gruporegious · 3 years
Quality packaging and boxes to carry your products
Never underestimate the impact of custom packaging and boxes, especially if you are in e-commerce. While it may seem expensive for a small business budget, a premium box with an entire marketing campaign is a smart investment and if you know how to handle the market you could get very good prices. The packaging of your articles will help convince a customer to choose your brand over others.
The design of the packaging and boxes of your products will distinguish your brand even if you sell through Mercado Libre or Amazon, they will not be able to overshadow the power of your brand. A study by Forbes magazine pointed out that 89% of consumers are more likely to buy products from Amazon than other e-commerce sites, which is why you need to find new ways to connect with customers who prefer to buy in these types of stores online.
Who doesn't love opening packages? (especially if they are gifts) even though we already know what product we are going to receive after buying a product online. This is why custom packaging and boxes is a staple to the customer experience, but is generally overlooked as many don't consider it important, big mistake.
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You need custom packaging and boxes for your online store!
Improve customer experience
Believe it or not, many people look for video product reviews to see the packaging and boxes of the products and finish convincing themselves, and even if that is not their search intention, when they see a custom packaging with a good design and excellent quality printing, you are sure to convince.
Consumers love product boxes because it does have a good print quality, they will surely save and reuse it for something else, or simply keep it collectible. This will add to the overall customer experience they have with your company.
Let's be honest, no one wants to receive their product brand new and in a boring paper bag. By shipping your merchandise in a high-quality custom box, you are contributing to the overall customer experience a buyer has with your brand. The result? Loyalty, the ability to create a loyal customer base and increase profits.
Increase brand recognition
Brand awareness and recognition are a key part of your marketing strategy (or should be), no matter you have a small or large business. There's a reason well-known companies like Intel or Red Bull spend so much money each year on brand recognition is to make sure they are on the minds of consumers.
By designing unique packaging and boxes that stand out from industry competitors, you will ensure that your brand is recognized by everyone. This will lead consumers to search for your brand online and it is very possible that they will buy your products.
Share on social networks
By giving your customers a personalized box for their product, you will not only increase the likelihood that they want to share their purchase satisfaction with other audiences on social media, but you will also give potential buyers the impression that your brand and its products They are of high quality.
Remember that the first impression is what counts, according to a BigCommerce study, 23% of online shoppers are influenced by recommendations they see on social networks and, fortunately for your company, social network users love to share the products they buy on their social feeds.
You can also ask your customers to leave a review or share images of the products they have purchased on social media with a specific hashtag; This could be part of a competition where they have a chance to win something in return.
Safe and secure product when shipped
Shipping products safely is not as easy as it sounds, and one of the most challenging aspects of order fulfillment for your business will be ensuring that all of your merchandise arrives at the customer's doorstep without any damage.
Damaged and broken products will end up being returned by the customer, wasting the time and money of customizing your packaging and boxes because no matter how beautiful they look, if the product is not in good condition, that will take a back seat.
Custom packaging will help ensure you choose the correct size box to keep your product safe, while reducing any internal packaging you need for additional protection (such as bubble wrap).
If you want to take your company to another level with printing and digital printing, Grupo Regio is your best option. We are a company with 27 years of experience dedicated to printing and we are committed to meeting the quality standards you need to achieve your business objectives. Contact us!
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gruporegious · 3 years
Food & Beverage Packaging
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food, drinks, packaging and boxes sector, along with tourism and entertainment, have been among the most affected and the recovery time is uncertain in the current situation. At the same time, the purchasing processes in the restaurant industry have undergone great changes with the rise of online sales platforms with their rapid shipments to the customer and offering a greater reach but forcing the restaurateur to sacrifice a large part of the utility among these new intermediaries.
This is why we have seen a change in business schemes such as “dark kitchens”, kitchens enabled to provide 100% home services, thereby reducing fixed costs such as rents, labor and operation, compared to the conventional schemes. However, a totally different turn is entered that entails other types of expenses to be structured: platform commission (ranging from 25% to 35%), more online advertising to publicize the product or service and make the market feel identified with the brand on the platforms (since few people experience a brand without having heard it before); and the development of internal home service to guarantee quality of service and improve the profitability of sales.
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gruporegious · 3 years
Our International projection
For 29 years we have been one of the most important printing service in Miami and the Mexican southwest.
We started from May 1, 1991 in Cancun, Quintana Roo.
Hand in hand with the hotel industry, the most important pillar of the state and the main client of our services, over the years Grupo Regio has increased its demand for Offset, Digital, Large Format and Signage Printing, it has the system service Storage and Logistics for distribution.
Thanks to our consolidated relationship with the hotel industry, Grupo Regio has expanded its operations in two more cities, thus opening the doors to different clients in the international market:
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gruporegious · 3 years
The Chain of Custody provides information on the path traveled by the products from the forest to the consumer, including all its industrial stages, from the felling of the wood, its transformation into a product, its manufacture and distribution until it reaches the supply channel.
Acquiring an FSC® certification allows companies to place an FSC® label that guarantees the origin of the products they distribute or sell to end consumers.
Read on and learn more about FSC certification, packaging.
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