gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
                 Jade was someone that he’d come to call a friend on the island and was thankful for it. Slinging the cloth over his shoulder, he shook his head and moved to stand in front of her. “If you want a drink, you can work for it.” His hand gripped the cloth and pulled it off of himself, handing it to her and rounding back around the bar to count up the day’s takings. Really, he was finished with the tables, if anything needed wiping it would be the bar but hey-- even he wasn’t that dedicated to his job. He just wanted to see if she would actually do it. “Hey, d’you think that any food places’ll be open right now? I’m damn hungry.”
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          “BOO.” A faux pout worked it’s way onto Jade’s lips at Nate’s words but they didn’t stop the brunette from slipping into the bar and sliding onto an empty stool. She hadn’t ACTUALLY come for a drink– she had just popped by to see what Nate was up to and if he wanted to waste their remaining forty-five minutes of freedom with her, something that wasn’t uncommon.  “You won’t even make an exception for me? Some friend you are,” she scoffed, but a grin had broken out onto her lips and her tone had turned to one of playful teasing. 
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
                 Knowing that the other was already intoxicated caused a ripple of laughter to emerge. He had to admit that although he was partial to a couple beers here and there, Nate was the type who liked to remain in control of himself, only drinking one or two-- that slight niggle of fear that he might turn into the man he hates most always remaining. But he always got a kick out of people that were tipsy. “Hey!” He ‘snapped’ with a mock sense of warning, his grin giving away his true feeling. “Y’all need to appreciate country more, ain’t nothin’ wrong with a bit of Rascal Flatts. You rich city folk always with your dubstep-ing and deep house-ing.” Both genres were ones that he himself liked, but if he was going to point out the choice of music then he sure as hell was going to live up to the stereotype. Another laugh came from him as he rounded the bar to pick up his jacket and check over the last few things before he slipped the leather over his arms and flipped the lights off, shutting off the jukebox as he passed it and met the other male. “Ready to go?”
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sloan could hear the music blaring from outside as he walked past the bar on the corner. he should be heading home as curfew was close but instead he turned to walk towards the entrance. he had his hands in his pockets as he moved inside the door and saw nate moving around, finishing up the last minute cleaning as sloan had just done at the bar he works at. “i’m not here for a drink. i’ve had a few of those already.” sloan half smiled as he moved closer to sit at the bar, just keeping an eye on the other male. “is it really necessary to blast this terrible music, though?” of course sloan didn’t care what kind of music nate liked but sometimes it made his ears sting a little. country music wasn’t a thing on the upper east side of new york city. 
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
In all honesty, taking out the trash was one of Nate’s least favourite jobs to do. Sure, it had to be done and he wouldn’t complain doing it ( money is money at the end of the day ) but that didn’t mean that he enjoyed it. So, thankful that he had won the childish way of settling things, he shot his co-worker a cheeky wink as he continued to rub down the last couple tables. “Y’all can never tell here, might’ve been that guy with the lisp from earlier.” He teased as he slid the chairs up onto the table and made his way round the back of the bar to take off the nozzles and drop them into glasses of club soda. “Just this and then we can go, I think.”
There was something therapeutic about closing up for the night to him. A daily ritual that was easy to adhere to, reminded him that he was one step closer to being home and watching TV for the night. It was nice. Turning his head to the other as he noticed she was nearly finished counting the day’s earnings, he smiled a little wider. “So, what’re your plans for tonight? Other than sleeping, that is.”
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The entire day was full of annoyances and frustrations. And when closing time came around, all Austin wanted to do was run out of the building and get her ass home to snuggle in her bed with her cat, sip on a glass of wine and doze off. Her favorite closing time chore was to wipe down the  tables and chairs, but in the game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’, Austin lost and it was her duty to take out the trash; a chore she hated as the bar accumulated so many bags of trash. But she did it without complaining - she was getting paid for it after all. And as the supervisor bartender, Austin knew she needed to do her job. 
Walking back into the building, Austin looked up to Nate as he spoke. Raising her brow, the woman couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. “It’s just me, Nate,” Austin informed him, closing the door behind her. Walking over to the counter, Austin began sifting through the money in the register, counting the change to ensure no one had stolen money from the register. “Almost done?”
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
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name:  Nathaniel Markus Winters. age:  Twenty-four. height:  5′9″. eye solor: Blue (heterochromia.) hair solor:  Blond. sexual orientation:   Biromantic bisexual with a preference for men. species:  Human. nationality:  American with English ancestry. positive weaknesses (like tickling or cuddling):  Lazy afternoons. allergies:  Peanuts. fears:  Heights and needles. how sickly they are:  Prone to colds. how often do they hurt themselves:  Does falling up the stairs count? relationship status:  Single.
Introduce your muse!
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
► Name ➔ Nathaniel Markus Winters. ► Are you single ➔ Yes. ► Are you happy ➔ Relatively. ► Are you angry? ➔ No. ► Are your parents still married ➔ laugh track.mp3
► ‘Birth’ Place ➔ Muniz, TX. ► Hair Color ➔ Blond. ► Eye Color ➔ Blue ( heterochromia. )  ► Birthday ➔ May 14th. ► Gender ➔ Male. ► Summer or winter ➔ Summer. ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Morning.
► Are you in love ➔ No. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Not exactly. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Never had one. ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Nope. ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Not really. ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Once or twice. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Not that I know of. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Nope.
► Love or lust ➔ Love. ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea. ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs. ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends. ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Romantic night in. ► Day or night ➔ Night.
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Yes. ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ More than I’d care to admit. ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Why do you think I’m on this damn island?
► Do you and your family get along  ➔ Not in the slightest. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ I’m sure anyone here would say that. ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ No, as much as I wanted to. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ No, as much as I wanted to.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No. ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ I’d say so. ► Who is your best friend ➔ I’m not sure. ► Who knows everything about you ➔ No one here.
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
                 CLOSING TIME. Probably the best part of the day, winding down and wiping the tables after a long day’s work. No one was in the bar, just Nate and his choice of music blaring from the jukebox ( Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most ) as he wiped tables and turned chairs up onto them. The vacuuming was done, things were looking good for an easy time until he heard the sound of the door opening. Head moving upwards, blond hair fell either side of his face to frame his cheeks as his award winning smile pushed onto his lips. “Sorry, darlin’, closed for the night.” Curfew wasn’t something that he broke regularly, he liked to be home for ten. It wasn’t like he was cutting it close, forty five minutes was more than enough time for him to head him with no trouble. 
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gustofwinter-blog · 8 years
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