gusdefrog · 3 days
As someone that has grown up surrounded by beaches and done surf life saving, I know how the sea works. Lots of people dont. Every summer multiple tourists die here because they don’t respect the sea, if you’re going to the coast, here’s a thing I saw on Facebook.
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gusdefrog · 6 days
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twitter/ insta/ store
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gusdefrog · 7 days
I know this image is just an artistic rendering, but was Chicxulub even close to being that big?
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YES, ABSOLUTELY. if anything, that paleoart UNDERSTATES it!
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the Chicxulub Impactor was about six miles wide, meaning that when its bottom edge slammed into the atlantic ocean at roughly 20 km/s, its top edge was still in the upper atmosphere.
(infographic cadged from Kurzgesagt)
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gusdefrog · 8 days
I have no idea why my impression is that this butterfly is wearing a kilt.
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Godman's Sarota Metalmark (Sarota myrtea), family Riodinidae, Costa Rica
photograph by José Alberto Cubero Guevara
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gusdefrog · 8 days
Okay... so apparently I'm old. The Tom Swift Jr. Series maybe, or the Rick Brandt Series, or The Secret Garden, or when I met the Pern novels with Dragonsong. I didn't read of the Hobbit or Narnia until a bit later.
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gusdefrog · 8 days
I got art block what should I do
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gusdefrog · 9 days
I'm trying to sleep and the bugs outside are buzzing at a certain cluster of wavelengths that reads to my brain as a human voice and whenever I let my focus shift it jumps to trying to hear what the gnat king has to say
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gusdefrog · 9 days
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by nuqui_herping
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gusdefrog · 12 days
Omg. This is the way I've always wanted to tree my room and haven't. I post to save the marvel.
Arte alucinante
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gusdefrog · 12 days
Frogs eat insects, right? And sometimes other invertebrates, and maybe little vertebrates like tiny fish or tadpoles or smaller frogs. But this is one of those neat cases where you have a total departure from what's expected.
While Xenohyla truncata (aka "Izecksohn's Brazilian tree frog") does eat some invertebrate prey, it also deliberately seeks out fruit. Given that it lives high in the canopy of the rain forest amid bromeliads, it's not out of the realm of possibility that this started out as supplementing a normal frog diet with high-calorie fruit in tough times, and evolution favored those that were able to make better nutritional use of this opportunity.
It reminds me of the (mostly) vegetarian spider Bagheera kiplingi, and how primarily herbivorous ungulates like horses and deer will opportunistically eat baby birds or gnaw on carrion and bones. While we can make generalizations about the dietary habits of certain groups of animals, there are exceptions to every rule. And I personally find the existence of these unique outliers to be part of what makes the natural world so utterly fascinating--no matter how much we learn, there are always more surprises to discover.
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gusdefrog · 12 days
It's important to me that everyone understands that if you've got an autistic friend who periodically sends you pictures/videos/whatever of your Thing, because they know you're into it... They love you.
Now don't get me wrong, It may not necessarily be romantic love, they might not want to run off to a little farm in Montana where you'll be married forever and raise little sheeps...
But they definitely love you. And they're so happy when they spot a post about X and go "ooh, my friend likes X! I'll send it to them!".
Because they love you and want you to be happy.
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gusdefrog · 14 days
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gusdefrog · 14 days
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Fun fact of the day
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gusdefrog · 14 days
a raven father (i call him "pants") I've been feeding sometimes likes to sit outside my window and either wait for more food or just listen to the stuff I'm watching while I draw. Today's a colder day so he likes to fluff up a bit, and I kid you not :
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this is an accurate representation of my view
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gusdefrog · 20 days
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CDC Wastewater Viral Activity Monitoring
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gusdefrog · 21 days
Q+A from library visit where I read my comic about a skeleton that plays the fiddle
Kid: Is this fiction?
Me: Yeah
Kid: I kinda thought so
Me: Oh really? Why?
Kid: Because skeletons aren't real
Me: Skeletons are real. You have one!
Kid, jumping up out of his seat: Yeah but they don't move around!!
Me: Your skeleton's moving around right now!
Kid, yelling: THAT'S!! DIFFERENT!!!
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gusdefrog · 23 days
Adds all the music.
internet friends are kinda like illegally downloaded friends. you don’t get the physical copy but you still get all the great content
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