face. It wasn't a smile of shock or disgust, but of fascination, of excitement.
"Wow," she breathed, her touch gentle yet firm as she traced the outline. "It's incredible."
Her touch ignited a fire within him, dispelling his fear and replacing it with a raw, primal desire. He watched, mesmerized, as she explored him, her small hands surprisingly adept at navigating his massive form.
Slowly, carefully, Sarah eased herself closer, her initial apprehension replaced by a determined glint in her eyes. The sensation was unlike anything Ethan had ever experienced, a blend of pleasure and pressure that stretched his limits and pushed him to new heights of pleasure.
As their exploration continued, their initial awkwardness melted away, replaced by a shared rhythm. Sarah, fueled by curiosity and an unexpected sense of empowerment, reveled in this new facet of their intimacy. Ethan, his fear replaced by a surge of possessiveness and pride, reveled in her acceptance, her pleasure fueling his own.
The experience wasn't just physical; it was emotional, a deeper connection forged through this unique exploration of their changed bodies. The size difference, once a source of anxiety, became a bridge, a shared secret that bound them closer than ever before.
As they lay together afterwards, exhaustion mingling with contentment, Ethan knew they had crossed a threshold. The fear of his size, of rejection, had faded, replaced by a powerful new connection, a bond built on trust, acceptance, and a shared journey into the unknown. It was a path fraught with uncertainties, but they were no longer walking it alone. They were in it together, hand in hand, exploring the uncharted territory of their extraordinary love, a love as vast and unexpected as his transformed form.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (8 of 12)
The afternoon sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting long shadows across the linoleum floor as Ethan and Derek tackled the mountain of dishes left over from breakfast. Ethan, his broad frame clad in a tank top that strained against his biceps, moved with an effortless grace that belied his size. Derek, nimble and quick, weaved around him, their contrasting styles creating a comical ballet of suds and clattering plates.
Ethan, ever the playful giant, would reach for dishes just out of Derek's reach, his laughter booming as Derek stretched and jumped in vain. Each playful taunt sent a jolt of heat through Derek, a mix of annoyance and forbidden desire warring within him.
"Need a boost, little sprout?" Ethan chuckled, snatching a mug Derek was struggling with and placing it on the drying rack with a flourish.
Derek, cheeks flushed, mumbled a retort, the words lost in the hiss of the faucet. He couldn't deny the thrill of being dwarfed by Ethan's sheer size, the way his shadow loomed over him, a constant reminder of his own smaller stature.
As they tackled the living room, Ethan's playful dominance continued. He casually leaned against the doorway, his broad frame blocking Derek's access to the vacuum cleaner. "Need a hand there, titch?" he purred, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down Derek's spine.
Derek swallowed, his gaze drawn to the dark curls peeking out from beneath Ethan's tank top, the way they contrasted with the smooth expanse of his tanned skin. He felt a familiar heat bloom in his cheeks, a secret fire ignited by Ethan's proximity.
With a forced nonchalance, Derek pushed past him, muttering about needing no help. But as he reached for the vacuum cleaner, Ethan's hand brushed against his, sending a jolt of electricity through his arm. He glanced up, meeting Ethan's gaze, a silent challenge simmering between them.
The afternoon wore on, filled with playful jabs and stolen glances. Derek couldn't help but admire Ethan, his muscles rippling with each movement, his broad shoulders radiating a quiet power. He watched Ethan dust the shelves, his movements slow and deliberate, the way his biceps strained against the fabric of his tank top sending a delicious pang through Derek's chest.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the room in a warm glow, they collapsed onto the couch, exhaustion mingling with a strange sense of exhilaration. Ethan stretched out, his legs sprawled across the coffee table, his chest bare and inviting. Derek, perched on the edge of the couch, couldn't tear his gaze away.
Ethan's eyes met his, a knowing glint dancing in their depths. He shifted closer, his hand brushing against Derek's arm, sending shivers down his spine. "Tired, little one?" he murmured, his voice husky with unspoken desire.
Derek swallowed, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He wanted to pull away, to deny the pull he felt towards his larger brother-in-law. But something deeper, something primal, urged him closer.
He met Ethan's gaze, his own desire reflected in the depths of his eyes. In that silent exchange, they both knew the playful dance was over. The line between playful dominance and raw desire had blurred, and they were both teetering on the edge, ready to fall.
As Ethan leaned in, his lips brushing against Derek's ear, a whisper sent shivers down his spine. "Ready to explore the rest of the house, little elf?" he murmured, his voice a low rumble that promised both danger and delight.
Derek's breath hitched. He knew this was a path he shouldn't tread, a forbidden territory fraught with complications. But the thrill of the unknown, the pull of desire, was too strong to resist.
With a shaky nod, he met Ethan's gaze, his voice barely a whisper. "Lead the way," he said, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement.
And as they rose from the couch, the setting sun painting their intertwined figures in warm hues, they knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter where size differences blurred, and desires, both playful and primal, intertwined, leading them down a path neither of them could have predicted. It was a journey fueled by unspoken emotions, a dance of dominance and submission, where the lines between brother-in-law and something more, something forbidden, began to fade, leaving only the intoxicating heat of desire and the thrill of the unknown.
The familiar scent of iron and sweat filled Derek's nose as he walked into the gym with Ethan, the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the expansive windows. He watched, a mixture of awe and amusement in his eyes, as Ethan scanned the room, his broad frame dwarfing most everyone around him.
Ethan's gym clothes clung to his now even larger frame, the fabric straining across his chest and biceps. It was a sight that never failed to send a jolt of excitement through Derek, a secret thrill hidden beneath his casual smile.
Ethan sauntered towards the weight rack, his steps radiating a quiet confidence that drew stares and whispers. Derek followed, content to be in his shadow, a silent observer to the spectacle Ethan was about to unleash.
Ethan warmed up with ease, his muscles rippling effortlessly beneath his skin as he stretched and lifted light weights. But even those light weights looked heavier in his massive hands, the ease with which he handled them a testament to his newfound size and strength.
As Ethan moved on to the heavier weights, Derek became his enthusiastic cheerleader. He clapped and whooped with each successful rep, his own adrenaline rising with each new personal record Ethan shattered.
"Come on, big guy!" Derek shouted, his voice ringing with excitement as Ethan strained with a barbell twice his size. "You got this!"
Ethan grunted with effort, his face flushed with exertion, but a triumphant grin split his face as he managed to complete the set. He lowered the bar, his chest heaving, and met Derek's gaze with a playful wink.
"How's that, little elf?" he boomed, his voice hoarse with exertion.
Derek's heart hammered in his chest, not just from the excitement of the workout, but from the raw power and masculinity radiating from Ethan. He felt small, almost fragile, in comparison, yet strangely drawn to that very contrast.
"Impressive," Derek managed, his voice a low rumble. "But can you handle me spotting you?"
Ethan raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge glinting in his eyes. "Only one way to find out," he smirked, his biceps flexing as he extended his hand for Derek to grab.
As Derek stepped closer, their bodies brushing, a jolt of electricity shot through him. He grasped Ethan's hand, the warmth and size of it shocking him to the core. He positioned himself behind Ethan, feeling dwarfed by his broad back and powerful muscles.
With each rep, Derek felt Ethan's strength firsthand, the strain transferring through their connected bodies. He gritted his teeth, sharing the effort, his admiration for Ethan growing with each successful lift.
But it wasn't just the physical exertion that fueled Derek. It was the unspoken intimacy, the closeness he felt being so close to Ethan, his body pressed against his brother-in-law's back.
When Ethan finally collapsed onto the bench, sweat dripping down his face, a satisfied smile stretched across his lips. "Damn, elf," he wheezed, "you're stronger than you look."
Derek chuckled, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Maybe," he admitted, his voice filled with a newfound confidence. "But you wouldn't be pushing yourself this hard without me cheering you on, would you?"
Ethan's gaze locked with his, a flicker of something deeper dancing in his eyes. "Maybe not," he murmured, his voice husky. "But maybe it's not just the cheering that motivates me."
A charged silence settled between them, the unspoken desires hanging heavy in the air. The gym, once a familiar space, now felt charged with a different kind of energy, an electricity that hummed beneath the surface, promising something more than just a shared workout.
As they left the gym, the fading sunlight painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Derek couldn't shake the feeling that their journey had taken an unexpected turn. The boundary between playful dominance and raw desire had blurred once again, and they were both teetering on the edge, ready to explore the uncharted territory that lay beyond. It was a path fraught with complications, but the thrill of the unknown, the promise of something deeper than either of them could have imagined, was too strong to resist.
And as they walked side by side, the shadows growing longer on the pavement, they knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter where sweat and desire mingled, where strength and admiration ignited a passion that transcended the physical, leading them down a path neither of them could have predicted. It was a journey fueled by unspoken emotions, a dance of dominance and submission, where the lines between brother-in-law and something more, something forbidden, began to fade, leaving only the intoxicating heat of desire and the thrill of the unknown.
The air crackled with unspoken desire as Derek and Ethan stepped out of the gym, the setting sun painting the sky in fiery hues. Their workout had been grueling, fueled by a tension that transcended mere physical exertion. Now, as they walked side by side, the silence thrummed with unspoken possibilities.
The evening unfurled like a dream, filled with laughter, stolen glances, and touches that lingered just a beat too long. They ordered greasy takeout, devouring it with messy fingers, their knees brushing under the table, sending shivers down Derek's spine. Later, they sprawled on the couch, watching a movie, Ethan's arm draped casually across Derek's back, his warmth a comforting presence.
Exhausted but exhilarated, they eventually stumbled into bed, their bodies tangled in a warm embrace. As they drifted off to sleep, a soft glow surrounded them, a tingling sensation washing over their skin. It was subtle, almost unnoticeable, yet undeniable.
The next morning, sunlight streamed through the window, rousing them from their slumber. As Derek blinked open his eyes, a sense of disorientation washed over him. He felt... smaller. Much smaller. Panic surged through him as he tried to sit up, only to find his limbs felt strangely short, his hands barely able to reach the edge of the mattress.
He turned to Ethan, expecting to see his usual form, but gasped in shock. Ethan was... bigger. Even bigger than before. His broad shoulders seemed to span the entire bed, his chest a mountain of rippling muscle. His hands, once engulfing Derek's, now dwarfed them completely.
"Ethan?" Derek's voice squeaked, barely a whisper. He reached out, his tiny hand disappearing into the vast expanse of Ethan's bicep.
Ethan, who had been admiring his own reflection in the window, finally turned. His gaze met Derek's, widened in surprise at first, then slowly morphing into amusement.
"Well, little elf," he rumbled, his voice deep and booming, "looks like the magic wasn't done with us yet."
Derek scrambled back, fear clinging to him like a second skin. His eyes darted around the room, frantic and lost. He was the size of a child, dwarfed by the giant Ethan now towering over him.
Ethan, however, seemed to revel in his new size. He flexed his biceps, watching the muscles ripple beneath his skin with a satisfied grin. "Feeling a bit small there, little one?" he chuckled, the sound shaking the entire bed.
Derek couldn't answer, fear choking his words. He felt exposed, vulnerable, completely at Ethan's mercy. His gaze fell to Ethan's lower half, where his manhood, already substantial before, now strained against the fabric of his pajama bottoms, dwarfing Derek entirely.
Ethan noticed his gaze and his grin widened, taking on a more predatory edge. He leaned closer, his massive form casting a shadow over Derek. "Don't worry, little elf," he purred, his voice sending shivers down Derek's spine, "I'll take good care of you."
The playful dominance that Derek had previously found thrilling now felt terrifying. He was trapped, a tiny figure at the mercy of a giant who seemed both fascinated and possessive.
As Ethan reached down, his large hand enveloping Derek's entire body, Derek shut his eyes, bracing himself for the unknown. This unexpected shift in their dynamic had thrown him into a whirlpool of fear and confusion. He didn't know what Ethan was planning, but he knew, with a sickening certainty, that his life had just taken a dramatic and potentially dangerous turn.
The question was, would he survive it?
Derek stood trembling, his bare skin prickling with goosebumps despite the warm morning air. The shift in size had been disorienting, humiliating even, but the stark reality of his new diminutive form hit him like a physical blow as he stood unclothed before Ethan.
His gaze darted around the room, landing on Ethan's reflection in the mirror. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Ethan's form had filled out even further, his muscles straining against his skin like a bodybuilder at the peak of his prime. His broad chest seemed to span the room, his powerful arms like tree trunks.
But it was the lower half that truly sent a jolt of fear and something else, something primal, through Derek. Ethan's manhood, already impressive in its previous size, now resembled a battering ram, the outline straining against his pajama bottoms. Derek's breath hitched as his eyes traced the impressive length, the swollen head, the dark curls peeking out from beneath.
Ethan, for his part, seemed to revel in his new form. He flexed his biceps, watching the muscles ripple with a satisfied smirk. His gaze, however, soon found Derek, and the amusement slowly morphed into something more predatory.
"Well, little elf," he rumbled, his voice a deep, booming vibration that sent shivers down Derek's spine. "Looks like the fun's just begun, wouldn't you say?"
Derek couldn't speak, fear choking his throat. He felt exposed, vulnerable, utterly dwarfed by the giant before him. His eyes instinctively darted back down to Ethan's manhood, the sight both terrifying and strangely arousing.
He knew he shouldn't be turned on, not in this situation, not when he felt like prey trapped in a predator's gaze. But the primal part of him, the part that responded to size and dominance, couldn't help but stir.
Ethan's hand, large enough to engulf Derek's entire body, reached out and gently cupped his chin, tilting it up. His eyes, a stormy grey, bored into Derek's, searching for something.
"Don't be afraid, little one," he murmured, his voice surprisingly soft despite his imposing size. "I won't hurt you. Not unless you want me to."
The last part was a husky whisper, laced with a playful edge that sent a jolt of conflicting emotions through Derek. Fear still warred with a strange sense of excitement, a forbidden thrill at being dominated by such a powerful being.
He swallowed, his voice barely a squeak. "W-what do you want?"
Ethan chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest like distant thunder. "That, little elf," he said, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint, "is for us to find out."
As Ethan's hand moved lower, tracing a slow path down Derek's trembling body, Derek knew this was just the beginning of a new, terrifying, and yet undeniably exciting chapter in their unusual relationship. The lines between fear and desire were blurring, and Derek, caught in the current, could only wait and see where the powerful tide would take him. His body might be small, but the emotions swirling within him were anything but. He was a tiny boat caught in a storm, and Ethan, the vast and unpredictable ocean, was just beginning to show its true power.
Ethan's hand continued its slow descent, tracing the delicate curve of Derek's spine, sending shivers down his small frame. Derek couldn't help but lean into the touch, a mixture of fear and anticipation battling within him. His tiny hand, dwarfed by Ethan's, reached out hesitantly, his fingers brushing against the soft fabric of Ethan's pajama bottoms.
The touch, innocent as it was, seemed to spark something in Ethan. He let out a low growl, the sound vibrating through the room and making Derek tremble. His hand moved with surprising gentleness, cupping Derek's face, his thumb brushing against Derek's quivering lips.
"You're so small," Ethan murmured, his voice a husky rumble. "But you smell so good."
Derek's breath hitched. He had always been drawn to Ethan's scent, a musky mix of sweat and something uniquely Ethan, but now, with his heightened senses, it felt intoxicating. He closed his eyes, leaning into Ethan's touch, his fear momentarily forgotten.
Ethan's other hand reached down, his fingers brushing against the waistband of Derek's own pajamas. With a slow, deliberate movement, he pulled them down, exposing Derek's bare skin to the cool air. Derek gasped, a mixture of fear and arousal gripping him.
Ethan's eyes widened as he took in Derek's small form. He ran his gaze over Derek's smooth skin, lingering on the prominent outline of his arousal beneath his thin briefs. A smirk played on his lips, a mix of amusement and something more primal.
"Don't worry, little one," he said, his voice a low purr. "I'll be gentle."
His words were meant to be reassuring, but they only served to heighten Derek's fear. He knew, deep down, that "gentle" wasn't a word often associated with Ethan, especially not when he was in this dominant mood.
But as Ethan leaned closer, his massive form casting a shadow over him, Derek couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement. The fear was still there, but it was now interwoven with a thrill he couldn't deny.
Ethan's lips brushed against Derek's ear, his breath sending shivers down his spine. "Are you ready, little elf?" he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
Derek swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. He didn't know what he was ready for, but he knew one thing for sure: their lives had changed forever, and this was just the beginning of an adventure he could never have imagined, a journey filled with fear, desire, and the unknown.
He looked up at Ethan, his eyes wide and apprehensive, and in that moment, he saw not just his brother-in-law, but a powerful being who held his fate in his hands. And with a shaky nod, he surrendered to the unknown, his fear laced with a strange, exhilarating anticipation.
As Ethan's lips met his, the kiss was a whirlwind of emotions. It was rough and possessive, yet surprisingly tender. Derek felt small and vulnerable, yet strangely empowered by Ethan's dominance. His own body, despite its size, responded with a fervor that surprised him.
The exploration that followed was a blur of sensations. Ethan's touch, once gentle, became bolder, his strength overwhelming yet strangely arousing. Derek felt like a plaything in his hands, his body manipulated with a practiced ease that left him breathless.
But amidst the fear and uncertainty, there was a spark of something else, something deeper. A forbidden connection, a twisted intimacy that both terrified and thrilled him. He found himself clinging to Ethan, his small hands seeking purchase on his massive form, his whimpers mingling with gasps of pleasure.
As the sun climbed higher, painting the room in hues of gold, they finally collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and exhilarated. Derek lay curled up against Ethan's side, his tiny body dwarfed by his brother-in-law's immense form.
He knew this was just the beginning. The size difference, once a source of amusement, was now a reality he had to come to terms with. And as he drifted off to sleep, nestled in the warmth of Ethan's embrace, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them, this unlikely pair bound by a strange and powerful connection.
Theirs was a journey filled with unexpected turns, thrilling discoveries, and desires that defied definition. It was a dance of dominance and submission, where fear and pleasure intertwined, leading them down a path they could never have predicted. And as they navigated this new reality, one thing was certain: their lives would never be the same again.
Derek's eyes flew open, startled awake by a feeling of pressure against his thigh. He glanced down, his breath hitching in his throat. Ethan's arousal, already impressive in its previous size, had transformed into something truly monumental. It was no longer a battering ram, but a redwood tree, thick and heavy, pulsating with life beneath the thin fabric of his pajamas.
Panic threatened to consume him, but a strange curiosity, a morbid fascination, held him rooted to the spot. He hesitantly reached out, his tiny hand dwarfed by the sheer immensity of it all. The warmth radiating from Ethan's skin was almost enough to burn, yet the touch sent a jolt of electricity through his small frame.
Ethan, sensing his touch, let out a low rumble, a sound that vibrated through the bed and into Derek's bones. His eyes, heavy-lidded and hazy with desire, met Derek's. "Surprised, little elf?" he murmured, his voice thick with amusement.
Derek could only stare, speechless, his mind struggling to process what was happening. He traced the outline of the pulsing mass, his fingers barely able to wrap around its base. The heat, the texture, the sheer size of it all was overwhelming, yet strangely captivating.
Ethan chuckled, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to echo in the room. "Don't be shy," he purred, his hand coming to rest on Derek's head, gently stroking his hair. "Explore, little one. See what feels good."
Derek hesitated, fear warring with a strange sense of empowerment. He had always been the submissive one, the smaller one, but in this new reality, the tables were turned. Ethan's dominance, once playful and teasing, now held a new edge, a raw intensity that both terrified and excited him.
Taking a deep breath, he traced his fingers along the length of the massive shaft, feeling the power thrumming beneath his touch. Ethan let out a sharp hiss, his body arching slightly. He closed his eyes, his breathing becoming ragged.
Derek felt a surge of something akin to pride, a tiny spark of defiance against the giant before him. He continued his exploration, his touch becoming bolder, more confident. He ran his fingers over the sensitive glans, eliciting a groan so deep it seemed to shake the bed itself.
Ethan's hand tightened in Derek's hair, his grip surprisingly gentle despite his arousal. "Careful, little one," he warned, his voice laced with a hint of danger. "You might unleash something you can't control."
Derek felt a thrill of fear and excitement course through him. He knew Ethan was right, but the power he held, the ability to control this massive being, was intoxicating. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against the sensitive tip, sending a tremor through Ethan's body.
As they explored each other, the air crackled with unspoken desires and unspoken fears. The size difference, once a source of amusement, had become a charged dynamic, a power play where dominance and submission intertwined in a complex dance.
It was a journey into the unknown, a territory fraught with danger and excitement. And as Derek, the tiny explorer, ventured deeper into the uncharted territory of Ethan's massive form, he knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter, a strange and exhilarating adventure that would forever change their lives.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (7 of 12)
As the embers in the fireplace died down, casting long shadows across the room, Sarah and Ethan found themselves entangled in a warm embrace on the bed. The events of the day replayed in Sarah's mind - Ethan's newfound size, his insatiable appetite, the playful banter at the store. It all felt surreal, dreamlike, yet undeniably real.
Ethan's hand traced lazy circles on her bare back, his touch sending shivers down her spine. The weight of his new bulk felt different, somehow more possessive, more grounding. It was as if he'd grown not just physically, but emotionally as well, radiating a quiet power that both excited and intimidated her.
"You look amazing," she whispered, her fingers threading through the dark curls on his chest.
Ethan chuckled, the sound a low rumble that vibrated against her skin. "Just wait until you see what I can do with all this new… equipment," he purred, his voice laced with playful seduction.
His words hung heavy in the air, laced with a promise of something new, something thrilling. Sarah felt a flush creep up her cheeks, her heart hammering a wild rhythm against her ribs.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. "Ready to explore Santa's new workshop, Mrs. Claus?"
His breath was warm against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. A delicious mix of anticipation and apprehension swirled within her. "More than ready," she whispered, her voice barely a breath.
As Ethan pulled away, his eyes locked with hers, a mischievous glint dancing in their depths. He reached for the buttons on his shirt, and with slow, deliberate movements, peeled it open, revealing the full expanse of his now impressive chest.
Sarah gasped, her breath catching in her throat. The sight of his bare torso, the way the muscles rippled with each breath, was breathtaking. He was like a statue carved from granite, his form both powerful and beautiful.
He leaned over her, his lips brushing against hers in a searing kiss. The touch was different now, filled with a newfound intensity that reflected his physical transformation. His hands roamed her body, exploring her curves with a possessiveness that sent a jolt of electricity through her.
The sheets tangled around them as they explored each other, Ethan's size no longer an obstacle but an exciting new dimension to their intimacy. He lifted her easily, his arms cradling her like a precious doll, before lowering her onto his broad chest.
Sarah felt small and fragile in his embrace, yet strangely empowered. His strength became a source of comfort, his dominance an invitation to surrender. She moved with him, her body responding instinctively to his touch, her own desire rising to meet his.
As the night wore on, their lovemaking became a dance of contrasts – his size and strength against her smallness, his dominant possessiveness against her willing surrender. It was an exploration of power and pleasure, a journey through uncharted territory guided by their shared desire.
When dawn finally broke, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange, they lay tangled in the sheets, exhausted yet exhilarated. Sarah snuggled closer to Ethan, her head resting on his broad chest, his steady heartbeat a lullaby against her ear.
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a newfound appreciation. He wasn't just Ethan anymore; he was something more, something bigger, both literally and figuratively. And as she traced the outline of his bicep with her finger, a smile playing on her lips, she knew this was just the beginning. Their journey together had taken an unexpected turn, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead them next.
Ethan strode into the office the next morning, feeling like a man walking into a storm. His gym clothes, previously snug, now strained pathetically against his expanded frame. His belly, once firm and defined, now protruded like a basketball beneath his stretched-thin t-shirt. He held his head high, though, exuding a newfound confidence that stemmed from his physical transformation and the exhilarating night with Sarah.
His colleagues stopped short as he passed, their jaws dropping at his sheer size. Whispers erupted like sparks in a dry tinderbox. "Is that… Ethan?" "Holy crap, what happened to him?" "Did he swallow a refrigerator whole?"
Ethan grinned, relishing the attention. He stopped at the coffee machine, the oversized mug barely fitting in his enormous hand. As he poured himself a cup, his stomach growled loudly, echoing through the stunned silence of the office. He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Looks like Santa's gotta refuel," he declared, his voice deeper and richer than usual.
His coworkers exchanged nervous glances. Ethan's usual playful demeanor had been replaced by an aura of quiet power, a subtle dominance that left them uneasy. They scurried back to their desks, their laughter replaced by anxious murmurs.
Later, during his first meeting, Ethan settled into his chair, groaning as the fabric protested. The CEO, a normally unflappable man, stared at him in open-mouthed astonishment. "Ethan," he stammered, "you've… well, you've certainly filled out."
Ethan leaned back, his oversized chair creaking under his weight. "Just part of the new Ethan," he drawled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Bigger, better, and ready to tackle any challenge."
The meeting proceeded in a subdued atmosphere. Ethan's booming voice filled the room, his every word carrying an unspoken weight. He presented his ideas with an unwavering confidence that bordered on arrogance, yet they were undeniably brilliant. His colleagues, intimidated by his size and newfound charisma, couldn't help but be swayed by his vision.
Throughout the day, Ethan became the center of attention, both wanted and unwanted. Women blushed and giggled as he passed, their eyes drawn to his impressive physique. Men, initially wary, found themselves drawn to his quiet leadership and newfound assertiveness. Even the office bully, a hulking man who normally terrorized the cubicles, instinctively kept his distance from the imposing figure of the "new Ethan."
As the day drew to a close, Ethan felt a sense of exhilaration. He wasn't just bigger; he felt different, transformed. His size, once a source of amusement, had become a source of power, a tool he could wield to his advantage. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for this "new Ethan," this larger-than-life version of himself who had just begun to emerge.
As he walked out of the office building, the setting sun casting long shadows on the pavement, he couldn't help but think of Sarah. He imagined her reaction when she saw him again, his size even more imposing after a day of navigating the curious stares and unspoken awe of his colleagues. A smile stretched across his face. This was just the beginning, and he had a feeling she wouldn't be disappointed.
As Ethan pushed open the apartment door, the scent of warm cookies hit him, a sweet promise of comfort in the wake of a whirlwind day. He stepped inside, his broad shoulders brushing against the doorframe, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted him.
Derek, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun streaming through the window, was perched on the kitchen counter, a half-eaten cookie dangling from his fingers. His eyes widened as he saw Ethan, his mouth forming a silent gasp.
"Ethan," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "You're…"
Ethan chuckled, the sound a low rumble that vibrated through the air. "Bigger? Bolder? More breathtakingly handsome than ever?" he finished with a playful wink.
Derek's cheeks flushed a light pink, a mixture of amusement and awe swirling in his eyes. "Even bigger than this morning," he stammered, his gaze tracing the outline of Ethan's impossibly stretched t-shirt and the way his belly strained against the fabric.
Ethan sauntered closer, the floorboards groaning under his weight. He leaned against the counter, towering over Derek, his hand reaching out to brush a stray curl from Derek's forehead.
"Just been busy showing the office who's Santa Claus," he murmured, his voice husky with a hint of pride.
Derek's eyes followed the movement of Ethan's hand, mesmerized by the sheer size of him. He felt small, almost fragile, in comparison, yet strangely drawn to the power emanating from Ethan's larger form.
"And did they believe you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ethan chuckled again, the sound sending shivers down Derek's spine. "Let's just say," he drawled, leaning in closer, his warm breath tickling Derek's ear, "they won't be forgetting Santa anytime soon."
He pulled back, his gaze sweeping over Derek's slender form. His eyes lingered on Derek's bare legs, peeking out from beneath his shorts, and the soft curve of his hips. A familiar heat flared in his stomach, a mixture of desire and possessiveness.
"And speaking of things they won't soon forget," he murmured, his voice laced with playful seduction, "how about I show you just how much bigger Santa's been working out?"
Before Derek could answer, Ethan scooped him up effortlessly, his powerful arms cradling him like a child. Derek yelped in surprise, his laughter bubbling up as the world tilted on its axis.
"Careful, Santa!" he squealed, his arms instinctively wrapping around Ethan's neck.
Ethan grinned, carrying him towards the bedroom. "Don't worry, little elf," he purred, his voice a low rumble. "Santa always knows how to handle his presents delicately."
As they tumbled onto the bed, a flurry of limbs and laughter, Derek knew this was just the beginning of another unforgettable night with his larger-than-life version of Santa Claus. The day had brought challenges and unexpected turns, but in Ethan's arms, under the warm glow of the setting sun, all that mattered was the delicious thrill of their unique bond, amplified by Ethan's newfound size and the intoxicating power it held over them both.
And as their lips met in a searing kiss, the taste of cookies and desire mingling on their tongues, Derek knew this transformation, this journey they were on together, was more than just physical. It was an exploration of power, intimacy, and the unexpected ways love could grow, not just deeper, but bigger, bolder, and more beautiful than ever before.
The bedroom door slammed shut with a soft thud, the only sound except for the heavy thud of Ethan's broad frame landing on the mattress as he gently deposited Derek. The last rays of the setting sun cast long, warm shadows across the room, highlighting the contrast between their bodies as they began to undress.
Ethan, shirt already stretched taut across his chest, peeled it off with a groan of fabric surrendering to his size. His belly, impossibly round and firm, poked out like a proud Santa Claus, a stark contrast to his leaner, more defined legs. Derek watched, mesmerized, as Ethan's muscles rippled with each movement, the sheer size of him both intimidating and thrilling.
Derek, in turn, shed his clothes with a nervous flutter in his stomach. Compared to Ethan's expansive form, he felt small, delicate even, his lean muscles and slender frame highlighting the power radiating from his brother-in-law. Yet, there was a different kind of power in his vulnerability, a power that drew Ethan in like a moth to a flame.
As they stood facing each other, bare skin glowing in the golden light, their gazes locked in a silent dance of exploration. Ethan traced the outline of Derek's bicep with his finger, marveling at the definition etched beneath the smooth skin. Derek, in turn, trailed his hand across Ethan's chest, his fingers ghosting over the dark curls that adorned his pecs.
The differences were undeniable. Ethan was a mountain, his broad shoulders, thick arms, and rounded belly a testament to his growth. Derek was a river, his lithe frame and defined muscles flowing with a different kind of grace. Yet, in their contrasting forms, they found a perfect harmony, a puzzle piece fitting seamlessly into its slot.
They explored each other with an almost reverent touch, fingers lingering on curves and dips, tracing the lines of muscles and sinew. Ethan marveled at the unexpected strength hidden beneath Derek's slender frame, the way his muscles coiled with hidden power. Derek, in turn, was captivated by the sheer mass of Ethan, the way his body moved with a quiet, steady power that made his heart race.
Their kisses were explorations too, soft and tentative at first, then deepening with a newfound urgency. Ethan's lips, larger and thicker than Derek's, felt almost possessive against his skin, his kisses heavy with a heady mix of desire and dominance. Derek responded with an eagerness that surprised even himself, his smaller frame pressed flush against Ethan's, reveling in the warmth and size of his brother-in-law.
As their hands wandered further, the differences became even more fascinating. Ethan's grip was almost enveloping, his palms covering Derek's entirely. Derek's fingers, in contrast, danced lightly across Ethan's skin, sending shivers down his spine with their delicate touch.
Ethan, driven by his newfound size and strength, explored Derek with an almost reverent curiosity. He cradled Derek's hips in his large hands, marveling at the smooth curve of his backside, the delicate line of his spine. Derek, in turn, reveled in the feeling of Ethan's massive form dwarfing him, the weight of his body a delicious reminder of his power.
As their exploration continued, a playful competitiveness emerged. Ethan, proud of his new strength, playfully pinned Derek to the bed, his laughter booming through the room. Derek, in turn, used his agility to slip free, his nimble movements like water against Ethan's solid rock.
Their laughter mingled with gasps of desire, the room filled with the intoxicating dance of their contrasting forms. They were two sides of the same coin, power and grace, size and agility, finding a perfect balance in each other's arms.
As the night wore on, their playful exploration gave way to a deeper, more intimate connection. Their bodies, initially hesitant, relaxed into each other, the differences melting away as they became one. Ethan's size, once a source of amusement, became a comforting embrace, his body a safe haven for Derek. Derek's slender form, in turn, became a beacon of light, guiding Ethan through the uncharted territory of his own growth.
In the quiet aftermath of their lovemaking, they lay tangled in the sheets, the golden light of dawn painting their skin in soft hues. They were exhausted, yet exhilarated, the afterglow of their shared intimacy warming them from within.
As they looked into each other's eyes, they saw not just two bodies, but two souls intertwined, their differences no longer a barrier, but a bridge, a testament to the unexpected beauty and harmony that could be found in the most unlikely of contrasts. And as they drifted off to sleep, nestled in each other's arms, they knew this was just the beginning of their journey, a journey full of unexpected turns, delicious discoveries, and a love that defied definition, fueled by
The golden hues of dawn painted streaks across the rumpled sheets, casting long shadows across the tangled bodies of Ethan and Derek. Exhaustion, a pleasant afterglow of their passionate encounter, settled over them, a comfortable silence filling the air.
Derek, nestled against Ethan's broad chest, felt a contented sigh escape his lips. He traced the outline of Ethan's bicep with a finger, his touch light and lingering. The contrast between their sizes, once a source of amusement, now felt oddly comforting, like fitting into a perfectly carved groove.
As his hand drifted lower, it brushed against the waistband of Ethan's pajama bottoms. A sudden warmth radiated through the thin fabric, sending a jolt of awareness through Derek's body. His fingers hesitated for a moment, then, curiosity piqued, he peeked beneath the waistband.
His breath hitched in his throat. Ethan, already imposing in his larger frame, was even more… impressive down there. The outline of his manhood, straining against the fabric, was larger, thicker, than Derek had ever imagined. A blush crept up his cheeks as he realized his own body had mirrored the reaction, his own manhood responding with a surprised throb.
Ethan stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He looked down to see Derek's gaze fixed on him, a mixture of awe and curiosity etched on his face. A slow smile spread across Ethan's lips, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Morning, little elf," he rumbled, his voice husky with sleep. "Admiring Santa's new… inventory?"
Derek couldn't help but chuckle, a nervous flutter in his stomach. "Just, uh, making sure everything grew proportionally," he stammered, his cheeks still flushed.
Ethan chuckled again, the sound vibrating through his chest. He reached down, his hand cupping Derek's face, and brought their lips together in a slow, lingering kiss. The kiss was different this time, charged with a new awareness, a deeper intimacy fueled by the unspoken acknowledgment of their physical connection.
As they pulled away, Ethan's gaze drifted back down to Derek's hand, still hovering near his waistband. He captured Derek's fingers in his own, his touch warm and possessive.
"Want a closer inspection, little elf?" he purred, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down Derek's spine.
Derek swallowed hard, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He met Ethan's gaze, his own desire mirroring the playful challenge in his eyes.
"Maybe," he whispered, his voice barely a breath. "Just to make sure Santa's workshop is fully operational."
Ethan grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement and a hint of something more primal. With a slow, deliberate movement, he pulled Derek closer, their bodies aligning perfectly. The warmth of Ethan's skin against his sent a jolt of electricity through Derek's system.
And as their lips met again, this time with a hungry urgency, Derek knew this was just the beginning of exploring the uncharted territory of their newfound intimacy, a territory where size differences became bridges, and where their contrasting forms found a perfect harmony, not just physically, but emotionally, fueled by a desire that burned hotter and brighter than ever before.
As Ethan pulled Derek closer, the warmth of his larger body engulfing him, Derek's excitement battled with a pang of self-consciousness. He glanced down, his gaze drawn to the stark contrast between their arousal. Ethan's manhood, already imposing beneath the fabric, seemed even more prominent now, straining against the thin material. In comparison, Derek felt small, inadequate, his own arousal a meager shadow.
Ethan's lips curved into a playful smirk, amusement flickering in his eyes. He saw the way Derek's gaze darted down, the flush creeping up his neck. A teasing comment danced on his tongue, but something in Derek's expression held him back. The vulnerability he saw, the raw self-consciousness, tugged at his heartstrings.
Instead, he leaned in, his voice a low rumble against Derek's ear. "Don't worry, little elf," he murmured, his words laced with gentle reassurance. "Size isn't everything. What matters is what we do with it, right?"
His words were meant to comfort, but the playful edge only served to heighten Derek's self-consciousness. He nodded mutely, unable to meet Ethan's gaze. He felt dwarfed by Ethan's superior size, the sight of his large manhood fueling a mixture of desire and insecurity.
Ethan, sensing his discomfort, decided to shift the focus. He trailed his fingers down Derek's arm, his touch light and teasing. "Besides," he continued, his voice husky with amusement, "maybe my workshop has something special in store for your size too."
His words sparked a flicker of curiosity in Derek's eyes. He looked up, a hesitant question forming on his lips. But before he could voice it, Ethan dipped his head, capturing his lips in a searing kiss.
The kiss was different this time, filled with a tenderness that surprised them both. It was an exploration, not just of their bodies, but of their emotions, their vulnerabilities laid bare. As their lips moved in sync, their anxieties seemed to melt away, replaced by a shared desire that transcended their physical differences.
When they finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed, a new understanding flickered between them. Ethan saw the desire simmering in Derek's eyes, unmarred by his self-consciousness. And Derek, emboldened by Ethan's acceptance, felt a surge of confidence, a newfound appreciation for his own unique form.
Their exploration continued, guided by curiosity and a newfound acceptance. They discovered that size truly didn't matter. The pleasure they found in each other's touch, the way their bodies fit together, transcended their physical differences. Ethan's strength and size offered a comforting embrace, a safe haven for Derek. And Derek, with his agility and playful spirit, brought out a different side of Ethan, a tenderness he hadn't known he possessed.
As the morning sun climbed higher, painting the room in a warm glow, they lay tangled in the sheets, their bodies relaxed and sated. The initial self-consciousness was a distant memory, replaced by a deep sense of connection. They had explored a new facet of their intimacy, one built on acceptance, understanding, and a love that embraced them both, regardless of size.
And as they drifted off to sleep, nestled in each other's arms, they knew this was just the beginning. Their journey together, fueled by desire and acceptance, promised to be filled with unexpected turns, delicious discoveries, and a love that defied definition, growing stronger and more beautiful with each shared experience.
The morning sun streamed through the window, painting stripes across the rumpled sheets where they lay. A comfortable silence settled between them, the unspoken emotions of their earlier encounter still lingering in the air. Derek stretched, his eyes fluttering open to see Ethan already awake, propped up on one elbow, watching him with a playful glint in his eyes.
Ethan wore only thin gray sweatpants, offering little disguise to the impressive outline straining beneath the fabric. Derek felt a familiar warmth bloom in his cheeks, his gaze dropping to the evidence of Ethan's arousal before quickly darting away. Ethan chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.
"Good morning, little elf," he purred, his voice thick with sleep and amusement. "Ready for breakfast?"
Derek managed a small smile, his stomach suddenly churning with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. As they stood up, the difference in their sizes was even more apparent. Ethan towered over him, his broad shoulders brushing against the doorframe as they left the bedroom.
In the kitchen, Derek reached for a box of cereal on the top shelf, only to find his fingertips barely grazed the edge. He huffed in frustration, feeling a pang of self-consciousness as he glanced at Ethan.
Ethan, who had been watching with a smirk, strode over and effortlessly retrieved the box, his hand dwarfing Derek's as he passed it down. "Need a hand there, little one?" he teased, his voice dripping with mock concern.
Derek mumbled a thanks, the heat crawling up his neck again. As they ate, Ethan seemed to take a perverse pleasure in flaunting his size advantage. He reached across the table to grab things just out of Derek's reach, his arm brushing against Derek's chest in a way that sent shivers down his spine. He leaned in close to talk, his broad frame looming over Derek, the warmth of his breath tickling his ear.
Derek felt both intimidated and strangely exhilarated. There was a primal thrill in being dominated, dwarfed by Ethan's sheer size and power. His own body tingled with a mix of fear and desire, a delicious tension building within him.
After breakfast, Ethan suggested going for a walk. As they stepped out into the crisp morning air, Ethan placed a hand on Derek's lower back, guiding him closer. Derek stumbled slightly, surprised by the sudden contact, but found himself pressed against Ethan's side, their bodies walking in sync.
Ethan's hand lingered on his back, a constant reminder of his size and presence. Derek felt his breath quicken, a mixture of apprehension and excitement swirling in his stomach.
This wasn't the playful banter they usually shared; it was something different, something more intense. Ethan seemed to be pushing boundaries, testing Derek's limits. And while Derek couldn't deny the fear that flickered within him, there was also an undeniable thrill, a primal attraction to this new dynamic.
As they walked, Ethan's hand shifted, his fingers brushing against the waistband of Derek's jeans. Derek's breath hitched, his body jolting with a mixture of fear and anticipation. He stole a glance at Ethan, but his face revealed nothing, his expression unreadable.
The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken tension. Derek felt like a puppet on a string, his body moving at Ethan's will, his emotions a tangled mess. And yet, as the sun warmed his skin and Ethan's hand lingered on his back, a strange sense of acceptance began to bloom within him.
He wasn't just small and submissive; he was different. He had his own power, his own unique place in this dynamic. And as he met Ethan's gaze, a silent understanding passed between them. This wasn't just about dominance; it was about trust, about exploring the uncharted territory of their desires, together.
Their walk continued, the path leading them further and further away from the familiar, towards a future filled with unexpected turns and thrilling discoveries. And as they walked, hand in hand, the rising sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Derek knew this was just the beginning of a journey they were both eager to embark on, a journey where size may matter, but where their connection, fueled by desire and acceptance, mattered even more.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (6 of 12)
The kitchen dance continued, their breakfast forgotten on the counter as Ethan and Derek became lost in their own private world. Derek, initially surprised by Ethan's growth, had quickly adapted, his playful defiance morphing into a delicious surrender. He reveled in the feeling of Ethan's broad chest against his back, the comforting weight of his hand on his hip, the possessiveness that radiated from his every touch.
As their kisses deepened, Ethan couldn't help but flaunt his new size. He traced his fingers along Derek's slender frame, his hand effortlessly spanning the small of his back. He leaned closer, his breath whispering against Derek's ear.
"You look even smaller this morning, little elf," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down Derek's spine.
Derek chuckled, his own voice husky with desire. "And you, Santa, seem to have grown even… more impressive." His gaze dropped, lingering on the swell of Ethan's belly, then slowly rising to meet his eyes with a mischievous glint.
Ethan followed his gaze, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips. His stomach, now proudly adorned with his Christmas tattoos, strained against the waistband of his pyjama bottoms, offering a tantalizing glimpse of what lay beneath. And beneath, nestled snugly against his groin, was a sight that made Derek's breath hitch.
His manhood, always impressive, had grown alongside his body. It was thicker, longer, pulsing with an energy that mirrored the fire burning within him. Derek felt a primal ache blossom in his loins, a hunger awakened by the sheer size and presence of Ethan.
"Well, Santa," Derek whispered, his fingers tracing the outline of Ethan's bulge, "it seems your workshop has been producing some… very special toys this year."
Ethan chuckled, his hand sliding down Derek's arm, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. "Indeed, little elf," he purred, his voice a low growl. "And I have a feeling this toy is just the right size for a naughty elf like you."
He cupped Derek's face in his hand, his thumb gently stroking his cheek. "But first," he whispered, his lips brushing against Derek's ear, "we need to talk about your new uniform."
He pulled away, his gaze sweeping over Derek's body with a possessive glint. "I think a little red and white elf suit might be in order," he declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "One that shows off your curves just as well as it hides them."
Derek's cheeks flushed, a mixture of excitement and apprehension bubbling within him. The idea of being dressed up, dominated by Ethan's newfound size, sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. He knew what Ethan wanted, what he was offering – a day of playful dominance, of exploration fueled by their physical changes.
And as Ethan's hand dipped lower, cupping his bare ass, Derek couldn't help but lean into his touch, a whimper escaping his lips. He was ready, not just for the new clothes, but for the delicious journey they promised – a day of unchecked desire, playful submission, and the intoxicating thrill of being claimed, dominated, and loved by a Santa who had become more than just bigger; he had become everything Derek desired, and more, wrapped in a package of delicious, irresistible curves.
As Ethan's teasing fingers skimmed Derek's bare back, sending shivers cascading down his spine, the kitchen became a stage for their playful power dynamic. Ethan, his broad frame a monument of newfound size, reveled in the delicious contrast with Derek's now seemingly delicate form.
"My, my, little elf," he purred, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through the room. "Seems Santa's workshop has been neglecting your growth spurt lately."
Derek, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of amusement and arousal, playfully swatted at Ethan's hand. "Says the man who's practically bursting out of his pajamas," he retorted, his voice laced with a playful defiance that only fueled the fire in Ethan's eyes.
Their banter was a delicious dance, a prelude to the unspoken desires simmering beneath the surface. Ethan traced the outline of Derek's shoulder with his thumb, his touch light yet possessive. He leaned in, his lips brushing against Derek's ear.
"Don't worry, little elf," he murmured, his voice husky with promise. "Santa always knows how to take care of his favorite toys."
He trailed a finger down Derek's arm, his touch lingering on the delicate curve of his bicep. "Though," he added, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "I must say, your new, smaller size is rather… intriguing."
Derek couldn't help but let out a breathless giggle. The playful tease, the subtle shift in power, was turning him on in a way he hadn't expected. He felt exposed, vulnerable, yet undeniably desirable in Ethan's eyes.
Ethan chuckled, the sound deep and intoxicating. He ran his hand over Derek's bare chest, his fingers brushing against the smooth skin, sending shivers down his spine. "Don't worry, little one," he whispered, his voice a soothing caress. "I won't break you. Just… bend you a little."
He cupped Derek's face, his thumb gently stroking his cheek. "Now," he murmured, his eyes glinting with playful dominance, "let's find you that new elf suit. One that accentuates your new, delightful curves."
The playful challenge was clear, and Derek met it with a mischievous glint in his own eyes. He knew what Ethan was offering – a day of playful domination, of exploring their changing dynamic through laughter, teasing, and maybe, just maybe, a touch of delicious pain.
And as they embarked on their search, the kitchen filled with their laughter, the air thick with unspoken desire, Derek couldn't help but feel a thrill course through him. He was no longer just Derek; he was Ethan's little elf, a willing participant in their playful charade, ready to be teased, dominated, and ultimately, loved, all the more intensely because of his new, smaller form.
The day stretched before them, a delectable feast of curves, playful dominance, and the intoxicating thrill of being claimed by a Santa who had become more than just bigger; he had become everything Derek desired, and more, wrapped in a package of delicious, irresistible power and playful teasing.
The playful teasing continued as they rummaged through Ethan's clothes, the contrast between their sizes becoming even more apparent. Ethan, towering over Derek in his pajama bottoms that strained precariously against his chest and belly, chuckled as he held up a pair of briefs that looked more like a child's onesie on Derek's now slender frame.
"See," Ethan teased, his voice a low rumble with a hint of amusement, "even your clothes think you're still a little elf."
Derek rolled his eyes playfully, snatching the briefs and holding them against his own manhood, which despite the size change, still bulged noticeably. "Maybe so," he countered, a smirk dancing on his lips, "but even a small package can be quite surprising."
Ethan's smirk mirrored Derek's. He reached down, his fingers brushing against the bulge in Derek's briefs, sending a jolt of electricity through them both. "Oh, I have no doubt about that, little elf," he purred, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "But I think Santa has something a bit… bigger… in mind for you today."
He released Derek's briefs, his hand trailing down his stomach, finally settling on the impressive outline of his own manhood, now even thicker and longer than before. The contrast was stark, a blatant display of their shifting dynamic.
Derek's breath hitched, his gaze drawn to the sight. He swallowed hard, a delicious mix of apprehension and arousal swirling in his stomach. "Santa," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper, "are you sure your workshop can handle something so… big?"
Ethan chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Don't worry, little elf," he purred, his voice laced with confidence. "Santa's workshop is always well-equipped, especially when it comes to pleasing naughty elves."
He leaned in, his lips brushing against Derek's ear. "Besides," he whispered, his voice a seductive growl, "I have a feeling your little package might be the perfect fit for my new, expanded inventory."
The heat in Ethan's voice, the glint of desire in his eyes, ignited a fire within Derek. He was smaller, yes, but that only made him feel more desirable in Ethan's eyes, a delicate toy begging to be explored. He was ready to submit, to be dominated, to lose himself in the delicious contrast of their forms.
With a playful grin, he grabbed Ethan's hand, his fingers entwining between his larger digits. "Then lead the way, Santa," he whispered, his voice husky with anticipation. "Show me what your workshop can do."
And as they embarked on their journey, the air thick with unspoken desire, they knew this wouldn't just be a comparison of size; it would be a delicious exploration of power, submission, and the perfect fit between two forms, not just physically, but in their evolving desires and the intoxicating thrill of their ever-shifting dynamic. The day stretched before them, a delectable feast of curves, playful dominance, and the intoxicating thrill of being claimed by a Santa who had become more than just bigger; he had become everything Derek desired, and more, wrapped in a package of irresistible curves and a size that promised a whole new world of pleasure.
The playful edge in Ethan's teasing started to sharpen as they continued their search for Derek's new "elf suit." His laughter boomed through the kitchen, echoing off the walls, a sound laced with a newfound dominance that both thrilled and intimidated Derek.
Ethan towered over him, his broad chest casting a shadow over Derek's smaller frame. His hand trailed along Derek's arm, the weight of it almost possessive, sending shivers down his spine. The playful banter had morphed into something more primal, a delicious power dynamic unfolding before their eyes.
"Hmmm," Ethan mused, his gaze lingering on Derek's bare midriff. "Perhaps a simple elf suit won't suffice. Maybe something a little tighter, a little more… revealing, is required."
He sauntered towards the pantry, his every step radiating a confident swagger. Derek watched him go, a mixture of apprehension and anticipation bubbling within him. He loved the playful dominance, the feeling of being Ethan's willing pawn in this game of size and desire. Yet, a sliver of fear, a delicious tinge of submission, whispered at the back of his mind.
Ethan returned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. In his hand, he held a pair of red satin lingerie – a tiny bra and matching panties that looked barely big enough for a doll.
Derek's mouth went dry. "Santa," he stammered, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. "That's… that's a bit much, isn't it?"
Ethan's chuckle was low and predatory. "Oh, I don't think so, little elf," he purred, his eyes gleaming with desire. "I think it's the perfect way to accentuate your new, delicate curves."
He tossed the lingerie at Derek, who fumbled to catch it, the red satin a stark contrast against his bare skin. He felt Ethan's gaze burning into him, tracing the outline of his body with an intensity that made him blush.
"Go on, little elf," Ethan commanded, his voice a low growl. "Put it on. Show Santa how well you can wear his gifts."
Derek hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. But the playful challenge in Ethan's eyes, the glint of amusement mixed with something deeper, something primal, was irresistible. He slowly stripped off his pajama bottoms, the cool air sending shivers down his exposed skin.
He slipped on the lingerie, the tiny fabric barely covering his curves. He felt vulnerable, exposed, yet undeniably sexy in Ethan's eyes. He looked up, meeting Ethan's gaze, and saw a flicker of surprised appreciation mixed with the playful dominance.
"Well, well," Ethan murmured, his voice husky with desire. "It seems my workshop has produced a masterpiece."
He strode towards Derek, his every step deliberate, the power dynamic amplified by their difference in size. He cupped Derek's face in his hand, his thumb gently stroking his cheek.
"Now," he whispered, his breath warm against Derek's ear, "let's see how well this little elf fits Santa's… new inventory."
The day stretched before them, a delectable feast of curves, playful dominance, and the intoxicating thrill of submission. Ethan, drunk on the power of his size, and Derek, surrendering to the delicious fear and arousal it fueled, were ready to explore the new landscape of their desires, a playground built on size, power, and the irresistible pull of two bodies, perfectly mismatched, yet destined to fit together in the most delicious of ways.
A playful defiance flickered in Derek's eyes as Ethan leaned closer, his teasing laced with an unmistakable edge of dominance. Derek, though smaller, wasn't about to be simply dominated. He pressed a hand against Ethan's taut belly, pushing with surprising force.
Ethan chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that vibrated through his chest. "Is that all you've got, little elf?" he purred, his amusement evident. "Seems Santa's been neglecting your strength training lately."
The playful jab stung, but Derek knew better than to let it show. He met Ethan's gaze, a mischievous glint in his own eyes. "Don't underestimate me, Santa," he warned, his voice husky with suppressed laughter. "Just because I'm smaller doesn't mean I'm weaker."
Ethan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. He loved Derek's playful spirit, the way he refused to be simply dominated. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," he drawled, his voice laced with mock seriousness. "But perhaps a little reminder wouldn't hurt."
Before Derek could react, Ethan swept him up in his arms, lifting him effortlessly as if he were a child. Derek yelped in surprise, his legs kicking instinctively. The world tilted on its axis as he found himself cradled against Ethan's broad chest, his bare skin pressed against the warmth of Ethan's thick sweater.
"See," Ethan chuckled, his voice a low rumble near Derek's ear, "not quite as strong as you thought, were you, little elf?"
Derek squirmed playfully, his laughter bubbling up. "Alright, alright," he conceded, his voice breathless. "You win, Santa. But at least my package fits perfectly in your arms."
As if on cue, the red satin panties dipped precariously low, revealing a sliver of Derek's manhood, plump and inviting against the pale fabric. Ethan's chuckle died in his throat, replaced by a low growl of desire.
He traced the outline of Derek's package with his finger, sending shivers down Derek's spine. "Oh, I wouldn't say perfectly," he murmured, his voice thick with amusement. "I think there's still some room for… adjustment."
He lowered Derek until he was standing on his tiptoes, their groins brushing tantalizingly. Derek gasped, his breath catching in his throat. The sudden closeness, the intoxicating scent of Ethan's cologne, the feel of his body heat radiating against his own, ignited a fire within him.
"See, little elf," Ethan whispered, his lips brushing against Derek's ear, "Santa always knows how to find the perfect fit."
The day stretched before them, a delicious playground of size, power, and playful teasing. Ethan, reveling in his newfound strength, and Derek, surrendering to the delicious vulnerability it offered, were ready to explore the uncharted territory of their desires, a journey fuelled by laughter, arousal, and the intoxicating knowledge that even the most mismatched forms could find a perfect fit, in the most unexpected, and undeniably pleasurable, of ways.
The playful tug-of-war between Ethan and Derek continued as Derek, with a mischievous grin, wriggled out of the red satin lingerie. Ethan watched him, his amusement evident.
"Giving up already, little elf?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
Derek tossed the lingerie onto the counter, his laugh ringing out through the kitchen. "Just because I don't need Santa's hand-me-downs, doesn't mean I'm ready to give up."
Ethan chuckled, genuinely enjoying Derek's defiance. He admired the spark in his eyes, the way he refused to be simply dominated. "Alright, little one," he conceded, pulling Derek close. "But I have a feeling you'll appreciate Santa's next suggestion even more."
He trailed a finger down Derek's bare arm, his touch lingering on the delicate curve of his bicep. "How about we hit the gym? Seems Santa's workshop has been neglecting your training regimen as well."
Derek's cheeks flushed a light pink, a mixture of amusement and apprehension swirling in his stomach. He knew Ethan was just teasing, but the idea of going to the gym together, their contrasting sizes on display, sent a thrill through him.
Ethan, meanwhile, rummaged through his drawers, pulling out a faded gym t-shirt and athletic shorts. He slipped them on, only to groan as the shirt strained uncomfortably across his expanded chest and the shorts dug into his thick thighs.
With a triumphant laugh, he emerged from the bedroom, the fabric stretched tautly across his muscular frame. "Looks like Santa needs a new gym wardrobe too," he declared, flexing his arm for emphasis.
Derek's eyes widened in appreciation. Ethan's size, once amusing, now held a different kind of power. He looked like a Greek god, his body sculpted in muscle and sinew.
"Well, Santa," Derek quipped, his voice husky with a mix of amusement and desire, "it seems your workshop has been producing some… very impressive results."
Ethan grinned, the playful challenge in his eyes unmistakable. "Indeed, little elf," he purred, his voice a low rumble. "And I have a feeling these results are just the beginning. Let's go show the gym what Santa's been up to."
As they drove to the gym, Derek couldn't help but steal glances at Ethan. His mind, usually focused on teasing and banter, was now dominated by the sight of his broad shoulders, the way his biceps bulged beneath his thin shirt, the raw power radiating from his larger form.
Ethan, oblivious to the effect he was having, reveled in his transformation. He barely even registered the curious stares he received as he squeezed into his gym clothes. His mind was already set on hitting new personal records, pushing his body to its limits.
At the gym, the contrast between them was even more stark. Ethan, a behemoth among men, moved with effortless power, his muscles rippling with each rep. Derek, while smaller, moved with surprising agility, his movements swift and precise.
Despite their differences in size, they enjoyed a friendly competition, pushing each other to their limits. Ethan marveled at Derek's flexibility and endurance, while Derek was awestruck by Ethan's sheer strength and power.
As the workout progressed, Derek found himself increasingly drawn to Ethan, not just physically, but emotionally. He loved the way Ethan's confidence had grown, the way he carried himself with an air of quiet power. And seeing him sweat, his muscles glistening under the gym lights, only amplified his attraction.
By the end of the workout, both Ethan and Derek were exhausted, yet exhilarated. They had pushed themselves further than they had in years, their bodies tingling with the afterglow of exertion.
As they walked out of the gym, side by side, Derek couldn't help but feel a new sense of closeness to Ethan. Their size difference, once a source of amusement, had become a bridge, a physical manifestation of the growing bond between them.
And as they shared a laugh, their breaths mingling in the cool evening air, Derek knew this was just the beginning. Their transformation, both physical and emotional, had only just begun, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead them, together.
Exhilarated and sweaty from their gym session, Ethan and Derek sauntered into the department store, ready to tackle the daunting task of finding clothes that fit their newly sculpted bodies. Ethan, feeling like a conquering hero, strutted through the store, his head held high, his broad shoulders and thick arms straining against his gym clothes.
Retail staff gravitated towards him like moths to a flame. "Can I help you find something, sir?" they chirped, their eyes wide with awe at his imposing physique. "Looking for anything specific? Size XL? XXL?"
Ethan chuckled, basking in the attention. "Maybe something to accommodate a former high school quarterback," he winked, flexing his arm for emphasis.
The staff's eyes widened further. "A quarterback, you say? No wonder you're built like a tank!" they exclaimed, showering him with compliments on his "burly football player physique."
Derek, meanwhile, trailed behind, feeling a tad invisible in his baggy gym clothes. He was directed to the "slim fit" section, where the smallest sizes hung limply on the racks. He snagged a few items, feeling a pang of self-consciousness as the sales associates barely glanced his way.
Their contrasting experience at the store mirrored the dynamic of their workout – Ethan, the dominant alpha, attracting admiring stares, while Derek, the smaller, more agile beta, blended into the background.
As they left the store, Ethan's phone buzzed. It was Sarah. "Hey babe," Ethan purred, his voice dripping with post-workout satisfaction. "Just finished our workout, and we're famished. Think you could whip up some extra large portions for your two hungry lumberjacks?"
Sarah, at home, chuckled at his playful exaggeration. But later that evening, when Ethan walked through the door, her jaw dropped. He wasn't just exaggerating; he was bigger. Broader, thicker, his muscles bulging beneath his stretched-to-the-limit gym shirt.
"Ethan!" she exclaimed, tiptoeing to reach him for a hug. Her eyes widened as his chest pressed against hers, his body emanating a newfound heat and strength.
He grinned, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a chest now adorned with a generous layer of dark, curly hair. "Told you I was transforming," he rumbled, his voice deeper and richer.
Sarah traced a finger along the edge of his pectorals, still amazed by the sheer size of him. "Transforming? You've become something else entirely," she breathed, her voice tinged with awe and a hint of something else, something primal and exciting.
Later, after a dinner that could have fed a small army, Ethan stood shirtless in the kitchen, wolfing down another slice of pizza. Sarah watched him, mesmerized by the way his muscles rippled with every bite, his appetite apparently as insatiable as his growth. His belly was prominent, like a large, firm beach ball.
"How much bigger do you think you'll get?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
Ethan shrugged, his gaze meeting hers through the steam rising from his pizza. "Who knows, babe?" he said, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Maybe Santa's growth hormones are just getting warmed up."
The air crackled with unspoken possibilities, the future a thrilling unknown. As Ethan pulled her close, his larger form engulfing her in a warm embrace, Sarah knew one thing for sure: this was just the beginning of their wild, unexpected journey, and she was along for the ride, whatever size and shape it took.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (5 of 12)
A wave of nostalgia washed over Ethan as he rummaged through the boxes stacked in his childhood bedroom. His fingers brushed against a familiar fabric, and he pulled out a faded high school football jersey. A grin stretched across his face as he remembered the thrill of Friday night games, the roar of the crowd, the camaraderie of his teammates.
Driven by a surge of sentiment, he slipped the jersey on. The once-loose fabric clung desperately to his broad frame, straining against his chest and biceps. His belly peeked out from the bottom, a soft, hairy testament to the years that had passed. Laughter bubbled up in his throat. He looked like a sausage stuffed into a too-small casing.
He couldn't resist the urge to try on more. A favorite band T-shirt, once proudly showcased at concerts, now looked more like a crop top, barely reaching the waistband of his jeans. A pair of old swim trunks, relics of teenage pool parties, now resembled a thong – a very uncomfortable, ill-fitting thong.
Each garment was a comical testament to his transformation. His parents, drawn by his laughter, peeked into the room, their faces breaking into amused smiles.
"Modeling the latest in shrink-fit fashion, I see," his mother chuckled, her eyes twinkling.
His father, ever the pragmatist, grunted. "Maybe it's time for a wardrobe update, son. Those clothes are about to burst at the seams."
Ethan chuckled, tugging the waistband of his jeans over his belly with a playful grimace. "Yeah, I might have outgrown these a bit. Though, I must say, this new look has its advantages."
He winked at his father, flexing his bicep. "Extra padding comes in handy for… certain activities."
His mother raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I bet it does, dear. Just make sure Derek enjoys the upgrade as much as you do."
Ethan's cheeks flushed a rosy red. His parents might tease him about his weight gain, but their smiles held a warm acceptance, a genuine affection that resonated deep within him. He wasn't just bigger; he was their son, their goofball, and they loved him, curves and all.
Later that night, as he lay in bed, a comfortable weight settled over him. It wasn't just the full belly from his mother's famous lasagna, but the warmth of family, the acceptance of his changing body, and the delicious anticipation of sharing his new form with Derek. He may not fit into his old clothes, but he fit perfectly into his life, a life filled with love, laughter, and the delightful curves that made him who he was. And that, he realized with a contented sigh, was the most perfect fit of all.
Ethan finds last year’s Santa suit. The familiar red and white fabric crackled under Ethan's touch, memories of laughter and twinkling lights flooding his mind. He hoisted the Santa suit out of the attic, the weight heavier than he remembered. A grin split his face as he envisioned Sarah and Derek's surprised faces on Christmas morning. This year, Santa was bringing more than just presents; he was bringing a whole new physique.
Slipping into the trousers, he encountered the first obstacle. The once-loose elastic waistband now dug uncomfortably into his belly, straining against the expanse that stretched over his jeans. He tugged and pulled, finally managing to squeeze them on, his breath escaping in a surprised huff.
The jacket was next. He winced as he wrestled his arms into the sleeves, the fabric pulling taut across his broad chest. His laughter lines crinkled as he realized the familiar red suit now felt more like a second skin, outlining every delicious curve and bulge.
Standing before the mirror, Ethan couldn't help but chuckle. He looked like a jolly, oversized teddy bear, his belly straining against the suit's buttons, threatening to burst open like a piñata filled with holiday cheer. The white beard, once reaching his chest, now barely skimmed his belly, adding to the comical effect.
His phone buzzed, a message from Derek popping up on the screen. "Ready for your fitting, big guy?" it read, followed by a playful wink emoji.
Ethan sent a picture back, the image capturing his predicament perfectly. A moment later, his phone exploded with laughter. "Santa's getting a little too jolly," Derek messaged, "Maybe the elves need to adjust the workshop's toy-making quotas!"
Ethan grinned, the teasing warming him more than any fireplace ever could. His size, once a source of insecurity, now fueled a playful banter with Derek, a shared amusement at his ever-evolving form.
Later that night, Sarah snuck into the bedroom, finding him struggling to remove the now-protesting suit. Laughter erupted from her lips as she surveyed the scene. "Looks like someone's been indulging in a little too much milk and cookies, Santa," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Ethan chuckled, pulling her into a hug, the suit straining even more under their combined weight. "Just making sure I can handle all the good boys and girls this year," he murmured, his lips nuzzling her neck.
They sank onto the bed, their laughter echoing through the room. Tonight, the suit might be too small, but their love, acceptance, and shared sense of humor fit perfectly, like a warm embrace on a cold winter night. And as they drifted off to sleep, dreams of sugar plums and oversized Santas danced in their heads, a delicious prelude to a Christmas filled with love, laughter, and the irresistible curves of a Santa who came bearing more than just gifts. He came bearing himself, his size, his love, and the promise of a holiday season unlike any other.
Ethan pushed open his bedroom door, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. The room was bathed in the warm glow of fairy lights strung across the ceiling, casting a festive twinkle on the oversized Santa hat perched atop his head. But the most eye-catching element was undoubtedly Ethan himself.
Gone was the bulky Santa suit, replaced by a pair of scandalously brief white briefs that clung desperately to his broad frame. His chest, bare and sprinkled with a dusting of dark hair, gleamed in the soft light, a testament to the hours he'd spent pumping iron. His belly, now a prominent feature, stretched taut over the waistband, adorned with a playful smattering of Christmas tattoos – candy canes, snowmen, and a winking Rudolph.
Derek stood in the doorway, his initial amusement quickly morphing into a look of stunned desire. His gaze roamed over Ethan's exposed flesh, lingering on the gentle curve of his belly, the defined lines of his biceps, the way the briefs dipped precariously low, offering a tantalizing glimpse of what lay beneath.
"Merry Christmas, little elf," Ethan purred, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down Derek's spine. "Ready for Santa's special delivery?"
Derek swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. The playful banter was a delicious tease, a veil barely concealing the raw desire simmering beneath the surface. He stepped into the room, the door clicking shut behind him with a finality that echoed the thudding of his own heart.
"I think," he managed, his voice husky with unspoken longing, "I might be a little too naughty for just milk and cookies tonight, Santa."
Ethan chuckled, a deep, intoxicating sound that resonated through his chest. He sauntered closer, his bare feet whispering against the plush carpet. He stopped just inches from Derek, their bodies radiating heat, their gazes locked in a silent dance of unspoken desire.
He raised a hand, his fingers trailing along Derek's jawline, sending a jolt of electricity through the younger man's skin. "Don't worry," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper, "Santa always knows what the good boys truly want."
With that, he leaned in, closing the distance between them. His lips, warm and soft, met Derek's in a kiss that was both playful and possessive. His hand slipped beneath the waistband of Derek's jeans, the touch sending a delicious fire igniting in Derek's loins.
The fairy lights twinkled above them, their soft glow a silent witness to the unfolding passion. The Christmas carols playing softly downstairs faded into the background, replaced by the symphony of their ragged breaths and the frantic thudding of their hearts.
This wasn't just a Christmas surprise; it was a delicious unwrapping of desire, a playful exploration fueled by Ethan's newfound size and Derek's insatiable hunger. And as they tumbled onto the bed, laughter mingling with moans, they both knew this was just the beginning, a delectable holiday feast of curves, kisses, and naughty whispers, all served up by a Santa who was more than just jolly – he was irresistible.
As Derek walked into Ethan's bedroom, decorated with festive twinkle lights and a mischievous Santa hat adorning his head, he couldn't help but take a sharp breath. Every part of Ethan seemed to have grown even grander in the brief time since they'd last seen each other. His broad shoulders filled the doorway, straining the fabric of his shirt, which clung desperately to his chest, now even more expansive and sprinkled with a dusting of dark hair. Derek's gaze drifted down, tracing the swell of his belly, adorned with playful Christmas tattoos – candy canes, snowmen, and a winking Rudolph – adding a playful touch to the delicious sight.
But it wasn't just the size that struck Derek. It was the way Ethan carried it, an air of confident ease that radiated from his every curve. Even in just his briefs, he owned the room, his bare feet whispering against the plush carpet as he sauntered closer.
Derek's stomach clenched with a delicious combination of desire and apprehension. It wasn't just the sight of Ethan, exposed and magnificent, that set his senses alight. It was the sense of something new, something unexpected, growing beneath the surface. As Ethan's hand grazed his jawline, Derek felt a tremor run through him, a response beyond mere attraction. Ethan felt different, bigger, not just physically, but somehow… more.
His fingers trailed down Derek's neck, sending shivers down his spine. His touch was confident, possessive, yet laced with a playful sensuality that Derek found irresistible. As their gazes locked, Derek saw a glint of something primal, something predatory, lurking in Ethan's eyes. It was a look that both scared and thrilled him, a challenge he couldn't help but rise to.
"Don't worry," Ethan murmured, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through Derek's body, "Santa always knows what the good boys truly want."
And with that, Ethan leaned in, his lips meeting Derek's in a kiss that was both tender and fierce. His tongue danced with Derek's, exploring, claiming, leaving Derek breathless and yearning for more. Ethan's hand slipped beneath the waistband of Derek's jeans, the touch sending a jolt of electricity through him.
Derek felt a new, unfamiliar ache blossom in his groin, a primal hunger awakened by Ethan's size, his strength, his very presence. It was as if Ethan's growth had unlocked something within Derek, a desire he hadn't known he possessed, a craving for something bigger, bolder, a perfect fit for his newfound curves.
As their explorations continued, Derek couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of Ethan. His hands, once strong, now felt small against Ethan's broad back. His arms, once capable, felt slender compared to the muscular expanse encasing him. And then there was Ethan's manhood, a sight that made Derek's breath hitch. It was thicker, longer, harder, radiating a heat that mirrored the fire burning within him.
As they surrendered to the rhythm of their desire, it wasn't just their bodies that intertwined; it was a merging of their very beings. Each thrust, each caress, was a testament to Ethan's growth, a delicious exploration of his newfound size and its perfect fit with Derek's own evolving curves.
Later, lying tangled in the warm aftermath, Derek couldn't shake the feeling that he had experienced something profound. The playful Christmas tease had transformed into a revelation, a realization that their love, like Ethan himself, was growing, expanding, taking on new, bolder, and infinitely more delicious forms. And as they drifted off to sleep, nestled in the embrace of fairy lights and festive cheer, they knew this was just the beginning of their journey, a delectable holiday feast of curves, passion, and the thrilling discovery that sometimes, the biggest surprises come in the most unexpected packages, wrapped in Santa's playful grin and irresistible embrace.
The festive glow of the fairy lights seemed to intensify as Ethan and Derek surrendered to their desire. Each touch, each kiss, felt like a delicious exploration of Ethan's newfound size and strength, a perfect counterpoint to Derek's own evolving curves. As they reached their peak, a wave of pure pleasure washed over them, leaving them breathless and sated… and subtly changed.
The next morning, the first hint of dawn painting the sky, Ethan stirred. He stretched, groaning as his muscles protested the previous night's exertions. Then he froze. Something felt… different. He sat up, his bare chest brushing against the headboard with an unfamiliar ease. Glancing down, his jaw dropped.
His clothes, once comfortably loose, now strained against his chest and biceps. The briefs that had hung low the night before now clung desperately to his hips, his stomach stretching taut over the waistband. He had grown. Not just a little, but an entire inch taller and broader, his body solidifying into even more defined curves.
A giggle escaped his lips as he marveled at his transformation. He was bigger, bolder, his size echoing the newfound confidence that pulsed through him. But where his own form had expanded, Derek's seemed to have shrunk. He still lay curled beside him, but his frame appeared smaller, delicate in comparison to Ethan's newfound bulk.
Ethan reached out, gently stroking Derek's cheek. His heart ached with a sweet possessiveness as he contemplated the sight before him. Their roles had shifted, not through dominance, but through this strange, unexpected growth.
Derek stirred, blinking open his eyes. He yawned, a soft, sleepy sound that sent shivers down Ethan's spine. Then his gaze landed on Ethan, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Ethan?" he whispered, his voice husky with sleep. "You… you're even bigger!"
Ethan chuckled, a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the room. "Seems Santa brought more than just presents last night, little elf."
Derek blushed, a playful smile tugging at his lips. He sat up, his smaller frame dwarfed by Ethan's. But instead of apprehension, his eyes sparkled with a newfound curiosity, a mischievous glint lurking within.
"Well," he purred, his voice a delicious blend of amusement and desire, "it seems Santa needs a new elf-sized suit. And maybe…" he trailed off, his fingers tracing a playful path down Ethan's chest, "some extra padding in certain areas wouldn't hurt either."
Ethan grinned, his heart swelling with love and anticipation. Their growth, unexpected and intriguing, had opened a new chapter in their relationship, a playground of delicious curves, playful exploration, and a love that stretched, quite literally, to accommodate their ever-evolving forms. As they embraced, their laughter echoing through the room, they knew this was just the beginning. Santa's magic had brought them more than just a merry Christmas; it had brought them a love story that defied definition, rewritten with every delicious curve and unexpected change, a testament to the boundless beauty of their ever-evolving selves.
Ethan groaned, stretching in the morning light filtering through the bedroom window. The events of the previous night played back in his mind, leaving a warm glow of contentment and a faint ache in his muscles. He sat up, feeling the strain of his clothes tugging at his expanded frame. He removed them, deciding that clothes were no longer his friends.
He glanced down at his bare form, the morning sun highlighting the expanse of his chest and the gentle curve of his belly, now adorned with a playful constellation of red Christmas-themed tattoos. A grin split his face. Clothes might be off the menu, but he felt damn good in his own skin.
Stepping out of the bedroom, he heard Derek stirring in the kitchen. The aroma of coffee and pancakes wafted through the air, mingling with the lingering scent of last night's festivities. He sauntered into the kitchen, his bare feet silent on the cool tile floor.
Derek whirled around, his surprised gasp morphing into a wide grin. "Ethan!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as they took in the full view. "Oh wow…"
Ethan reveled in the admiration in Derek's gaze. Gone was the playful banter, replaced by a raw hunger that sparked a delicious fire in his own loins. He strutted closer, the sway of his belly mesmerizing in the morning light. He leaned against the counter, his broad chest casting a shadow over Derek.
"Morning, little elf," he purred, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through the room. Derek's throat bobbed, his eyes shimmering with unspoken desire.
"You… you're even bigger," Derek stammered, his voice husky with a mix of surprise and arousal.
Ethan chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. "Seems Santa grew overnight," he drawled, deliberately brushing his bare stomach against the counter, the movement drawing Derek's gaze like a magnet.
Derek swallowed hard, his gaze lingering on the expanse of Ethan's skin before flickering up to meet his eyes. The unspoken challenge was clear, and Ethan revelled in it. He was bigger, stronger, a towering figure dwarfing Derek's frame. Yet, there was no threat in his demeanor, only a possessive playfulness that ignited a flame within them both.
"Well, Santa," Derek purred, stepping closer, his voice laced with a seductive challenge, "it seems you need a new elf to help you with breakfast."
Ethan smirked, his hand trailing down Derek's arm, sending shivers down his spine. "Indeed, little elf," he murmured, his voice a low growl. "And I have a feeling this breakfast will be far more… satisfying… than anything your usual pancakes can offer."
He pulled Derek close, their bare skin sending sparks flying. The kitchen, once filled with the aroma of food, now buzzed with unspoken desire, the air thick with the anticipation of a breakfast both physical and primal. As their lips met, their bodies pressed together, Ethan's newfound size wasn't just a physical change; it was a symbol of their evolving relationship, a delicious exploration of dominance and submission, power and surrender, all played out in the warm glow of the morning sun and the unspoken promise of a day filled with forbidden pleasures and the irresistible curves of a Santa who had become more than just bigger; he had become everything Derek desired, and more.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (4 of 12)
The morning sun bled through the bedroom curtains, painting Ethan's bare back in warm hues. He stretched, the movement causing the soft expanse of his belly to jiggle invitingly. Reaching for his usual jeans, a familiar tug of resistance met his fingers. He frowned, pulling harder, but the denim refused to budge.
"Ugh, these must have shrunk in the dryer," he muttered, tugging his underwear higher in a futile attempt to create more slack.
Sarah, sipping her coffee from the doorway, watched the silent battle with amusement. "Or maybe," she suggested, a playful lilt in her voice, "you've just, you know, outgrown them."
Ethan's cheeks flushed a rosy red. He glanced down at his reflection in the mirror, the sight confirming her playful accusation. His belly, now a prominent feature, strained against the waistband of his underwear. His chest, broad and expansive, seemed even wider without the shirt to contain it.
"Maybe," he conceded, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. He flexed his biceps, the movement causing ripples beneath his skin. "Guess all that gym time is paying off… in unexpected ways."
Sarah chuckled, her gaze lingering on the display of newfound muscle. "Paying off indeed," she murmured, her voice husky with unspoken desire. "Though, I might need to invest in some new bedsheets if this keeps up."
Ethan winked, the playful banter easing the pang of self-consciousness. He glanced around, realizing his usual morning attire was conspicuously absent.
"Speaking of unexpected growth," he said, a touch of mock seriousness in his voice, "have you seen my bigger pants anywhere? The ones with the, uh, enhanced capacity?"
Sarah's laughter filled the room, a melody sweeter than any morning song. "I believe they're residing peacefully in the back of the closet, awaiting their next heroic outing."
With a playful groan, Ethan reached for his discarded shirt, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The day stretched before him, filled with the promise of laughter, love, and perhaps, just perhaps, a shopping spree for his newly expanded physique. He was Ethan, the bigger, the bolder, the man who embraced his curves with confidence and humor, and he wouldn't trade it for the world, not for a million pairs of perfectly fitting jeans. After all, some things, like love and acceptance, came in all sizes, and his were just right, perfectly imperfect, and undeniably delicious.
As Ethan lumbered into the kitchen, Derek did a double take. Was it just him, or did Ethan seem…taller? It wasn't just the way he held himself, shoulders back and chest puffed out with newfound confidence. Ethan's entire frame appeared stretched, his head brushing the top of the doorway where it hadn't before.
Derek narrowed his eyes, amusement battling with a flicker of something else, something primal and possessive. The sight of Ethan, already formidably built, somehow larger than life, sent a jolt through him.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Derek greeted, leaning against the counter, unable to tear his gaze away from Ethan's broad expanse.
Ethan, still half asleep, mumbled a response, reaching for the coffee pot. His sleep shirt clung to his torso, straining against the growing bulk beneath. With a grunt, he pulled it off, revealing the expanse of his bare chest and the gentle slope of his belly, now adorned with a smattering of new dark hairs.
Derek felt his throat tighten. It wasn't just the size; it was the way Ethan wore it. He moved with an ease that belied his physical presence, a relaxed confidence that spoke of a man comfortable in his own skin, in all its delicious curves.
"You look…taller," Derek blurted out, surprising himself.
Ethan stopped pouring coffee, turning towards him with a raised eyebrow. "Do I?"
Derek swallowed hard, unable to look away from the way the morning light glinted off Ethan's sweat-slicked skin. "Yeah," he confirmed, his voice husky. "Like you grew an inch overnight."
Ethan chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. "Maybe it's the extra protein shakes you keep pushing on me," he teased, his gaze meeting Derek's with a knowing glint.
The air crackled with unspoken desire, the playful banter a thin veil over the simmering attraction beneath. Derek stepped closer, drawn by the magnetic pull of Ethan's larger-than-life presence. He reached out, his hand hovering over the soft expanse of Ethan's belly before settling on his bicep, the muscle flexing beneath his touch.
"Whatever it is," Derek murmured, his voice low and seductive, "it looks good on you. Very good."
Ethan leaned into the touch, a thrill shooting through him. Derek's admiration, once shy and tentative, was now bold and unapologetic. He had grown, not just physically, but in the way he carried himself, the way he owned his size, his desires.
This new Ethan, bigger, bolder, more confident, was a feast for Derek's eyes and a delicious challenge he was more than ready to accept. They stood there, a silent promise hanging heavy in the air, the promise of a journey into uncharted territory, a dance of strength and desire fueled by Ethan's newfound size and Derek's insatiable hunger. And as the coffee brewed, its aroma filling the kitchen, they both knew this was just the beginning, a delicious prelude to a symphony of curves and passion, played out one intimate touch, one hungry kiss, one bold exploration at a time.
Derek huffed a mock sigh, playfully swatting at Ethan's hand. "Oh please," he countered, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "As if you could possibly make this wolf feel small."
Ethan chuckled, squeezing him tighter in his bear hug. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if you weren't shrinking like a startled kitten every time I flex."
Derek sputtered, his playful façade momentarily cracking. He shoved Ethan back, a hint of unease flickering in his eyes. "Shrinking? I am not shrinking!"
Ethan grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Then explain why I suddenly feel like I could pick you up and cuddle you like a teddy bear?"
Derek scoffed, puffing out his chest in a show of mock offense. "Because you're a giant oaf, Miller."
But his bluster lacked conviction. Ethan had noticed the subtle shifts in their dynamic lately. The way Derek seemed to shrink himself, physically and metaphorically, whenever they stood side-by-side. The hesitant looks he cast at Ethan's broad frame, the way his eyes lingered just a beat too long on the expanse of Ethan's chest and belly.
It was almost… flattering. A primal spark ignited within Ethan, a possessive pride in his newfound size and strength. He sauntered closer, his shadow engulfing Derek's smaller frame.
"Maybe," he murmured, his voice a low rumble, "it's not about who's shrinking, but who's… growing."
He leaned in, his lips grazing Derek's ear. The heat of his breath sent shivers down Derek's spine. "And maybe," he continued, his voice laced with playful sensuality, "all this extra size needs a little… exploring."
Derek's throat went dry. His usual bravado faltered under the weight of Ethan's nearness, the power radiating from his larger-than-life presence. He couldn't deny the thrill, the delicious tension that crackled between them.
"Exploring, huh?" he whispered, his voice husky with unbidden desire. "And who exactly," he purred, stepping closer, "would be doing the exploring?"
Ethan chuckled, his amusement tinged with possessiveness. "Why, who else," he whispered, his lips brushing against Derek's neck, "but your new, bigger, bolder teddy bear?"
The next few moments were a blur of laughter, heated touches, and stolen kisses. Derek, initially hesitant, melted into Ethan's embrace, reveling in the unexpected dominance, the delicious feeling of being held, not just physically, but emotionally, by Ethan's newfound strength.
As they tumbled onto the couch, their laughter subsiding into a comfortable silence, Derek looked up at Ethan, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and something deeper, something primal and possessive.
"You may be bigger," he whispered, tracing a finger along Ethan's broad chest, "but I bet I can still make you purr, big bear."
Ethan chuckled, pulling Derek closer. "Oh, challenge accepted, little wolf."
And with that, they embarked on a journey of exploration, not just of Ethan's growing physique, but of their evolving relationship, driven by newfound size, unspoken desires, and a love that stretched, quite literally, to accommodate all their delicious curves and unexpected turns. Theirs was a love story written in bold strokes, fueled by laughter, passion, and the undeniable truth that sometimes, the biggest surprises come in the most unexpected packages, one bear hug, one playful tease, one delicious curve at a time.
The clang of weights echoed through the gym as Ethan pushed himself through a set of overhead presses. His muscles strained, beads of sweat forming on his brow, but he didn't relent. This wasn't just about building strength anymore; it was about claiming ownership of his new size, embracing the changes that had transformed him from a lean athlete to a formidable bear.
He finally lowered the bar, gasping for breath, a sense of exhilaration coursing through him. Glancing at the weight plates, he saw he'd set a new personal record. A triumphant grin split his face. He may be bigger, rounder, but he was stronger than ever.
Stepping off the platform, he caught Derek's admiring gaze. His boyfriend, ever the quick wit, winked. "Careful, Ethan," he chuckled, "you're almost twice my size now. I might get lost somewhere in the folds of your belly."
Ethan laughed, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. The playful jab didn't sting; instead, it fueled the possessive pride simmering within him. He scooped Derek up in a playful hug, burying his face in the younger man's soft hair.
"Don't worry, little wolf," he said, his voice a low rumble, "I'll always find you there, nestled safe and warm."
Derek giggled, playfully squirming in his arms. "Just make sure you don't smother me with all that extra padding," he teased.
Ethan set him down, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind Derek's ear. The contrast between their physiques was stark – Ethan, broad and imposing, dwarfing Derek's lean frame. Yet, in that moment, the difference felt exhilarating, a testament to the unique dynamic they shared.
Later, after their workout, Ethan stepped onto the scale, curiosity gnawing at him. The numbers glowed back – 270 lbs. He had gained another ten pounds, his weight steadily climbing with his dedication to the gym. A flicker of self-consciousness stirred within him, but it was quickly overshadowed by a deeper sense of acceptance. This was his body, his temple, and he was learning to love every curve, every delicious fold.
"Looking mighty hefty, big guy," Derek purred, wrapping his arms around Ethan's waist from behind. He leaned in, nuzzling the soft expanse of Ethan's belly.
Ethan chuckled, the warmth of Derek's touch melting away any lingering doubts. His size, once a source of insecurity, was now a bridge to a deeper intimacy, a playground for Derek's adventurous spirit.
He turned, pulling Derek close, his hand resting possessively on the small of his back. "And you," he murmured, his gaze tracing the delicate lines of Derek's face, "are still every bit as perfect as ever, even if you are getting a little lost in my bear hugs."
They stood there, a testament to the beauty of their mismatched forms, their laughter echoing through the empty gym. Size, they realized, was just a number. Their love, however, was boundless, a delicious tapestry woven from strength and vulnerability, playful banter and passionate embraces. And as they walked out into the twilight, hand in hand, they knew that their journey, filled with unexpected curves and delightful surprises, was only just beginning.
The familiar scent of his childhood home washed over Ethan as he stepped through the doorway, a wave of nostalgia mingling with the nervous anticipation churning in his gut. He'd put off this visit for longer than he cared to admit, the prospect of facing his parents' scrutiny after his dramatic physical transformation looming like a storm cloud.
But here he was, standing in the living room, a man far removed from the lean athlete they might remember. His once-loose T-shirt now clung desperately to his frame, straining against the swell of his chest and biceps. A rogue tuft of chest hair peeked out from the V-neck, a testament to the changes that had reshaped him from boy to something altogether different.
His mother, ever perceptive, was the first to react. Her eyes widened, then crinkled at the corners in a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Ethan!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with affection and a hint of disbelief. "You've… filled out a bit, haven't you?"
His father, a man of few words, grunted in agreement, his gaze sweeping over Ethan's broad frame with a mix of curiosity and something he couldn't quite decipher. It was a look that sent a prickle of apprehension down Ethan's spine.
"Yeah," Ethan chuckled, self-consciously tugging at the hem of his shirt. "Been hitting the gym a bit more than usual."
His mother, ever the diplomat, ushered him into a hug, her embrace enveloping him in a familiar warmth. "Well, you look strong, dear," she said, her voice soft. "Though maybe a tad bit… snug in that shirt."
Ethan flushed, the playful comment hitting a bit too close to home. He glanced at his father, who remained silent, his expression still unreadable.
They settled into the living room, the air thick with unspoken questions and a tension that Ethan fought to ignore. As the conversation flowed, his mother peppered him with inquiries about his life, his job, his well-being. His father, however, stayed largely quiet, his silence a looming presence that weighed heavily on Ethan.
Finally, after dinner, as they sat by the fireplace, the silence stretched thin. Ethan knew he couldn't avoid it any longer.
"So," he began, taking a deep breath, "you probably noticed I've… changed a bit."
His father finally met his gaze, his eyes sharp and assessing. "Indeed," he said, his voice gruff but not unkind. "You've gotten bigger, heavier."
Ethan braced himself, expecting disapproval, judgment. But what came next surprised him.
"But you also seem… different," his father continued, his words measured. "More confident, maybe. Like you've grown into yourself."
Ethan blinked, a flicker of hope warming his chest. He hadn't expected this, this acceptance, this subtle understanding.
"I have," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "It hasn't always been easy, but I'm starting to embrace it, this new me."
His father nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Good," he said simply. "Just make sure you're taking care of yourself, son. That's all that matters."
Relief washed over Ethan, warm and sweet. He had come prepared for a battle, but found understanding instead. His parents might not fully comprehend his transformation, but they loved him, accepted him, big curves and all.
Later that night, as he lay in his old childhood bed, the weight of his worries lifted, replaced by a newfound sense of peace. He wasn't just bigger; he was stronger, more confident, a man comfortable in his own skin. And as he drifted off to sleep, a smile gracing his lips, he knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with self-acceptance, love, and maybe, just maybe, a wardrobe update that could accommodate his delicious, ever-evolving self.
The familiar scent of lavender and dust bunnies wafted through the air as Ethan eased himself onto the mattress of his childhood bed. He hadn't slept here since college, and the once-inviting twin bed now felt comically small beneath his considerably larger frame. With a chuckle, he sank in, the springs groaning in protest under his newfound weight.
His T-shirt, already stretched thin across his chest, strained even further, revealing a peek of the dark expanse of his belly that spilled over the waistband of his shorts. He patted it affectionately, a wave of self-consciousness battling with a newfound sense of acceptance. This was his body, bigger and bolder than his younger self, and he was learning to revel in its unique curves.
The old wooden frame creaked and groaned beneath him, a nostalgic symphony that lulled him back to simpler times. Back then, lean and lanky, he would sprawl across the bed with reckless abandon, the mattress barely registering his weight. Now, every movement felt deliberate, an exploration of his own physical territory.
He rolled onto his side, his arm hanging off the edge, his fingertips brushing the soft plush carpet. Below his window, the moon cast a silvery glow on the familiar backyard, whispering secrets of childhood games and midnight adventures. A pang of bittersweet nostalgia tugged at his heart.
But the nostalgia was quickly overridden by a surge of contentment. He was no longer that skinny boy, unsure of his place in the world. He was Ethan, a man comfortable in his own skin, his size, and his ever-evolving desires. He had grown, not just physically, but in confidence, in self-acceptance, and in the love he shared with Derek and Sarah.
As he drifted off to sleep, the creaking of the bed beneath him became a lullaby, a comforting reminder of the journey he had taken, the changes he had embraced, and the delicious curves that made him who he was. He was bigger, bolder, and better than ever, and tonight, in his childhood bed, he finally felt at home in his own skin, ready to face the world, one delicious curve at a time.
The aroma of pancakes and bacon flooded Ethan's senses as he entered the kitchen, instantly igniting a familiar pang of childhood hunger. His stomach rumbled in agreement, a low growl that seemed to echo off the walls. His parents, already seated at the table, greeted him with smiles and raised eyebrows.
"Good morning, sleeping bear," his mother chuckled, gesturing to the towering stack of pancakes on his plate. Ethan grinned, self-consciously tugging down his T-shirt. The once-loose fabric strained against his expanding chest and belly, threatening to reveal the soft expanse peeking above his waistband.
He dug in with gusto, savoring the fluffy pancakes dripping with maple syrup and crispy bacon that crackled with each bite. Every mouthful seemed to fuel a bottomless pit in his stomach, his appetite fueled by nostalgia and the comfort of being home.
As he devoured his breakfast, the laughter lines around his mother's eyes crinkled even more. "Slow down, dear," she advised, a playful glint in her gaze. "You're going to eat the table too."
Ethan chuckled, wiping a streak of syrup from his lips with a sheepish grin. "Just enjoying the home cooking, Mom. You know I can't resist your pancakes."
His father, ever the stoic observer, cleared his throat. "You've certainly gotten yourself, uh, well-rounded, son."
Ethan's cheeks flushed a rosy red. His shirt had ridden up further, exposing a generous portion of his growing belly, now adorned with a smattering of dark hairs. He patted it absently, the self-consciousness momentarily overshadowed by the warmth of his parents' regard.
Later that day, while exploring the attic, reminiscing over old toys and dusty photo albums, Ethan bumped into a forgotten board game tucked away in a corner. As he bent down to pick it up, his belly collided with a stack of dusty boxes with a resounding thud.
"Oof!" he exclaimed, rubbing his stomach with a grimace. His parents, who had been following him, burst into laughter.
"Careful there, big guy," his father chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder. "That belly packs a punch!"
Ethan joined in the laughter, the playful teasing washing over him in waves of affection. He wasn't just bigger; he was part of this loving family, his size just another facet of his personality, like his goofy laugh and insatiable appetite.
That evening, after a comforting home-cooked dinner, they sat around the fireplace, sharing stories and laughter. Ethan, nestled between his parents on the couch, felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the crackling fire. He was home, accepted, loved, not despite his size, but because of it. His curves, his appetite, his laughter – they were all part of the fabric of their family, a delicious tapestry woven with love and acceptance.
As he drifted off to sleep that night, the memory of his father's playful jab at his belly lingered, not as a taunt, but as a reminder of his belonging. He was Ethan, the big, the bold, the beloved son, and in his parents' eyes, he was perfect, just as he was, one delicious curve and one rumbling belly laugh at a time.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (3 of 12)
Sarah eyed Ethan with a mix of amusement and concern. He squeezed into a favorite T-shirt, the fabric straining against his biceps like a flag about to burst. Sweat glistened on his broad forehead, and a smattering of new dark hairs adorned his chest, peeking cheekily above the neckline.
"Honey," she began, choosing her words carefully, "the gym seems to be… different than expected."
Ethan, struggling to pull the shirt down, chuckled. "Different how?"
"Well," Sarah hedged, "you're definitely bigger. Stronger, even. But I thought we were aiming for, you know, less soft and cuddly, more sleek and toned."
Ethan looked down at his reflection in the mirror. Sarah was right. Gone was the doughy Santa Claus physique of a few months ago. In its place stood a formidable figure, his shoulders wider, his arms thicker, his belly softer yet defined by the faint outlines of underlying muscle. His beard, now neatly trimmed, framed a face softened by contentment and maybe, just maybe, a hint of mischievousness.
"Maybe I'm just bulking up before I cut," he offered, but even to his own ears, it sounded weak. The truth was, he enjoyed the way his body felt – powerful, substantial, a stark contrast to Derek's slim frame. He savored the way Derek's eyes lingered on his arms, the way his hand brushed against his belly during casual greetings.
Derek, ever present in the room, chimed in with a sly grin. "Don't listen to her, Ethan. You look fantastic. Like a… grizzly bear in a waiting room."
Sarah shot him a playful glare, but couldn't deny the truth in his words. Ethan did radiate a certain primal magnetism, a rugged handsomeness that seemed to enthrall Derek no end.
Over the next few weeks, Ethan embraced his transformation. He lifted heavier, ate hungrier, and reveled in the changes his body underwent. His appetite, fueled by Derek's protein concoctions, seemed insatiable. He devoured mountains of food, his belly expanding to accommodate the feast, yet never losing its firm, inviting roundness.
Derek, in turn, became increasingly bold. He'd linger during workouts, offering "encouragement" that felt suspiciously like thinly veiled admiration. He'd compliment Ethan's "strength," his "beautiful bear belly," his "mountain of a man" physique. And Ethan, basking in the unexpected attention, found himself indulging in it.
He'd flex for Derek, showing off the increasing definition in his arms. He'd wear looser shirts, offering tantalizing glimpses of his growing belly. He'd even, on occasion, catch Derek staring, his gaze lingering on the soft curve of his stomach a little too long, a little too intently.
One night, after a particularly grueling workout, Ethan and Derek found themselves sharing a beer on the porch. The air crackled with unspoken electricity, the weight of their shared secret hanging heavy between them.
"You know," Derek murmured, his voice husky, "you're not just strong, Ethan. You're… comfortable." He reached out, his hand hovering over Ethan's belly for a moment before settling on his bicep. The touch sent a jolt through Ethan, a tremor of desire igniting deep within him.
Ethan met Derek's gaze, his heart pounding in his chest. In that moment, under the soft glow of the porch light, he knew the path he was treading led to uncharted territory, a forbidden land of desire and pleasure. And as he leaned into Derek's touch, the weight on his belly not just a symbol of his changing body but of a yearning neither of them could deny, he knew this was just the beginning of a journey neither of them were prepared for, a journey where strength and softness would collide in a delicious dance of forbidden passion.
Ethan lumbered through the office doors, feeling like a heavily laden Santa Claus navigating a summer heatwave. His once trim athletic frame had morphed into something altogether different – broader, thicker, undeniably bigger. His belly, now a prominent shelf beneath his clothes, jiggled gently with each step, a testament to late-night cookie raids and the unspoken encouragement of a certain gym buddy.
As he shuffled past his colleagues, their greetings took on a new, amused flavor. "Morning, Santa!" boomed Bob from accounting, his eyes twinkling with good-natured mirth. "Baby got you carrying some extra weight there, eh?"
Ethan chuckled, patting his belly self-consciously. "Seems fatherhood has its… unique perks," he admitted, trying to shrug off the teasing but secretly enjoying the attention.
"Don't worry, Ethan," chimed in Susan, his coworker and secret confidante. "You're just filling out your dad bod. Makes you look… cuddly."
The word, usually reserved for kittens and teddy bears, sent a strange warmth through Ethan. Cuddly? Him? He glanced at his reflection in the water cooler, surprised by the unfamiliar sight. Gone was the lean, defined physique of his pre-baby days. In its place stood a man who commanded attention not through chiseled abs but through sheer physical presence. His arms, though not bulging with sculpted muscle, were thick and powerful. His chest, broad and expansive, strained against his button-down shirt. And his belly, oh, his belly – it was no longer a soft indulgence, but a prominent feature, a symbol of his newfound domesticity and, perhaps, something more.
As the day wore on, the comments continued. Women in the break room complimented his "teddy bear arms." Guys in the IT department marveled at his "growing tree trunk physique." Even the ever-stoic Mr. Jones from upper management offered a gruff, "Looking mighty hefty these days, Ethan."
Ethan couldn't help but grin. The attention, once unwanted, now fueled a strange sense of satisfaction. He reveled in the way his presence filled doorways, the way chairs creaked slightly beneath his weight. He even found humor in the occasional mishap – like the time he bumped his belly into a filing cabinet, eliciting a chorus of good-natured laughter and surprised exclamations about his girth.
Later that evening, as he changed into his gym clothes, Derek's words echoed in his mind: "You're not just strong, Ethan. You're… comfortable." The memory sent a shiver down his spine. Comfortable. Yes, that was it. His new size wasn't just about indulgence; it was about a newfound ease, a confidence that stemmed from being seen, appreciated, desired for something entirely different than his former self.
As he stepped onto the treadmill, the weight on his belly not a burden but a badge of honor, Ethan knew his transformation was far from over. He was no longer just a dad, a husband, an employee. He was Ethan, the big, the comfortable, the undeniably heftier version of himself. And he wouldn't have it any other way, for in his growing size, he had discovered a new kind of strength, a new kind of magnetism, a new kind of himself that was just beginning to blossom, one appreciative glance, one playful bump, one delicious curve at a time.
Ethan lay sprawled on their bed, Sarah nestled comfortably against his broad chest. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast long shadows across his expansive belly, now a familiar weight that brought him quiet satisfaction. They'd just finished making love, the afterglow painting a contented smile on his face.
"Mmm," Sarah sighed, tracing lazy circles on his chest with her finger. "You're like a giant teddy bear, Ethan."
His smile faltered. Teddy bear? The playful endearment, once a welcome source of amusement, now felt oddly… diminutive. He glanced down at his stomach, the dim light highlighting the soft curve beneath his T-shirt. It wasn't just a belly anymore; it was a statement, a testament to his changed physique, his newfound size.
He cleared his throat, trying to brush off the unease that settled in his gut. "Teddy bear, huh?"
"Yeah," Sarah murmured, oblivious to his shift in mood. "All big and strong and… cuddly."
The word, laden with unintended lightness, felt like a pinprick to his burgeoning sense of pride. Was that all she saw him as? Just a big, soft thing to snuggle with? He swallowed, the lump in his throat growing larger.
"Is that a bad thing?" he asked, his voice strained.
Sarah, sensing his sudden tension, turned to face him, concern clouding her gaze. "What's wrong, Ethan?"
He hesitated, unsure how to articulate the jumble of emotions churning within him. The pride in his strength, the quiet pleasure in his expanded size, the growing insecurity fueled by Sarah's seemingly offhand remark.
Finally, he blurted out, "Do you… not like it? My size?"
His question hung in the air, heavy and uncertain. Sarah's eyes widened in surprise, and he braced himself for her answer, fearing rejection, a dismissal of the body he had come to embrace.
"Oh, Ethan," she whispered, cupping his face in her gentle hands. "No, that's not it at all. I love you, all of you. Every curve, every inch."
Relief washed over him, warm and sweet. But a sliver of doubt remained. "Then why the teddy bear comment?"
She bit her lip, searching for the right words. "It's just… different," she admitted. "You used to be…" she paused, struggling to find the right word, "leaner, maybe?"
Her honesty, though painful, was appreciated. He squeezed her hand, gratitude and lingering insecurity warring within him. "And you don't like different?"
"No, no," she reassured him, her voice laced with tenderness. "It's just an adjustment. I was so used to the old you, the athlete, the… lean Ethan."
He closed his eyes, picturing that version of himself – agile, toned, devoid of the comfortable roundness he now wore with pride. A pang of longing flickered within him, a yearning for the familiar comfort of her earlier affection.
Yet, as he opened his eyes and met her gaze, the warmth in her eyes dispelled the shadows of doubt. He saw acceptance, appreciation, and yes, perhaps a hint of surprise at the new man he had become.
He leaned in, kissing her softly, the kiss conveying more than just affection. It was a silent promise, a reassurance that he would navigate this new terrain with her, that they would rediscover intimacy, redefine their connection in the face of his changing body.
As they drifted back to sleep, Ethan's body, once a source of insecurity, now felt like a symbol of their evolving relationship. He was different, yes, but that didn't mean he was any less desirable, any less loved. He was still Ethan, just a bigger, bolder version of himself, and he was ready to explore this new chapter, this delicious dance of size and acceptance, with Sarah by his side, one shared embrace, one reassuring touch, one blossoming curve at a time.
The scent of sweat and freshly cut wood hung heavy in the air as Ethan wiped his brow, the afternoon sun beating down on his broad back. He'd been helping his dad with a landscaping project, and his muscles ached pleasantly from the exertion.
"Looking mighty hefty, son," his dad boomed, clapping him on the shoulder. Ethan chuckled, the fabric of his T-shirt straining against his biceps. "Yeah, I've been putting in some extra work at the gym."
His dad raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Gym, huh? Or maybe those cookies Sarah keeps baking?"
Ethan grinned, the memory of Derek's protein shakes and late-night snacking sessions bringing a warm blush to his cheeks. "Maybe a bit of both," he admitted.
They continued their work, Ethan's newfound strength surprising even his father. He hauled heavy logs with ease, his thick arms rippling with newfound definition. His dad, a man of no small stature himself, watched with amusement.
"Never thought you'd outgrow me, boy," he chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice.
Ethan felt a surge of warmth. His dad, always the stoic figure, rarely expressed such emotions. He flexed his arm playfully. "Guess there's more to me than meets the eye, eh?"
Later, as they soaked in the hot tub, the tension of the day easing away, his dad's gaze drifted over Ethan's body. "You're a hairy beast, son," he remarked, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. "Where'd all that fur come from?"
Ethan ran a hand over his chest, the dark expanse of hair tickling his palm. "Guess it's just part of the package now," he said, a hint of self-consciousness creeping in.
His dad patted his shoulder. "Maybe a trim wouldn't hurt," he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. "You look like a bear who wandered into a hot tub."
Ethan laughed, the image conjuring a surprising sense of amusement. He knew his size, especially his belly, had become a topic of discussion, even concern, at times. Sarah had mentioned it, and even Derek, with his unwavering admiration, had hinted at moderation.
His dad's gaze softened. "You know, son," he said, his voice serious, "all this weight… it's great you're feeling strong, but have you thought about getting checked out? Diabetes, blood pressure, stuff like that?"
Ethan flinched, the lighthearted mood momentarily shattered. He knew his dad was right. The weight gain had been rapid, fueled by indulgence and a shift in his lifestyle. He hadn't thought about the potential health consequences.
"I'll look into it," he promised, his voice laced with a newfound resolve.
As they sat in silence for a moment, the warm water swirling around them, Ethan realized his transformation wasn't just physical. It was a wake-up call, a reminder to take care of himself, not just for his own sake, but for the people who loved him, who saw him not just as a big, hairy bear, but as their son, their friend, their Ethan.
He looked at his dad, his eyes filled with gratitude and a newfound determination. He might be bigger, hairier, and rounder than ever, but he wouldn't let it define him. He would embrace his new shape, find a balance between strength and health, and continue to grow, not just physically, but as a man, a husband, a son. And in that quiet moment, amidst the steam and the soft gurgle of the hot tub, Ethan knew he was on the right path, one step, one embrace, one delicious curve at a time.
Ethan fidgeted nervously as he followed his dad into the doctor's office. The weight that had brought amusement from his dad the day before now felt heavy with unspoken concern. Dr. Evans, a handsome man with athletic grace, greeted them with a warm smile.
"Well, Mr. Miller," he chuckled, clapping Ethan on the shoulder, "your son here is like a scaled-up version of you! Come on in, you big bear."
Ethan felt his cheeks flush. The nickname, playful from his dad, felt condescending coming from this stranger. He climbed onto the examination table, self-consciously pulling off his shirt, revealing the expanse of his hairy chest and the soft mound of his belly.
Dr. Evans, his demeanor professional yet friendly, took Ethan's vitals and blood sugar. To Ethan's relief, everything seemed normal. The doctor then turned his attention to Ethan's physique.
"Impressive muscle tone," he remarked, running his hands over Ethan's arms and shoulders. "You've been hitting the gym?"
Ethan nodded, a flicker of pride battling with the niggling feeling of being objectified.
"Just trying to bulk up a bit," he mumbled, his eyes drifting to the doctor's lean frame, a silent reminder of his own former, thinner self, the self Sarah had been so drawn to.
Dr. Evans's smile faltered slightly as his gaze landed on Ethan's belly. He gently lifted the soft mass with both hands, his touch impersonal yet strangely intimate.
"Quite a bit of padding here too," he remarked. "Tell me about your diet and exercise routine, Mr. Miller."
Ethan described his gym sessions, conveniently forgetting to mention Derek's protein shakes and late-night cookie raids. Shame pricked at him, fueled by the doctor's concerned expression.
"It's important to find a balance between building muscle and managing your weight," Dr. Evans advised. "I recommend adjusting your diet and incorporating more cardio into your workout routine."
Ethan listened, nodding politely, but the doctor's words echoed with unintended judgment. He felt a surge of defiance, a resentment he couldn't quite place. Maybe it was the doctor's effortless good looks, a stark contrast to Ethan's current self. Maybe it was the reminder of Sarah's past affection for his leaner physique.
Leaving the doctor's office, the afternoon sun felt oppressive. The playful nickname "big bear" now felt like a cage, a label he wasn't sure he wanted to wear. He glanced at his dad, his own sturdy build a testament to years of hard work, not indulgence.
A new resolve settled within Ethan. He wouldn't shrink back to fit an ideal, neither his old self nor the doctor's. He would find his own balance, embrace his changing body, and prove that strength and size could coexist with health and happiness. It wouldn't be easy, but with his dad's support and a newfound determination, Ethan was ready to chart his own course, one delicious curve, one confident stride, one redefined expectation at a time.
Ethan swung open the front door, a familiar wave of domestic contentment washing over him. Then he saw him. A young man, no older than 25, athletic, and undeniably handsome, was wrestling with their wonky screen door, muscles taut beneath his T-shirt. Sarah, perched on a stepladder, offered instructions with a smile that, Ethan couldn't help but notice, lingered just a beat too long on the handyman's biceps.
Jealousy, a serpent he thought he'd banished, reared its ugly head. He cleared his throat, the sound heavy and unwelcome. Sarah spun around, relief flooding her face at the sight of him.
"Ethan!" she exclaimed, relief replaced by a touch of fluster. "This is Mark, he's fixing the screen door."
Ethan extended a hand, his grip a tad firmer than usual. "Ethan," he said, forcing a smile. "Thanks for coming out, Mark."
Mark returned the handshake, his gaze flicking curiously at Ethan's broad frame. "No problem, sir. Should be all fixed in a jiffy."
As Mark expertly repaired the door, Ethan found himself lingering nearby, unable to tear his eyes away from the play of muscles beneath the man's shirt. He felt a pang of longing for his own former physique, the lean, toned body Sarah used to adore.
When Mark finally finished, Sarah slipped him a bill, her fingers brushing his briefly. The gesture, innocent in itself, sent another jolt of jealousy through Ethan. He forced a smile as Mark thanked them and took his leave.
Dinner that night was a quiet affair. Ethan found himself shoveling food onto his plate, his appetite insatiable. The weight sat heavy in his stomach, a physical manifestation of the unease swirling within him. He unbuttoned his pants, the pressure on his belly becoming oppressive. His shirt felt hot too, and he loosened the top buttons, revealing the expanse of his chest and the beginnings of his beard trailing down to his belly.
Derek, across from him, watched silently, his gaze drawn to the newly exposed skin. There was a hunger in his eyes, a mix of possessiveness and admiration that sent a delicious shiver down Ethan's spine.
Later that night, after Sarah had retired, Ethan found himself drawn to Derek. They ended up on the couch, a tangle of limbs and unspoken desire. Derek's hands, usually tentative, roamed freely over Ethan's body, exploring the new curves and planes with unbridled curiosity. He traced the lines of Ethan's belly, marveling at the softness, the gentle jiggle with each breath.
"You're so big," Derek whispered, his voice husky with awe. "Like a giant teddy bear."
Ethan, instead of feeling self-conscious, felt a surge of pride. He wasn't the lean athlete he used to be, but he was powerful, substantial, a haven for Derek's smaller frame. He leaned into Derek's touch, relishing the way his eyes devoured every inch of him.
Their lovemaking that night was different, charged with a new level of intensity. Derek, emboldened by Ethan's newfound size, explored him with a confidence he'd never shown before. He kissed his belly, whispering sweet nothings against the soft skin. He traced the path of his beard, his lips trailing down to Ethan's chest, where he lapped at the expanse of skin with almost reverent hunger.
Ethan, fueled by Derek's desire, reveled in his own newfound sensuality. He groaned with pleasure as Derek's hands kneaded his thick thighs, as his mouth explored the hidden folds of his belly. He felt powerful, desirable, like a feast laid out for Derek's enjoyment.
Later, as they lay entwined, the echoes of their passion still lingering in the air, Ethan knew something had shifted. His size, which had initially triggered insecurity, had become a bridge to a deeper intimacy with Derek. He was no longer just Sarah's husband, the father of their child. He was Ethan, the big, the comfortable, the object of Derek's insatiable desire. And in that realization, he found not just acceptance, but a whole new world of pleasure waiting to be explored, one delicious curve, one hungry kiss, one intimate touch at a time.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (2 of 12)
Ethan stared into the fire, the crackling flames mirroring the turmoil within him. Derek's words hung heavy in the air, each syllable resonating with an unsettling truth. His initial suspicion, the niggling feeling that Derek harbored an unusual attraction to his post-baby physique, had been confirmed. Now, he grappled with the implications, the forbidden thrill of it all mixing with a tremor of apprehension.
Derek, sensing his inner conflict, shifted closer, his hand reaching out to rest on Ethan's bicep. The touch was casual, yet it sent a jolt through Ethan, his breath catching in his throat. As if reading his mind, Derek's hand moved, tracing the soft curve of Ethan's belly, his fingers lingering on the new stretch marks like Braille inscriptions on his skin.
"You shouldn't hide it," Derek murmured, his voice husky. "It's beautiful, Ethan. Strong and… comforting."
Ethan sucked in a sharp breath, a mixture of arousal and unease swirling in his gut. He found himself leaning into Derek's touch, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames. He knew he should pull away, assert some semblance of normalcy, but Derek's touch felt strangely… good. A deep, primal rumble stirred within him, a response he couldn't quite suppress.
Derek, emboldened by Ethan's lack of resistance, pulled away and reached for the plate of cookies nestled beside them. Holding one up, a mischievous glint in his eyes, he coaxed, "Come on, Santa. One more won't hurt. Besides, you gotta keep your padding up for Christmas, right?"
Ethan hesitated, then found himself nodding, his hand reaching out to accept the cookie. As he took a bite, Derek's hand returned, this time circling his belly, a gentle massage that sent shivers down his spine. Ethan closed his eyes, savoring the unexpected pleasure, the forbidden intimacy of the situation.
Derek continued feeding him cookies, each bite accompanied by a lingering touch, a whispered compliment. Ethan felt himself surrendering, his defenses crumbling under the onslaught of Derek's attention. He liked the feeling of being big, being seen, being desired for something so different from his pre-baby self.
As the night wore on, the lines between brother-in-law and something more blurred further. They talked, they laughed, they shared secrets they never had before. And all the while, Derek's hand never strayed far from Ethan's belly, his touch becoming bolder, more intimate.
By the time the embers in the fireplace had died down to glowing ash, Ethan knew he had crossed a line. He felt a pang of guilt, a tremor of uncertainty about the path he was treading. Yet, the memory of Derek's touch, the warmth of his gaze, lingered on his skin, a seductive whisper promising forbidden pleasures.
He had a choice to make – to pull back, retreat into the familiar comfort of his marriage, or to explore this uncharted territory, this strange new facet of himself that Derek had awakened. As he drifted off to sleep, the weight of his decision, heavy and sweet, sat upon his chest, mirroring the weight of his belly, now a symbol not just of fatherhood, but of a desire he never knew he harbored.
The morning sun, soft and tentative, filtered through the curtains, dappling Ethan's face with warmth. He stirred, blinking away the last vestiges of sleep, and a low groan escaped his lips. His belly, stretched taut beneath his T-shirt, felt heavier than usual, as if filled with more than just breakfast cookies and the weight of his unspoken desires.
Ethan sat up, stretching his arms above his head. He couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed, an almost imperceptible shift in his own being. As he reached for his discarded shirt, his fingers snagged on the fabric, pulling it taut across his belly. It strained noticeably, the familiar cotton clinging to him like a second skin.
A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. Was it just his imagination, or had he... grown? Just a little? He pinched an inch of flesh above his belly button, marveling at its softness, the slight jiggle as he released it. A strange mix of amusement and arousal washed over him.
Suddenly, the bedroom door creaked open, and Derek peeked in, his hair tousled and a sleepy smile playing on his lips. His gaze instantly fell on Ethan, and the smile widened, morphing into a smirk that sent a jolt through Ethan's body.
"Well, well, Santa," Derek drawled, his voice thick with amusement. "Looks like someone enjoyed his cookies last night."
Ethan couldn't help but grin back, a sheepish yet exhilarated feeling bubbling in his chest. He patted his belly self-consciously.
"Maybe I did indulge a little," he chuckled, "but hey, the holidays are for indulging, right?"
Derek's eyes lingered on Ethan's belly, their dark depths filled with an unspoken hunger. He circled the bed, his steps slow and deliberate, until he stood directly in front of Ethan. He reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over Ethan's stomach.
"It's even softer today," Derek murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "Like a giant teddy bear begging to be cuddled."
Ethan shivered as Derek's fingertips grazed his skin, sending a cascade of goosebumps erupting over his body. He knew he should stop this, draw a line, but the thrill of it all, the forbidden nature of their connection, held him captive.
Derek's hand moved, tracing the outline of Ethan's belly button, then slowly descending to trace the lines of his stretch marks. Each touch sent a tremor through Ethan, awakening a desire he hadn't known he possessed.
"They're like little maps," Derek breathed, his voice husky with desire. "Maps to hidden treasures."
Ethan closed his eyes, the weight of Derek's hand grounding him, anchoring him to a reality that was both familiar and utterly new. He was a husband, a father, a man with responsibilities. Yet, in this charged space, in the intimate confines of their shared morning, he was also something else – an object of desire, a big, soft man whose newly discovered curves were being explored by another man's touch.
As the morning unfolded, the line between indulgence and temptation continued to blur. The unspoken tension crackled in the air, charged with the weight of their secret desires. Each shared glance, each lingering touch, felt like a brushstroke on a canvas of unexplored possibilities.
And as Ethan looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror later that day, his shirt clinging impossibly tighter to his newly rounded belly, he couldn't help but wonder – had the cookies truly caused the change, or was it something else entirely, something far more delicious and dangerous, stirring within him? The answer, like the weight on his belly, was both comforting and unsettling, a mystery waiting to be unwrapped, one forbidden touch at a time.
Ethan stood before the full-length mirror, adjusting his Santa suit. The red fabric stretched taut across his belly, a testament to the weeks of indulgence that had followed his conversation with Derek. He patted his stomach affectionately, a self-satisfied smile playing on his lips.
Behind him, Derek chuckled, the sound low and husky. "Looking jolly, Santa," he murmured, stepping closer.
Ethan turned, catching a glimpse of himself and Derek reflected in the mirror. In that moment, a stark contrast struck him. He, with his broad shoulders, round belly, and thick beard, loomed over Derek like a benevolent giant. Derek, in comparison, appeared almost fragile, his slim frame accentuated by Ethan's imposing presence.
A strange mix of emotions washed over Ethan. There was amusement, of course, at the visual disparity between them. But there was also something else, a flicker of something primal, something he couldn't quite name.
Derek's gaze, usually bold and unwavering, darted nervously around the room, finally landing on Ethan's face. He seemed suddenly self-conscious, his usual bravado replaced by a hint of uncertainty.
Ethan caught his breath, suddenly aware of the power dynamic their physical differences had created. He wasn't just Ethan anymore, the husband, the father. He was also this big, powerful figure, a mountain of a man reflected in the mirror. And Derek, standing beside him, seemed drawn to that power, captivated by it.
"Do you like it?" Ethan asked, his voice rumbling like Santa's own.
Derek hesitated, then met Ethan's gaze directly. "I do," he admitted, his voice husky. "It's..." he paused, searching for the right words, "It's different."
Ethan couldn't help but grin. This different Ethan, this bigger, bolder Ethan, he wasn't just attracting Sarah's loving glances and Thomas's gurgling laughter. He was also turning heads, igniting desires he never knew existed.
And as their eyes met in the mirror, the reflected image not just a visual representation but a symbol of their unspoken attraction, Ethan knew this holiday season would be unlike any other. He was Santa, yes, but also something more – a secret Santa, bearing unexpected gifts for a boy who longed for a different kind of Christmas cheer.
The mirror, once a simple glass surface, had become a portal, reflecting not just their physical forms but the hidden desires simmering beneath them. And as their gazes locked, a silent promise hung in the air – a promise of indulgence, of exploration, of unwrapping the forbidden treasures hidden beneath the layers of Ethan's newfound weight, one touch, one glance, one shared secret at a time.
Ethan surveyed his reflection in the department store mirror, the Santa suit clinging comfortably to his rotund figure. His belly, a testament to months of holiday indulgence and late-night cookie binges with Derek, strained against the red fabric. A satisfied rumble escaped his lips.
"Looking jolly, Santa," Derek's voice purred from behind him. Ethan turned, catching Derek's admiring gaze reflected in the mirror. Their physical disparity was stark. Ethan, a mountain of a man with broad shoulders and a thick beard, dwarfed Derek's lean frame.
A mischievous glint flickered in Derek's eyes. He reached out, his hand trailing up Ethan's arm before settling on his broad shoulder. His fingers kneaded the firm muscle beneath, sending a delicious shiver down Ethan's spine.
"Such a big man," Derek murmured, his voice laden with meaning. His thumb brushed against the base of Ethan's neck, a silent question lingering in the touch.
Ethan swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. The playful banter they'd shared in the privacy of their home felt different here, amidst the bustling holiday decorations and the curious glances of fellow shoppers. It was thrilling, this charged awareness, this secret they carried like a hidden gift beneath their festive exteriors.
He leaned into Derek's touch, a low growl escaping his lips. "Just trying to live up to the Santa persona, little elf," he rumbled, enjoying the way Derek shivered at the sound.
"A very convincing Santa," Derek countered, his fingers digging deeper into Ethan's shoulder. "But I have a feeling there's more to this Claus than meets the eye. More padding, perhaps?"
Ethan chuckled, the sound rich and full. He let his gaze drop to his belly, its roundness accentuated by the tight-fitting suit. "Maybe Santa just enjoys his milk and cookies a little too much," he admitted, his voice laced with a playful wink.
Derek's hand traced a lazy circle around Ethan's belly button, the touch sending a jolt of pleasure through him. His eyes, now dark and heated, held Ethan captive. "And maybe some elves enjoy big Santas," he whispered, his breath warm against Ethan's ear.
The air crackled with unspoken desire, the line between festive fun and forbidden territory blurring with each caress. Ethan felt a primal possessiveness stir within him, the urge to shield Derek, to claim him in this hidden corner of the store, amidst the twinkling lights and oblivious shoppers.
But before he could act on his impulse, a woman with a giggling child approached, interrupting their moment. Ethan forced a smile, slipping back into his jolly Santa persona. Yet, beneath the surface, the embers of desire Derek had ignited continued to smolder, promising a night of unwrapping more than just Christmas presents.
As the day wore on, their stolen touches, disguised as playful interactions, became bolder, more deliberate. A brush of their hands in the toy aisle, a lingering hug amidst the wrapping paper chaos, each contact fueling the unspoken promise that awaited them under the cloak of darkness.
By the time the store closed, Ethan was a walking tinderbox of anticipation. The weight on his belly, once simply a product of indulgence, now felt charged with a different kind of meaning. It was a symbol of Derek's desire, a reminder of the forbidden pleasures that awaited them when the last shopper had left and the Christmas lights twinkled only for them.
And as they slipped out into the cool night air, hand in hand, their shared secret nestled beneath the folds of Santa's suit and the soft curve of Ethan's belly, Ethan knew this Christmas would be unforgettable, a celebration not just of holidays and family, but of a yearning that had found its unexpected, delicious fulfillment in the arms of a very appreciative elf.
With the arrival of their newborn, Sarah found herself drowning in diapers, spit-up, and a persistent feeling of overwhelming exhaustion. Ethan, bless his heart, tried to help, but between work and his newfound passion for late-night cookie sessions with Derek, his assistance often left more chaos in its wake.
That's when the idea struck Sarah. Derek, ever eager to please and strangely enamored with Ethan's "jolly" physique, was practically begging for a way to spend more time with them. "Why not have him move in for a while?" she suggested, half-jokingly, to Ethan.
To her surprise, Ethan's eyes lit up. Derek's presence, he argued, would not only be a boon to their sanity but also offer a built-in babysitter when they desperately needed a date night. Thus began the strange cohabitation of Sarah, Ethan, their newborn, and the increasingly captivated Derek.
One of Derek's assigned chores was laundry. As he sorted through overflowing baskets, his eyes widened comically when he encountered Ethan's underwear. They were behemoths compared to his own, practically flags proclaiming Ethan's newfound territory. A strange mix of awe and something else, something Derek couldn't quite name, swirled in his gut.
Seeing the fascination in Derek's eyes, Sarah, ever the pragmatist, hatched a plan. "Ethan," she declared, feigning concern, "you've put on quite a bit of weight. Maybe Derek can take you to the gym and whip you into shape?"
Ethan, secretly pleased with his growing belly and newfound strength, initially resisted. But Derek, eager to spend more time with him, proved persuasive.
At the gym, the tables turned. While Derek marveled at Ethan's effortless handling of weights that made him groan, Ethan himself reveled in his newfound strength. He embraced weight training, his focus shifting from shedding pounds to building muscle.
Under Derek's watchful eye (and perhaps fueled by protein shakes generously provided by his newfound gym buddy), Ethan's physique transformed. He still had his belly, a soft cushion atop his now broader, brawnier frame. But his arms bulged with impressive definition, and his chest boasted a formidable expanse. He looked like a hairy mountain man, a living embodiment of strength and unexpected softness.
Derek, unsurprisingly, found himself even more fascinated. The way Ethan's shirt strained across his chest, the way his belly jiggled slightly when he moved – it was like a constant visual feast. He found himself lingering near Ethan during workouts, stealing appreciative glances, and feeling a warmth ignite in his chest whenever Ethan brushed against him.
One evening, after a particularly intense workout, Sarah was out for the night. Ethan, sweaty and slightly breathless, stood before the mirror, flexing his newly sculpted biceps. A mischievous grin crossed Derek's face.
"Looking good, big man," he drawled, stepping closer. Ethan felt the heat radiating from Derek's body, his own breath catching in his throat.
"Feeling good," Ethan replied, his voice a low rumble. He couldn't ignore the spark of desire simmering in Derek's eyes, a reflection of the same yearning blossoming within himself.
As the silence stretched between them, charged with unspoken possibilities, Ethan knew their little "family arrangement" had taken an unexpected turn. The weight on his belly was no longer just a symbol of indulgence; it was a badge of strength, a catalyst for a blossoming connection he never anticipated, a forbidden desire waiting to be explored in the warm embrace of their makeshift holiday home, one rumbling growl and one appreciative touch at a time.
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guysgetbigger · 3 months
Sympathy Santa (1 of 12)
Part 1 of 12
The sun, a mischievous toddler peeping through gaps in the clouds, speared golden beams through the stained-glass windows, dappling the church pews. Sarah, radiant in white lace, beamed brighter than the stained-glass Christ. Her hand, adorned with a band of platinum etched with their names, nervously played with her bouquet, a riot of peonies and sunflowers. Ethan, broad-shouldered and handsome in a charcoal suit, stood beside her, the picture of stalwart contentment. This altar scene, a tableau of youthful beauty and promise, played out like a thousand wedding photos before them.
Yet, nestled beneath the folds of Sarah's pristine gown, a secret bloomed. A secret that thrummed with life, a tiny fist fluttering against her ribs. Five months of motherhood already etched lines of quiet wonder on her face, a secret language only Ethan, and maybe the mischievous sun god, could decipher.
The ceremony, a blur of vows whispered and tears dabbed, culminated in a kiss – not just any kiss, mind you, but a legendary Ethan-and-Sarah kiss. The kind that had once brought the high school bleachers to their feet, the kind that still caused goosebumps to rise on their arms, even after eight years. As their lips parted, a chorus of laughter erupted from the pews.
"Look at Ethan," Aunt Maggie cackled, wiping tears from her eyes, "He's getting sympathetic weight gain already!"
The teasing echoed through the reception hall, bouncing off crystal flutes and clattering forks. Ethan, the high school quarterback with a throwing arm legendary enough to earn him a college scholarship, now sported a paunch that rivaled Sarah's burgeoning baby bump. He chuckled, patting his stomach with mock self-pity.
"Gotta support my wife, body and soul," he winked at Sarah, who rolled her eyes but couldn't fight the smile pulling at her lips.
The truth, nestled between Ethan's ribs, wasn't quite as humorous. The stress of juggling his job, Sarah's pregnancy, and the looming arrival of their firstborn had carved little furrows in his brow and deposited unwelcome layers of fluff around his middle. Sarah, though understanding, had teased him gently, calling him "Preggo-Ethan" and suggesting maternity yoga pants.
But Ethan saw it differently. He saw it as a shared weight, a physical manifestation of the emotional burden they carried together. Every pound he gained felt like a silent pact, a whispered promise to be there for Sarah, every step of the way. He reveled in the shared jokes, the playful jabs that masked a deeper understanding.
And so, through the endless baby showers, the sleepless nights, and the tearful first kicks, Ethan wore his "pregnancy weight" with pride. It wasn't just fat, it was a badge of honor, a visible commitment to the tiny miracle growing within Sarah, and the even greater miracle, the unbreakable bond between them, that was about to blossom into parenthood.
As the last guests trickled out, leaving behind a confetti-strewn dance floor and the echo of well-wishes, Ethan drew Sarah close. He rested his hand on her belly, feeling the life beneath their joined palms.
"Preggo-Ethan and Preggo-Sarah," he whispered, his voice thick with love. "Ready to take on the world, one burp cloth at a time."
Sarah laughed, a sound as bright as the fading sun, and leaned into his embrace. Together, they waddled off into the sunset, two halves of a whole, pregnant with anticipation and overflowing with love, ready to face the joys and challenges of parenthood, side by side, belly bump to pregnant bump.
Six months in, "Preggo-Ethan" had become a permanent fixture in their lives. His once athletic frame now rivaled Sarah's in roundness, their bellies like twin moons orbiting a shared center of gravity. Their closet, once stacked with college football jerseys and cheerleader-esque crop tops, became a battlefield of discarded clothes. Ethan's old button-downs wouldn't budge past his chest, while Sarah's favorite sundresses hung forlornly in the back, taunting them with a bygone era of flat stomachs and unhindered bending.
The world took notice, of course. At work, Ethan endured good-natured ribbing from his colleagues, now seasoned parents themselves. "Baby on the way, Mitchell?" the CFO would boom, slapping his own slightly paunchy midsection in solidarity. Ethan laughed along, but a flicker of self-consciousness would always flit across his eyes.
Friends and family were less subtle. Aunt Maggie, her laugh as boisterous as ever, took perverse delight in announcing Ethan's "sympathy pregnancy" at every gathering. Uncle George, bless his heart, offered unprompted advice on stretch marks and hemorrhoids (which, much to Ethan's horror, Sarah later confirmed were a very real possibility).
The physical changes were equally comical and frustrating. Sarah, the one-time queen of high kicks, now shuffled around like a penguin, constantly battling the pull of gravity on her expanding bosom. Ethan, used to navigating tight end routes, frequently found himself wedged in doorways, his belly a stubborn battering ram. On more than one occasion, they'd collide in the kitchen, a symphony of groans and surprised yelps erupting as shirts rode up, exposing glimpses of plump, unexpected skin.
Yet, amidst the comical mishaps and unsolicited advice, a deeper shift was taking place. The weight, once a source of insecurity, became a shared language, a tangible symbol of their journey. As their bodies expanded, so did their hearts, the growing discomfort a constant reminder of the precious life they were nurturing.
One evening, sprawled on the couch after a particularly disastrous attempt at prenatal yoga, they lay belly-to-belly, their laughter punctuated by hiccups and groans. Ethan gently traced the map of stretch marks blooming on Sarah's skin, each line a testament to her strength and sacrifice.
"Look at us," Sarah chuckled, breathlessly. "Two beached whales waiting for low tide."
Ethan cupped her face, his eyes shimmering with love. "The most beautiful whales in the ocean," he murmured. "Carrying the most precious cargo."
In that moment, nestled between pillows and pizza crumbs, the weight felt less like a burden and more like a badge of honor. It was a shared war wound, a mark of their commitment, a visible reminder that they were in this together, every pound, every stretch mark, every comical fumble along the way.
The journey still stretched before them, a labyrinth of late-night feedings, diaper explosions, and sleepless nights. But they faced it with a newfound confidence, their bodies a testament to their shared vulnerability, their bellies a cradle not just for their child, but for their unwavering love and unwavering laughter. Because, in the end, they knew, it wasn't the pounds that mattered, but the hearts that beat beneath them, two halves of a whole, ready to weather the storm of parenthood, one hilarious belly bump at a time.
The crisp autumn air swirled with fallen leaves as Ethan and Sarah strolled hand-in-hand down the sidewalk, their laughter echoing through the streets. Halloween was upon them, and this year, they had decided to embrace their changing bodies with a touch of humor.
Ethan, once the picture of athletic prowess in his Superman costume the year before, now sported a round belly that rivaled Sarah's own pregnancy bump. Gone were the days of rippling abs and defined biceps; in their place, a softer, gentler physique that spoke of shared meals and growing anticipation.
Sarah, her once cheerleader-toned physique now blossoming with the promise of motherhood, wore a flowing maternity dress adorned with a giant oven mitt, her hair styled in playful buns that resembled rising dough. Ethan, his face alight with mock seriousness, sported a chef's hat and apron, his belly proudly displayed beneath a "Bun in the Oven" sign.
As they passed by a group of children trick-or-treating, their costumes elicited squeals of delight and wide-eyed wonder. Sarah, ever the nurturing soul, showered them with candy, while Ethan regaled them with tales of his "magical oven" that was about to bake the most delicious baby in the world.
Later that evening, at a Halloween party hosted by Ethan's colleagues, the jokes and good-natured ribbing flowed freely. One coworker, a burly man named Bob who had teased Ethan relentlessly about his transformation from Superman to "Mr. Mom," clapped him on the back and chuckled.
"You know, Ethan," Bob boomed, his voice thick with amusement, "you'd make a perfect Santa this year. You've got the belly for it, and that beard is coming in nicely."
Ethan, his cheeks flushing a rosy pink, laughed and scratched his chin self-consciously. The idea of being Santa had never crossed his mind, but the seed was planted.
The next day, Ethan found himself browsing the aisles of a costume shop, drawn to the jolly red suit and fluffy white beard that hung enticingly on a rack. He tried it on, the oversized garment engulfing him in a cloud of festive fabric. It was big, much bigger than he had anticipated, but the way it swaddled him in warmth and comfort, the way it made him feel like a benevolent giant, filled him with a strange sense of satisfaction.
In the weeks that followed, Ethan found himself drawn to the refrigerator with increasing frequency. The extra helpings of mashed potatoes, the late-night bowls of ice cream, the endless stream of cookies – they all seemed to call to him, whispering promises of comfort and satisfaction.
As his belly grew rounder, his beard grew thicker, and the Santa suit began to fit him perfectly. He reveled in the way his reflection in the mirror now resembled a jovial, hairy beach ball, a far cry from the lean, muscular Superman he once was.
One evening, Sarah, catching sight of him shirtless in the bathroom, raised an eyebrow in playful amusement.
"Ethan," she said, her voice laced with a hint of concern, "don't you think it's time we started thinking about losing some weight after the baby comes?"
Ethan, his gaze fixed on his reflection, smiled contentedly. He patted his belly, the gesture oddly comforting.
"Nah," he said, his voice rumbling like Santa's own. "I kind of like being big. It's warm, it's comfy, and besides, who wouldn't want to cuddle a giant teddy bear?"
Sarah, knowing the futility of arguing with a man in love with his own belly, simply shook her head and laughed. Perhaps, she thought, being Santa wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. After all, who could resist a Santa with a heart as big as his belly?
Sarah had barely settled into a comfortable rhythm of motherhood, the tiny bundle of joy named Thomas cradled in her arms, when the Christmas chaos began. Family descended upon their home, eager to meet the newest member of the clan.
Among the excited throng was Derek, Sarah's younger brother-in-law. Always the scrawny one in a family of broad-shouldered men, Derek had idolized Ethan since childhood. Now, as he stood gawking at his brother-in-law, his jaw hung slack in disbelief.
Ethan, oblivious to the shock he was causing, had shed his shirt in the warm confines of their living room, basking in the afterglow of a particularly satisfying burp from Thomas. His once taut physique had transformed into a softer, rounder version of itself. His belly, now a prominent beach ball adorned with a smattering of new stretch marks, rivaled Sarah's post-partum bump in size. His arms, though still strong, had thickened, and a full beard, flecked with a hint of gray, framed his face.
"Ethan," Derek finally stammered, his voice barely a whisper, "you've... changed."
The statement, though simple, hung heavy in the air, laden with unspoken implications. Ethan, however, remained blissfully unaware. He chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.
"Yeah, well, fatherhood does that to you," he boomed, patting his belly affectionately. "Extra padding for all those late-night feedings, you know?"
The room erupted in laughter, but Derek's gaze remained fixed on Ethan, a strange glint in his eyes. He saw, not the paunchy Santa Claus figure Ethan seemed so content to be, but a different Ethan, a bigger, bolder Ethan, whose newfound softness seemed to radiate an unexpected magnetism.
As the days wore on, Derek sought out Ethan's company more and more often. He'd linger beside him, stealing glances at his broad shoulders and the way his T-shirt stretched taut across his belly. He'd engage him in long, meandering conversations, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial hush whenever Ethan leaned in close.
Sarah, noticing the shift in her brother-in-law's behavior, felt a prickle of unease. Derek had always been close to Ethan, but this new intensity, the way his eyes lingered on Ethan's body, made her skin crawl.
One evening, after the rest of the family had retired for the night, Ethan and Derek sat by the fireplace, a half-empty bottle of whiskey between them. The firelight danced in their eyes, casting long shadows on the wall.
"You know," Derek said, his voice thick with emotion, "I always admired you, Ethan. You were everything I wanted to be – strong, confident, in control."
Ethan, warmed by the whiskey and the fire, simply nodded, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames.
"But now," Derek continued, his voice barely a whisper, "you're something more. You're softer, gentler, somehow... bigger."
He reached out, his hand hovering over Ethan's arm, then slowly tracing the curve of his bicep. The touch sent a jolt through Ethan, a mixture of surprise and arousal. He looked up to meet Derek's gaze, his heart pounding in his chest.
In that moment, amidst the warmth of the fire and the scent of pine needles, a new chapter began to unfold, a chapter filled with unexpected desires and forbidden connections. As the flames danced in their eyes, Ethan and Derek knew they had crossed a line, a line that would forever alter the course of their lives.
The weight gain had crept up on Ethan gradually, a byproduct of late-night feedings, endless cookie cravings, and an undeniable fondness for Sarah's gooey cinnamon rolls. He saw it as a badge of fatherhood, a sign of shared sacrifice and unspoken love between him and his wife. But lately, he couldn't ignore the way Derek, Sarah's younger brother-in-law, kept stealing glances at his belly, his eyes lingering with an intensity that made Ethan shift uncomfortably.
It started subtly – a brush of Derek's hand against Ethan's arm as they passed in the hallway, a lingering gaze on the way Ethan's t-shirt strained across his midsection. Then, the comments began. "Looking mighty jolly, Santa," Derek would chuckle, his eyes twinkling with an unnerving amusement. Or, "Seems like fatherhood agrees with you, Ethan. You've filled out nicely."
At first, Ethan brushed it off, attributing it to Derek's usual brand of teasing. But there was something different about this attention, a charged undercurrent that sent shivers down Ethan's spine. The way Derek's voice dropped an octave whenever he spoke about Ethan's "padding," the way his gaze lingered on the stretch marks that now crisscrossed Ethan's belly like silver lightning – it all felt... deliberate.
One evening, after a particularly stressful day with a fussy Thomas, Ethan found himself seeking solace in a glass of scotch. Derek, sensing his brother-in-law's mood, joined him, settling into the armchair opposite him. The fire crackled in the hearth, casting long shadows on the walls.
"You know," Derek began, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, "I've always been fascinated by things... different."
Ethan, his brow furrowed in confusion, swirled the amber liquid in his glass. "Different how?"
Derek leaned forward, his eyes locking with Ethan's. "Bigger," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "Stronger. Fuller."
A jolt of electricity shot through Ethan. He knew exactly what Derek was referring to. His gaze instinctively dropped to his belly, now prominent and bare beneath his unbuttoned shirt. Derek followed his gaze, his lips curling into a knowing smile.
"There's something primal about it, don't you think?" Derek continued, his voice husky. "The power, the raw masculinity..."
Ethan swallowed hard, his heart hammering against his ribs. He felt exposed, raw, under the scrutiny of Derek's gaze. In that moment, a truth he hadn't dared to acknowledge dawned on him. Derek wasn't just attracted to him; he was attracted to his transformation, to the softness and roundness that had replaced his once lean physique.
A strange mix of fear and arousal coursed through Ethan. He wasn't sure what to say, what to do. The lines between brotherly camaraderie and forbidden desire had blurred, leaving him teetering on the edge of an unexplored territory.
As the fire crackled and the shadows danced, the silence between them stretched, thick with unspoken possibilities. Ethan knew, with a sickening certainty, that his life, his relationship with Sarah, everything he held dear, was about to be irrevocably altered. The question was, would he step back, or would he succumb to the undeniable pull that Derek, and his belly fetish, had on him?
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guysgetbigger · 6 months
Owen the Farmhand: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The First Day on the Farm
The old farmhouse stood tall against the endless stretch of fields, its weathered planks and creaking roof whispering secrets of years long past. It was here that I, Owen, a slender 17-year-old boy of mere 5'6" and a hundred pounds, had come to work. The farmer, Mr. Thompson, towered over me at 6'0" and a strong, hefty 220 pounds. His size suited his role as the man in charge on the farm.
On my first day, Mr. Thompson couldn't help but jest at my small stature. "You're a bit on the scrawny side, aren't ya?" he chortled, his deep voice resonating across the yard. His son, Rick, 5'10" and 180 pounds, joined in the mockery. It was clear I was going to be the target of their jabs.
With every task, every moment of standing in crowded corridors with these larger folks, I felt increasingly out of place amidst the brawny laborers. My insecurities gnawed at me, but I was determined to prove myself. With each duty, I put my heart into it, hoping that one day I might be considered more than just the "small kid" on the farm.
The Thompsons fed me breakfast, lunch and dinner every day in their cozy kitchen. Mrs. Thompson, a kind and soft-spoken woman, prepared the meals with love and care. She was a keenly observant woman, well aware of the teasing I endured, and her empathy showed in the small, reassuring smiles she offered me.
Noticing how small I was and how much smaller I felt, Mrs. Thompson began sneaking something special into my meals. The flavor was subtle, a touch of something earthy and sweet that I couldn't quite place, and I didn't realize until much later that she was only sprinkling it into my plates. It wasn't just a unique flavor: the real magic lay in its effects. It made me hungrier, and with a few extra bites of Mrs. Thompson's cooking I could feel my body changing, gradually and imperceptibly feeling stronger and sturdier with every meal.
In the privacy of my room each night, I'd scrutinize my reflection in the dim candlelight. Every day, I seemed to gain a pound or two. My clothes became a bit snug, my muscles just a little more defined. I marveled at the subtle growth, feeling a swell of excitement and pride. I was becoming more than just the "small kid." My smooth skin was starting to gain some body hair, and I was gaining a nice shape to my pecs. I was finally starting to look like a man!
As the weeks passed, I started to notice new little milestones as Mrs Thompson tailored larger fits for me and I found myself not feeling quite as small around the others. The farmer and his son remained oblivious, too preoccupied with their own duties and preconceived ideas of how small I was to them. But I reveled in the small triumphs, feeling my insecurities melt away with every new pound I gained.
Not only was I adding pounds to my frame, I was also growing slightly taller every few days! This was thrilling to me, as I'd been waiting since middle school for a growth spurt to kick in. Whatever was happening to me, I was delighted and here for it.
One sunny morning, I stood next to Mr. Thompson while we inspected the crops. His broad shoulders loomed over me, but I couldn't help but notice that the gap between our heights had lessened. It was subtle, and I don't think he noticed, but it was progress. I held my head a little higher that day.
Rick, too, couldn't resist a sly grin when he saw me lifting a bale of hay with more ease than before. "Looks like the little man is finally becoming useful," he teased. I wondered if he noticed I wasn't so little any more. Our four inch gap had lessened, as I was probably standing at 5'8" now.
Unbeknownst to them, and with the silent support of Mrs. Thompson, I was slowly growing into my own. The transformation was quiet, almost unnoticeable, but it was happening. And with each subtle change, I took another step toward proving that I was a bigger than they realized.
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guysgetbigger · 7 months
Cody and Trevor (Ch 1)
Chapter 1: Unseen Desires
In the heart of the bustling city, where skyscrapers reached for the heavens and the neon lights painted the night, there existed an unassuming apartment building. Within its brick walls, on the third floor, lived two roommates named Cody and Trevor.
Cody, with his sandy blond hair and piercing blue eyes, had an athleticism about him that drew attention wherever he went. He stood at 5'9", the very picture of rugged handsomeness, always clad in jeans that hugged his muscular thighs and t-shirts that showed off his defined chest. His easygoing smile could disarm anyone, but he reserved a special one for Trevor.
Trevor, also 5'9", had a different kind of charm. His dark hair was always styled just right, and his green eyes held a hint of mystery. His athletic build was undeniable, and he often wore tight-fitting shirts that accentuated his toned physique. He had a friendly, charismatic demeanor, though a certain tension lingered when he was around Cody.
Their apartment was filled with an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull between them that neither dared to acknowledge. As Cody tossed a basketball between his hands, his gaze lingered a fraction too long on Trevor's sculpted arms as he fixed a snack in the kitchen. Trevor's eyes, hidden behind a book he was pretending to read, followed Cody's every move with equal fascination.
Little did they know that the world they inhabited held secrets beyond their wildest dreams. A world where supernatural forces thrived, and destinies intertwined in the most unexpected ways. The clock ticked away, counting down the moments until their hidden desires would come to light, changing their lives forever.
Chapter 2: Unseen Changes
As the days passed, Cody and Trevor's morning routine remained a constant. They would wake up early, groggily shuffling into the bathroom to prepare for the day ahead. The mirror above the sink reflected their athletic forms, side by side.
One crisp morning, Trevor glanced at his reflection, the steam from the hot shower swirling around him. He frowned, his fingers trailing over the fabric of his shirt. It clung tighter to his chest, showcasing muscles that seemed to have appeared overnight. Bewildered, he tugged at the shirt's collar, feeling the resistance.
Cody, toweling his hair dry nearby, noticed Trevor's puzzled expression in the mirror. He arched an eyebrow, mirroring Trevor's actions and tugging at his own shirt. His eyes widened as he observed the same phenomenon. The shirts that had fit them perfectly yesterday now hugged their expanding chests and broader shoulders.
"Hey, Trev, you notice this?" Cody muttered, his voice tinged with confusion.
Trevor nodded slowly, a mix of surprise and concern washing over him. "Yeah, something's... different."
Unbeknownst to them, the apartment they shared held secrets of its own. Mysterious energies pulsed through its walls, granting them newfound strength and height, altering their very beings.
Days turned into weeks, and the changes in Trevor became more pronounced. His height surpassed Cody's, and his once-athletic build had transformed into a statuesque physique. It was as if an unseen force was sculpting him into something more than human, something irresistible.
Cody couldn't help but watch in awe as Trevor grew more handsome with each passing day, his own attraction to his roommate deepening. Yet, neither of them could explain these otherworldly changes, nor could they foresee the tumultuous journey their lives were about to take.
Chapter 3: Unspoken Desires
The morning sun streamed through the bedroom window, casting a warm glow that seemed to amplify the tension between Cody and Trevor. They stood face to face, their eyes locked, each acutely aware of the subtle but undeniable shift in dynamics.
Cody couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity as he looked up at Trevor, who now towered over him. "Are you taller than me now?" he asked, a hint of playful competitiveness in his voice.
Trevor flashed a sly grin, his newfound height giving him an air of confidence. "Looks like it," he replied, his voice low and husky. It was a small victory that he couldn't help but enjoy.
As the room seemed to shrink around them, Cody's fascination with Trevor's transformation grew stronger. His eyes remained fixed on Trevor as he began to undress, the play of muscles beneath his skin captivating Cody's attention. Trevor's physique had evolved into a work of art, and Cody couldn't tear his gaze away.
The room was charged with unspoken desires, desires that had been buried deep within them for so long. The supernatural forces that had been at work in their lives had brought them to this moment, where their attraction for each other could no longer be denied.
Little did they know that these changes were only the beginning, and their journey into the paranormal world had just begun. The bond between them was growing stronger, and it was only a matter of time before they would be forced to confront the truth about their feelings and the mysterious forces that had brought them together.
Chapter 4: Unveiled Desires
The charged atmosphere between Cody and Trevor continued to simmer as the morning unfolded. Trevor, feeling the weight of his newfound height and muscularity, couldn't resist a sly request. "Hey, Cody," he said with a mischievous grin, "think you could give me a massage? I've been feeling a bit tense lately."
Cody, ever eager to please, readily agreed. "Sure thing, buddy," he replied, his heart racing at the thought of his hands on Trevor's sculpted body.
As Trevor lay face down on the bed, Cody straddled his friend, his strong hands kneading the tension from Trevor's broad shoulders. The physical contact sent shivers down Trevor's spine, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of desire. His body responded, and he was painfully aware of his growing arousal.
Embarrassment flushed Trevor's cheeks as he tried to conceal his reaction. Cody, however, was keenly observant, and he couldn't ignore the undeniable evidence of Trevor's arousal pressing against the mattress.
Cody's touch faltered for a moment as he noticed Trevor's growing desire. He cleared his throat, his own heart pounding. "Trev, are you...?" he began, but the words caught in his throat.
Trevor, mortified, tried to laugh it off. "Yeah, sorry about that. Must be the tension."
But Cody knew better. Something more than tension was at play here. The supernatural forces that had altered their bodies seemed to be affecting every aspect of their lives, including their deepest desires. And as their secrets unraveled, they would soon discover that their connection ran deeper than they could have ever imagined.
Chapter 5: Mysterious Transformations
The morning light filtered through the bedroom window, casting a warm, golden glow on Cody and Trevor as they stood side by side. The strange sensations they had experienced during their intimate moment the previous day still lingered in the air like a tantalizing secret.
As Cody's fingers grazed Trevor's skin during the massage, a tingling sensation had coursed through him, leaving him both curious and bewildered. Trevor, on the other hand, had felt an unexpected surge of power and masculinity flow into him, making him feel stronger and more virile than ever before.
Neither of them spoke of these sensations, choosing instead to keep their newfound awareness to themselves. However, the mysterious changes continued to unfold.
The next morning, Trevor was the first to notice something unusual as he stood before the bathroom mirror. He examined his reflection closely, running his hands over his chest, which was now adorned with a dusting of extra body hair. His muscles seemed to bulge more prominently, and he couldn't help but flex, admiring the newfound strength and definition. He had transformed into a living embodiment of masculinity, and it filled him with a strange sense of power.
"Want breakfast?" Trevor asked Cody, snapping out of his self-inspection. His heightened masculinity had also stirred an intense hunger within him.
Cody, still in the process of getting dressed, turned to face Trevor. His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. Trevor's once-athletic build had expanded into a formidable physique. "Damn boy, you're getting big!" Cody exclaimed, patting Trevor on the shoulder, which now felt more solid and substantial than ever.
Trevor smiled, appreciating Cody's compliment but feeling an odd sense of unease deep down. He had noticed that Cody seemed to be getting smaller, but he wasn't ready to voice his suspicions.
Cody, on the other hand, couldn't help but ignore the slight looseness in his clothes and the fact that he was now eye level with Trevor's shoulder. He chalked it up to an illusion, attributing it to the change in Trevor's physique.
Unbeknownst to both of them, the mysterious forces at play were gradually transferring Cody's size and strength to Trevor. The bond between them had taken on a supernatural dimension, and their lives were becoming entwined in ways they could never have imagined. As their transformations continued, they would soon be forced to confront the truth about their connection and the profound changes that were reshaping their bodies and desires.
Chapter 6: Appetite for More
As days turned into weeks, the peculiar transformations that had taken hold of Cody and Trevor only became more pronounced. Trevor's physical changes were undeniable, his body growing larger and more muscular with each passing day. He had become a paragon of masculine strength, and his newfound appetite seemed insatiable.
Cody, on the other hand, had become increasingly aware of his diminishing stature and strength. His clothes hung loosely on his frame, and he found himself feeling less hungry, less energetic, and less like the athletic powerhouse he had once been.
One morning, as they sat down to breakfast, the contrast between them was striking. Trevor piled his plate high with eggs, bacon, and toast, his powerful frame demanding a constant influx of fuel. He devoured his food with gusto, his appetite seemingly boundless.
Cody, however, picked at his food, his appetite waning as his body continued to shrink. He watched in amazement as Trevor ate, his mind swirling with questions about the strange changes they were experiencing.
"Trev," Cody finally ventured, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, "have you noticed how much you're eating lately? It's like you can't get enough."
Trevor paused mid-bite, his brow furrowing as he considered Cody's observation. "Yeah, it's weird," he admitted, his voice taking on a contemplative tone. "I can't stop myself. I'm always hungry, and the more I eat, the stronger I feel."
Cody's eyes narrowed as he made the connection. "And I've been feeling less hungry... and smaller," he confessed, finally acknowledging the unsettling truth.
Trevor's gaze met Cody's, and a sense of unease settled between them. The supernatural forces that had brought them together were not just reshaping their bodies; they were altering their very appetites and desires, creating a profound imbalance that neither of them fully understood.
As their journey into the paranormal world continued, Cody and Trevor would soon come to realize that their connection ran deeper than physical attraction. They were bound by forces beyond their control, and the mysteries surrounding their transformations were far from being unraveled.
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guysgetbigger · 1 year
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Handsome woodworker is posting thirst traps!
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guysgetbigger · 1 year
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He’s still growing! 😱
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110kg/243lbs - 150kg/331lbs - 153kg/337lbs - 158kg/348lbs
The bulk continues…
More Theodór
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