grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 140 - Predator
The three highborn women of Team Azula trudged after Silah and their young friend with their paranoid eyes never leaving the woman's back.
Zoi stared on out of the corner of her eye at Jaran's lifeless face with a visible flicker of rage in her eyes.
And it wasn't just that the monster stole her glory.
It truly revolted her to witness such a powerful warrior be reduced…
To being nothing more than this demented woman's doll!
Ty Lee walked with her unnerved brown-gray eyes trying not to look at the warrior king eerily striding like a protective sentinel behind his twisted master.
As Azula strode behind her handmaid with her callous amber golden eyes glaring from over the girl's small shoulder at her enemy.
Her gaze shifted over the puppet once again with her brilliant gaze expressing a sliver of frustration.
'Where are the cables? Is it possible…that she can control him without them?' Azula thought with her burning gaze staring back at the man's lifeless face in analyzation.
Only for her icy eyes to burn with even greater fury when the woman turned to gaze at her from over her shoulder.
Silah gazed back at the face of the glaring princess with a conceited smirk still adorning her lips.
And throughout it all Azula's cold amber golden eyes stared furiously back at her with fire nearly spewing from her pursed lips.
Zoi still glared on from where she walked beside her leader with her own golden eyes expressing a similar frustration.
"What's wrong Azula? Can't figure out how he operates?" Silah asked in a sickeningly taunting voice as she smiled darkly back at the princess's hateful glaring face.
And that was all it took for the two firebenders to stare on with a spark of a helpless rage in their eyes.
The meaning of the taunt was loud and clear.
There was more to the puppeteer's operation than just simple cables!
Only for the hunter to let out another soft chuckle as she reveled in their helplessness before she turned to stride ahead once more.
Azula and Zoi were left standing with their eyes glaring at the woman's back.
Ty Lee swallowed in unease.
As she shivered while watching the lifeless man walk so rigidly after the monstrous woman.
Until the trio was forced to resume their walk not even a second later when their young friend continued to nervously follow after the woman.
Elle padded along with her fearful amber eyes gazing up at Jaran's expressionless face.
Only for a chill to shoot down her spine when she found herself gazing up into lifeless light green eyes.
As Jaran strode perpetually in silence like a machine behind the woman in perfect sync with her.
Almost as if…he moved with her mind alone!
"Y-you know how creepy that corpse doll is right?" Elle questioned in a rightfully shaken voice as her highborn friends followed over her shoulders.
The three Fire Nation women stared out from behind the girl with ever present vigilance in their defensive eyes.
Only for Silah to pause in her step as she turned to smile over her shoulder at the young girl's trembling face.
And that was all it took for the glares of Team Azula to intensify as the woman smiled down at their innocent friend's unnerved countenance.
"Y-yeah. You know." Elle muttered with a bead of sweat making its way down her cheek as she averted her eyes from the woman's haunting gaze.
And even though she was completely and utterly terrified of her.
And quite frankly trying her hardest not to wet herself in her presence.
Even though she knew that the woman was unrepentantly evil.
She couldn't help but feel deeply saddened by the immeasurable loneliness that she could feel radiating from her very being.
It was a loneliness that surpassed that of even Naoki and Katsu.
And she realized that was what made her different from her brother.
Deep down inside…this woman was unspeakably lonely.
Her sorrowful amber eyes glanced down at the ground as she resumed her walk while she listened to the sound of her friend's footfalls sticking closely behind her.
Zoi's watchful golden eyes stared piercingly back at the pale woman's smirking face as she walked with her silver hair flowing freely behind her.
"You keep your eyes off her or I'll cut them out." Zoi stated in a frighteningly protective voice with her scarily focused warrior gaze remaining on her enemy's chuckling visage.
As Elle trembled in appreciation as she trudged forward with Azula looming over her from the other direction.
Azula stared on with her amber golden eyes expressing a possessively violent glare.
And so, it went as Elle padded ahead with Zoi hovering on one side of her almost like a vigilant mother.
And Azula towering over her petite frame on her left.
And Ty Lee walking directly behind her with her intimidated yet guarding brown-gray eyes watching the woman's every move.
All three women stared around closely as they observed that Silah was heading into the streets of Hari Bulkan towards the path to the overlooking peaks above.
"I…I am not going to lie to you Silah. You…scare the life out of me. You…you remind me of this horror movie I once saw called Tourist Trap…come to life." Elle commented in a disquieted voice as she walked with her amber eyes gazing ahead anxiously.
Azula resisted the urge to slap a hand over her forehead over the girl's foolish mistake of admitting openly that she feared the woman.
And just like that the three women could only gaze on with wary expressions in their eyes when the woman's almost too perfect looking face turned to gaze back at the girl once more.
And if they didn't know any better.
The woman's eyes almost looked pleased with what she had just been told!
And yet…there was a flicker of curiosity in the woman's dark green eyes that had not been there a moment prior.
"A movie? What…is a movie?" Silah inquired with a sliver of inquisitiveness breaking through her detached voice while she ignored the glares of Team Azula.
Only for the three highborn women to gaze at their young friend in surprise when her eyes momentarily brightened at the chance to talk of her pleasures from back home.
"O-oh! You…see a movie is a series of moving pictures that tell a story visually and audibly…with actors and actresses…almost like a play. But…you don't watch it live. It's prerecorded ahead of time…and you watch it from the comfort of your house through what we call a television set." Elle explained in a timid voice as the puppeteer listened with a look of captivation in her astounded eyes.
And even though the three highborn women had heard their friend talk of such things before.
They too couldn't help but listen with their eyes momentarily gazing at the girl in similar fascination.
Only for the princess to roll her amber golden eyes as she waved an annoyed hand before her scowling face.
"Now is not the time for you to go on about your peasant trifles." Azula scolded in a harsh voice with her cold eyes gazing down at her girlfriend's small quivering back.
Just before Ty Lee recoiled in fright when Silah abruptly whirled around to stare menacingly back in the princess's direction.
And even though Zoi would never admit it out loud.
Even she was stunned by the sheer killing instinct in the woman's gaze over such a casual topic.
"Shut your mouth Azula. You are in no position to dictate orders in my presence. If I wish to learn more about…these movies then I will learn about these movies. You are not my superior. You are my inferior. Test my patience again and we'll resume where we left off with me causing a volcanic eruption that will swallow this entire city whole." Silah ordered in a spine-chilling voice as she gazed piercingly back into the princess's outraged amber golden eyes.
Azula ground her lips together as she looked as if her amber golden eyes were about to burst from her head.
And Ty Lee had frozen in her tracks in horror as she now realized what the shaking was that she had felt earlier!
Even Zoi gazed on with marginally widened golden eyes as she glared back at the puppeteer in rage.
While poor Elle paled as she audibly gulped only to find herself breathing a sigh of relief when the hunter's eyes visibly calmed.
"And unlike you pampered aristocrats…some people here have an enlightened appreciation for the finer arts. I realize that artwork and individuality isn't highly regarded in your…vapid culture of indoctrination. But please…do be silent." Silah remarked in a voice of complete disrespect as she turned her sneering eyes away from the princess's now infuriated face.
And then she turned to gaze back down at the young girl's intimidated face with a smile returning to her lips.
Ty Lee futilely attempted to set her hand on the princess's shoulder plate.
As the princess's amber golden eyes conveyed a rare disruption from her usual perfect emotionless demeanor.
And Zoi for her part was gazing back at the puppeteer with a flicker of bewilderment in her eyes.
She would have never expected a woman whose entire power revolves around controlling the bodies of others to care so much about individuality.
"Sorry about that child. Now…about those movies." Silah commanded in a softly overpowering voice as her dark green eyes expressed delight over having wrestled control from the seething princess.
And despite the three highborn women's anger they couldn't help but gaze on in surprise to hear the woman apologize to the girl.
"W-well…this one…was a horror film." Elle answered in an even meeker voice than before as Silah's almost otherworldly eyes reflected a pensive gleam.
"A…horror film. Tell me…what it was about." Silah urged in a voice of yearning as she stared back at the girl's amusedly sensitive face.
Azula still looked as if she were struggling not to fire lightning at the woman on the spot for daring to order her in her own city.
As Zoi and Ty Lee never stopped staring back at the immortal woman with guarded gazes in their eyes.
"I-it…was about a man…named Mr. Slausen…" Elle trailed off in an overwhelmed voice as the beautifully tall woman chuckled down at her.
This woman…
She was quite possibly even more terrifying than Reiko and that man Nero!
Perhaps even scarier than Felix as well!
"That's not giving me much to go on. You're going to have to be…a little more illustrative than that." Silah commented in a voice of eerie poise as she smiled back at the young girl's fearfully nodding face.
All three highborn women still glared daggers back at her.
"H-he…well…he lured…people off the road to his property…where he m-murdered them with his telekinetic powers that he used to control…." Elle responded in an apprehensive voice as her amber eyes avoided gazing back into the woman's suddenly intrigued eyes.
Team Azula listened with a sense of morbidity in their eyes.
As they finally began to make the connection why the woman reminded their friend of this 'Mr. Slausen'.
"His…his puppets…h-his mannequins and then after he…killed them…they…they became mannequins." Elle admitted in a shaken voice as the hunter halted in her step with her eyes widening in understanding.
The highborn women froze up with their gazes reflecting a disturbed expression as they now understood what the girl was getting at.
"Ah. How fascinating…so he was a fellow artist…" Silah stated in a voice of genuine regard for puppetry as artwork.
The Fire Nation women stared back at the woman with incredulous expressions in their eyes.
"W-well…I don't know about that. He seemed…uh like he was much less sophisticated than you. He…was prone to blind fits of rage and he had split personality disorder. I…don't think he really saw it as artwork." Elle muttered in a skittish voice as she walked with her princess scoffing over her shoulder.
The two noblewomen just gazed back at the woman's pale sunlit face with even more of an unnerved gaze than before.
It was also plainly apparent that the Elle was treading carefully to avoid saying anything that would offend the woman and provoke her into as similar state of rage.
"Hm. So…he was a simpleton. But still…he was creating artwork…even if he was too stupid to realize it." Silah replied in a voice of serious reflection as she eyed the girl in fascination.
"I…I suppose you could say that. It's…implied that his descent into madness began when his wife…cheated on him with his brother. He…uh murdered them in his rage…. he was immediately overcome with remorse…so he remade them into his mannequins. And that's…what led him to start killing people who came to his house." Elle spoke in a mousy voice as she gazed nervously up at the woman's captivated face.
Silah listened with her predatory eyes almost seeming to relax as she held a gloved hand underneath her chin.
As Team Azula stared back at the woman with stunned expressions in their eyes over the way that she almost seemed…
Soothed by their young friend talking.
The princess stared back at the woman's pale face with pitiless amber golden eyes before she glanced down at her girlfriend in contemplation.
As she found herself recalling words that the girl had once spoken to her…back when they first met.
 Mhm, you know I once aspired to study psychology…either that or become a professional artist.
 Ever since I was little, I've found myself inevitably drawn to the darkness…I have the ability to empathize with the sort of people that…most people consider immoral…or bad.
'Is she…actually trying to empathize with this…monster?' Azula thought with her callous amber golden eyes incredulously studying the girl's face as the handmaid chewed on her lip.
Only for her eyes to express even greater aggravation when she realized that she was!
As Zoi and Ty Lee stood gazing on in a strange sense of bewilderment as they too caught on to what their adopted sister was trying to do.
And suffice to say…
They weren't certain if they should label it brilliant or suicidal!
"He…he…was also…very lonely. Not that I'm saying that you're lonely!" Elle blurted out in a hastened voice with an awkward smile on her face while Silah arched a silken brow.
Team Azula observed in unease as an unreadable glimmer of something appeared in the woman's dark green eyes.
"Tell me…how…the story ends." Silah instructed in a voice of abnormal fixation as she stared back at the young girl in profound contemplation.
"H-his final victim killed him. But she…was driven insane…because he turned…all of her friends into mannequins." Elle concluded in an apprehensive voice as she scratched at her cheek while her three friends listened in horror behind her.
And that was all it took for an unsettling wind to sweep through the air as they gazed back at Silah's almost excited face.
'Elle! Do not give her ideas!' Ty Lee thought with terror like no other in her eyes while Silah's lips curled into another one of her monstrous smirks.
Before the immortal woman turned to smile back at the two unusually disturbed firebenders with her dark green eyes simply gleaming in delight.
"So, he lost the hunt but his final victim was left scarred for life by his actions…. how poetic…it's almost…too beautiful for words." Silah stated in a tone of heavy absorption as both warriors' eyes narrowed into slits back at her.
The three highborn women could only gaze on with stares of unnatural astonishment in their repulsed eyes.
"I…I guess that's one way of looking at it…I…found it more depressing than poetic…but everyone has their own opinion." Elle answered in a timorous voice as she gulped while she sensed the way that Azula was glaring down at the back of her head.
"I wonder…Azula…is that how our story is going to end?" Silah pondered in an unnervingly predatory voice as she stared back at the Azula’s scowling face with her pale lips still adorning a smile.
Team Azula stood rooted to their spots with their stunned gazes unable to leave the hunter's smirking face.
"After I kill you…and Zoi…and Ty Lee….and Mai…and everyone else close to you. After I've remade you all into my puppets. Will she kill me in retribution? Will she be left broken by the power of my hunt?" Silah questioned in a disturbingly engrossed voice with a smirk gracing her lips.
And that was all that was needed for the horror in the air to increase by tenfold!
As the highborn women gazed back at their depraved enemy almost in a sense of disbelief over how deep her depravity ran.
Even two women as ruthless as Zoi and Azula were floored by the gravity of the woman's statement.
And just like that Azula stepped forward to loom over Elle's quivering form with her tyrannical amber golden eyes taking on a stare of equal monstrosity.
"Y-you…really want to turn…my friends into puppets…." Elle stammered with her amber eyes reflecting a look of unimaginable torment over the prospect over losing her adoptive family.
Much less in such a terrifying manner!
Silah just smiled as she stared back at the enraged faces of the three highborn women.
"That is not going to happen. Our story will have a much different end. One that will end in you screaming in agony at my hands." Azula hissed in a voice of expert frightening authority as she glared venomously back at Silah's chuckling face.
Zoi glowered in agreement as she too towered over her adopted sister's unnerved small frame with her muscular arms crossed over her breasts.
"I must agree with the princess. Our tale won't end in anyway with you traumatizing young Elle any more than she already has been." Zoi stated with unmistakable wrath in her voice as she bared her teeth imposingly while the young girl shook in appreciation.
And even the unsettled Ty Lee managed to narrow her eyes into a determined stare once more.
Silah tilted her head back with a chillingly entertained smirk gracing her pale lips.
"I suppose we'll just have to see, won't we? It has been a long two hundred and one years. Who knows what will happen? Although I feel it is only fair to warn you sweetie…" Silah trailed off in a voice of palpable menace as she stared back into the faces of the three highborn women.
Azula's amber golden eyes burned with royal wrath over being addressed by the disgusting woman as 'sweetie'.
"My body…has no need for sleep." Silah revealed in a voice of absolute sadistic glee as she watched in joy as Azula's proud amber golden eyes tried not to widen in disbelief.
Zoi's golden eyes flickered too with shock at the claim.
And Ty Lee felt as if her very spirit was leaving her body.
"I also don't require food or water…and that means that my perfect body has long since rendered the need to eliminate waste of any kind as obsolete." Silah explained in a voice of maximum cruelty as the four members of Team Azula listened in shock.
She savored the way that the two firebenders were trying to act as if they were unbothered by her words.
And not a second later both Azula and Zoi watched in alarm when the woman abruptly sprang forward with terrifying agility!
Just as blue firebending sprayed forth into the air in unison with that of the captain's own.
Only for both firebenders to skid back in urgency with the handmaid now being pulled back under the captain's protective grip.
Until Azula found herself staring beyond her blue flames with her amber golden eyes agape in a foreign sense of disbelief.
Silah now stood before her with her gloved hand resting on her plated shoulder as she smiled back at her.
And Ty Lee found that she was still unable to will her body to move in the face of such a terrifying adversary.
"When your eyes get heavy…and you feel the need to hit that luxurious royal bed of yours…as you drift off into dreamland. I want you girls to remember…that I run at full capacity around the clock." Silah boasted in a joyfully sinister voice as she leaned in to grin perversely back into Azula's pridefully disbelieving face.
And within seconds…that feeling of being prey that the three highborn women had felt had amplified by many levels!
Just as Azula swatted the woman off her with a furious fist as she glared back at Silah's smirking face with her cold eyes flashing in paranoia.
"Y-you…mean you don't sleep at all?" Ty Lee asked in a weakly protesting voice as Silah smiled back at her.
"O-oh my…" Elle stuttered lamely with her petite hand still in Zoi's own as the warrior gazed back at the killer in incredulity.
"And yet…you still ran from our last encounter and as I recall Mava stated that you would have died had you remained in her barrier." Azula stated with her teeth baring like a dragon's fangs as the puppeteer chuckled as she ran a gloved hand through her hair.
"Which means…that it must be possible for you to die." Zoi snarled with her teeth clenched in similar unease as the serial killer laughed softly yet again.
"Perhaps I can…perhaps I can't. I guess you dragons will have to try to decipher that mystery out for yourselves. Just as Jaran and so many others have tried before." Silah purred with her gloved fingers trailing through her hair as the two firebenders stared in loathing back at her.
She smirked back at the two proud women with her warrior king standing behind her once more.
Before she turned away with another chuckle as she resumed her walk while the four members of Team Azula gazed after her in an unsettled silence.
And now the three highborn women understood more than ever the horror that the unfortunate warrior Earth King had encountered when he ran into her on that fateful day nearly eleven years ago!
And with that Azula began to stomp ahead with her merciless amber golden eyes never leaving the woman's back.
While she vowed to make use of each and every moment that she spent in the vile woman's presence to uncover every detail that she could!
And then Zoi began to walk with the taken aback handmaid's hand in her own as her golden eyes never ceased in displaying an almost vigilant maternal gleam.
And Ty Lee could only stumble after her companions as if her feet were moving on their own accord.
Her terrified brown-gray eyes never once broke away from gazing after the horrifying woman.
And seconds later the unnerved team began to make their way into a street of the city.
As they just barely registered the sight of many nobles stopping what they were doing to bow down before the princess as she passed them by.
They could barely find it within them to even so much as process the presence of the growing crowd around them.
Many nobles gazed back at the seemingly foreign Earth Kingdom woman and man walking with their princess and her group.
Their one and only focus was the terrifying enemy walking before them as they continued to follow towards the pathway up a caldera peak.
Until the team suddenly found themselves halting in their footsteps when they were swiftly snapped turn out of their unnerved reverie.
"Watch where you're going you dirty Earth Kingdom…." A noblewoman started to rant as she was bumped aside by the marching woman in a green Earth Kingdom kimono.
Only to find herself falling silent with her eyes shaking in unspeakable terror when the dark green eyes of a horrific monster fell upon her.
Azula now glared over her armored shoulder with aggravation in her cold amber golden eyes as her lips still curled into a furious glower.
It was just as she suspected!
The more this monster strutted about their city the image of the powerful Fire Nation elite started to crack!
As Zoi, Ty Lee, and Elle stopped as they gazed out of the corner of their eyes at Silah's face.
As the woman turned to gaze at an almost unnatural angle to gaze eerily back at the now terrified noblewoman.
"Did…I just hear you correctly? Were you…addressing me fire ant?" Silah questioned in a voice of captivating predatory intent as her horrifying eyes stared back at the woman's terror-struck face.
The unfortunate noblewoman cowered with a fear like never before in her eyes as she shook under the woman's gaze.
As she also found herself staring back at what appeared to be the face of a dead man standing behind her!
The highborn women listened in incredulity over the way that the killer addressed the elite woman as 'fire ant'!
"N-no…I…wasn't talking to you…i-it must have been…someone else…" The noblewoman stammered in a transfixed voice as the pale woman's eyes stared intently back at her.
A strange sensation of anticipation overtook the street as even Zoi and Azula found themselves unable to move.
They could only gaze at their new seemingly inhuman enemy as they tried to gauge what she was going to do.
And then Silah marched one foot forward with her boot ominously treading across the stone street towards her paralyzed prey.
"Really? Because I could have sworn that you were speaking to me." Silah continued in a voice of simply unparalleled menace as she walked with methodical slowness towards the fear-stricken woman.
"I-I…I…m-meant no…" The noblewoman sputtered in a voice that was now consumed with an instinctual fight or flight instinct as she watched with frozen eyes as the woman walked towards her.
'B-by Agni! What…what a monster!' Ty Lee thought as she watched with disturbingly captivated eyes as the puppeteer advanced with all of the intimidation of the princess and more!
And then the hunter began to raise a gloved hand into the air to reach for the paralyzed woman's face.
Only for Zoi to spin around with her golden eyes watching in alarm when she felt the girl bolt out from her grip!
And not a second later…
The three highborn women stared on with a stunned look in their eyes when a spark of chi flashed before their lines of vision.
As Silah now arched her brows to find that her gloved hand had been boldly intercepted by the young girl's own.
Elle stood before the positively terrified noblewoman with her amber eyes gazing defiantly up into the hunter's own.
"Silah…leave her alone!" Elle exclaimed with a surge of astonishing bravery that took her three highborn friends aback.
The noblewoman stood there in a state of shock to see the strange foreign girl defending her.
And just when Team Azula had been prepared to leap to their young friend's air.
They were taken by surprise when the woman erupted into a loud laugh with her eyes gazing down at the girl in amusement.
"Are you serious child? Do you have any comprehension how evil the nobles in this city are?" Silah asked in a voice of overpowering presence as she gazed down into the handmaid’s shaking eyes.
The three highborn women stared on with rapidly rising discomfort in their speechless eyes.
And the princess's amber golden eyes glared lividly back at the puppeteer's deviously smiling face.
"E-everyone in this city isn't evil? I am sure that there are a few bad apples but Azula-sama and my oneesans aren't." Elle protested in an insistent voice as she stared up at the woman's devilishly smirking face.
Only for the sound of another loud belly shaking laugh to echo into the air as Silah held her gloved hands over her quaking belly.
Azula stared back at her laughing face with a greater hatred than she had ever felt before for anyone in her furious eyes.
As the two noblewomen stood in a prideless silence beside her as the hunter's chortles filled the air.
And all of the other nobles stood gazing back at the monstrous woman's face in an odd sense of primeval terror.
"Oh, aren't you just precious! You poor child! You're really being kept in the dark, aren't you?" Silah exclaimed in a snickering voice as she raised a gloved hand over her chuckling mouth while she stared down into the girl's naively confused amber eyes.
Azula exhaled flames from her murderous nostrils as her vision began to turn red.
And that was all it took for Zoi and Ty Lee to found themselves overtaken by a profound sense of shame.
'Azula…' Ty Lee thought with a tremendous sense of disgrace in her eyes as she stared back at the princess's proud face.
It was all only a matter of time before all of this will blow up in Azula's face!
And then the princess will be forced to make a choice.
Elle or the Fire Nation's violent imperial ways!
Only for the handmaid to force herself to recover as she frowned up at the woman's humored face.
"I…I don't know about that Silah but there is one thing that I do know. And that is that my mother taught me that all life has value. We're…. all human beings and we're…in this together." Elle countered in a passionate voice while dark green eyes stared down at her in amusement.
As Zoi gazed down at her booted feet with a scowl on her lips.
And for one of the first times in her entire life.
She almost felt…as if her pride in her nation was starting to wane.
Only for Silah to chuckle yet again before she withdrew her gloved hand with astonishing gentleness from the girl's grip.
The highborn women stared at the killer as her lips curved into another perverse smirk as she let out a final chuckle.
And then not a second after that the woman turned her dark gaze back to the noblewoman who still stood shaking like a cowering lop-eared-rabbit under her horrifying stare.
Before the hunter held a gloved hand to her sighing lips as she stared piercingly at the woman's sweating face.
"I am going to give you a small piece of advice. Use it as you will. At some point in the future…a great shadow of doom is going to fall upon this world and the walls of Hari Bulkan will not be able to shelter you from this coming storm." Silah began in a voice of terrifying intimidation as she stood beside the now speechless Elle with her eyes gazing back at the noblewoman's trembling face.
Team Azula listened with an abruptly returning sense of dread in their alarmed eyes.
Just as Silah raised her clothed finger to point back at the noblewoman's fearfully captivated face.
"And that means…that feeble noble sacks of flesh like you who have no combat prowess of your own are going to die. It may not be today…it may not be tomorrow. It might be two years from now. But know this. You and your entire family are all going to die." Silah informed in a joyfully cruel voice with her dark green eyes just gleaming in delight.
As she watched the woman shrink back under her penetrating gaze as fearful murmurs began to consume the street.
And within seconds.
Any doubt that the three highborn women and their young friend had about the woman not knowing the nature of their mysterious enemy dissipated into thin air!
"Bask in your wealth! Roll in your gold like the little hog monkey that you are! Laugh it up! Spend your time however you like! Enjoy your loved ones while you still can or just kill them! Beat your servants! Kill your neighbor! Go on a murder spree! Kill your Crown Princess! Defy your Fire Lord even! The laws of the Royal Family and society no longer apply to you! Anything goes!" Silah announced in a voice of spellbinding terror as she gazed back into the woman's nearly hysterical eyes.
The three Fire Nation women listened with their mouths falling up in shock over the unfathomable horror of the woman's words.
As Azula seethed with her amber golden eyes glancing around her as she watched noble after noble drop what they were carrying to the ground in terror.
As Silah's frightening clothed finger began to sweep about the street from one noble to another.
Yet throughout the whole affair her eyes remained locked on the horrified woman who was now sinking to her knees before her.
"Because Fire Lord Ozai…and Princess Azula…will not be able to save your worthless life from Vega's rampage!" Silah stated in a delectably evil voice as she stooped down to loom over the woman's entrancingly broken face.
Just as Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee spun around to gaze at the artist's back with their eyes agape in realization as soon as they heard the name that the old sage had prophesied.
Elle shook with her hands at her hips as the words of the old sage replayed in her mind.
 There are more faces in the flames that pertain to you. Two that you already know…and one that you have yet to meet.
And that was all it took for the princess's fists to clench at her womanly hips as she stared furiously at the woman's back.
"You…will tell us what you know of this Vega." Azula demanded in a voice of near equal menace as she stomped forward.
Zoi gritted her teeth as she stood glaring hatefully at the puppeteer's back as the woman knelt down over the traumatized woman.
"And do you know what the best part is dear? It's one of your own! She's a Fire Nation citizen!" Silah declared in a voice of limitless cruelty as her laughter echoed into the air as she towered over the deliciously destroyed woman.
And just like that the eyes of the three Fire Nation women and their young friend grew agape in disbelief over what they were hearing.
"A-A fellow Fire National is going to kill us all?" A nobleman asked in a terrified voice as panic consumed the previously calm streets.
"That's right. I don't know how you did it but you actually somehow managed to inspire your most broken fellow citizen to wish to bring genocide upon you all. You aristocrats can give yourselves a real pat on the back for that one." Silah spoke in a voice of entrancing malevolence as she smiled darkly down at the woman on the ground before her.
As the sensation of fear continued to sweep throughout the streets.
And even the guards stood unmoving as they listened to the woman's terrifying speech.
The three highborn women shared a stunned look with one another as they attempted to process the depth of what the woman was claiming.
"W-what in Agni's name is wrong with this nation? We…we've actually inspired a Fire National to want to genocide us all? This…this nation is shameful!" Ty Lee blurted out in a suddenly revolted voice while she for once paid no mind to the look of prideful anger in the princess's narrowing amber golden eyes.
Zoi stood rooted to her spot with her golden eyes expressing a similar revulsion.
"I really have to hand it to that creature. It cannot be said that it does not have a sense of humor. It scoured the entire world for the worlds most shattered soul…a being so filled with hatred that it makes me look sweet in comparison. And once it found her…her Fire Nation name was removed…and she was recreated into its darkness as its new herald…Vega of the End! And that my dears…is who is going to slaughter you all." Silah explained in a voice of boundless wickedness as her dark green eyes swept about the panic filled street.
The four females of Team Azula listened with stunned looks of horror in their eyes over the implication of the monster that Mava spoke of having such tremendous power!
"V-Vega…that's a Spanish name from my homelands…this thing…it…it must possess reach…. beyond the four nations." Elle stated in a transfixed voice as her three highborn friends listened in recognition behind her.
The sheer gravity of the declaration took even Azula and Zoi by unease.
It meant…that this being must have the power to reach between their worlds at will!
"I would do it myself. But why should an Earth National bother when a Fire National is more than eager to do it herself?" Silah taunted in a voice of unspeakable maliciousness as she smiled down at the noblewoman's crushed face as another sadistic chuckle escaped her lips.
Zoi and Azula's boiled over into slits as they glared daggers at the woman's kneeling back.
Ty Lee and Elle gazed on with their mouths hanging open in fright.
And it went without saying that they were all struck by the unspeakable evil in Silah's words.
"However, if you are feeling really candid. I would be more than happy to make this your last day on Earth." Silah remarked in a tone of unmatched horror that put even the likes of Ozai to shame as she stared oppressively down into widely ruined golden eyes.
And just like that the once proud noblewoman broke down weeping in despair at the puppeteer's boots.
It was a sight so shattering that even Azula was gazing on with begrudgingly captivated amber golden eyes.
The rest of the team just gazed on in fixation with their eyes expressing a sense of shock over how far the woman would go just to destroy one woman who had insulted her.
And then the puppeteer reached under her robes as she withdrew a small dagger while Zoi's golden eyes burned with outrage.
Just as the captain began to swiftly march forward with her jaw clenched in disgust as she approached the crouching woman's back.
As Azula gazed all around her through the corners of her eyes with shock as she took in the scene around her.
Face after face that had been proud and noble before Silah had entered the street were now consumed in confusion and defeat!
And then Zoi pushed her way past her adopted little sister with her golden eyes still glaring down at the immortal woman.
Only for her eyes to widen when the dagger was dropped to the stone street with a sickening clang.
"Or you can always just do it yourself. It's all up to you dear. After all, I'm just a dirty Earth Kingdom woman remember? It's hardly my place to tell a 'superior' Fire Nation aristocrat like yourself what to do." Silah cooed as she reached her gloved hand down to pat the sobbing woman upon the head.
The entirety of Team Azula stood there in a floored silence.
As Ty Lee and Zoi gazed on with disgusted expressions in their eyes as the woman petted the weeping noblewoman like a dog.
And Elle could only gaze on with her amber eyes still conveying her horror over the woman's behavior.
"Well. I'll leave you to it then. You take care now." Silah chuckled with her gloved palm patting the destroyed woman's black hair once more.
Before she stood up to tower over the weeping woman with a sadistic smirk gracing her pale lips.
Just as she turned to glance over her shoulder at Zoi's utterly enraged face.
Her dark green eyes then glanced over Azula's supremely infuriated gaze.
And then it flickered to Ty Lee's revolted stare as the woman shook under her gaze.
Until she finally turned to glance down at the emotionally stunned face of the young girl before she turned to resume her walk.
Just as a hauntingly broken scream split into the air while Silah walked with a smile curving onto her lips as the warrior king perpetually followed at her heels.
The three highborn women watched in a state of horrific shock as it all happened in a matter of seconds.
And the traumatized Fire Nation citizens gazed on with a fixated horror in their eyes.
As the noblewoman was now thrusting the dagger straight at her heart!
Silah gazed back the faces of the unusually appalled Team Azula with a devious grin on her lips as the wails resonated into their ears.
Only for Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee's eyes to widen even further when a small form quickly dropped down to take hold of the older woman's trembling hands.
As a sense of captivation consumed the street as Elle now knelt before the broken woman with her hands just barely preventing the knife from piercing her chest!
Team Azula stood once again in a state of astonishment over the depths of their young friend's kindness.
And even Silah turned to glance back at the girl with a flicker of surprise in her dark green eyes.
As the young girl now gazed kindly back into the older woman's tear strained golden eyes.
"Don't listen to her. No matter what may or may not come…there is always hope for life. Because no matter what happens…we'll face it together!" Elle declared in a voice of stunning compassion that starkly contrasted the hunter's cruelty as she stared emotionally back into crying golden eyes.
And just like that…
The dagger slipped from the woman's trembling fingers and into the young girl's gentle hands.
"I-I…t-thank you…. dear…I…I will not forget that." The noblewoman murmured in a moved voice with tears streaming down her cheeks while a soft hand reached out to touch her shoulder.
Elle smiled as gently as she could back into the woman's face as she softly nodded her head.
Zoi gazed down at the young girl's back with a spark of a moved emotion in her stoic golden eyes.
'Elle…I am not going to let them hurt you. I vow on my pride as a warrior…that I will protect you. Even if it costs me my life!' Zoi thought with a committed expression overcoming her eyes as she clenched her fists at her hip.
"There is no need to thank me. I am just doing what is right…that's how my mother raised me and that's how I live." Elle answered in a softened voice with her hand gently touching the overcome woman's shoulder.
And then she wordlessly removed her palm as she smiled sweetly once more before she stood back up.
The dagger fell to her hip in her hand as she offered the touched woman a reassuring gaze.
"W-what…what is your name?" The noblewoman asked in a voice of profound gratitude as she stared back at the girl's sunny face.
The three aristocrats of Team Azula still stared at their companion's back with impressed expressions in their eyes.
"Elle…my name is Elle Turner…I am Princess Azula's royal servant and I too am a commoner." Elle stated in a voice of genuine kindness as she stared down into the kneeling woman's amazed golden eyes.
And then she turned around to walk away past her speechless highborn friends.
While the three highborn women watched in still quiet disbelief as their gentle friend walked past them.
As the hunter still gazed back at the girl with a detached stare in her eyes as the nobles began to mutter all around them.
"T-thank you Elle Turner! I shall never again look down on another commoner for as long as I live!" The noblewoman called out in a voice of tearful gratefulness as she sat on her knees.
Fellow nobles stood listening in amazement from where they stood gawking at the scene with awe in their eyes.
And the city guards still stared on with looks of fascination in their eyes.
Azula watched through the corner of her harsh amber golden eye as her girlfriend stepped past her with her regal lips still conveying her fascination.
As she remembered words that Ty Lee spoke during their final talk with the old sage.
 I'll bet that Elle's kindness and Azula's strong leadership will make for a force to be reckoned with.
It was in that very moment that she realized that there was tremendous value to having the girl stand beside her as Fire Lord.
And it wasn't just because the girl held the power of the Component in her veins.
It was so much more than that.
"See to it that you don't." Zoi commented with a protective edge to her voice as she stared down at the woman's swiftly nodding face before she turned around to walk away.
Ty Lee followed alongside her with her brown-gray eyes still gazing after the girl's back.
And despite the terror that she still felt.
She found that she couldn't help but allow the cheer in her eyes to begin to return as she managed a smile in her little sister's direction.
Azula resumed her possessive walk behind her little girlfriend with her callous amber golden eyes still staring venomously at the puppeteer's cold face.
Just as the hunter turned away with a cruel scoff escaping her pale lips while the three highborn women never once stopped glaring at her.
"Well…it looks like it isn't your last day on Earth after all…" Silah stated in a low voice with a chuckle leaving her lips while her predatory eyes made the noblewoman shake in terror for a final time.
Before she began to walk away with her warrior king striding at her back while her dark green eyes gazed ahead.
And with that the four members of Team Azula warily walked through the street with their gazes lingering on the monstrous woman's back.
Only for Silah to abruptly halt in her footsteps when predating dark green eyes widened ever so minutely.
And the three highborn women stopped in their walk as well when they turned with widening eyes to their young friend when they felt an indescribable fury flow into the air.
And then the killer turned to stare over her shoulder with her chilling eyes surveying the young girl's face closely.
Elle's bangs hung in her eyes as her entire petite body shook in uncharacteristic rage that stunned her three friends.
As the girl's chi was starting to emanate from her furious body as she bared her teeth like a dog that was about to attack.
Azula stared down at her girlfriend with a surprised look in her widened eyes as the puppeteer still eyed the girl intently.
She would have said that the girl's face of outrage was laughable.
If she wasn't seeing the incredible power radiating off her body with her own eyes!
As the captain and the acrobat stood beside their adopted sister with their taken aback eyes watching her closely.
'I see…so with enough provocation…she can be pushed into unleashing the killer within. How intriguing.' Silah thought with a smirk pulling onto her pale lips as she stared back down into the girl's trembling face.
The Fire Nation women stared between the two with their gazes still showing shock to see their friend look so livid.
"Is…that…killing intent that I sense in you?" Silah questioned in a disturbingly interested voice as all three highborn women rounded about to gaze in fury back at her.
She bent her head back with her smirk growing as she let out a thoughtful hum while the girl shook in outrage.
"Good! Let it out! Because you're going to need it if you have any desire to survive the struggle to come!" Silah instructed with her clothed finger pointing back at Elle’s enraged face as the girl's hair still hung in her eyes.
And that was all that was needed for all three women to bristle in defense of their innocent friend.
As they bared their teeth in the direction of the immortal woman's smirking face as menacing eyes gazed back at them.
Only for Elle to take the trio by surprise once more when she dropped the dagger to the ground at her feet.
She raised both hands to her head as she panted for air with her amber eyes gazing down at her feet.
And then to the bewilderment of the highborn women the sound of a slap connecting with human flesh resounded into the air.
As they now stared on in confusion to see that the girl had slapped herself as hard as she could across the cheek!
Even Azula's imperious amber golden eyes conveyed her bafflement as she stared down at the girl with an annoyed sigh exiting her regal lips.
And then Elle took a calming breath as she closed her eyes while her hands fell from her hair as her friends still blinked back at her in puzzlement.
And Silah was now blinking her dark eyes once more as she stared back at the girl in genuine incredulity.
And just as quickly as the rage had appeared.
It was gone.
The serving girl now frowned with her amber eyes opening up to gaze back at the hunter's taken aback face.
"There is no need for that. Because there is more than enough killer between the rest of us to go around." Zoi stated in a scarily focused voice with her icy golden eyes turning to gaze back at the puppeteer's recovering face.
"That's right! Elle doesn't have to kill. She's just perfect the way she is!" Ty Lee yelled out with her fists clenched at her hips while she glared back at the woman's pale face.
The girl listened with an expression of moved sentiment in her eyes as she bit her lip.
As the princess still gazed down at her with her domineering amber golden eyes displaying a possessive gleam that made her feel safe once more.
Before Azula turned to stare monstrously back at the hunter with her imposing gaze burning with the infernos of war.
"H-how…how can you be so evil Silah?" Elle questioned in an earnestly frustrated voice with her hands grasping at the straps of her backpack.
The puppeteer stared back at the girl with a budding interest in her chilling eyes that unnerved the three highborn women.
"When you stand where I stand and you obtain the power that I have obtained. Human concepts such as good and evil no longer apply to you. You…just are…. you become something beyond them. And that is what I am." Silah responded in a voice of unnerving calmness with her eyes staring back at the young girl's amusedly angered face.
As the three highborn women stared back at the woman with disbelief over her words in their eyes.
Ty Lee couldn't help but shudder with reviving fear in her enlarging eyes.
It was almost like the way that Azula has always believed that everyone less than Fire Nation aristocracy was beneath her.
Except…that Silah literally believed the bulk of humanity was unbecoming of her notice!
"That is not true! Morality always matters!" Elle exclaimed with her small fists clenching in her anger while her princess sighed behind her.
Only for the eyes of the aristocrats to narrow in disapproval when an almost twisted smile of fondness started to form on the woman's lips.
"Allow me to pose you a question child. When an ant is foolish enough to stand before a giant and insult a being far larger than her. What do you think will be the end result?" Silah countered in a frighteningly detached voice with her dark green eyes gazing back at the girl's unsettled face.
Azula's amber golden eyes brimmed with great fury over the woman's gall to classify Fire Nation elites as ants!
And Zoi and Ty Lee stood in an unusually stricken silence beside their unnerved adopted sister.
"If the ant wishes to survive…she keeps her mouth shut and steers clear of the giant's boots. Otherwise, she gets squashed when the giant passes by." Silah explained in a voice of striking cruelty as she stared back into shaken amber eyes as the girl profusely shook her head in denial.
"S-size…power…and species don't matter! It doesn't matter if it is an ant, a butterfly, a dog, cat, deer, human or any other lifeforms! We're…we're all living beings and we all exist in this circle of life together!" Elle cried out in a passionate voice as her highborn friends listened in a stunned silence behind her while the puppeteer smiled back at her.
Only for the hunter to simply chuckle as if she were humoring a little girl while she sighed yet again.
"Sadly dear. That isn't the way the world works." Silah stated in a dismissive voice as she turned to continue her walk with her puppet walking beside her.
Just as the three highborn women gaze on in alarm when the girl rushed after the woman's heels!
"Elle! Keep your distance from her! She isn't Azula! And she isn't Naoki! You can't sway her!" Ty Lee hollered with big sisterly concern in her voice only for her warnings to fall on deaf ears.
Azula and Zoi stared after the girl with worry in their eyes as she bounded after the woman.
As the princess's lips curled into a livid glower as she rushed after the girl with her amber golden eyes gazing after her in aggravation.
'If I don't keep an eye on that girl, she is going to get herself killed!' Azula thought with her ruthless amber golden eyes expressing a sliver of a long-buried emotion in her gaze.
The girl's delusional belief that she could change the ways of every monster that walked the earth annoyed her to no end!
She couldn't even believe that the girl actually thought she stood a chance at persuading this beast to change!
Ty Lee was right!
She was nothing like Naoki!
And just like that the three women swiftly sped after their innocent friend with their livid eyes still glaring at the woman's back.
"You're wrong!" Elle shouted in a persistent voice as she ran in step with the much taller pale woman while her silver hair glistened in the sunlight behind her.
Silah glanced down at the girl walking beside her with an almost dark sense of endearment rising within her eyes.
As all three women of Team Azula stared back at the woman with expressions of unsettlement in their eyes.
Under normal circumstances it was a good thing when one person developed a sense of fondness for another.
Even with the most ruthless of people it usually meant that the object of their affections would be safe from harm!
And yet with this woman…
They could all clearly tell that the more she took a liking to someone the more danger they would be in!
"Am I?" Silah laughed in a softened voice with her boot striding through the stone street up toward the caldera pathway.
"Yes! You are! You're just making justifications for your cruel behavior!" Elle argued as she rapidly walked with her amber eyes gazing up at the woman's humored face.
Only for Team Azula to stare on with vigilantly focused eyes when another soft laugh flowed into their ears.
"I have got to hand it to you kid. You're the only other person other than Mava in two hundred and one years to have the guts to argue philosophy with me." Silah remarked with an eerie liking to her voice as she smiled down at the young girl's frowning face as she ran beside her.
"S-Silah…you know you don't…have to be like…Mr. Slausen!" Elle blurted out without any warning to the shock of her three friends.
The hunter almost halted in mid step with her eyes marginally expressing her surprise as she gazed down at the girl walking alongside her.
"Darkness cannot exist without light! And that means that even in the darkest of hearts…that there is always a ray of hope! Even for you! We are all capable of change!" Elle explained in a heartfelt voice as she stared emotionally up into mercilessly caught off guard dark green eyes.
Azula and Zoi shook their heads in a sense of rising frustration as they followed behind the woman.
"N-no matter what you've done to your body to become i-immortal…you are still human at heart! A-and while nothing you do can ever undo all of the lives that you have taken! This…this planet is your home too and that means that if this…being is threatening all life on this world…that you can help us stop it!" Elle spoke in a highly spirited voice as she gazed up at the woman's almost pensive face.
The three highborn women stared on with unconvinced looks in their eyes.
'Elle…I get what you are trying to do…but I highly doubt that it is going to work.' Zoi thought with her watchful golden eyes gazing at the face of the woman that she has vowed to kill.
And she strongly suspected that even if the puppeteer had no involvement in arranging the massacre of Shung Wu.
That the woman was aware of who was behind it.
And after what they learned today…
 Watch out for Vega. She has already begun to tear the Fire Nation apart and soon she will come for you.
Her stony eyes gazed on with a reflective gleam in her disturbed eyes as she ground her teeth together.
'What sort of cruelty…could we inflict upon one of our own to make her want to do this?' Zoi mused with her unsettled eyes gazing ahead in deep thought as a revolted scowl graced her lips.
And even worse than that was knowing that Mava had said that this woman…this Fire Nation citizen would be the third face to cause her adopted little sister great pain!
"Elle. Just give it a rest already." Azula snorted in a severe voice with her callous eyes gazing at the woman's pale face.
She found herself continuing to ponder just how much this beast knew about this…Vega.
"You have no comprehension of what you are dealing with child…and I am not referring to me. You truly have no idea what this creature is." Silah scolded in a voice of unnatural calmness as she stared back down at the girl's unnerved face.
The three highborn women gazed on with a returning paranoia in their eyes.
As Ty Lee swallowed with a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.
It was nothing short of terrifying to meet this woman…with seemingly even more power than Azula and Zoi combined!
And to hear her express such caution in regards to this…entity!
"T-then why don't you tell me? Instead of berating me? Isn't it your benefit that we defeat it?" Elle stammered as she attempted to reason with the woman while she walked over her with a frown on her lips.
Only for the hunter to let out a bitter scoff as she gazed ahead with chilling dark green eyes.
"I will discuss this subject no further until we are out of the city limits." Silah replied with a sliver of snap in her voice as she swiftly walked ahead while her puppet lifelessly moved after her.
As Elle was left standing in her spot with her uneasy amber eyes gazing on in fear.
The three highborn women gazed on with expressions of disbelief in their eyes.
And for as much as the puppeteer unnerved them…
They couldn't help but be even more unsettled by the enigma that was this mysterious entity!
"I…don't believe it. She'll insult the Fire Lord to no end. But she…seems to hesitate to say anything bad about this…creature." Ty Lee muttered in a frightened voice with her eyes gazing on in unease.
"I would wager…. that is because in the end the Fire Lord is still human and because this…entity exists beyond the realm of the Fire Nation’s intercontinental empire." Zoi commented in a low voice with her golden eyes still gazing after the woman's back.
Azula pursed her lips into a similarly contemplative scowl as she glared after the woman's flowing silver hair.
'Just how much does this wretched woman know?' Azula thought with her imperious amber golden eyes staring on in calculation as she trudged ahead beside her girlfriend.
One thing was for certain.
She will find out.
No matter what it takes.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 139 - The Dark Sage and the Component
The three aristocrats were now staring back at their young friend in utter disbelief while the girl continued to waltz towards the killer without a care in the world!
As the agents of the Dai Li stared down at the girl from their positions with bewilderment showing in even their stoic gazes.
They knew very little about the peculiar foreign girl.
All they knew was that their powerful princess had taken a strange liking to her.
And as they saw during the time that they were stranded on the isle that the princess brutally killed the rebel commander for attempting to assassinate the girl.
That and that the girl somehow possessed the power to defeat the Avatar Cycle in her blood.
Raolan stared down with a rare expression of genuine bafflement in his green eyes as he observed the girl walk with no defensive posture whatsoever about her!
And the soldiers of the Royal Procession that were crowding around outside the palace walls as they too gazed back at the nonchalant girl in confusion.
Silah stared over her shoulder with chilling dark green eyes as she watched the girl saunter towards her.
"Foolish peasant. Stay away from her." Azula barked in a severely strict voice with her callous amber golden eyes glaring at her young girlfriend's waltzing back.
Only to find herself staring on in annoyance and even something akin to a sliver of concern when the girl continued to approach the woman.
"What…is Elle doing?" Zoi asked in a similarly puzzled voice as she glared daggers at Silah's porcelain face while the woman gazed intently at her adopted sister.
She watched with focused golden eyes as she took note of the way the artist's face almost seemed to glisten unnaturally in the sunlight.
Almost as if…her face was too perfect.
"Did I just hear you right? You want…to speak with me?" Silah questioned in a detached voice with her dark green eyes gazing in mild interest at the girl's smiling face.
"Yeah! You must be the Dark Sage Silah." Elle greeted in a seemingly carefree voice as she walked with her hands holding onto the straps of her backpack.
The three Fire Nation women still gazed on with their eyes agape in utter bewilderment as they never once took their eyes off the monstrous woman.
"I am and you're…the Component." Silah replied in a cold-blooded voice with her eyes observing the girl walk towards her.
Her dark green eyes scanned the girl as she tried to ascertain if the girl was truly as simple minded as she appeared.
If it was all an act.
"I am many things! My name is Elle Turner! I am the daughter of Lana and Elias Turner; I am a follower of love and peace! I am the personal royal servant to Princess Azula! I am the royal cherry picker extraordinaire, expert royal sandwich maker and I even brew up a fierce cup of tea!" Elle exclaimed in an innocently prideful voice as she puffed out her chest while she walked towards the taken aback woman.
Her three friends stared on with still puzzled looks in their eyes as they attempted to gauge their young friend's actions.
Azula rolled her amber golden eyes as she held a hand over her irate face.
'Naïve girl! Don't tell her that you're a pacifist!' Azula thought with her infuriated amber golden eyes still glaring back at the puppeteer's confused face.
"A slew of irrelevancy…amidst one or two valid points…" Silah trailed off with just a small trace of amusement in her otherwise inexpressive voice.
She still studied the girl with icily dark green eyes as the handmaid came to a stop several paces away from her.
"I am also an artist! I am a painter and a poet! I can paint up a storm and I can woo the best of them with my rhymes! And of course, I am also the Component!" Elle cried out in a stunningly cheerful voice with her amber eyes gazing up into the woman's suddenly interested dark green eyes.
Azula scowled over her plated shoulder with her boot tapping in impatience on the stone ground below.
As she tried to squash the sliver of affection that was arising up from within her belly.
Zoi and Ty Lee still gazed on with perplexed expressions in their eyes.
And it had not gone unnoticed to the three highborn women that their enemy's eyes had lit up with an unmistakable gleam of interest when the girl announced that she was an artist.
"You're…a fellow artist? I too am also an artist and an inventor. I create toys and dolls." Silah stated with a rising passion in her voice as a smile began to form on her pale lips once more.
While the Fire Nation women glared at the woman's back with unhidden revulsion in their eyes.
And yet to their disbelief…
If they didn't know any better.
The woman almost seemed to be regarding their innocent friend with a flicker of respect in her eyes that had not been present moments before!
Elle momentarily suppressed a shiver as her amber eyes glanced over the puppets standing stationary behind the pale woman.
'Keep your cool Elle! You can do this!' The handmaid thought as she steeled her bravery as she smiled back at the taller woman's lovely yet eerily smiling face.
"So, I've heard…you're that Silah puppet lady that I've…heard so much about." Elle commented in a baffling easygoing voice while she stared up at Silah's pale grinning lips.
The three aristocrats gazed on with their eyes intensely searching their companion's face to get a read on what she was doing.
"The one and only. I am all of that and so much more." Silah remarked in a voice of underlying conceit with an uncanny smile gracing her pale lips.
Only for her brows to arch when she watched the smaller girl place her hands on her hips in a pitiful attempt to appear intimidating.
And just like that the handmaid’s face took on an unusually serious expression once more as she gazed back up into the puppeteer's amused dark green eyes.
Elle and Silah stared each other down as the sun shone high above them.
As a warm breeze swept the puppeteer's green kimono about while menacing dark green eyes stared down at the young girl's still frowning face.
The highborn women stared on with their eyes gazing rapidly between the two as they prepared to act to defend their young friend should the need arise.
While the Dai Li and the Royal Procession gazed on from the sidelines with still confused expressions in their eyes.
"Before we go any further…I am going to give you a warning. It's the only warning that I am going to give you. So, I suggest you remember it." Elle began in a sterner voice as she pointed a finger up at the woman's chillingly smirking face.
Azula rolled her ruthless amber golden eyes once more as she glared at her handmaid's back with fire spewing from her glowering lips.
"Oh, a warning? And what happens if I don't heed this warning?" Silah pondered in an overwhelmingly terrifying voice as she stared down into the girl's glaring amber eyes.
Only for her dark green eyes to watch intently as the girl's Component chi began to radiate off her body once more.
As the Fire Nation women and the soldiers stared on in captivation as an aura of chi consumed the girl’s body!
And not even seconds later the puppeteer responded in kind with her own dark energy beginning to emanate from her lightly blowing kimono.
"If you ever try to hurt my princess or my oneesans again! I am going to plant a boot-full of mystical barrier splitting energy right up your doo-dah!" Elle growled in a no-nonsense voice as she swung her foot forward for emphasis while her energy exuded from her body as she scowled.
She glared up into the far older woman's now blinking dark green eyes as an uncomfortable silence took over the area outside the walls of the Royal Palace.
And that was all it took for the three highborn women to hold their hands over their faces as they shook their heads fondly while they all groaned simultaneously.
As the soldiers of the Royal Procession were gazing on out from underneath their helmets in even more bewilderment than before.
And even the hardened men of the Dai Li were gazing on with blinking eyes as they exchanged confused looks with one another.
'Doo-dah! That is not how you make a threat!' Azula thought with unfathomable irritation in her rolling amber golden eyes.
She still glared back at the puppeteer's utterly bewildered face.
Only to find her callous amber golden eyes widening a fraction in complete disbelief when Silah's face lost her emotionless composure!
As Zoi and Ty Lee gaped on with disbelief in their eyes.
While they watched the woman's brain almost seem to visibly shut down in the face of the enigma that is Elle!
And not a second later all aristocrats stared on in shock when a puppet fell over onto its face in the stone ground!
They gazed around them in a mixture of shock and humor as the puppets were dropped to the ground by their master's retracting nearly invisible cables.
And even the mighty warrior king had fallen to the ground on his lifeless face!
Silah now stood above her puppets with her dark green eyes still blinking madly as if she were struggling to process the threat.
"I…don't believe it Princess. In all the time that we fought that monster in the valley she never once lost her composure. Not to me and not to you, and not to anyone. Elle…actually threw her off her game." Zoi commented in an astonished voice with her golden eyes blinking at the scene.
A prideful scowl graced the princess's lips as she balked at her servant girl in astoundment.
'Is…she controlling those cables with metalbending…and why aren't there any cables attached to the warrior Earth King?' Azula mused with her merciless amber golden eyes glancing at the downed puppets while she glared in the puppeteer's direction.
"I'm…sorry child. Could you repeat that? I haven't heard that one before in my two hundred and one years of life." Silah responded in a perplexed voice with her gloved fists hanging at her hips while she blinked down at the small girl's growling face.
Azula, Zoi, and Ty Lee surveyed the comical scene with still present shock in their eyes.
The soldiers of the Royal Procession and the Dai Li balked over how old the woman claimed to be!
"I said I am going to put a boot of Component energy up your doo-dah! Your no-no region!" Elle shouted in an adorably serious voice with her finger still pointing up at the woman's confounded face while dark green eyes still blinked over her.
Team Azula still held their hands over their sighing faces.
And if not for the monstrous woman's foreboding presence they would have snorted with laughter over their young friend's hilarious attempt at intimidation.
As Silah still looked as if she was trying to recover from the hilarity of the girl's threat.
"My…doo-dah…what a strange girl…are all of your people from where you come from like this?" Silah asked in an incredulous voice as she raised a gloved hand to her hair.
Her eyes stared down at the young girl's amusing face as the handmaid's fist fell back to her side.
"I…believe what she means to say is that she is going to split you in half from the cunt up." Zoi informed in a stony voice with her golden eyes glaring back at the killer's recovering face.
Azula ran her flawless fingernails over her forehead as she sighed into her open palm.
"Y-yeah. I think she means crotch!" Ty Lee called out in a comical voice while the princess rolled her eyes beside her.
Only for the trip to gaze on with returning astonishment in their eyes when the anger in their companion's face seemed to face back into her usual smile.
"Nope! Just me. I'm one of a kind. The only one in the whole wide universe!" Elle replied in a return to her relaxed voice while the woman's lips curved into an intrigued smile.
The three highborn women glared at the woman in disapproval of the growing interest in her demented eyes.
Only for the trio to stare on in growing shock when the sound of unrestrained belly shaking laughter resounded into the air beyond the palace walls.
Silah now stood laughing in amusement with both her clothed hands holding onto her belly.
All the while as something similar to a genuinely amused smile adorning her freely chuckling lips.
The team gaped between the woman and their smiling young friend with sheer incredulity flashing before their eyes.
And what truly stunned them more than anything else was that it almost sounded as if for the first time since they had met Silah…
That she was for once laughing in good-natured amusement!
"You amuse me child. I think…that I may like you!" Silah declared with her laughter dying down as she removed her gloved hands from her belly.
She raised an entertained clothed fist to her chuckling lips as the young girl grinned back up at her.
The three Fire Nation women bristled with their eyes communicating a lethal protectiveness as they glared back at the seemingly immortal woman.
And that was all it took for the princess's callous amber golden eyes to form a truly malicious stare as she stared imposingly back at the woman's smirking face.
"Thanks! Coming from a remorseless killer I'll take that as a compliment!" Elle exclaimed with her amber eyes still peering up at the puppeteer's porcelain smiling face.
The highborn women still stared incredulously at their young friend's back in bewilderment over what she was trying to accomplish.
"It's such a shame that your life-force is but a fleeting candle in the breeze. I am almost disappointed…that they are going to kill you." Silah spoke in a merciless voice with her gloved hand falling from her lips while she stared coldly down at the girl's gulping face.
And just like that an ominous breeze swept through the air outside the palace walls.
The three highborn women stared on with alarm in their eyes as they exchanged a worried glance with one another.
As the demented artist stood gazing down into the young girl's now recovering amber eyes.
"What does that monster know that we don't?" Zoi asked with her focused golden eyes glaring defensively back at the woman's pale smiling lips.
Azula glowered on in similar contemplation with her glacial amber golden eyes eying the two with all the gaze of a possessive lover.
"I…guess we'll just have to see how it flows, won't we?" Elle responded with a seemingly easy-going shrug as she took another step closer while her friends watched her closely.
And then she held out her hand before the far older woman's once again baffled face.
While wicked dark green eyes studied the girl's hand in incredulity as the handmaid held out her open hand before her puzzled face.
The eyes of Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee's jaws dropped in sheer disbelief to see the girl holding out her hand in offering of a handshake!
'What does that girl think she is doing!' Azula thought with her infuriated amber golden eyes glaring at the back of her serving girl's head in aggravation.
The girl was naïve.
But she knew that there was no way that she was this naïve!
Befriending Naoki and Katsu was one matter.
But the girl couldn't possibly be foolish enough to think that she could make friends with this beast!
"What is this? Do you think that you can protect the princess and her subordinates from me by showing me kindness?" Silah questioned with a sliver of curiosity in her impassively cruel voice as she gazed down at the girl's grinning face.
Azula and Zoi still glared back at the seemingly immortal woman with pridefully hateful eyes.
Only for the three women to nearly fall over in bewilderment when the girl cheerfully shook her head.
"Nope! It's just a gesture of goodwill! Only you can decide if it is any more than that!" Elle chirped in a cheerful voice while the much taller woman arched her flawless silver brows in consideration.
The three highborn women stared at one another once before they turned to gaze incredulously at their companion's back.
All the while as the princess's amber golden eyes stared at her young girlfriend with her lips sinking into a callous scowl.
Only for all three members of Team Azula to gaze on with rising alarm in their eyes when the monstrous woman reached out a gloved hand before their small friend's face.
All that that they could think about was that the deranged woman was about to do something heinous to their friend.
And not a second later all three Fire Nation women sunk into combat stances as they prepared to launch themselves forward to attack the woman once more.
Until they found themselves freezing up in mid movement with their eyes widening when an attack never came.
And not an instant later Silah's clothed hand grasped onto Elle's own as everyone else gaped on in astonishment over what they were seeing.
Silah and Elle now held onto each other's hands as they stared back into each other's eyes with the sun still looming high above them.
Team Azula could only gaze on with their mouths falling open in utter bafflement.
Even someone as kind as normally kind as Ty Lee was rendered speechless to see her little sister actually shaking the killer's hand!
"I am not sure if I should classify you as courteous or foolish. Perhaps, I'll just have to settle for a mix of both." Silah commented with a spark of amusement in her otherwise impassive voice while she paid no heed to the princess's beyond enraged amber golden stare.
She smirked down at the girl's radiantly smiling face as the handmaid eagerly shook her hand.
And Azula now looked as her amber golden eyes were about to erupt from her incensed eye sockets.
Elle continued to enthusiastically shake the immortal woman's gloved hand with a still present smile on her youthful lips.
As the Royal Procession and the Dai Li still gazed on with disbelieving expressions in their eyes over the incredibly strange interaction.
Only for Silah's dark green eyes to widen ever so slightly when she watched the girl's fingers start to feel around the underside of her clothed palm.
She stared down with a ruthless gaze as she observed the young girl's amber eyes begin to stare intently back down at her hand.
Her sinister eyes widened to an even greater degree when she felt the girl's chi begin to emanate from her hand.
"Your hand…it feels…weird. It almost feels...artificial." Elle stated in a thoughtful voice as she chewed on her lower lip while Silah's piercing eyes narrowed down at her.
The three highborn women now stared at their young friend with understanding in their widened eyes.
And that was all it took for them to realize that the girl was using her naïve demeanor as a means to attempt to discern secrets of the woman's apparently immortal body!
As the princess stared on with her cold amber golden eyes now communicating a spark of pride as an approving smile pulled onto her lips.
'It would seem as if I am rubbing off on her somewhat after all…' Azula thought with her vengeful amber golden eyes conveying a pleased gleam as she never took her gaze off her enemy's porcelain visage.
And not even seconds after that the puppeteer abruptly withdrew her hand as she took a step back away from the girl.
Her dark green eyes formed a piercing glare as she stared back down at the young girl's smiling face.
Elle swallowed as she once again almost found herself shuddering under the woman's predatory stare.
Zoi and Ty Lee shared a look with ever so faint smiles of pride on their lips before they turned back to the now scowling puppeteer.
"You're shrewder than you let on." Silah commented in a cold-hearted voice with her clothed hand falling back to her hip while her dark green eyes followed the girl's mischievous face closely.
Until Elle took a step back herself with her amber eyes still trying not to flinch under the woman's quite frankly terrifying gaze.
"Speaking of the possibility of impending doom. I…. was wondering if you might be able to fill me in a little on what that may entail." Elle requested in her best effort at a brave voice as she stared back up into the far older woman's chilling dark green eyes.
The aristocrats now gazed on with comprehension in their still skeptical eyes as they shared a glance with each other.
'I see now…Elle seeks to try to find out what Silah knows about this Elder One.' Zoi thought with an ever-present protectiveness in her hardened golden eyes as she watched her adopted younger sister closely.
Azula still glared back at Silah with a still bubbling fury in her eyes over their encounters with the woman prior to today.
And an even greater rage now burned in her eyes over their recent encounter in the palace hallway.
Which was to say nothing of her own father forging an alliance with the woman once more after she tried to take her life twice over!
And that was all that was needed for her cold amber golden eyes to flicker with a tiny spark of hurt once more.
Only to force herself to furiously shake her head as she exhaled flames from her seething lips.
'I cannot afford to show any further weakness in this filthy woman's presence! I'll handle Father later. Right now…I need to put all of my focus on Silah.' Azula thought with her calculating amber golden eyes remaining focused on the woman's shimmering face in the radiant sunlight.
"Nice try child. But I am not Mava. I do not give information away for free. You and your princess will just have to figure it out for yourselves. If not…then I suppose you'll all just have to die." Silah replied in a devious voice with her cruel dark green eyes staring back down at the young girl's shivering face.
Team Azula glowered back at Silah's conceited face once more as the handmaid frowned while she still gazed up at the woman's merciless visage.
Before Elle turned around to walk away with her hands clutching at the straps of her backpack.
The three highborn women watched the girl pad back over to their side with their eyes still glaring in the woman's direction.
Until they found themselves turning to glance down at their young friend when the girl came to a halt before them.
Elle now peered back up into Azula's harsh amber golden eyes.
As Azula begrudgingly turned to lean down to listen closely to what her faithful servant had to say.
Zoi and Ty Lee huddled around their adopted sister to also give the girl their full attentions.
"She…she knows Azula-sama. She knows about the voice that I heard in my head. It…it wasn't her. But she knows who it was. I can tell…just by looking in her eyes." Elle whispered in a hushed voice as Azula's imposing amber golden eyes gazed back down into her unnerved amber eyes.
The three women glared out of the corner of their eyes at the puppeteer's heartless face.
As they watched warily as the warrior king silently arose once more to stand behind his master.
"And you actually think that she is going to tell you that information? She isn't your friend. She is our enemy." Azula responded in a severely domineering yet attentive voice as she leaned over her young girlfriend so that the girl could speak in her ear.
Her possessive amber golden eyes stared down at her beloved's pensive face as the handmaid bit her lip.
As Zoi and Ty Lee scowled in agreement with their princess.
"Elle…she tried to take you when you were unconscious under Mava's ritual. She's…she's pure evil." Ty Lee advised with unmistakable fright in her concerned voice as she stared back at the younger girl's reflective face.
Only for Elle to glance up into Zoi's always gallant golden eyes when the older woman set her hand on her shaking shoulder.
Zoi stared down at the smaller female with an ever-vigilant scowl on her sisterly lips.
As the serving girl gazed in appreciation back up at the warrior's watchful countenance.
Even though their relationship had started off on a rocky foot because of the captain's feud with Mai.
There were no words to describe how special Zoi was to her now.
They have since formed an inseparable bond.
She has even welcomed her into her family with open arms and she now saw now saw the woman as someone that she could not live without.
'Zoi is steadfast…she's the oneesan that will always have my back. She's…always looking out for me…. protecting me.' Elle thought with her grateful amber eyes peering up at the warrior's almost maternal face as the woman gently grasped her shoulder.
Azula and Ty Lee took notice of the captain's protective instincts as they listened intently.
All the while as the highborn women never stopped watching the apparently immortal woman through the corner of their eyes.
"Elle, Ty Lee is right. I won't hippocow shit you. All three of us have killed people. Even Ty Lee. We are not pacifists by any means. But that woman is one of the most wicked people that I have ever met. Nothing you say or do will change that she is evil to her core." Zoi explained in an imploring voice with her protective golden eyes staring down at her adopted little sister's far too compassionate face.
Azula scowled with her arms folded over her plated chest as her amber golden eyes glared down at her girlfriend's sensitive face.
Silah stood with her almost ghostly silver hair blowing lightly in the wind behind her.
Her penetrating dark green eyes stared back at the group with an always present predatory gleam in her gaze.
"I…. know that oneesan Zoi. But sometimes…as long as you have something to offer in return…it can be possible to make a bargain with even the evilest of people." Elle replied in a deeply thinking voice as she gazed up into Zoi's doubtful golden eyes.
Azula and Ty Lee exchanged a look with their gazes expressing a similar skepticism.
Only for the three aristocrats to turn gaze back down at their young commoner friend when the girl gazed seriously back up into their eyes.
"Just…look at her and the way that she looks at the way that she looks at this city. She gazes upon it…as if it is the dullest coat of paint. If she is as old as she says she is…I'll bet she was here many times long before any of you were even born. You can tell just by looking in her eyes that the Fire Nation is of no interest to her." Elle muttered in a soft-spoken voice while her three highborn friends stared back at the pale woman in contemplation.
A sense of unease briefly flashed before the eyes of the Fire Nation women.
Over the mere prospect of the monstrous woman having explored their city many times over long before they were born!
As the princess's callous amber golden eyes sparked with offense over the woman having the gall to regard her great nation as inferior!
"You three are out of your element…none of you are in any position to bargain with her." Elle stated in a quiet voice with her amber eyes staring back at the artist's composed face while her teammates listened beside her in speechlessness.
Azula glared down at the young girl with an imposing anger in her eyes over being told that she was out of element by her own servant girl.
"Really servant? We're out of our element and you're not?" Azula questioned in a coldly haughty voice as she loomed over her young girlfriend's face with a regal scowl on her proud lips.
Only for her amber golden eyes to form another supremely strict stare when her serving girl nodded her little head without hesitation.
"That's so Azula-sama. You three have nothing to offer her but your lives. But…I do." Elle insisted in a stunningly resourceful voice that took her three highborn friends back.
The highborn women gazed down at their small friend with bewildered expressions in their eyes.
Only for the girl to turn to gaze back at the monstrous woman before they could even so much as say another word.
Silah stood still with her eerie eyes turning to glance back at the girl almost as if she was waiting for her to strike a proposition.
Just before the girl stepped out from underneath the captain's taken aback hand while her amber eyes stared back into a predating dark green gaze.
"Silah…would I…be correct to presume that you are the highest dark sage in all of this world?" Elle asked in her best attempt at projecting bravery while the woman turned to face with a keenly arrogant gaze.
The Fire Nation women glared in loathing back at the woman's egotistical face as pale lips curved into a wicked smile.
"You presume correctly child. I am the highest and the grandest…there is no human being in this world that possesses more knowledge on the dark arts than me. All of the others…are mere bugs in comparison to me." Silah stated in a voice of uncanny self-assurance with her tall head held high.
Her gleaming eyes gazed back at the young girl's swallowing face as she watched her step forward once more.
She smirked back at the three aristocrats as they glared venomously back at her.
Only for the three women of Team Azula to turn to their young friend in shock when the girl bent over to bow in the evil woman's direction.
Azula's amber golden eyes now brimmed with an even greater intense royal wrath than before.
As Silah's sinister eyes reflected a flicker of something akin to an appeased gleam as she regarded the bowing girl in growing interest.
The soldiers of both the Fire Army and the Dai Li watched the exchange with still present marvelment in their eyes from the sidelines.
"Then…in that case. Dark Sage Silah…I would like to offer you a proposition." Elle remarked with rising boldness in her voice while the woman arched a perfect brow.
The three highborn women stared on with wary expressions in their eyes behind their young friend.
"A proposition you say?" Silah purred in a positively terrifying voice with her puppets rising up behind her for effect while a malicious smile graced her lips.
Her dark green eyes never ceased peering back into the young girl's amber eyes that tried so hard not to recoil under her gaze.
Only for the handmaid to shock her friends even further when a determined expression formed onto her usually carefree face as she arose from her bow.
"I challenge you to a game of quid pro quo!" Elle announced in an emboldened voice with her finger pointing back into Silah's intrigued dark green eyes.
Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee stood in a state of astonishment as they gazed at their companion's back in a sense of rising pride.
It was then in that very moment that all three of them once again understood that their little friend was truly growing before their very eyes!
"A game of quid pro quo? You presume yourself worthy of challenging me? You assume yourself worthy of my respect?" Silah inquired with building deliberation in her ruthless voice.
Another chuckle escaped her lips when the young girl put on her best intimidation face.
"I do. I am the Component and if I have the power to sever the Avatar Cycle…then that means that I am worthy of talking with you." Elle declared with a fist held up before her face while the puppeteer's pale lips pulled into an entertained smirk.
Team Azula stared on with fascination in their captivated eyes over watching the girl show such pro-activeness before such a lethal enemy.
"There are only two kinds of people in this world that I respect. Those that are my superior in absolute combat and true artists. I have yet to meet my superior in combat and there are very few artists that I recognize." Silah commented in a voice of immense conceit with her predatory eyes gazing back into the handmaid's struggling amber eyes.
The princess and the captain shared a roll of their eyes over the woman's absurd belief that her corpses qualified as artwork.
And yet at the same time the two firebenders couldn't help but feel an even greater desire to defeat the woman after hearing her boast that she has yet to fully meet her match.
"Allow me to make it as clear to you as I possibly can. There is no one here in this city that I regard as my equal. In fact, the only other combatant that I have even genuine respect for in this world is Mava." Silah called out with a strikingly blunt voice while the highborn women stared on in disbelief.
Her sneering dark green eyes passed over Azula and Zoi's outraged faces.
As the princess's angered only continued to boil over to even hotter levels over the woman daring to state before their own palace that she did not consider them her equals!
Her infuriated amber golden eyes glanced about at the soldiers still lingering close by as she turned to glare a hole through the woman's skull.
It couldn't be more apparent that the longer that this beast remained in their city the more it damaged the image of the Royal Palace gardens as an untouchable force!
'Just you wait Silah. I'll show you that I am much more than your equal.' Azula thought with her amber golden eyes forming a terrifying glare back at the woman's smirking face.
Elle almost swallowed as she stood attempting to keep up her brave front before Silah's cruel stare.
"Those are brazen words Silah. Coming from a woman who steals the powers of dying benders." Zoi snapped with venom in her voice while she glared back at the immortal woman in hatred.
The princess's amber golden eyes burned in agreement as she too glared back at the woman.
As Ty Lee tried not to shudder under the puppeteer's intensely predatory stare.
Only for the sound of Silah releasing a laugh to echo into the air as she tipped her head back with a perverse smirk forming onto her lips.
"Really Zoi? I plunder from the dying you say? Do you aristocrats not plunder from the entire world? All of the wealth that you nobles and the Royal Family own, everything in this city, was built by plundering from the backs of everyone outside Hari Bulkan around the entire globe. Is stripping people of their life's labor really any better than stripping them of their power in their final moments? I think not." Silah retorted in a profusely wicked voice with a dark smirk on her lips.
She took great delight in watching both the dutiful captain and the oversensitive acrobat recoil with their eyes flickering in guilt.
As princess continued to purse her lips into a furious glower as she glared piercingly back at her mortal enemy.
She gazed out of the corner of her angered eye when she saw the look of emotion flash before her girlfriend's amber eyes.
"That's beside the point right now Silah, but Azula-sama is going to make all of that better. I know she will. She's a princess for everyone. Not just the rich. She's going to help people." Elle stated in a voice of endless faith as she nodded her head while her princess stared on coldly from over her shoulder.
Zoi and Ty Lee just gazed at Azula's frigidly scowling face as the princess glared back at both of them with her intimidating amber golden eyes.
Only for the sound of the puppeteer laughing in cruel humor to resound into the air while all three highborn women turned to stare hatefully back at her.
"Of course, she is. She's a true humble people's princess. But you are correct about one thing child…that is beside the point." Silah replied in a voice of effortless menace as she smiled back at the young girl's struggling face.
The two noblewomen visibly flinched over the jab as the princess just seethed back at the smirking woman.
"So, I now ask you child. Are you either my superior in combat or an artist worthy of my respect?" Silah pondered in a spine-chillingly eerie voice as she stared back at the girl's slowly smiling face.
As the three Fire Nation women stared on with budding intrigue in their eyes over the artistic angle that the challenge was heading in.
"I make no claims that I am your superior in combat Silah but I do believe that I am a true artist!" Elle exclaimed as she held up a fist before her grinning face as she puffed out her chest while the far older woman eyed her in curiosity.
The trio glanced down at their young friend with their brows furrowing as expressions of fondness flashed before their eyes.
As the pale woman stood tall with her dark green eyes gazing intently back at the young girl's face with a sudden spark of inquisitiveness in her gaze.
"Before I will agree to this…quid pro quo. You must first prove yourself worthy of my recognition as a fellow artist. Show me your artwork and I shall be the one who decides your artistic merit." Silah commanded in a momentously serious voice with her merciless eyes taking on a beyond absorbed stare.
While the three highborn women rolled their eyes once more as they still glared back at the deranged woman's astonishingly earnest face.
"Filthy abomination. Like you are in any position to judge her artistic merit." Azula sneered with a curl of her snide lips while she stared hatefully back at the killer's unbothered face.
As the two noblewomen gazed at their leader with a momentary spark of awareness in their eyes of the significance of their princess's praising for their young friend's artwork.
The simple fact that Azula spoke such high praise of Elle before the Fire Army and the Dai Li truly illustrated the unfathomable depths of the two girl's unbreakable bond.
Only for the domineering princess to turn to gaze down at her little girlfriend through the corner of her controlling eye when the girl beamed brightly back at the woman.
"I have many samples of my artwork and more…right here in my backpack!" Elle cried out in an innocently prideful voice as she tugged on the strap of her backpack.
She met the gaze of the puppeteer as the woman's dark green eyes flashed with a gaze of rising interest as she turned to her in contemplation.
As Team Azula turned to gaze back at one another with expressions of uncertainty in their eyes.
The princess's amber golden eyes stared back into her captain's stony own as the two firebenders shared a glance.
Before the two turned to stare coldly back at the would-be immortal artist's rising smirk.
"I will permit…this talk with my royal servant. But it goes without saying…that it will only be done under our supervision." Azula commented in the voice of an absolute ruler with her baleful amber golden eyes penetrating the other woman's smirking countenance.
'The one and only reason that I will allow this is to see what information we can gleam from her.' The princess thought with her calculating gaze never leaving the puppeteer's sunlit face.
She was no fool.
She knew that there was no chance that Silah would reveal anything that would put her at a disadvantage.
But perhaps…they might be able to uncover a secret or two.
Ty Lee for her part could only glare on in distrust with a sisterly protectiveness in her brown-gray eyes at the killer's smiling face as the pale woman let out another soft chuckle.
Before Elle glanced back up when she felt Zoi's mighty hand lower onto her shoulder once more.
A grateful smile formed on her cheeks as she stared up into the older woman's solicitous golden eyes.
"Elle…do not forget for a moment who you are dealing with." Zoi advised in a quietly watchful voice with her golden eyes turning to cast the monstrous woman an unparalleled death glare.
Azula's callous amber golden eyes conveyed a fixating lethal vigilance as she stared chillingly back at her enemy's smirking face.
And even a woman as gentle as Ty Lee was glaring back at Silah with a narrowed glare that was much colder than her usual gaze.
The gaze of the three highborn women said it all.
Hurt our little friend and you will regret it.
"I…won't oneesan. I promise." Elle assured in a sweet voice with the warrior's hand still resting on her shoulder as all three women glared on from behind her.
And then the Fire Nation women watched with cautious looks in their eyes as the puppets surrounding the woman were consumed into the earth once more.
Until the sole puppet remaining standing behind the puppeteer was the lifeless warrior king himself.
Silah tipped her head back with a smirk still gracing her lips as she turned to gaze back into Elle's amusedly eager amber eyes.
Only for the eyes of the highborn women to stare on in murderous distrust when the woman raised her curling clothed fingers before her face.
"Then come…join me on a walk and show me your art. If I approve…then I will consider honoring a trade of information. You have one minute to make up your mind or the deal is off." Silah announced in a voice of uncanny captivation a she stared impassively back at the young girl's now slightly surprised face.
The aristocrats' gazes narrowed into even greater distrust over the prospect of their companion walking anywhere with the killer without their supervision.
And then not a moment later the hunter swiftly turned around and began to walk away with the warrior Earth King lifelessly following after her in an eerie fashion.
The meaning of the gesture was crystal clear to Team Azula.
It was Silah's way of infuriating Azula even further by telling her that it would be on her terms and her terms alone!
The princess's tyrannical amber golden eyes glared after the woman's walking back over the nerve that she had to dictate terms to her.
Only to find herself spinning around to glance down at her handmaid when her girlfriend cried out in alarm.
"W-wait up! I'll come!" Elle shouted in a hurried voice before she rushed past her taken aback friends while they gazed after her back in urgency.
"Elle! Hold up! Don't go anywhere with that woman without us!" Ty Lee yelled out in a fretful voice as she sprinted after the girl.
Azula and Zoi stared after their mortal enemy with a level of hatred in their eyes that they have never felt for anyone before in their entire lives.
Before the two firebenders scowled as they exchanged a quick look with one another before they darted after Ty Lee.
As Silah now walked with her Earth Kingdom garments flowing lightly with her every step while her puppet followed at his master like an obedient puppet.
She gazed out of the corner of her frightening dark green eye with a pleased gleam in her gaze when the girl soon joined her in step beside her.
Elle swallowed in intimidation as she peered up at Silah's much taller face as the otherworldly woman gazed back down at her.
She tried not to shiver when her eyes gazed over the puppet's deceased face as the man lifelessly walked behind his master.
And then in that very moment the hunter turned to peer over her shoulder back at the three faces of the highborn women.
Her pale lips pulled into a perverse smirk as she stared back into the ever-hateful eyes of the Fire Nation women.
Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee stared back into the puppeteer's dark gaze with expressions of loathing in their violently distrustful eyes.
And then in that instance…
Silah provocatively licked her pale lips in the precise second that she was staring back into the eyes of the two firebenders.
Ty Lee shuddered as she recoiled with a chill sweeping down her frightened spine.
As Azula and Zoi just glared back with the flames of war burning in their proud eyes.
And then the puppeteer turned away with another devious chuckle escaping her lips as she walked alongside the padding girl.
The three aristocrats stared furiously at the woman's back with an eternally present watchfulness in their eyes.
And with that the four members of Team Azula reluctantly departed into the depths of Hari Bulkan after their enemy.
As the agents of the Dai Li leaped down onto the barren ground surrounding the Fire Nation Royal Palace as they slammed their gauntlets into the earth.
And just like that the disruption to the landscape that had been caused by Silah's badgermole vehicle was nullified and the surrounding areas was returned to normal.
While the Royal Procession still gazed after the foreboding woman with expressions of uncertainty underneath their helmets.
Meanwhile, high up from the tower of the Fire Nation Royal Palace…
Ozai stared down from far above as he watched his daughter and her team follow the revolting witch into the city.
His rigid amber eyes still conveyed an expression of imperial fury over the public spectacle that the woman created with her arrival into the city.
And then his harsh gaze watched the strange young girl vanish into the distant depths of the city.
And even though he had been unable to hear the specifics of their conversation from this high up.
He couldn't help but notice that the girl seemed particularly attached to his daughter's presence.
'It would seem as if this girl is closer to Azula than she is letting on…' Ozai thought with his cold eyes gazing down from the window of his palace while a tight frown graced his lips.
It was plain to see that despite Azula's claims.
That his daughter was shaping the girl into being loyal to her and her alone.
And he would not allow such an action to go without being rectified.
But in the meantime.
He now saw that for as much as the woman's existence infuriated him.
That there was an opportunity to be found in Silah's defiance.
It was readily apparent from his failed attempt to assassinate her after she slew the warrior Earth King that she was much more dangerous than he had anticipated.
'To think that disgusting witch has the power to weaponize the bending of the dead.' Ozai mused with his amber eyes glaring down from the window in deliberation.
As he turned away while his soldiers closed off the main gates of the Fire Nation Royal Palace at long last.
He knew that he would have to be much more careful with how he dealt with her from this moment forward.
And that he would have to take extra precautions to ensure that no other powerful benders fall into her hands.
But despite all of that…
There was no doubt that the monster had her uses.
It had only been for a fleeting moment…
But he had seen the spark of fear in his daughter's eyes when the woman stepped into his throne room.
It would seem that whatever transpired during Azula's previous encounter with the woman had caused his daughter to develop a fear of the killer.
And now he could use that fear to his advantage…
To keep her and her new little weapon in line for the time being.
The barest hints of a cruel smile now pulled onto his lips as he exited the tower chamber.
And twenty minutes after taking a few turns down the halls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
A secret passageway opened up behind a painting with a burst of his firebending.
And soon enough he began to stride down into the hidden staircase with the revolving door closing behind him.
Until he came to a stop in a highly secret chamber with several torches lighting the walls of the isolated room.
It was a room so well hidden that it was cut off from the palace power system in order to protect the secrets within from unwanted eyes.
And now the Fire Lord stood over a table with his compassionless amber eyes gazing down at an ancient book.
He reached out a hand to open the book as dust flew into the air before his face.
It was an old long forgotten tome on Fire Nation history.
So ancient that many of its pages were either torn out or eroded.
And yet…he was still able to glean out a vital detail or two from its beyond weathered pages.
Something about a hallowed power called the Component Force.
And…a nameless founding Fire Lord.
His eyes now glanced down at the ancient text while his cruel smirk enlarged as his fingers fell from the worn page.
Before his devious amber eyes turned to gaze down at a second item lain out on the tabletop.
An ancient amulet.
And then his palm lowered to touch the amulet while an insatiable lust for power formed in his eyes.
While the flames in the torches shot up with a flare of his mighty firebending as a cold smile continued to grow onto his lips.
'I will uncover the secrets to Silah's supposed immortality as well as the fascinating enigma of this ancient war power!' The Fire Lord thought with his cruelly face accentuated by the flames as a ruthless smirk adorned his lips.
"I will reign supreme as the immortal Phoenix King of this entire world and these newly discovered foreign lands that Azula speaks of with this Component Force as my ultimate weapon!" Ozai declared in a profoundly tyrannous voice as he erupted into a cruel laughter that resounded off the walls of his hidden chamber.
And once he does!
Each and every person who has dared to defy him will be disposed of without mercy.
The Avatar himself.
His brother Iroh.
His son Zuko.
And even his own prodigy daughter if need be.
Not one person who defies him will be exempt from his wrath.
And that…
He will see become a reality no matter what it takes.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 138 - Fear
Ty Lee stood with Elle's wrist in her own gazing back at the walls surrounding the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
Her face turned pale in terror as she stared back at the stationary metal badgermole sitting beyond the giant walls in horror.
"W-what's going on oneesan? Why…why did you get me out of school early? H-hey…what's that doing here?" Elle asked in an innocent voice with her gentle eyes peering back at the strange lifeless vehicle in confusion.
"That's…what I would like to know Elle." Ty Lee stated in an unnerved voice as she began to pull the young girl forward under her wrist.
While her brown-gray eyes gazed in unease at the vast steel behemoth as she swallowed under her breath.
"I…I am going to take you to your room and I want you to stay there until we come to get you. Okay little sister?" The acrobat instructed in a protective voice as she ushered the smaller girl along behind her.
"O-okay oneesan. Sure." The handmaid stammered in an uncertain voice as she was pulled after the noblewoman.
While her amber eyes glanced up at the huge metal corpse of the animal in an eeriness that she was unable to place.
Before the two rushed through the doors of the vast palace and hurried towards the servants' quarters.
About ten minutes later…
Azula stomped through the halls of the palace with her callous amber golden eyes glaring ahead with a vengeance like she had never felt before.
While she barely even noticed that the hallway was completely devoid of the usual rush of the palace servants scampering about to fulfill their every order.
Only to find herself halting in her tracks when she saw her two subordinates rushing up to her from the corner of her enraged amber golden eye.
The two noblewomen ran towards their leader with their eyes agape in alarm as they soon came to a stop beside her.
"Azula! Are you okay? You don't look well." Ty Lee inquired in an unsettled voice only to find herself shivering when she caught the terrifying glare in Azula's seething amber golden eyes.
"Your Highness…what happened? Where is she?" Zoi questioned in a stony voice as she gazed back at her leader's utterly outraged face.
While she noted that the younger woman looked as if she was struggling to contain her temper.
It was something that she had picked up on almost immediately.
The princess almost always had flawless control over her emotions.
And yet right now she looked like she was a volcano about to erupt.
"Where…is the girl?" Azula pondered in a cold voice with her frigid amber golden eyes gazing back at her two companions faces.
"I…I took Elle to her room. What…what's wrong Azula? What aren't you telling us?" The acrobat queried in an increasingly fearful voice as the princess pursed her lips into a livid scowl.
Only for the princess to clench her fists at her hips while her amber golden eyes took on a stare of unfathomable rage.
"Father…has joined forces…with Silah once more." The princess responded in a voice of barely controlled wrath while the two noblewomen froze in their footsteps in shock.
And that was all it took for the two nobles to be stunned into a state of speechlessness.
Even the normally free-spoken captain was stunned into silence by her princess's reply.
And before the trio could even so much as get another word out.
Azula's amber golden eyes widened when she felt the hairs on her neck stand up in distinctly familiar alertness.
While the sound of footsteps striding down from the other end of the hall resounded into the ears of the three highborn women.
Just as the three turned to gaze over their shoulders to find a face gazing back at them from the other end of the long palace hall.
Azula glowered back at the unmasked face of the puppeteer with her amber golden eyes trembling in revived rage.
While Zoi and Ty Lee stood frozen to their spots in shock.
Only to find themselves gazing back at a woman dressed in a green Earth Kingdom kimono.
All the while as the otherworldly woman's silver hair swayed freely behind her with her lips curling into a perverse smirk.
And just like that the captain's teeth smashed together with her golden eyes bubbling in titanic rage as she stared back at the criminal's smirking face.
"W-what…. that's…that's…Silah? B-but…she looks…so young." Ty Lee whispered in a voice of pure terror as the memories of their battle in the cavern flooded through her mind once more.
While the astonishingly youthful woman stared back at their faces with her gloved hands hanging at her hips.
How was it possible for this woman to be the same age as Mava?
And for as cruel as the Fire Lord was!
How could he ever consent to another alliance with her after all that she has done!
After what she tried to do to Azula!
While Zoi trembled with steam rising from her mighty muscles as her jaw clenched in her rage.
And her golden eyes narrowed into slits as she exhaled fire from her constricting nostrils.
'I knew that Ozai didn't give a shit about the lives of his own people…but this! This is a disgrace!' The captain thought with her fist smashing the hilt of her sword in hand as she bared her teeth like a bloodthirsty dragon.
As the princess's amber golden eyes shook with boiling fury as she never once took her eyes off the serial killer's smiling face.
"You revolting freak…sooner or later I am going to wipe that disgusting smirk off your face." The princess hissed with her amber golden eyes forming into slits as the much older woman let out a soft chuckle.
"So…that's your true face. It's much lovelier than I was expecting of such a monster. Savor it while it lasts…because I am about to smash it into a pulp!" Zoi bellowed in a return to her scarily focused warrior persona before she broke out into a sprint towards the smirking woman.
Sweat dripped down the acrobat's face from where she took a fearful step back behind the enraged princess.
Only for the warrior to freeze up in her tracks in mid run with her golden eyes widening in even greater disbelief when she saw who was standing behind the puppeteer.
All the while as the princess stared back at the lifeless warrior Earth King with her amber golden eyes studying his dead countenance once more.
Ty Lee took another frightened step back as she gazed at the tall figure with rising fear in her brown-gray eyes.
"It's…it's not possible! It…can't be!" The captain protested as she took an unusually hesitant step back while her golden eyes were agape in disbelief.
While the acrobat shook in terror behind the mighty warrior as she took note of the bright yellow and green royal combat robes that the corpse was wearing.
And that was all that was needed for a feeling of even greater dread to rise up from within her belly.
"Oh, but I assure you Zoi it is." Silah responded in a chillingly relaxed voice with her dark green eyes gazing back at the captain's utterly outraged face.
"Earth King Jaran!" Zoe roared with unimaginable rage in her booming voice as she stared back at the warrior king's expressionless face in shock.
The thought had crossed her mind when she encountered the puppet back in the cavern.
But somewhere deep down she didn't want to believe it…
That this beast had succeeded where she failed!
While Ty Lee's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates in sheer terror as she finally understood the cause of the captain's pause.
'That…that man…is the great warrior Earth King Jaran?!' The acrobat thought with her eyes agape in astonishment that soon transformed into horror.
While Azula's amber golden eyes still swept about between the puppeteer and her weapon as she scanned the fallen king intently.
"How did you acquire him! Even I couldn't defeat him! He was a mighty warrior unlike all of the other weakling kings to come before him! He is widely honored as not only the strongest Earth King to ever live but one of the greatest earthbenders of all time!" The captain demanded in an incredulous voice as she pointed her katana back at the woman's pale smirking face.
The acrobat and even the princess stood behind their companion with their eyes gazing on in shock over how intensely highly regarded the deceased king was.
"It's a long story Zoi but perhaps I'll regale you with it sometime." The puppeteer stated in a sadistic chuckle as she sauntered forward with her dark green eyes gazing back into the noblewoman's boiling golden eyes.
As the three highborn women never once took their eyes off their seemingly immortal enemy as she smiled darkly back at them.
"But I will tell you…that this one here I am especially proud of. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that he is my most treasured trophy." Silah declared in a voice of silken menace as she stood gazing back at the three speechless faces of the highborn women.
Ty Lee shuddered in fright over the way that the woman spoke of the man's corpse as if it was a literal trophy that she displayed with pride on her wall!
Zoi and Azula glared daggers back at Silah's smirking face as she gazed back at them with unnerving dark green eyes.
Only for all three Fire Nation women to spin around to gaze out of the corner of their eyes in alarm when the sound of a fist pounding into the wall rumbled into the air.
While Team Azula stared back at the warrior Earth King with widened eyes to see him standing there with his fist having literally plunged right through the wall!
And not a second later they gazed up with their eyes widening even larger when they saw several of the lights in the palace hallway explode over their eyes!
Shards of shattered lamps now rained down over their heads as they watched as numerous lights in the hallway started to flicker in and out!
Just as the trio rounded about to gaze over their shoulders with their eyes agape in urgency when they saw that killer had disappeared!
As Azula and Zoi lit their palms up with firebending as they gazed madly about the hallway in search of their enemy.
While the gazes of all three paranoid women continued to spin about the now flame lit hallway to see the deceased Earth King still gazing hauntingly back at them.
"W-where…did she…go?" Ty Lee blurted out in an unnaturally terrified voice only to feel a chill traveling down her spine.
Azula glared on with wrath in her royal amber golden eyes in search of her stalker.
Only to find herself freezing up with her lips parting in shock when she felt two gloved hands touch her neck.
The acrobat now froze up as well as she turned to gaze over her shoulder only for her eyes to widen in horror.
Zoi spun around only for her stoic golden eyes to widen in shock as well.
Silah now held onto the princess from behind almost as if it was some sort of twisted romantic embrace!
'How? I…didn't even see her move! She can't be faster than Naoki! So how…did she get behind me!' Azula thought with her amber golden eyes widening in a sense of foreigner unease while she felt the woman lean in before her cheek.
And just like that her blood began to boil to an even hotter level when she heard a demented chuckle flow into her ear.
She gazed out of the corner of her widened eye to see the woman leaning in to peer at her from over her shoulder.
All the while as a perverse grin pulled onto the puppeteer's lips as she began to caress the princess's frozen cheek with a gloved fingertip.
"I…don't know what it is about you Azula but I am so deeply attracted to you. Perhaps…it's because we have so much in common…my mother abandoned me too you know." The puppeteer spoke in an almost sadistically sensual voice with her lips lingering near the princess's stunned cheek.
The acrobat and even the captain listened with their eyes wide in a disturbed emotion to the monstrous woman's confession.
As the princess stared on with her amber golden eyes widened in some foreign sensation that she couldn't quite put her finger on.
And no matter how much she tried to will her body to move she felt almost as if she was paralyzed!
And yet…she knew that she wasn't truly paralyzed!
She hadn't been chi-blocked!
Only for her ruthless amber golden eyes to widen in shame when she finally realized what the problem was.
While Silah leaned in with her lips leaning in to graze against Azula's ear with her gloved hands affectionately stroking the frozen woman's face.
"Oh, Azula…. there is no need for you to be ashamed of fearing me…I promise you that you are not the first to feel this way in my presence and you will also not be the last. Fear is only natural…it is our most primal emotion after all…deep down we all have to fear something. Why shouldn't you fear me?" Silah remarked in a hushed voice of chilling lethality while Azula's amber golden eyes snapped open wide with royal fury.
"I do not fear you!" The princess snarled with a mighty cloak of azure fire sweeping across her body while she glared out of the corner of her murderous amber golden eye.
Only for her eye to widen when she still felt the puppeteer's gloved hands grasping her cheeks.
And yet somehow the vile woman was somehow withstanding the head of her flames!
All the while as the serial killer smiled back at her shocked face as she ran her tongue along her lips.
Just as the puppeteer and the princess gazed upward when they saw two figures descending down from above them.
"Get your disgusting hands off my princess!" Zoi in a stonily devoted voice as she dropped down from above with her golden eyes agape in fury.
Ty Lee also fell down opposite of the enraged captain with her brown-gray eyes expressing unusual anger.
Azula stared up with her callous amber golden eyes momentarily flickering with something akin to appreciation in her eyes.
Before she turned to stare frigidly at the far older woman's smirking face in loathing.
Only for the limber form of Jaran to swiftly leap into the air between the two noblewomen.
Zoi and Ty Lee stared back at the warrior king's lifeless face with widened eyes as an armored earthen boot brutally slammed into the acrobat's gut.
And then the acrobat's back hit the wall with a yelp while she stared back at the terrifying puppeteer with returning fear in her eyes.
And not a second later…
The captain's sword connected with the warrior king's earthen covered gauntlet!
The princess stared up with her amber golden eyes rapidly attempting to decipher how the woman was operating the king without any cables!
Only to turn to regard Silah's smirking face from over her plated shoulder as she increased the intensity of her flames.
All the while as searing hot azure flames began to burn all around her body at even greater temperature amidst her blue inferno.
She took a certain measure of delight in the way that the hunter's eyes finally began to widen in alarm.
And then she swung her mighty fist over her shoulder as she stared on with furious amber golden eyes as she watched the woman leap away.
As Zoi and Jaran still collided in the air above with the captain's narrowed golden eyes gazing back into the warrior king's lifeless gaze.
Only for Silah to gracefully land on her knees with her kimono charred but her body otherwise unharmed.
Azula turned to face her enemy with her amber golden eyes narrowing into slits as the woman provocatively licked her lips once more.
And then the captain landed on her boots beside her leader with her stoic golden eyes watching the puppet elegantly land beside his master.
As the acrobat pushed herself to her feet with her angered eyes glaring back at the woman's smirking face.
"I don't care what Father says. Kill her!" Azula commanded with her vindictive amber golden eyes glaring back at the woman's pale face.
And then she broke out into a sprint towards the grinning puppeteer with her two subordinates rushing alongside her.
Only for the three highborn women to stare on in returning shock when the woman bounded away with all the astonishing agility of a young woman!
Their guarded eyes swept about in search of the warrior king as the man sprinted down the hallway after his master.
As they watched as Silah and her weapon nimbly disappeared down the halls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace as they ran in hot pursuit!
Until not even a minute later when they burst through the corridor of another long hallway while their eyes swept about in search of their enemy.
"Where…is she?" The captain asked with her enraged golden eyes gazing about the palace hall way.
Only for their eyes to collectively widen when they heard a chilling voice chuckle behind them.
"You should know Azula…I didn't tell your father everything…" The puppeteer called out in a taunting voice as the princess turned around to glare mercilessly over her shoulder.
Just as the princess froze up once more with her amber golden eyes wide in shock at what she saw.
And the acrobat too halted in her tracks with her mouth open in returning terror.
And even the normally composed captain could only stare on with a sense of disbelief in her golden eyes.
At the other end of the hallway stood the lifeless warrior Earth King and behind him stood Silah with her arms coiled around his chest in some deranged display fondness!
The three aristocrats stood in disbelief as they watched the woman lean in with her lips approaching the man's cheek.
As the lights from the overhead palace lamps accentuated her perversely grinning face.
And then Silah affectionately stroked Jaran's dead cheek just as she had done to the princess just moments before!
And seconds later…
The puppeteer licked her lips while she made eye contact with the horrified eyes of the three highborn women.
While she took great delight in watching her enemies' recoil in disgust.
"Your spines are tingling…you are wondering…will I be the next one to join her collection?" Silah taunted in a terrifying voice with her dark green eyes staring back at the speechless faces of her enemies.
The three Fire Nation women glared defiantly back at their twisted enemy.
Only for the princess and the acrobat to turn to the warrior beside them in surprise when she pounded her first into the palace wall in her fury.
"You sickening creature! He was an honorable warrior and you reduce him to this…twisted pleasure! You will never get the chance to defile Princess Azula in such a vile manner!" Zoe yelled in an indignant voice with her cold golden eyes glaring back at the hunter's chuckling face.
Azula gazed at her strongest warrior through the corner of her icy eye with a flicker of gratitude in her callous gaze.
Before she turned her intimidating amber golden eyes back to the woman's pale smirking face as she withdrew away from the corpse's cheek.
"So, you have a demented fetish for corpses. That just means that you are even more repulsive than I had first taken you to be." The princess snorted in a frigid voice as she stood glaring daggers back at the puppeteer's smirking countenance.
As Silah still stood with her arms wrapped around Jaran's chest with her dark green eyes gazing back at her enemies unnerved faces.
"I have something that I would like to show you Zoi…watch closely…all of you." The puppeteer purred as she snaked a gloved hand around the lifeless man's shirt while the three highborn women stared back in disgust.
Only for her hand to tear back the warrior king's robes while the captain gazed back with her golden eyes widening in recognition.
The princess and the acrobat stared over their shoulder at their comrade's stunned face.
"That's…where I struck him before I plunged into the ocean…" The captain trailed off in a low voice with her katana in hand as she stared with stoic eyes back at the warrior king's perpetually wounded chest.
"You asked me how I acquired him…and the answer is that you helped me bring him down. Of course, I could have done it without your assistance but this wound certainly slowed him down. Even so, you wouldn't believe how much of a battle he put up…" Silah admitted in a devious voice with her arms wrapped around her puppet's body while Zoi's golden eyes boiled over in unfathomable rage.
Azula and Ty Lee stood staring on with shock in their eyes as they realized that the demented puppeteer had made their kill in the ensuing battle after their comrade's fateful defeat!
"You took my immortality!" Zoi hissed with her teeth clenched together in her rage while steam began to rise from her muscles once more.
The hunter just smirked as she let out a depraved chuckle with her gloved hands falling from her puppet's lifeless shoulders.
"If only you had been there to see the light go out in his eyes when he realized that he wasn't going to make it to avenge his beloved wife. And even more delicious than that…you should have seen the horror in his eyes when he felt his flesh begin to turn into that of a puppet." The puppeteer announced in a voice of profound cruelty while her gloved hands fell back to her sides.
She gazed back at the shocked faces of her three paranoid enemies as they tried their hardest to stave off their fear.
As the acrobat held a hand over her mouth as she began to feel as if she was going to vomit.
And even the captain and the princess felt a chill travel down their spine over being informed that the victim is conscious long enough to process that they were being transformed into a doll!
Just as Zoi straightened with her katana in hand as she hardened her golden eyes back at her enemy's depraved face.
She raised her blade in the air as she pointed it back in the puppeteer's amused face as her two companions gazed at her from behind.
And with that the warrior began to stalk forward with her golden eyes gleaming with a renewed desire for the glory of the battlefield once more!
"Then it is only fair that I take yours! I shall have my immortality and I shall taste my glory! And I will avenge my comrades! When I defeat you and Earth King Jaran both!" The captain announced in a determined voice as her golden eyes burned with the flames of war as she sauntered onward.
While Silah held a gloved fist over her perversely chuckling lips as she watched the warrior fearlessly stride towards her.
Only for Azula's amber golden eyes to bristle in fury as she glared at her captain's back.
"Don't get greedy! She's my kill Zoi!" Azula snapped with her amber golden eyes glaring ahead with her hand falling to the hilt of her sword as she began to stalk towards the woman.
"Who cares who kills her as long as she's dead!" Ty Lee exclaimed with a frown on her lips as she still shuddered under Silah's monstrous gaze.
Only for the three women to narrow their gazes into slits when the woman and her puppet bolted down the hall once more!
The three highborn women rushed down the lavish halls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace with their focused eyes following their enemies' movements.
As the woman nimbly darted from corridor to corridor with her puppet bounding through the air alongside her!
Until the trio burst forth from the front entrance of the palace with their enraged eyes sweeping about in search of their enemy.
Just as their eyes widened to an even greater height when they saw that the gigantic badgermole had vanished into the hole that it came in underground!
They gazed around them with widening eyes as they took in numerous soldiers lying unconscious across the rocky landscape of the barren courtyard.
Before the trio effortlessly leaped over the fortified walls of the palace while they leaped to the stone landscape below outside the palace walls.
While their eyes rapidly searched the surrounding area of the city for their enemy.
Only for another sinister laugh to resound into their ears as they quickly whirled around to find themselves facing the pale woman's smirking face once again.
And then Azula stepped up beside Zoi while the two firebenders began to walk side by side towards the puppeteer and her puppet.
Cruel dark green eyes gazed back at them from behind her ultimate weapon as she ran her tongue along her lips once more.
And just like that the two firebenders charged towards the smirking puppeteer.
The mighty warrior Earth King sunk into a combat stance once more as the earth began to rumble beneath his feet.
Only for Silah's lips to curl into truly perverse grin as she slammed both of her clothed palms together.
The princess and the captain gazed on with narrowing eyes.
As they watched more cloaked puppets rise from the ground around the puppeteer with barely visible steel cables linking to the woman's gloved fingertips!
"You two have a long way to go before you are ready to face my full power." Silah spoke in a heartlessly confident voice as her chi began to glow from her body.
The two firebenders stared furiously back at her as they slid their boots along the ground as they sprinted towards her.
And seconds after that.
Agents of the Dai Li leaped down to stand atop the defensive walls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace as they overlooked the conflict below with hardened expressions in their eyes.
Just as their eyes widened in disbelief at who they saw standing in preserved flesh below!
It was none other than the great warrior Earth King Jaran!
"I…don't believe it. That's Earth King Jaran. What breed of forbidden art is this?" Raolan questioned with a sliver of rare surprise in his stoic voice while he gazed down at the lifeless warrior king in disbelief.
The rest of the agents of the Dai Li stood around their leader with their stony gazes watching in morbid captivation as the man began to bend the earth as if he were still alive in the flesh!
While the demented puppeteer sprang at the two firebenders with her silver hair swaying before her sadistically excited dark green eyes.
And just before the deranged artist and her puppet could impact with the two attacking firebenders…
Only for a flash of bright light to suddenly flash before Silah's now widening eyes.
"That's…" The puppeteer trailed off in a suddenly cautious voice as she leaped backwards in the air.
Azula and Zoi skidded to a stop outside the fortified walls of the palace with Ty Lee jumping down behind them.
As they gazed on with widening eyes as watched the radiant light flash before their astonished eyes.
And not even a second later Silah landed on all fours with Jaran sliding on the ground to a stop beside her.
While the pale woman gazed over her shoulder with marginally widened eyes as she watched the construct of chi just barely soar past her head.
And then it soared straight into a Fire Nation guard tower.
The three highborn women stared on with their eyes enlarging in shock when the attack sliced clean through the stone structure!
As a cold smile pulled onto the puppeteer's lips as she turned to gaze in the direction of the walls surrounding the royal palace.
"The Component." Silah stated with a trace of intrigue in her unfeeling voice to find herself gazing back at the young girl standing a short distance away from her.
The girl now stood still adorning her academy uniform frowning back at Silah's heartless face with her backpack wrapped around her shoulders.
The soldiers of the Royal Procession were rushing out to protect their princess.
Only to find themselves halting in their tracks upon witnessing the arrival of the strange girl outside the main gates of the royal palace.
"Elle! I told you to stay in your room!" The acrobat called out in a worried voice as she still gazed on behind the two shocked firebenders.
'It's…just like when she cut through that projectile back in the ice valley!' The princess thought with her amber golden eyes gazing on in analyzation.
She studied the cut in the structure with her callous amber golden eyes flickering in renewed satisfaction that the girl and her incredible power belonged to her and her alone.
"Stay away from my princess and my oneesans." Elle remarked in a defensive voice with her amber eyes staring back at the woman's porcelain toned countenance.
The hunter's lips curved into an entertained smirk as she stood up to gaze back into the girl's passionate eyes.
The three highborn women stared at their young friend's back with a shared expression of appreciation in their eyes.
And further into Royal Caldera City…
Sia watched the spark of energy release from within the distance as her golden eyes stared on in astonishment in the direction of the vast palace walled fortifications.
'So…she truly is in possession of some kind of abnormal power…' The revolutionary thought as her thoughtful hand fell from underneath her chin.
She continued to observe the fading light in contemplation as the wind blew through her hair.
"We finally meet face to face at long last…Component." The puppeteer greeted in an eloquent voice with her puppets rising up behind her while she stared intently back at the girl as she took a step closer.
Elle stood gazing back at the lifeless puppets as she felt a shiver travel her spine as she took in their expressionless faces.
Only to shake her head as she reminded herself to maintain her focus while she furrowed her brows back at the woman's eerie face.
Just before a beaming smile made its way onto her lips while the three highborn women stared protectively from behind their young teammate.
"And you're just the person that I was wanting to speak to!" The handmaid exclaimed in a return to her jovial voice as she smiled back at the woman's now taken aback pale face while her highborn friends listened behind her in confusion.
While cold-hearted dark green eyes stared back at her in surprise as she stared back into the seemingly immortal woman's chilling eyes.
With any luck.
If she plays her cards right.
Perhaps she'll be able to get some information about the voice in her head and the calamity to come from the dark sage...
Silah the Pale.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 137 - Eternal Art
Azula gracefully seated herself upon her cushion as she folded her legs beneath her with all the poise of royalty.
While she turned to gaze at her father's cold face through the corner of her callous eye as she tried to ascertain what was on his mind.
"Father, you told me that we were going to discuss the matter of that wretched puppeteer." Azula stated with her frigid eyes gazing back at her father's emotionless face.
And once again she could tell that he was hiding something from her.
"And we shall Azula. For the first time in nearly eleven years…I sent out a summon for her." Ozai remarked in a totally impassive voice while Azula's amber golden eyes widened in shock.
"You invited her to our Capital?" The princess snarled with a rare fury in her voice as her teeth ground together in her renewed rage.
The very thought that the woman could make such a brazen attempt on her life.
And massacre scores of Fire Nation citizens and still receive an invitation into their Capital made her blood boil like no other!
"If she is foolish enough to show…and if her answers prove insufficient then we will simply kill her." The Fire Lord stated in a cruel voice as he stared back into his daughter's seething amber golden eyes.
And that was all it took for blue flames to spark to life amidst the Fire Lord's own as the princess sprung to her feet in her fury.
"You can't be serious! She tried to kill me!" Azula shouted with royal rage in her livid voice as she smashed her fists at her womanly hips.
Your father actually thought that he was getting the better end of the deal.
Who is pathetic enough to spend their entire life fighting to claim a mere chair?
And for one of the first times in her life.
She began to ponder if her father even truly knew who he was dealing with!
Only for her amber golden eyes to widen in even greater anger when her father's flames sparked to immense heights as the older firebender stared coldly back up at her.
"Azula! Get ahold of yourself! You are letting this woman get to you! I thought I taught you better than that!" Ozai scolded in a harsh voice as he watched his daughter recoil with her amber golden eyes still narrowing in rage.
'How dare he tell me to get ahold of myself! He was not the one that she hunted!' The princess thought with fire spewing from her glowering lips as she struggled to contain her temper.
Only to find herself spinning towards the entrance of the throne room when she saw an Imperial Firebender rush through the curtains.
While Ozai turned to gaze down at the soldier with a rigid stare as the man yelled out an alarming report.
"Fire Lord Ozai! A massive steel badgermole has tunneled past our fortifications and it is now heading into the caldera as we speak! The airships are currently engaged in pursuing the enemy! What should we do!" The Imperial Firebender informed in a startled voice that prompted the two royals to stare down at him.
While the Fire Lord scowled as he ignored his daughter's enraged stare as he gazed down with callous amber eyes.
"Do not lose sight of her! If she makes any move on the populace destroy her!" The Fire Lord commanded in a merciless voice only for the sound of a distant rumble to resound into his ears.
While his scowl deepened as he gritted his teeth before he stood up from his throne.
All the while as Azula glared out of the corner of her infuriated amber golden eye at her father's face as the shouts of soldiers continued to pierce the air.
While more soldiers burst into the throne room as they gazed up at the two royals for guidance.
"It's…it's moving through the city Fire Lord! We can't get a lock on it! If we bomb it! We'll be bombing Fire Nationals!" A soldier shouted in an unnerved voice while the monarch stared down with narrowing amber eyes.
While Azula stood with her fists clenched at her enraged hips with her outraged amber golden eyes still glaring at her father's back.
Only for Ozai to swiftly begin to stride down the steps.
And soon enough the Fire Lord stormed out of the throne room with his Royal Procession hurrying after him.
All the while as the princess still bared her teeth like a vengeful dragon as she followed after her father.
And seconds later Azula found herself storming through the halls of the palace.
While her rage only continued to grow as she listened to panicked shouts and rumbles resound into her ears from outside the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
Only to turn to glance over her armored shoulder when she saw her Dai Li jumping down behind her.
While the head of the Dai Li now bowed with his head bent in respect before the Fire Nation woman as she stared frigidly down at him.
"Princess! The enemy that you fought in the Forgetful Valley is heading towards the main gates of the royal palace. The Dai Li are loyal only to you. What are your orders?" Raolan announced as he bowed on the floor while the powerful princess stared imposingly down at him.
"Track every move that she makes and make certain that she doesn't go anywhere near the Royal Fire Academy." Azula ordered in a voice of natural authority with her terrifying eyes watching as her agents swiftly nodded their heads.
"As you command Princess." The head of the Dai Li agreed as he bowed low before he swiftly turned around to rush down the halls of the vast palace.
While the princess hurried down the halls of the palace with her intimidating amber golden eyes never once losing their vengeful glare.
'Damn this freak of a puppeteer and damn Father as well!' The princess thought with fire escaping her seething nostrils as she broke out into a rapid run down the hall.
Meanwhile, out in Royal Caldera City.
Ty Lee stepped outside her estate in alarm when she heard the sounds of screams piercing the air.
Only for her brown-gray eyes to widen in revived terror when she saw the familiar steel monstrosity bounding down the spikes of the caldera.
And without even giving it any thought she instantly broke out into a sprint towards the academy to make sure that the puppeteer made no move on her little sister.
While Yoko also gazed out the window of her estate with her golden eyes widening in disbelief as she watched the strange contraption land at the edge of the city.
All the while as Fire Nation airships soared above the caldera in hot pursuit of the vehicle only to find that they were unable to attack without risking the lives of the populace.
While Mio stood behind her mistress with her brown eyes gazing on in fear.
"No matter what happens I want you to remain in the mansion Mio." Yoko commanded with her back turned to her house servant while Mio bowed her head in understanding.
"Yes, Mistress Yoko. I will not deviate from your side." Mio replied in a devoted voice as she bowed with her back bent while the older woman glowered out her window.
And yet while the majority of the noble populace and their servants were gazing on in fright.
There was one who was not afraid.
The former chancellor watched from his balcony with his hands grasping at the railing.
While his golden eyes took on a conniving gleam once more as he held a hand underneath his chin.
All the while as a crafty smile pulled onto his lips as he watched the metal beast bound down the slopes of the caldera.
"Hm. Interesting…a wild card." Terak stated in a voice devoid of emotion as he watched the vehicle land in the outskirts of the city.
All the while as Zoi watched from the far end of the city from where she stood on patrol outside the academy with her golden eyes growing wide in shock.
And that was all it took for steam to begin to emit from her robust muscles as she clenched her jaw in her rage.
While she swiftly drew her sword with her golden eyes forming the glare of her warrior persona as she sprang into the air after her target.
'What is that monster doing here! What is she planning!' Zoi thought as she fired off her line while she soared high above the rooftops with her chilling gaze expressing a desire to avenge her subordinates once more.
And just like that the city was in a panic as the gigantic mechanical badgermole effortlessly leaped high above the buildings with no regard for the nobles that were nearly crushed underfoot.
While the vehicle sprinted towards the walls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace as Fire Nation citizens watched it storm their city in confusion and terror.
All the while as the soldiers of the Fire Army launched streams of firebending at the metal beast as it landed thunderously in the center of the streets.
Only for the soldiers to shout in alarm when their flames harmlessly gazed its armored hide.
While its eyes gazed in the direction of the Fire Nation Royal Palace with its lifeless gaze emitting an ominous glow.
And not even seconds after that…
The great war machine dug deep into the depths of the earth while the citizens continued to scream all throughout the caldera.
While Ozai now stood at the top of the palace tower with his amber eyes brimming with rage over the spectacle that the woman was creating.
All the while as Azula stood behind her father with her amber golden eyes just trembling in her royal wrath.
"I-it just tunneled underneath the city!" An Imperial Firebender called out in a frantic voice as he stood behind the two royals while they both glared out the tower window.
While the sounds of earth shifting rumbled into the air for all to hear.
Only for both Ozai and Azula to spin around to glare down with widening eyes when they saw the barren ground beyond the palace walls abruptly burst open!
And then the mechanical badgermole began to rise majestically from the hole in the earth just before the entrance to the Fire Nation Royal Palace!
While the Royal Procession stood on guard around the metal monstrously on all sides gazing out from their helmets in disbelief.
And the Dai Li agents leaped down around the mechanical badgermole with even their hardened eyes widening as they stared up at it in astonishment.
And not a moment later….
The sound of a door on the underside of the lifeless creature's chest opening up with a mechanical hiss.
While Azula's boiling amber golden eyes formed into murderous slits as she watched the cockpit chamber open up just like back in the valley.
Only for the hooded puppeteer to be revealed sitting in her control seat with her sinister dark green eyes gazing back up at the two enraged royals far above her.
"Been a long time Ozai. Shall I enter through the front door or should I create my own?" Silah greeted in a nonchalant voice as she stood up from her seat.
While a devious smile curved onto her lips from underneath her white bone mask as the Fire Lord's amber eyes brimmed with anger over being addressed so casually.
And if looks could kill Azula's glare would have set her aflame instantaneously.
"You have some gall to show yourself here after what you tried to do to me! I can assure you that you will regret this arrogance in your final moments when I take your head Silah!" The princess snapped with flames blazing from her mighty fists while she glared venomously down at the masked woman's concealed face.
Only for the puppeteer to let out a sadistic laugh that resounded into the air of rocky landscape surrounding the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
And not a second later a hooded puppet sprang into the air and landed upon the head of the mechanical badgermole.
While Azula turned to glare down at the shrouded puppet through the corner of her callous eyes in search of cables.
Only for her furious gaze to glance about in frustration when she was unable to detect any signs of strings of any kind!
While Ozai still glared coldly down at Silah's masked visage with his amber eyes momentarily sweeping in the direction of the cloaked puppet.
Before his gaze glanced over the mechanical badgermole in astonishment as he studied it in disbelief.
'To think that this woman was able to weaponize that creature and turn it into her own mobile fortified vehicle.' Ozai thought with his callous gaze reflecting fascination before he returned his gaze back down to the woman's masked face.
"If you like Azula…we could finish where we left off." The puppeteer taunted in an unmistakably arrogant voice as she stared up at the princess's infuriated face.
"With pleasure." Azula sneered with her white teeth showing in her royal rage while she stepped forward.
Only for the anger in her eyes to soar to even higher height when her father held out his arm to stop her!
"I don't care what you do with her outside the caldera but you will restrain yourself until she vacates the walls of the city. I will not have my Capital reduced to ashes because of your personal quarrel." The Fire Lord spoke in a low voice with his amber eyes staring back into his daughter's boiling amber golden eyes.
Before he turned away from his daughter to stare down at the masked woman below.
While the princess shook in rage like no other with her amber golden eyes.
And for the most fleeting of instances.
Azula turned to glare down at her booted feet with her gaze almost seemingly to reflect a flicker of hurt.
And then Ozai turned to glance over his shoulder at his Royal Procession with an imposing scowl on his lips.
"Escort our 'guest' into the palace but do not take your eyes off her even for a second." Ozai ordered in a glacial voice as his soldiers swiftly bowed in understanding as they sprinted away.
While the princess turned to glare between her father's back and her enemy below as predatory dark green eyes gazed back up at her.
And even though she couldn't see her revolting face.
She knew that the woman was smiling!
And that was all it took for Silah to leap down from the door of her vehicle as it closed with another hiss behind her.
Before she landed on the ground amidst the horde of unnerved soldiers with her cloaked puppet landing on the ground behind her.
While Ozai cast her a final glare from the window above before he turned to walk away back to his throne room.
All the while as Azula was left standing there with her piercing amber golden eyes still glaring down at the bone mask.
While flames spewed from her enraged lips and lightning began to churn from her fingertips.
And in that very moment…
The dark green eyes of the serial killer met the princess's burning amber golden eyes as the two stared back at one another.
And then the masked woman sauntered forward past the unnerved Imperial Firebenders with the cloaked puppet silently following after her.
While a platoon of soldiers remained behind as they inspected the mysterious metal monstrosity from all angles.
Until Azula pursed her lips into a vengeful glower as she watched the woman vanish through the entrance of the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
Before she wordlessly turned around as she began to storm her way back towards the throne room.
All the while as her ruthless amber golden eyes never once lost her vengeful stare.
Not even five minutes later…
The firelight from the flames in the throne room reflected brilliantly all throughout the vast chamber.
While Ozai stood at the top of the overlooking platform with his amber eyes glaring down at the parting throne room curtains.
While Azula stood to the left of her father with her fists gripped at her hips as she watched soldiers pour into the throne room.
And at the center of it all…was Silah!
The tall form of the masked puppeteer walked with an incredible arrogance about her as she glanced around her with cruelly amused dark green eyes.
While the form of the concealed puppet walked imposingly behind her.
All the while as Silah's chilling dark green eyes almost seemed to cause many of the proud soldiers to sweat in instinctual fear underneath their helmets.
It was something that had not gone unnoticed by Ozai and Azula.
The elite guards almost seemed to be tip toeing around the criminal almost as if in hesitation to get any closer!
And the soldiers were even muttering and talking amongst each other in hushed tones as the masked woman sauntered past them.
"It's…it's her! She's the one! Soldiers go after her but they never come back!" A soldier exclaimed in a wary voice as he gazed at the criminal's masked visage.
Only to find himself shivering when sinister dark green eyes swept over his helmet covered face in cruel amusement.
While the two mighty royals glared down at the puppeteer in fury over how the image of their unmatched army seemed to crumble in the woman's presence.
"And you call yourselves soldiers. A word of advice Ozai…you might want to consider finding more suitable replacements. These ones are…rather pathetic. I would know…after all I have been slaughtering them for years." Silah commented in a sadistic voice as she watched the elite soldiers attempt to hide their fear from underneath their helms.
The Fire Lord seethed with his amber eyes now boiling over in long since vanished patience as the flames in his throne room rose up to towering heights.
While the princess glared between her father's robed back and the masked puppeteer standing in the center of the throne room below.
And it had not escaped her notice that with every moment that the filthy woman sauntered about their grand Capital!
The image of her family as the world's most powerful family began to falter with every minute that Silah waltzed about their city with no regard for their authority!
And that enraged her more than anything else!
Only to find herself turning to gaze at her father once more when the flames shot up once more in unison with the sound of his booming voice.
"For as long as you remain in this city! Under the roof of my palace, you will speak to me with respect!" The Fire Lord boomed from at the top of the platform with his amber eyes staring coldly down at the woman's masked countenance.
While Azula still glared from beside her father with her vindictive amber golden eyes never leaving the puppeteer below.
Only for the anger in the two royals' eyes to rise to an even higher height when the masked woman offered them a mocking bow.
"Of course, mighty Fire Lord..." The puppeteer trailed off with a poorly hidden laugh while the Fire Lord's eyes looked as if they were about to explode from his eye sockets.
And then Ozai turned to glance down at his elite soldiers with his merciless eyes regarding them in passing.
"All of you get out! Azula and I will handle her!" Ozai bellowed in a callous voice that split through the air like a whip.
While the Royal Procession quickly bowed before the two royals before they turned to depart the throne room.
But not before the soldiers gazed over their shoulders in distrust at the masked woman a final time.
And then soon after the elite guards departed through the throne room curtains.
While the Fire Lord and his daughter both stared frigidly down at the masked woman standing before the ornate pillars of the throne room below.
All the while as Silah stared back up at Azula's supremely wrathful face with a cold smile of her own underneath her mask.
"Azula…despite what I told you before. In recognition of the bond that we share…I have decided to grace you with a rare gift. I am going to show you my true face." Silah announced in a softly enigmatic voice as she raised one gloved hand to remove her hood from her masked face.
The princess's callous eyes momentarily flickered with surprise as she studied the woman intently from above.
Before she hardened her gaze into that of a true conqueror once more as let out a menacing hiss.
All the while as the Fire Lord rose a brow as he gazed questioningly at his daughter from the corner of his eye.
Before he too turned his gaze back down to the lethal killer below.
'Is she truly so arrogant as to show her face before me?' The Fire Lord thought with his calculating amber eyes staring down at the white bone mask in contemplation.
And yet as much as the very existence of his onetime ally infuriated him.
Masked or unmasked.
He knew well enough that disposing of Silah was no simple matter.
"Revolting peasant. The only bond between you and me is the joy that I will feel watching you burn to death in my flames." The princess snapped in a menacingly maleficent voice with her intimidating amber golden eyes glaring down at the woman's masked countenance.
Only for her lips to curl into an even more furious glower when a sickening chuckle resounded into the air in reply.
And then the father and daughter watched with intensely focused eyes as the woman pulled down the hood from her concealed face.
And seconds after that the woman threw her cloak aside to the palace floor below.
While the two royals watched with narrowed eyes as they took in the green kimono adorning the woman's body.
"In any event…you and your father should consider yourselves honored. I don't reveal my true face to just anyone." The puppeteer stated in a strikingly emotionless voice with her gloved fingers now clutching at her bone mask.
And just then she slowly started to remove it from her head while the two royals still gazed down at her in captivation.
And then before Azula or Ozai could so much as say another word.
They both watched with widening eyes as the mask was withdrawn from the killer's face.
While long almost angelic silver hair now spilled freely to the woman's middle back as a cold-blooded smile graced her lips.
Before she raised her dark green eyes to gaze up at the faces of the two astonished royals.
All the while as she took tremendous delight in the way that the princess's amber golden eyes were widening in sheer disbelief.
Both the Fire Lord and the Fire Princess were now staring down in shock at the face of a young woman.
And because the princess was privy to information from the old sage that her father was not.
She was even more shocked than her father.
Azula's amber golden eyes were as wide as can be as she stared down at her enemy's at long last exposed face.
While Silah smiled back up at her glowering countenance with a grin adorning her lips.
All the while as she clenched her fists at her hips as Mava's voice flowed through her mind once more.
Back…when we were young.
My time in this world is nearing its end. But I can't say the same for Silah…because unlike me she has obtained an ageless state of immortality.
I have spent over one hundred and fifty years trying to interpret these visions!
'How is this possible! She…doesn't look a day older than me and yet if Mava's words are true…she was alive back in the days of my great-grandfather!'' Azula thought with her amber golden eyes furrowing in frustration down at the woman's pale smiling face.
And unlike Mava.
Silah's face was that of flawless youth!
She had no wrinkles. No folds. No lines in her skin.
There were no signs of any aging whatsoever!
Is it possible that she is truly immortal?
It was a prospect that she would have previously discounted.
And yet after meeting both Silah and that monstrous researcher Nero…
Her lips pursed into an imposing scowl as she glared down at the woman with fire spewing from her lips.
'I will uncover the secrets of their immortality and then…me and the tiger monkey will become immortals!' The princess mused with her amber golden eyes taking on a determined stare as she held her head high with all the poise of royalty.
"So…. that is your true appearance. It was foolish of you to reveal it to me so carelessly. If by some small chance you escape this palace with your life, I will be certain to use it to update your wanted poster." Ozai stated in a harshly rigid voice as he glared down at the woman's youthful face while she smiled back up at him.
He wouldn't deny that he had been expecting her face to be much older than what was revealed.
Only for the sound of another arrogant laugh to resonate throughout the throne room while Ozai's eyes narrowed into slits.
While Azula finally recovered her composure as she glared venomously down at the laughing puppeteer.
"Do as you wish Ozai. But I would have thought that you would have learned from scores of soldiers that I have slain that I cannot be killed so easily." Silah responded in an ever-confident voice as a demented grin pulled upon her pale lips.
While the two members of the Fire Nation monarchy glared back down at their 'guest' in judgement.
All the while as their gazes periodically swept to the cloaked figure looming behind the killer's back.
"I see that my suspicions were right after all…you are the one that has been butchering my soldiers in mass…and leaving a trail of destruction in the east in your wake." The Fire Lord remarked in a frozen voice with his amber eyes glaring down at the criminal's smirking face as she sauntered forward.
While Azula's amber golden eyes boiled over in even greater wrath as she glared between her father and the unmasked woman below.
"And what if I have? What are you going to do about it?" The puppeteer countered in a remorseless voice with her dark green eyes gleaming with cruelty.
While the flames in the throne room shot up all around her in response to her taunt as the man narrowed his eyes in a commanding manner down at her.
"You come into my domain to flaunt yourself before me after attacking my daughter and murdering my people! I can only hope that you brought ample protection Silah." Ozai yelled in a truly livid voice with his amber eyes glaring wrathfully down at the woman's chuckling face.
While the princess turned to glance at her father with her callous amber golden eyes flashing with a momentary spark of daughterly emotion.
Perhaps…her father truly did care for her?
All the while as her gaze shifted back to the woman below in loath as she exhaled blue flames from her seething nostrils.
Only for both royals to glare down in contempt when the deranged hunter let out a dismissive laugh.
"Aren't you being a little presumptuous? I have all the protection that I need right here…" Silah retorted in a voice of upmost sanguinity with her lips curving into a wicked smirk while the cloaked puppet rose up behind her.
While Ozai and Azula stared down at the figure looming behind the woman with their eyes observing it intently.
'That's the one from the cavern…' The princess thought with her brilliant amber golden eyes staring coldly down at the hooded puppet as her flames burned at her fingertips.
And yet…. once more.
Where were the cables?
"Then we'll just have to see how well that protection holds up…won't we?" The Fire Lord stated with a margin of a cruel sneer forming onto his lips as his flames exploded throughout the throne room.
While the hunter stood undaunted in the faces of the intense flames with her silver hair blowing before her cunning dark green eyes.
All the while as a perverse smile continued to grace her lips.
While Azula stared on with vengeance in her boiling eyes from behind her father.
Only for the eyes of both royals to widen when a structure of earth arose up to effortlessly shield the puppeteer from the heat of the searing inferno.
While the Fire Lord watched with narrowed amber eyes as the earthen wall was swiftly burned to away within his flames.
Before he rapidly turned his head to watch the woman agilely leap back with her cloaked weapon landing on the ground beside her.
While Azula's amber golden eyes brimmed with rage as she studied her enemy closely.
Just like back in the valley…
It moved as if it was an extension of her will!
"Do not mistake yourself…I am more than capable of warring with you and your daughter. But…that isn't why I came here." The puppeteer commented in an unfeeling voice with one gloved hand on the palace floor while the Fire Lord's amber eyes glared down at her.
"Then why have you come here?" Ozai questioned in a frigid voice while his amber eyes never left the woman's pale smiling face.
While the princess glared daggers down at the smirking woman kneeling on the floor of their palace.
"I would like to forge an alliance with the Fire Nation once more…. against the combined might of the Avatar and Princess Ling." Silah declared in a stunningly bold voice as she pushed herself to her feet while the two royals stared down at her in complete disbelief.
And that was all that was required for the princess's cold blue fire to explode all throughout the lavish throne room.
"What! That is ludicrous! Father! She attempted to turn me into a puppet! She slew our people!" Azula protested with her mighty voice booming all through the chamber while her amber golden eyes bristled in unfathomable fury.
While Silah still smiled up at her with her otherworldly silver hair flowing freely behind her.
All the while as Ozai momentarily glanced at his daughter's unusually enraged face before he turned to glare back down at the killer below.
"Azula makes a valid point. That is a preposterous notion." The Fire Lord said in a glacial voice as he stood glaring down at the twisted artist standing below.
"Your daughter really needs to lighten up. I was only playing around. I simply wanted to see if she was worthy of inheriting the throne. That's all." The puppeteer responded in a casual voice as she waved a gloved hand over her shoulder while the princess's amber golden eyes burned through her skull.
Only for the flames in the vast throne room to rise up once more as Ozai's amber eyes showed that he was unamused by the killer's words.
"By attacking my daughter and my subjects you have directly attacked me! And even if you hadn't! I already have abundant military might and war power at my disposal! What makes you think that I need you to crush the Avatar and the Earth Kingdom!" Ozai bellowed in a truly intimidating voice that resonated throughout the air while he glared at the hunter's smirking face.
"If you think sitting on that throne makes you the most powerful being in this world then you are sadly mistaken. There are forces in this world that transcend your concept of thrones…and I am one such force." Silah stated in a voice of calculated poise as she stared up into Ozai's burning amber eyes as she took a step forward.
While the princess glared down at her enemy with her amber golden eyes already catching the hidden meaning behind the woman's words.
A vast cult. A cult that is the entire planet.
All the while as her ruthless gaze flashed with a trace of paranoia of the prospect of such a powerful entity controlling the entire world from the shadows.
While Ozai still glared callously down at the woman as her lips creased into a sanguine smile.
"Allow me to let you in on a little secret. I was alive when your father took the throne…and I was also alive when Sozin ascended the throne. In fact, this year will be my two hundred and second birthday." The puppeteer admitted in a nonchalant voice as she stared up into the Fire Lord's utterly disbelieving amber eyes.
While the princess's amber golden eyes flickered with astonishment as she once again clenched her fists at her hips.
And yet, after meeting the old sage.
She could not say with absolute certainty that the repulsive woman was lying!
"You lie. There is no way that you were alive when my father ascended the throne much less my grandfather!" The Fire Lord refuted in a coldly dismissive voice as his amber eyes glared down at the woman's smirking face.
And then his eyes swept over her glistening almost angelic silver hair as he stared down at her in deliberation.
It appeared nothing like the natural gray hair that came with old age.
It almost looked…unnaturally preserved!
But…that couldn't be!
It is not possible!
"Do I? Are those lines in your face Ozai? By the time that you are old and gray…I will appear the same as I do today because I have long since discovered the secret to immortality." Silah called out in a taunt with her ingenious dark green eyes gazing up at Ozai's incredulous glaring countenance.
While the Fire Lord stared down with ever present fury in his eyes as the woman still smiled up at him.
All the while as the princess's continued to glower down at the woman with hatred in her murderous eyes.
"But perhaps…you can be immortal too. I bet you would like that wouldn't you? Just imagine it! You could rule over this world for centuries. You wouldn't even need an heir because you would be eternal. You would be ageless! Just like me! Join forces with me and I will show you how to make that dream a reality! I'll show you immortality!" The puppeteer exclaimed in a stunningly confident voice while the Fire Lord's amber eyes mulled over her words.
While her smirk grew even larger knowing full well that she had gained his attention.
All the Azula spun around to gaze in fury at her father's back as she balled up her fists in her royal anger.
"Father! Don't listen to her! She is trying to deceive us!" The princess yelled in a beyond furious voice with her amber golden eyes glaring at her father's face.
Only for the fury in her eyes to grow when she saw that he was actually considering the repulsive woman's words!
'I'll show you immortality…immortality as my puppet!' Silah thought with her dark green eyes conveying a predatory gleam as she stared up at the man's grudgingly intrigued face.
Just as Ozai narrowed his amber eyes once more as he exhaled flames from his nostrils.
"Do not think you can deceive me so easily Silah!" Ozai barked with his teeth bared in his anger as his flames flooded throughout the throne room once more towards his target.
While the hunter stood undaunted with her silver hair blowing about behind her as her lips grew into a knowing smirk.
And not even seconds later the Fire Lord's mighty flames exploded in the puppeteer's face.
All the while as the explosion of intense fire shone radiantly all throughout the throne room!
While Azula glared down into the smoke from where she stood on the platform above.
Only for her amber golden eyes to narrow into slits when she saw two figures standing soon appear in the clearing smoke.
Soon enough Silah's smirking face was visible once more as she stared up at the now shocked faces of the two royals.
"As for what I bring to the table…" The puppeteer trailed off in an unmistakably conceited voice as she waved a gloved hand to her secret weapon whose cloak had been burned away in the heat of the Fire Lord's attack.
And the face of her prized puppet was now visible for both of the shocked royals to see.
And that was all that was needed to happen for the princess's amber golden eyes to enlarge in disbelief.
While she now stared down at the face of the revealed puppet with her lips parting in an expression of rare disbelief.
It was a face that she had seen once before in a royal portrait in the Earth Kingdom Palace!
And even Ozai's amber eyes had widened in complete shock to find himself gazing down at the face of his long dead enemy in bright yellow and green royal combat robes!
Earth King Jaran!
There were not many things that could render a man like him into a state of astonishment.
But seeing the great warrior Earth King standing before him as a human puppet…
While his gaze shifted about as he watched the deceased Earth King sink into a bending stance behind the smirking woman!
'What sort of manner of dark sorcery is this!' The Fire Lord thought with his amber eyes widening in incredulity while he gazed into Jaran's lifeless light green eyes.
All the while as Silah's deranged laughter soon erupted throughout the throne room as she swept her gloved hand over her shoulder to point at the face of the deceased Earth King.
"Gaze upon art that is everlasting! Per the terms of our deal eleven years ago! I assassinated your enemies and you got your throne! And I converted the strongest warrior Earth King into my ultimate weapon of war! He now belongs to me! I now control his bending as if it were my own!" Silah boasted in a stunningly monstrous voice as she thrust her gloved finger in the direction of Ozai's disbelieving face.
While the Fire Lord gritted his teeth as he glared back down at the madly laughing puppeteer with his amber eyes forming into slits.
While the princess's amber golden eyes flashed with a revived paranoia as she glared down at the lifeless Earth King.
Now it all made sense!
Why Zoi had stated that she hadn't seen such power since the likes of Earth King Jaran!
It was because the tremendous earthbending that she had witnessed in the Forgetful Valley was none other than that of Jaran himself!
Before she recovered from her shock as she turned to cast a cold glare at her father's back with her amber golden eyes reflecting a stare of waning respect.
'She played you for a fool!' The princess thought with callous scoff escaping her scowling lips before her wrathful gaze turned back to the dollmaker below.
While the laughter of Silah continued to echo off the walls of the throne room as her lips curved into a preserve smirk.
Only for the eyes of the two royals to stare warily back down at the lifeless king when the floor of the throne room started to shake under the power of his earthbending!
"What did you think when I told you that I would take my payment in bender slaves instead of gold and I volunteered to kill Jaran personally? That I was just some simple collector of corpses?" The puppeteer mocked in a profoundly sadistic voice while the Fire Lord trembled in unimaginable outrage.
"You dare! You filthy witch!" Ozai roared with rage like no other in his imposing voice as his flames flared to life once more.
While Silah's lips curved into a psychotic as she slid into a fighting stance with her gloved hands before her face behind her ultimate weapon.
All the while as Azula still glared in fury at her father's utterly enraged face.
"How many slaves did you give her! Don't you get it! She takes the power of slain benders and makes it her own! You supplied her with the very corpse army that she used to assault me!" Azula bellowed with in an indescribably booming voice as she glared at her father's boiling face.
"You really should have been there to see it Ozai! I had to put in a monumental effort to bring him down! It wasn't easy…even for me! Not even with the Fire Army at my back! You should have seen how hard he fought! He truly is deserving of the title…the strongest Earth King in recorded history! Allow me to show you just a fraction of what he is capable of!" Silah shouted with her maddened words resonating throughout the throne room while Ozai's amber eyes nearly erupted from his eye sockets.
While the princess shook her head outside of her father's line of vision with a gaze of disgust brewing in her amber golden eyes.
Before she turned to glare back down at the deranged puppeteer with her gaze expressing immeasurable hatred.
"There he is Jaran! It's the man who ordered the death of your beloved! He's here before you at long last! It's a shame that you are no longer with us to avenge your wife but fear not…perhaps I will avenge her for you!" The puppeteer announced with unrivaled sadism lacing her compassionless voice as she smirked over her shoulder at her puppet's lifeless face.
While Jaran's expressionless light green eyes gazed dully up at Ozai's remorseless face as the Fire Lord glared back down at him.
Before Ozai turned to regard the hunter in contempt as a callous scoff escaped his lips.
"You truly are deluded if you think if you think that the bending of one corpse…no matter how powerful is going to allow you to defeat me and every soldier stationed in this city!" The Fire Lord thundered with his amber eyes forming slits while he glared down at the puppeteer's coldly chuckling visage.
"You misunderstand me Ozai…I don't have to defeat every soldier in the Capital. All I have to do is use Jaran to do what he intended to do from the moment he embarked on his quest to kill you. And that is use his legendary earthbending in combination with my own prodigious talent to awaken this dormant volcano!" Silah chuckled in a demented voice with her lips forming a perverse smirk while the two royals listened in horror.
Even two people as cruel as Ozai and Azula were floored by the sheer depravity in the puppeteer's announcement.
And just as stunned that had been the plan of the fallen Earth King all along!
While searing flames flooded forth throughout the throne room once again as the earth began to shake with even greater volume.
All the while as the sound of guards rushing towards the chamber were soon heard approaching in the distance.
And in the far distance Zoi sprang past the stationary mechanical badgermole with her golden eyes glancing over it in disbelief.
'What is that beast doing in the palace! Zoi thought as she burst through the doors of the Fire Nation Royal Palace.
Only for her stony golden eyes to gaze ahead in alarm when she saw that the walls of the palace were starting to shake around her.
Just like back then and just like back in the Forgetful Valley!
And without even giving it any further thought she rushed down the halls like living lightning towards the throne room!
"I know why you and the rest of the Fire Nation elite, as well as even the corrupt Earth Kingdom bureaucracy feared Jaran! It was because he was considered an ascendant level bender! He was to the Earth Kingdom to what Azula is to the Fire Nation!" The puppeteer spoke with a horrific pride in her weapon in her heartless voice while a merciless grin graced her pale lips.
While the two members of the Fire Nation monarchy stared with their eyes expressing shock at the woman's claim.
All the while as the princess stood with her callous amber golden eyes expressing her astoundment as she recalled the old sage's words once more.
There are still select talented benders who are able to rise above their limits.
These benders are called ascendants.
And you should both know that Silah is already an ascendant.
Before her imperious gaze hardened once more as she studied her father's enraged face through the corner of her eye.
While her cold gaze rapidly danced between the two as she rapidly debated what course of action that she should take.
Should she assist her father?
Or should she assassinate him amidst the ensuing chaos?
'An ascendant…level bender?' Ozai thought with his amber gaze burning with a rising paranoia towards both the puppeteer and his prodigy daughter's ever advancing bending.
Before he glared out of the corner of his eye at Silah's infuriatingly smiling face as lightning began to generate at his fingertips.
"Neither Jaran's bending or my own will stop until my life force fades…and since I cannot die of old age or disease. I suppose the question that you have to ask yourself is…do you have time to find out how to kill me before I take thousands of Fire Nation citizens with me?" Silah explained in a joyfully diabolical voice as she ran her tongue along her pale lips.
While she gazed fearlessly up at the outraged Fire Lord as electricity sparkled before her eager dark green eyes.
All the while as Azula's lips pursed into a cold glower as she glared down at the smirking puppeteer.
'There is no way that I can stand by and allow her to do that…to the people of the Fire Nation!' The princess thought as she entrenched her boots along the platform below as her own firebending flared to life.
"The choice is yours Ozai…I can either turn our legendary power on the people of the Fire Nation…or the people of the Earth Kingdom? Which one will it be?" The puppeteer concluded in a shockingly vicious voice while the Fire Lord's amber eyes glared down at her from atop his platform.
And for a passing moment Ozai glared with rage back into Silah's astonishingly cruel dark green eyes.
While Azula swiftly gazed between her father and her mortal enemy with icy amber golden eyes.
Only to find her lips falling open agape in disbelief when her father's lightning abruptly dissipated even a second later!
And just as quickly as the shaking had begun…
It suddenly stopped not even seconds later.
While the princess stared at her father's cold face with unimaginable rage in her widened eyes as the puppeteer smiled up at them.
"You truly are a depraved beast Silah but so be it. I will re calibrate my plans for Sozin's Comet with your war power factored into consideration." The Fire Lord stated in a stunningly emotionless voice with his amber eyes gazing down at the puppeteer's smirking countenance.
While Azula stood in a state of speechlessness behind her father with her amber golden eyes enlarging in incredulity.
All the while as Silah straightened with a gloved fist against her cheek as she smiled devilishly up at them.
"I just knew that you would see reason. I promise you that once you see the devastation that I am going to wreak on the battlements…you won't regret this." Silah purred in a softly cruel voice with her unfeeling dark green eyes gazing up at the Fire Lord's glacial countenance.
"Father! This is…you cannot be…" Azula protested in a disbelieving voice only to recoil when her father spun around to glare back at her.
"Silence Azula! Not only did you and your brother fail to truly kill the Avatar six years ago! You and your new weapon have spent weeks wandering the Fire Nation and yet the Avatar still lives!" Ozai snapped in a tyrannical voice with his amber eyes staring harshly back at the princess's greatly angered face.
While Silah stood smirking below with her gloved hands falling to her hips as she stared up at the princess's utterly humiliated face.
"But…she…" The princess replied with the words dying in her throat while her father regarded her with a dismissive stare.
Even after all this time.
After all that she has done for him.
He still didn't see her as an equal.
As someone to rule beside him.
He still saw her…as nothing more than a tool!
"Enough! My decision is final! I caution you to remember that I am Fire Lord! Not you!" The Fire Lord shouted in a cruel voice as he turned away from his daughter's recoiling face.
And after the Fire Lord turned away to gaze back down at the serial killer below.
For fleeting moment an expression of great pain flashed before the princess's proud amber golden eyes.
Only for it all to vanish into a limitless stare of boiling rage not even seconds later.
While Azula's wounded amber golden eyes glared between her father's back and the smirking woman below.
'Who does he think he is criticizing me my battlefield performance when he has never once left the safety of this palace to command a military operation!' Azula thought with her outraged amber golden eyes forming a stare of fury like never before.
"It would be a waste…not to utilize the power of the great Earth King Jaran himself…against his own people." Ozai commented in a callously offhand voice as he stared down at Silah's smirking countenance.
"My thoughts exactly…and why bother waiting for Sozin's Comet? When I can deploy today?" The puppeteer suggested as she held a gloved hand before her face while her puppeteer now stood motionless behind her once more.
While the princess continued to tremble in volcanic wrath with the veins in her amber golden eyes nearly exploding in her fury.
All the while as the Fire Lord's lips had already begun to curl into a monstrously approving smirk as he stroked his goatee in contemplation.
"I approve of the way you think…witch. But don't think for a moment that I will forget the disrespect that you showed me today or that you are welcome in my Capital. You will leave the caldera before the end of the day or I will have you eradicated by the entire Fire Army if necessary." The Fire Lord ordered in a coldly imperious voice as he stared down at the puppeteer as she carelessly shrugged her shoulders.
While Azula stood behind her father with her dark bangs shadowing her incensed eyes as she ground her teeth together.
"Whatever you say…Fire Lord. It hardly matters to me if I am welcome in your city. I find your city of pampered nobles boring anyway." Silah scoffed with her gloved hands on her hips while Ozai still glared down at her.
"And one more thing…you will make no more advancements on my daughter. That ends today. Is that understood?" Ozai declared in a voice of rigid authority with his amber eyes gazing down at the killer's smirking face.
While the princess still loomed silently with her armored shoulders shaking in her unimaginable rage.
All the while as she glared past her father and down into the eyes of the predatory puppeteer.
There is nowhere that you can run from me Azula. You will never be safe from me. Not even in your own palace.
And not a second later Azula raised a hand to grasp at her hair as she trembled with her hair hanging over her enraged amber golden eyes.
While she ground her white teeth together with a flash of insanity appearing before her widened amber golden eyes once more.
And for a brief second the ghostly image of Ursa appeared with her robed hands folded before her while she gazed in apparent concern back at her daughter's pained face.
'He doesn't love you Azula! Not like I do!' Ursa's voice rang out into Azula's mind as she spewed flames from her pursed lips.
'Shut your mouth you coward! You never loved me! You abandoned me! You sought to forget all memory of me! Now be gone specter! You mean nothing to me! You never did! Elle is all that I need now!' The princess thought with her callous amber golden eyes glaring over her plated shoulder at her mother's sorrowful face.
And not even seconds later the phantom image of her mother dissipated into thin air.
And in its place, it was replaced with an image of her young girlfriend's lovably smiling face.
Before she turned away to redirect her focused amber golden eyes to her enemy below while the woman smiled up at her.
"Certainly…I'll agree to those terms. Truth be told…I confide that I have become…quite fond of her and I am looking forward to seeing her performance in the war to come." The puppeteer stated in a voice of astonishing eloquence while her lips still adorned a pale smile.
And then the serial killer bent over in a slight bow while her dark green eyes still gazed back into the princess's glaring malefic amber golden gaze.
While the Fire Lord still stared frigidly down at the deranged hunter with his amber eyes regarding her for another moment.
"Now take your repulsive…toy and leave my palace." The Fire Lord commanded in a severely draconian voice as he swept a hand in the air before his still furious face while the puppeteer let out another chuckle.
"Right…I'll do that. Come on Jaran." Silah commented in an unfazed voice as she turned around to walk away while collecting her discarded cloak from the floor with her lifeless puppeteer following dutifully at her heels.
But not before she gazed into Azula's wrathful amber golden eyes for a final time with a smirk still gracing her lips.
And then she turned away with her prized weapon quietly sauntering after her.
While the princess now stood glaring menacingly after the puppeteer's departing back.
Until the woman soon departed through the curtains of the throne room with her cloak draped over her shoulder.
Just as she turned to stare at her father's back with a far greater ruthlessness than she had ever graced him with in her entire life.
As an expression of boundless betrayal sparked before her murderous amber golden eyes.
And if her mind wasn't made up about destroying her father before her decision was solidified now.
So be it then!
She will vanquish them both!
Both Silah and her father!
They will both die screaming in the flames of her unstoppable conquest!
This vow she made upon her honor as the princess of the Fire Nation!
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - A Kitten Affair – Part Two (Twoshot)
A tiny golden kitten with a collar wrapped around her neck was now bounding down the hall of the giant ship.
While a little bell jingled around her neck as she happily scurried down the hall after her master.
And in elegant Chinese print.
Her collar proudly read as follows:
 Elle - Princess Azula's Pet.
And not a moment after that Elle yelped when she impacted right with a large blood red wall.
Only to find herself letting out timid meows as she trembled on the floor when her princess halted in her walk to turn around and glance down at her.
All the while as she found herself gulping while the woman now literally towered over her as if she was a giant.
And if there was one thing that took getting used to it was being far, far shorter than she was even before to the point where everyone looked like giants to her.
And it was then that she was snapped out of her reverie while she meowed as she rubbed her face into the princess's boot.
While the scowling woman now stared down at her with a harsh disciplining amber golden gaze.
"Elle. How many times do I have to tell you not to walk under my boots?" Azula spoke in a naturally imposing voice as she stared sternly down at her tiny kitten girlfriend nuzzling her boot.
Only to find herself letting out a heavy sigh when the only response was a whiny meow.
"Just try to watch where you're going peasant. The last thing I need is for you to cry because I stepped on your feeble paw." The princes snorted as she stooped down to gaze callously down at her little meowing pet while she folded her arms over her chest.
Only to shake her head in something akin to fondness when the tiny girl pawed affectionately at her boot.
And then she sighed once more as she carefully raised her boot over the little kitten while taking care not to step on her.
Before she loudly clapped her hands in a commanding manner as she resumed sauntering down the halls of her ship.
"Come along now girl." Azula ordered in a controlling voice as she walked with her glacial amber golden eyes staring ahead while she listened to the sound of the small kitten scampering after her heels.
While a pleased smile pulled onto her lips as she glanced over her shoulder to see that her tiny kitten girlfriend was bounding on the floor alongside her boots.
Before she turned her frigid amber golden eyes ahead as they made their way through the ship.
While her ruthless amber golden eyes glared all around her at every soldier and servant that they passed by.
And that was all it took for every single person to fearfully avert their eyes from their princess's terrifying gaze in the hopes of avoiding her wrath.
About twenty minutes later.
Azula sat in her throne at the head of the table.
While Zoi, Mai and Ty Lee each sat in their respective spots.
Only for all four highborn women to glance under the table when they saw the golden fur ball bounding into view.
Just as the acrobat grinned as widely as can be when she saw the little kitten slide to a stop before her pink shoes.
"Aww! Hi Elle! You are so cute!" Ty Lee squealed in a gushing voice as she leaned down to pet the little kitten's purring head while Mai watched from beside her.
While Azula rolled her amber golden eyes from where she sat at the head of the table.
And Zoi peeked under the table with a small smile on her lips.
'Ty Lee!' Elle meowed in a thrilled manner as the kind woman smiled down at her.
"Was it really necessary to put a collar and cat bell on her?" Mai questioned in her usual monotone voice while Azula let out a haughty scoff.
"Of course, it was. The girl is my pet. And for as long as she remains like this. It is critical that everyone understands who owns her." The princess remarked in a spoiled voice as she gracefully ate her breakfast.
While she found herself gazing under the table every few moments with an observant amber golden eye as she watched her pet continue to scurry about.
Just as the markswoman glanced down at her boots when the little kitten came to a stop pawing at her foot.
While the acrobat giggled once more as she smiled down at the girl from where she sat in her chair.
All the while as Mai sighed as she stooped down to gingerly pet the girl's little head.
"Hey there kid." The markswoman greeted with a sliver of fondness in her voice while she patted the small kitten's head.
'Mai!' The golden kitten meowed as she nuzzled the noblewoman's hand while she smiled as her head was patted once more.
And then just like that the little kitten sprinted forward to greet her next friend which just so happened to be the mighty captain.
Only for Zoi to glance down with a slight smile on her lips when she saw the little kitten dash to a halt at her combat boots.
While the warrior bent down as she gently lowered a hand to pat the girl on the head.
All the while as the little kitten purred with a content expression on her feline face.
"Hello Elle." Zoi spoke with affection in her voice as she ruffled the little kitten's golden hair.
'Hello Zoi!' Elle meowed as she smiled sweetly under the older woman's petting hand.
Only for her excitement to grow when the noblewoman gently picked her up in her hands.
And that was all it took for the princess to turn to stare imperiously back at the other woman with a possessive glare.
While Ty Lee gushed once more and Mai found herself unable to resist cracking a small smile as well.
All the while as Zoi held Elle in her palms before her face with a softened expression on her features.
Only for everyone to turn to the princess when the young woman stomped her boot on the floor with her callous amber golden eyes glaring back at the warrior.
"Zoi! That's my pet. Put her down. The only woman that is allowed to hold her is me." Azula demanded in a pompous voice as she pointed her chopsticks in her soldier's direction.
While both Ty Lee and Mai gazed back at their friend in exasperation over her possessive behavior.
"It sounds like you are just jealous because little Elle knows a woman of quality when she sees one." The captain replied with a smirk on her lips as she defiantly brought the tiny mewling kitten against her breasts.
While the princess now turned to stare back at her with an utterly piercing gaze in her tyrannical amber golden eyes.
All the while as the two other noblewomen observed in amusement as their kitten little sister settled into the captain's chest.
"Please. The princess of the Fire Nation does not get jealous over a mere peasant turned fur ball." The princess scoffed in a conceited voice as she swallowed down a mouthful of her breakfast.
While she still glared back at her captain's smirking face.
All the while as Ty Lee and Mai just gazed back at their leader with unconvinced stares in their eyes.
"Really? Then you don't mind if I keep her for the day." Zoi stated in a smug voice as she held the purring kitten in her arms while little paws scratched at her biceps.
And just like that blue flames soared up from behind the princess's throne as she glared murderously back at her defiant subordinate.
"No. I most certainly do mind. Not because I am jealous. Simply because she belongs to me." Azula retorted in an impassive voice while she ignored her three companions' amused stares.
And then not a second later she authoritatively clapped her hands while a spoiled smile returned to her lips when her kitten girlfriend peeked her little head out of her soldier's chest.
"Come pet. Come to your master." The princess commanded in a supremely arrogant voice while the three noblewomen gazed at her in disapproval.
Only for her smirk to grow even larger when the little kitten leaped out of the captain's arms and back down to the floor below.
While Zoi just sat back with her entertained golden eyes watching the girl bound towards the princess's feet.
'Yes Azula-sama!' The golden kitten mewled as she rolled to a halt before elegant pointed boots.
All the while as the princess leaned down to stare down at her with a wide smile on her crimson lips.
And seconds after that she began to excitedly claw at the woman's leggings to pick her up.
While Azula let out a sigh above her as she bent over with her hands lowering to scoop the girl up.
And not an instant later the little kitten meowed adorably when she found herself being raised into the air in her princess's hands.
Just before little kitten was deposited on the princess's red cloth covered belly.
As she soon found herself purring in relaxation when the older woman lowered a strong hand over her back to pet her head.
While Elle smiled as she began to curl up with her face hiding in the princess's belly.
As she let out lovable purrs as she burrowed into Azula's belly while the woman sat on her throne above her with a hand resting over her head.
All the while as the acrobat released another gushing sound while the two more stoic noblewomen observed the display in amusement.
"It seems like you are enjoying this a little too much Azula." Mai commented with a small trace of humor in her voice.
While Azula scowled as she sat back on her throne with her hand over her little kitten girlfriend.
All the while as the small feline mewled into her belly as she resumed eating her meal with her other hand.
"I am not enjoying anything. I am simply holding what is mine." Azula stated in a cold voice as she glared back at her amused subordinates.
While she held her tiny kitten girlfriend against her robed stomach as her fingers ran through the mewling girl's hair.
Two hours later in the princess's study aboard the ship.
Azula glanced over the arm of her throne with a callous amber golden stare as she watched the little kitten sprint towards her once more.
Only for her lips to sink into another smile when she saw that the girl was bringing her the scroll as ordered.
While the small kitten bounded ahead with the scroll held between her open mouth as she headed straight for her girlfriend's boots.
Before she skidded to a stop as she dropped the scroll at the woman's feet while the princess stooped down to survey her from above.
'I brought you the scroll that you wanted Azula-sama!' Elle meowed in response as she beamed up at her princess's beautifully stony face.
While a hand descended to pick up the scroll as she sat faithfully at the woman's booted feet.
Only to find herself straightening her posture when she felt a powerful hand pat her head.
All the while as she held herself with an expression of innocent pride in her eyes over knowing that she pleased her princess.
"Good girl Elle." The princess purred in a voice of silken control as she remained bent over with her hand petting the meowing girl's head.
While a smile graced her lips as she reached to grab a small cat bed from her table.
And then she stooped over to set it down on the floor at her feet while her amber golden eyes watched in delight as the girl eagerly crawled into it.
And with that the little kitten cuddled up in the cat bed before she lovingly rested her head on the princess's boot.
While she purred once more when she felt another warm hand pet her head as she settled comfortably on all fours.
All the while as her sleepily feline eyes began to close as she lay there with her chin propped up on the boot.
While a content smile now adorned the princess's lips as gazed down at the small kitten falling asleep on her boot.
"That's my girl." Azula sighed with a trace of begrudging fondness permeating her ruthless voice as she sat back on her throne.
And then she opened the scroll while she read it with callous amber golden eyes as she continued her research.
While the sound of the little kitten breathing contently resounded into the air.
As the girl slept in the cat bed with her face sprawled out on the princess's pointed boot.
And with that the princess went back to her work.
And as strange as it may be.
She found herself keeping her foot motionless so as not to disturb the little snoring feline sleeping comfortably on the floor below.
The next day in a remote Fire Nation village.
Team Azula were striding through the village with their young kitten friend following alongside them.
Only for the group to stop when they noticed that the feline was gone.
"Where did that girl go? I told her to stay in my sight." The princess complained in a callous voice as she stared around the village in search of her girlfriend turned kitten.
"She can't have gone far Azula. She probably just made a wrong turn." The acrobat assured in a helpful voice as she walked beside her scowling leader.
Just as the markswoman stopped when she thought she heard a kitty belly not too far away.
"I think she's that way." The markswoman stated as she pointed in the direction while the princess strode to regain the feline girl.
Only for all four of them to halt in their tracks when they could have sworn that they heard a distressed meow.
"It sounds like she got hurt." The captain remarked stonily as she quickly walked beside her companions.
"Can't that girl go one day without getting injured." Azula scoffed in a seemingly uncaring voice as she walked to reclaim her pet while her amber golden eyes glared ahead.
While the little kitten now meowed in pain as she limped on her wounded paw as a Fire Nation boy threw another rock at her.
All the while as she released distraught cries as a boy laughed in cruel amusement.
'Azula-sama! Oneesans! Help me!' The golden kitten cried out only to whimper when another rock hit her side.
And soon after that she found herself trembling in fright as she was cornered against the wall of a building.
Only for her feline amber eyes to gaze on in relief when she saw four ominous shadows now standing behind the oblivious boy.
While all three noblewomen stared ruthlessly at the boy's back as he finally seemed to register their presence.
While Azula's amber golden eyes now glared on with an utterly monstrous stare as a chilling wind swept through the air of the village.
"What do you think you are doing to my cat?" The princess asked in an absolutely venomous voice with her every word spelling out the great pain that was to come.
While the teenage boy finally turned around only for his eyes to widen in fear when he found himself face to face with four less than pleased aristocrats.
Only for the terror in his eyes to grow to unfathomable heights when he saw that one of them was wearing a crown headpiece in her hair that signified her status as Heir to the Fire Lord.
And then his terrified eyes quickly turned to look at the elegant name tag on the ornate collar only to find himself swallowing in horror.
 Elle - Princess Azula's Pet.
And that was all it took for the blood in his veins to run cold as he found himself cowering in terror under the princess's wrathful stare.
"I-I didn't know that she was your c-cat P-Princess." The teenager stammered in a helpless voice as the princess stalked forward with menace in her step.
"Really? Because the collar clearly reads that she is mine." Azula snarled with fire spewing from her livid nostrils as she came to a stop looming over the terrified boy with a burning fist clenched at her hip.
"I-I swear I didn't see it." The boy sputtered lamely as he futilely backed away while Azula towered above him with her callous amber golden eyes penetrating his skull.
"Throwing rocks at a kitten is not pink. Not pink at all!" Ty Lee exclaimed in an angry voice as she glared back at the boy's frightened face.
"No, it isn't." Mai stated in a furious voice as she glared back at the cornered boy.
"You really should have read the name tag before you decided to ruin your life." Zoi remarked in a scarily cold voice as she stared back at the trembling boy.
"P-please forgive me Princess! I'm sorry!" The teenager pleaded with terror lacing his voice as he frantically bowed before the woman while the princess gazed glacially back down at him.
Only for the sound of the boy crying out in pain to resound into the air not a moment later when the princess backhanded him across the face.
While the three noblewomen watched with unsympathetic gazes as he fell to the ground with a burn on his cheek.
All the while as Azula now stood looming over the downed boy with her amber golden eyes conveying a monstrously malicious stare.
While the tiny kitten meowed meekly as she stumbled her way back over to the princess's blood red boots.
Before Elle came to a halt whimpering on her little paw beside the princess's much larger boot.
All the while as Azula still glared imperiously down at the trembling bow.
And without so much as speaking a word she bent over to pick up a handful of rocks in her heated hands.
Just as she stood back up to her full height with her lips creasing into a cruel sneer as she menacingly clutched one in her burning palm.
"No." The princess stated in a beyond livid voice before she harshly pelted the boy with one of the scalding hot rocks.
While the sound of the teenager howling in pain soon split into the air when a rock struck him in the back.
All the while as Azula glared on with mercilessly authoritative amber golden eyes.
And just like that the princess threw her arm back as she ruthlessly pelted the crying boy with yet another rock.
And another.
And another.
While little Elle sat meowing in pain at the princess's tall boots as the woman wrathfully gave the boy a taste of his own medicine.
As the three nobles just shook their heads with their gazes devoid of pity while they watched their princess throw rocks at the boy with merciless precision.
'A-Azula-sama truly cares about me.' Elle mewled as she stood on her limping paw the sounds with a moved smile on her feline lips.
Later on, that evening.
The tiny golden kitten bounded along the floor of her master's chamber with her paw now wrapped in bandages.
While she padded to a stop before a giant emperor-sized canopy bed to see two lovely bare feet now looming on the floor in her line of vision.
All the while as she excitedly meowed with her little paws scratching affectionately at the older woman's boot feet.
As Azula now sat on the side of her vast bed gazing down at her with a charming smile forming onto her beautiful lips.
Before the woman let out a noisy yawn as she held a tired hand over her lips.
And then she bent over with her posterior sliding forward to scoop up her little mewling girlfriend.
And soon just like that the little kitten found herself carefully plucked from the floor and into two mighty arms.
While she mewled happily with her face nuzzling the older woman's soft breasts as she listened to the princess yawn over her once more.
"From now on there will be no more wandering out of my supervision. Is that understood peasant?" Azula spoke in a silken voice before as she climbed into her luxurious bed with her little kitten burrowing into the cleavage of her royal gown.
Only for a graceful smile to grow onto her lips when the girl replied in an adorable meow.
'Yes, Princess. As you command.' The golden kitten meowed as she pawed lovingly at her princess's muscular arm while the woman smiled down at her from above.
"Good. Otherwise…you leave me no choice but to leash you." The princess yawned in an elegantly sleepy voice as she settled down into her bed with her girlfriend turned kitten cradled in her arms.
Just as her head sunk into a pillow while she gazed down at the tiny kitten in her arms.
While her ruthless amber golden eyes reflected something akin to a measure of fondness as she allowed the girl to curl up into the cleavage of her breasts.
All the while as a relaxed smile pulled onto her lips as she listened to lovable little mewls as she coiled her arms protectively around the tiny feline.
'A-Azula-sama…my love…m-my protector.' Elle mewled as she hid her little face in the woman's breast while she purred when her princess's powerful arms wrapped around her from all sides.
While she gazed shyly up at the princess's contently smiling face that loomed above her.
And that was all it took for her eyes to begin to close shut as she was slowly but surely soothed to sleep by the sound of the older woman's heartbeat.
"There…. there tiny peasant. I told you that I would look out for you." Azula muttered in a soothing voice as she held her tiny girlfriend against her bosom.
While a smile graced her beautiful lips all the while as she herself began to close her eyes.
All the while as she never once released her hold on her precious little girlfriend.
And then she herself began to fall into a drowsy state of sleep.
While she silently vowed to herself that if anyone ever dared to hurt her little beloved like that again.
That she would destroy them in the wake of her flames.
And that was a promise that she intended to keep.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 136 - Day Two at Academy
The princess sat in her royal robes with her arms resting on the sides of her wooden seat in her personal spa while she stared back at her young girlfriend's emotional face.
"I took care of him for you. He won't hit you ever again." Azula informed in a pridefully harsh voice while her amber golden eyes surveyed her serving girl's smiling face.
And not a second later the princess sighed when two arms embraced her around the neck.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama! Arigatou!" Elle cried out with her face nuzzling the older woman's neck while she enjoyed the scent of her princess's freshly washed hair.
While a shy smile adorned her lips as she felt a strong hand gingerly pat her back.
"Keep your voice down girl. I have a reputation to maintain." The princess snapped in a moody voice as she glared down at her handmaid's pretty grinning face.
It was fortunate for her sake that her father was far too busy with the recent uprisings and the war to concern himself with her private activities.
But even still…she had to be careful.
She could not risk being seen showing her girlfriend any affection outside of her private chambers.
Only to find herself torn from her thoughts not a moment later when her stomach let out a protesting grumble.
While she stared on with smug amber golden eyes when her little girlfriend sprang to her feet in a lovable panic.
Only for her smirk to grow when she watched her handmaid bow before her at the hip.
"Azula-sama! I know that I have to focus most of my time on academy now…but I would really like to cook your dinner as a show of my appreciation for protecting me. That is…if Her Highness will allow it." The handmaid stated in a gentle-hearted voice with a sunny expression on her face.
While her princess smiled back at her with one of her hands resting on the underside of her chin.
"Oh, very well. I suppose I could allow it. You just can't resist serving me…can you dear?" Azula remarked in a voice of natural authority as she smirked fondly back at her young girlfriend's blushing face.
"N-no Azula-sama…I can't." Elle replied in a lovable voice as she twiddled her thumbs as she averted her eyes from the older girl's entrancing amber golden gaze.
"As it should be. A princess is meant to be served." The princess commented with a vastly gratified smile on her lips while she watched her girlfriend bow before her once more.
"T-that's so! My princess must be worshiped at all times and I shall see it done." The handmaid chirped in a sweet voice as she smiled back at her master's beautifully smirking face.
While Azula lounged in her seat with a beyond pleased gleam in her amber golden eyes as her lips curved into a large grin.
"Your goddess is pleased by your devotion servant. Now…listen well. I am going to give you my order for dinner." Azula spoke in a beyond commanding voice with her delighted eyes gazing back at her beloved's shyly smiling face.
"W-what can I get you Azula-sama?" Elle asked in a voice of endless loyalty while she found herself lost in Azula's charming smile once more.
"I would like…" The princess trailed off in a flawlessly refined voice with her hands folded in her lap.
While she watched in satisfaction as her serving girl recorded the order in her little notepad from her homeland.
And about a minute later.
Elle bowed once more as she headed for the door of her princess's personal spa.
But not before she paused to turn around and smile back at the older woman's strict face.
"Azula-sama…I just wanted to let you know…" The handmaid murmured in an adorably tripped up voice as she fiddled with her robes.
While her princess stared back at her with assertive amber golden eyes that never failed to send a pleasurable shiver down her spine.
"T-that you are a queen worth serving." Elle stammered in a lovestruck voice as she held a hand against her blushing cheek.
While the princess's lips pulled into another satisfied smile as she gazed back at the girl in approval.
"I know I am…but all the same. I enjoy hearing it from you. Now go on girl. You are dismissed." Azula answered in a strict voice as she lazily waved a hand for the girl to leave.
While her icy amber golden eyes gazed back at her girlfriend's lovely flushing face as she watched the girl shyly turn to walk away.
And then soon enough the teenager vanished through the door of her spa.
And just as soon as the girl was gone.
Her amber golden eyes formed a menacing callous stare once more as she remembered the bruise that was gracing the girl's right cheek when she first brought her back to the palace.
And that was all it took for her lips to curl into a cruel sneer as the memory of the man's dying screams replayed in her mind.
No one will ever hit her lover again.
About an hour later at dinner.
The princess sat before her lavish table gracefully dining on her dinner.
While the acrobat ate her food with a grin as she gazed in the young girl's direction in appreciation.
"This is very good Elle!" Ty Lee complimented as she smiled back at her little sister's adorably bashful face.
"Yes, the girl knows how to cook. I'll give her that." Azula spoke with a refined smile on her lips as she politely wiped her lips.
While she gazed with a greedy eye in her handmaid's ever cute direction.
"I am so glad that you both think so! I am expanding my recipe book under cooking instructor Zoi's tutelage!" Elle replied with a smile while she waved her hands excitedly before her face while both highborn women observed her fondly.
While both friends exchanged a look as they resumed eating their meal.
"I can only hope that cooking 'instructor' Zoi doesn't influence the flavor of my dishes in a way that I wouldn't approve of." The princess snorted in a controlling voice as she rolled her amber golden eyes while she elegantly took another bite.
Only for her lips to curve into another pleased smile as her taste buds lit up while she gulped it down.
While she gazed out of the corner of her eye at her girlfriend's pretty face as she made a mental note that she would have the girl continue to cook for her once she is crowned Fire Lord.
"Oh, no Azula-sama! It won't. Zoi says that her recipes are hailed far and wide as legendary among her soldiers. I can only get better with her teachings!" The handmaid assured in a chipper voice as she smiled while she nibbled on her meal.
While the two highborn women exchanged an amused look with one another.
"Well, that's good to hear little sister." The acrobat remarked with a fond grin on her lips while the young girl smiled back at her.
"Did you hear oneesan? Azula-sama says she gave that mean man what for! And that he learned his lesson not to hurt anymore young girls after she gave him a few good swats!" Elle cried out in a voice of innocent admiration while she turned to gaze at her princess's beautiful face.
While the teenager missed the way that the noblewomen was now shuddering outside of her line of vision.
All the while as Azula's lips curled into a darkly pleased smile.
"Uh…yeah little sis. Azula certainly gave him a few good swats." Ty Lee stated with a shiver as she stared back at Azula's maliciously smiling face.
And she couldn't help but ponder that a protective Azula was a damn scary Azula!
"So, I did. He…seemed to get the message." Azula purred with a smirk on her lips as she chewed her food while she stared at her pet with possessive amber golden eyes.
"So…um…how was your first day of academy Elle?" The acrobat questioned in an obvious attempt at changing the subject while the princess still smirked in her seat.
"It was okay. Although I liked my old school better. Fire Nation noble girls are more stuck up than the girls I used to go to school with." The handmaid commented with a shrug while the acrobat gazed in amusement at the princess's scoffing face.
"We are not stuck-up Elle. We are refined. And in time you will see that the Royal Fire Academy is vastly superior to your old peasant school." The princess stated with an arrogant edge to her voice while she watched her handmaid eat her meal.
"Stuck up? Were any of the girls mean to you Elle?" Ty Lee asked with a guarded edge to her cheerful voice.
"Not mean. But there was this one girl who kept trying to pet me. She seemed to think that I was a pet or something. I wish I knew why she thought that though." Elle answered in an adorably clueless voice as she held a finger underneath her pondering chin.
While the acrobat gazed back at the girl's collared neck with a flicker of anger in her eyes.
Before she turned to the princess's conceited face while the royal woman feigned an innocent smile.
"Pet you? Azula. Elle is there to be a student. Not the school pet." The acrobat complained in a sisterly voice while the princess scowled as she wiped her face.
"Calm down Ty Lee. I have already communicated to Elle and this girl that such behavior will not be tolerated." Azula responded in a stern voice while she gazed back at her friend's frowning face.
"Azula-sama? What do I do if Suna tries to pet me again? What is your order?" The handmaid pondered in a voice of absolute devotion as she stared back at her master's face while the princess regarded her in approval.
"You tell Suna that I am your one and only master, and that she is not to touch what is mine." The princess instructed in a much colder voice as she pointed her chopsticks back at her girlfriend's speedily nodding face.
"Yes, Master. I will relay the message to her that I am yours." Elle agreed in a submissive voice as she smiled in admiration back at her princess while a smile curled back onto the woman's lips.
"That's my girl. You let her know that you belong to Azula." Azula spoke in a domineering voice with her callous amber golden eyes staring back at her timidly smiling handmaid.
While Ty Lee just shook her head as she sighed to herself.
But she knew by now that there was no point in trying to argue with either of her friends.
Their dominant and submissive dynamic was strange to be sure.
But at least Azula made her little sister happy.
And that was all that mattered in the end.
About another hour later after Elle had went to bed.
Ozai glanced up from his study as he watched his daughter step into the room.
"You called for me Father?" The princess questioned in a smoothly refined voice as she stared back at her father's seated form.
While the Fire Lord turned to gaze back at her with rigid amber eyes as he eyed her closely.
"Yes, Azula. There is something that I wanted to ask you. What is your reasoning for keeping such a great war power as a simple handmaid?" The Fire Lord pondered as he studied his daughter's impassive face with observant amber eyes.
While Azula gazed back with ever sanguine amber golden eyes as she crossed her arms over her robed breasts.
"To instill undying loyalty to our family Father…to you…and to me." Azula answered in a perfectly poised voice while her father considered her words.
"Wouldn't having her serve in the military have the same effect than having her clean your bed chambers?" Ozai questioned in a strict voice while his daughter gazed aloofly back at him.
"No. It would not." The princess answered in a knowingly emotionless voice as she shook her head while her father raised his brows.
While she forced herself to bury the unpleasant feeling that arose from the pit of her belly over the prospect of her companion serving on the frontlines without her direct supervision.
"Explain." The Fire Lord commanded with a twinge of curiosity in his eyes while the princess waved a hand before her face.
"It wouldn't have the same effect because she wouldn't see us on a frequent basis. We would just be two names that she never sees. It is much more efficient for her to see us…in a more personal light." Azula explained with a hand held up before her composed face while Ozai rubbed the underside of his goatee.
"A more personal light? Nearly all soldiers do not know us on a personal basis and yet they are loyal." Ozai commented in a thoughtful voice as he watched his daughter step into the room.
"While that is true Father. But she is no ordinary combatant. The power to break the Avatar Cycle runs through her veins. That makes her more valuable than ten thousand soldiers. And it would surely be a waste of resources to station her to fight mere rebel troops when the Fire Army is more than sufficient for that." The princess remarked in a brilliant voice with a confident smile making pulling onto her lips.
While a smile pulled onto Ozai's lips as he regarded his daughter with an approving gleam in his eyes.
"Yes, you do have a point Azula. It would be a waste of resources to allocate her ability to rebel soldiers when she could instead focus on defeating the Avatar." The Fire Lord replied as he stared back at his daughter's smirking face as she stood before his table.
"And besides…she is a foreigner. Fire Nation soldiers have had their loyalty instilled to us long since they were children. She hasn't. The more time that she spends with me. The more faithful she becomes. And by keeping her in Royal Caldera City…it also prevents Iroh or the Avatar from having the chance to capture her outside of the battlefield." Azula informed in a coldly methodical voice as she stared back at her father's nodding visage.
"And enrolling her…a commoner into the Royal Fire Academy?" Ozai asked in a searching voice while his daughter still smiled confidently.
"By bestowing her with privilege that no other commoner will ever taste…it presents an image of the Royal Family as generous. It gives her something to be grateful to us for. Which makes her all the more eager to fight for us against the Avatar." The princess declared in a manipulative voice with a smile on her lips.
While the Fire Lord eyed his daughter with a recognition in his eyes.
"Well done, Azula. I see that you have thought this through." The Fire Lord complimented in a stoic voice while his daughter folded her arms over her chest.
"I know how her mind works Father. She responds much better to a charming smile than a brutish general's cold order." Azula assured with a sanguine smirk adorning her lips while her father almost smiled wickedly in approval.
"And that is why you have been having her spend much of her time with you behind closed doors?" Ozai queried with his contemplative amber eyes scanning his daughter's smirking face.
"Precisely. The girl is eager to please and by allowing her to serve me personally I am securing her devotion to our name for a lifetime." The princess stated with a calculating smile on her lips while her father nodded his head.
"Continue with your efforts Azula. But I want you to keep me informed on her battle progress." The Fire Lord ordered in a cold voice while his daughter nodded her head in understanding.
"Of course, Father." Azula agreed while Ozai's domineering eyes flickered with a placated gleam.
"That will be all Azula. But before you go. You are to report to the throne room tomorrow at noon." Ozai informed in a frigid voice while his daughter arched her brows in curiosity.
"Another war meeting?" The princess pondered in a stony voice while she eyed her father carefully.
While she resisted the urge to scowl as she realized that there was something that he wasn't telling her.
"No. We are going to discuss what we are to do on the matter of Silah." The Fire Lord replied in an emotionless voice while the princess's amber golden eyes flashed with renewed rage.
"Certainly Father. I'll be there." Azula spoke in a callous voice as she bowed her head before she turned to walk away.
While her father watched her walk off from where he sat at his desk.
As her amber golden eyes glared ahead with a revived desire to kill the filthy puppeteer.
All the while as she asked herself.
Just what was it that he was keeping from her?
The next day at the gates of the Royal Fire Academy.
Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee sat in the royal carriage as they watched the girl wave back at them as she departed for academy once more.
"I'll see you later minasan!" The handmaid cried out in a chipper voice as she waved back at her three highborn friends faces through the carriage window.
While the acrobat grinned warmly back at her as she waved back at her from where she sat beside the princess.
And the captain cracked a small smile from across her two companions.
While the princess sat with an impassive expression on her ruthless face as she gazed back out of the carriage.
"See you later little sister! I hope that you have a good second day of school!" Ty Lee called out in a tender voice as she smiled back at the younger girl's sweet face.
"Yes, let us know if anyone gives you any problems." Zoi commented with an edge to her stony voice while she gazed fondly after the beaming girl.
"Just get to class peasant or I will make you pull the royal carriage all the way back to the palace." The princess ordered in a scarily strict voice as she stared out coldly at her girlfriend's still smiling face.
While the two noblewomen just gazed at their leader with unconvinced looks in their eyes.
They both knew full well that their princess would never do something as horribly cruel to the girl as make her pull their carriage like a slave.
"Sure, thing Azula-sama! I'll do that! I'll see you three around then!" Elle responded in a gentle voice as she scampered off with her backpack shaking over her back.
While the noble girls watched the girl skip through the gates with expressions of still present amazement in their eyes.
All the while as some of them shivered when they caught the warning stares from the three powerful highborn women gazing out back at them.
While Azula's terrifying amber golden eyes momentarily gazed out at the many aristocrat with a stare of menace in her gaze.
Until the girl disappeared through the doors of the esteemed academy.
And soon enough the royal carriage began to roll away once more while the coachman gazed over his shoulder with his own expression of bewilderment in his eyes.
But he wasn't suicidal enough to say anything about it in his princess's presence.
And he had already been given explicit orders that he was forbidden to tell anyone of what he saw as he rode the princess and her companions about the great city.
And it wasn't long after that the princess finally closed the window while she sat staring callously ahead back at her two friends sighing faces.
"Those girls better be nice to her. Or I swear what I do to them will not be pink." The acrobat stated with a frown on her sisterly lips while the captain scowled across from her.
And even the cruel princess gazed out of the corner of her glacial eye at her acrobatic friend in agreement.
"Elle will be fine. Sia informed me the other day that she is resuming her previous tutoring position at the school and she has agreed to look out for Elle at my request." The captain remarked with her arms folded over her breasts while her two companions turned to her with surprised expressions in their eyes.
"What? Your sister is working there?" Azula questioned with her amber golden eyes still conveying a slight sense of uncertainty towards the younger Song sibling.
This was a variable that she had not accounted for.
And if there was one thing, she hated. It was when an unforeseen factor made its way into her plans.
"She is. It's extra credit towards her medical schooling." Zoi answered in an ever-composed voice while Azula gracefully gazed back at her from her seat.
"What is a young noblewoman of the most powerful noble clan doing attending medical school?" The princess snorted in a conceited voice while her warrior's golden eyes flashed with a defensive gleam.
"Why would the daughter of one of the seven great noble clans work in a circus? People do what they enjoy Princess, no matter their status. Sia has a passion for helping people and that is what she has chosen to do with her life." The captain countered in a calm voice while the acrobat glanced back at her with understanding in her kind eyes.
While Azula sat in her seat with her rigid amber golden eyes staring gazing imperiously ahead.
All the while as her harsh eyes tried to squash the sliver of remorse that she felt for ordering her childhood friend's circus net on fire.
"That is good to hear Azula! Elle has someone to look out for her when we aren't around!" Ty Lee exclaimed in a happier voice as she turned to smile back at Azula's pridefully emotionless face.
While Azula just scowled as she relaxed in her seat with her amber golden eyes begrudgingly conceding that it was beneficial to have someone close to her soldier on the inside to watch over her girlfriend.
"Whatever Zoi. But Sia had better not do anything with Elle that I disapprove of." Azula spoke in a sharp voice with her fingers tapping her robed biceps while Zoi let out an amused snort.
"Like what Princess? Caress Elle's hair while she eats her lunch?" Zoi scoffed with her golden eyes staring back at her princess's now scowling face.
While the acrobat spun around to gaze back at her companions with returning anger in her brown-gray eyes.
"Not only did she pet Elle but she was doing it while she ate her lunch?" The acrobat questioned in a protective voice while the princess stared coldly back at her.
"According to Elle she did. But I promise you that today will be the end of that. Unlike some aristocrats…Sia doesn't look down on commoners. She'll set that girl straight." The captain assured in a firm voice as she nodded her head while the acrobat calmed down across from her.
All the while as the princess just stared on with a flicker of something akin to a pleased gleam in her eyes to hear that the girl would prove useful in that regard.
Only for Azula to shrug her shoulders as she waved the matter off while she turned to glance over her shoulder at her childhood friend's cheery face.
"I may be busy in a meeting with Father today when Elle is let out of school. Therefore Ty Lee, it falls on you to pick the girl up when the day is over." The princess commanded in a voice of practiced sternness while the woman grinned at her.
"You know that it would be my pleasure Azula." Ty Lee chirped in a joyful voice as she smiled back at her friend's callous face.
And then the princess reached to pull down a compartment in the royal carriage.
Only for her two friends to gaze on in surprise to see a rather large gift box sitting inside the carriage cupboard.
While the princess pulled it out and set it down beside her as she removed the lid with a refined hand.
Before Azula plucked a chocolate covered cherry between her fingertips as she dropped it onto her tongue.
All the while as she began to chew it with something akin to a content expression pulling onto her lips.
While the two noblewomen stared at the gift box of sweets with knowing looks in their eyes.
"Ooh! Chocolate covered cherries!" The acrobat commented with a smile while the princess ate her morsel with a smile of her own on her lips.
"That's quite the sizeable gift box. Did you purchase those for yourself Princess?" Zoi stated with a slight smirk on her lips while Azula smirked smugly back at her as she gulped down her treat.
"No. This is the most recent tribute from my worshiper." Azula spoke in a supremely arrogant voice as she smirked back at her warrior's amused face.
"Aww! That was so romantic of her! She's such a sweetie!" Ty Lee gushed with a rising grin on her lips while Azula almost smiled in agreement.
"From the looks of it this 'tribute' cost young Elle a great deal of gold." The captain commented in an entertained voice while the princess's smile grew even larger.
"Several weeks of gold to be precise…when you factor in the lovely little tapestries of my likeness that the girl remodeled her quarters with." The princess replied in a tone of unmistakable conceit as she reached for another cherry with her icy amber golden eyes conveying a rare sense of fondness.
While the two noblewomen stared on with astonished expressions in their eyes.
"So…all of Elle's gold flows one way or another back into either your pocket or your stomach?" Zoi asked with humor in her voice while Azula smiled as she popped another cherry onto her tongue.
"Hm. I suppose you could say that. What can I say? My little peasant knows that serving a goddess doesn't come cheap." Azula boasted with a hubristic smirk as she gracefully chewed her candy while she relaxed upon her cushion.
While the two nobles just shook their heads over their little sister's tendency to spoil their princess to no end.
"Can I try one Azula? Just one?" The acrobat questioned with a hopeful smile while the princess turned to regard her with a cold stare.
While Azula also took notice in the way that the captain was eying the box with an interested golden gaze.
"You may each have one and only one. I intend to share most of these with Elle." The princess spoke in a highly strict voice while the two noblewomen nodded their heads in understanding.
"Of course, Princess. Only one." The captain said with a nod as she reached over to peer into the box.
While her golden eyes scanned the many flavors in excitement as the princess watched her through the corner of her eye.
Before she plucked one out and then sat back on her booth as she ate it with a growing smile.
"Got it Azula! I wouldn't want to deprive my little sister of her hard-earned gold." Ty Lee exclaimed in a chipper voice as she grasped onto one as she ate it with a growing grin.
While she gazed knowingly back at her friend's cold face as she smiled back at the princess.
The simple fact that Azula recognized the time, money and effort that Elle put into buying these gifts for her was a huge accomplishment on her little sister's part.
And the way that the princess showed gratitude by expressing a desire to save the bulk of the candies to share with the girl spoke volumes about how highly Elle was regarded in Azula's eyes.
"Now, I see why you were so furious yesterday. You two went out on an outing together…Elle gave you this romantic gift and then you ran into that piece of shit." Zoi remarked in a stonier voice as she swallowed the tasty chocolate cherry while Azula's amber golden eyes took on a much more imposing stare.
While the acrobat turned to her friend with her brown-gray eyes expressing great anger over her adopted sister almost being sold into slavery once more.
"Yes, Elle spotted him from the window of the royal carriage as we were riding back." Azula answered in a chilling voice with her glacial amber golden eyes showing no remorse for beating the man to death.
"Well, in any event. You did a good thing yesterday. The people in the tavern were praising you after you left." The captain informed in a serious voice while the princess's amber golden eyes sparked with intrigue.
And the acrobat tilted her head with curiosity in her calming eyes.
"Were they?" The princess asked with a sliver of something similar to joy in her harsh voice while the warrior nodded her head.
"It would seem that this Zuru had been harassing much more than just Elle. In the eyes of the public…you protected them from a menace that had been bullying women in the city for months. You kept the bulk of the brutality out of the eyes of the public view and now he can't harm the people anymore. Well done, Princess." Zoi announced in a voice of earnest praise while Azula sat back in her seat with her amber golden eyes seeming to enjoy the compliment.
"What can I say Zoi? Ruling my people…it comes naturally to me." Azula commented in a sanguine voice with a pleased smirk forming onto her lips.
While any sense of discomfort that Ty Lee had felt over the agonizing way that the man had met his end vanished as soon as she heard that he had been accosting other women.
"I suppose that is what I have been trying to explain to you princess. The commoners in the Fire Nation are not doing as well as they once were under Fire Lord Azulon. We need to prove to them that we are going to show much more consideration to their plight than your father is. If we can do that…if you can distinguish yourself as different than your father. Once you take the throne…they will hail you as their hero…and your father as a failure." The captain explained in a hushed voice of upmost gravity as she stared back into her princess's contemplative amber golden eyes.
While the princess stared on with a thoughtful gleam in her intelligent amber golden eyes as she listened to the carriage ride down the caldera road.
"You need not worry Zoi. I will surpass every other ruler that has come before me. I will deliver nothing less than absolute perfection for the people of this country." The princess stated in a voice of limitless confidence as she stared authoritatively back at her captain's smiling face.
While the acrobat also smiled as she glanced at her princess with a gaze of recognition that she hadn't felt before meeting her little sister.
And with that the royal carriage continued on its way through the royal road.
Meanwhile, at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
Elle shyly entered another class with her backpack hanging over her shoulders.
While she smiled nervously as she felt many eyes linger on her once more as she made her way to a desk.
All the while as the teacher watched the girl move through his classroom with a similarly anxious look in his eyes.
As he glanced down at the paper of rules that Princess Azula had assigned to them.
And that was all it took for sweat to drip down his brow as he nervously pulled at the collar of her shirt in fear that he would make a mistake that would get him banished to the colonies.
While Elle glanced around the classroom in search of an open desk before her gaze paused on the only unoccupied table.
Only for her amber eyes to widen a fraction when she saw who was stationed beside the lone desk.
It was none other than Suna.
While Suna now gazed back at Elle with her lips forming a confident smile as she gestured to the desk beside her.
"You can sit by me Elle. I won't bite." Suna offered with a teasing smirk on her lips while she watched the small girl bashfully make her way forward.
"R-right." Elle responded in an ever-meek voice as she knelt down in the customary Fire Nation position at the desk.
As she set her backpack behind her before she politely folded her hands in her lap.
While she tried not to shift uncomfortably with the eyes of countless wealthy girls gazing back at her.
Yet she could tell that no one was gazing at her with more interest than Suna.
While Yani gazed across from the other side of the classroom at her rival with a spark of aggravation in her eyes.
All the while as Suna glanced over her shoulder at her rival with a taunting smile on her lips.
Before she turned to smile charmingly back at the exotic commoner girl beside her.
While Elle's cheeks turned a shade of red as she detected the ever present keenly fascinated stare of the noble girl kneeling at the desk closest to hers.
"Now then class…the first item on our order of affairs today…." The teacher trailed off in a stoic voice as he recovered his composure while his eyes swept over the girls in his class.
While his gaze briefly passed over his strange guest before he cleared his throat to continue.
And soon enough the class was already underway.
About two hours later.
Elle was hard at work on her private language lessons while she examined her studies with a diligent amber gaze.
While her teacher stood strictly before her with her eyes gazing back down at her.
All the while as the teenager chewed on her lip as she struggled to write out the words as instructed.
"I-I apologize teacher but could you please go over that again?" The handmaid requested in a timorous voice as she glanced up at the older woman's sighing face.
"Very well." The instructor replied as she pointed back down at the paper.
And then she soon repeated her explanation while the girl dutifully listened attentively.
And later on, in the academy cafeteria at lunch.
Elle sat at the same table as Tei once more while the two girls ate their lunch.
While the handmaid smiled back at the noble girl as the firebender regarded her kindlier than the other girls.
"So, how are your other classes going?" Tei questioned in a genuine attempt at socializing with the new girl while Elle beamed back at her.
"Quite well! I am having trouble with my writing lessons though…" Elle responded with a sheepish smile while the noble girl gazed at her curiously.
And then before Tei could question her new friend further on the matter.
She could only find herself gazing over her shoulder in annoyance to see Suna and her friends marching towards their table.
While poor Elle started to flush once more when the girl plopped herself down beside her without asking if she could sit there.
And Suna's two friends sat on the other side of the table while they ignored Tei's aggravated stare.
"Hey Elle." Suna greeted with a soothing smile while the petite girl blushed under her gaze.
"H-hi Suna." The handmaid stammered in a mousy voice as she sensed the way that the girl was staring at her in interest.
She was both flattered and unnerved by the girl's attentions.
Flattered that the high-class girl found her to be so pretty.
And bothered that she was looking at her like well…
Like a pet.
"I don't recall us inviting you to sit at this table Suna." Tei commented with a frown on her lips while the wealthier girl turned to cast her a colder stare.
While other noble girls in the cafeteria wisely turned away in fear of becoming the subject of Suna's wrath.
"And I don't recall you outranking me. I sit wherever I want." Suna retorted with an intimidating edge to her voice while the other noble girl's eyes flashed with a hint of fear under her stare.
While Elle gazed between the girls with a bothered expression in her compassionate eyes.
While Yani stared back at her rival from where she sat with her friends at the closest table.
However, unlike her rival.
She got the hint to back off after receiving a personal warning from Princess Azula herself.
"It looks like Elle doesn't want to sit with you after all Suna." Yani mocked from her table with her golden eyes gazing back at Suna's spoiled face while the girl let out a scoff.
Before Suna turned her keenly focused gaze to the girl sitting beside her while she still smiled back at her reddened face.
"Does my presence bother you Elle?" Suna inquired in a smooth voice while the smaller girl still smiled brightly.
"No! I don't mind if you sit with me. I am open to becoming friends with anyone." Elle chirped in a sweet voice while Suna's smile grew even larger.
And that was all it took for Suna to gaze triumphantly back at Yani's glaring face.
And Tei resisted the urge to throw her hand over her face.
She was beginning to see that the girl was far too kind for her own good.
"Well, then. I believe that settles it." Suna boasted with smugness lacing her voice as she slid her bottom in closer to the blushing girl.
While she gazed at the girl's golden hair with intrigued eyes once more.
"You…are you a beautiful girl Elle." Suna complimented in something akin to a genuine attempt at being nicer while the shorter girl's blush deepened profusely.
"O-oh. Thank you for saying so Suna. You are beautiful…yourself." The handmaid replied as she turned to smile back at the taller girl's smiling face.
And then she returned her attention to her meal as she ate her food with her chopsticks.
While Suna raised her fingers with her hand already approaching the other girl's hair once more.
All the while as Tei glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"I may not outrank you. But Princess Azula outranks you and I was there yesterday when the princess made it clear that she didn't approve of your behavior." Tei remarked with a trace of boldness in her voice.
While Suna's hand froze up before her fingers could graze the girl's golden head.
All the while as the high-class girl gazed out of the corner of her eye at the other noble girl's defiant face with a flicker of anger in her gaze.
And if one looked closely perhaps even a hint of fear.
"B-but…I am not comfortable with you touching my hair Suna while I am eating. Please don't do that." Elle commented with a brief spurt of rising boldness as she turned to gaze back at the noble girl's now somewhat taken aback face.
While many girls were staring back at the table in astonishment to see the commoner girl attempt to tell one of the two queens of the school what to do.
And yet at the same time…
There wasn't a single girl in the academy who was not aware that the girl was no ordinary commoner and that she had the backing of Princess Azula herself.
While Tei's eyes flickered with an approving gleam at seeing the other girl speak up for herself.
"It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable Elle. I was just admiring it. Your hair really is an adorable color." Suna stated as she recovered her composure as she still smiled back at the smaller girl's cutely blushing face.
"Y-you flatter me Suna. Really you do. But…I can see the way that you are looking at me. You want me to be yours." The handmaid spoke as she faced the taller girl's once again bewildered face as golden eyes blinked back at her.
While Suna's friends stared on from where they sat on the other side of the table in puzzlement.
"But I can't be yours…because I belong to Azula-sama and Her Highness has communicated that she does not approve of you touching my hair. She is my master and my benefactor, and she is giving me a rare opportunity to seek enlightenment in this academy. And I will not disrespect her after all that she has done for me by showing such disregard for her will." Elle explained in a gentle yet slightly firmer voice than usual while Suna fell silent beside her.
And the rest of the noble girls were gazing at the table with a noticeable fear of drawing the ire of their mighty princess.
"Which is why I must ask you not to do that anymore. For your own safety. Otherwise, you run the risk of angering the princess and we all know how she gets when she is angry." The handmaid informed in a soft-spoken voice as she tried to offer the noble teenager a reassuring stare while Suna's golden eyes flashed with a trace of fear.
While Tei listened from the other side of the table with a sense of delight at watching the school queen get put in her place by her new friend.
"My safety? You…care about my safety?" Suna pondered in a taken aback voice while her recovering golden eyes gazed back at the shorter girl's compassionate smiling face.
She was drawn to much more than just the girl's exotic hair.
She was also attracted to her radiant smile.
It was a smile unlike any other she has ever seen before.
"Sure, I do! I hold you no ill will. You haven't hurt me and I would very much like to be friends with you. But we must obey Princess Azula's will. Okay?" Elle concluded in a kindly voice as she stared warmly back at Suna's slowly nodding face.
"O-of course. I understand." Suna agreed as she held onto her chopsticks with her golden eyes still gazing in admiration back at the smaller girl's beautiful face.
While she almost found herself lost in the other girl's sweet amber eyes.
'What an angel. If only I had gotten to her before Princess Azula.' Suna thought as she shook her head with a sigh escaping her lips while the girl smiled brightly back at her.
And with that Elle resumed nibbling on her vegetarian meal with a happier smile on her lips.
Only for everyone in the academy cafeteria to begin to murmur amongst each other when they saw an unexpected figure of great power approaching behind Suna.
Until the young woman in question finally came to a stop standing behind the queen of the school with her golden eyes staring icily down at the younger girl's back.
While Elle turned her head to gaze over her shoulder only for her mouth to fall open in shock when she saw who was looming over them.
"Sia!" The handmaid cried out in a surprised voice while the noblewoman stared back down at her with a spark of fondness in her golden gaze.
Before the powerful noble turned her stare to Suna's already intimidated face as she glared down at her.
"Well said. Now go away brat. I am claiming this seat and this entire table in the name of Clan Song." Sia commanded in a voice of authority as Suna stared up at her with returning anger in her eyes.
Only for Suna to release a humiliated cry when she was seized by the collar of her shirt by the Clan Song noblewoman.
All of the students stared on with awe in their eyes as they watched the school queen get dethroned in a matter of seconds.
While Tei's lips curled into an elated grin as she watched Suna get shoved from her seat.
And even Yani found herself unable to resist smirking at her rival's humiliation.
And not a second after that Suna's lunch tray was pushed aside by Sia's dismissive hand.
And then Sia wordlessly sat down with finality in the very spot that the other girl had just been sitting in.
As she set her lunch tray down while she still stared coldly over her shoulder at Suna's now enraged face as the younger girl looked as if she were about to burn a vein.
Elle still gazed up at the older girl's taller face in astonishment as she watched from the corner of her eye as Suna's friends quickly stood up from the table.
"How dare you…nonbender." Suna stated with anger dripping from her voice as she clenched her fists at her hips while Sia gazed calmly back at her.
"Nonbender I may be but I vastly eclipse you in status. Of course, if it is a firebender that you would prefer to speak to. I could arrange for my sister Zoi to talk with you girls at the end of the day." The revolutionary remarked in a voice of profound confidence in her sister's power.
As she observed the younger girl's eyes widen with unmistakable terror as sweat dripped down the teenager's forehead.
"C-come on Suna. You don't want to fight the Dragon of Clan Song." Nea reasoned as she pulled on her friend's angered arm.
Before Suna reached down to pick up her tray as she still attempted to muster a glare down into Sia's steely golden eyes.
While Elle bit her lower lip with a flash of remorse in her eyes as she watched Suna turn to stomp away.
"Oh, and one more thing brat. Just because Elle is a commoner doesn't mean that you can fondle her as you, please. You are not superior to her. She is a human being…just like you and just like me. She is your equal. I suggest you file that down in your head." Sia lectured with anger in her voice as she held onto her tray with her golden eyes glaring back at the younger girl's humiliated face.
An expression of profound gratitude made its way onto Elle's lips as she beamed back at her newest big sister in rising appreciation.
All the while as many aristocrats in the school processed the noblewoman's words in bewilderment as if it was a concept that they had never considered.
While Suna sent one final glare back at Sia as the older girl narrowed her eyes back into her imposed face.
And then the teenager backed down as she turned to stomp off with Nea and Toh following after her.
While Yani watched Suna stalk past her with a smirk of her own on her lips.
"Well, well. It looks like someone just got displaced." Yani sneered with a ridiculing smile on her lips while Suna halted in her step behind her.
"Shut up Yani!" Suna snarled as she stormed past her rival with her fists gripped at her hips.
Until she disappeared through the doors of the academy cafeteria while Elle and Tei still looked as if they were recovering from their shock.
"T-that…that was amazing Sia! I have been waiting for someone to tell that bitch off for the entire school year!" Tei exclaimed in an impressed voice as she grinned back at Sia while the noblewoman offered her a small smirk.
Only for the noblewoman to turn to gaze over her shoulder in slight surprise when she felt arms latch around her midsection.
"Thank you for sticking up for me oneesan!" Elle exclaimed in a heartfelt voice as she embraced the older girl's belly while Sia gazed down at her with a softening gaze.
While Tei stared at the two with rising astoundment in her eyes.
It was clear that Elle had many powerful friends in high places.
"Hey, no problem little sister. You are family to Zoi and that means that you are family to me. And I am not going to just stand by and watch as someone treats you like that." The revolutionary responded in an honest voice as she set her hand on the younger girl's smaller shoulder.
While she stared down with already present fondness into lovably bright amber eyes as the girl disconnected from her side.
And then she turned to gaze down at her tray of food as she forced herself to steel her temper.
Before she grasped a hold of her chopsticks while her golden eyes momentarily glanced around the cafeteria as a warning to any noble girls that dared to humiliate her new adopted sister.
While she took satisfaction in the way that every single student fearfully averted their eyes from her gaze.
And then she began to gracefully eat her meal while Elle still smiled widely up at her.
While Tei still gazed back at the two with an astonished expression in her eyes.
"I…I didn't know that you were attending this school Sia." The handmaid chatted with excitement in her voice while the older girl turned to smile down at her.
"I'm not. I graduated from academy several years ago." Sia answered with a smile on her lips while Elle peered up at her in confusion.
"Y-you did? Then what are you doing here?" Elle questioned with an admiring expression in her eyes while the young woman cracked a small smile.
"I am working as a tutor here over the course of the summer." The revolutionary revealed with her intelligent golden eyes staring back at the younger girl's surprised countenance.
"A-a tutor! Really!" The handmaid chirped with excitement flashing in her gentle eyes while the noblewoman chuckled.
"You heard right." Sia replied as she took a refined bite of her meal while she gazed fondly at the girl from the corner of her eye.
And she could already tell that Zoi's assertions about the girl were right.
She may well be the sweetest girl that she has ever met.
'I'll have to watch out for her…and be very careful with how I proceed from this point forward.' The revolutionary thought as she stared back at the younger girl's sunny face.
"D-do you think that you could help me with my lessons Sia? I-if it isn't too much to ask?" Elle asked with hope in her innocent voice.
While Sia imitated a thoughtful pose with a hand underneath her chin.
"What lessons do you need assistance with?" Sia questioned as she stared in curiosity back at the girl's shy countenance.
"W-written language. I…I don't write in the same language as the people of your country." The handmaid admitted in an embarrassed voice as she sheepishly scratched at her cheek.
And Sia was staring back at the younger female with a spark of shock in her golden eyes.
All the while as the teenager averted her eyes from the older girl's stare in fear that she would be seen as an outcast.
Only for Elle to peer up with widened amber eyes when she felt a hand gently touch her shoulder.
While she now found herself smiling up into Sia's considerate eyes as the young woman smiled back down at her.
"It would be my pleasure to assist you with your writing lessons Elle." The revolutionary announced in a supportive voice as she watched the younger girl's face break out into an utterly radiant smile.
And not a second later she blinked her golden eyes in surprise when the teenager hugged her once more.
"Arigatou oneesan!" Elle cheered in a voice of great exuberance with an infectious smile on her lips.
While she felt a hand gingerly pat her back as Sia released a good-natured laugh over her.
"My…you really are as gentle as Zoi says. I can see why she is so fond of you. Think nothing of it, Elle. I would be honored to help you." Sia assured in an amiable voice as she offered the beaming girl a softened grin.
And then Elle released the older girl once more as she smiled in gratitude back up at her.
"I can already tell that you and I are going to become great friends." The handmaid stated in a voice of upmost jubilance as she returned the older girl's grin.
While all the noble girls in the academy cafeteria were still gazing back at the two in fascination.
"It's funny that you mention it because I have the same feeling." The revolutionary remarked in a benign voice as she smiled at the girl once more before she returned to eating her lunch.
While the younger girl beamed up at her new big sister's face before too resumed eating her meal.
And as Elle ate, she continued to periodically smile up at Sia.
While the older girl returned her warm gaze with a slight smile of her own as the two girls stared back at one another.
And once again, even though the two girls had only just recently become acquainted with each other.
They both could tell that this was the beginning of a powerful friendship.
Later on, after the girls finished up their lunch.
The teacher stared back at the young noblewoman in surprise as she entered the room with the young commoner girl following shyly at her heels.
"Elle has informed me that she is having difficulty understanding her writing lessons the way that you are explaining it. And I would like to assist her for the remainder of the day to see if I might be able to explain it differently." Sia spoke in a dignified voice as she stared back at the instructor's taken aback face.
While her golden eyes took note of the flicker of indignation in the older woman's gaze.
But she knew well enough that the teacher was well aware that she vastly outranked every noble in this school.
"As you say Lady Sia. I will leave you to teach her for the duration of the rest of the day." The instructor responded in a conceding voice as she bowed her head to the powerful noblewoman.
Before she stepped past the two girls and soon departed the room.
Until the two girls turned to stare back at each other while the handmaid's smile widened under the young noblewoman's guiding gaze.
While Sia cracked another small smile as she ushered the younger girl to follow after her.
All the while as she gazed affectionately out of the corner of her eye as she watched the smaller girl scamper after her.
Before the two girls knelt down on the cushioned pads as Elle still gazed radiantly up at Sia's academic face.
While the commoner girl watched the noblewoman gracefully reach for a writing brush as she turned to smile back down at her.
"Now Elle…we'll work at whatever pace that you feel is most comfortable. So, please tell me what you are having trouble understanding." The revolutionary requested in a friendly voice as the young girl smiled warmly up at her.
While Sia's studious golden eyes expressed a true flicker of fondness in her gaze at the innocent girl beside her.
Not only has she gained an adopted little sister.
She has also gained a new friend who she could already tell was pure of heart.
And even though her original motives were simply to obtain information for her cause…
She couldn't help but feel a sense of joy over the prospect of what this new friendship would bring her.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 135 - Blood and Chocolate Covered Cherries
At the candy store in the royal market.
Azula stepped imposingly into the vast store with her callous amber golden eyes gazing down at her young girlfriend's pretty face.
As she reached for her coin purse to purchase whatever the girl wanted.
Only to find herself glancing down with a flash of bewilderment in her ruthless eyes when she felt a gentle hand touch her own.
"That's not necessarily Azula-sama. I have been saving up my pay. I'll cover it." Elle stated in an endearing voice as she smiled up at the older woman while Azula arched her brows over her.
"You've been saving up your pay for candy?" Azula asked in a voice of royal elegance as she stared down at her girlfriend's jubilant countenance.
"Now I need you to turn around and step outside the shop Azula-sama." The handmaid commented in a cutely mischievous voice while the princess now narrowed her amber golden eyes down at her in a piercing glare.
"Just what are you planning? And who do you think you are to give your master an order?" The princess questioned in a severely strict voice as she glared down at her handmaid's grudgingly adorable smiling face.
"It's a surprise Azula-sama. I can't tell you. Now please step outside the shop." Elle requested in a sunny voice as her princess scowled down at her with her amber golden eyes sending a pleasant shiver down her spine.
"It's not your place to give your queen orders peasant." Azula snorted in a haughty voice as she folded her arms over her breasts while she tried to ascertain what her girlfriend was planning.
Only to find herself glaring down at the girl when the teenager actually had the gall to glare back at her.
"Please step outside the shop princess or I won't give you any foot rubs for a whole month." The handmaid huffed as she stared up at her princess's now glowering face.
"Now listen here peasant…" The princess growled with her amber golden eyes glaring down at her pet's unyielding face.
While a scowl adorned her lips as she snapped a spoiled finger down in her little girlfriend's smiling face.
"You had better hope that this is worth my time. Because if it isn't…I will punish you!" Azula barked with a pompous snort as she jabbed her finger in her girlfriend's pretty face while her handmaid beamed up at her.
Before she turned around with her boots stomping across the floor of the large candy store.
And then she pushed open the door with an irate hand while she started to close it.
Just as she strategically left it open a crack as she just barely outside with her amber golden eyes glaring off into the distance.
Only to find herself turning to gaze over her shoulder through the corner of her domineering eye when heard her serving girl's lovely voice flow into her ear.
"Hello! Is my order ready?" Elle asked in a kindly voice as she smiled widely back at the owner of the candy store.
While the princess stood outside as she tried to squash the tiny blush that almost formed on her proud cheeks.
"It sure is. Everything is all set." The owner of the candy store answered as she lifted a large box onto the counter.
"Everything is perfect right?" The handmaid inquired in a fretful voice as she bit her lip while the owner of the store hurriedly nodded her head.
"O-of course everything is perfect. Like I would sell anything for the princess that wasn't perfect." The confectioner assured in a hastened voice.
While Azula's ears perked up after hearing those words as she shamelessly tried to peak over her shoulder.
All the while as an elegant frown still adorned her beautiful lips as she continued to listen in.
"Okay now that will be…" The owner's voice trailed off from inside the shop.
Just as the sound of a sack of heavy sack of gold hitting the countertop resonated into the air.
"Have a good day!" Elle exclaimed as she padded out of the shop with her large gift box in hand.
Just as the princess turned around to glare at the door as she watched her handmaid step out.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to widen a flicker of a fraction when she saw the girl holding an absurdly large box.
While she found herself struggling to say anything as the teenager bashfully avoided meeting her gaze.
"What did you purchase Elle?" The princess questioned in as aloof a voice as she could muster as she found her regal lips into the barest sign of a graceful smile.
"I-I'll show you when we return to the royal carriage." The handmaid stammered in a lovesick voice as she smiled shyly while her master now smiled back at her.
And then the princess and the peasant began to walk back to the carriage.
While Azula continued to gaze down at her petite lover's lovable face through the corner of her strict eye with a strangely eager smile on her lips.
About twenty minutes later.
The princess sat down on her cushioned bench as she watched with interested amber golden eyes as her handmaid closed the door behind her.
While a graceful smile still curled onto her red lips as she observed the girl scamper forward with the large box in hand.
Only to find herself gazing down in surprise when her girlfriend lowered herself into a faithful bow on the floor of the carriage.
All the while as Azula's lips pulled into an excited smile as she elegantly folded both of her hands in her robed lap.
While she stared down with endless approval in her ruthless eyes as she watched the girl bow before her with her box in hand.
"You…purchased a tribute for your queen?" Azula pondered in an unusually subdued voice with her lips curving into a vastly satisfied grin.
"T-that's so Azula-sama." Elle stuttered in a beyond infatuated voice as she bent her head in a show of worship while the older woman sat with a smile on her lips above her.
"Just what did you buy for me pet?" The princess purred in a silken voice as she reclined on her cushion as if it was her throne while she took great delight in watching the girl bow at her feet.
Only to find her lips pulling into a truly giant smile when she saw the girl hold up the large box over her head in offering to her.
"T-this…this is for you queen." The handmaid announced in a hopelessly lovestruck voice as she swallowed in intimidation under the mighty princess's all-consuming gaze.
While Azula's lips continued to curl into an even bigger smile as she reached down to accept the large box from the girl's outstretched hands.
Before she set it down in her robed lap while her controlling amber golden eyes glanced down in fondness to see the girl still bowing before her with an arm held out over her chest.
Only to shake her head with a spark of fondness permeating her cruel gaze as she then gazed down at the gift box.
Just as her lips parted into an even greater smile as she took in the lovely gift ribbon and a gift tag that read as follows:
 To: Princess Azula.
 From: Elle.
And then with excitement that she couldn't explain she began to open the gift as she carefully removed the ribbon.
And not even seconds later she opened up the large box.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to widen in awe when she found herself gazing down at an enormous box of the most exquisite gourmet chocolate covered cherries that she has ever seen!
While she sifted through the box with her lips parting in awe as she took in how each row was a different kind of cherry with each covered in a different flavor of chocolate!
And that was all it took for her to realize that her girlfriend had been saving up her pay to purchase her this gift!
'To me…this is just pocket change but to her this has to be nearly an entire weeks' worth of her pay! She did this…all for me!' Azula thought as she struggled to contain her delight while her lips were now adorning a supremely wide smile.
While she turned to stare down at her lovably shy girlfriend still kneeling faithfully on the floor.
"Peasant…get up here." The princess remarked with a grin on her lips while she set the box aside as she patted the seat next to her with an inviting hand.
While she watched with fondness in her cold amber golden eyes as her small girlfriend trembled as she stood up before her.
"I-is the gift to your liking princess? Y-you…you like chocolate covered cherries, right?" Elle pondered in a highly abashed voice while she averted her eyes from her princess's highly pleased amber golden gaze.
And then she timidly sat down on the cushion beside her master while she twiddled her thumbs in her lap.
Only to find herself released a surprised squeak when two mighty hands shoved her back against the wall of the carriage.
While she gasped as she gazed up with her amber eyes widening in an overflow of emotion when she saw the much taller woman looming above her.
And that was all it took for her heart to begin to thump in her chest at a quickened rate.
All the while as she stared up at her princess's beautifully smiling countenance as the larger woman climbed atop her.
Only to quiver in awe when the older girl reached out to take hold of her chin while she felt her princess's breath sweep against her cheek.
"Do I like them? I adore them peasant. Just like I adore you." Azula chuckled in a sensual purr as her lips drew closer to her young girlfriend's cutely stunned cheek.
While her lips continued to curve into an ever-larger smile as she possessively wrapped her arms around her pet's small neck.
"Y-you adore me?" The handmaid stammered in a profoundly confuddled voice stared right back into her older girlfriend's entrancingly dominant amber golden eyes.
Only for the princess to roll her over her in the haughty manner that she has come to admire.
"No. I despise you. Of course, I adore you, foolish girl." The princess scoffed in an arrogantly captivating voice with a sanguine smirk on her lips as she straddled the girl's smaller body.
While she gazed penetratingly back into her little girlfriend's trembling amber eyes as she pinned the teenager against the wall of her carriage.
All the while as she exhaled her warm breath in her serving girl's starstruck face.
And then her lips impacted with her young girlfriend's own.
While she held the paralyzed girl down as she placed a tender kiss upon her handmaid's inexperienced lips.
All the while as Elle sat there with a stunned expression in her eyes as she blushed as deeply as can be.
While she gazed right back into Azula's domineering amber golden eyes as the older woman's lips crushed into her own.
And just like that the princess withdrew with a confident smirk on her gorgeous lips as she took great delight in gazing down at her girlfriend's adorably surprised face.
"A-Azula-sama…" Elle whispered in a voice of intense veneration while Azula smiled as she peered back into her awestruck eyes.
"Yes, Elle?" Azula answered in a silken voice that flowed like music into her young girlfriend's shaking ear as her breath brushed against the girl's cheek.
"I…I don't view you the way the rest of the world views you. T-to the rest of the world…you are either a princess or an enemy that must be defeated. But I…I see you in a different light." The handmaid murmured in a barely audible voice while her princess's brilliant amber golden eyes gleamed with curiosity.
"Then how do you see me?" The princess pondered with insatiable intrigue in her smooth voice while she braced her little girlfriend's shoulders.
"I-I…see you as the only true goddess in all of reality." Elle confessed in a tone of limitless adulation as she swallowed while she stared up into Azula's surprisingly delighted amber golden eyes.
While the princess held herself above her girlfriend with a look of rare astonishment in her stunned gaze.
All the while as she found herself failing to fight the contented smile that was curving onto her lips.
"Y-you are no mere human to me. You…you are a goddess shaped by divinity…my fire g-goddess and I…I love you for it." The handmaid spoke in an adorably smitten voice as she smiled bashfully up into her girlfriend's now widely grinning face.
"Oh, Elle…you little romantic." Azula trailed off with a sliver of affection breaking through her ruthless voice as she ran her fingertip along her girlfriend's quivering lip while she straddled her handmaid's lap.
While she stared greedily down into the small girl's so cutely reddened face as she leaned in even closer.
All the while as the two lovers gazed back into one another's eyes as the peasant girl continued to blush under her princess's all-encompassing dominating stare.
"O-oh princess…." Elle stammered as she savored the way that her princess affectionately traced her fingertip along her face.
Only for the princess to let a sigh escape her charismatically smiling lips as she poked her little girlfriend's lovesick cheek.
"You should know…that I…happen to…like you as well peasant." The princess purred with a fond smirk on her lips as she stared back into her girlfriend's shyly smiling face.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to flicker with even greater fondness when the young girl let out an angelic giggle.
"C-can we go spend a few hours somewhere private to overlook the ocean together?" The handmaid asked in a timid voice as she smiled while her princess's smiling lips exhaled against her skin.
All the while as Azula held a contemplative finger underneath her chin before she lazily shrugged her robed shoulders.
"Well, we do have a few hours to spare and there is that favorite cliff of mine outside the caldera that offers a grand view of the ocean." Azula commented in a thoughtful voice with her palm resting beneath her chin while she stared possessively back into her little girlfriend's excited amber eyes.
Only for her smirk to grow when the girl began to shake her robes with an eager smile spreading across her lips.
"Please show me your favorite cliff Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed in a joyful voice as she held onto her princess's opulent robes while the older woman offered her a charming smile.
"I suppose I could take you there. After all, you have pleased me with this lovely little tribute." The princess spoke in a boundlessly refined voice as she sat up back onto the cushion beside her brightly smiling girlfriend.
And then she turned to roll open her carriage window with a ruthless expression overtaking her visage once more while the girl sat up alongside her.
"Coachman! There has been a change in our route! I command you to take me to my favorite seaside cliff!" Azula ordered in a supremely authoritative voice with her sharp words cutting through the air like a whip.
While her frigid eyes stared out with no emotion in her gaze as she listened to her royal coachman shout back in response.
"As you command Princess Azula!" The coachman answered in a servile voice as he pulled on the reins of the komodo rhino while it marched through the caldera road.
And then the window was pulled shut by the princess once more.
While Azula settled back into her luxurious seat with her hands in her lap while her cold eyes gazed ahead.
Before she turned to glance down with stern amber golden eyes as she watched her little girlfriend shyly scoot closer to her.
And then seconds later she felt two delicate hands wrap around her toned bicep.
All the while as the small girl now leaned in affectionately into her princess's expensive robed side.
Only for her overjoyed smile to widen when she felt the older woman wrap an around her little shoulder.
While she pushed her face into her princess's blood red robes as she let out a blissful sigh.
All while as Azula sat above her beloved with her merciless amber golden eyes reflecting a violently protective gleam.
As she held the petite girl under her arm while she listened to the sound of her royal carriage rolling through the Royal Caldera City Road.
About an hour later on an isolated seaside cliff outside the caldera.
A fine red towel was now lain out over the grass with the gift box of sweets and a picnic of gourmet foods that were reserved solely for the consumption of only the highest class of society.
While Azula now sat on the towel with her arm wrapped around her little beloved's shoulder.
And the teenager's backpack now resided on the towel beside the two lovers.
All the while as the wind lightly blew through their hair as they gazed out over the ocean together.
While Elle peered up at the princess with a smile of warmth on her lips as she watched the woman conclude eating a bun.
As Azula gracefully swallowed her lunch with a refined smile on her regal lips as she let out a gratified sigh.
Before the princess turned to gaze down at her lover as she watched with cold amber golden eyes as the girl's hair flowed freely over her upper back once more.
"W-would you like to try some of your chocolate covered cherries now Azula-sama?" The handmaid asked with her voice conveying only the highest esteem for her princess.
While Azula smiled from where she lounged on the towel before her little love as her belly let out an eager rumble.
Only for her smile to grow when she watched her panicked pet immediately pull the large box of candy over as she gazed down at the girl in approval.
"Hm. That does sound appetizing. I do wish to taste these tributes for myself. Bring them to me." The princess ordered in a voice of casual control as she sat with one hand over her belly.
While she observed her young girlfriend sat the gift box down before her.
Before she rose an elegant brow when she noticed that her pet was peering back up at her with an even more bashful expression than usual.
"C-can…can I watch you eat them Azula-sama?" Elle requested in a cutely infatuated voice as Azula arched her brows in the refined manner that she has come to adore.
"You want to watch me eat them?" Azula questioned with a tiny hint of bewilderment in her stern voice as she stared down at her girlfriend's reddened face.
While Elle twiddled her thumbs as she avoided gazing into the princess's eyes as she gulped adorably under Azula's ever present stare.
"I-I…um…like watching you eat Azula-sama." The handmaid admitted in an utterly lovestruck voice as she stared down at the towel in fear that her princess would tease her.
While the princess sat gracefully on her towel with her amber golden eyes staring down at her timorous girlfriend with amusement in her gaze.
Only to find herself letting out a soft sigh as she leaned over to sit above her small girlfriend with her legs folded beneath her.
"What is it that you like about watching me eat Elle?" The princess inquired in a tone that she strangely hoped was nonjudgmental while her brows still furrowed in curiosity.
While she found herself enjoying watching the girl tremble under her captivating amber golden gaze.
"W-whenever anyone else eats…it's so unsightly. But…but when you do it. You are always so graceful. E-everything you do…you do with the posture of a true queen and I…like watching you do everything that you do." Elle explained in a mousy voice with a lovelorn blush taking over her cheeks while she averted her eyes from her master's entrancing gaze.
And that was all it took for a flattered smile to pull onto Azula's lips as she stared down at the girl with hidden affection in her callous gaze.
"That's because I am a queen Elle. Every move that I make is graceful." Azula remarked in a beyond hubristic voice while she stared down at her little girlfriend's overwhelmed face.
"S-sumimasen. I…I know it's weird." The handmaid mumbled in a highly abashed voice as she sat blushing in her seat.
Only for her amber eyes to widen in renewed joy when she felt a strong hand pat her head.
While she finally peered back up at her princess to see that the older girl was smiling fondly down at her.
"No, dear. I think it's adorable." The princess assured in an alluring voice that carried into her girlfriend's ears while she patted the blushing girl's head.
While she found herself pleased by the sight of a bright smiling already making its way back onto her girlfriend's lips.
"I-I am adorable for my princess." Elle stated in a voice of lovable affection while she grasped onto her princess's luxurious robes as the woman smirked down at her.
"You certain are. Aren't you? So, adorable that I just can't help but oblige you." Azula purred as she sat back on her bottom while she reached into the box of sweets with a broad smile on her lips as she felt the girl embrace her belly.
While she plucked one in between her regal fingers as her girlfriend smiled sunnily up at her as she raised it to her opening lips.
As her smirk grew even larger when she saw the way that the young girl was staring up at her with a lovable anticipation in her little eyes.
"As a show of my appreciation for this tribute…your princess will gladly eat these chocolate covered cherries for you." The princess commented in an exceedingly spoiled voice as she dropped the sweet onto her waiting tongue.
While she started to chew it in a purposefully delayed manner as she gazed down into her little girlfriend's captivated amber eyes.
Only for her ruthless amber golden eyes to widen in pleasant surprise when her taste buds exploded in delight.
"T-there shouldn't be any cherry pits. I made certain to tell the confectioner lady that I would be very upset if my princess was insulted with cherry pits." The handmaid piped in an innocently worshipful voice as she smiled that only grew when her head was patted in response.
While she watched in admiration as her princess chewed the cherry in her luscious lips with a wide smile on her lips.
"I presume between the cost of these sweets and the many tapestries of my royal likeness that you decorated your chamber with…that you spent all of your gold on me?" Azula remarked in gratified voice as she elegantly swallowed her morsel while a spoiled smile still graced her lips.
While she gazed down with coldly protective amber golden eyes as she watched her handmaid plop her little head up on her robed thigh.
All the while as she lowered her hand into the girl's golden hair once more as she resumed absentmindedly petting her girlfriend's head.
As she reached for another chocolate while the girl smiled brightly up at her.
"Mhm! I spent an entire week's worth of pay on Her Highness!" Elle chirped in a carefree voice as she sprawled out on her princess's robed thigh while Azula glanced down at her with deadpan amber golden eyes.
"You didn't buy anything for yourself that didn't involve me?" The princess asked in a sophisticated voice as she stared down at her innocent girlfriend with a fondly domineering amber golden gaze.
"Nope! I don't need anything. You're all that I need Azula-sama." The handmaid responded in a relaxed voice as she lay on her back with her hands folded over her belly.
While Azula gazed down with her lipstick covered lips expressing a momentarily moved emotion as she digested her loyal companion's sweet words.
"I-I…hope that you like them Azula-sama." Elle stammered in an admiring voice as she watched in admiration as the princess dropped another sweet into her open mouth.
Only for another shy smile to appear on her lips when her head was petted once more.
While she eagerly cuddled into her princess's lap as Azula's palm rested in her soft hair.
"They are delectable dear. But aren't you going to have some?" Azula replied in a silken voice with a charming smile on her lips as she chewed on her morsel.
While she stared down at her beloved's easygoing face as the girl just smiled up at her as if she had just descended from the heavens.
"I bought them for you to enjoy Azula-sama. Your company is all the treat that I require." The handmaid answered in an untroubled voice as she stared up at the older girl's beautifully smirking face as fingers caressed her hair.
"Surely, you don't expect your princess to eat all of these on her own." The princess snorted in a dignified voice as she gestured to the absurdly large box of sweets.
While she gazed down at the young girl's chipper countenance with a possessive flicker in her callous eyes.
"Silly Azula-sama! They aren't meant to be eaten all in one day. They are for you to savor for the weeks to come!" Elle informed with a wide grin on her lips while she once more found herself lost in her princess's spellbinding amber golden eyes.
Only to find herself trembling in submission like a scolded puppy when the powerful woman narrowed her eyes down at her.
"Even so, I insist that you have some. You are my girlfriend after all…it only natural that I would share with you." Azula spoke in an aloofly strict voice as she reached down to grasp another cherry.
While her amber golden eyes peered down at her serving girl's trembling face as she enjoyed watching the girl submit to her stare.
"Open your mouth peasant." The princess commanded in a voice of absolute authority with a smirk pulling onto her lips.
While she observed her little girlfriend smile as the teenager opened her mouth on command.
And then she dropped the chocolate covered cherry into the girl's waiting mouth.
"Yum! They are good Azula-sama!" The handmaid cried out as she chewed on her cherry as she affectionately pushed her head even deeper into her princess's comfy lap.
While a jubilant smile still adorned her lips as she felt her master pat her head again.
All the while as the princess smiled as she dropped another cherry into her own open mouth.
"I have a question for you pet." Azula stated in a tone of casual dominance as she smiled while she chewed on her morsel.
"And what would that be master?" Elle pondered in a tone of unfathomable devotion as she found herself unable to gaze away from Azula's mesmerizing amber golden eyes.
"If I were to give you enough gold to make you one of the wealthiest people in the world…. what would you do with it?" The princess queried in a smoothly inquisitive voice as she stared down at the girl sprawled out in her lap.
While she watched with amusement in her ruthless eyes as the small girl imitated a seemingly contemplative pose.
"Hm! Well, the first thing that I would do is start a network of animals shelters to help out all the animals in the world." The handmaid responded in a cheerful voice while her princess scrunched up her lovely nose in contempt.
"Ugh. Are you serious Elle?" Azula snorted in a regally harsh voice as she stared down at her handmaid's beaming face.
"Yep! If you still want me as your romantic partner when you become Fire Lord. I would like to open a royal animal shelter." Elle answered in a sweet voice as she smiled up at her princess's incredulous face as the woman wrinkled her nose once more.
And for reasons that Azula couldn't explain.
She felt a momentary twinge of something akin to pain deep within her frozen heart over the prospect of discarding the girl for a lover of higher status.
And she also couldn't help but feel her stomach twist up in some foreign emotion over hearing that the girl thought that she might cast her out.
Only to angrily shake her head as she scowled down at her little girlfriend's happy face as she snorted out flames from her nostrils.
While she allowed the girl to continue to worm her way into her lap as the teenager pushed the back of her head into her robed lower belly.
'The last thing I need is for this girl to open up a royal animal shelter!' The princess thought as she rolled her intelligent amber golden eyes down at the smiling girl in her lap.
"Naïve peasant. You belong to me and I will settle for no other lover. But even so…there will be no royal animal shelter." Azula declared in a voice that brook no room for argument while she stared sternly down at her young girlfriend's now gratefully emotional face.
While a scowl pulled onto her lips as she resumed petting her beloved's hair as she felt the girl melt underneath her palm.
"A-and after that I would help out all of the people around the world in poverty." The handmaid stuttered in a gentle hearted voice while her princess rolled her haughty eyes once more.
All the while as she curled up with the back of her head propped up upon the older woman's robed belly.
As she enjoyed how her head rose and fell every few moments with the motion of Azula's belly rising and falling with her ever breath.
"And t-then…I would spend every last coin that was left on you." Elle concluded in a lovable tone as she smiled up at her princess's beautifully taken aback face.
"You…would just give the rest of your riches back to me? You…wouldn't keep any gold for yourself?" The princess questioned with her ruthless voice conveying her surprise while her pet shook her head to her astonishment.
"N-not a coin. I…I would buy you every gift that I could possibly think of. I-I would build shrines in your name and monuments in your honor. I…I would do it all for you Azula-sama. Because you…y-you are my fire goddess." The handmaid explained in an innocently devoted voice as her sentimental amber eyes gazed up at her princess's speechless face.
While strict amber golden eyes stared back down at her lovesick face as she trembled under the older woman's gaze.
And seconds after that she giggled when a mighty hand patted her head once more.
"My…you truly are my most committed worshiper aren't you dear?" Azula remarked in a voice of sensual control while she smiled down at her little serving girl's adorably giggling face.
"I-I worship you with pride Azula-sama…." Elle trailed off in a deeply enamored voice as she pushed her face into her princess's belly while a hand petted her head.
All the while as Azula's lips curled into yet another one of her confident trademark smirks as she reached out to snack on another cherry.
"I can tell." The princess commented in a smug voice as she deposited another morsel onto her waiting tongue while she smiled down at the young girl cuddling into her belly.
While she began to contently chew it as she turned her frigid gaze to stare out at the sunlit ocean below.
All the while as the teenager lay happily on her back with her amber eyes gazing out at the ocean from her girlfriend's cozy lap.
"O-ooh p-princess…." The handmaid murmured in a voice of bottomless infatuation as she listened to the much taller woman gracefully swallow her morsel above her.
"My pet." Azula sighed with a tiny sliver of fondness permeating her rigid voice as she greedily held the small girl's head against her relaxed belly.
While her lips still adorned a contented smile as she patted the mumbling girl's soft head of hair.
And she couldn't help but ponder…
'If I give her even more gold…. I wonder what other tributes she will purchase me?' The princess thought with a flattered smirk on her beautiful lips as she caressed the young girl's head.
Obviously, it went without saying that she could buy herself anything that the girl would think to purchase for her.
But that wasn't the point.
It was so much delightful to watch her little lover place gift after gift in offering at her feet.
And as curious as it may be…
She found that it felt oddly pleasant…trying to guess what her girlfriend will purchase for her next.
"Azula-sama?" Elle asked in a tone of boundless respect as she tugged on the woman's robed sleeve while Azula glanced down at her.
"Hm?" Azula answered in a lazily content voice as she popped another cherry in her mouth while she sat back on her towel.
"W-would you like to listen to romantic music with me?" The handmaid questioned in a head over heels voice while she peered shyly up at the older woman's stony face.
Only for Azula to release a sigh as she elegantly swallowed her cherry.
"I will allow it." The princess grumbled in a cold sigh as she stared down at the grinning girl with a fixated amber golden gaze.
Just before she felt two dainty arms embrace her belly yet again as she released another sigh.
And then she watched the girl spring up from her lap while she reached for another cherry.
All the while as she briefly scowled as she gazed down at her momentarily empty lap.
As perplexing as it was…its brief vacancy displeased her.
As strange as the urge may be…
She preferred her pet to be in her lap at all times.
Just as she turned to stare coldly at her little girlfriend's back as she watched with greedy eyes as her pet began to dig through her backpack for her music player.
"Oh! I also wanted to let you know that the totem seems to be keeping that voice out of my head!" Elle exclaimed in a happier voice as she smiled back at her princess's imposingly merciless face.
While the princess's stoic amber golden eyes formed a frightening stare as she exhaled a puff of flames from her nostrils.
"Good. I do not permit anyone to be in that little head of yours but me." Azula stated in a wrathfully possessive voice as her lips adorned a terrifying scowl.
While her frigid amber golden eyes took great joy in how the young girl shook so adorably under her glare.
"O-only my princess may control me. N-no one else." The handmaid stammered in a voice of tremendous devotion as she dug through her bag.
While the princess's scowl curved back into yet another one of her sanguine smirks.
"That's right peasant. Only me." The princess spoke in a beyond dominating voice with her amber golden eyes staring greedily at her little handmaid's back.
"A-Azula-sama is absolute. M-my princess is as infinite as the stars in the sky. H-Her Highness's rule over me cannot be broken by anyone or anything. I-I am safe under her authority because her reign over my life is supreme." Elle stuttered in an intensely worshipful chant as she withdrew her music player.
While Azula now sat with a huge smile curving onto her crimson lips as she gazed at her little lover with limitless approval in her controlling amber golden eyes.
"I assure you Elle…my will over your life is most definitely absolute." Azula purred in a voice of utter dominance as she twirled a finger in her dark hair.
While she smiled confidently when her young girlfriend turned to stare back at her with adorably emotional amber eyes.
All the while as her callous amber golden eyes reflected another violently possessive stare.
As she let out a domineering hiss as she watched her little beloved quiver in appreciation under her controlling gaze.
"Don't worry your little mind over it, Elle. Your goddess has complete control over you. Really dear…I do." The princess announced in an inconceivably authoritative voice with her mighty hands resting over her folded knees.
While she stared imperiously back at her young girlfriend's adorably relieved face with an expression of endless dominance gracing her strict lips.
"I-I submit Azula-sama." The handmaid stated in a voice of unlimited homage as she bowed her head in respect while the princess's fierce amber golden eyes continued to make her tremble.
"And I rule peasant." Azula declared in a voice of incalculable control as she narrowed her imposing eyes back at her pretty beloved's submissive face.
While she sat with a commanding posture about her as her dark hair blew about in the warm summer winds.
All the while as the peasant girl never once gazed away from her princess's immeasurably domineering gaze.
As Elle bowed in deference without shame under the older woman's intimidating stare.
It was just how their relationship worked.
She served and her princess ruled.
And in return she was granted protection at her side.
And she wouldn't have it any other way!
And not a moment after that the princess stared down with callous amber golden eyes when a small blonde blur leaped into her lap once more.
While a deep scowl graced her lips as lowered a hand into the girl's golden hair,
And then she sat back on her bottom as she possessive drew the small girl into her robed lap yet again.
A short time later….
Azula lounged on her towel with all the grace that was befitting of a woman of royalty with one hand at her hip and the other in her beloved's hair.
While her cold amber golden eyes stared down at the young girl propped up against her robed belly once more.
As she arched her elegant brows as she listened to sentimental music began to float into her ears from the girl's foreign device.
Only for her ears to perk up when she heard the sound of a male singer's voice resonate into the air from the girl's headset.
"Wise men say. Only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you?" Elvis Presley's voice sung over the seaside cliff while the princess let out a haughty snort as she stared down at the small smiling girl in her lap.
While she turned away with a proud scowl on her regal lips as she fought to destroy the tiny blush that was forming on her proud cheeks.
And throughout it all Elle never stopped gazing up at the face of the prideful older girl with an endlessly infatuated expression in her amber eyes.
All the while as the princess continued to trace her fingertips through her little lover's hair as she found herself begrudgingly captivated by the melody.
"Like a river flows. Surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life, too. For I can't help falling in love with you." The singer sang into the ears of the two girls while the speechless princess cradled her small beloved in her lap.
While Azula turned to stare back down at her young lover's sweet face with her tyrannical amber golden eyes communicating a rare expression of appreciation.
All the while as her cold eyes continued to thaw when she felt the teenager reach up to hold her hand.
'I…have never been this loved before…not once in my life. I…must protect this girl.' The princess thought with her merciless eyes staring down at the innocent girl in her lap.
While her lips shook in a sense of long buried emotion as she found herself fighting to prevent a joyful tear from falling from her eye.
"Like a river flows. Surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life, too. For I can't help falling in love with you. For I can't help falling in love with you." Elvis Presly's voice flowed gently into the ears of the two lovers as the song softly reached its conclusion.
While the princess and the peasant still stared back into each other's eyes.
All the while as Elle blushed as she smiled lovingly with her head resting upon the older girl's robed thighs.
And Azula found herself unable to fight the fond smile from forming onto her lips as she began to pet her handmaid's hair once more.
"What was that Elle?" Azula asked with just a sliver of curiosity in her pridefully stony voice while the young girl smiled radiantly up at her.
"That was Elvis Presley. He was one of the most famous singers from my Earth. He died a long time ago before the great war. Did you like it?" Elle responded in an intimate voice as she gazed dreamily up into her master's brilliant amber golden eyes.
Only for her smile to grow larger when she felt the princess affectionately pat her head.
"I did peasant. I did." The princess confessed in a coldly protective voice as she gently patted her handmaid's head with a relaxed hand while the girl smiled up at her.
All the while as she still reclined on her towel with a contented smile still gracing her regal lips.
And soon enough the two girls found themselves listening to song after song.
While they lay side by side in each other's arms as they both gazed back into one another's eyes.
Azula was now laying on her robed side with her small lover held in her arms.
While the princess opened her lipstick covered lips wide as she smiled when her little girlfriend fed her another chocolate covered cherry.
All the while as she elegantly chewed the morsel as she stared back into her serving girl's worshipful amber eyes.
While the young girl smiled warmly back at her from where she lay in her embrace.
"Y-you look so beautiful when you eat Azula-sama." The handmaid stammered in a boundlessly lovelorn voice as she held onto the older woman's robes.
While her princess smiled down at her as she gulped down her cherry.
"I know. Everything I do is beautiful." Azula boasted in a supremely egotistical voice as she smiled charmingly down at her small lover.
Only for her lips to eagerly open up against while the girl held out another sweet before her face.
While she smirked as she enclosed her lips around her serving girl's trembling fingers as she seductively sucked it into her closed mouth.
All the while as she stared forcefully back into the girl's stunned amber eyes as she chewed it in an alluringly slow fashion.
While sensitive hands continued to clutch the princess's expensive robes as the teenager quivered under the older woman's sensual amber golden gaze.
Only for the princess to glance down with her graceful brows raising when the girl slid lower into her arms.
Just as she found herself watching with excitement in her controlling amber golden eyes when her lover moved her head lower.
Until the girl's face was hovering just over her robed womanhood as she swallowed her cherry down her throat.
Only to gaze down with surprise in her callous amber golden eyes when the small girl planted an affectionate kiss on her robed belly.
"Azula-sama…" Elle murmured in a voice of deep veneration as she pulled on the older woman's lavish robes while she kissed Azula's well-muscled belly.
Only to find herself smiling shyly when she felt a hand lower into her hair as she continued to kiss along the princess's stomach.
While Azula's curled into a dominantly confident smirk as she watched the girl worship her belly.
"There you are peasant. Worship your goddess." The princess commanded in a tantalizingly silken voice as she shuddered when she felt the girl trail more kisses down her belly.
While her hand glided down the young girl's neck as her fingers grazed the teenager's collar.
Only for the girl to let out an adorable squeak when grasped a hold of the collar in her domineering fist.
All the while as she had to fight to control her womanly urges as she rubbed her thighs together in anticipation for the day that she could finally sit on the girl's face.
"O-oh queen…you know I do." The handmaid spoke in a voice of innocent worship as she placed a tender kiss on a robed womanly thigh.
While her cheeks turned the color of pink as she felt her princess grip her collar in her stern fist.
All the while as she momentarily paused to stare right back at the older woman's robed nether region
Only for her blush to deepen when her face was shoved even closer as she stared back in a trance at her princess's clothed groin.
"One day Elle…you'll be kissing that part of me." Azula commented in an irresistible voice that flowed like sugar into her little girlfriend's stunned ears.
While she smiled as she coiled and uncoiled a fingernail in her hair as she stared down at the small girl lingering before her womanhood.
Only for her smirk to grow when she watched her beloved gulp with her entranced amber eyes peering back at her robed region.
"D-do…do I have your permission to give you a kiss there Azula-sama?" Elle pondered in a hopelessly spellbound voice while the princess glanced down with surprised amber golden eyes.
While Azula now held a contemplative fingertip underneath her smiling lip as she considered her lover's request.
There was something that delighted her to no end about how the girl phrased it as if the action itself was an act of worship.
Before she lazily shrugged her shoulders as she mused that it couldn't do any harm.
"You may Elle. But only once." The princess purred in a tone of graceful poise as she stared down with beyond eager amber golden eyes as she held up a strict finger to emphasize the order.
While her thrilled amber golden eyes stared down as she watched the girl lean in before her robed thighs.
As her lips began to curve into an unfathomably gigantic smile.
And not a second later the Fire Princess found herself shuddering when innocent lips pressed into her clothed womanhood.
All the while as she felt a spark of pleasure shoot down her spine as she let out a gasp escape her royal lips.
While her fist clenched on her little lover's neck accessory as the girl's lips still pressed into her robed ladyhood.
"M-my goddess…" The handmaid stammered in a madly in love voice as she flushed with her lips still pressing into the older woman's shivering robed lower region.
While she listened to her princess let out a moan as she smiled timidly with her face still pressing into Azula's warm body.
"Oh, peasant…" Azula sighed in a voice of sensual desire with a hint of an affectionate smirk on her lips.
Only to force herself to pull the girl away from her womanhood before she lost control and broke her vow.
And then seconds after that she yanked the squeaking girl back up into her arms before her smiling face.
While Elle lay on her side with her cheeks as pink as can be as she felt powerful arms snake around her once more.
All the while as her princess's fingers traced along her shivering cheek as she peered back up onto Azula's enchanting amber golden eyes.
"M-my dominant…" Elle murmured in a sweet voice with a beyond abashed smile on her cheeks while Azula smiled back into her trembling eyes.
While she quivered when she felt two might hands cup her cheeks once more.
"My submissive." The princess cooed in a voice of natural grace as she leaned her taller body down to peer into her little lover's adorably awestruck amber eyes.
And that was all it took for the two lovers to lean in to peer back into each other's eyes.
While the two girls who were worlds apart in social class smiled back at one another as their lips drew even closer.
And that was all it took for Azula to kiss her young lover upon the lips once more.
While the princess's lips curled into a captivating smirk as she kissed her little lover's lovesick lips.
"A-Azula-sama…you rule." The handmaid whispered in a passionate voice as her nose pressed into her princess's own while the older woman smiled back in her line of vision.
"And you serve Elle." Azula purred with her smirking lips retreating from her girlfriend's lips while she exhaled sensually in the teenager's trembling face.
While she brushed her fingertips along the young girl's cheek once more as they continued to touch nose to nose.
And then she let out a sigh as she held the smaller girl in her arms as she felt her handmaid hide in her cheek.
A little while after that…
The princess now sat back in a seated position on her robed bottom with her little lover held underneath her arm.
While the peasant girl clutched the wealthy woman's lavish robes as she burrowed into her girlfriend's breast.
All the while as the two lovers gazed out across the ocean together in each other's arms.
"Do you see that Elle?" The princess questioned abruptly in an aloof voice as she gestured out over the water while her girlfriend gazed on in confusion.
"See what Azula-sama? The ocean?" Elle asked in an innocently pure voice as she sat underneath her princess's arm.
Only to peer on in puzzlement when Azula shook her head.
"No girl. You see the world that I will rule. That way there is south which the Southern Water Tribes lie. I will rule everything to the south all the way to the South Pole." Azula remarked as she pointed out over the water in a coldly confident voice while her lover stared on in astonishment.
Before the young girl trembled as she watched the mighty woman then point in the opposite direction.
"And that way up there is north…I am going to rule all that you see all the way to the North Pole where the Northern Water Tribe resides." The princess stated in a sanguine voice with her fingertip pointing north while her amber golden eyes hardened into that of a gaze of a true conqueror.
While her handmaid listened in fascination from where the girl sat beneath her bicep.
Before the servant girl turned her eyes in captivation when the older woman then thrust her finger east.
"In that direction is east…where the Earth Kingdom awaits and the very city that I conquered when I was fourteen years old. I am going to own it all Elle. Everything all the way to Ba Sing Se!" Azula declared in a tone of unstoppable conquest as her ruthless eyes stared out over the ocean's waters while her stunned beloved held onto her robed side.
Only for the young girl to gasp when her head was turned out in the direction of the west over the Fire Nation mainland.
"That way is west! Where I will sit on my throne in Royal Caldera City as the ruler of this entire world! I will rule from north to south to east to west! But that is not all!" The princess announced in a voice of thunderous dominance as she sat elegantly with her speechless lover in her arms.
"I-it isn't Azula-sama?" The handmaid stammered in a tone of timorous admiration as she clung to her princess's toned arm.
Just as she let out a gasp when a vast wall of blue flames flared up around them on the seaside cliff on all sides!
While she trembled as she gazed up at her princess's mightily harsh face as the older woman sat over her with her hand on her shoulder.
"I am going to crush this Elder One and after I do, I am going to conquer the Spirit World! But my conquest won't stop there! It will continue all the way to your homeland! Where I will squash this Rieko underneath my boot! And then I shall own that world as well and if any other lands out there should exist! I will own them as well!" Azula bellowed in a strikingly imposing voice with her flames burning intensely all around the entire cliff face while her little girlfriend quivered under her arm.
All the while as an intimidating scowl adorned her lips as she turned to glance down into her lover's widened amber eyes.
While she narrowed her powerful gaze as she stared back into her beloved's delightfully submitting gaze.
"And throughout it all I will always own you!" The princess snarled with her fingers resting over her shaking small girlfriend's collar while she glared penetratingly down into the girl's widened innocent eyes.
All the while as she snorted out a puff of flames from her nostrils as she let out a low growl that resounded into the girl's trembling ears.
While her lips continued to crease into a mighty glower as she felt her little lover reach up to grasp onto her hand.
"Y-you own me Azula-sama." Elle agreed in a voice of boundless submission as she smiled shyly up at Azula's intimidating countenance.
While the princess lessened her glare ever so slightly as she stared hard down into her lover's adorable amber eyes.
"I do. Never forget that. You're…mine." Azula grumbled as she pulled the small girl into her side with her arm clutching her quaking serving girl close.
"I-I could never forget. I b-bow to your rule princess." The handmaid stuttered in a voice of everlasting worship as her hands held onto her princess's grand robes.
"I know you do Elle and I…appreciate it. You are…my most valued companion." The princess muttered in a powerful voice as her callous amber golden eyes stared out through her wall of gigantic flames.
"And…and you are m-mine as well Azula-sama." Elle mumbled as she pushed her face into her princess's bosom while an unbelievably strong arm wrapped around her petite shoulder.
Only for an abashed expression to overtake her cheeks once again when she saw the much taller woman stoop down above her.
Just as her eyes grew wide when she felt her princess place a soft kiss on the top of her head.
And that was all that needed to happen for a bright smile to overcome her cheeks as she then felt a strong hand lower into her hair.
All the while as she sunk back into her master's breast with fingertips dancing through her hair.
"That's a good girl." Azula purred in a voice of softer dominance once more while her imposing amber golden eyes stared down at the girl pushing her face into her breasts.
"O-oh Azula-sama you are so confident. You are so dreamy when you talk about conquest. I could listen to you tell me about your rule all day long." The handmaid swooned with a hand on her gushing cheek as she felt a hand hold her face into a soft robed breast.
While Azula's lips pulled into yet another dominating smirk as she pulled the small girl under her arm.
"Then rejoice my pet…because my rule has only just begun." The princess spoke in a voice of total authority with her amber golden eyes forming a stare of unrivaled superiority while her girlfriend shook in worship in her arms.
And just like that her callous amber golden eyes widened with a supremacy unlike any ruler to come before her as her ascending chi exploded from her body.
And not even seconds the blue flames transformed into an enormous pillar as they spiraled into sky all around the marveling handmaid.
While Elle gazed up into the sky with her mouth open in wonder as she watched her master's flames form a towering pillar into the sky above them!
All the while as her amber eyes widened as she watched closely as small sparks of the tremendous pillar of fire began to transform into a hypnotic blue plasma!
As she grasped onto her princess's mighty arm while the older woman crushed her face into the side of her robed breast.
"A-Azula-sama…you are going to be a great ruler for the world! The ruler we need! Y-you…are going to lead us all well! I…I know you will!" Elle cried out in a voice of innocent passion with a kind-hearted smile on her lips as she held onto her princess's powerful well-muscled arm.
And then she let out an infatuated sigh as she felt the older woman's forceful palm push down onto the back of her head.
While the princess sat with her lovely lips forming a beyond confident smirk as she affectionately held her little lover into her robed breast.
"Of course, I will Elle. This is what I was born for! I was born to rule…to rule you and everyone else in existence! And you were born to be mine! Now and forevermore!" Azula called out in a voice of absolute power with her vocals carrying all throughout the air into her stunned lover's ears.
While her smirk grew even bigger when she felt the small girl excitedly pull on her robes.
"Yes Azula-sama! A thousand times yes! Y-yours." The handmaid exclaimed as she hid her face in the older woman's warm breast while a strong palm remained clamped down on her head.
All the while as the princess simply smiled as vastly as can be as she sat authoritatively in her seat with her young serving girl under her arm.
Hearing the girl voice, her adorable support for her rule only filled her with an even higher desire to rule!
Her motivation to seat herself on the throne has never been greater!
Her little beloved believes in her!
And her warrior as well!
And she has won over the belief of both of her childhood friends!
And she also has the faith of her loyal pilot and inventor Nako!
And the loyalty of her Dai Li and her many soldiers in the Fire Army!
And so many more!
She was amassing her own following of subjects that were loyal to her and her alone!
And with that following…
She will squash her father!
An hour later…
The royal carriage rode through one of the commoner cities on the way back up to the caldera rode.
While the princess lounged with both of her boots planted on the floor of her carriage and her young lover still held underneath her arm.
All the while as her ruthless amber golden eyes stared imperiously ahead as she allowed the small girl to snuggle into her body.
While the handmaid gazed in relaxation over the older woman's as she watched the royal carriage roll through the street.
Only for her amber eyes to widen in recognition when she saw the carriage pass a face in the street that she had seen before!
It…was the man who hit her in the alley before she was taken in by her princess!
Azula turned her head to glance down at her beloved with her brows furrowing in a questioning manner to find herself watching the girl frantically shake her robes.
"What's wrong Elle?" The princess asked in a cold voice once more while her glacial eyes took note of the urgent look in the girl's eyes.
"I-I saw him out the window in the street princess! I…I saw the man that hit me in the alley before you saved me!" Elle blurted out in a panicked voice as she tugged on her master's robes while her princess's amber golden eyes widened with boiling fury.
"Stop the carriage! Now!" Azula boomed in a terrifyingly vengeful voice as the frightened coachman swiftly forced the komodo rhino to a stop.
And just like that the royal transport abruptly came to a halt while the princess stared out the window with furious amber golden eyes.
"Where?" The princess snarled in an utterly livid voice as her enraged amber golden eyes glared out her carriage window.
Just before the serving girl pointed with a shaken finger in a crowd of people in the city.
While the flames of war blazed in the princess's merciless amber golden eyes as she followed her servant's finger.
"T-there! It's…that man Azula-sama!" The handmaid stammered in a heavily emotional voice while her princess glared on in fury above her.
And then in that very instant Azula's bubbling amber golden eyes enlarged when she caught sight of a face in the crowd that she had memorized from the time that she spent in her lover's memories.
And just like that the middle-aged man disappeared in the throng of people.
While the princess pushed her bottom off her lavish cushion with her wide amber golden eyes still gazing in the direction where the man had vanished.
Only for the rage in her eyes to grow to an even more titanic height when she heard a sorrowful sniffle beside from beside her.
All the while as she turned to gaze down at her little girlfriend with her amber golden eyes widening in royal fury when she saw a tear streaming down her cheek!
"H-he didn't just hit me princess…he made fun of me." Elle stuttered in a deeply sensitive voice while the princess listened in anger beside her.
"What? He…made fun of you?" Azula questioned in voice that was akin to a volcano that was about to erupt as she glowered down at her saddened girlfriend.
It was a foreign concept to her.
To actually care if someone was abused and ridiculed.
And yet…she did.
"H-he told me that I was scrawny…too small to ever have a real w-woman's body. B-but that…I would fetch a high price…because I have a golden head." The handmaid admitted in a crestfallen voice as she wiped at her eye while the princess's amber golden eyes narrowed into infuriated slits.
While the princess trembled in her royal rage with her amber golden eyes still staring furiously down at her gentle-hearted companion's downcast face.
All the while as her eyes widened in suspicion as she began to spew flames from her open lips.
'Fetch…a high price?' The princess thought with callous amber golden eyes taking on a violently volatile death stare.
"I-it bothers me you know…being small. B-but I can't help my size." Elle muttered with another sorrowful cry while Azula's amber golden eyes darkened above her.
Only to find herself crying out in surprise when a powerful hand effortlessly pulled her to her feet!
While she gazed up with endless admiration in her widened amber eyes as she watched her princess arise to her feet over her!
All the while as she the older woman held onto her wrist as Azula turned to stare imposingly down into her trembling eyes.
"There is nothing wrong with your size. You are beautiful as you are." Azula stated in a frozenly furious voice with her beautiful lips pursed into a royal glower.
While her amber golden eyes still glared down into her young girlfriend's moved amber gaze.
"A-Azula-sama…eep!" The handmaid cried out as she suddenly found herself almost being pulled in the air behind her furious master.
While she stared on in awe as the woman nearly kicked down the door of her carriage!
And then before the royal coachman could even say so much as say a single word!
The princess began to storm her way through the city with her little beloved being pulled along behind her!
While the serving girl squeaked as the powerful woman led her with such might that she it was almost like she was being dragged like a sack through the city!
All the while as she gazed on with endless adoration in her innocent eyes as the intimidating woman pursued the direction that the man went in.
In fact, the princess's anger was so volcanic that she didn't even pay any mind to the way that her people were bowing to her as she marched by.
No, her only thought was brutally punishing the man that dared to both mock and strike what was hers!
Ten minutes later in a tavern in the city.
The people all around the bar talked with one another as they drank throughout the tavern.
While a middle-aged Fire Nation man sat at a bar stool while the bartender set a beer down before him on the counter.
Zuru grasped his beer in hand as he held it to his lips while he took a relaxing drink of it.
He was so absorbed in his drink that he failed to notice that the tavern had started to become unnaturally quiet.
Only for his hazel eyes to stare on in confusion when he noticed that the bartender had dropped to the ground in a bow of deference.
Before he finally heard the sound of footsteps coming to a stop behind him.
While all eyes in the tavern were now on their imposing princess who stood in her opulent robes with a young golden-haired girl standing behind her.
"Savor that drink. Because it is going to be the last one that you ever have." The princess greeted in a chillingly monstrous voice while the startled man now turned around to face her.
All the while as her beloved shook in fear behind her arm.
Only for Zuru's hazel eyes to widen in terror to find himself staring back at the horrifically terrifying face of his crown princess!
And standing right behind her was that…little foreign girl!
"P-Princess Azula! I…I don't understand. H-have I done something to cause you offense?" Zuru asked in a terrified voice while he gazed back at the young woman's volcanically glowering face.
While the rest of the tavern was deathly silent as every citizen bowed in deference to the unspeakably powerful woman.
"As a matter of fact, you have. My companion tells me that you struck her in the face." Azula snapped in a voice devoid of kindness while the man shrunk in fear under her boiling glare.
"T-this is just a misunderstanding! Y-you must have me mistaken for someone else!" The man exclaimed as he shook in utter terror under the princess's tyrannical glare.
"Liar! Y-you punched me and tried to abduct me numerous times!" Elle yelled with anger in her voice as she stepped up beside her master while Azula glanced down at her through the corner of her cold eye.
And for a fleeting instant Azula's merciless amber golden eyes flashed with approval to see her girlfriend not hesitate to confront the man.
Before her amber golden eyes narrowed into a piercing stare once more as the man trembled as he paled in fright under her venomous glare.
All the while as she began to march forward with menace in her step as the man began to cower in terror against the bar.
"N-no princess! I swear that it isn't true! I didn't-" Zuru pleaded in a desperate voice only for an unfathomably mighty fist to impact with his right cheek.
And that was all it took for the man to soar to the ground of the tavern in a heap with a stray tooth now landing on the floor a short distance away from him.
While the entirety of the tavern gazed on with awe as their princess stood towering far above the now paralyzed man.
All the while as Elle grasped at the sleeves of her school uniform as grateful tears made their way from her eyes.
While she stared at her master's tall robed back in profound adoration.
"Guards! Arrest this man! Take him to the Capital City Prison!" The princess commanded in a voice of royal wrath that split through the tavern like thunder.
While the sound of soldiers rushing into the tavern resounded into the air as she glared down at the man's bloodied fear-stricken face.
And just like that the dazed Zuru was hauled to his feet by the city guards while the soldiers faithfully met their princess's piercing gaze.
"What is the charge princess?" A guard asked in a dutiful voice while the princess stepped forward to gaze harshly back at them.
"The assault and attempted abduction of a Fire Nation citizen." Azula declared in a sharply ruthless voice with amber golden eyes forming into a stare of absolute conquest as the half-conscious man slumped in her soldiers' arms.
While Elle gazed on with her lips forming a highly emotional smile as she watched the guards drag the man away.
"P-Princess! Please!" The man shouted as his pleas were ignored as he was hauled away while he swayed in the soldiers' arms.
And then soon after that the man was pulled through the doors of the tavern.
Before the powerful princess turned to stare down into her beloved's teary amber eyes.
While her cold gaze conveyed her murderously protective wrath as she clenched her fists at her robed hips.
'There is only one fate for those that dare to strike my Elle and that is death.' The princess thought with her lips curling into a callous scowl while she watched her beloved tremble in emotion under her glare.
"Come girl." Azula ordered in a tone of effortless authority as she waved for the girl to follow while she turned around to walk away.
And with that the princess strode toward the door of the tavern with her little girlfriend rushing after her heels.
"Y-yes Azula-sama! As you command master!" The handmaid cried out as she hurried after her princess's furious footsteps.
And soon enough after that the princess and her peasant exited through the door of the tavern.
All the while leaving behind the occupants in the bar who were still gazing on with shock in their eyes.
And a great many even a sense of newfound respect for their princess because the man had been accosting people in their neighborhood for months.
And just like that…he was gone.
No longer a threat to anyone in their city.
Two hours later at the Capital City Prison.
Zoi and Ty Lee had both been summoned to the prison by the princess after being informed that Azula had apprehended the man that had struck their young friend upon her arrival in the Fire Nation.
As soon as the two noblewomen had learned that the man had been arrested.
They had both immediately had a sinking feeling that he would not be walking away with his life.
And now the man was slumped over in the lowermost interrogation cell with blood dripping down his face from a merciless interrogation.
While Azula stood in a room glaring on with unforgiving amber golden eyes beside the acrobat.
Just as Zoi stepped into the room while her two companions turned to her to see what she had found out.
While the captain now stared back at her comrades with something akin to a disgusted expression in her eyes that took even the princess aback.
"His name is Zuru and he works with the slave market. I can only presume that Elle's unique hair color drew his eye….and that the reason he was trying to abduct her back then was so that he could sell her in the slave trade." Zoi announced in an unusually revolted voice as she stared back at the horrified faces of her fellow aristocrats.
Even a woman as cruel as Azula was deeply unsettled at the thought of her innocent companion being sold as a slave.
While Ty Lee was now staring on with her brown-gray eyes widened in horror as she looked as if she was going to vomit.
And the princess was standing there with her mouth open in shock while her fists hung at her robed hips.
"Which very likely would have occurred…had you not granted Elle your protection by bringing her back with you to the Royal Palace." The captain stated in a grim voice while her princess listened with an expression of boiling rage in her narrowing amber golden eyes.
"Azula…our gentle Elle…was almost sold as a slave." Ty Lee spoke up in an appalled voice as she turned to gaze at the princess.
Only to find herself shuddering when she saw the livid glower in Azula's bubbling amber golden gaze.
"What was this nothing doing looking for slaves among the Fire Nation mainland in the first place? It is against the will of the Fire Lord to engage in the sale of Fire Nation citizens. Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom people only." The princess demanded in a glacial voice as her fists clenched at her hips while her captain stoically met her imposing stare.
Given the recent peasant uprisings.
If she allowed this to continue it would only give even further rise to rebellion.
And as such, there was no way that she could allow such brazen predating on the commoners to go unpunished.
While the acrobat turned away as she tried not to let it show that she was bothered by the princess's cruel logic.
Hearing what this man tried to do to her precious little sister made her furious too.
But unlike Azula she was able to see that the problem was much larger than this one man.
The problem was the Fire Nation slave trade which allowed someone to do something so horrible in the first place!
"Well, first of all princess. It couldn't have been more obvious that Elle was not a Fire Nation citizen at the time and secondly." Zoi replied in a fearless voice as she stared back into her princess's intimidatingly glaring face.
While Azula stood seething in her royal robes with her amber golden eyes still staring icily back at her unafraid warrior.
"What else do you expect from someone engaging in the slave trade? The very nature of partaking in slavery necessitates the absence of honor and consideration for your fellow human being. And you expect them to have any kind of respect for boundaries?" The captain countered with an expression of unmistakable contempt for the practice in her golden eyes while the princess gazed on with coldly unamused amber golden eyes.
"Well, then. Perhaps I need to make an example of this one to send a message to the rest of the slave traders that such blatant disregard for our law will not be tolerated." Azula remarked in a chillingly baleful voice as she began to walk with menace in her step past her two subordinates.
Only to find herself scowling when she sensed that Ty Lee was sending an emotional stare her way.
"What are you doing to do about this when you become Fire Lord Azula? If this isn't a sign that we need to change things then I don't know what is." The acrobat asked in a still distressed voice while the princess stared coldly at her from the corner of her eye.
"I am not having this discussion right now Ty Lee. In case you haven't noticed I am in the middle of punishing Elle's abuser." The princess stated in a callously distinguished voice as she rolled her amber golden eyes while she brushed past her unsettled friend.
While both the acrobat and the captain stared after her back as she swiftly stalked down the prison hall.
'None of that matters to me right now.' Azula thought with her callous amber golden eyes gazing imperiously ahead while she listened to the sound of her two subordinates following after her.
Her sole singular thought was that she made the man that struck her beloved scream.
In the lowest prison cell, the sound of a cell door opening up clanged into the air.
And in the corner of the cell sat a table of interrogation tools.
While the sound of elegant boots striding across the floor of the cell carried into the prison's ears.
As the beaten Zuru raised his fearful eyes upward only for his expression to pale once again when he saw the princess standing imposingly in the door of his cell with his hands folded behind her back.
And flanking her from behind was the equally ruthless captain and the unnaturally scowling acrobat.
All the while as he trembled in intimidation under Azula's malicious glare as her amber golden eyes stared venomously back at him.
"Zoi has informed me that you have been probing the Capital for prospective slaves in Fire Nation citizens. Which is a direct violation of the will of the Fire Lord…care to explain?" The princess commented in a voice of unnerving poise as every step that she took made the man cower even further under her callous amber golden stare.
While both noblewomen also glared back at the sweating man from where they stood obediently behind their princess.
"N-not Fire Nation citizens princess! I…I wasn't aware that she…that she was a companion of yours…and before I approached her, I made certain that she wasn't a Fire Nation citizen!" Zuru explained in a frantic voice as he sat shaking in his chains while all three highborn women stared coldly back at him.
While Azula's predatory amber golden eyes still stared monstrously back at his fear-stricken face.
"Well, she is now!" Ty Lee shouted with anger in her usually kind voice while the man sunk back under her glare.
"She is a Fire Nation citizen!" Azula thundered in a terrifyingly authoritative voice that sent the slaver cowering against the wall from the force of her volume alone.
"I-I give you my word princess that I h-had no knowledge of that!" The man exclaimed in a beyond terrified voice while the princess's amber golden eyes gazed imperiously back down at him.
Only for Azula to come to a stop before the table of interrogation tools while her prisoner stared at her with fearful hazel eyes.
While her hand glided across the table with a purposeful sadistic slowness that only made the man tremble even more.
All the while as the captain and the acrobat stood behind their leader scowling back at the man's pale face.
"What was it that you told her? That her golden head would bring a high price? That she is otherwise too small to ever possess a woman's body? You should know I disagree…I happen to find her to be just the loveliest little angel." The princess spoke in a voice of lethal sophistication as her fingertip lingered over a case of torture tools.
While her frigid amber golden eyes stared over her robed shoulder down at the slaver's trembling countenance.
As both noblewomen stared furiously back at their prisoner with even greater fury in their wrathful eyes.
Just as the sound of a click resounded into the cell while the prisoner shook in dread of what he feared was about to come.
"Of course, I should think so. The little dear is my lover after all…." Azula announced in a tone of silken menace with her every word dripping with royal rage while she grasped a steel baton in her enraged fist.
While her cruel amber golden eyes turned to stare in judgement back at Zuru's now utterly horrified face.
And that was all it took for the gravity of the situation to finally sink in for the deathly terrified prisoner.
"I would say that I felt sorry for you. But that would be a lie." Zoi snorted with a shake of her head while her pitiless golden eyes staring back at the man's now simply hysterical face.
While Ty Lee shivered despite her own fury as she stood beside her fellow noblewoman with her arms folded over her chest.
All the while as the princess began to stalk forward with the metal baton in her clenched fist.
Until Azula came to a halt looming over her cowering prisoner with the man shrinking away into the wall under her tyrannical glare.
"P-Princess…I-I…didn't know that she was your…if I-I had…I…I w-would have n-never…" Zuru stammered in a voice that was consumed with terror while the princess's domineering amber golden eyes glared down at him through his skull.
While the captain and the acrobat also glared back at him from where they stood behind their leader.
Only to find himself releasing a pained shout when the bottom of the princess's boot abruptly impacted with the front of his face.
And then he was forced against the wall of the prison cell with the woman's boot planted upon his bruised face.
While his widened hazel eyes gazed up at Azula's supremely intimidating glowering face as the young woman stood with her boot on his face towering above him.
"Silence worm! You no longer have the right to speak!" The princess roared in a terrifying voice that rang into her prisoner's ears like thunder while she stomped down with all of her weight on his whimpering face.
While her vengeful amber golden eyes stared down hard at the man's face as he cowered underneath her oppressive boot.
All the while as the two noblewomen watched in silence behind their leader as the acrobat shuddered once more.
"You are no longer a Fire Nation citizen. You don't have any rights. You are now for all intents and purposes my test slave to be used as a test subject for my bending." Azula declared in a voice of ruthless absolute authority as she removed her boot from the man's petrified face.
And then she set it back down on the floor below while she gripped her baton at her hip.
While her penetrating amber golden eyes glared down in royal judgement at her prisoner's delightfully panicking visage.
All the while the usually kinder hearted acrobat swallowed as she watched the man cower with still hateful brown-gray eyes.
'Test slave…' The acrobat thought as a chill traveled down her spine while the princess loomed menacingly above her quaking prey.
"In simple terms…this means that I sentence you to a long agonizing death." The princess remarked in a callously tyrannical voice as her icy words cut through the tense air like a whip while she glared down at her new slave's horror-struck face.
"N-no! N-no! P-please p-princess no!" The man shouted in a hysterically terrorized voice as he thrashed in vain in his chain against the wall while the princess calmly walked forward.
Only for an imposing shadow to loom over him as he shook with a paling expression on his face while the princess stared back down at him with utterly superior amber golden eyes.
As if he were nothing more than an insect that was about to be squashed underfoot!
While the two noblewomen watched from where they stood further back in the cell with captivated expressions in their eyes.
"Let's start with firebending first, shall we slave?" Azula pondered in a voice of frightening calmness as her fists sparked to life with searing flames.
And not an instant after that the cell was illuminated by the ominous light of the princess's blue flames.
While blue flames burned upon Azula's fists as she gazed down at her captive's futilely recoiling face.
All the while as Zoi and Ty Lee stared on with awe in their eyes as they once again took in the rapidly increasing heat of the already intense blue flames!
"I-I b-beg your f-forgiveness P-Princess A-Azula!" Zuru screamed in a beyond desperate voice as Azula towered over him with the heat from her flames already beginning to lick his terrified face.
Only for the princess's lips to curl into a cruel sneer as she wordlessly stooped down above his cowering form.
While his hazel eyes widened as large as humanly possible as he watched a burning hand loom in his line of vision.
As he madly struggled in his bonds in a failed attempt to escape the princess's wrath.
While Azula's amber golden eyes formed into seething slits as she glared down at the violently writhing man with her open hand approaching his face.
The girl was the first to give her a fire lily!
And the first to write her a romantic poem!
And the first to ask for the hand of the princess of the Fire Nation in a dance!
She even painted her royal likeness many times over!
She swore her life to her!
She was willing to die for her!
Today she purchased her a large box of chocolate covered cherries just for her!
And last but never least she was the first person to ever love her!
Elle has done more for her than anyone else in her entire life!
And this man…
'He demeaned her! He struck her! He tried to abduct her! He conspired to sell my beloved into slavery!' The princess thought with her amber golden eyes enlarging with volcanic rage as the infernos of war burned in her merciless gaze.
And that was all it took for her furious eyes to narrow into a stare of immeasurable wrath.
"I do not offer it!" Azula snapped with fire pouring from her regally scowling lips as her hand swiftly descended before her screaming prisoner's widely terrified eyes.
And just like that she ruthlessly grasped a hold of the man's writhing face in her burning hand.
And mere seconds later the sound of an ear-piercing agonized scream shot forth into the air throughout the prison cell.
While Ty Lee gulped as her legs shook underneath her as she averted her eyes away from the disturbing scene.
The man deserved every bit of it for what he tried to do to her little sister.
It didn't make it any easier to watch though.
While even Zoi stared on with a widened look in her golden eyes.
As she silently watched the man scream at the top of his lungs with her princess's blazing hand violently restraining his wildly flailing face.
All the while as the princess's relentless fingertips pressed into the man's screaming skin as her burning digits were permanently branded into his flesh.
While Zuru continued to release piercing screams with his eyes widening in agony as if they were about to burst from his eye sockets!
And soon after the skin even began to melt from his face!
All the while as Azula gazed down with compassionless amber golden eyes as she cruelly watched half of the man's face melt away underneath her merciless hand.
Only for the tortured man to suddenly find himself slumping to his knees in a broken heap when the princess's hand finally released his maimed face.
While his agonizing screams still filled the lowermost cell as the two noblewomen stood in a stunned state behind their leader.
All the while as the princess stood tall with her baton in hand as her aura began to exude from her body while she glared down at her mutilated prey.
And not even a second later the baton began to churn with a controlled dose of lightning generation while she clutched her torture tool at her hip.
While both Zoi and Ty Lee's eyes widened even further as they watched the current of lightning crackle from the steel baton.
"Now then…let's see how you handle lightning generation." The princess commented in a severely heartless voice as lightning sparked from her powerful body.
While her lips creased into a cold-blooded glower as she watched with tremendous satisfaction in her eyes when the man was violently thrown into the wall of the cell.
All the while as her merciless amber golden eyes took great pleasure in observing the man scream even more as he was nearly electrocuted by her deadly currents.
As she bared her fangs like a dragon about to devour her prey as she gripped her electrified baton in hand.
And then she brought it down on her prisoner's screaming head with thunderous force!
While Azula's lips were entrenched in an expression of unfathomable wrath as she swung her baton down on the man's bleeding head once more!
As the two noblewomen gazed on with speechless expressions in their eyes while they watched their leader begin to violently beat the man to death!
All the while as Zuru's helpless wails echoed into the air in unison with every mighty swing of the princess's lightning charged baton!
And it didn't take long after that for a distinctly disturbing cracking sound to filter into the air.
While the beyond broken man now lay in a heap with his blood running across the floor of the cell.
As Zoi and Ty Lee stood in a shocked silence with their eyes glued to their princess's robed back.
While Azula now stood panting lightly with her dark hair swaying before her merciless amber golden eyes as her baton fell to the floor below with a clang.
As she stared imperiously down at the man crumpled before her feet while she listened to his damaged moans resound into her ears.
While she extended one hand as she pointed two fingers down at his maimed form while lightning began to spark from her fingertips.
And then she snarled while she remorselessly released a discharge of lethal voltage from her deadly fingertips while the man's body convulsed violently upon the prison floor.
And not even seconds after that the cell sparked with a calamitous flash of lightning while the noblewoman still stood in a stunned quiet.
And just like that it was over.
The slaver now lay lifeless in a wreck on the floor of the cell.
While the princess now stood over him with her smoking fingertips falling back to her robed hip.
All the while as Ty Lee tried to suppress the shudder that was making its way down her spine once more.
While there was no doubt that Elle was influencing Azula into slowly but surely becoming a better person than her father.
One other detail remained certain.
'When Elle is threatened…Azula is even more frightening than before!' Ty Lee thought as sweat dripped down her cheek as she audibly swallowed.
And even a woman was as ruthless as Zoi was still gazing at the body of the slain slaver with astonishment in her golden eyes.
Only for Azula to straighten herself to her full height while her callous amber golden eyes gazed down at the man's brutalized dead body in contempt.
Before she took her companions aback when she removed her gold pouch from her hip.
And then she threw a handful of gold coins over the slaver's bloodied corpse while a cruel sneer graced her lips.
"You think it's amusing picking on Elle. Here's a donation to your funeral." Azula spoke to herself in a low voice as her amber golden eyes watched the coins rain down over the now lifeless man's bloodied face.
Before she turned around with her robed legs striding across the floor of the cell.
While her intimidating amber golden eyes stared back at her two subordinates taken aback faces.
The acrobat more so than her captain.
Just as she gazed out of the corner of her ruthless eye at her strongest soldier's still surprised face.
"Zoi. Clean this up before anyone else sees this." The princess commanded in a voice of cold authority while her childhood friend still gazed on in shock.
Only to gaze on with approval in her merciless amber golden eyes when her captain bowed her head in understanding.
"Understood, my princess. I won't leave this cell until there is no trace of what happened here." The captain assured in a devoted voice with her stony golden eyes watching as her princess glanced at her in recognition.
And then Azula sauntered past her two companions while she swiftly strode out of the cell.
While she gazed ahead with a remorseless gleam in her frozen amber golden eyes as her imposing fists hung at her hips.
She had meant every word that she said.
Those that dare to try to hurt her little lover will receive no mercy from her.
And that was a promise that she would continue to keep.
0 notes
grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 134 - The Royal Fire Academy
That same morning.
Sia stood gazing down at a letter in her hands while her golden eyes flashed with a surprised gleam.
'This girl Elle…the one with the power to challenge the Avatar. She is going to be attending the Royal Academy for Girls…Princess Azula actually managed to get her in.' The revolutionary thought with a cognitive expression in her eyes.
And seconds after that she lit the letter aflame as she watched it burn with a contemplative stare.
'Maybe…I could pull a few strings and resume my old tutoring post at academy. That would allow me to get closer to the girl when Princess Azula isn't around.' Sia thought as she held a thoughtful hand underneath her chin.
Perhaps…this way she would be able to meet the girl for herself.
And maybe then she would be able to get more information on the nature of the girl's power that she wouldn't otherwise be able to obtain from her sister.
Elle knelt at her desk with an overwhelmed expression on her cheeks while she felt the stares of all of the aristocratic girls gawking all around her.
"A commoner is going to academy with us?" A noble girl asked in a bewildered voice while she gazed at the nervous girl in still present shock.
"And she was escorted to academy by Princess Azula." Another noble commented in a fascinated voice as she gazed at the small girl's anxious face in disbelief.
"And she has golden hair!" A teenage girl exclaimed with awe in her voice as she gaped at the now blushing girl with a look of amazement in her eyes.
"I have never seen a girl with golden hair before!" A fourth girl exclaimed as she turned around to ogle the trembling girl behind her.
"Neither have I." Tei remarked in a voice of her own curiosity as she glanced back at the reddened faced girl behind her.
Only for the entire class to snap out of their ogling of Elle when their teacher loudly banged her desk to get their attention.
While Elle obediently spun around with her hands in her lap in the hopes of making a good impression.
"Now class! That is enough. The princess explicitly stated that we are to treat her well and I will not permit her wrath to be drawn upon this school by doing otherwise." Yeinah instructed in a strict voice while her students swiftly nodded their heads in understanding.
While Elle's gaze relaxed somewhat as the teacher's eyes then turned to gaze at her.
"It says here…Elle. That you do not write in the same written language as us. Is that true?" The teacher pondered with a margin of intrigue to her otherwise stern voice.
While the students turned to gaze at the blonde with fascinated looks in their eyes once more as they watched the girl hurriedly nod her head.
"That's so. I don't yet know how to read much of it or write in your language. The princess has been instructing me when she has free time. I can make out some of the basics, like read the labels on spices in the kitchens. But not much beyond that." Elle explained in a gentle voice as she knelt straight gazing back at the instructor's nodding face.
"I see. Now I have another question for you. What do you know about our great nation?" Yeinah asked in a firm voice while the young girl held a thoughtful hand under her chin.
"I know that the Fire Nation is the dominant world power. I also know that the Fire Nation went through an industrialized period and is far more advanced than the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes. I don't quite know much more than that though. As the majority of my time has been spent with the princess in battle against the Avatar and her other enemies. But I am eager to learn all that I can!" The handmaid responded in a jovial voice as she smiled brightly back at the teacher's still amazed face.
While the rest of the class still listened to the girl with all of their eyes glued to their strange new classmates unusually cheerful face.
"Well, it is certainly an admirable quality that you are willing to learn. I will do all that I can to educate you for as long as you are a student in my class." The teacher stated in a stoic voice as the young girl smiled back at her.
And with that she opened a book while the entire class gazed on obediently from where they knelt before their desks.
And just like that the class continued on.
A few hours later.
After finishing with her first class.
Elle had went to meet her language teacher.
And now after spending several hours working on her language lessons.
She was now carrying a lunch tray in the academy cafeteria while she felt countless eyes on her once more.
Until she shyly sat down by herself with her amber eyes fearfully avoiding gazing at any of the girls that were staring at her as if she was a rare species that they had never seen before.
While Tei sat at an opposite table with her still intrigued golden eyes gazing back at the petite girl.
All the while as noble girls muttered amongst each other as they stared at the increasingly apprehensive girl.
And then Elle began to bashfully nibble at her vegetarian meal.
Only to find herself turning to gaze over her shoulder when she saw three noble girls approaching her table.
While a twinge of redness appeared on her cheeks when she noticed the way the girl in the front was gazing at her with fascination in her eyes.
Until the girls came to a stop standing before the timid girls table with all of their gazes fixated on the skittish girl's blushing face.
The leader of the three girls was a girl named Suna and she was from a very wealthy clan called Clan Yosa.
Suna was by all accounts a beautiful Fire Nation girl.
She was fairly tall girl for her age, with fine dark hair and she was an exceptionally skilled firebender to boot.
"Wow, she really has golden hair!" Suna commented with unusual interest in her voice while she blinked back at the girl's flushed face.
"H-hello." Elle greeted in a bashful voice as she smiled back at the noble girl while Suna appraised her with a slight smile on her lips.
"I still can't believe that a commoner got into the Royal Fire Academy." Another noble girl named Toh stated off to the side of Suna while the small blonde twiddled her thumbs in her seat.
"Yes, well. Princess Azula personally brought her to school. Everyone is saying that she has the power to destroy the Avatar in her veins." A third noble girl named Nea informed from where she stood by her friend with a food tray in hand while she too gazed at the petite girl in amazement.
"Hello." Suna replied in an oddly captivated voice as she glided towards the shy commoner girl.
"I-is it really that big of a deal for a commoner to get in here?" The handmaid questioned in an uncertain voice while she shifted nervously in her seat when she felt the gaze of every noble girl linger on her.
"Are you kidding me? This academy is for daughters of nobility only." Toh answered in a factual voice while the blonde sunk back in her seat.
"O-oh. I didn't know." Elle responded lamely as she picked at her food as Suna hovered behind her with her golden eyes still gazing at her in bewilderment.
"It's pretty huge that you got in here. Commoners aren't even allowed to enter the caldera unless it is to serve as house servants or to work in the shops in the royal market. Much less attend our academy." Nea explained with a trace of arrogance in her voice while Elle's amber eyes took on a bothered gaze.
"I-I…wasn't aware of that either…I apologize if my presence offends anyone." The handmaid muttered in a somewhat downcast voice while the noble girls gazed at one another before glancing back at her.
'Azula-sama never told me that commoners weren't allowed to enter into the caldera unless it was to serve…' Elle thought with a disconcerted expression in her amber eyes while she chewed on her lip.
There was something about that just didn't sit right with her.
It was…classist discrimination.
And to her it felt wrong.
Only for Suna to turn to her two friends with the playfulness in her golden eyes giving way to a cold stare that silenced the two almost immediately.
"Quit that. I am trying to say hi to her." Suna ordered with a commanding edge to her voice while her two friends quickly shook their heads in fright.
All the while as Elle meekly sat in her seat with her nervous eyes gazing down at her food.
Just when she heard the sound of Suna stepping up beside her.
And not a second later Suna plopped her butt down on the bench beside the abashed foreign girl.
While her eager golden eyes stared back at the other teenager's lovely face as she took in the cloth collar wrapped around her neck.
"My name is Suna. What's yours?" Suna inquired in a slightly kinder tone than her friends as she set her food tray down on the tabletop.
"M-my name is Elle. It's nice to meet you Suna." The handmaid answered in a mousy voice that was a bit cheerier than before.
While she still blushed as she felt the way that the young aristocrat was staring at her with keenly focused golden eyes.
"Elle…what a fascinating name. Is that your real hair color?" Suna asked in an absorbed voice as she leaned in uncomfortably close to peer at the trembling girl's hair.
While Tei quietly ate her food as she stared at Suna in mild annoyance from where she sat on the opposing table.
She was one of the two wealthiest girls in the school.
The more wealth a noble had the more power they possessed.
And that meant that Suna was one of the two self-appointed queens that 'ruled' the school with an iron fist.
And because of that, very few students were willing to challenge the spoiled girl to her face.
And soon enough Toh and Nea sat down on the other side of the table while they watched their leader check out the new girl's blushing face.
"I-it is…" Elle stammered in a lovably bashful voice with the color of pink adorning her cheeks while many noble girls still gawked at her from all about the cafeteria.
"You're a shy one, aren't you?" Suna queried with a small smile still on her lips while she observed the smaller girl avert her eyes from her gaze.
"I-I…suppose I am." The handmaid admitted sheepishly as she resumed nibbling on her lunch.
Only to find herself taken aback when the girl reached out to touch her hair.
"You're an adorable commoner." Suna commented with a purr as she surveyed the shorter girl's flattered face.
"O-oh. Well, thank you for saying so." Elle stuttered as she swallowed her bite of her noodles while she still felt the girl trace her finger through her hair.
'What lovely hair…she's cute. The princess is so lucky. It must be nice being royalty. I wish I had a servant like this.' Suna thought with her golden eyes taking on a spoiled stare while she touched the girl's silken hair.
And for the briefest of instances a frown formed on her lips.
All the while as she pondered if it was possible that the princess would be willing to part with her.
Only to shake her head as she sighed knowing full well that the princess was unlikely to if the rumors about the girl having such a rare power in her veins were really true.
'It's too bad that I can't purchase her.' Suna mused as she still gazed back at the girl's adorable face with interested golden eyes.
Before a charming smile made its way back onto her lips as she leaned in to gaze back at the commoner girl's madly blushing face.
The girl was blushing.
Maybe she likes girls too?
While Tei still chewed on her food as she gazed at Suna with rising irritation in her eyes.
Only for all eyes in the cafeteria to turn towards another girl sauntering in with a food tray in hand.
It was none other than the second 'queen' of the academy, Yani with her own group of noble friends in tow.
Yani was also what most boys and girls would consider attractive.
She was slightly shorter than Suna, and her hair was a nice shade of brown.
And on top of all of that, she was also a very talented firebender.
As soon as Yani stepped into the cafeteria her golden eyes instantly locked on Elle's hair in amazement.
Only for her gaze to narrow into slits not a second later when she saw that her rival had beaten her to the girl's table.
And that was all it took for her to begin to stride over to the table while she glared back at the other noble girl.
"I thought I smelled bitch in the air." Yani insulted as she came to a halt before the table gazing down at Suna while the other noble girl turned to glare back at her.
All the while as Elle fiddled with her chopsticks with an adorable expression on her cheeks as the two noble girls glared back at each other.
"Not as quick as I smelled you." Suna replied with snap in her voice as her fingers fell from the blonde's quivering head.
While her golden eyes formed a glare when she watched her rival slip in on the other side of the girl.
And just as quickly Yani's own friends sat down on the opposing side of the table
"Hey there. You don't have to sit with Suna you know. You can sit with me." Yani greeted with interest in her voice as she ignored her rival noble's glare while she peered at the blonde's reddened face.
While both Suna's and Yani's friends also glared back at each other.
"H-hello. T-that is kind of you to offer. But I don't mind if you both sit here." The handmaid answered in a meek voice as she nibbled on her lunch while Suna smirked back at the other girl.
"See? She likes me. Not get lost Clan Hasho. I was sitting here first." Suna sneered with her chopsticks in hand as she began to eat her lunch beside the bashful girl.
While Yani glared back at her rival from on the other side of Elle.
All the while as Tei watched the two girls with an aggravated expression in her eyes.
"I am pretty sure that she is just too timid to tell you what she really thinks. So, what is your name new girl?" Yani chatted as she slid her butt in beside the commoner girl while Elle fidgeted beside her.
While Suna still glared back with a colder gaze than she had graced Elle with before.
"I-I am Elle!" Elle exclaimed with cheer in her voice as she turned to smile at the newest noble girl seated beside her.
While she glanced bashfully between the two spoiled girls as they glared back at each other.
And for reasons that she couldn't figure out.
She found herself almost enjoying how the two girls were admiring her hair.
"That's a cute name." Yani purred as she took a bite of her lunch with a confident smile on her refined lips.
While Elle still twirled her thumbs with a shy expression on her cheeks as both overbearing girls glared at each other.
Only to find herself jumping in fright when Suna pounded her fist on the tabletop.
"Beat it bitch." Suna snapped with fire almost spewing from her lips as the smaller girl quivered beside her.
"No. You beat it. She clearly wants to sit by me!" Yani retorted in a cold voice with fire burning from her fist as she hit the table while the girl trembled beside her.
Only for the two spoiled girls to pause in their feud when they turned to the new girl to see that she was flinching as if they were going to hit her.
"Now, look what you've done. You scared her. She was perfectly fine before you came to the table." Suna stated in a cold voice as she chewed on her food with her eyes glaring back at her rival.
"Me? You're the one who pounded the table first." Yani countered in an equally spoiled voice while she leaned in to glare at her rival's narrowed face.
"You can come sit over here if you want Elle." Tei offered in a calmer voice than the other noble girls as Elle turned to gaze back at her in surprise.
While both queens of the school turned to glare back at the other noble girl with anger in their eyes over being directly challenged.
And that was all it took for Elle to timidly stand up with her food tray in hand as she padded over to sit beside Tei.
While the two wealthy girls frowned as they glared back at one another with accusing stares in their eyes.
And then Elle sat down beside down with a light blush on her cheek while the other girl tried to offer her a reassuring smile.
"I'm Tei by the way." Tei informed in a softer voice than her fellow nobles while the small blonde smiled back at her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Tei." The handmaid replied in a sweet voice as she smiled warmly back at the other girl's face while the dark-haired noble girl cracked a smile back at her.
And then she returned to eating her lunch while the noble girl ate beside her.
While both Suna and Yani still gazed at the young blonde with interested looks in their eyes.
Later on, at the end of the school day.
The royal carriage sat outside the gates of the academy once more.
While Azula stepped one boot outside of her lavish carriage with her callous amber golden eyes already eager to reclaim her pet.
All the while as she strode with swiftness in her step through the opened gates.
As countless nobles that were exiting their classes bowed to her as she strode past them.
While her ruthless eyes scanned about in search of her young girlfriend just before she spotted a crowd of at least ten noble girls gathered around someone.
Only for her eyes to widen with jealously when she realized that it was her girlfriend that they were crowding around!
Elle stood bashfully at the center of the young aristocrats as she held onto the straps of her backpack.
While Suna still glared back at Yani who was also glaring back at her.
All the while as other noble girls were staring at the teenager in awe of both her hair and her supposed power to defeat the Avatar.
While Tei just sighed as she gazed back at her new commoner friend with a flicker of sympathy in her eyes.
"I am sure that Elle would rather wait with me than you Yani." Suna remarked with a huff as she eyed the little blonde's adorable face with a keenly interested eye.
"Oh, please! She clearly likes me better than you!" Yani scoffed in a conceited voice as she glared daggers back at her rival.
All the while unaware of the death that was rapidly approaching towards them.
Until Tei turned around to gaze over her shoulder only for her eyes to widen in fright as she rapidly sunk into a bow of respect.
While Azula strode past her with her merciless amber golden eyes glaring back at the crowd of noble girls.
Until she came to a halt towering over the two arguing girls with her possessive amber golden eyes glaring down at them.
All while as the two were so engrossed in their bickering that they had yet to notice their princess's presence.
Only for Elle to turn around with a wide smile already pulling onto her lips when she saw her master standing behind them.
"Azula-sama!" Elle cried out as she hurriedly scurried back over to her master's side while all of the noble girls spun round to gaze back at the princess with widened looks in their eyes.
And just like that bent over in a courteous bow with her head inclined in reverence to the older girl.
While the princess now stood at her imposing height with her small girlfriend happily bowing at her side once more.
All the while as she glared monstrously back at the gulping faces of the noble girls as they sunk into speedy bows.
"Why are you two trying to flirt with my servant?" Azula questioned in an utterly terrifying voice with her piercing amber golden eyes back at the two hurriedly bowing noble girls.
"W-we weren't trying to flirt with her princess. We were just saying hello." Yani assured in an intimidated voice as she bowed low.
Truth be told she wasn't truly trying to flirt with the girl.
Even though she couldn't deny that the girl was cute.
It was more about beating her rival than anything else though.
"Really? Because I could have sworn that I saw otherwise." The princess commented in a frightening voice with her mighty fists clasped behind her back while her handmaid bowed faithfully beside her.
While her chilling gaze turned to stare right back into Suna's imposed golden eyes.
She was able to impeccably read people within moments after meeting them.
And while it was possible that the other girl wasn't truly trying to flirt with her pet.
It did not escape her notice that this one was actually staring at her girlfriend with far too much interest than she approved of!
"Y-yeah. We were just trying to get to know her Your Highness." Suna answered in a rapid voice as she bowed before the scowling princess.
While she made sure to keep her intrigued eyes off the adorable commoner girl as her princess stared down at her.
And not a second later Elle let out a squeak when her princess sized her by the back of her shirt in her domineering fist.
"This one belongs to me. She is mine. I advise you girls to remember that." Azula declared in a beyond controlling voice with her fist gripping her little quivering girlfriend's shirt.
While her conquering amber golden eyes glared back at the faces of the intimidated noble girls.
All the while as the noble girls stared back at their powerful princess in awe over how effortlessly she was able to exert control over a girl that had the power to defeat the Avatar.
And then the princess released her yelping handmaid from her steely grip as she wordlessly turned to saunter away.
"Elle, come." The princess commanded in a supremely domineering voice as she lazily snapped her fingers over her robed shoulder.
While she listened to the sound of her girlfriend hurrying after her heels.
"Yes, Azula-sama!" The handmaid exclaimed as padded after her master's footfalls while she held onto the straps of her backpack.
But not before she waved back at Tei while the noble girl gazed back at her in slight surprise before she returned the wave.
While Azula glared out of the corner of her eye but made no comment as she continued on her way to her carriage.
All the while as Suna stared after Elle's bouncing back with a still fascinated expression in her eyes.
'She's so pretty. If only she was mine.' Suna thought with a pout on her lips as she folded her arms over her chest.
She would give any sum of gold to have such a lovely exotic girl all to herself.
If only…
Only to sigh as she turned to head home while she shook her head.
Minutes later.
Elle stood in an obedient bow as she held open the door of the carriage for her master.
While Azula glanced her way with her scowl finally giving way to a pleased smile once more.
And then the tall princes stepped into her ride with her young girlfriend soon closing the door behind her.
Before Azula settled her posterior on her cushioned bench with her possessive amber golden eyes turning to watch her handmaid shyly seat herself beside her.
"I missed you Azula-sama!" Elle chirped as she embraced the older girl's side while Azula's callous eyes gazed greedily down at her.
And soon the carriage began to roll down the caldera road while the princess once again found herself allowing her girlfriend to hug her belly.
"I do not like how that girl was flirting with you." Azula spoke in a moody voice as she sunk back in her seat with her domineering eyes staring down at her pretty pet.
"Who? Suna?" The handmaid asked in a sweet voice as she peered up at her older girlfriend's scowling face.
"Is that her name? How long was she flirting with you Elle?" The princess questioned in a glacial voice with her cruel eyes taking on a violently fixated glare.
"Flirting with me…" Elle trailed off with a finger under her lip in seemingly deep thought while her princess gazed down at her with a deadpan stare.
"Yes, peasant. Flirting with you." Azula said with a haughty snort as she sat there with her girlfriend holding onto her robed belly.
"Hm. Well, she and her friends tried to sit with me at lunch. She seemed to take an interest in my hair!" The handmaid replied with a smile while the princess's amber golden eyes narrowed into a furious glare.
"She took an interest in your hair?" The princess asked in a stony voice with her amber golden eyes glaring ahead in her carriage.
"She kept trying to stroke my hair while I was eating. And she also told me that I am an adorable commoner." Elle admitted with a blush on her cheeks while an expression of absolute jealously overtook Azula's murderous face.
"She what! She petted your hair? And you allowed her to do this?" Azula demanded in a disciplinary voice as she watched her girlfriend quiver under her glare.
"I-I wasn't aware that I could tell a noble no. I thought that I would get in trouble and lose my school privileges." The handmaid muttered in a soft voice while a glower still graced her princess's lips.
"Elle. You have my royal backing. If someone tries to do something to do you that I wouldn't approve of. Just tell them to stop. If they refuse. Then I will just simply destroy them." The princess explained in a smooth voice of natural authority while she stared down at her pretty handmaid's contemplative face.
"If that is your will Azula-sama then I shall do what I can to abide by your order at all times." Elle responded in a lovable voice only to find herself smiling shyly when the older woman reached down to pet her head.
And then she found herself unable to resist leaning into the princess's patting palm while domineering amber golden eyes stared back down at her in approval.
"This brat is not allowed to touch you Elle. Only I may pet you." Azula growled in a beyond assertive voice with her callous amber golden eyes gazing down at her girlfriend's sweetly radiant face.
"Only Azula-sama may pet me." The handmaid murmured in a shy voice while the princess's lips curved into a pleased smile.
"Good girl. So, how did your day go otherwise?" The princess purred in a naturally silken voice that flowed like honey into her young girlfriend's lovesick ears.
Only for her smile to quickly lessen when she noticed that her girlfriend's face seemed less excited than when she had dropped her off in the morning.
"Um…it went well. I have some concerns though." Elle muttered as she fiddled with the sleeves of her school unform while Azula rose an elegant brow.
"And just what might these concerns be Elle?" Azula inquired in a voice of effortless royal elegance while she removed her hand from her companion's golden hair.
"W-well I am grateful that you enrolled me into school. But…but I like my old commoner school that I used to go to better." The handmaid admitted in a hesitant voice as she avoided gazing back into her princess's taken aback amber golden eyes.
"What? I enrolled you into the Fire Nation's highest ranked junior school and you are telling me that you liked some old commoner school better?" The princess questioned in a disbelieving voice as she stared aloofly down at her young girlfriend's timorous face.
"I…I did. Because I wasn't surrounded by a bunch of rich girls who constantly ogle me like I am some exotic animal that they have never seen before." Elle stated in a quiet voice as she gazed down at the floor of the carriage.
While the powerful Fire Princess sat in a bewildered silence as she gazed down at her loyal servant with surprise in her ruthless eyes.
"Did they not treat you well? Perhaps I didn't make myself clear enough on my first visit and I should take a tour of the entire school." Azula commented in a cold voice with her emotionless amber golden eyes gazing in disapproval down at her handmaid over her sensitive nature.
"I…I don't want to go to school with stuck up rich girls Azula-sama. I…I want to go to school with other commoners. I would…rather go to a commoner school. Can't I go to one of those?" The handmaid pondered as she turned to peer up at the princess's stunned face while the older girl scrunched up her nose in contempt.
"Absolutely not! The girlfriend of Princess Azula does not go to school with peasants and I will not permit you to attend a peasant academy." The princess remarked in an unfathomably hubristic voice as she scowled down at her little girlfriend's confused face.
"But Azula-sama. I am a peasant." Elle answered in a confounded voice as Azula turned to glare down at her with strict amber golden eyes that made her heart race.
"While that may be true Elle. You are a higher class of peasant, far removed from the others." Azula stated in an arrogantly sophisticated voice as she folded her hands gracefully in her lap while her girlfriend stared up at her in puzzlement.
"I…I don't understand princess. How am I a higher class of peasant?" The handmaid asked in an innocently confuddled voice while the regal woman reclined in her seat beside her.
"Because I have deemed it so Elle. Because I have raised you up to a higher status above the others with my divine right to rule. Just like how I am going to elevate you into a noble." The princess announced in a voice of great pride in her high status while a regal expression graced her stoic face.
While she turned to peer down at her young girlfriend's genuinely baffled face as she listened to the carriage riding down the road.
"Y-you're going to elevate me into a noble Azula-sama?" Elle inquired in an earnestly baffled voice while her princess rolled her brilliant amber golden eyes over her.
"Of course, I am silly girl. Why else do you think I enrolled you into a noble school? Did you really think that I wasn't going to elevate you to a greater status?" Azula snorted with her trademark smirk curling onto her lips while stared down at her little beloved's adorably speechless face.
Only for her brows to raise in a questioning manner when she felt a dainty hand reach out to gently touch her own.
"Azula-sama…my queen. I love you with all of my heart and I look forward to serving you with pride for all of my days." The handmaid stated in a boundlessly devoted voice as she stared up at her master's beautifully smiling face.
While the princess sat there with a vastly gratified expression already growing onto her lips.
"But I am a proud peasant and I will never be a noble." Elle informed in a completely honest voice while her princess's lips parted in a display of disbelief.
"A proud peasant?" The princess repeated with a poorly suppressed snort as she gazed down at her pretty girlfriend in bewilderment.
While she scowled as the young girl smiled up at her.
"You were the one who told me to be proud of who I am and now I am. I am a peasant with pride and that is what I will always be." The handmaid declared in a genuinely proud voice while she gazed up at her princess's scrunched up countenance.
Only for the princess to let out a heavy sigh as she sunk back in her luxurious carriage seat with her strange little girlfriend seated beside her.
"Yes, I did say those words didn't I. But even so Elle…mark my words. I will shape you into the highest class of noble." Azula insisted with a smirk still on her lovely lips while she stared possessively down at her girlfriend's grudgingly cute face.
And on some level, she couldn't help but find it adorable that the girl actually thought that she could tell her no on any matter.
Much less a matter as critical as raising her beloved up to a higher status.
"If you say so Azula-sama…. I have a question for you though." Elle commented in a mousy voice as Azula smiled as she reclined over her.
"And what would that be? There is no woman more knowledgeable than me. Just ask me whatever is on your little mind and I will provide you with an answer." The princess purred in a voice of elegant brilliance as she stared arrogantly down at her little girlfriend's pensive face.
Only for her brows to furrow when she once again noticed a troubled expression in her handmaid's eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me that commoners weren't allowed to enter the caldera unless it was to serve?" The handmaid asked in a deeply bothered voice with her smile giving way to a frown while her princess gazed down at her in a taken aback quiet.
And that was all it took for the princess's lips to crease into a scowl once more while she glared down at her overly sentimental girlfriend.
"I didn't think it mattered. Because you were elevated to a highly generous position at my side in the caldera." Azula remarked with a margin of snap in her voice with her strict eyes gazing down at her frowning pet in a disciplinary manner.
If there was one thing that annoyed her it was the fact that even when they were alone together the girl couldn't stop worrying about every last peasant in the world!
Before her scowl deepened when she noticed that her girlfriend was gazing up at her in a pitiful attempt at glaring at her.
"I thought the Fire Nation was more progressive than the other nations. So, why do you segregate your own people Azula-sama?" Elle questioned with a distressed tone to her compassionate voice while Azula groaned as she held a palm over her irate face.
"It isn't segregation Elle! There isn't enough room in Royal Caldera City for all of the commoners. Which is why they reside in the commoner cities outside the caldera." The princess explained in a much colder voice than before as she still glared sternly down at the young girl's overly emotional face.
"Yes, it is. It's classist! Out of all of the nations of my homeland that were prominent world powers before the great war, the United Kingdom, China, Australia, Mexico, the United States, Canada and more! No matter their faults or their own corruption! The common people were allowed to freely walk into their capital cities and even stand outside the gates of the seat of their ruling government." The handmaid retorted in an adamant voice as she stared up at her princess's glaring face while the woman glowered down at her.
And yet despite Azula's aggravation she couldn't help but find herself intrigued over the names of the countries that her companion was rattling off.
"Classist? Now that's a funny complaint coming from a lowborn girl seated beside me in my personal royal carriage." Azula stated with bite to her moody voice as she stared down at her pet with annoyed amber golden eyes.
Yet she forced herself to control her temper.
As she had long since come to accept that her beloved would always be prone to sentimental outbursts.
"We're not talking about what you give me Azula-sama. We're talking about the needs of all of the other commoners." Elle countered in an insistent voice as she bit her lip while Azula rolled her eyes above her.
"What is it that you expect me to do Elle? Give every peasant in the Fire Nation a ride in my carriage?" The princess questioned in a flat voice with her chiding amber golden eyes staring down at her young girlfriend's excessively compassionate face.
"This has nothing to do with your carriage Azula-sama. This is about how the aristocracy segregates the commoners. In Rieko's New World Empire, she allows the people to roam as they please in her Capital. There is no division. I have even heard that she meets with people large and small to personally to hear their grievances." The handmaid explained in a gentle voice while her master listened with an irate expression on her face.
'Curse Elle and her weakness! The last thing I need is for the nobles to come griping and moaning to my throne room when I become Fire Lord because this girl wants hundreds of thousands of peasants to overrun the streets of the caldera!' Azula thought with a groan escaping her elegant lips while she massaged the bridge of her nose with a frustrated fingertip.
Only to turn to gaze down at her naïve girlfriend once when she felt emotional little eyes staring back up at her.
"W-when you become Fire Lord Azula-sama. Are…are you going to change the way that the Fire Nation separates people based on social class?" Elle stammered in a hopeful voice as she watched Azula sigh with her hand sweeping through her beautiful hair.
While Azula shook her head in a way that was almost akin to a mother lecturing her child.
Only for the teenager to quiver with renewed worship in her eyes when a perfect finger raised her chin upwards.
All the while as she now gazed up into her princess's mighty amber golden eyes as the older woman sighed yet again.
"Why must you constantly worry about everyone else? Why can't you just focus on yourself for once?" The princess questioned in a regal voice with a sigh as she gazed strictly down into her young girlfriend's trembling amber eyes.
"T-that's just how I am Azula-sama…" The handmaid murmured in a self-conscious voice as she shook under the older woman's possessive amber golden stare while the princess's fingertips fell from her chin.
Only for her amber eyes to stare up in adoration when she watched the much taller goddess of a woman sat back against her seat like a true queen.
While the princess stared back down at her with a dominating amber golden gaze that sent a pleasurable shiver down her spine.
"I trust that you still remember our previous talk about how as your dominant I make choices for you?" Azula inquired in a voice of absolute control with her sternly possessive stare never leaving her little beloved's adorably intimidated face.
"O-of course I do princess. I know that you're the leader in this relationship…" Elle trailed off in a bashful voice as she twiddled her thumbs as she gulped under Azula's penetrating amber golden gaze.
While she gulped when the older woman narrowed her eyes down at her as she felt her heart began to beat rapidly once more.
And that was all it took for legs to feel like they were beginning to turn to jelly under the woman's powerful gaze.
There was something captivating about this woman that made her want to bow.
And the more time she spent around her the harder it grew to resist the urge to just allow the woman to take care of all of her worries.
"Just leave the ruling to me, be a good girl and I will make the right decisions for you and the rest of this country. Is that understood Elle?" The princess commanded in a voice of unfathomable authority as she stared imperiously down at her submitting girl's pretty face.
Only for her strict lips to almost curve into a pleased smile when she watched the girl bow her head to her in reverence.
"Y-yes princess." The handmaid agreed as she bent her head in respect while the older woman gazed down at her in approval.
And not a second later she found herself blushing when the woman lowered her hand into her hair once more.
And just like that she found herself falling back into the seat as she melted underneath the princess's patting hand.
"That's much better." Azula purred with her lipstick covered lips curling into another smile as she patted her girlfriend's little head.
While she sunk back on her posterior as she savored the way that her companion fell back alongside her underneath her hand.
"I-I'm sorry if I overstepped master." Elle mumbled in a loyal voice with her amber eyes still gazing on in worry while the older woman smiled in approval above her.
Only for her bashful smile to return when she felt the woman pat her head again.
"That's alright. You serve me well. You are allowed to speak your mind Elle and I will always hear you out. But all the same, it is important that you accept my rule when I give it and that you understand that my word on all matters is final." The princess spoke in an effortlessly controlling voice with a spoiled smile on her lips while her hand rested in her handmaid's hair.
Only for her refined smile to grow when she watched the small girl nod her head as she smiled sweetly up at her.
"I understand perfectly Azula-sama! I must have trust in your rule." The handmaid chirped in a worshipful voice as she slid in next to her princess's side with a more relaxed expression her face while the princess grinned down at her.
Her princess was right.
She was the heir to the throne, not her.
And it was essential that she have confidence in Azula's ability to rule.
'She'll do better when she takes the throne…I…I know she will. I just have to believe in her.' Elle thought with devotion overcoming her eyes as she grasped onto her girlfriend's expensive blood red robes.
All the while as the princess gazed down at the young girl leaning into her upper belly with a satisfied smirk on her lips.
The girl could be a difficult little thing to manage at times.
But she was well worth having around.
Of that she was certain.
A short while later.
The royal carriage smoothly rode through the caldera street at a leisurely pace.
While Azula sat with her face resting in her right hand and her girlfriend curled up underneath her left arm.
All the while as she periodically peered down at her pet with a strict yet fond gaze as she found herself curiously permitting the girl to use her as a pillow.
And oddly enough…she had ordered the coachman to drive at a slower pace so that she could enjoy as much time with the girl as possible before returning to the palace.
Only to find herself turning around to glance down at her young girlfriend with her elegant brows raising when the girl released an excited cry.
"Azula-sama! Can we please stop in the royal market at the candy store!" The handmaid cried out as she tugged on the princess's sleeve while amber golden eyes narrowed down at her.
"You already have plenty of candy back at the palace." Azula snorted in a completely authoritative voice only to scowl when she felt the girl pull on her robes once more.
"P-please Azula-sama! Please!" Elle pleaded as she sat up in her seat while Azula's amber golden eyes shook with annoyance.
"Peasant…." The princess trailed off in a warning voice as she glared down at the young girl's grudgingly cute begging face.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to turn to gaze down in delight when she watched the girl lower her upper body into a servile bow.
And that was all that was required for her lips to pull into a supremely pleased smile.
"Please queen." The handmaid stated in a voice of endless adoration as she bent her head in respect while her princess's lips now adorned a vastly pleased smile.
"Very good Elle. You do remember our talk after all." Azula remarked in a vastly gratified voice with a smirk on her lips as she stared down at her young girlfriend's submissive face.
"I…I do Azula-sama. And I request that you give me your ruling on if I am allowed to visit the candy store." Elle answered in a tone of profound loyalty as she peered up at Azula's grinning face.
While the princess held a fingertip underneath her lip as she pretended to think the matter over.
Before the royal woman lowered her hand back into her robed lap as she folded both of her palms together.
"Hm. Oh, so be it. I suppose…that I could allow it." The princess commented with a smug smile on her lips as she gazed down at her girlfriend's adorably excited face.
Only for her grin to grow when she felt dainty arms embrace her lower belly as the teenager flew into her lap.
"You're the greatest Azula-sama!" The handmaid giggled as she pushed her face into the older woman's finely robed belly.
While she enjoyed the way two strong hands lowered onto her shoulders.
All the while as the spoiled princess smirked as widely as can be as she gazed greedily down at the young girl in her lap.
"I know I am Elle. I know." Azula spoke in a boundlessly pleased voice as she took to sitting back with her small girlfriend in her lap.
A short time later in the royal market.
The two Song sisters were going for a walk through the market.
While the captain glanced out of the corner of her eye when she noticed the bandages on her sister's left hand.
"Sia…what happened to your hand?" Zoi questioned with sisterly concern breaking through her stoic voice.
"Oh, that. I accidentally cut it in the kitchens the other night. You know how I prefer to make my own food." Sia answered with a margin of a sheepish expression on her face as she turned to offer her older sister a slight smile.
While the warrior still gazed back at her younger sibling with her stony golden eyes shimmering in a trace of emotion.
'Sia…isn't telling the truth. Why…would she lie to me about that?' The captain thought with her composed eyes gazing back at her sister's wrapped palm in bewilderment.
Only to find herself snapped out of her reverie when her little sister turned to face her.
"Don't worry yourself over it Zoi. Considering how you many times over the years that you have returned home mangled from countless war injuries. A cut on the hand…is nothing." The revolutionary assured as she placed her hand on her big sister's arm while the captain still frowned before her.
"I am a warrior Sia and it is only natural that I would sustain routine injuries on the battlefield. But that doesn't apply to you and in any event. You are my little sister. So, excuse me if I worry." Zoi responded in a caring voice as she cracked a small smile while she set her hand on her sister's shoulder.
While Sia nodded her head in appreciation as she smiled gratefully up at her older sister.
Only for the two sisters to be removed from their moment when they saw a familiar face approaching from the other end of the market.
It was none other than Azula.
Sia followed her big sister's gaze as she watched the princess walk their way through the market.
Only for her golden eyes to quickly notice a small golden-haired girl rushing alongside the tyrannical woman.
While her eyes widened a flicker of a fraction as she stared back at the young teenager's blonde head in fascination.
'So…the rumors are true. She…actually has golden hair! That…has to be Elle!' Sia thought with her observant golden eyes staring back at the brightly smiling girl.
While her gaze then swept over the girl's Royal Fire Academy uniform.
Only for her eyes to briefly stare at the cloth collar around the girl's neck with a blue Fire Nation emblem.
All the while as Azula stared back at the two Song sisters with callous amber golden eyes as she came to a stop before them.
While Elle peered back at Sia's interested face with a sunny smile on her lips that bewildered the older girl.
While the young noblewoman took note of the way that her older sister was turning to gaze at the girl with a fond smile.
"Zoi…I wasn't expecting to see you and your sister here." The princess remarked in an impassive voice while her amber golden eyes briefly glanced over her subordinate's sister's face.
While she coldly watched as the girl bent over to offer her a momentary bow.
"I could say the same to you princess." The captain stated in a stony voice as she gazed back at the two.
While Sia arose from her bow with her golden eyes still gazing at the smiling girl in curiosity.
"You're Zoi's sister!" Elle chirped in a sweet voice as she approached the girl while Sia offered her a mild smile.
"I am and you must be Elle. I have heard so much about you." The revolutionary commented with a hand under her chin as she stared back at the younger girl's radiant face.
While she was never failed to take note in the way that the princess's amber golden eyes were watching her closely.
"So, how was your first day of academy Elle?" Zoi questioned with a noticeably affectionate edge to her voice while the teenager beamed back at her.
While Sia watched calmly from where she stood beside her big sister.
"It wasn't bad! Other than the fact that almost every girl in the school was staring at me all day long…" The handmaid replied with a finger underneath her chin while her princess sighed with her arms folded over her robed breasts.
"Staring at you? Did they treat you poorly?" The captain inquired with a colder voice while a frown graced her lips.
While the revolutionary still stared back at the girl with a flicker of sympathy in her eyes.
"Well, they were just looking at me like I was a rare exotic pet of some sort all day. I don't understand why they would think that though…." Elle trailed off in an innocent voice with a thoughtful expression on her face.
While the two Song sisters gazed back at the small girl's collared neck with understanding in their eyes.
Before the captain turned to gaze at her princess's spoiled smirking face with a gaze that said 'I thought you were going to remove that before she went to school.'
"There just must be something about you that makes noble girls think that you're a pet of some kind. It must have something to do with how you carry yourself." Azula advised in a voice of feigned uncertainty as she shrugged her robed shoulders.
While the handmaid folded her arms over her chest in contemplation as mulled the matter over.
All the while as both sisters stared back at the princess's smiling face from over the innocent girl's shoulder.
"Yes, princess. That must be it." Zoi stated in a deadpan voice as she snorted while she stared back at her leader's smirking lips.
While Sia's golden eyes were less amused than her older sister as she had to fight down the urge to express any signs of disgust.
Both over the way the noble girls at the school had acted towards the girl and the princess's own behavior.
"There were even two noble girls who were trying to fight over me and one even kept touching my hair while I was eating lunch. I don't get why everyone is so fascinated by the color of my hair. Where I come from…a lot of people have blonde hair. It isn't really that special." The handmaid commented with a pondering look in her gentle eyes.
While the two Song sisters now gazed back with incredulous looks in their eyes.
And even the princess's smirk had begun to transform into a cold expression once more.
"What? She was trying to fondle you while you ate lunch? Tell me her name and I will straighten her out for you." The captain remarked in a scarily focused voice with a violent gaze flashing over her golden eyes.
While the revolutionary gazed at her older sister as she rose a brow as she once again took note of her sister's fondness for the girl.
"She told me that her name was Suna." The princess said in a voice of cold authority as she stared on with aloof amber golden eyes.
"Suna? Very well. I shall take a squad of soldiers…go to her house and…talk with her." Zoi declared with the promise of pain lacing her voice as she nodded her head.
While Azula just lazily shrugged her shoulders as if to say that she didn't care if the girl was brutalized.
Truth be told.
She had an urge to punish the girl for daring to touch what is hers.
Only for all three highborn women to turn to the innocent girl when she quickly shook her head.
"No! Don't do that oneesan. I don't want you to hurt her. It's…not like she was mean to me. She just thought that my hair was pretty. That's all." Elle assured with a compassionate smile on her lips while Zoi scowled with an unconvinced expression on her face.
And Azula rolled her amber golden eyes as she just shook her head over her little girlfriend's naïve personality.
"Oneesan?" Sia pondered with a tilt of her head while her golden eyes gazed at her big sister's suddenly uncomfortable face.
And then she took note in how the princess began to smirk once more as if she was about to ruin her sister's life.
"It means big sister." Azula informed with a purr as she took delight in watching her captain's face cringe when her little sister turned to face her.
While Sia's eyes flashed with a spark of jealously as she stared back at her big sister's silent face for an explanation.
"You made another little sister in the eight months that you didn't send me a single letter?" The revolutionary questioned with a trace of offense to her voice while she glared back at her big sister's nervous face.
All the while as Elle bit her lip as she gazed on with worry in her eyes.
The last thing she wanted to do was to make her adopted sister's blood sister feel unloved.
While Azula still watched the scene with an amused smile on her cruel lips.
"Now Sia in my defense I met her a few weeks before we saw each other in Fire Mountain and she didn't start calling me that until afterward…" The captain trailed off in an unusually guilty voice as her little sister still glared at her.
Only for the two Song sisters and even the princess to be taken by surprise when a blonde blur darted towards the younger noblewoman.
And then before Sia could even react she gazed on with blinking golden eyes when the shorter girl affectionately took a hold of her hands.
"It wasn't my intention to make you feel like I was stealing your big sister! I am sorry Sia!" The handmaid explained in a sweet voice as she stared back at the older girl's surprised face in concern.
"It's alright. I am not mad at you. I was…just taken aback is all." Sia replied in a softer voice as she gazed at the younger girl curiously when she smiled sunnily back at her in confusion as she still held her hands.
"I know! You can be my big sister too!" Elle announced in a chipper voice as Sia now stared back at her in complete bewilderment.
And Azula was heard groaning in the background as she held a hand over her annoyed face.
While Zoi stared on with a small smile already making its way onto her approving lips.
"Come again?" The revolutionary asked in a genuinely baffled voice only to blink when the girl thrust her hands into the air.
"Oneesan Sia!" The handmaid cheered in an exuberant voice as the older girl still stared back at her in confusion.
"Me your big sister? But we just met." Sia remarked in a gentler voice as she stared back at the girl with a thawed expression in her golden eyes.
"Congratulations Sia. You're Elle's fourth adoptive big sister." Zoi stated with a grin on her lips while her younger sister gazed on with still recovering golden eyes.
"Ugh. Is every noble girl that you meet your big sister? How many big sisters do you need?" The princess snorted with a roll of her ruthless amber golden eyes while she shook her head over her pet's behavior.
"The fourth huh?" The revolutionary questioned with a margin of fondness in her voice as she offered the sweet girl a moved smile.
It was a strange notion to her.
And yet she couldn't deny that she could already tell that the girl had an innocent heart.
And there was something welcoming about being someone's big sister for a change.
"Zoi is like family to me! And since you're her sister that means that you're my family too." Elle spoke in a warm voice as she smiled widely before she embraced the stunned girl around the neck.
While Azula's amber golden eyes formed a murderously jealous stare as she pursed her lips into a violent glower.
All the while as Zoi just stared fondly back at the two with a pleased look in her eyes to see that they liked each other.
"I…don't quite understand Elle. But if you see Zoi as your family and wish to view me as the same…then I welcome you with open arms." Sia spoke in a softened voice with a smile pulling onto her lips as she gazed at the beaming girl embracing her around the neck.
While the princess just released a loud sigh as she stood gazing back at the two in annoyance.
"T-thank you." The handmaid stated in a pure-hearted voice as she smiled on the older girl's shoulder.
Only for her smile to grow when she felt the young noblewoman wrap her arms around her in a compassionate hug.
While Azula scowled with her frigid eyes glaring at the scene as she began to tap a boot on the floor.
"No. Thank you…for what you did for my sister." The revolutionary responded in an appreciative voice as her golden eyes expressed a true sense of gratitude.
"There's no need to thank me! It was just a shirt! Zoi's arm was much more important than my shirt!" Elle assured in a loving voice as she smiled back at the older girl's thankful countenance.
While Zoi smiled with genuine fondness in her stoic eyes.
All the while as the two girls hugged each other for another moment before they disconnected from heir embrace.
And even though the handmaid and the young noblewoman had only just met each other.
The two were now gazing back at each other with a newfound sense of affection for the other in their eyes.
Only for the sound of two fingers loudly snapping to echo into the air as the serving girl spun around to gaze back at her master's stony face.
"We've lingered here long enough Elle. You can talk to the Song sisters more another time. Let's just get what we came for." Azula commanded in a cold voice as she began to resume her walk with her icy amber golden eyes staring back at her handmaid's adorable face.
"I'll see you two later then oneesans!" The handmaid called out as she waved back at the two noblewomen as they both stared back at her fondly.
"See you later…little sister." Sia stated in an earnestly kind voice as she smiled while she watched the girl smile brightly back at her.
"Yes, we'll see you around later Elle." The captain assured in a protective voice as she watched the teenager scurry off alongside her princess
While the princess strode away with her callous amber golden eyes watching her girlfriend hurry after her footfalls.
All the while as she glanced back at the two Song sisters as her gaze momentarily passed over the younger's face.
There was something…off about that girl.
As for what…she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
But she intended to find out.
And with that the princess and her servant soon departed further down the street.
While the two siblings were left standing there alone once more.
"I see what you mean Zoi. She really is a kindhearted person." The revolutionary commented with her hands at her hips as she resumed her walk alongside her older sister.
"She really is. I confess that I have grown quite protective of her. And even though you wouldn't be able to tell it from her smile…she has lived through more suffering than I could ever put into words." Zoi commented with a trace of anger in her voice as she trudged along.
While Sia turned to gaze at her big sister with her golden eyes reflecting a questioning gleam but she knew that it wasn't her place to pry.
And just like that the two siblings continued their walk back to their family estate.
Before the warrior turned to her younger sister when a thought crossed her mind.
"I couldn't help but notice that you are staying in the Capital much longer than usual." The captain spoke with a curious edge to her sisterly voice while her young sister held a hand underneath her chin as she walked.
"That's because I am resuming my old tutoring post at the Royal Fire Academy." Sia admitted in a casual voice as she strode with her golden eyes gazing ahead.
While the warrior turned to gaze back at her little sister with surprise in her eyes.
"I thought that you hated tutoring girls at the Royal Fire Academy." Zoi replied with bewilderment in her voice as she walked alongside her younger sister.
And yet at the same time she found that she was glad to hear it.
Because she knew that her sister would be sure to look out for Elle and that Sia would not hold her tongue if any of those girls try to pull any of those stunts in her presence.
"I do hate it there. But a summer of tutoring counts as extra credit towards my medical schooling and it allows me to be closer to you Zoi. So…I am going to try to tolerate it." The revolutionary responded with a slight smile on her lips as she gazed back at her older sister's moved face.
While the warrior's lips curved into a smile of sibling affection as she stared back at the younger woman's face.
"Thanks, Sia. I truly appreciate that." The captain answered in a stoic voice as her little sister nodded her head as she continued her walk.
Before she turned to gaze back at her younger sister once more.
"Can you do me a favor Sia? Can you look after young Elle while you are there?" Zoi questioned in a hopeful voice while her little sister adopted a slight smile once more.
"Of course. I would be more than happy to do so Zoi." Sia assured in a genuine voice as she turned to smile back at her big sister's grinning face.
Before she turned to gaze away from her sister while her golden eyes momentarily flickered with a resolute gleam.
Today she unexpectedly gained a little sister.
And at the same time…everything was working out according to her plan.
And now…she'll be able to work one on one with the girl as her tutor without the princess staring over her shoulder.
She will be able to precisely uncover what her power entails.
And most important of all.
She will discover if the girl with the power to defeat the Avatar stands for revolution.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 133 - The Ways of Fire
Meanwhile, at the Clan Song caldera estate.
Yoko sat at her desk holding a scroll in her hand that she was staring down at with cold outrage in her golden eyes.
And the more she read the more furious she became.
And soon enough she was crushing the document in her hands while she struggled to control her temper.
While her house servant Mio stood faithfully with her hands clasped behind her behind her chair.
'It's just as I told the princess. The more time we spend on large scale occupations the more we forget about what we have at home. Fire Lord Ozai's decision to double the wartime tax has created undo stress and resentment among Fire Nation citizens. The prosperity that the commoners knew is dissipating and they know that.' Yoko thought as she threw the scroll into the trash bin while she clenched her jaw in her anger.
Before she pounded a mighty fist upon her desk while her house servant stood unflinching behind her.
'Shung Wu has descended into madness! To think this has reached a point where they are now willing to listen to the whispers of revolutionaries and anarchists! This is how nations die!' The governor thought with her fists lighting up with fire while she glared at the wall.
"Are you alright mistress?" Mio asked in a faithful voice as she stared at her mistress's back with concern in her eyes as she listened to the older woman take several deep breaths.
"I am fine Mio, but our country is not." Yoko responded in her usual stern voice as sat back with her golden eyes calming down considerably.
While the house servant frowned in consideration as she lingered quietly behind the seated older woman.
"Mio." The governor began in a seemingly pensive tone while her servant stepped forward to listen to her.
"Mistress?" The house servant answered in an obedient voice while the older woman turned to gaze back at her.
"You are a free citizen...you are not a slave. I cannot tell you that you are not allowed to travel…." Yoko trailed off with a frown on her lips while she gazed back at the young woman's now almost smiling face.
While Mio stood with a smile already making its way onto her lips as she waited for her mistress to continue.
"But I would prefer it if you abstained from doing so. Things are…becoming violent in the Fire Nation and while there is no telling if that violence will spread to the mainland. I would rather that you remained with me on Clan Song property." The governor stated as she stared back at her servant's moved face.
"I understand mistress. I shall abide by your wishes." Mio declared in an appreciative voice while she gazed back at Yoko's stoic face while the older woman's eyes flashed with a flicker of relief.
"I am relieved to hear it Mio." Yoko remarked with just a sliver less coldness than before while her golden eyes stared back at the girl's smiling face.
"Mistress Yoko? Would I be permitted to speak openly? There is something that I would like to say to you." The house servant questioned in a devoted voice while the older woman's proud golden eyes glanced back at her in curiosity.
"You are always allowed to speak openly when we are in private. What is it that you have to say Mio?" The governor pondered in a stoic voice as she gazed back at the younger woman's thinking face while the girl smiled back at her.
"Thank you…for all that you have done for me." Mio muttered in a grateful undertone to her genuine voice while the older woman listened with a stony expression in her eyes.
Yoko sat in her chair with her cold golden eyes momentarily flashing with a hint of emotion as she considered her servant's words.
It has been a long time since her husband died.
And her relationship with both of her daughters had soured considerably.
And her brother did not visit often.
And as a result.
This house servant of hers was her only friend.
Mio has been in her service for over twelve years.
Ever since she had taken the girl into her home among her servants when she was a young girl after Mio's parents died in a tragic accident.
"And I…thank you for being here Mio." Yoko spoke with her rigid voice softening marginally while the girl still gazed back at her with a fondly loyal look in her eyes from where she stood behind her chair.
And she couldn't help but decide.
That it was nice to know that she at least had one friend in this world.
Back in Azula's study at the Royal Palace.
Ty Lee and Zoi had since left to give the princess and their adopted sister time alone together.
While Azula now relaxed on her new sofa with her boots up and her hand still resting in her sleeping girlfriend's hair.
All the while as the powerful princess stared down at the girl dozing face first into her belly with callous amber golden eyes.
Only for her amber golden eyes to watch closely when she felt the small girl move underneath her palm.
And soon enough the sound of an adorable yawn resounded into the air.
While the teenager rolled over to gaze up at her master's beautiful face with drowsy amber eyes.
"It's about time that you woke up." Azula stated in a seemingly detached voice as she rolled her eyes down at the younger girl's yawning face.
"I-is something wrong Azula-sama?" Elle asked in a still tired voice while Azula stared down at her from where she sat above her.
"Why do you ask pet?" The princess replied in a smooth voice as she stared dominantly down at her girlfriend's pretty face.
While she brushed the girl's golden locks from her awakening eyes as she listened to her handmaid let out another yawn.
"You look angrier than before I went to sleep." The handmaid commented in a mousy voice while her princess gazed impassively down at her.
"Nothing is wrong Elle." Azula stated in an icy voice as she gazed strictly down into her little beloved's adorable amber eyes while the girl smiled up at her.
Before she narrowed her frigid gaze into a terrifying glare while she took great delight in how the girl was already beginning to tremble in intimidation.
"Other than the fact that I have been waiting several hours for your little mind to wake up so that we can begin working on your language lessons." The princess remarked in a voice of absolute authority while the small girl's eyes grew wide in abject horror.
And not a second later she found herself smirking in gratification when the girl sprung up from her lap as if she was on fire.
Before the teenager leaped to her feet with a sudden alertness about her as she bent over to rapidly bow before her smiling princess.
"Sumimasen Azula-sama! Sumimasen!" Elle cried out in a worshipful voice as she bowed while Azula studied her fingernails in a haughty fashion.
"I suppose…that I could find it in my heart to forgive you. But only this once. If it happens again…I will have no choice but to incinerate you." Azula spoke in a beyond conceited voice as she eyed her fingernails with a lovely smile on her lips.
While her smirk only grew as she observed the young girl bow once more through the corner of her eye.
"Yes, princess." The handmaid chirped with a smile on her lips while she watched her princess push herself to her feet.
And with that the older woman arose up to loom over her while she smiled shyly up at her princess's stony countenance.
"Go fetch two cups of tea and then we will work on your lessons for a while." The princess ordered in a strict voice as she watched her serving girl hurriedly nod her little head.
"I will return right away Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed as she bowed once more as Azula stood over her smirking with her arms crossed over her chest.
And then the princess watched the girl rush out through the door of her study while it closed shut behind her.
Before she too yawned into her palm as she made her way to sit at her deck.
"Curse that little peasant. Her sleepiness is starting to rub off on me." Azula complained in a cold voice as she seated herself in her chair.
About two hours later…
Elle chewed on her lip as she sat beside the princess diligently studying the letters while she dipped her brush into ink.
And then she dabbed it on paper as she wrote out two words in Chinese characters.
While Azula arched a brow as she watched the girl write out the two words with a curious gleam in her amber golden eyes.
Only for her ruthless eyes to flicker with delight when she saw what two word the girl chosen to write as her first words.
Princess Azula.
"Hm. Very good Elle." The princess purred in a pleased voice as she stared down at her devoted handmaid's beaming face.
The simple fact that the girl chose to write out her name as her first word in the writing exercise was just even more proof of how deep her girlfriend's loyalty ran.
"I-I am so glad that you think so Azula-sama. May…may I make…a request of you?" The handmaid pondered in a timid voice while her master rose another elegant brow.
"What is it that you wish ask of your princess now Elle?" Azula inquired in a tone of natural authority while she stared down at her handmaid with icy amber golden eyes.
Only for her gaze to take note that the girl seemed to be hesitating to voice what was on her mind.
"C-can…can I…. return to a real school?" Elle asked in a reluctant voice almost as if she would anger her caretaker.
While she peered up at the princess's stony face as the woman's amber golden eyes seemed to be contemplating her request.
Only for the princess to glance down once more when she felt a gentle hand settle over her own.
All the while as her amber golden eyes conveyed something akin to a sliver of appreciation when the girl held onto her hand.
"You…want someone else to teach you?" The princess questioned in an expertly guarded voice while she gazed down into her faithful handmaid's gentle eyes.
Only for her internal concerns to ebb away when her serving girl gripped her hand with a bright smile on her lips.
"I'm not saying that I don't enjoy our lessons together. I cherish every moment that we spend together." The handmaid assured in a loving voice as she held onto the older woman's arm.
While Azula stared down at her girlfriend with coldly attentive eyes.
"It's…just I want to feel like a normal teenage girl for once in my life. Not a girl growing up in a world ravaged by war. Not some freak with powers. Just a regular girl." The handmaid explained in a voice of longing while the princess peered down with taken aback amber golden eyes.
Only for the Fire Princess to let out a displeased sound through her scowling lips as she stared dominantly down into submitting amber eyes.
"You are not a freak Elle." Azula snarled in a momentarily forceful voice as she glared down at her shyly smiling beloved.
While she let out a low growl as she felt two gentle hands take hold of her fine robes over her belly.
All the while as she watched from above as the small girl started to fall into her chest.
"It…doesn't mean that you can't teach me too. I…I just want to do what normal girls do. And…and it would mean the world to me if you would allow it Azula-sama." Elle spoke in a sweet voice as she stared up into at the much taller woman's rigid face as Azula gazed stonily down at her.
Just before the mighty princess let out a sigh as if it were a tremendous hardship for her to shoulder.
"Truth be told…. I was already considering it." The princess admitted in a prideful voice as she turned to stare coldly down into hopeful amber eyes.
"D-does that mean…" The handmaid trailed off with excitement rising in her voice as her princess stared sternly back down at her.
Before the Fire Princess released another sigh as she still stared down into her serving girl's adorable eyes.
"Oh, very well servant. I guess I could permit it." Azula sighed as she stared possessively down at her little girlfriend's thrilled face.
And just like that she found herself sitting back in her chair when the small girl leaped into her lap.
While she let out a grunt as she sighed once more with a pair of delicate arms latching onto her neck.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama!" Elle cried out in an elated voice as she laughed happily with her face hiding in the older woman's bosom.
"But as your master I get to pick the school." The princess declared in a tone of absolute control while she gazed strictly down at her girlfriend's brightly smiling face.
"Yes, Azula-sama! Yes!" The handmaid giggled as she sat in her princess's lap while the older woman placed a hand on her lower back.
"Good girl." Azula cooed with a charming smile curving onto her lips once more as she lowered a hand to pat her little lady on the head.
While her smile grew as she stared greedily down at the petite girl burying her face in her robed breasts.
"You're the best ruler that I could ever ask for Azula-sama." Elle murmured in a lovable voice as she held onto her princess's robes while she relaxed her face in-between the woman's soft breasts.
And that was all that was needed for Azula's lips to pull into a beyond confident smile.
"And you're the best servant that I could ever ask for Elle." The princess spoke in a voice of silken possessiveness while she smiled down at the lovely handmaid hiding in her body.
While the young girl smiled happily as she pushed her face in the older woman's bosom once more.
All the while as the princess stared down at the girl with an ever-domineering gleam in her amber golden eyes.
And just like that her brilliant mind was already running with all of the possibilities over where she should have her girlfriend schooled.
But it didn't take long for her to decide that there was only one acceptable school for the lover of the princess of the Fire Nation.
And that was the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
The only problem was that…well…
Her Elle is a peasant.
Azula's lips creased into a scowl as she gazed down at the girl in her arms.
The girl is far too transparent for her to ever try to get her in under the pretense of being nobility.
And to make matters worse the color of her hair was a dead giveaway that she is a foreigner.
However, she had a feeling that the girl had one thing going in her favor that would easily make up for her not being the daughter of Fire Nation nobility.
'Elle is the Component and that alone makes her more important than every noble girl combined in that school.' Azula thought with a sanguine smile forming upon her beautiful lips.
And she felt confident that with her royal backing, that she could easily get the girl accepted into the elite school based on that fact alone.
And that was all it took for her mind to be made up.
She had already decided that the girl going to the Royal Fire Academy would work wonderfully to her purposes of crafting her girlfriend into a noble.
About one hour later at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
Many noble girls that were exiting the school soon found themselves gazing on in awe when they saw their crown princess's palanquin being carried through the front gates by several of her Royal Procession.
All of the nobles quickly bowed on the ground in reverence as Azula was carried past them.
While the princess sat on her cushion with her callous amber golden eyes staring imperiously out from her palanquin as it was set down before the front door of the school.
And not moments later after that the royal woman entered through the doors of the academy.
Minutes later.
The headmistress bowed low on the floor as she bent her head in a display of respect while Azula sat down in her office chair.
Before the ruthless princess turned her imposing gaze to the older woman bowing on the floor.
"Princess Azula. This is an unexpected surprise. What can I do to help you?" Talise pondered as she bowed while the princess sat above her with her hands folded together in her lap.
"I have a special student that I want to enroll in the Royal Fire Academy." The princess declared in a smoothly authoritative voice while she stared down at the face of the intrigued headmistress.
"A special student?" The headmistress replied in a curious voice while the princess crossed her legs in a graceful manner in her chair.
"She has the power to defeat the Avatar running through her veins. She is the holder of a long thought to be lost ancient force that serves as the Avatar's greatest weakness. They call it…the Component." Azula spoke in a vastly sophisticated voice as she placed her arms on the side of the chair while she gazed down at the astonished woman.
"The…the Component?" Talise repeated in a stunned voice with her widened eyes gazing up at her princess's from where she sat over her.
"She is critical to a Fire Nation victory in this war. It could even be stated that her presence in this war is just as important as my own. Because of her crucial importance to the outcome of this war. It is essential that she receive only the greatest education that the Fire Nation can offer." The princess explained in a charismatic voice while she watched the bowing woman listen in marvelment.
"I…I understand. Such a prized individual must be handled with only the highest level of care." The headmistress agreed with a swift nod of her head while the princess smiled down at her.
"On that we can agree. There is…just one small problem…" Azula trailed off as she stared down at the now bewildered woman with controlling amber golden eyes.
"And that is?" Talise queried in an uncertain voice as Azula let out a sigh above her.
"She is a peasant and a foreign one at that." The princess announced in a blunt voice as she gazed keenly down at the headmistress for her reaction while the older woman's face had already taken an appalled expression.
And if she didn't know any better.
There was even a spark of anger in the headmistress's eyes that the woman was struggling to hide.
"You…you are asking me to not only enroll a peasant into my prestigious academy but a foreign peasant on top of it all?" The headmistress protested with anger seeping into her voice while the princess gazed strictly down at her.
And that was all it took to find herself paling under the unbelievably powerful young woman's stare as she tried her hardest to swallow down her rage.
"It seems that you misunderstand me. This is not a request. This is an order. I am commanding you to allow her entry into this academy." Azula ordered in a beyond imperious voice as she stared hard down at the woman's incredulous yet intimidated face.
"P-Princess Azula you know well enough that this academy is only for the daughters of Fire Nation nobility. Even the most loyal of commoners are forbidden to enter. Much less a foreigner! I cannot allow an Earth Kingdom or Water Tribe commoner to go to this academy! It would be a disgrace to all that this institution stands for!" Talise blurted out in a mortified voice as she shook her head while Azula's gaze became colder.
And not a second later she sunk back on the floor.
While unfathomably terrifying amber golden eyes gazed down at her as if she were a bug that the princess was about to stomp out underfoot.
"If you must know. She isn't from the Water Tribe or the Earth Kingdom. And she isn't a surviving Air Nomad either. She is from a land that isn't on any of our maps." The princess stated in a coldly informative voice while the headmistress's eyes grew wide in disbelief.
"W-what? She is from a land that isn't on our maps? How is that possible?" The headmistress questioned with puzzlement in her still frustrated voice while the princess gazed down at her from her seat.
"Recently I discovered that beyond a spirit portal…there are…other nations that are not on our world map. I have reason to believe that we may have traded with these nations long ago. I also have reason to believe that this power of hers may be of Fire Nation origin. Which means that while she is a foreigner…that she may be of Fire Nation descent." Azula remarked in a voice of casual authority while she watched with bored amber golden eyes as the woman struggled to process what she had been told.
"E-even as fascinating as that may be princess…there are no shortage of commoner schools for her to enroll in." Talise replied in an adamant voice with her eyes reflecting her opposition to the order.
"Since I can clearly see that you are unable to comprehend. Allow me to put this is simpler terms that you will understand. This peasant girl is indispensable. You are not. She is more vital to the Fire Nation than you and every other noble in this academy combined." The princess commented with a twinge of unmistakable cruelty in her superior voice while the headmistress listened in humiliation.
All the while as she glared piercingly down into the degraded woman's recoiling eyes as the older female shrunk under her frightening gaze.
She was well aware that it was nothing short of disgrace for a noble to be told that a peasant was her better in all respects.
But it didn't matter.
If Elle was to stand beside her as her lover than it was essential that these nobles understand that the girl was their superior.
"I intend to teach her everything all that I can about the glory of our nation. And to that end, it is imperative that she experience only the grandest education that our country can provide. And I will not have our victory jeopardized by your inability to see what runs in the blood." Azula spoke in a supremely imposing voice as her frightening amber golden eyes stared down at the now fearful bowing woman in judgement.
"I-I understand Your Highness…it's j-just that a peasant is still a peasant no matter what power runs in her blood." The headmistress stammered in a shaken voice only to find herself sinking into the floor while the princess stooped forward to loom ominously above her.
"I see. Well, then. I suppose I have no choice but to accept your decision. After all you are the headmistress of the Royal Fire Academy...for today at least. I'll just return tomorrow morning to speak to the new headmistress." The princess stated in a voice of cruel mockery as she examined her fingernails on her clenched fist while she smiled down at the now pale faced woman.
"N-no! No! That…that won't be necessary. We'll…we'll enroll her." Talise conceded as she swallowed down her displeasure while Azula's lips curved into the largest grin.
"Wonderful! Now there are just a few more details to go over. Her name is Elle and she is my servant. She frequently accompanies me in missions against the Avatar. For obvious reasons she will be an intermittent student for the time being but she will eventually transition to full time." Azula remarked in a voice of pleased royal authority while the headmistress sunk even lower into the floor.
'A peasant and a servant attending my elite Royal Fire Academy for Girls?' The headmistress thought with distaste in her eyes but she wisely knew that the argument was long past lost.
"The girl has various little quirks. You are not to change any of them. You are not to micromanage her personality. The sole job of this academy is to ensure that she is given a proper Fire Nation education. I am going to give you a list of things that you are not to do. If I should find that you or anyone else in this academy has done even a single one of them. I will not only strip you of your post, I will have you banished to the colonies." The princess explained in an absolutely tyrannical voice with a cruel smile on her lips while she elegantly folded her hands in her robed lap.
While she watched in delight as the woman shrunk away in even greater terror than before.
It went without saying that the unfortunate headmistress did not understand the entirety of the order that she was being given by her crown princess.
Which only made her even more terrified that she would make a mistake that was bound to displease her princess.
And there wasn't a single person in the caldera who wasn't aware of how Princess Azula gets when she is displeased.
"I will personally choose her curriculum. You will follow it to the letter." Azula said in a callously autocrat voice while the older woman fearfully nodded her head.
"Y-yes princess. Each and every order will be followed to the letter." Talise responded in a frightful voice as she bowed low while Azula loomed over her in her seat.
"But before we can begin with any of that. You'll first have to tutor her in language." The princess stated as she reached for an object on the desk while the headmistress tilted her head in confusion.
"Language?" The headmistress asked in a baffled voice only to gaze up when her princess held out a worn book for her to gaze upon.
"As I said. She is from an unmapped foreign land. She speaks the same oral language as us. However, she reads and writes in a different written language." Azula commented in a stoic voice while the older woman now stared at the cover of the old book in astonishment.
"And…you want us to teach her our written language?" Talise inquired in a comprehending voice as she stared at the cover of the book in shock.
And true to the princess's words she was unable to make out the print on the title.
"That is correct. You will tutor her in our writings until she has a solid understanding of our language before we move on to any other subjects." The princess spoke in a glacially composed voice that was devoid of emotion.
While she observed the headmistress quickly nod her head in agreement.
"I want her to spend a period of every morning that she attends getting acquainted with the other classmates so that she can shadow the other students. The rest of the day will be spent with an academy tutor on her language lessons until I feel that her progress has been satisfactory." Azula instructed in a frighteningly meticulous voice while the headmistress listened in astonishment.
'All of this…just to educate a peasant?' The headmistress thought with a gaze of incredulity in her eyes.
"I will be enrolling her in academy starting tomorrow morning. I will personally deliver her for her first day in my royal carriage. On each day thereafter. Either myself, Ty Lee or Captain Zoi will bring her to and from academy on every day that she attends. On those times, you'll be able to look forward to giving us frequent reports on her progress." The princess declared in a delightfully controlling voice as she stood up from her seat.
While she stared imperiously down at the face of the speechless headmistress sweating in intimidation on the floor before her boots.
It was a thinly veiled threat that powerful people would be watching closely to make sure that the girl wasn't mistreated.
"Y-your precise will shall be fulfilled Princess Azula." Talise assured in a beyond intimidated voice while she remained in her bow on the floor.
"See to it that it is. And it goes without saying everything I just told you is highly confidential. You are not to repeat anything that I have told you outside of these academy walls. I can only hope for your sake that you remember that." Azula stated in a frigidly dictating voice as she glanced down at the gulping woman kneeling at her feet.
"Y-you need not fear princess. I will take everything that you just told me to the grave." The headmistress replied in a voice of absolute submissive while the young woman loomed above her with a smile on her lips.
"Be sure that you do. Oh, and one more thing. From this moment forward, I forbid any slaves to be present on academy grounds or even on the road to academy. If I should see one, at any point on the way to school…I will begin arranging your deportation straight away. Am I understood?" The princess commanded in a boundlessly authoritative voice with her hands clasped behind her back as her merciless amber golden eyes glared down at the woman's confused yet terrified countenance.
It was the most bewildering of all of the princess's orders.
And yet she wasn't suicidal enough to question the powerful young woman on the matter.
"As…as you command my princess. I…I shall see to it that your orders are fulfilled without flaw." Talise answered in a resigned voice as she bowed her head while the princess towered over her.
"I look forward to nothing short of perfection. We'll see you tomorrow then." Azula concluded in a supremely overbearing voice as she strode past the bowing woman and out of her office.
Until she departed through the doors with a smirk on her lips while she walked back to her palanquin.
While Talise finally stood up from the floor with her eyes now finally free to express a spark of anger.
What angered her the most was that she was powerless to tell the princess no.
And to make matters even worse…it almost seemed as if this…peasant had the princess's favor!
And as much as it infuriated her.
There was no other option but to obey Princess Azula and hope that this arrangement did not destroy the reputation of their school.
Outside the caldera in a small house in one of the commoner cities.
Jiao sat on a sofa with her blue eyes glancing around the newly purchased house with an unusually grateful expression in her gaze.
While a smile began to pull onto her lips as she turned to watch her noble lover enter the room in casual clothes.
The warrior was wearing a pair of white simple form fitting house pants that showed off her shape quite nicely.
And a short gray midriff top that offered the younger woman a nice view of her breasts and her toned muscles.
All the while as Zoi now walked over barefoot to greet her lover while the younger woman smiled back at her.
"Zoi…you bought this place for me?" The seductress pondered in a slightly softer voice than usual while the taller woman offered her a small smile.
"Of course, I did Jiao. I realize that it isn't as fancy as some of the other places that we have stayed. Please know that I am…not trying to undercut you or make you feel segregated. I would have purchased you a place up in the caldera if I were allowed to…" The captain replied as she walked towards her shorter lover while the younger girl smiled back at her.
"I know Zoi. It's not your fault. You don't make the law." Jiao stated as she gazed back at the older woman's imposing muscles with admiring blue eyes.
"Perhaps…once the princess takes the throne. We'll be able to convince her to loosen up those restrictions." Zoi remarked with a sigh while she stared back at her lover's skeptical face.
"Princess Azula lighten up restrictions? She is just as much of a control freak as her father. I'll believe it when I see it." The seductress snorted with a doubtful look in her eyes while the older woman chuckled.
"Until then though…I can only hope that this will do." The captain spoke as she sat down on her bottom while her stoic golden eyes attentively stared down at her smaller lover.
Only for her golden eyes to flash with a hint of fondness when the shorter woman reached out to touch her muscular arm.
"It will Zoi. Thank you." Jiao replied in a softened voice as she felt a powerful hand slide under her chi while the older woman lifted her chin upward with her fingertip.
While she began to find herself lost in gentle-womanly golden eyes as the noblewoman smiled down at her.
"I'll still get you that beach house…" Zoi murmured in an affectionate voice as she traced her finger under her partner's beautiful chin.
While the seductress cracked another smile as she raised one hand to set it upon the older woman's perfect cheek.
"You're a high noble Zoi. You don't have to stay in the commoner districts with me. You can stay up in the caldera." The seductress muttered as she felt two mighty arms wrap around her back.
"I would much rather stay here with you Jiao." The captain whispered with a sensual edge to her voice while she gently pushed the smiling woman down onto her back on the couch.
While she found herself unable to resist grinning when the younger woman wrapped her arms around her bare lower back.
"Zoi…I want you to know. All of those things that I said to you about you being just a source of income…you're so much more than that to me…" Jiao trailed off as she fell down onto the sofa as she gazed up in awe at the larger woman looming over her.
There were times like these when she couldn't believe that she was being held in the arms of such a stunning warrior goddess.
"Shh. I already know Jiao." Zoi responded with a seductive undertone to her voice as she grinned fondly back into Jiao's gorgeously smiling face.
And then she crushed her lips into her younger lover's own.
While she lay on top of the seductress's smaller frame as she exhaled in arousal against the younger woman's shuddering lips.
"Zoi?" The seductress asked in a voice that was a more submissive than in public while the older woman smiled directly into her eyes.
"Yes, beautiful?" The captain pondered with her smirking lips kissing the younger woman upon her moaning lips once more.
"Please…." Jiao murmured as she moaned in mighty womanly arms while Zoi loomed in her line of vision with a captivating grin on her lips.
"Please what dear?" Zoi cooed in a gently yet assertive voice as she stared down into yielding blue eyes.
"Please...please get on my face…" The seductress pleaded in an eager voice as her warrior lover held her cheeks while she gazed up into gratified golden eyes.
And not a second later she let out a gasp as she was shoved even lower into the sofa by a powerful hand.
While she raised her eyes upward in a trance when the taller older woman rose up above her.
All the while as she found her eyes gazing over the warrior's breasts that were so perfectly on display in the older woman's top.
Before her astounded blue eye swept over her lover's muscular frame once again as she took in every mighty part of the woman's body.
While Zoi sat up with a lecherous smirk on her lips as her pant covered thighs now loomed in the younger girl's stunned line of vision.
And just like that her thighs began to lower over the woman's transfixed face.
"You don't have to bed me to sit on your face Jiao. But I love it when you do." The captain purred with a smile on her aroused lips as she pulled down her pants over her ass in a tantalizing manner.
While she brushed a lock of hair from her excited golden eyes.
And then she began to pull down her panties soon after while blue eyes were now locked on her bush.
Only for her grin to grow when she felt her lover brace her ass in her eager hand.
While an enthused smile made its way onto Jiao's lips as she stared up at her lover's hovering womanhood.
Just as she began to lick her lips in anticipation as Zoi lowered her body over her waiting mouth.
And that was all it took for the captain to sink her body into the couch atop her lover's face with a moan already departing her lips.
While her elated golden eyes began to roll back into her eyes as she felt the younger woman began licking her out with vigor that only her Jiao's tongue could provide.
All the while as she lowered a hand to grasp onto the smaller woman's dark hair.
And then she began to grin while she rode her body over her seductress's eager to please mouth.
And soon enough the sound of Zoi's erotic moans carried throughout the house.
About an hour later.
The two lovers were now laying naked in their bed.
While Jiao smiled as she was held in the older woman's powerful arms.
And Zoi for her part found that she couldn't resist grinning as she watched the smaller woman rest her face against one of her breasts.
"And that…my Jiao is just one of many reasons why I would rather stay with you." Zoi spoke in a softened voice with her golden eyes gazing down at the naked woman in her arms.
"Zoi…my Dragon of Clan Song…" Jiao whispered as she happily curled up in the older woman's protective arms.
While the captain offered the girl a small smile as she placed a tender kiss on the younger woman's forehead.
And then she placed her head on her pillow as she chose to savor the time that they had together.
All the while as she mulled over how pleasantly surprised, she was that they were getting closer.
They were getting closer with one another.
And she couldn't help but be pleased with this recent development in their relationship.
Back in the princess's private dining quarters in the Royal Palace.
Azula pushed a plate away as she elegantly wiped her mouth while a smile graced her lips as she stared back at her girlfriend's shocked face.
While Ty Lee sat gazing on with just as much astonishment in her eyes as she too processed the news.
"Y-you mean? Tomorrow…I get to go to a-academy?" The handmaid asked in a thrilled voice as she stared back at her princess's beautifully smiling face as the older woman concluded wiping her lovely mouth.
"That right dear. Tomorrow I am enrolling you in academy for a trial day. If all goes well…then you'll continue to attend academy on an intermittent basis when we aren't traveling to hunt the Avatar." The princess replied in a perfectly poised voice as she set her napkin aside while she gazed back at her young girlfriend's adorably awestruck face with possessive amber golden eyes.
While the acrobat still sat in a speechless silence.
It wasn't the fact that Elle was going to school that shocked her.
It was the fact that Azula got Elle into the Royal Fire Academy for Girls that surprised her.
"S-so this means that I'll get to meet other students?" Elle inquired in a mousy voice while Azula still smiled so beautifully back at her.
"It does. You'll be spending small portions of your mornings in class with the other students and taking part in class activities. The rest of your day will be spent with a private academy tutor as you work on your language studies. You'll first have to master our language before you can move on to other subjects. And that is how it will remain until I feel that you have a solid grasp on our writings." Azula explained in a flawlessly stony voice as she set her palms over her fully belly as she reclined in her chair with a confident smile adorning her lipstick painted lips.
All the while as the teenager looked as if she was barely able to control her excitement.
And not a moment later a squeal of joy resounded into the air.
And just like that a small blonde blur rushed towards the powerful princess while the acrobat found herself unable to resist grinning.
And seconds after that the princess sat back on her cushion with a spoiled smile on her lips when she felt her handmaid seize a hold of her left hand.
While her smile grew when the girl planted a worshipful kiss on her palm.
Only for her entitled smirk to grow even bigger when the teenager then followed it up with a kiss to her neck.
Just before she smiled widely when a third kiss was planted on her cheek.
And then her other cheek.
Before she grinned when the small girl grasped her other hand while placing a fifth kiss upon the back of her right palm.
While Ty Lee giggled in the background with a hand over her mouth.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Azula-sama!" Elle cried out as she rapidly kissed every part of the older woman's body that was within reach while her master smiled down at her.
"Yes, well. You can thank me more by worshiping me more another day. For now, though. I want you to go to bed early so that you get plenty of rest for your first day." The princess remarked in a silken voice that flowed into her girlfriend's ears.
While she stared dominantly down at the small girl holding her hand with a charming smile on her lips.
"If my princess says go to sleep! I go to sleep!" The handmaid exclaimed as she let go of the woman's hand while her princess eyed her in approval.
"But before you go Elle. Take this and put it by your bedside." Azula commented in a strangely attentive voice as she withdrew an item from her robes and held it out in her open hand before the girl's confused face.
Only for Elle to peer down with emotional amber eyes when she saw that it was the mini totem that Mava had given them.
While the acrobat gazed back at the little totem with comprehension in her astounded brown-gray eyes.
"Azula…are you thinking that will stop the voice that Elle heard from giving her any further nightmares?" Ty Lee questioned in a hopeful voice while Azula stared coldly back at the girl's moved face.
"B-but Azula-sama. You're the Heir to the Throne. You're much more important than me. It should be by your bedside…not mine." Elle protested in an adorably worried voice as she bit her lip while the acrobat smiled at her back.
She really was just too sweet…always worrying about someone other than herself.
"Naïve peasant. While there is no understating my importance. It is you that they are after. Put it in your room. And from now on, whenever you leave the palace. I want you to take it with you wherever you go. Understand?" The princess spoke in a supremely stern voice as she stared back at her girlfriend's emotional face.
While Ty Lee stared at her leader with an expression of marvelment in her eyes.
In a roundabout way, the princess just admitted that in this instance Elle had more importance than her.
Given the size of Azula's gargantuan ego.
It was a huge accomplishment on the princess's part to be able to admit that out loud.
"I-if you say so Azula-sama…but I place your safety much higher than my own…" The handmaid trailed off as she chewed on her lips only to find herself trembling when mesmerizing amber golden eyes narrowed down at her.
"Take it Elle or must I punish you by making you shine all of my footwear before bed?" Azula ordered in an utterly domineering voice with her callous eyes forming a frightening stare.
While her open palm remained held out before her young girlfriend's cutely gulping face.
All the while as she took a certain measure of delight in watching the girl submit to her gaze.
While Ty Lee shuddered in her seat as she began to pity her little sister once more.
"N-no. I'll take it Azula-sama. Just let me get your dishes and then I'll retire for the evening." Elle agreed in a timid voice with a smile still on her lips as she took the figurine from her girlfriend's open hand.
Only to blink her eyes in confusion when the older woman held out her palm to stop her from getting her dishes.
"No. Leave to the dishes to the other servants. I want you to go to bed now." The princess stated in a meticulously strict voice as she stared back at her beloved's bashfully smiling countenance.
And not even seconds later she sat there silently while a pair of delicate arms embraced her around the neck.
All the while as she released another sigh as she allowed the girl to hug her.
"Aww. So pink." The acrobat commented with a warm smile while the princess glared at her through the corner of her eye.
"G-goodnight princess." The handmaid murmured in a sweet voice as she momentarily pushed her face in the older woman's dark hair.
"Goodnight Elle." Azula spoke in a tone that was just a sliver less cold than with others while something akin to a fond smile adorned her lips.
And then she patted the girl on the back as they detached from the embrace while the teenager beamed back at her.
Before she watched with callous amber golden eyes as the girl scurried over to hug her childhood friend.
All the while as the acrobat smiled widely when the girl hugged her around the neck.
"Goodnight oneesan." Elle stated in a lovable voice while she felt the acrobat return her loving hug.
"Goodnight little sister. I wish you the best of luck on your first day at school!" Ty Lee exclaimed in a supportive voice as she momentarily hugged the girl.
Before they disconnected from their embrace soon after.
And then the small girl smiled between both the grinning acrobat and the stony-faced princess as she waved at the two as she turned to walk away.
"I'll see you two tomorrow then!" The handmaid called out as she made her way for the doors while the acrobat beamed warmly after her.
While the princess stared back at her with icy amber golden eyes.
"We'll see you tomorrow little sister!" The acrobat replied with a wave of her hand as she smiled broadly.
"Just go to bed peasant." The princess snorted with a roll of her brilliant amber golden eyes while her young beloved blushed under her controlling gaze.
Just as she watched the girl wave at them for a final time before the teenager vanished through the doors soon after.
And moments later the two highborn women were sitting alone in the princess's dining quarters.
Only for the princess to turn to her friend when she noticed that the woman's smile had lessened as soon as the girl left the room.
"What? You were the one that wanted me to enroll her in an actual school. And now you are displeased that I have?" Azula scoffed in a callously astute voice with her amber golden eyes gazing back at her friend's too easily worried face in annoyance.
Only for the acrobat to quickly shake her head.
"No. It's not that Azula. I am just a little concerned about Elle going to the Royal Fire Academy." Ty Lee admitted as she sat back in her seat with her hands playing with her braided hair.
While the princess arched an elegant brow as she studied the other woman oddly.
"Are you applying division to our teammate Ty Lee? I distinctly recall that you have told me many times over that there is no division between us." The princess remarked in a coldly composed voice with her stern eyes observing the acrobat's frowning face.
"No! Of course, not Azula. I am just worried for Elle because you are sending her into a school where everyone else is a noble. And I know how pompous highborn girls…like you can be towards commoners." The acrobat reasoned in a gentle voice while the princess stared back at her with callous amber golden eyes.
And yet despite her worries she couldn't help but smile over hearing her friend openly refer to the innocent girl as their teammate.
It truly spoke volumes about how close Azula had become with the girl.
"I am not pompous Ty Lee. I am a perfectly down to earth woman." Azula answered with a snort as she eyed her flawlessly manicured fingernails while a smug smile graced her lips.
While the acrobat stared back at her lifelong friend with an incredulous look in her eyes.
"Right Azula! Sure, you are. Did you even try to pass her off as being Fire Nation nobility?" Ty Lee queried in a curious voice only for Azula to roll her amber golden eyes.
"Oh, please Ty Lee. Not only does the girl's hair color make it obvious that she is not a Fire National. Even if I had lied and claimed that she was nobility. I have no doubt that the girl would foolishly blow her cover within days of entering the school." The princess responded in a frigid voice while the acrobat flinched as she nodded her head.
"Point taken Azula…Elle isn't much for deception. So, what did you tell them then?" The acrobat inquired in a still pondering voice.
"I told the headmistress the truth, that Elle is a foreign peasant with the power to destroy the Avatar in her veins." Azula stated in a smooth voice with a smile returning to her cold lips while the acrobat listened in surprise.
"You told them about Elle's power? Is that safe Azula? Mava said that people are out to get her. People from all over the world. If…if what she said about this…creature having a worldwide influence is true. Then we have no way of knowing who is after Elle and who isn't." Ty Lee insisted with sisterly anxiety lacing her voice while the princess's smile faded from her lips.
"Ty Lee. If this being is half as powerful as Mava says. It will be capable of finding Elle regardless of what we say. In any case, rumors have already begun spreading of the golden girl that fought the Avatar. It is already dead obvious that the girl is the Component because she is the only person in this world with golden hair. And besides, I had to let them know how important she is. Otherwise, they would have never let her in." The princess spoke in a rigidly factual voice with a scowl on her lips while her amber golden eyes brimmed in fury towards this mysterious entity.
It truly was inconvenient that even after all the information that they gained from the old hag.
There was still so much that they didn't know.
And she couldn't bring the old woman here to serve her in the capital because she was bound to that mystical tree.
While Ty Lee's brown-gray eyes flickered with understanding as she grimly frowned once more.
"True. I hadn't thought of that. Was it at least enough to get her in?" The acrobat asked in an inquisitive voice only for the princess to coldly scoff as she reclined in her hair.
"Of course, it wasn't. The headmistress was not pleased over the prospect of allowing a commoner into her school. She attempted to refuse me up and down." Azula responded with another snort while the acrobat frowned once again.
"And that sort of attitude is exactly why people are now trying to kill us. I can only hope that when you become Fire Lord that you will straighten these nobles out." Ty Lee complained with a scowl on her lips while Azula scrunched up her nose in aggravation.
"And just what do you expect me to do to 'straighten' these nobles out Ty Lee?" The princess inquired in a stern voice while the noblewoman developed an unusually serious expression.
"You're going to have to give the commoners rights Azula. It's the only way that you'll be able to appease the rebellion in Shung Wu. They have already wiped out one noble clan in the span of a single night. Which clan is next? This situation is far from pink Azula. This has gone far beyond food and provisions. The rebellions aren't going to stop that easily Azula and you know it." The acrobat declared with a saddened expression momentarily taking over her face.
While the princess just gazed on coldly with pridefully stubborn amber golden eyes that loathed being told what to do.
"Ugh. First Zoi goes on about peasant rights and now you do too. Is this a coordinated effort to irritate me?" Azula commented in a callous voice with her annoyed amber golden eyes gazing back into the acrobat's blinking eyes.
"Huh? No. I wasn't aware that Zoi already spoke with you about this." Ty Lee answered with more cheer in her voice than before while the princess sighed.
"In any event Ty Lee. It took some 'persuading' but I got the girl in." The princess remarked in a stoic voice while her friend still listened in curiosity.
"Let me guess. You threatened her for Elle?" The acrobat pondered with a smile returning to her lips while the princess's lips curved into a cruel smile.
"You could say that I flexed my royal muscle." Azula purred with a hubristic smirk on her lips while Ty Lee grinned back at her.
"Did you make it clear that Elle is to be treated well?" Ty Lee questioned with a smile still on her lips while Azula's smirk grew even larger.
Only to find herself gazing on in bewilderment when the princess reached out to pick up a rolled-up document from the tabletop.
"You needn't worry about that Ty Lee. I made that more than clear." The princess boasted as she handed the noblewoman the document.
While Ty Lee sat back in her seat as she unraveled it before her curious eyes.
Only for her brown-gray eyes to widen as she stared down at the document in disbelief.
All while as she glanced back at Azula who now sat smirking as proudly can be.
It was an insanely long list of things that the school was forbidden to do!
And in a strange way, it almost read like Azula was the world's most overprotective parent looking out for her child.
Which was…oddly adorable.
"Wow Azula…this list sure is comprehensive. I imagine they will be scared to death when Elle walks through their doors." The acrobat commented with a shake of her head while she stared back at the princess's violently smiling face.
"That's the idea Ty Lee. If Elle is going to rule beside me. She must be feared at all costs." Azula stated in a terrifying malicious voice while the acrobat still smiled back at her.
"Well! At least they won't mistreat her." Ty Lee said with an at ease smile on her lips as she slid the document back to the princess.
Truth be told she didn't think it was possible to make people afraid of someone as sweet as Elle.
But it was touching to know that Azula was starting to speak of Elle in a higher light.
Even if the princess still had a tendency to demean her left and right.
About twenty minutes later.
The door to the princess's dining quarters was opened up.
While the acrobat and the princess turned to gaze towards the door as they watched another handmaid bow in the doorway with her hands holding onto a food cart.
"You called for me to get your dishes princess?" Lao greeted in a submissive voice as she bowed with her eyes averted from both highborn women.
While Azula stared frigidly back at the girl in the doorway with a much colder gaze than she graced her girlfriend with.
All the while as Ty Lee quickly took notice of the change in disposition when the servant in question was no longer Elle.
"No. I called you here just to stand there. What do you think I called you here for? Get the dishes girl." The princess commanded in a much more frightening voice than she used with her favored handmaid.
While she stonily watched the girl walk in with her eyes lingering on the floor.
As the acrobat's smile had already given way to a frown as she observed how terrified the poor girl was to have to approach Azula.
All the while as Lao silently made her way into the room with her cart rolling along the floor as she tried to gain control of her fear.
But it wasn't that easy.
There was a time when she had once looked forward to the prospect of getting to serve her princess as one of her royal servants.
She had even once idolized her and looked up to her as a personal hero of sorts.
In her mind the princess had been everything that every girl should look up to.
Powerful, brilliant, beautiful and independent.
At least that is what she once thought.
Until she had the displeasure of earning the then fifteen-year-old girl princess's wrath over mistakenly pouring too much salt in her dinner.
And ever since then she terrified her.
She averted her eyes to the floor while she began quietly putting the dishes on the card while she attempted to ignore the icy stare on her back.
That was another unspoken rule among the servants in the palace.
Never look the princess in the eye unless you were being spoken to.
Azula turned away as the dishes were piled up on the cart while a practiced stony expression graced her lips.
While Ty Lee forced down the desire to sigh as she quietly observed the frightened girl collect the dishes.
While the princess continued to watch the girl through the corner of her glacial eye as she momentarily caught the girl's frightened expression.
'What is with this girl? Why is she acting like I have beaten her?' The princess thought as she coldly rolled her eyes before she turned to stare back at her friend.
And in the very moment when Lao had gazed into Azula's eyes.
Her hands shook.
And that was when it happened.
A dish slipped from her grip and shattered upon the palace floor.
While an expression of horror instantly overtook her face as her heart began to race in terror when she saw that drops of food were now adorning the princess's expensive boots.
And that was all it took for Azula's eyes to snap down in anger as she turned to glare back at the now pale handmaid.
"You just got food all over my boots! Didn't anyone ever teach you how to handle dishes!" Azula barked in a glacial voice with a scowl on her lips while she watched the girl fall to the floor in a frightened bow.
While Ty Lee stared at her friend in reproach as she shook her head.
"I-I'm sorry princess. P-please forgive me." The servant girl muttered in a shaken voice as she began rapidly wiping the woman's boots off while amber golden eyes stared down at her.
"Azula…go easy on the girl. It's just a dish." The acrobat pleaded in a gentle voice as the princess sunk back in her chair with a callous expression on her face.
While Lao continued to swiftly clean up her mess as fast as she could while Azula sat scowling above her.
All the while as the princess sunk back in her chair as she made an effort to control her temper.
"I'll help her clean it up." Ty Lee offered as she stood up from her seat while Azula rose a regal brow as she gazed at her oddly.
Before she knelt down beside the frightened girl as she tried to smile soothingly at her as she helped to clean the food off the floor.
While Lao gazed at the noblewoman with a fleeting flicker of gratitude in her surprised eyes as she set quickly swept up the broken dish.
"T-thank you." Lao murmured as she concluded cleaning up the mess while the acrobat kindly nodded her head.
And then about a minute after that the servant girl stood up as she hastily bowed to the imposing woman.
Before she rapidly pushed the cart out of the room as fast as her legs could carry her.
And then the door closed shut behind the girl while Azula still gazed oddly at Ty Lee as the other woman stood up from the floor.
Only for the princess to scowl when the acrobat sighed at her as if she was a child that had just misbehaved.
"Don't look at me like that Ty Lee. It's not my fault that she can't hold a dish properly. I've never liked that one." The princess spoke in a cold voice as she bent over with a scowl as she grabbed a rag to wipe her boots off.
"She can't hold a dish because you terrify her Azula." The acrobat informed in a factual voice while the princess remained bent over wiping off her boots.
"Please Ty Lee. You act as if I just beat whipped her. I would say that I was quite generous considering she didn't even completely clean up her own mess!" Azula retorted in a moody voice as she threw the rag aside with a scowl.
It hadn't even been an hour since her Elle had left her.
And the other servants were already making mistakes.
'Elle is the only servant that I can depend on.' The princess thought with her strict amber golden eyes flashing with a flicker of fondness as she reclined in her seat.
The following morning.
The princess and the captain were walking together.
While the warrior was now processing that her princess had gotten her adopted sister into the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
"I want you to keep a close watch on that school. You don't have to stake it out all day. But I want you to make it known to anyone that might be after Elle that we are watching her at all times. Understand Zoi?" The princess ordered in a strict voice with her hands clasped behind her back while the captain dutifully nodded her head.
"Of course, princess. I will gladly watch over young Elle." The captain assured in a steely voice as she strode beside her princess.
While the royal woman gazed at her subordinate with approval in her cold amber golden eyes.
About a half an hour later…
Azula sat in her royal carriage while she arched an elegant brow as she watched her girlfriend scamper into the carriage.
The girl was wearing a fine Fire Nation school uniform as she had ordered her to do.
The uniform considered of a black skirt with red trimming, a red vest, an undershirt and a red sash marked with the Royal Fire Academy for Girl's logo.
And most curiously enough she noticed that her handmaid had tied her hair back in a bun.
"I didn't tell you that you had to put your hair in a top-knot Elle." Azula commented in a stern voice as she watched her pet stop in the doorway of the carriage after closing the door behind her.
Only for a pleased smile to form onto her lips when the girl bowed to her at the hip.
"I didn't want to come across as disrespectful to your culture." Elle answered in a sweet voice as she faithfully bowed before the smiling woman.
"Silly peasant. If you are going to put your hair in a bun…at least do it right." The princess stated with a smirk on her while she enjoyed how her girlfriend's adorable face deflated.
"O-oh. I did it wrong?" The handmaid asked in a timid voice only to shyly smile when her princess wagged her finger for her to come forward.
While she trotted forward and then soon sat down beside her much taller master.
All the while as a blush formed on her cheeks when she felt the older woman begin to put her hair in a proper Fire Nation bun.
And soon they began to listen to the sound of the royal carriage rolling through the caldera streets.
"You did. But luckily for you I am here to rule over your little life." Azula spoke in a naturally smooth voice with a charming smile on her lovely lips while her young girlfriend flushed under her gaze.
And then she concluded putting the girl's golden hair in a flawless bun.
While she stared down at her pretty handmaid with a conquering gleam in her possessive amber golden eyes.
Only for her smile to widen when she felt the girl reach out to grasp onto her shirt with needy little hands.
"Azula-sama…" Elle trailed off in a voice of endless worship as she smiled shyly when two mighty hands cupped her cheeks.
While she craned her neck to gaze up into the older woman's taller face as commanding amber golden eyes stared back down at her.
"Do you remember to bring the totem in your bag?" The princess questioned in a frigidly attentive voice as her demanding amber golden eyes stared down at her pet's cutely sentimental face.
"I-It is princess." The handmaid stammered in a soft-spoken voice as her cheeks turned red while utterly entrancing amber golden eyes stared back down at her.
Just as her heart began to race when the much taller woman began to lean down over her in her line of vision.
All the while as she gazed up in awe as the goddess of a Fire Princess loomed over her confuddled face.
Only to find herself gasping in amazement when a pair of flawlessly luscious lips connected with her stunned cheek.
And that was all it took to find herself sitting there in shock with her heart pounding wildly.
While the older woman's fresh breath brushed against her trembling cheek.
As she found herself unable to gaze away from the woman's gorgeously tantalizing smirking lips.
"My pet…" Azula sighed with a ruthless fixation lining her charming voice while she exhaled in her little girlfriend's quivering face.
Only for her pleased smile to enlarge when the smaller girl adorably pressed her little face into her own.
While she gazed dominantly back into submitting amber eyes as she stroked several locks of the girl's hair with a possessive fingertip.
"M-my goddess." Elle mumbled in a voice of endless adoration as she blushed as red as a tomato while Azula's divine lips curved into a beyond gratified smirk.
"Hm. That is correct little lady. I am your goddess." The princess purred in an irresistible voice with her dominating amber golden eyes gazing down into sensitive amber eyes.
While a graceful smile pulled onto her lips as she ran a fingernail along her little girlfriend's soft collar.
All the while as she savored the way that the young girl shook in her hold.
"O-ooh queen." The handmaid stuttered in a hopelessly infatuated voice with a bashful smile as she chose to enjoy every moment of being in her princess's arms.
And not a second later she sighed blissfully when her face was crushed in between a pair of perfect womanly breasts.
While she sat there contently with her hands holding onto her master's expensive robes.
"Elle…" Azula trailed off in a callous voice with her icy eyes gazing down at the commoner in her arms while she found herself unable to resist shoving the girl into her breasts.
And with that she sat back with all the grace of a true queen while an unfathomably approving smile adorned her lips.
Some time after that the royal carriage stopped.
And Elle had long since detached from her master's grasp while the older woman's facial expression took on a merciless stare once more.
While the princess pushed herself up onto her feet as she watched with beyond strict amber golden eyes as her girlfriend stood up before her.
All the while as she clasped both hands behind her back as she appraised her servant from every angle.
Only for her stern lips to almost smile when her handmaid curtsied her at the waist once more.
"Azula-sama!" Elle began in an unusually serious voice as she lowered herself into a perfect bow while Azula loomed over her with a lovely smirk on her lips.
"Yes, royal servant?" The princess questioned in a supremely strict voice as she gazed coldly down at her young girlfriend's worshipful visage.
"I will not fail you queen. I promise you that I will give academy my all. So, that I can learn how to serve you in every way possible." The handmaid declared in a voice of profound passion as she bowed at the hip while the older woman's lips parted in an expression of rare appreciation.
And once more the cruel Fire Nation Princess was so stricken by her loyal girlfriend's words that she found herself unable to mouth a word of response.
It was all she could do to gaze down at the shorter girl's pretty face with astonishment in her amber golden eyes.
Just as the teenager held her hands up before her devoted face with her right fist held over her open left hand in the customary Fire Nation bow.
"On this day to the day that you take your rightful place as Fire Lord to my final day and to all eternity and beyond. For I am yours." Elle announced with ardor seeping from her dedicated voice as she bowed in respect to the astounded princess standing over her.
While the powerful princess processed her girlfriend's moving display of reverence for several short moments.
And then for reasons that she couldn't explain.
She held out her right fist against her left hand in response to the motion while she returned the bow of respect.
All the while as Elle stared up at Azula with her mouth agape in shock while the princess stared back down at her.
'This…this is the first time that I have ever seen her willingly bow to anyone that isn't her father!' The handmaid thought with her widened eyes taking on a heartfelt emotion while her girlfriend gazed into her shocked eyes.
"Elle Turner of the Fire Nation…know that your queen recognizes your devotion." Azula stated in a stonily approving voice as she remained in her slight bow for a passing moment before she arose back up.
While her amber golden eyes still peered down at her servant girl's astonished face as a contented smile curved onto her lips.
"Now rise…my loyal Elle." The princess ordered in a controlling voice once more with her fists falling to her shapely hips.
While her smile grew as she watched her girlfriend spring up from her bow.
"Y-yes, Azula-sama. You have but to speak and I will obey the order. For all of my existence as you command." Elle responded in a voice of tremendous passion as she stood gazing up at her princess's indescribably pleased smiling lips.
"Just remember one thing Elle. If you talk to any of the girls here. Do not tell any of them…even the teachers. Anything that I could not want you to disclose. Understand?" Azula instructed in a stoic voice as she watched her girlfriend hurriedly nod her little head.
"O-of course princess. I already knew that. I would never do that." The handmaid assured in a devoted voice as she peered up at her master in endless admiration while the woman graced her with another smile.
Only to find herself straightening even further in a trained panic when the older woman snapped her fingers in a beckoning manner.
"I know. I just wanted to remind you is all. Now come Elle. I will walk you in." The princess remarked in a tone of natural royal authority as she gracefully strode towards the door of her carriage.
Only for her smile to grow when her handmaid dashed in front of her to open the door for her.
While a gratified expression adorned her lips as she watched the girl bow yet again as she held the door for her.
'She's such a courteous little thing…always getting the door for her queen.' Azula thought as she shook her head with a tiny sliver of fondness in her callous amber golden eyes.
Before she hardened her face into her usual merciless expression as she stepped one boot outside of her royal carriage.
While her handmaid closed the door behind her as she turned to glance down at the girl with controlling amber golden eyes.
Just as she turned her frigid gaze forward while she ignored the stares of many shocked noble girls to see her escorting a student to class.
And then she began to gracefully walk with her hands folded behind her back while her girlfriend padded after her heels.
While Elle gazed all around her with a sudden sense of nervousness in her amber eyes.
Only to find herself staring on in awe when she watched every noble drop to the ground in reverence as her master strode past them.
All the while as she felt countless lingering gazes on her back as she gulped before she rushed after her princess.
In a classroom of young teenage noble girls in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
A standard portrait of Ozai adorned the wall in the back of the classroom.
As a class-full of noble girls knelt at their desks while they stared back at their female teacher with confusion in their eyes as many took notice of her unusually frightened facial expression.
While the teacher stared down at the letter in her hand with sweat dripping down her brow.
It was a formally written letter from their headmistress informing her that a foreign commoner girl with the power to defeat the Avatar in her veins would be attending their school.
And that she would be personally escorted to their classroom today by none other than Princess Azula!
And yet she had no time to question or even contemplate the order.
As according to this paper, the princess would be at their door within minutes!
"Class…today it is vital that all of you behave yourselves with only the highest standard of conduct. For…today we will be joined by a…special student." Yeinah declared in a learned voice with her golden eyes gazing back at her curious students.
Only for her eyes to widen when she heard the sound of elegant boots striding down the hall outside the classroom doorway.
"A-and she is being escorted here by none other than our great Princess Azula." The teacher announced in a dire voice as the eyes of the entire class widened in a sudden sense of rightful panic.
While the sound of the approaching footfalls came to a stop near the door as the teacher swiftly rose her hand for her students to rise.
"Now rise to greet your princess!" Yeinah exclaimed as her students sprung without delay.
And just like that the entire classroom and their teacher sunk into respectful bows
While they all gazed towards the door in suspense as they watched it open.
Only for the eyes of every student and the teacher to widen when they found themselves gazing back at a petite teenage girl standing in a bow as she held the door open.
But that…wasn't what astonished them.
It was…the fact that she had…golden hair!
And before the class could even so much as take another breath.
They all watched with widened eyes when their princess stepped in front of the bowing girl.
While utterly intimidating amber golden eyes were now staring back in at the classroom as every individual present stood in flawless formation as if their lives depended on it.
And just like that the frightening woman strode into the room with the young girl closing the door behind her.
While Elle now gazed around the classroom with intimidated amber eyes as she took note of all of the girls standing in expansive garb.
All the while as her master stood before her with her hands folded behind her back.
As Azula's callous amber golden eyes turned to gaze between the bowing teacher and her students.
And then the mighty princess took her position in front of the class with her companion bowing faithfully behind her.
While all of the students gazed at the girl bowing behind their princess as some stared on in bewilderment at the cloth collar with a blue version of their nation's insignia wrapped around her neck.
While the royal woman's gaze swept about the classroom at each and every face present as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Greetings fellow Fire Nationals." The princess began in an impassive voice as her frigid eyes gazed back at the collection of bowing people.
"Greetings Princess Azula!" The entire classroom replied in a voice of intense worship while the princess gazed imposingly back at them.
While the handmaid gazed on from her bow behind her master with an expression of marvelment in her eyes over how quickly the class saluted her princess.
"I would like to introduce you to your new classmate…. Elle. She is a commoner. But she is no average commoner. In truth she is by no means average. For you see she is the holder of an ancient opposing force to the Avatar. In her veins…she holds the power to destroy our nation's greatest enemy once and for all." Azula remarked in a callously dignified voice as she pointed a prideful finger back at her bowing serving girl's face.
While the classroom stared on with their eyes agape in disbelief to hear that a peasant was going to join their class.
And not only that…
She had the power to destroy the greatest enemy of their nation!?
All the while as even the teacher bowed with her golden eyes gazing back at the strange girl in fascination.
'Commoner? Am…am I the only…commoner here?' Elle thought with a profound sense of anxiety suddenly taking over her eyes as she stood nervously in her bow behind her princess.
And just when she feared that she was going to be demeaned for her status as a peasant.
She felt reassured when her master glanced back at her for a short moment with her usually strict gaze.
A gaze that made her feel safe.
"She is my most faithful servant. And even though she may not look it…she is also my battle partner." The princess stated in a completely glacial voice as her hand fell back to her hip while she began to walk the length of the classroom.
While the stunned students and their teacher stood in their intimidated bows as the princess began to walk around the classroom.
All the while as Elle stood at the front of the class in her bow with her amber eyes widening in a show of heavy emotion.
'Azula-sama…said…that I am her battle partner!" The handmaid thought with a shy smile on her lips as she watched her older girlfriend encircle the speechless class.
"Elle is of paramount importance to our great nation's victory in this war and all wars to come. I hold her in exceedingly high regard and I happen to consider her irreplaceable…" Azula trailed off in a menacing voice as she stared back at one terrified student after another as she marched past them with purpose in her step.
Before she came to a halt glaring into a random noble girl's utterly frightened eyes as she took delight in how the girl looked as if she were about to faint from fear.
While the rest of the class remained frozen in their respectful bows as sweat began to drip down their foreheads.
And Elle found herself unable to resist allowing her lips to curve into a moved smile.
"Which is why I must warn you…that I expect you to treat her well. If I sense even the slightest sign of mockery. If you do anything to jeopardize her commitment in this war…I will not hesitate to snuff you out." The princess explained in a chillingly venomous voice as she stared imperiously down into the noble girl's widely petrified eyes.
While the remainder of the classroom gazed on with equal terror in their widened eyes.
All the while as the noble girl swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat as she trembled under her crown princess's penetrating glare.
It was all Tei could do to not faint in terror from finding herself unfortunate enough to be singled out by her mighty princess.
And not a second after that she breathed an audible sigh of relief when the terrifying woman finally marched past her.
While Elle bowed at the front of the class with her youthful lips adorning a radiant smile.
All the while as Azula continued to encircle the frightened teenage noble girls like a predator scoping out her next meal.
Until she stopped to loom over yet another young noble girl with her piercing amber golden eyes now staring right back into eyes that were paralyzed with fear.
"If you should so much as mistreat her…demean her…or anything of the sort that has a negative effect on her battle performance. Then I will squash you like an insect beneath my boot." Azula commented in a strikingly foreboding voice as she ground her boot on the floor for emphasis while she gazed harshly back into the young noble girl's trembling golden eyes.
While the noble girl let out an audibly gulp that resounded throughout the eerily silent classroom.
And just like that the elegant woman strode past her with her fearsome amber golden eyes glaring at every intimidated face that she walked by.
All the while as the servant couldn't stop beaming with a heartfelt look in her eyes.
'That's my Azula-sama! She's a dream come true!' Elle thought with a flush on her cheeks while her master still gazed coldly back at the trembling girls.
And with that the princess gracefully strode back to the front of the class before she came to a halt standing beside her companion once more.
While she then turned her conquering gaze to the bowing teacher as she watched the older woman sweat under her all-consuming stare.
Before she wordlessly removed a rolled-up document from underneath her sash and reached out to offer it to the frightened teacher
All the while as Yeinah took hold of the paper with an uncertain hand as she gazed back at her princess's smiling face.
"In that document you will find a list of rules that you and all of the other teachers here must abide by. Consider it a list of things that you forbidden to do. Obey my absolute will and you will be fine. But if you so much as break even a single one of them…I will arrange your banishment to the colonies." The princess announced in a frozenly ruthless voice as she smiled with her hands at her hips while she watched the noblewoman shake in terror.
While the entire class stared on in a mixture of fright and awe to see the teacher that had previously intimidated them so deeply.
Be rendered into just as great of a state of fright as them before the gaze of their all-powerful princess!
"U-understood my princess. I shall follow this list as if it was written by Agni herself." The teacher assured in a voice of complete submission as she bowed in reverence to the young woman standing before her.
All the while as Azula's lips curled into a wider smile before her gaze scanned the faces of the trembling noble girls.
And then she turned to glance at the teenager bowing so faithfully before her.
While the princess and the peasant gazed back into one another eyes for a fleeting moment.
As the young girl smiled shyly as she bowed even lower with the older girl grinning down at her in apparent approval.
"Why don't you say hello to your new classmates?" Azula commanded in a silken voice as she stared down at her girlfriend's sweetly beaming face.
And then the teenager turned to face the crowd of Fire Nation noble girls.
While they all stared back at the peasant girl with still present disbelief in their eyes.
They were shocked that a commoner girl was being permitted to join their prestigious school with the backing of their crown princess.
And just as astounded that the girl seemed to have sway with the merciless Fire Princess.
And even more so than all of that….
Was that according to their brilliant princess this small girl possessed the ability to defeat the enemy of their nation!
The Avatar!
And just when the gathering of highborn girls thought that the girl was going to use her favor with the princess to terrorize them.
Each and every single one of them watched in shock when the foreign girl bent over in a bow before them with her right fist held against her left hand.
"It is an honor to meet you citizens of the Fire Nation." The handmaid spoke in a genuinely kind-hearted voice that took the entire class aback.
While she remained in her courteous bow with her lips forming a gentle smile.
All the while as the teacher stared on with equal shock in her eyes as she blinked her eyes in surprise.
While the princess stood behind the girl with her hands folded gracefully behind her back.
As Azula observed with callous amber golden eyes that unbeknownst to the classroom shone with a tiny flicker of protectiveness.
Before the princess turned to glance down at the girl with a detached stare in her eyes.
"Well, I suppose that I will leave you to it then. I'll be back to collect you at the end of the day." The princess commented in a voice of more casual sternness than before while she watched her girlfriend nod up at her.
Only for the teenager to bow at the hip one final time before the princess's looming visage while amber golden eyes stared back down at her in approval.
"Yes, my princess! I hope that Your Highness has a pleasant day." Elle replied in a voice of limitless devotion as she smiled up at her master's ruthless face while the woman momentarily glanced down at her.
While she gazed back up into the older woman's icy amber golden eyes for another fleeting instant.
All the while as she caught the gleam of recognition in her princess's stony gaze.
And then Azula offered the younger girl an emotionless nod before she turned around to walk away as she waved an elegant hand over her robed shoulder.
While the teenager rose up from her bow as she watched her princess open the door of the classroom.
And then seconds later Azula was gone.
While Azula now strode down the halls of the school with her regal head held high.
As she tried to suppress the foreign feeling of displeasure over leaving her companion behind in the hands of strangers for a day.
Before she shook her head as she squashed her protective instincts with a callous sigh as she made her way down the hall.
And yet despite her reservations…
Somewhere deep down inside her cruel heart she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride that she was finally inducting her beloved in the ways of her great nation.
And that alone was enough to allow her lips to curve into a pleased smirk as she made her way to her royal carriage.
While Elle now stood before the class with an abashed expression on her face.
And all of the sudden all of the nervousness over being alone in the classroom of strange girls increased by tenfold.
All the while as the noble girls started to murmur amongst each other as they stared back at their commoner classmate with still baffled expressions in their eyes.
Before the teenager turned to face her new teacher for guidance.
While the older woman glanced back at her with a still recovering expression in her eyes.
Only for Elle to surprise the class yet again when she bent over to offer a bow of greeting to the speechless Yeinah.
"It…it is a pleasure to meet you teacher. Which desk do you want me to go to?" The handmaid stated in a polite voice as the older woman still gazed back at her in astonishment.
"You…you can pick from any one of the three open desks in the back." Yeinah informed in a calmer voice as she watched the foreign girl bow once more.
If nothing else…for a foreigner the girl was shockingly well mannered.
And then Elle turned around to pad to the back of the class while she still flushed as she sensed all of the noble girls still gazing at her in fascination.
While Tei watched the strange commoner girl walk past her with a measure of curiosity in her golden eyes.
As the teacher then sat down at her desk as she opened hesitantly opened the princess's document.
Only for all of her fear to return as her eyes bugged out when she gaped down at the list of rules in horror.
And soon after that Elle knelt down on a cushion at her desk behind Tei with her backpack resting on the floor beside her.
While the noble girl momentarily gazed back at her for a moment as she smiled back at her.
And then the firebender turned away as she focused her attention on the front of the class.
All the while as Elle stared up from her desk with a spark of excitement in her eyes.
For the first time in several years.
She was in school!
And she intended to make the most of it.
She was going to make her princess proud.
0 notes
grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 132 - She Dreamed of Doom
In the early morning hours of the Royal Palace.
Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee were sitting in the princess's private study.
While a newly added sofa was now sitting in the corner of the room that Zoi and Ty Lee strongly suspected had been added for their adopted sister's sake.
Before they all turned towards the door to see their young companion step in and close the door behind her.
Only for all three of them to gaze on with concern in their eyes when they saw that the girl's face expression conveyed horrible distress.
"What's wrong? I thought that the visit with Mai made you feel better." Azula commented in a stony voice as she scowled while she set down her tea cup.
Only for her brows to furrow when she noticed that the girl was almost behaving as if she was in a frenzy.
"I-it's not that Azula-sama. I had a horrible dream last night. Last night I dreamed that an overwhelming doom and destruction had befallen on the Fire Nation." Elle confessed in a distraught voice as she stumbled in while her three highborn friends stared at her with widened eyes.
And that was all it took for the acrobat to stand up as she quickly moved to help the troubled girl take a seat on the sofa.
"Your aura doesn't feel pink right now little sister. Please sit down, and take a deep breath." Ty Lee instructed in a sisterly voice with a frown on her lips as she led the young girl to sit down.
While the captain and the princess now gazed at the teenager with worried expressions in their stoic eyes.
Only for all three highborn women to look even more concerned when they saw how deeply disturbed the girl was over her dream.
"A-Azula-sama. That man that you spoke with in Shung Wu…J-Joza. In my nightmare he was screaming as he was torn apart by a violent crowd." The handmaid stammered as she shivered while her princess's ruthless eyes widened in alarm.
While Ty Lee and Zoi stared on with their mouths falling open in unease.
As all three of them gazed back at one another with shocked looks in their eyes.
"A-and his wife and daughter…I heard them screaming as their clothes were taken off. While a cacophony of enraged people roared all around them. And…and throughout it all I heard a wicked voice laughing throughout it all." Elle blurted out with a pale complexion while her friend listened in a chilling silence.
And just like that the three Fire Nation women were staring back at their companion with alert expressions in their eyes.
As they began to fear more and more that it had been more than just a simple nightmare.
"What did the wicked voice say Elle?" Zoi inquired in a taken aback voice as she gazed on with a bad feeling in her eyes.
"S-she said that the judgement of all humankind has begun. T-that she is going to kill every last human being. And…that when she's done…there won't be a-anything left but ash and rubble." The handmaid explained in a shaken voice while her three highborn friends stared at her with speechless looks in their eyes.
"T-the judgement of all humankind…" The acrobat trailed off in a frightened voice as she sat back in her seat beside the girl.
While even the princess stared at the teenager with a disbelieving expression in her frigid amber golden eyes.
"And this…nightmare kept you up all night?" The princess pondered with a small break of concern in her stony voice while she watched her pet numbly nod her head
While she pursed her regal lips into a tight scowl with her amber golden eyes trying to decipher the ominous nightmare.
"I…I have never heard a voice that was so haunting! It was a voice so dark and joyless that it makes Mai sound cheerful. A-and I can't…get it out of my head." Elle stated in an exhausted voice as she held her hands in her hair while the acrobat sat in shock with her hand on her shoulder.
While the two firebenders stared on with unsettled looks in their eyes.
Before the captain turned to gaze seriously back at her princess's unusually bewildered face.
"After you stormed out princess…Mava told young Elle to watch out for Vega. She said that this…Vega has already started tearing the Fire Nation apart. And that she will soon come for Elle." The captain commented in an urgent voice while another chill swept over the lounge.
While Azula stared on with murderously possessive amber golden eyes as she hissed out flames from her pursed lips.
"W-what am I supposed to do? I'm not ready to face someone like that. I-I barely even know how to turn my power on and Felix is still in possession of the other half." The handmaid asked in a troubled voice while her big sister braced her shoulder.
All the while as the three highborn women once again found themselves silently cursing Felix's existence.
"Then I will squash her for you!" Azula snarled in a beyond forceful voice with the flames of war burning in her callous amber golden eyes.
While she gripped her fists on the sides of her throne as she stared dominantly back at her trembling pet.
"Which then brings us to the question princess. Is this voice…Vega?" Zoi queried in a stolidly focused voice as she gazed back at the faces of her fellow pensive aristocrats.
While the teenager still quivered in worry beside the unnerved acrobat.
"We'll protect you Elle. No one is going to hurt you." Ty Lee assured in a tender voice as she resolutely nodded her head while the girl shook under her arm.
"Yes, Elle. We will and that's a promise." The captain stated as she turned to face the teenager while the girl still looked haunted by what she heard.
All the while as the powerful princess gazed on with her amber golden eyes reflecting her royal fury.
As she vowed that she would teach this woman the consequences of anyone who dares to come after her pet.
"A-Azula-sama? This dream really unsettles me. Will you take command over me to make it go away?" Elle requested in a mousy voice as she peered hopefully back at her princess's beautiful face as anger in the woman's eyes gave way to delight.
"You desire for me to take control of you right now?" The princess questioned in an eager voice as she turned to stare back at her pet with domineering amber golden eyes.
While she felt her fury momentarily ebb away as she savored watching the small girl tremble under her possessive stare.
All the while as the captain and the acrobat just gazed back at the two as they had since learned to take their odd ways of interacting in stride.
"T-that's so. Please give me a command. I…I would very much appreciate it if you did so." The handmaid asked in a timid voice as she averted her eyes from the older woman's spellbinding gaze.
While the princess's lips began to curve into a refined smile as she stood up from her chair.
As she began to saunter forward with her beautiful lips still adorning an all too enthused smile.
"Ty Lee. Move. My girlfriend wishes for me to take command." Azula remarked in a beyond overbearing voice with a finger underneath her lip.
"But you're already in command Azula…" The acrobat stated in a cheerier voice than before only to find herself shoved away from the girl by the princess's hip.
While she fell down onto the further end of the sofa as she sighed with a returning smile as she watched the princess come to a stop towering over the small girl.
All the while as the powerful princess crossed her arms over her breasts in an assertive manner as she gazed down at her handmaid's adorably worried face.
"I order you to cease worrying about this dream at once or I will burn you to ashes in the wake of my flames!" The princess bellowed in an unfathomably strict voice as blue fire lit up in her hands while she pointed a domineering finger down in her pet's gulping face.
While Zoi and Ty Lee observed with comical expressions in their eyes over their leader's tyrannical behavior.
Only for the two to gaze on astonishment when the young girl already began to visibly cheer up under the princess's controlling glare.
"Y-yes Azula-sama! I am so relieved that you are here to guide me with your leadership." Elle answered in a calmed voice as she smiled up at her princess's authoritative face.
While the woman released an arrogant scoff as she gazed dominantly back down at her trembling face.
"Yes, well. Consider yourself fortunate that I am here to do so peasant. It couldn't be more obvious that you wouldn't survive without my leadership." Azula scoffed with her finger thrust in her handmaid's blushing face while a conceited smirk graced her lips.
All the while as the acrobat and the captain exchanged an amused glance as they observed the couple's interactions.
While the teenager smiled gracefully up at the older girl's incredibly intimidating face as she blushed under her princess's stern stare.
"That's so! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful princess charming to protect me…" The handmaid trailed off with a flush on her cheeks while she felt the woman's fingertips reach out to stroke her cheek.
"On that we can agree dear." The princess purred with her fingertip momentarily gliding against the girl's bashful cheek.
Before she quickly retracted it with a smile still adorning her lips.
And then she turned around to seat herself on the sofa beside her serving girl.
While her butt sunk into the cushion as she turned once more to gaze down at the shorter girl's still reddened face.
"P-Princess? Will you tell me about your rule? I need to hear it. It…it would make me feel so much safer if you would." Elle questioned in a lovably soft-spoken voice as she smiled shyly while she twiddled her thumbs before her face.
While the princess's lips curved into the largest possible smirk as she held a contemplative fingertip under her chin.
"Now isn't that just adorable Ty Lee? She wants to hear about my rule." Azula commented in a supremely gratified voice as she turned to smirk in her smiling childhood friend's direction.
"I suppose it is Azula." Ty Lee replied with a grin returning to her lips once more while Zoi chuckled in mutual amusement.
While the young girl still sat adorably avoiding meeting the smirking princess's gaze as the taller woman leaned down to loom in her line of vision.
Only for Elle to let out a delighted gasp when two strong hands cupped her cheeks while Azula stooped down to peer directly into her eyes.
All the while as the two sat so close to one another that they could each feel the other's breath gently tickling their skin.
"My rule over you is absolute and my reign over you is infinite. You are mine. I own you…all of you. Everything from your little mind to your body right down to even the power running through your veins. It's all mine. And do you know what that means my pet?" The princess whispered in an all-encompassing voice with her breath sweeping against her small girlfriend's trembling ear.
While the two noblewomen sat in a taken aback silence as they marveled over how effortlessly the princess was able to calm the young girl's woes.
While the acrobat stared at the two with a smile still on her lips as she watched the two girls gaze back into one another's eyes.
She knew without doubt that if Azula had told those words to any other palace servant that the unfortunate girl would start crying in despair.
And yet…
Somehow Elle was smiling even more brightly than before!
"N-no? What does that mean it mean Azula-sama?" The handmaid inquired in a submissive voice as she smiled in adoration back into her princess's smiling face.
While she sat there with her heart racing rapidly as she felt herself fall even further under the beautiful woman's dominating spell.
"It means that if anyone tries to hurt you…that I will crush them without hesitation! I will lay siege to their battlements and burn them into oblivion on my pyre!" Azula hissed in an indescribably ruthless voice with her amber golden eyes taking on a truly murderous glare.
As she gazed authoritatively back into her girlfriend's stunned face while she felt the girl quiver between her hands.
While the two noblewomen sat gazing back at the two with awestruck expressions in their eyes.
And just like that their young friend was beaming as bright as the sun once again!
"A-Azula-sama…" Elle stuttered in a lovelorn riddled voice as she sat smiling in appreciation back into Azula's divine scowling face while the mighty woman still sat above her.
And then she let out another gasp when she found herself falling forward until their foreheads touched skin to skin.
While her cheeks heated up as she gazed dreamily back into conquering amber golden eyes as she once again felt the older woman's warm breath brush against her skin.
"Now fear this dream no more. Today…I command you to smile. Leave all of your little worries to me and your big sisters. Is that understood Elle?" The princess grumbled in a harsh voice as she glared back into her young girlfriend's obedient amber eyes.
And not a second later Azula found herself letting out a soft sigh when she felt two arms seize her around the neck.
While Zoi and Ty Lee stared on with relieved expressions of their own in their eyes.
"Yes, my princess! Any command that you give I will gladly obey." The handmaid assured in a sweet voice as she hugged the older woman around the neck as her head sunk into her princess's shoulder.
While she felt her master gingerly pat a hand on her back as she smiled even more widely than before.
"Good girl. Now listen well. I have…one last order for you. Take the morning off. Get some extra rest." Azula spoke in a voice of smooth regal authority as she gently pushed the girl off her shoulder while she gazed back down into her handmaid's appalled amber eyes.
While the two nobles once again gazed at their leader with impressed gazes in their eyes.
It was a courtesy that they were certain would never be extended to any other handmaid.
"B-but what about your breakfast?" Elle protested in a cutely uncertain voice while Azula smiled momentarily back down at her.
Only for the woman to wave an elegant hand over her shoulder as she sighed once more.
"I will have one of the other servants fetch me my food this morning." The princess remarked in a cold voice once more as she stared back at her girlfriend's reluctant face with approving amber golden eyes.
"O-one of the other servants…feeding my queen? But it's my job to cook for you. I don't know if I feel comfortable with that Azula-sama." Elle mumbled with jealously briefly seeping into her innocent voice while Azula's lips pulled into a pleased smirk.
"You should take the princess up on her offer Elle. You look like you barely slept last night." Zoi advised with a supportive edge to her stoic voice while she gazed fondly back at the girl's apprehensive face.
"Zoi has a point Elle. I know that you love serving Azula. But realistically you are going to have leave some duties to the other servants. Otherwise, how are you going to attend to your studies if you are working over a hot stove all day?" The acrobat agreed in a gentle voice while the teenager looked even more appalled than before.
While the princess's lips sunk back into a regal scowl as she turned to gaze down at her handmaid's now once again troubled face.
And as much as she enjoyed having her girlfriend wait on her hand and foot.
She knew that the girl wouldn't get anywhere with her studies if all of her time was spent on servant duties.
"Her Highness's needs come first…always. What sort of servant would I be if I wasn't there to tend to her?" The handmaid asked in turn as she bit her lip while her princess smiled in approval over her once more.
Only for the young girl to turn red once more when the older girl reached out to brush her fingernails against her lovestruck cheek.
"While your enthusiasm to serve me in the kitchens and the royal spa pleases me. I also expect you to serve me in your studies." Azula commented in a honeyed voice as she gazed down into adorably devoted amber eyes.
"S-serve you…in my studies?" Elle pondered in a loyal voice as she gazed up at Azula's looming face while the woman smiled down at her.
"That's right Elle. I need you to learn to read and write in our language. And I also need you to learn Fire Nation culture. So, that you will be well learned in all of our customs and traditions once I take the throne." The princess explained in a silken voice with her callous amber golden eyes gazing back down at her girlfriend's cutely contemplative face.
Only for her smirk to grow when the girl beamed back up at her.
As she expected.
Once she framed it as another way for her girlfriend to serve her the girl was more than happy to comply.
"Okay! I won't let you down Your Highness. I'll learn all that I can about the Fire Nation!" The handmaid exclaimed in a proud voice as she puffed out her chest while her princess smiled above her.
While the acrobat and the captain's eyes momentarily flashed with a glummer stare.
They both knew that the girl's enthusiasm about their nation wasn't going to last forever.
The only one that seemed to have difficulty accepting that reality was the Fire Princess herself.
"Good. Now go sleep for a few hours. After you've gotten your rest, we'll go over some of your lessons together later on." Azula ordered in a controlling voice as she stood up from her seat on the sofa while she stared down at her handmaid's exhausted face.
Only for her ruthless eyes to narrow when she saw a spark of fear return to the girl's eyes.
"B-but…I'm scared to fall asleep alone." Elle admitted in a quiet voice once more while her three highborn friends gazed back at her in bewilderment.
"This woman scares you that much Elle?" The captain questioned with her golden eyes taking on a focused stare while the young girl swallowed as she nodded her head.
While the princess and the acrobat exchanged an uneasy look once more as they watched the girl hold onto her head in fear.
"All night long all I heard was I am going to kill them all! Over and over for hours on end! It was…it was like she was in my mind!" The handmaid spoke as she gazed frightfully back at her three friends astonished faces.
While a drop of sweat ran down her cheek as she once again remembered the mysterious woman's foreboding words.
"A-and that's what terrifies me! I don't know if I am losing my mind or if she actually has some kind of powers of telepathy!" Elle declared in an unusually serious voice as her hands fell to her lap while she swallowed grimly.
While the three aristocrats were staring on with looks of tremendous alarm in their eyes as they share a look with one another.
"T-telepathy? Azula do you really think that she has the power of telepathy? Not even the Avatar has the power to read minds!" Ty Lee queried in an unnerved voice as she turned to stare back at the princess's unusually confounded countenance.
All the while as the princess's lips pursed into a frustrated glower as she clenched her fists at her womanly hips.
An enemy…that could read their minds?
Is that really possible?
"It would be extremely difficult to face an opponent that could read our minds. That would mean…that she would know what we are going to do before we do it." Zoi remarked in a low voice with her golden eyes glaring on ahead.
While the teenager still sat in anxiety in her seat with her three highborn friends turning to gaze back at her in worry.
"I don't know. But we'll figure it out. In the meantime, Elle. You can nap here in my study on the sofa for a couple hours. I'm sure that Ty Lee would be more than happy to join you." The princess stated in a strict voice as she turned to face her girlfriend's moved face.
While the worry in the acrobat's eyes lessened as she turned to smile comfortingly back at her adopted sister.
"R-really Azula-sama? You'll let me rest in your study?" The handmaid stammered in a beyond grateful voice as she smiled shyly up at the callous woman's face.
"Naïve girl. Why else would I put a sofa in here if it wasn't for you?" Azula snorted as she folded her arms over her breasts while she scowled back at her young companion's smiling face.
While the two noblewomen exchanged a knowing look as they realized that their suspicions were right after all.
"Aw Azula! It would be my pleasure to snuggle with my little sister!" The acrobat cooed as she slid over to slide an arm around the girl's shoulder while the teenager blushed beside her.
"I would love to snuggle with you too oneesan!" Elle chirped as she hugged the noblewoman back while Ty Lee grinned back at her.
All the while as the princess just scowled in the direction of the two as she buried the sliver of jealousy in her amber golden eyes.
Before she turned to gaze strictly back at her captain's face as she gestured for the woman to follow her.
"And you Zoi…I want you to come to the Royal Palace gardens with me." The princess commanded in a stony voice while her soldier nodded her head as she stood up from her seat.
"Are you sure that you won't want to make it a group snuggle Azula-sama?" The handmaid asked in a lovable voice while the acrobat giggled over her shoulder.
And just like that the princess whipped around to glare daggers back at the two of them with her nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Don't push me peasant or I really will punish you." Azula stated in a callous voice as she glared back at her girlfriend's sweetly smiling face.
Only for a scowl to instantly form on her lips when she felt her captain place her hand on her shoulder.
While she turned to glare back at the older woman's smirking visage.
"Yes, princess. Don't you want to cuddle with me?" The captain taunted in a teasing voice while her princess's amber golden eyes narrowed dangerously back at her.
All the while as the acrobat and the handmaid giggled at the proud royal woman's expense.
Only for the princess to release a sound of contempt as she slapped the other woman's hand off her shoulder.
"Just shut up and do as you are told Zoi!" The princess snapped in a venomous voice as she marched ahead of her smirking subordinate.
"As you say, princess." Zoi responded with a chuckle as she followed after the woman that she already saw as her Fire Lord.
And with that Azula glanced back at Elle's tired face one final time as the handmaiden smiled back at her.
While she watched with callous amber golden eyes as the two girls laid down on the sofa beside each other.
And then she wordlessly turned off her lamps while the lights in the room went dark.
All the while as the acrobat smiled in gratitude back at the darkened visage of her friend's face.
Before Azula departed through the doors of her study with her soldier following after her as they closed the doors behind them.
While Elle smiled shyly back at Ty Lee's warm countenance as the noblewoman grinned back at her as she pulled her into her arms.
As the smaller girl pushed her face into the older girl's bosom as she felt two arms wrap around her back.
"It will be okay little sister. I'll protect you." Ty Lee assured in a tender voice as she lay her head down on the sofa while Elle yawned in her arms.
"I-I know you will oneesan." Elle murmured as she hugged the noblewoman back while Ty Lee cuddled up beside her as she began to close her eyes.
And with that the two sisters soon fell asleep together in the princess's study.
Meanwhile, in the Royal Palace gardens.
Zoi sat before a lake gazing down at the turtle ducks while she tossed treats into the pond.
Only for the turtle ducks to swim away when Azula's shadow fell over them.
While the princess rose a regal brow as she sat down beside her subordinate.
"I hadn't taken you to be one to feed turtle ducks Zoi like my brother." Azula commented with a snort while she watched the other woman shrug her shoulders.
"Sia adores them and that is all the reason in the world that I need to feed them." Zoi remarked as she lounged in the grass against a tree while the princess arched a brow.
"Ah yes Zoi. The sister who doesn't want to talk to you." The princess stated in a refined voice as she elegantly sat down with her legs folded underneath her.
"To the contrary princess. Sia and I spoke for quite a while two nights ago. Which is more than I can say for you and your brother." The captain retorted with her golden eyes turning to gaze back at her princess's ruthless face as the younger woman glared back at her.
Only for the two to be torn from their small talk when they saw the turtle ducks come swimming rapidly back in their direction.
While they gazed on in slight confusion.
Just as the princess's frigid amber golden eyes to narrow in annoyance when she saw the former chancellor approaching in the distance.
'What is he doing here? Can't I go anywhere without that infernal man pestering me?' Azula thought as she glared back at Terak's face as he approached from the other side of the lake.
Only to turn to glance at her captain when she felt the noblewoman lightly nudge her shoulder as she gestured to the turtle ducks swimming towards them.
"Do you see that princess? How the they are more afraid of him than they are you?" Zoi asked in a hushed voice as her princess glared at her through the corner of her eye.
All the while as the politician strode in with an urgent expression on his face as he paid no mind to the two women staring coldly back at him.
"Animals are skilled at sensing a person's true nature. He may be able to mask his true intentions from those in the royal court. But he cannot hide his true nature from the turtle ducks." The captain stated in a quiet voice while the princess listened with her icy amber golden eyes watching the man stride towards them.
And then not even a minute later the man came to a stop before the two seated firebenders as he momentarily bowed before the scowling princess.
While they stared stoically back at his oddly elated face as the politician looked as if he was in on a joke that they were unaware of.
"Former chancellor Terak…I don't recall inviting you to join us. For your sake. You had better have a valid reason for coming here." The princess greeted in a rigid voice as she stared back at the politician's smiling face.
"Pardon my interruption princess. I came to see if you had received the news. Judging by how you haven't exploded in anger yet…I can only wage that you haven't." Terak replied in a cryptic voice as he stood gazing back at the princess's glaring face.
"What news? Does this have something to do with that little pawn of yours?" Azula inquired in a frozen voice while she coldly studied the man's face.
Only to find herself furrowing her regal brows when the man shook his head.
While Zoi also stared back at the conniving politician in distrust as she watched the turtle ducks swim away in the opposite direction once more.
All the while as they then watched the man slide a scroll out from under his sleeve as he stepped closer.
"You haven't heard? The Fire Army suffered a devastating defeat last night." The former chancellor began in an enigmatic voice as the two highborn women turned to stare back at him with bewilderment in their eyes.
"Our army was defeated? Are you referring to Princess Ling and the Avatar?" Zoi asked in a searching voice only for her golden eyes to gaze on in confusion when the man chuckled as he shook his head.
While the princess's callous amber golden eyes began to wane in patience as she watched the man shook his head with a knowing expression still on his face.
"And now there are only six." Terak stated in a puzzling voice while both women stared hard back at him as they tried to decipher his words.
Only for the princess's flames to launch forward not a second later as the former chancellor leaped back in a brief show of fright.
"Out with it! No more riddles!" The princess barked with her frozen amber golden eyes already taking on a beyond foul mood as she exhaled fire from her scowling elegant lips.
"Clan Zanoda is gone. Wiped out! Off the map!" The former chancellor announced as he tipped his head back as he swung his hand before his face while the two highborn women fell back in disbelief.
While the captain and the princess now turned to gaze back at each other with widened eyes as they processed the announcement in shock.
All the while as they began to realize that the girl had dreamed of the clan's destruction!
"How?" The captain inquired in a stunned back as her princess sat seething in fury beside her while the man strode closer.
"Thanks to the general's foolish actions…. last night a far larger rebellion of over five times greater than the one you faced arose up in Shung Wu." Terak continued in a seemingly unbothered voice as he stared back at the stunned faces of the two women.
While Azula's expression contorted into an outraged glower as she ground her teeth together in unfathomable rage.
All the while as she clenched her fists in her imposing lap.
While Zoi still sat in a speechless shock beside her leader with her golden eyes widening in understanding.
"Thousands of Fire Nation citizens swarmed Castle Zanoda. The guards were overwhelmed. Former Governor Joza and his family were dragged out and paraded through the streets." The former chancellor explained as he stood with his hands held before him while a sense of true disbelief overcame the air.
While both Zoi and Azula were staring on with widening expressions in their eyes.
"One of the seven great noble clans was actually destroyed by mere peasants?" Azula repeated in a beyond livid voice as she exhaled fire through her furious lips.
This was…an absolute disgrace!
While her amber golden eyes continued to boil over as she caught the gleam in the man's eyes that he had yet to tell the full story.
"Much more than destroyed my princess. Old Joza was brutally beaten to death in the very spot where General Meram slew the townspeople." Terak informed in a calm voice as Azula's amber golden eyes widened in even further rage.
While the captain began to grit her teeth in her own fury over how it had been pushed to this.
"And that's not all…poor Lady Zanoda…" The former chancellor sighed as he shook his head in a feigned sadness while the two highborn women glared back at him.
"What happened to her Terak?" Zoi queried in a stony voice as the man hung his head in faux sorrow.
"Stripped of her clothes…and traipsed through the streets…and savaged to death." Terak answered with a forlorn sigh as he hung his head while the captain's golden eyes grew wide in disbelief.
And even a woman as cruel as Azula was stricken into silence over hearing that their own Fire Nation commoners had stooped to such depravity.
"And their sweet daughter…. suffered a similar fate." The former chancellor remarked as he gazed over his shoulder at the lake before he turned back to the speechless highborn women.
While both Zoi and Azula had yet to even form a word of response as they considered what that meant.
It meant that they now had to combat a large-scale rebellion in the Fire Nation while they were fighting the Earth Kingdom rebels!
"But there's more. Countless city guards were beaten to death by rocks. According to reports the surviving soldiers were seen fleeing the hills in droves." Terak spoke in a composed voice as he faced the two shocked women.
While the Fire Princess continued to shake in rage like never before with fire spewing from her lips.
"Castle Zanoda was pillaged…their gold raided. Pictures of the Fire Lord from every house smashed. His banner burned and fires lit all throughout the city. Those that weren't a part of the rebellion hid in their houses in terror of being associated as supporting the Royal Family and the noble clans." The former chancellor stated in an unfazed voice as blue flames began to burn from the princess's enraged fists.
All the while as the princess still sat with her teeth clenched in her royal fury in rage towards both the commoners and towards the inept general for throwing fuel over the rebellion that she quelled!
While the captain still sat in a speechless silence as she gazed on with outrage in her eyes.
But not for the same reasons as her princess.
It was fury that their own people in the rural islands had been treated so horribly that they felt that they felt that this was the only way for their voices to be heard.
"According to my reports shouts of 'death to the monarchy' and 'death to the nobility' could be heard all the way in the surrounding towns." Terak commented in an almost casual voice as he gazed back at Azula's face while the princess now looked as if she were a volcano about to erupt.
While the mighty woman continued to breath fire through her infuriated lips as she smashed her fists on the ground beside her hips.
"I…can't believe that Elle dreamed of this. She…saw it all happen in her dream." The captain stated in a still stunned voice as her princess sat glowering with her amber golden eyes glaring on in comprehension beside her.
While Terak tilted his head in curiosity at the captain over the meaning of her words.
'Rural Fire Nation commoners couldn't have done all of that on their own accord! Someone…must have manipulated the event behind the scenes! But who?' The princess thought as she sat glaring on with seething amber golden eyes as fire poured from her lips.
There was no way that this was the work of her uncle.
Old Iroh may be able to accept a loss or two but she knew full well that her uncle was far too sanctimonious l to ever even consider causing such chaos.
'Was it Silah?' Azula thought with her lips sinking into a glower as she thought back to the demented puppeteer's masked face.
All the while as she once again felt fury rise up from within her belly over the woman having the gall to view her as her prey!
Or…if not her…
Was it this Vega?
Or was it someone else?
"The anti-monarchy movement has risen from a mere trickle to a raging maelstrom. The Fire Nation is no longer unified. And this is going to have a profound impact on the Earth Kingdom war front." The former chancellor purred as he stared back at his princess's boiling face as steam was exuded from her nostrils.
"This cannot go unpunished." The princess hissed under her breath while she glared on with ruthless amber golden eyes.
Only to catch a cold stare from her captain while she turned to scowl imposingly back at the older woman's own glaring face.
"Punish them? If you or your father respond with even more brutality it will only inspire even further dissent. The proper way to respond to this is with kindness and compassion." Terak advised in a completely serious voice while the princess's amber golden eyes spun around to glare a hole through his head.
"Kindness and compassion! They just massacred an entire noble clan and murdered a slew of our soldiers! If we allow such disrespect to stand it will only weaken the image of the Royal Family in the eyes of the peasants!" Azula snapped in a seething voice with her amber golden eyes forming a beyond murderous glare.
While the captain sat with her bangs shadowing her eyes as she clenched her jaw in her anger.
"Be that as it may my princess. You might want to reconsider how you treat commoners from this moment forward. The people that you view as helpless are only defenseless when they are divided. If enough commoners band together no number of guards will be able to keep them out of these city walls." The former chancellor cautioned in a dire voice as the princess's amber golden eyes widened with ever rising paranoia.
"Terak…why do you look so happy about this?" Zoi demanded as she turned to glare back at the man while her princess did the same.
While the two highborn women were quick to take note of the delighted gleam in the man's golden eyes.
Only for the politician to hold a hand over his heart as he feigned another expression of grief.
"Happy? I am not happy. I am…sad…so very sad. I am…just in shock. I simply haven't quite come to terms with how to process the news…" Terak responded in a forlorn voice as he frowned in sorrow as he sighed heavily while he closed his eyes in contemplation.
While the two firebenders glared back at the man as they both saw through his false sadness.
And that was all it took for the princess to start to see what her captain meant when she had told her that the politician had no sentimentality to their nation.
"Cut the hippocow shit Terak. I am may not be as politically astute as the princess but I can see through your false sorrow." The captain declared as she stared stonily back at the former chancellor's sighing face.
"Does it really matter how I feel captain? You can't say that I didn't try to warn the court. Alas, it's not my fault that the royal court was too brutish to listen to reason." Terak replied with his hand clasped together while he gazed back at the two women.
While the princess rose a regal brow as she caught the veiled insult towards her father.
All the while as she glared back at the politician's face from where she sat in the grass.
There was a time when that would have enraged her.
But now?
Did she truly even hold any affection for her own father anymore?
"In any case…. I have one more report to make and then I will leave you two ladies back to your lakeside viewing." The former chancellor stated while he gazed back at the seated princess's glowering ace.
Before he extended his hand with the scroll as he held out it for his princess to take.
Which the royal woman swiftly reached out to grab from the man's open palm.
"In that scroll you will find all of the information that I just told you. As well as details about the mysterious leader of the original cause of the revolutionary movement." Terak purred as he gazed back at Azula's utterly incensed countenance.
While Azula and Zoi exchanged a cautious glance as they both considered the meaning in the man's words.
"So, there truly is a revolutionary movement of rebellion in our nation. I will crush it like an ant beneath my boot." The princess snarled in a terrifying voice as she sat glaring on with livid amber golden eyes.
There were no words to describe how furious it made her that there was not only a revolutionary movement of rebellion in her nation.
But that a portion of its followers had the gall to think that they could purge all nobles in the Fire Nation!
"So…it's just as mother said…" Zoi trailed off in a thoughtful voice with her golden eyes taking on a focused stare.
"Indeed, my captain. According to my information the revolutionary movement has been around for over two years now." The former chancellor informed as he stared back at the two guarded faces of the highborn women.
While the princess's amber golden eyes widened as her gaze bubbled over in volcanic wrath.
Over hearing that a movement for a revolution has been operating in their nation for two years without their knowledge!
While the paranoia in her veins began to soar to new heights as she ground her teeth in anger.
"The peasants have been conspiring behind our back!" Azula growled with fire spewing from her nostrils while she clenched her fists in her fury.
If this were Earth Kingdom citizens, she wouldn't even blink.
But to face this from Fire Nation citizens!
"Of course, they have. These revolting peasants hate us. Did you think that we were actually genuinely loved by the people? Did you think they loved your father? They may fear the Fire Lord but fear does not equate to love." Terak asked in a seemingly unbothered voice while Azula's amber golden eyes glared back at him.
While Zoi gazed on with a flash of emotion in her golden eyes as she swallowed as she turned to gaze away in remorse.
While even Azula's eyes briefly flickered with something akin to hurt.
Do her own people truly hate her?
"It didn't matter if they held no true love for us. Because they are indoctrinated and raised with the belief that they should obey the Fire Lord under any and all circumstances. That is…until they found a different leader who seems to be having success telling them otherwise." The former chancellor quipped as he waved his hand to gesture to the scroll while the enraged woman opened it up.
Only for the powerful princess to find herself staring down with her amber golden eyes widening in shock.
While the captain stood up to glance over her leader's shoulder only for her golden eyes to also reflect her surprise.
The revolutionary!
"The founder of the revolution movement is an unidentified figure that they refer to only as the revolutionary." Terak declared in a knowledgeable voice while Azula still sat glaring down at the scroll.
"Is that right? Well, then we just have to kill this 'revolutionary' and that should put an end to this peasant defiance." The princess stated in a callous voice as she glared on with ruthless amber golden eyes.
"The revolutionary…." The captain remarked in a pensive voice as she stared down with grudgingly impressed golden eyes.
To think that this person was capable of operating for so long without their knowledge.
This could only mean that they were dealing with a highly skilled individual.
"That's easier said than done. Apparently, the Fire Lord's decision to fund the extended Earth Kingdom occupation by doubling the wartime tax has had a disastrous effect on the peasants. The prosperity that our commoners once knew vanished and many Fire Nation citizens in the outlying islands have fallen into poverty as a result. And it would seem that this…leader has been actively directing support to peasants in need." The former chancellor explained in a sly voice while the two highborn women stared down at the scroll in surprise.
While Azula's amber golden eyes reflected very little emotion as she considered the man's words.
Only to find herself turning to gaze at her captain's angered face as she tried not to sigh over the woman's tendency to mother the peasants.
"Because of this many Fire Nation citizens are unwilling to divulge if they do or do not know anything about this revolutionary. Whenever my sources ask around, they turn up nothing. One can only gather that this figure is much beloved among the people." Terak replied in a smooth voice as Azula still glared on with boiling amber golden eyes.
"Then I'll just order my Dai Li to scour the entire Fire Nation for this…revolutionary. Sooner or later, they will find this person and then they will bring this traitor back to me." Azula snapped in a voice of true imposing royalty as she stared on with imperial amber golden eyes.
While she still scowled at her captain through the corner of her eye as the older woman turned to glare off into the skies.
"You could do that princess. But in the meantime, this leader is already using this information to pull even more people to their cause." The former chancellor answered as he straightened to leave.
While he gazed back at Azula's beyond aggravated face as she exhaled flames once more.
Only for the princess to turn back to her captain when the older firebender let out a scathing scoff of disgust.
"What a shock. So, it turns out if you ignore the plights of your own people, they betray you." Zoi commented in a disdainful voice while her princess turned to glare at her back.
"Do you have something to say Zoi?" The princess questioned in a sharp voice of a true ruler while she stared hard at the woman that she regards as a sister.
While the noblewoman stood with her back turned to her leader as she scowled down at her feet.
Before the two momentarily glanced at the former chancellor as he bowed to the princess in parting.
"I suppose I will get going now. I hope you two ladies have a pleasant morning." Terak remarked as he turned to walk away while the two highborn women glared at his back.
And with that the politician glided away as quickly as he came.
While his golden eyes took on an overjoyed snake like stare as he finally allowed himself to smile widely.
Now, all he has to do is take the proper steps to salvage the situation.
And then the rest of the court will look like fools.
Including the Fire Lord.
And he will finally be given the respect that he deserved.
While the two women were now finally alone once more as Azula still stared harshly at her subordinate's back.
All the while as they still both still struggled to process that the carnage that they had been told truly happened last night.
"Let me ask you something princess. You believe in the divine right to rule, don't you?" The captain responded with her back still turned to her leader while Azula let out a fiery snort.
"Of course, I do. You already know that. The divine right to rule is something that you are born with and I was born with it." Azula replied as she stood up to her feet while she stared at her captain's back as she walked towards her subordinate.
"I see. So, following that line of logic. If the Fire Lord decides to make his own people suffer for his never-ending war, then it is divine right that they suffer. They have no right to anything else. Even if the tax is so inhumane that the rural citizens are struggling to feed themselves. Is that right? Is it a crime to help the people of the Fire Nation?" Zoi asked as she turned to stare back at her princess's now angered face.
"Don't you put words in my mouth. I never said that and I wasn't the one who raised the wartime tax. It was my father." The princess stated in an impassive voice only for her amber golden eyes to convey even greater annoyance when the woman had the gall to glare at her.
"Yes, you did. That's what the divine right to rule means. And I don't agree with that." The captain spoke in a stoic voice while her leader's amber golden eyes narrowed into a dominating stare.
"You disagree with my divine right to rule? If that's the case then you aren't as loyal to me as you claim!" Azula exclaimed with a margin of anger in her regal voice while she clenched her fist over the scroll.
"Don't you even attempt to question my loyalty! I agree that you have a birthright to rule! But I do not agree that you or any other ruler should have the right to make your own people go hungry!" Zoi retorted with noticeable anger in her voice as she stepped forward while the princess glared back at her.
"It is not your place to give me orders Zoi. And in case you've forgotten I fed the commoners." The princess spoke in a sophisticated voice as she scowled back at her captain's angry visage.
"I also believe that the peasants are entitled to rights." The captain declared as she strode towards her princess while the younger woman scrunched up her nose in contempt.
"Rights? Peasants don't have rights. If they did then a ruler wouldn't have any power. I am starting to think that you have been around that little peasant for far too long." Azula snorted with a roll of her callous amber golden eyes only for her anger to return when the warrior's golden eyes narrowed back at her.
"So, are you saying that Elle has no rights? That after all that she has done for us that she is lesser?" Zoi inquired with an edge to her voice while her princess's amber golden eyes began to bubble over in narrowing fury.
"Of course, the girl has rights. She has rights because I have bestowed them upon her courtesy of my divine right to rule in recognition of her unrivaled devotion." The princess scoffed in a frigid voice while the noblewoman still scowled at her.
"But she is a peasant. Just like the others." The captain countered as she watched calmly as her leader began to stomp towards her.
"She is not like the others. Elle is better than the other peasants. Though still is still a peasant, she is cut from a superior cloth." Azula insisted in a glacial voice with a glower on her regal lips as she held out her hand before her stony face while the warrior's eyes flickered with anger yet again.
"She is not better! They are all the same!" Zoi shouted without warning as her golden eyes brimmed with anger while her princess's amber golden eyes burned through her skull.
While the princess now stomped towards the other woman as she reached out to seized the captain by the collar of her shirt.
All the while as the noblewoman stared rebelliously back at her with a newfound passion in her golden eyes that baffled her.
"Don't you get it! If you had never met Elle, she could be out there struggling to survive! And you would be saying that she isn't entitled to rights! Any one of those people could have been Elle or her mother!" The captain declared as she fearlessly stared back into now unfathomably enraged amber golden eyes while Azula snarled in her face.
While the proud Fire Princess stood with her fists clenched at her womanly hips.
All the while as she tried to squash the faintest sign of emotion in her chest and not to let it show how much those words unnerved her.
"How dare you say those words to me after all I have done for that girl!" The princess hissed as she tried her hardest to control her temper so as not to shout out her secrets to the entire world.
"They were revolting for food and they were slaughtered in turn! They would have never descended into such madness if their voices had been heard in the first place!" Zoi yelled in a livid voice as steam began to burn from her enraged body while her princess stared daggers back into her enraged eyes.
"Don't you take that tone with me Zoi! I was more than generous with those peasants and I wasn't the one who butchered them! And, need I remind you that they slew an entire noble clan and slaughtered a whole host of guards!" Azula barked in an infuriated voice as her fist began to burn with blue fire in her captain's defiant face.
"And you wonder why they hate the aristocracy." The captain snorted as she stared unwavering back at Azula's glowering fac while amber golden eyes shook in outrage.
"My people do not hate me. I am their prodigy princess and they look forward to the day when I ascend the throne as their rightful ruler." The princess spoke in a beyond prideful voice as she glared hard back into her captain's golden eyes.
While she found herself trying to convince herself that she really believed those words.
"Well, princess. I can't say for certain if they do or do not hate you. But I do know that if you ascend that throne and don't better their lives on some meaningful level that they will hate you." Zoi stated in a stoic voice as she met her princess's volcanic glare.
All the while as the two mighty firebenders looked as if they were each about to go for the other's throat.
While they gazed back into one another's eyes as the princess still clenched her jaw in her royal anger.
"If you want them to love you…you'll take a different approach. I can guarantee you that they will adore you if you cut that wartime tax. And if you send proper food and provisions to the poor, and protect them from bloodthirsty generals than they will love you even more." The captain advised in a calmer voice as she was shoved back by her princess's furious hand.
"It isn't for you to tell me how to rule Zoi. No matter how high of a nobility you happen to be, you are still a class below me. You are not royalty. I suggest you remember that." Azula responded in an icy voice as she exhaled flames through her enraged nostrils.
While she still glared back at her captain's gratingly incensed countenance.
"After the war ends…I am considering becoming an advocate for Elle's peace." Zoi announced without warning in a deadly serious voice while her princess stared back at her in disbelief.
"You what!" The princess blurted out with a rare feeling of shock seeping through her ruthless voice while her warrior stared unflinching back at her.
"You heard me Your Highness. I said that after the war is over, I am giving heavy consideration to extending all of my might and wealth into helping Elle change things for the better." The captain stated in a voice that was devoid of shame while Azula stared gazed back at her as if she had grown a second head.
And not a second later the princess held up a first before her face while she began to snort with laughter.
While her captain stared stonily back at her as she tried to contain her amusement beneath her elegant hand.
Only for her merciless amber golden eyes to gaze back at the other woman in bewilderment when she realized that she was serious.
"You're…actually serious?" Azula questioned with another regal snort as she furrowed her graceful brows.
While aggravation flashed before her callous amber golden eyes once more as she glared at her subordinate in annoyance.
"Of course, I'm serious. Are you honestly going to tell me that you watched the genocide of her childhood home and that it didn't affect you in the least?" Zoi pondered in an absolutely genuine voice while the princess's lips curved into a refined scowl once more.
Only for the mighty princess to sigh underneath her curled fingers as she tried her hardest not to roll her eyes.
It would seem as if her subordinate has truly been spending too much time around the girl after all.
"You for peace? Zoi. You've killed more people than me. Are you forgetting all of the rebels that you have killed in my name as my captain?" The princess asked in a stately voice as she stepped forward towards her warrior once more.
"I'm not forgetting that. I did what I did to defend my country from what I felt would be a disastrous overthrow by foreign powers. I have never once killed a single civilian. Every life that I have taken has been against another combatant. And I have no remorse for any of that." The captain stated as she stared back at the royal woman's taken aback visage.
While Azula arched her brows in frustration as she stepped closer towards her strongest soldier.
All the while as she tried to resist the urge to groan.
The last thing that she needs is for her best soldier to become a pacifist!
"Are you saying that you are considering becoming a pacifist like the tiger monkey?" Azula questioned in a dry voice as she gazed back at her soldier in annoyance.
Only for her captain to chuckle as she shook her head while she stared back at her in bewilderment.
"No. I will always be a soldier and soldiers kill." Zoi responded in a still serious voice while her princess gazed at her with even more aggravation than before.
"Then what are you saying?" The princess queried in a still baffled voice while her amber golden eyes studied her subordinate in curiosity.
"I am saying maybe I can use my strength for a more noble cause than just my pursuit of the battlefield. Maybe I can kill for Elle so that she doesn't have to. So, that she can keep her hands clean and fight to honor her mother's legacy." The captain explained in a respectful voice as she stared back at her leader's puzzled face.
Until the disbelieving royal woman came to a halt standing before her subordinate once more.
While the princess gazed back into the warrior's eyes with her lipstick covered lips expressing her surprise.
It was strange.
On one part she was annoyed if the woman was serious that this could result in her losing the commitment of her best soldier.
And yet…oddly on the other hand.
She couldn't help but feel a little pleased that her second in command placed such value in her little beloved's wellbeing.
"This is unlike you Zoi. I can only hope that these weak thoughts don't mean that you intend to abandon the war effort." Azula commented in a beyond cold voice with her domineering amber golden eyes gazing back at the other woman's face.
"Don't be absurd Your Highness. I would never permit a hostile foreign takeover of my country. And besides…you mean too much for me to ever abandon you like that." Zoi assured in a calmer voice than before she stepped up to gaze back into her princess's marginally widening amber golden eyes.
"Do you really mean that soldier?" The princess inquired with just a sliver of a break from her ruthless voice while her warrior offered her a small smile as she nodded her head.
And for reasons that she couldn't explain she felt a bewildering emotion bubble up forth from the pit of her belly.
Only for her amber golden eyes to stare strictly back at the older woman when she reached her palm out to set it on her shoulder.
"Don't tell your father I said this but…I don't believe in him anymore. I believe in you and I believe in Elle." The captain spoke in a voice of boundless gravity as she stared back into her leader's astonished amber golden eyes.
While the powerful princess stood in a state of speechlessness as she processed what the woman had just told her.
"You believe in me…and Elle?" Azula pondered in an unusually reserved voice as she gazed back at the other woman's passionately nodding face.
"I believe in the both of you equally and if you are truly serious about being with her. I believe that if you allow her to stand by your side and give her a respectable speaking role in your cabinet. That the two of you will make for an unstoppable team." Zoi answered in a faithful voice as her princess listened in captivation.
While the princess soon found herself unable to resist allowing her lips to pull into the slightest sign of a smile.
Only to gaze back into her warrior's eyes once more while she strangely allowed the woman to touch her shoulder as she smiled back at her.
"It doesn't matter if you haven't been coronated yet. You already are my Fire Lord. If we should lose this war and you are banished into exile. You will still be my Fire Lord. You will always be my Fire Lord and I will follow you until my dying breath." The captain announced with a small break of emotion making it through her stoic voice while Azula's amber golden eyes stared back at hers in shock.
While the princess's lips began to form into a supremely pleased smile.
And even after all of the horrible news that she had been told.
She couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"Zoi…I…don't know what to say." The princess replied in a pleasantly surprised voice as her warrior smiled back at her.
And not a moment later Azula stood there in a state of speechlessness when she felt the noblewoman wrap her arms around her neck.
"Fire Lord Azula, you and I are more just leader and subordinate. We are kin." Zoi declared in a dedicated voice while the princess stood speechless in her embrace.
And then not a second after that the princess gingerly wrapped her arms around her warrior's back.
"Yes, we are, aren't we? My warrior. Know that your Fire Lord will never forget your loyalty." Azula spoke in a smoothly charismatic voice as she allowed a graceful smile to adorn her confident lips.
While she patted the older woman's back as she gazed at her with just a sliver of extra newfound fondness.
All the while as she found herself curiously enough permitting the woman to refrain latched onto her than she would have normally allowed anyone but her girlfriend.
And then the princess and her warrior parted from their embrace as they both smiled back at one another.
And just like that their earlier argument was forgotten.
"Fire Lord Azula. I have endless confidence in you. I know from the bottom of my heart that if you listen to those that care about you and if you hear the needs of your people. That you will be the sort of ruler who will vastly surpass all who came before you and you will go down in history as a legend." The captain informed in a hushed voice with her deadly serious eyes gazing back into her princess's astounded amber golden gaze.
While a sanguine smile began to curve back onto the princess's lips as she held her head high with aura of endless pride about her.
"I am well aware Zoi. As if I would ever go down in history as anything less." The princess remarked in a conceited voice with a pleased smirk on her lips as her warrior smirked back at her.
Only for her brows to furrow when the captain's gaze became stonier once more.
"But it goes without saying that I have to warn you. If my adopted sister feels that there are any problems that you won't hear her out on. I'll be the annoying fly that buzzes in your ear until you do." Zoi informed with a slight smirk on her lips while she stared back into her princess's momentary narrowed amber golden eyes.
'They're not going to let the damn slaves go…are they?' Azula thought with her callous amber golden eyes gazing imperiously back into her captain's golden eyes.
Only to cross her arms over her breasts as she let out a cold scoff as she stared fearlessly back at the noblewoman's face.
"I wouldn't recommend you buzz in my ear for too long Zoi. Otherwise, I might squash you." The princess commented with a regal smile on her lips while a small smile formed on the warrior's lips.
"Please. Even if you squash me Elle will be buzzing in your other ear. And we all know that you would never squash your little lady." The captain retorted with just a hint of smugness in her voice while Azula now glared callously back at her.
"Then I will just have to cage her in the palm of my hand." Azula spoke in a beyond domineering voice with a possessive smile making its way onto her lips while her captain smirked back at her.
And with that the two highborn women gazed back at one another for a final time before they turned to walk back towards the palace together.
While the princess strode with her hands clasped behind her back as her loyal captain walked alongside her.
And once more.
Despite the furious news that she had received today she help but feel glad that she had such a devoted warrior by her side.
Not long after that in the throne room of the Royal Palace.
Azula sat on her throne beside her father while she watched his face contort in rage as he read the contents of the scroll.
While the flames throughout the throne room reared up to towering heights.
All the while as Ozai's amber eyes stared down at the scroll as he crushed it in the palm of his furious hand.
While his furious amber eyes widened with even greater rage with every word that he read.
Until it reached a point where it almost appeared as if his eyes were about to explode from his eye sockets in his unfathomable anger.
'This is outrageous! How can this be possible! One of the seven clans decimated! Soldiers slaughtered! My banner burned! And all by the hands of Fire Nation commoners!' Ozai thought as he stared down at the contents of the scroll with his eyes agape in violent rage.
And not a second later the scroll burst into flames in his clenched fist before he turned his wrathful gaze to the individual bowing in fear on the floor below.
While the princess also turned to stare imperiously down with infuriated amber golden eyes at the man bowing on the throne room floor.
The two royals gazed down at the intimidated high general in judgement while sweat dripped down Meram's forehead.
"General Meram. Tell me why I shouldn't have you executed for this disgrace!" The Fire Lord demanded in a terrifying voice that resonated throughout the throne room.
While the general swallowed down his fright as he raised his eyes to gaze back up at the two royals looming above him.
"I-I swear to you Fire Lord! My intent was to send a message that disrespect to the Royal Family would not be tolerated! The actions that I took! I took for you! And I took for the princess!" Meram shouted in a fearful voice while Ozai's frightening amber eyes glared down at him through his flames.
Only for the sound of Azula scoffing to resound into the air as she waved an elegant hand before her glacial face.
"And yet here we are. One noble clan down and a large-scale revolt on one of our outlying islands!" The princess snapped in a venomous voice as she glared murderously down at the young man's recoiling countenance.
Not only was she enraged over his decision to rekindle a revolt that she had already stopped out underfoot.
She was just as furious that this…fool seemed to have the notion that he was worthy of her attention!
"In recognition of your decorated military accomplishments, I will give you one chance to rectify this failure." Ozai stated in a rigid voice as he stared harshly down at his subject's rapidly nodding head.
While Azula stared down at the man with icy amber golden eyes as her lips still formed a tight scowl.
"Thank you, Fire Lord! I will not fail you!" The young general replied in a hastened voice as he bowed his head while his Fire Lord gazed authoritatively down at him.
"Fail me again and I will not be so merciful next time. You are dismissed." The Fire Lord spoke in a merciless voice as he watched the young man bow once more.
"I understand Fire Lord. I give you my word that I will mend the situation." Meram assured as he rose from his bow while the flames still rose up high in the throne room.
And then he turned to quickly walk out while the two royals stared after his back.
"You have already done more than enough. Just do us a favor and stay out of the way." Azula remarked in a scathing voice as she sneered down at the general's humiliated back.
While Meram's golden eyes briefly flashed with a sliver of hurt before he turned around to rapidly depart the throne room.
And not even seconds later the doors of the great throne room closed shut with a resounding rumble once more.
While Meram now marched down the halls of the palace with his gaze agape with aggravation.
'There has to be something that I can do to recover this situation! I must not lose my chance with the princess!' The young general thought as he scowled while he clenched his frustrated fists at his hips.
While back in the throne room.
Father and daughter found themselves alone once more.
"If I may speak freely Father…" The princess trailed off in a sophisticated voice while her father turned to gaze back at her.
"Go on Azula." Ozai answered in a stoic voice as he eyed his daughter's emotionless face carefully while he tried to ascertain what was on her mind.
It had not escaped his notice that it had grown more difficult to read his daughter as of late.
"Perhaps it might be prudent to keep General Meram on the war front and leave this delicate domestic situation to more refined hands. While he may be a talented wartime general. He is hardly qualified to handle such fragile internal affairs. Which is why I would suggest that you leave the matter to me." Azula commented in a composed voice as she held an elegant hand before her stony face while her father studied her in contemplation.
"And if I were to leave the matter to you Azula. What actions would you take to resolve this rebellion?" The Fire Lord questioned in a strict voice as he stared back at his daughter's impassive visage as she sat with her hands in her lap.
"I believe that someone manipulated the rural commoners in descending into the carnage that happened last night. I would find this person and eliminate them." The princess replied in a flawlessly poised voice while her father arched a brow in curiosity.
"You believe that an outside force is promoting dissent in the Fire Nation?" Ozai asked in a coldly focused voice while his amber eyes still gleamed with anger.
"I do Father. You see…this morning when my servant girl brought me my breakfast. She confessed to me that last night she had a dream about the destruction of Clan Zanoda." Azula admitted in a smooth voice as her intelligent amber golden eyes stared back at her father's taken aback face.
While Ozai's amber eyes were staring back at his daughter in bewilderment.
Of all of the answers that he had been prepared for Azula to give him.
He hadn't been expecting her to say that.
"And she dreamed of this on the same night that it occurred?" The Fire Lord pondered with a trace of puzzlement making its way into his hardened voice while his daughter nodded her head.
"In her dream she told me that heard a wicked female voice announce that she was going to destroy humanity." The princess responded in an impassive manner as if she was discussing the weather while the Fire Lord furrowed his brows in intrigue.
"Are you suggesting that a supernatural force is behind this rebellion?" Ozai inquired in a callous voice as he rubbed his goatee with a contemplative finger.
Under most circumstances it was a prospect that he would have considered laughable.
And yet he couldn't discount that it was strange for the girl to dream of the chaos while it was happening.
"I consider it a possibility." Azula answered aloofly as her cold amber golden eyes gazed back at her father's stony face as he processed the revelation.
'It is just as I thought…I can use this rebellion to keep his attentions distracted.' The princess thought with an emotionless expression on her composed face.
All she had to do was occasionally provide him a detail or two to keep him content.
After all, the less her father knew the greater her advantage.
"And you would base this notion all on one servant's dream?" The Fire Lord queried in a glacially composed voice while his amber eyes flickered with curiosity.
"If it was any other servant no. But this girl seems to have an affinity for the supernatural." Azula explained in just as cold of a voice as her father.
While the Fire Lord scowled as he considered his daughter's words.
As his amber eyes still brimming with fury over the events that happened the previous night.
"I would also caution that we take great care as to how we respond to this revolt. Another mass butchery of the peasants would simply give those behind the revolt even more fuel to their cause." The princess stated in a stony voice while her father's scowl deepened into that of one of even greater fury.
"Are you proposing that I show mercy to such a blatant defiance towards my rule?" Ozai almost snarled in a cruel voice with his fires rising up throughout his throne room.
"No. I am proposing that we show prudence. You once told me that it is a Fire Lord's duty to protect his people even if it is simply because they are a living extension of his divine right to rule. And that an attack on the people is an attack on the Fire Lord himself. The manipulator behind this dissent has disrespected your name by using our own people to attack us." Azula reasoned in an expertly smooth voice while Ozai's amber eyes narrowed in rage.
"It was the people that attacked my name last night." The Fire Lord hissed with his amber eyes boiling over in great rage while the princess sat calmly in her seat.
"I do not dispute that and the peasants should be punished accordingly for their rebellion. The enemy is most likely expecting to provoke us into another mass slaughter. After all it was General Meram's actions that caused this to blow up in the first place. I am just stating that we should be careful not to play into their hands." The princess responded in an unfeeling voice as she gazed stonily back at her father's glowering ace.
While the Fire Lord considered his daughter's words.
And while he hated to admit it.
He knew that his daughter was making a valid point.
"What would you have us do to quell this revolt Azula?" Ozai replied in a pensive voice as he stared in curiosity back at his daughter's thoughtful face.
"I would have us send in a larger military force to restore order to the city and serve to deter any further disobedience. I would also send food and provisions to silence the peasants' grievances. At the same time…I would exercise profound efficiency to avoid any further public fatalities. Therefore, allowing us to put all of our focus into defeating this Earth Kingdom Princess instead of warring with our own peasants." Azula remarked in an astute voice as she folded her arms over her breasts.
While her father held a palm underneath his chin as he thought the matter over.
"Very well Azula. I will permit you to oversee the squashing of this rebellion. But know this. I want every major instigator in this revolt captured and sent for execution at Boiling Rock." The Fire Lord ordered in a beyond unforgiving voice while the princess smiled cruelly.
"Understood Father. As if I would ever deliver you anything less." The princess agreed in an ever-confident voice as she held herself with an aura of pride.
While her father eyed her for another moment before he turned away seeming to accept her answer.
About an hour later in Azula's study.
Ty Lee sat against the sofa in a state of shock with Elle snoring in her lap.
While she gazed back at the serious expressions on both Azula and Zoi's faces as they stood staring back at her.
"N-no way. Elle dreamed of the massacre of Clan Zanoda." The acrobat muttered in a quiet voice as she sunk back in her disbelief.
"Not only that. But it would appear as if the voice that she heard in her mind had something to do with it." The captain stated in a focused voice as she frowned with her arms folded over her chest.
"This…this is madness Azula. The people are now actively trying to kill us. What are we going to do to ease their anger so that this doesn't explode even further?" Ty Lee asked in a rightfully worried voice as she stared back at her friend's cold face.
And she couldn't help but now fear for her family's safety.
She tried to tell herself that it was unlike that anything would happen to her family.
As her father has never once mistreated the people under his jurisdiction.
And yet…. the fear was still there.
"We are going to bloodlessly quell the revolt. I have sent food to the island and troops to calm city with the order that they are not to engage in any further massacre." Azula remarked in a dignified voice as she stepped forward with her callous amber golden eyes gazing down at her snoring pet.
"W-will it really be that easy to quell it? This is unprecedented Azula. I don't recall the Fire Nation ever experiencing a rebellion of this magnitude before." The acrobat commented in an uneasy voice as she stared warily back at the princess's scowling face.
"We will resolve it by addressing the peasants' complaints Ty Lee. Our great nation will not fall so easily to one incident of rebellion." The princess answered in an ever-stoic voice while she stared possessively down at her slumbering pet.
"I…I get that Azula. It…just sounds like we might be past that." Ty Lee insisted in an anxious voice while Azula glanced down at her once more.
"I have done all that I could for the time being Ty Lee. Father is still Fire Lord. Every action that I take must be done with his explicit approval. We simply have to wait and see how it plays out." Azula responded in a callous voice while her amber golden eyes peered back down at her snoring girlfriend.
Before she turned around to seat her bottom down on the cushion beside her friend.
While her gaze took on a greedy stare as a regal frown graced her lips.
Even with the destruction of an entire noble clan and an even larger revolt on their hands.
Not to mention the possibility of a mysterious threat to humanity looming in the distant future.
Somehow as long as she had Elle to return to.
She felt…as if her world was still in balance.
"And speaking of peasants. I want mine back." The princess demanded in a beyond spoiled voice while the acrobat sighed as she nodded her head.
And then the acrobat gently moved the girl's head out of her lap as she stood up.
While she watched the princess take the small teenager's hand in her hands as she carefully moved the girl's head into her lap.
And not a moment later little Elle slept snoring on her back with the back of her head resting upon the princess's robed belly.
While her mouth hung open as she let out an adorable sound in her sleep that prompted all three highborn women to gaze down at her fondly.
All the while as Ty Lee sat back down on the other end of the sofa with a smile returning to her lips once more.
No matter how stressful things became.
They always had Elle to lighten the mood.
And even Zoi found herself unable to fight the small smile from forming onto her lips.
"Sleepy commoner…" Azula snorted in a seemingly uncaring voice with her strict eyes gazing down at the small girl snoring against her belly.
While she lowered a hand into the girl's hair as she found herself unable to resist caressing her drowsing girlfriend's golden head.
Before she let out a sigh as she sunk back against the sofa with her young girlfriend dozing over her belly.
All the while as she gazed down at the slumbering girl with a callous amber golden stare as she watched her companion cutely sprawl out over her belly.
And that was all it took for her expression to take on a far more unforgiving stare.
While she stared possessively down at her snoring beloved with her elegant lips creasing into a cold glower.
'I will find the voice that she heard in her dream. And when I do…I will burn her alive in my fire for daring to threaten what is mine.' The princess thought with an unbelievably brutal glare coming over her narrowing amber golden eyes.
And that was yet another promise that she intended to keep.
In an undisclosed location outside the caldera.
Sia sat wearing a hood that masked her face while she watched from under her disguise as a woman sat down opposite of her.
"I-I am sorry for coming to you like this leader. I just…" The woman began in an apprehensive voice as she lost her nerve to say anything further.
Only to find herself gazing on with astonished eyes when a compassionate hand reached out to touch her own.
While she stared back at the shadowed visage of the revolutionary with her eyes widening in realization.
The leader was just like everyone said.
She…truly cares about them!
"Do not ever be ashamed for coming to me sister. Tell what I can do to help you." Sia spoke in a soft voice with her golden eyes surveying the woman's emotional face from underneath her hood.
"T-the wartime tax is crippling my family financially. I…I don't know what to do." The commoner confessed in a distraught voice as her leader silently listened to her concerns.
While Sia quietly gazed out from underneath her hood with disgust for her fellow aristocrats flashing before her golden eyes.
'This is just sickening. Don't they have enough gold? Aren't they rich enough already?' The revolutionary thought as she gritted her teeth in her fury beneath her shadowed hood.
This so-called greatness that their government frequently espoused that they were sharing with the rest of the world.
Was in all actuality just enrichment of the Royal Family and the Fire Nation nobility at the cost of everyone else's suffering.
Before she forced herself to steel her temper as she turned to stare back at the woman's overwhelmed face.
While she gently took hold of the astounded woman's hand in her own.
"I will arrange financial support for you and your family. I will have it delivered to your house by tomorrow." Sia declared in a resolute voice as she stared back at the woman's overjoyed countenance.
And that was all it took for the woman to throw her arms around her hooded leader's neck in a show of gratitude.
"Thank you, leader! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You truly are a blessing from Agni!" The woman exclaimed in a voice of limitless appreciation as tears of joy streamed from her eyes.
Just as her eyes widened when she felt two arms wrap around her neck as her head fell into the hooded woman's shoulder.
While she silently wept as a hand compassionately patted her back.
"No, my sister. I am not. I am just one person doing her duty." The revolutionary stated in a hushed voice as she held the weeping woman in her arms with her lips forming a scowl.
Once more the greed of her fellow aristocracy has left her with no other alternative but to take action.
Especially, after the carnage that had taken place in Shung Wu.
If they didn't step up now…
It may be entire decades before they get another chance for true change.
It was now or never.
0 notes
grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - A Kitten Affair – Part One (Twoshot)
Azula strode down the halls of her ship with her callous amber golden eyes staring ahead in displeasure.
The girl was twenty minutes late to bring her breakfast!
It was almost completely unheard of for the girl to be late let alone even that late.
And so, she decided to go to the girl's room to check on her to see if she slept in.
Only to find herself opening the door to the blonde's chamber while she gazed in in surprise to see that the room was…vacant.
"Where is that girl?" The princess growled in an annoyed voice with her arms folded over her breasts.
While she glanced about the room in rising aggravation.
Only to find herself spinning her head around when she thought she heard a meow.
Elle rushed out in a panic out from under her bed with her paws scrambling across the floor towards the unaware woman.
While the human turned teenager sprinted adorably at the tall princess who was scowling about her room in search of her.
She knew something was horribly wrong when she awoke this morning and somehow…felt smaller.
And when she tried to form words all that came out was a meow!
Shortly after that she looked in the mirror only to gasp in worry when she realized that her reflection was now that of a golden kitten!
She didn't know what happened but she knew that she needed her princess's brilliant mind to restore her back to normal!
And that was when she meowed as she tumbled to a stop near the princess's pointed boots.
'Azula-sama! I am down here! It's me!' Elle meowed as she clawed at the older girl's boot while Azula turned to glance down at her.
Only to find herself trembling in worry when Azula's amber golden eyes narrowed into a disgusted glare.
"What is this! I thought I told her no forest creatures! I detest cats!" The princess boomed in a repulsed voice as she glared down at the tiny kitten climbing onto her boot.
Before she angrily shook her heel while the little fur ball tumbled to the floor with another pitiful meow.
Only for her amber golden eyes to narrow into slits when the little thing pounced on her leg once more.
All the while as she furiously shook her boot with the tiny kitten now hanging from her heel.
'P-please help me Azula-sama! I was turned into a kitten and I don't know what to do!' The golden kitten attempted to communicate while she clung to the statuesque woman's boot.
Only to find herself yelping when she was almost shaken off and thrown onto the floor once more.
While she whimpered as she meowed frantically as she craned her little neck to gaze up at her master's unamused glaring face.
And not a second later she cried out when a stern hand abruptly seized her by the scruff of her neck.
All the while as she now found herself being raised into the air.
Before she came to a stop hanging before the princess's beautifully strict face while the woman scowled
deeply down at her.
"Disgusting fur ball!' Azula snapped in a harsh voice as she glared back at the kitten squirming in her clenched fist.
All the while as she stared coldly back at the little cowering creature as she tried not to admit that she thought the cat was cute.
And for the briefest of instances she scrutinized the small thing.
While she mildly arched a brow when she saw that the cat had golden eyes and an oddly familiar coat of golden fur.
Only to scowl while she shook her head as she made her way out the room with the whimpering creature in her fist.
While the little kitten trembled with a flash of hurt in her amber eyes when the woman began to walk her out the door.
'B-but it's…it's me Azula-sama!' Elle meowed with sadness in her kitten voice as she clawed at the older girl's oppressive fist.
Only For the princess to glare at her through the corner of her tyrannical eye as she snorted in revulsion.
"This thing is going overboard. I will have no cats on my warship!" The princess snarled as she stomped down the hall while the pitiful kitten began wiggling about in a frenzy.
While she glared down at the creature as it began to meow with its little paws reaching for her glaring face.
All the while as she tried not to let herself become affected by the little feline's grudgingly adorable stare.
'P-please don't hurt me Azula-sama!' The golden kitten wailed in a fretful manner as she neared the princess's regally scowling face while amber golden eyes glared back at her.
Only for the sound of Azula shouting furiously to resound into the air when she leaped onto the tall woman's shoulder.
All the while as she started affectionately nuzzling the seething woman's cheek with her little meows flowing into the older girl's irate ears.
"Get off me you dirty fur ball! Gross! I-it's…licking me!" Azula bellowed as she tried to move her head away while the tiny kitten licked her cheek.
And then she found herself letting out a low snarl when the thing tried to climb onto the top of her head.
Just before she roughly removed the creature from her head while she held out the whimpering kitten away from her growling face.
'I-I love you Azula-sama!' Elle called out in a whiny meow while Azula began to stomp down the hall of the ship once more.
All the while as she peered back up at the princess's scowling face as amber golden eyes never ceased in glaring back down at her.
While Azula held the creature as far away from her face as humanly possible as she marched in search of her girlfriend so that she could punish her.
Only for the princess to halt in her tracks when she heard a squeal of excitement from behind her.
And then she turned around while she sighed heavily under her breath while the acrobat cheerfully cart wheeled towards her.
All the while as the markswoman stared on from behind with a deadpan expression as she eyed the cat in slight pity.
"Azula! Where did you find such a cute kitty!" Ty Lee cried out as she hopped onto her feet before the scowling woman while she leaned in to coo at the meowing kitten.
'Oneesans! Ty Lee! Mai!' The golden kitten replied in a lovable meow as she attempted to smile back in the kind noblewoman's beaming face.
"It is not cute Ty Lee! And for your information I found it in the peasant's room! And I intend to dispose of it after I punish the girl for defying my orders!" The princess barked in a cold voice as she pushed past the still smiling acrobat while she glared at the meowing creature in her fist.
While the two noblewomen exchanged a glance after hearing that their little sister brought a kitten aboard.
All the while as Mai just shook her head musing that it won't end well for that cat.
"That's too cruel Azula…you can't do that to such an adorable kitty." The acrobat protested with a still present smile while the princess rolled her cruel eyes.
"To the contrary Ty Lee I can. Cruelty is my specialty. I am the lord of this ship. It is well within my legal rights to have everyone aboard this ship killed if I so please. Much less this pitiful fur ball." Azula scoffed as she held the whimpering kitten up for emphasis while Ty Lee stared back in disapproval.
"So, you're just going to make Elle cry by getting rid of her new cat?" Mai inquired in a monotone voice as she stopped behind the acrobat while the princess scowled back at her.
"Yeah Azula. You don't want to make Elle cry…do you?" Ty Lee pondered with her hands clasped before her while she grinned down at the squirming kitten.
"I could care less if that girl cries. She is nothing more than a tool of war that I am using for my own gain." The princess sneered as she held her head high while her two friends gazed at her with unconvinced looks in their eyes.
Only for her scowl to deepen when she turned to glare down at the kitten as it tried to hop on her head once more.
'Azula-sama! I knew that you cared about me!' Elle called out in a lovable meow as she attempted to climb on the woman's shoulder while Azula stiffened in anger.
Just as the princess tensed up in embarrassment when she heard both of her childhood friends chuckling at her.
"Ugh! If you like it so much Ty Lee then why don't you take it!" Azula exclaimed in aggravation as she shoved the tiny kitten into the smiling woman's loving arms.
"Aww! I'll gladly keep watch over my little sister's kitten! You are such a little cutie! Don't worry little one! I'll protect you from that big meanie Azula!" The acrobat cooed as she cradled the meowing kitten against her breasts while the princess rolled her eyes once more.
'O-oneesan!' The golden kitten cried out in another cute meow as she nuzzled her head against the noblewoman's breasts.
Perhaps it isn't so bad being a kitten after all!
"Whatever. But I suggest you not get too attached to that thing Ty Lee because it is not staying." The princess declared in an utterly merciless voice with her arms folded angrily over her breasts.
All the while as she glared back at the pitifully meowing thing in her grinning friend's arms.
"Would you like to hold her too Mai?" Ty Lee commented as she happily walked with the tiny kitten nuzzling into her chest while Mai gazed down at the cat with bored tawny eyes.
"I'll pass on that Ty Lee. Speaking of Elle though…has anyone seen the kid around this morning?" The markswoman questioned in a concerned voice while the acrobat tilted her head in worry.
All the while as the three highborn women never noticed how the little kitten tried to reach out her paw to touch the weapons expert's shoulder.
Only for the two noblewomen to turn to the princess when Azula's belly let out a rumbling growl.
Just as the princess let out a spoiled scoff as she threw an arrogant hand over her annoyed shoulder.
"The girl never brought me my breakfast this morning! I have been looking all over for her and she isn't even in her room! And now I have to deal with this furball…on top of having to suffer through hunger pains! The girl is the only servant that I have on staff right now and I am not going to do something as commoner as cook it myself! I insist that she cook it for me!" Azula explained in an unbelievably pompous voice as she waved her hand in the air before her scowling face.
While the two noblewomen stared at the back of her head with an exasperated look in their eyes.
All the while as the three highborn girls once again failed to notice the way that the tiny kitten slumped in sorrow.
"Gee Azula, it sounds like you are really suffering. Maybe Elle is in the shower?" The acrobat suggested with a smile still on her lips while she squeezed the tiny kitty in her arms.
All the while as she beamed down at the golden kitten when she began to affectionately lick her arm.
"Perhaps Ty Lee. In any event send the girl to my throne room when you do find her so I can discipline her." The princess snorted as she waved her palm once more while she strode past her childhood friends towards her throne room as they watched her walk off.
All the while as she tried to suppress the slightest hint of concern that she felt over her serving girl's wellbeing.
And even thought she didn't want to say it out loud.
She hoped that the girl was not feeling unwell.
An hour later.
Azula sat in her throne room with an even more irate expression on her face as she tapped the arm of her throne aggravation.
Just before she turned to her throne room doors when her captain stepped in.
"I can't find her princess. I looked everywhere. Even the bathrooms." Zoi informed in a stony voice with her golden eyes trying to mask her concern.
While the princess sat up with her arms grasping at the arms of her chair with a much greater look of worry in her cold eyes.
All the while as Azula felt a knot of dread form in the pity of her stomach.
If there was no sign of the girl on the entire ship…
That could only mean that…
The Avatar and his friends captured her in the middle of the night!
Only for the two to turn towards the doors once more when Ty Lee rushed in with the little kitten in her arms.
All the while as Azula now stood glaring down at the meowing fur ball with her amber golden eyes agape with anger.
While the captain glanced at the cat in mild curiosity from over her shoulder.
"Get that thing out of my throne room Ty Lee or I will destroy it." The princess spoke in a terrifying voice as she glared at her the other woman's distraught face.
"We have a kitten now?" The captain pondered with a tilt of her head while the princess's amber golden eyes twitched in annoyance.
"Enough about the damn fur ball. I want that girl found. Now!" Azula commanded in an imperious voice as she loomed on her throne room steps while the acrobat rushed up to her.
"Azula! You said that you found this kitten in Elle's room, right?" Ty Lee asked as the princess gazed down at her with a cold stare.
Just as Mai walked in with a look of unusual concern on her features.
"Yes, Ty Lee what of it?" The princess replied in a voice of waning patience while her amber golden eyes still glared at the little feline.
"I found Elle's empty clothes under her covers. Is it possible that Elle could have been turned into a kitten?" The acrobat explained with the tiny kitten cradled against her breasts while the other three highborn women stared at her incredulously.
"Are you suggesting that this cat is Elle?" Mai pondered in a bewildered voice as she stared down at the little meowing kitten with confused tawny eyes.
While Zoi now blinked her golden eyes in puzzlement as she mulled the possibility over.
All the while as Azula stared down at the tiny creature with her amber golden eyes flashing in contemplation.
"That is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard Ty Lee! This furball is not Elle." Azula spoke in a dismissive voice while she stared harshly back at the pitifully meowing creature.
"Think about it Azula! She has golden hair, golden eyes, she's smaller than most kittens and she was found in Elle's room!" Ty Lee insisted as she walked closer as she held up the vocally meowing tiny kitten for the princess to see.
While the other three highborn women exchanged a baffled glance as they walked forward to inspect the tiny cat.
And soon enough they all crowded around the acrobat with their eyes gazing down at the meowing kitten in newfound curiosity.
"That proves nothing Ty Lee. Many cats have amber eyes. And of course, you found it in Elle's room because the girl is the only one on this ship foolish enough to bring such a creature aboard." The princess argued with her toned arms folded over her robed breasts while she stared down at the little meowing kitten.
While Zoi and Mai now exchanged a thoughtful look as they each inspected the cat.
"Then where is Elle if she just brought a kitten into her room this morning? I am telling you Azula. I really think that this is her!" The acrobat exclaimed as she frowned back at the princess's skeptical scowling face.
"Ty Lee has a point princess. Those are suspicious circumstances. But I have an idea that may help us determine if this truly is young Elle." Zoi commented with a hand under her chin while Azula snorted as she tried not to roll her eyes
While the other two noblewomen turned their eyes to gaze back at the captain.
Ten minutes later…
Team Azula watched in uncertainty as the warrior walked back into the room with several items in hand.
While the acrobat held the tiny mewling kitten in her arms.
While the princess sat in her throne once more as she watched the cat closely with pondering amber golden eyes.
All the while as the markswoman observed the tiny kitten with curiosity in her eyes as she mulled over if it was possible for that to be her little sister.
"First we'll set her down and see who she runs to." The captain stated as she gestured for the acrobat to set the kitten down.
Just as the noblewoman knelt down as she smiled down at the adorably tiny mewling kitten.
"Go on little one." Ty Lee cooed as she let the tiny kitten down on the floor while Azula rolled her imposing eyes over them.
Only for the three noblewomen to watch with humor in their eyes when the minuscule kitten scurried towards the princess's looming golden throne.
While Azula glared down with disbelief in her ruthless eyes as she watched the tiny thing clamber up the steps in a wild effort to reach her throne.
And not a moment after that the princess sat high on her throne gazing down with disbelieving amber golden eyes to see the minute animal trying to climb up her boot once more!
All the while as the three other women stared on with fascination and even a degree of amusement in their eyes.
While Azula's lips pursed into an imposing scowl as she leaned down to glare in judgment down at the furball hanging from her boot.
'Azula-sama!' Elle meowed as she pulled on the tall woman's leggings while Azula stared down at her with narrowed amber golden eyes as she surveyed her from above.
"She actually likes Azula. No animal likes Azula." The markswoman remarked with a small smirk on her lips while the princess glared down at her.
"If anything, this just only proves that even fur balls are susceptible to my natural charms. But that doesn't mean that this is the tiger monkey." Azula retorted with a shake of her head while she frowned down at the little mewling kitten clawing at her heel.
Only to turn her head to Zoi when the warrior walked up the steps of her throne before the woman came to a stop standing over the meowing cat.
"My second test is the following. I have a can of fish. Cats love fish. Whereas our Elle is a proud vegetarian and as we all know she would rather die than eat meat." Zoi announced with a small smile on her lips as she held out a can of fish while Azula scowled down at the tiny cat on her boot.
Before she bent down to set the can on the floor as she opened it up before the meowing kitten.
And then other highborn women watched in curiosity when the captain gently picked the tiny kitten up in her hands.
Before she lowered the little feline over the opened can of fresh ocean fish.
All the while as they all watched with astonishment in their eyes when the minuscule kitten flailed as if Zoi was trying to kill her.
'N-no! I am not eating that! Get that away from me!' The golden kitten protested as she let out a small sounding growl up at the looming face of the taken aback Zoi.
While the princess leaned even further down to stare down at the minuscule pitifully thrashing feline in bewilderment.
All the while as her merciless amber golden eyes flashed with a flicker of emotion as she surveyed the mewling thing from where she sat on her throne.
Could this little furball truly be her servant?
"Is…that really Elle?" Mai pondered in a stunned voice as she walked up the steps with her tawny eyes gazing down at the flailing kitten in amazement.
And not even a second after that they all watched in fascination when the minuscule kitten sprung free from the captain's hands.
And leaped right back down at the princess's boots.
All the while as they watched in shock when the little kitten began adorably nuzzling the princess's pointed boot.
While Azula still stared down at the cat with disbelief in her ruthless amber golden eyes.
"And now for my final test…sour candy." The captain remarked with a smirk on her lips while she withdrew a small box of sour candy.
All the while as the princess now scrunched up her nose in disgust as she still stared down at the cat with searching amber golden eyes.
And not a moment after that the warrior poured the sour candy onto the floor before the princess's throne.
While the highborn women then watched in shock when the little kitten scurried at the pile to pick up a piece of sour patch kids in between her fangs.
And then Azula gazed down with her amber golden eyes agape in incredulity when the candy was deposited before her boots almost as if it was in tribute.
And soon after that the little feline began to purr while she ate the piece of sour candy.
All the while as the four women stared on with stunned expression in their eyes.
"A cat that won't eat fresh fish but will eat sour candy? What are the odds Azula?" The acrobat quipped with a smile on her lips while the princess stared down at the happy kitten.
"But how in Agni's name would Elle have turned into a cat?" The markswoman inquired in an incredulous voice as she gazed down at the little purring cat.
Just before the mighty princess narrowed her amber golden eyes down at the tiny kitten when the fur ball began to rub her face against her boot once more.
All the while as the flames from her azure firebending lit the hall of her throne room.
Before she pursed her lips into a regal scowl as she leaned down to speak to the feline.
"There is only one way to know for certain if you are Elle..." The princess trailed off in a contemplative voice as she narrowed her eyes in a terrifying glare down at the tiny meowing kitten.
And not a moment later the flames shot up throughout the throne room.
"Bow!" Azula commanded in a voice of absolute authority with her hands clasped in her lap while a tyrannical smirk graced her lips.
While the three noblewomen stared on in amusement over the absurdity of how their princess looked ordering a miniscule kitten to bow before her.
Only for all four of the highborn women to gaze on in speechlessness when the tiny feline bowed down on all fours before the princess's pointed boots.
"I…can't believe it. It really is her.' The princess spoke in a taken aback voice while she gazed down at her little bowing feline girlfriend in shock.
All the while as she felt her stomach twist up in remorse over all of the earlier cruel remarks that she had said to the girl unaware that it was truly her little girlfriend.
"Elle…" Mai breathed in a disbelieving voice as she knelt down behind the girl while the little kitten meowed excitedly almost as if in reply.
While Ty Lee crouched down with a softened smile on her lips as she petted the little feline's meowing head.
"It will be okay little sister. We'll get you back to normal soon enough!" Ty Lee assured in a tender voice with a grin on her lips while she patted the kitten's head.
"Incredible. It truly is her." Zoi stated in a still surprised voice as she blinked down at the tiny kitten.
All the while as the princess still sat in a state of shock with her amber golden eyes gazing down at the little kitten when she scurried back over to her boots.
Before she let out a sigh under her breath as she patted her thigh with an inviting hand.
"Oh, come here peasant." Azula sighed as she patted her lap while she watched the little feline start to crawl up her leg.
Just before she bent over to scoop the tiny kitten up in her palms while she held the meowing girl before her astonished face.
While the three noblewomen watched from the sidelines in fascination.
'Princess! I knew that you would recognize me!’ Elle meowed as she tried to smile back at Azula's larger than normal face while the woman held her more gently than before.
And then she purred happily when she was set on a comfortable thigh while she felt a hand lower into her mane of golden hair.
"I command the three of you to devote all of your time into researching this…small change so that we can reverse it as soon as possible." The princess ordered as she began to pet her minuscule feline girlfriend in her lap while her subordinates nodded their heads in agreement.
While she found herself unable to resist running her fingernails through the girl's golden hair as she gazed down at her handmaid with strict amber golden eyes.
"The last thing I need is for my prized war power to trapped as a fur ball for all her days." Azula snorted as she stared coldly down at Elle's tiny form mewling underneath her petting hand.
"Of course, Azula." The markswoman replied with a slight smirk on her lips while the princess glared back at her.
"In the meantime, it looks as if young Elle has found a suitable cat sitter." The captain teased with a chuckle while her princess glared at her through the corner of her ruthless eye.
All the while as Ty Lee giggled with a hand over her mouth.
Only for all three of them to gaze on in amusement when the tiny kitten leaped from the princess's lap and perched on her shoulder.
While Azula stiffened in humiliation as she turned to glare down at the little form of her kitten girlfriend now meowing loudly on her shoulder.
And then she let out a low growl when the tiny kitten began to nuzzle her proud cheek.
All the while as her lips pursed into a scowl as she glared at the girl through the corner of her amber golden eye.
Only for the princess to spin around in outrage when she heard chortling coming from the three noblewomen below.
While all three nobles laughed with their hands covering their amused mouths.
And before the princess could say anything else her amber golden eyes twitched in annoyance when the girl leaped onto the top of her head.
All the while as Azula now sat on her throne with an embarrassed glower on her crimson lips while the tiny feline began to lay down in her dark hair.
And that was all it took for the three noblewomen's laughter get even louder.
And not a moment after that the flames in the throne room shot up to towering heights.
While the entire throne room turned the color of a calamitous blue while the trio flinched under their princess's death glare.
"Get out! All three of you or I will banish you all!" The princess bellowed in a terrifying voice while her subordinates rushed towards the doors.
All the while as her tiny kitten girlfriend meowed from where she sat in her black hair.
"That would be threatening princess…if you didn't have a kitten perched on your head." Zoi chuckled as she walked out while Azula glared daggers after her.
And not a second later the throne room doors closed shut with a thunderous thud.
All the while as the princess sat there with a tiny sliver of pink on her regal cheeks.
While she raised her eyes upward to glare up at the meowing kitten peering down at her from over her eyes.
"Elle! Get off my head or I will punish you." Azula stated in a hard voice as she glared up at the girl's grudgingly adorable mewling face.
Only for her lips to curve into a strangely pleased smile when the tiny kitten obediently jumped down from her head and into her lap.
Whether it be as a human or a kitten the girl knew who owned her, and she obeyed accordingly.
While she gazed down at her kitten girlfriend as the meowing girl settled on her thigh with her little paws cutely digging into her leggings.
All the while as she set her palm over the minuscule kitten once more while she started to pet the purring girl.
While she sighed as she reclined with the back of her head resting against her throne.
All the while as she continued to pet her girlfriend with a possessive glare in her cold eyes.
"Good girl Elle. Worry not…I'll get you restored to your normal self shortly." The princess purred as she petted the tiny kitten's head while she watched with a protective gleam in her eyes as the girl curled up to sleep on her thigh.
While she leaned back on her posterior with her hand resting in her new kitten girlfriend's soft mane of hair.
"Until then peasant…you stay with me at all times and don't you dare leave my sight." Azula sighed with her beautiful lips forming a content smile as she petted her tiny girlfriend in her lap.
‘A-Azula-sama. I am yours and I love you with all of my heart.' The golden kitten meowed as she purred with her face coming to rest on the princess's robed thigh.
While she savored the sensation of the woman's strong hand petting her back as she closed her eyes.
And soon after that she began to doze off on her princess's soft thigh.
She knew that her princess wouldn't allow any harm to come to her.
As long as she had her home…her Princess Azula…there was nothing to fear.
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grither55 · 2 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 131 - The Promise
Three hours later in the Capital City Prison.
The sound of heavy metal doors opening up echoed into the air.
While Mai glanced up from where she sat in her cell as she listened to the sound of footsteps striding her way.
Only for her tawny eyes to widen a fraction in surprise to see Azula come to a stop standing outside her cell.
While Azula gazed back at the incarcerated woman with callous amber golden eyes as she folded her arms over her breasts.
"Mai. You have a visitor." Azula stated in her usual impassive voice as she stared at her childhood friend's taken aback face.
While Mai turned to gaze past her royal friend only for her eyes to flicker with a moved emotion when she saw her adopted sister come scampering up behind the princess.
"Elle?" Mai greeted in a surprised voice while she watched the teenager rush forward to her cell door.
"Oneesan Mai! Are…are you alright! Are they treating you okay!" Elle cried out in a fretful voice as she stood before the bars while her big sister cracked a small smile back at her.
"Kid. What are you doing here?" The markswoman asked with a tiny margin of fondness in her voice while she watched the princess step up beside the girl.
"I was worried about you and I wanted to see how you were doing. So, Azula-sama brought me here to see you." The handmaid responded in a sweet voice as she seated herself before the bars while she gazed into the cell at the noblewoman's recovering face.
While Mai gazed at the younger girl's gentle visage with an appreciation reflecting in her tawny eyes.
Before she turned her gaze to Azula's emotionless face knowing full well that the girl had to have pestered the princess a great deal to allow her to come here.
"The girl has been weeping for days because of you. She had this preposterous notion that Boiling Rock meant that you were going to be boiled alive." The princess snorted in a callous voice while she glared into the noblewoman's remorseful tawny eyes.
"I am sorry for causing you more sorrow Elle." Mai stated with a rare sense of guilt in her composed voice as she gazed out her cell at her adopted sister's movingly emotional face.
While her tawny gaze softened when she watched the young girl brace grasp onto the arms of her cell.
All the while as the princess stood above her with her ruthless amber golden eyes staring coldly back into the cell.
"Don't be sorry Mai. You know me. I wear my heart on my sleeve." Elle commented as she leaned in to peer back into Mai's regretful eyes while the woman sighed fondly in her cell.
"And just so we're clear. The only reason that I am allowing this little visit is because you are interfering with the quality of my foot rubs." Azula remarked in a beyond spoiled voice as she studied the fingernails on her fist while she gazed back at her incarcerated friend's now deadpan face.
"Foot rubs Azula? Is that really what this is all about?" The markswoman inquired in a monotone voice while she gazed past her little sister at the princess's arrogant face.
"This morning I wanted a foot massage and instead of massaging my feet she broke down crying. Not only have you betrayed me. Because of you I haven't had a proper foot massage in two whole days." The princess complained in a haughty voice as she glared down at her handmaid's still sentimental face while the noblewoman rolled her tawny eyes.
"It sounds like you really suffered Azula. I don't know how you managed to survive." Mai stated in a sarcastic voice while Azula just sighed as if it was a great hardship to shoulder.
Only for both highborn women to turn to gaze back at their young friend when the teenager pulled her backpack off her shoulders.
"I brought you some stuff in my backpack oneesan to help make your stay more comfortable!" The handmaid chirped as she scooted closer while the markswoman gazed fondly back at her.
"You didn't have to bring me anything Elle. I'll get by." The markswoman assured in a softer voice while she stared back at the younger girl's compassionate face.
While she avoided mentioning that her status as a high noble would play a role in her being treated with more care than the other prisoners.
Only for her tawny eyes to gaze on in slight amusement when the girl began to comically dig through her pack.
All the while as the princess turned to stare down at the girl's back as she rolled her amber golden eyes.
"Elle. Just hurry up so that we can be done with this." Azula sighed as she loomed over the girl while the teenager dug through her back.
"No oneesan! I had to. Let's see here…I brought you a blanket!" Elle informed as she withdrew a small blanket as she passed it through the cell while Mai's smile grew just a little bigger.
"Thanks kiddo." Mai replied in a grateful voice as she took the blanket in her hand while Azula still scowled down at the girl.
"And I also brought you a pillow." The handmaid stated in a lovable voice as she held out a small pillow while her big sister accepted it with an appreciative sigh.
All the while as Azula's amber golden eyes glared down at the girl's back as she watched her dig for more stuff.
"Naïve girl. What are you doing? This is prison. It's supposed to be a miserable place." The princess scoffed in a cruel voice only for her amber golden eyes to flash with annoyance when the girl continued digging.
"And I baked some mochi for you." Elle declared in a sweet voice as she held out the box while Mai's tawny eyes widened with uncharacteristic emotion.
"Elle…" The markswoman trailed off in a thankful voice while her eyes conveyed a sisterly warmth as she gazed back at the smiling girl.
"Mochi? You didn't tell me that you made mochi." Azula commented in demanding voice as she bent over to inspect the box.
And not a moment later the handmaid released a mortified cry when the princess opened the box and selfishly took one of the balls of mochi.
While Mai stared back at the princess with an unsurprised expression in her deadpan tawny eyes.
"A-Azula-sama! Those mochi are for Mai!" The handmaid cried out in an upset voice as she quickly passed the box through the bars while her princess smirked above her.
"Yes, well. What can I say? It's been a tiring day and a princess has to eat." The princess remarked in an entitled voice as she greedily took a bite of the mochi while a conceited smile graced her lips.
All the while as she continued to elegantly eat her mochi while she paid her handmaid's pouting gaze no mind as the girl closed up her backpack.
While the markswoman just shook her head as accepted the box with a grateful countenance.
"Thank you…little sister for all of this and more." Mai remarked with a small smile on her lips while her indebted tawny eyes stared back at her adopted sister's heartfelt face.
While Azula sighed once more as she took another graceful bite of her ball of mochi.
As she leaned against the wall with her callous amber golden eyes observing the two closely as the teenager emotionally gripped the bars in her hands.
"I have something that I have to tell you oneesan." Elle declared in a contemplative voice as she sat gazing at her big sister's shadowed face through the bars.
While the markswoman sat in silence as she waited to hear what the younger girl had to say.
"I promise you. I am going to do all that I can to defeat the Avatar and secure your freedom. No matter what happens. I will not let you down." The handmaid announced in an unusually resolute voice while she met the noblewoman's moved tawny eyes.
While the princess glanced over her shoulder with a flicker of surprise in her ruthless eyes to see that the girl was using her friend as motivation to defeat the Avatar.
'Elle. I can't help but ponder how motivated you will be to defeat the Avatar when you discover that our nation is committing the same torments that you were forced to live through.' The markswoman with her tawny eyes gazing down at the prison floor.
Until she met this girl.
She never really gave any of the actions that the Fire Nation has committed in the last one hundred years much thought.
And yet as she raised her eyes to gaze back at her little sister's warm face still peering back at her through the bars.
After getting to know this girl that she now calls family and seeing what she went through.
How could she not?
"Elle. I want you to listen to me. I do not want you to worry about my freedom. Leave all thoughts of the length of my sentence to Azula. And just try to enjoy yourself with Azula. Okay?" Mai advised in a composed voice as she gazed right back into sentimental amber eyes.
While Azula stared back at the two with a pleased gleam in her amber golden eyes that both were deferring to her authority.
And then she swallowed what was left of her ball of mochi while she gracefully wiped her hands off.
All the while as she gazed at her little girlfriend's back with the slightest hint of a smile on her lips.
No one cooked better than her little handmaid.
"I am sorry oneesan. But I can't not worry about you. You're my family." Elle insisted in a passionate voice with her devoted eyes staring in at the noblewoman's softening expression.
Just as the teenager turned to gaze up at the princess's regally stoic face with an obedient look in her eyes.
"Azula-sama. Will you please open the cell so that I can give Mai a hug before we go?" The handmaid pondered in a hopeful voice while her princess's amber golden eyes now narrowed down at her.
"If I open the door of this cell door…is this going to lead to a several hour cuddle in Mai's lap?" Azula questioned with a haughty snort while she glared down at her girlfriend's trembling face.
While Mai stared out of her cell with a small trace of amusement in her eyes.
"N-no?" Elle answered a terribly unconvincing voice that prompted the princess to roll her eyes.
Before Azula pushed her body off the wall as her elegant sigh resounded into the air as she stepped forward with the key in hand.
While the teenager's amber eyes lit up with excitement as she smiled up at the face of the ruthless woman.
All the while as the markswoman stared back at the two with a slight smile still on her lips.
"You've got one minute Elle." The princess remarked in a beyond strict voice as she stared down into her handmaid's understanding amber eyes.
And not a second later the sound of the cell door clanging echoed into the air as the doors slid open.
And that was all it took for a blonde blur to leap into the cell and into the noblewoman's arms.
While Mai released a fond sigh as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl's shoulders.
"I l-love you Mai." The handmaid stammered in a touching voice as she embraced the woman around the neck while a hand patted her back.
"I love you too Elle. You're always be a member of my family." The markswoman replied in a hushed voice as she held the smaller girl against her shoulder.
While Azula stared on with her regal lips pursing to the barest hint of a jealous scowl as she tapped her royal boot on the floor.
And with that the two girls held each other close for the span of one minute.
Before the younger girl reluctantly pulled away as she swallowed down her apprehension as she gazed back into the older girl's caring tawny eyes.
"You…you take care oneesan. Be safe." Elle whispered as she wiped at her eye while Mai nodded her head in appreciation as a ghost of a smile adorned the woman's lips.
And then she hesitantly stood up as she stepped out of the cell while her amber eyes lingered on the noblewoman's seated form.
"You too Elle. We'll see each other again sooner than you think." Mai assured in a voice of acceptance as she watched the girl nod her head while the cell doors slammed shut once more.
"I…I sure hope so oneesan." The handmaid answered with a smile returning to her lips while her princess came to a stop standing over her once more.
"Well, at least you got one last hug in before we boil her. After all, it is Fire Nation custom to cook and eat traitorous nobles." Azula remarked in a devilish voice with a smirk on her lips while her handmaid spun around to gaze up at her in horror.
While the markswoman just stared at her leader in returning annoyance as she shook her head.
"W-what! Is it really?" Elle sputtered in a naïve voice while the princess rolled her eyes over her.
"That was a joke Elle." The princess commented in a stern voice as she rolled her eyes while her girlfriend breathed a sigh of relief.
"Azula. I have something to say to you before you two go." The markswoman stated in a reflective voice while the princess turned to gaze stonily back at her.
And for a fleeting moment the two childhood friends gazed back at one another as the incarcerated woman developed a serious expression.
"I am not going to apologize to you for saving Zuko. Even though he is an honor obsessed fool…I still love him. But I will apologize to you for any feelings of betrayal that my actions brought upon you. I have come to terms with what I did and I accept my punishment." Mai declared in a forthcoming voice while she stared out into the princess's taken aback amber golden eyes.
While Azula stood impassively considering the other woman's words.
Only to find herself gazing on with a flicker of surprise in her eyes over the resolute expression in her friend's eyes.
"I have misjudged you Azula. Elle has helped me come to see that…and I want you to know that I believe in your rule." The markswoman announced in a strikingly honest voice while the princess listened in captivation.
"You…believe in my rule?" Azula asked with something akin to relief in her refined voice as she stood beside her smiling girlfriend.
"I do. I have confidence in you and Elle both." The markswoman replied in a firm voice as she sat on the floor of her cell while the princess stared back in consideration.
While a stony look still graced the princess's lips as the teenager grinned up at her.
"I have only one request to make of you. I would like to see Elle on her birthday…" Mai confessed with a trace of sisterly affection breaking through her calm voice while the princess furrowed her brows.
"O-oneesan…" The handmaid stuttered with a smile on her lips as a moved emotion overtook her gentle gaze.
"I will consider your request." The princess stated in a stoic voice as she sighed as she stared back at her friend with less hatred in her eyes than before.
Before she turned to walk away as she gestured for her loyal servant girl to follow after her.
"It's time for us to go Elle." Azula informed in a commanding voice as she watched the girl reluctantly turn to follow after her.
"Bye big sis. I'll…be thinking of you." Elle called out in a happier voice than before while Mai offered her a small smile.
"Look after her for me Azula." The markswoman responded as she sat back in her cell while the princess let out a cold scoff as she walked away.
"I don't need you to tell me to do what comes naturally." The princess scoffed as she strode away with her head held high while her serving girl padded alongside her.
And as strange as it may be.
She…actually felt happier than before she came to visit her friend.
And with that the two walked away.
But not before Elle stopped for one last time to glance back at her incarcerated big sister.
While Azula glanced callously down at her as she bit her lips.
Before she smiled once more back at the noblewoman's appreciative face as they turned to head out.
And just like that Mai watched the couple depart through the doors of the prison.
While sat back on the floor with her legs folded underneath her gazing down at the box of mochi.
Before she reached in to eat one with a sliver of a smile still forming on her lips.
'That girl really is something else…to be able to get through all of us like this…even Azula.' Mai thought with a reflection of fondness coming over her eyes as she shook her head.
The princess and the peasant were now stepping up to enter the royal carriage once more.
Only for Azula to halt in her walk with a gratified smile pulling onto her lips when her handmaid scurried in front of her to open the door for her.
"Please like me get the door for you princess!" The handmaid exclaimed as she faithfully opened the door for the woman while she curtsied her princess with her other hand over her chest.
While she smiled shyly up at her master's smiling countenance as the graceful woman stepped past her.
"As always, you show your queen only the upmost courtesy." Azula stated in a vastly pleased voice as she stepped foot into her carriage.
And then she gracefully set her backside down on her cushioned bench while she folded her hands in her lap.
While she watched through the corner of her possessive eye as her pet closed the door behind her.
Just before the young girl timidly sat down beside her highborn girlfriend.
All the while as the princess sat there with the faintest signs of an at ease smile on her lips.
"Do you feel better now peasant?" The princess inquired in her usual strict voice as she gazed down at her handmaid's smiling face.
"As a matter of fact, I do. My flow is brighter than before." Elle answered in a lovable voice as she beamed up at her master's face while the older woman let out a lovely snort.
"You may be a childish little thing Elle. But you are my little thing." Azula commented in a controlling voice with her callous amber golden eyes staring down at the smiling girl seated beside her.
Only for her lipstick painted lips to curve into a wide smile when she felt two dainty arms wrap around her belly.
While she wordlessly allowed her young girlfriend to hold onto her as they listened to the royal carriage travel back to the caldera.
"M-my queen. My gorgeous goddess of a Fire Nation queen." The handmaid spoke in a beyond reverent voice with an infatuated expression in her warm amber eyes.
While she smiled in contentment as she sunk her face into her princess's warm body.
Only for the peaceful expression in her eyes to grow when she felt a muscular arm slide around her neck.
And then she fell forward with a blush into her princess's side while the much taller woman smiled charmingly over her.
"That's right my peasant." The princess purred in a content voice as she held her little lady underneath her arm.
"O-oh Azula-sama…." Elle murmured in a voice of endless worship as she clung to the older woman's body.
While the princess smiled widely as she enjoyed every moment of her girlfriend's boundless adulation.
"I rule you Elle." Azula stated in a supremely pleased voice with her arm greedily coiled around her pet's little neck.
"A-and I serve you Azula-sama." The handmaid stammered in an adorable voice as she smiled in serenity while her princess smiled above her.
"Hm. And you best remember it little lady." The princess sighed as she sat back with her submissive girlfriend laying against her breast.
While she listened to the sound of the carriage traveling smoothly down the caldera road.
There wasn't a shred of doubt in her mind.
This is the way that it was always meant to.
It was her destiny to rule with her little beloved by her side.
And so, she will.
Several hours later back at the Royal Palace.
Ty Lee now walked with Elle while she smiled down at the younger girl's sweet face.
As she felt a sense of relief to see that the girl was smiling brightly once more.
"It sure has been a long day, Ty Lee. But my flow feels better now after visiting Mai." Elle chirped as she strode with the noblewoman while her big sister grinned down at her.
"Well, I am glad to hear it little sister." Ty Lee replied as she patted the younger girl on the shoulder.
"And now I get to have the honor of serving Azula-sama in her royal spa." The handmaid stated in a cheerful voice as she beamed on happily while her big sister sighed in fondness.
"Elle, haven't you been spent the whole day serving Azula?" The acrobat asked in a warm voice while the younger female nodded proudly.
"I have! And now I get to do it even more." Elle remarked in a jubilant voice with a sunny smile on her lips.
"Azula is already the most spoiled woman in the world Elle and now you are making her even more spoiled than before." Ty Lee chided in a sisterly voice as she gently shook her head while her adopted sister cutely scratched at her cheek.
"I know that Azula-sama is spoiled and that I am only making her even more so. And I am aware that it must seem like it is a lot of work to serve her. But I don't mind really…because I am overflowing with love for her. And serving her is my way of letting her know it." The handmaid commented in a happily thoughtful voice as she smiled sheepishly while the acrobat fell into an astonished silence beside her.
While Ty Lee paused in her step as she stared at her younger sister in captivation as the girl turned to smile back at her.
"She feels that I am the first person to show her love in her entire life. And that is why I must serve her Ty Lee. Because if I don't love her. Who will?" Elle explained in an innocently devoted voice while Ty Lee slowly nodded her head in amazement.
And somewhere deep within the acrobat's heart she felt a twinge of guilt that she allowed her friend to feel unloved for such a long time.
"That is so sweet of you Elle. You have such a gentle heart. I am so thankful that you are here for Azula." The acrobat answered in a kindly voice with a grin pulling onto her lips once more while the girl smiled at her.
As the teenager continued to walk towards the royal spa only for her smile to grow when a strict voice resounded into the air.
"Get in here servant! I want a foot massage!" Azula called out in a beyond demanding voice as she sat in her chair with her feet on the floor.
While Ty Lee just tenderly shook her head with a smile still on her lips as she watched the girl scamper off.
"I'll see you later Ty Lee!" The handmaid exclaimed as she waved at the smiling woman as she hurried towards the spa.
And then the acrobat watched the girl disappear down the vast depths of the palace.
While she found herself grinning even wider as she turned to retire her caldera estate for the evening.
They truly were fortunate to have Elle in their lives.
The handmaid stepped into the spa wearing her servant's attire while she closed the ornate door behind her.
Just before she turned to shyly smile in her princess's direction to see the woman seated beautifully in her seat with all the dignity of royalty.
While the princess turned to confidently gaze back at the approaching teenager with her palms folded over her robed belly.
"Well, peasant. Are you finally ready to worship your goddess with your all?" The princess questioned with an alluring grin on her lips while she stared dominantly back at her handmaid's pretty smiling face.
Only to find herself gazing on with surprised amber golden eyes when the girl took off running towards her.
And not a second after that she fell back into her seat with her eyes widening in pleasure when the small girl enveloped her in a tight hug around the neck.
"I will always be ready to serve you Azula-sama. Because you are the head of this family and that means that I have to take care of you." Elle responded in a dedicated voice as she hid her face in her speechless girlfriend's dark hair.
"Take care of me?" Azula asked in a bewildered voice with a blink of her amber golden eyes while she listened to the girl let out a decidedly adorable giggle.
And then she felt gentle lips bashfully peck her on the cheek.
All the while as she sat on her throne with a pleasantly taken aback expression in her amber golden eyes.
"That's so Azula-sama. It's my job to care of you…b-because I love you." The handmaid informed in a compassionate voice as she retreated with a blush on her young cheeks.
While imposing amber golden eyes now narrowed authoritatively back at her as she happily dropped down onto her knees.
"Naïve girl. You have it backwards. I am the one that takes care of you." The princess snorted in a conceited voice once more with a haughty smile on her lips.
Only for her smile to grow when she felt her girlfriend take hold of one of her feet while she wiggled her toes in delight.
Just before she arched another elegant brow when small girl giggled once more as she smiled back up at her.
While her callous amber golden eyes stared sternly down at her loyal servant as she sighed while she sprawled out upon her throne.
It was a strange notion to her…
Being taken care of by her own serving girl.
And yet a curiously welcoming one all the same.
Yes, it most certainly was indeed.
Later on, elsewhere in the outlying islands.
Darkness had overtaken the city of Shung Wu.
And now, a chaos that made the previous incident seem pale in comparison was sweeping over the isolated city.
Fires were lit all throughout the city as what local guards were available were overwhelmed by the enraged populace.
And the once prestigious Castle Zanoda that overlooked the city was now being ransacked by the rampaging townspeople.
While Joza ran through the streets in a terrified panic as he listened to the yells of the vengeful commoners.
"There he is! Get him!" A Fire Nation man roared as he cornered the former governor against an alley wall.
"N-no! Please! I had no part in General Meram's brutality! You've got to believe me!" Joza pleaded in a paralyzed voice as a large crowd of commoners stood seized him by the arms.
Only for his yells to go unheeded as he was swiftly dragged with his terrified golden eyes listening to the screams of the peasants resounding all around him.
"Shozak was right! No more! it's time that we showed the aristocrats that they must fear us! And the only way that they will fear us is if we spill their blood!" The same man bellowed as he held a blunt instrument in hand while the former governor frantically shook his head.
"I-I beg of you! Please don't do this! I swear that I will do whatever I can to petition the Fire Lord!" The former governor shouted as he was hauled out to the center of the city where the executions had taken place.
While blood still stained the city street as the desperate nobleman continued to howl for mercy.
Only for his golden eyes to widen in horror when he saw his daughter screaming surrounding by the murderous townspeople.
All the while as his wife's cries split into the air as his cries went ignored by the rage of the commoner horde.
"F-Father! What's happening!" The young girl hollered in a hysterical voice only for her screams to pierce the air when she was thrown to the ground.
"Joza!" The wife howled in a shrieking voice when she just barely caught sight of her horrified husband.
"N-no! No! Please at least spare my family! P-please! Please!" Joza screamed in a terror-struck voice only to be struck savagely in the face.
While the screams of both his family and the enraged yells of the townspeople carried all throughout the city.
And those that weren't involved in the revolt were hiding away in their houses in terror of being associated as being aligned with the aristocrats.
"This is for Shozak!" Another man yelled as he began to brutally beat the screaming nobleman.
While Joza yelled at the top of his lungs until he felt like his vocal cords ruptured.
Only for his wails to be in vain as he was mercilessly beaten by commoner mob.
And then he felt someone strike a blow to the back of his head.
And soon enough even the screams of his own terrorized family members were began to seem further and further away.
And that was when he caught a glimpse of her face staring down at him from the rooftop above.
It was the most terrifying face that he had seen in all of his life.
It was the face of a sinister Fire Nation woman whose eyes were gleaming with unfathomable horror.
Vega stood on the roof of the building with her arms crossed over her chest as she locked eyes with the screaming nobleman.
While a truly sinister smile pulled at her lips as she let out a deranged laugh that carried into the air throughout the chaos riddled city.
And not a second after that Joza's shrieks split into the air as he was finally torn apart by the rabid mob.
While the screams of his wife and daughter still carried out over the now lawless city.
And many guards were now screaming in unison as they were helplessly beaten to death by the overwhelming populace.
And the rest of the guards had taken off fleeing to the hills as the roars of the bloodthirsty peasants carried out over the horizon.
While countless voices stood chanting a message in the burning streets.
"Down with the monarchy! Down with the nobility!" The violent townspeople boomed over the air of Shung Wu.
All the while as the herald observed the destruction of the great noble clan with a malevolent smile.
Just as she turned gaze over her shoulder when she heard footsteps approaching behind her.
While Silah gazed down at the carnage below with an impressed look in her dark green eyes.
"Just look at them. Isn't it revolting? Never content. Always wanting more. Until their savage nature consumes them and everything else in sight." Vega commented in a dark voice with her sinister golden eyes staring down at the maddened scene below.
While the puppeteer arched an emotionless brow as she gazed curiously back at the herald's visage as their faces were lit by the flames below.
"Revolting? Aren't you also a Fire National?" Silah asked in a tone devoid of pity for the people below while screams still split the air.
Only for Vega to smile wickedly as she stared down at the spectacle from above.
"This has nothing to do with nationality and everything to do with the nature of humanity. We are but a persistent disease that deserves to die." The herald answered in a heartless voice while the puppeteer chuckled in psychotic amusement.
"I disagree with you. That is quite the bleak way of looking at the world. I personally view the world in more of an artistic light." The puppeteer remarked in a sadistic voice with a smile on her lips while her ghostly silver hair glistened in the firelight.
While the herald rose a brow as she turned to stare back at the other woman in entertainment with a wicked smile of her own on her lips.
Before she too let out a chuckle as she turned to gaze back down to the festivities below.
"The judgement of all humankind has begun. I am going to kill them all, and then…there won't be anything left but ashes and rubble." Vega announced in a vicious voice as she watched the city be enveloped in chaos while Silah still smirked alongside her.
And then she erupted in sinister laughter as her monstrous cackles carried out across the once peaceful Fire Nation city.
Meanwhile, back in the servants' quarters of the Royal Palace.
In that very same moment Elle sprang up from her bed with her amber eyes wide in fright.
While she panted with sweat sticking to her forehead as she held a terrified hand over her accelerating heartbeat.
As she held her hands to her forehead as she tried to drown out the demonic voice that was flowing through her mind.
The judgement of all humankind has begun!
I am going to kill them all!
There won't be anything left but ashes and rubble!
And that that was all it took for Elle to sink back in a ball against the wall of her quarters.
While she lay there with her frightened eyes as wide as can be while she still heard the sound of the woman's voice playing over and over again in her mind.
"W-what…what are we going to do?" The handmaid whispered in a breathless voice as she sat there holding her rapidly beating chest.
And even though she has never met this woman.
In all of her life she has never heard a voice that was so terrifying.
It was…even more horrifying than Felix!
And she knew right then in that very moment in her veins that this woman was a horror like no other.
And so, it went all through the night.
As she was unable to shut out the sound of the mysterious woman's cackling in her mind.
And just as unable to suppress the feelings of doom of whatever was waiting over the horizon for her and her friends.
0 notes
grither55 · 3 years
A Modern Tale of the Princess and Her Peasant - (A Spin-off of An Azula Epic) - Chapter Two - Girlfriends
On Friday night.
The door to the princess's car opened once again while the royal girl watched the sixteen-year-old excitedly hop into her car.
All the while as the radio played in the car.
While Elle smiled brightly back at her with her golden hair in the same lovely style.
All the while as Azula's lips curved into a pleased smirk.
"Hey there peasant." The princess greeted with just a twinge of fondness in her hardened voice while seductively ran a hand through her dark hair.
While she enjoyed how the girl smiled shyly back at her.
"Hey there princess. I…. I missed you." Elle admitted in a bashful voice as she felt her heart flutter under the young woman's powerful stare.
And then she worked up the courage to reach out her hand to place it upon the older girl's own.
While she listened to the car start up.
"Come on Elle. Let's go get something to eat." Azula remarked with a confident smirk on her lips as she put her foot on the pedal while Elle smiled as she nodded her head.
While she began to drive with the teenager's hand still linked with her own.
And once again she found that she couldn't resist holding hands with the girl.
And with that the two girls drove off to the restaurant.
All the while as the princess allowed the younger female to hold her hand throughout the entire course of the drive.
Later on, at the restaurant.
Elle gazed around her in astonishment as she found herself being led into a high-class restaurant that she couldn't even begin to afford dining at.
While Azula strode nonchalantly with her cold eyes sweeping about as she ushered the girl forward.
Just before the princess came to a stop before a stand with her muscular arms folded over her breasts while she watched an attendant spring to his feet.
"My date and I have a reservation for two." Azula stated in a stern voice while Elle listened in a moved silence beside her.
"We'll take you two there right away princess!" The attendant greeted as he began to lead the two girls along the way.
And not even minutes later Elle stood stunned as she walked alone with Azula on the upper floor of the extravagant restaurant to their table.
There was even a dance floor that they had all to themselves!
Only for the tall young woman to begin to sway her hips once more while she found herself unable to gaze away from the princess's flawless clothed ass cheeks.
Just as she turned away with a flush on her cheeks when the royal woman smirked at her from over her arrogant shoulder.
"Do you like what you see dear?" The princess purred in a tantalizing voice while the smaller girl quivered adorably behind her.
"S-say what now?" The high school girl sputtered in a lovable voice while she shivered pleasantly under the princess's smirking gaze.
Only for the woman to reach out to teasingly brush her fingertips against her trembling cheek while the princess smiled down at her.
Just as the sound of a loud growling sound to rumble into the teenager's ears.
While both girls' eyes drifted down to Azula's complaining belly as the woman still smirked down at her.
"I'll take that as a yes. Sit down. Let's order dinner." Azula commanded in a voice of effortless control while Elle numbly nodded her spellbound head.
And soon enough both girls took a seat beside each other.
While Elle continued to smile shyly as she snuck glances up at the princess's sophisticated face while the older girl flipped open a menu.
And then she did the same while she bit her lip as she read the menu uncertain of what option to choose.
"Can…. can you help me out Azula-sama? I am not very familiar with Fire Nation cuisine. I only moved her just recently." Elle requested in a timid voice while Azula rose an elegant brow over her statement.
Before her blush grew even deeper when the taller woman leaned into her spellbound line of vision to assist her with the menu.
"Do you have any dietary restrictions?" The princess inquired in a perfectly flowing purr while she rose a brow when the girl shyly nodded.
"Y-yeah. I…I'm uh…a v-vegetarian." The high school girl stammered with a blush on her cheeks while the taller female stared down at her incredulously.
"Ugh. Seriously?" Azula snorted with a roll of her regal eyes while her little date slumped into an adorable pout.
"S-sumimasen." Elle mumbled in a bashful voice as she fiddled her thumbs while Azula let out a sigh over her.
"In that case I suggest the curry." The princess stated in a poised voice as she pointed at the dish with a flawless fingernail.
While her young date followed her fingertip before the girl turned to beam up at her.
"Curry it is then!" The high school girl chirped while the princess nodded her head.
And then she shyly reached out to set her hand on the princess's palm once more.
All the while as the young woman once again made no move to push her away.
And soon enough the two girls were eating dinner together.
A half an hour later...
A soft romantic music played into the air while Azula ate her food with a refined smile on her lips.
While she turned to glance down at her date as the girl ate her food while she found herself enjoying how the girl smiled sweetly up at her.
"So…tell me more about yourself dear." The princess conversed in a voice with a twinge of affection that she only used for her newfound object of her affections.
All the while as she elegantly swallowed her food with her strict eyes surveying the beaming girl in approval.
"Well! Let's see…. I'm a pacifist. And I don't care much for war." Elle answered in a happy voice while Azula let out a groan over her.
"A pacifist and a vegetarian?" Azula pondered in a deadpan voice with her amber golden eyes gazing down at her young date incredulously.
"That's so! I don't like violence. I prefer to settle all matters peacefully." The high school girl chirped while the princess rolled her amber golden eyes.
And yet as strange as it may be.
Azula still found that she enjoyed the girl's company and that she wouldn't let it deter her from claiming the girl as hers.
"You are such a naïve little thing." The princess purred with a shake of her head while she gazed back at her date's lovably flushing face.
"I-I know…" Elle answered in a mousy voice as she smiled while Azula leaned down to prop herself up on her elbows near her face.
All the while as she sat there with her heart thumping wildly as she gazed up back into the young woman's enchanting amber golden eyes.
"But even so…to my liking all the same. Now…how about we discuss interests? I'll go first." Azula cooed with her palms folded under her chin while she smiled confidently down at the adorably swooning girl.
"I would love to hear more about you Azula-sama." The high school girl stated with an infatuated expression on her cheeks as she leaned in closer while the older girl smiled over her.
"My interests are waging war, conquest, domination, academics, swordsmanship, firebending and of course tormenting my dear brother." The princess remarked with a refined smile gracing her lips while her date listened with a spellbound smile.
"M-my interests are Azula-sama, animals, people, peace, poetry, painting and video games." Elle admitted as she sighed dreamily while she found herself lost in the princess's gleaming eyes.
All the while as the princess's amused smile grew even larger.
It was just adorable that the girl listened her as her first and foremost interest.
"I'm your greatest interest?" Azula pondered in a voice that was not without smugness while she enjoyed how her date blushed so cutely.
"I-it is so. I…I am your biggest fan." The high school girl confessed in an abashed voice as she fiddled her thumbs while the older girl's grin grew by tenfold.
While Azula's amber golden eyes gleamed with pleasure over how deeply the girl revered her.
"My biggest fan, are you?" The princess questioned with a smooth chuckle as she poured herself a glass of wine.
All the while as she never once took her hungry amber golden eyes off her young date's lovely swooning face.
Only for her amusement to grow when the shorter girl puffed out her chest while she proudly nodded her head.
"There isn't anyone that loves Her Highness more than me." Elle responded with her amber eyes gazing dreamily up at Azula's smiling lips.
And not a moment later the princess began to pour a second glass of wine.
All the while as the older girl found herself unable to deny being moved by those sweet words.
"It would seem as if we are polar opposites." Azula commented in a sophisticated voice as she handed her blushing date a glass of wine.
"I-it would seem so Azula-sama." The high school girl stammered as she blushed over how close the woman was getting as the princess leaned in over her.
Only to find herself gulping in intimidating when she found herself face to face with Azula's breasts.
All the while as the older girl smirked down at her as she held her glass of wine before her amused face.
"However. I feel as if we may well be a match for one another and I would like to continue dating you." The princess remarked with something akin to a fond smile on her lips while she reached out to stroke her fingernail against the younger girl's trembling cheek.
"I…I would like to continue you d-dating you too Azula-sama." Elle spoke in a lovelorn voice as she stared in a trance up at Azula's smirking face.
"So, you like poetry and painting, do you?" Azula purred in a beyond alluring voice with her fingertips lingering on her date's lovely cheek.
"I-I do Your Highness. I very much enjoy both. I spend most of my days doing one or the other." The high school girl admitted in a serene voice as she smiled while the princess's hand remained on her cheek.
"I already knew that you were a poet. But I didn't know that you were a painter." The princess conversed in an unusually intrigued voice while she propped herself up on the tabletop.
While she leaned in even closer to the smaller girl's overwhelmed face.
Until she finally settled to a rest over her folded arms while she now stared directly back into the lovesick girl's starstruck face.
While the teenager found herself leaning down with a shy look in her eyes until she too came to a rest before the royal woman's grinning visage.
All the while as the two girls now sat with their faces in their arms as they smiled back at one another mere inches apart.
While the much taller girl continued to hold the petite girl's delicate cheek in her strong hand.
"I…I…I like to paint many things. But I…um love…to paint Her Highness the most." Elle confessed in an absolutely enamored voice as she averted her eyes while Azula's delighted smiling face loomed in her line of vision.
"Me? You've painted me?" Azula inquired in an oddly softened voice while she propped herself in front of her quivering young date.
All the while as she felt her heart beat with a flurry of curious emotion.
While her lipstick covered lips still adorned a beyond content smile.
"M-many times princess. It is as I said…you…you are the ruler of my heart and even my hobbies. Y-you rule over all of me." The high school girl murmured in a far-off voice as she trembled while she gazed back into the princess's refined smiling face.
All the while as she sat there in a state of worship while the older girl continued to stroke her cheek.
While she shuddered when she soon felt the princess's breath lightly blow against her skin.
"If you truly long for me to rule over you…I am more than happy to oblige. And I…want to see these paintings." The princess spoke with her lips still in a smile as she loomed in with her forehead nearing her young date's own.
While her smile grew when the girl continued to melt under her slightest touch.
"W-whatever you say Azula-sama. I…I just hope that you find them to your liking." Elle stammered in a lovable voice as she smiled shyly while Azula's lips curled into a captivating grin.
And not a second later the two girl's foreheads touched against one another.
While the smaller girl found herself gazing dreamily back at the larger girl's smiling face.
"Oh, peasant." Azula sighed with a fond shake of her head while her breath brushed against her new love interest's smitten cheek.
"O-oh, princess." The high school girl gushed with a growing smile while the woman gazed not even an inch away into her bashful amber eyes.
And then she set her palm on top of the princess's own while the young woman smiled in approval.
And soon after that the two girls took to laying on the table unable to break away from each other's gaze.
While the princess continued to gently pet her date's cheek.
All the while as she once again found herself trying to fight the urge to kiss her new girlfriend on the cheek.
And minutes after that…
The two still sat staring into each other's eyes with their faces still touching one another.
While the younger girl continued to smile adorably under the older girl's dominating gaze.
"I want to know more Elle. I demand that you tell me where you come from." The princess ordered with a soft smirk on her lips while she enjoyed the way the pretty girl submitted to her gaze alone.
"I…I come from Europe. I…I've only been here for a few months. I left because I was seeking a new life somewhere else." Elle answered in a spellbound voice as she smiled bashfully while Azula still loomed in her line of vision.
All the while as a pleasant shiver traveled down her spine when she felt the older girl pet her cheek once more.
And that was all it took for her to contently forward even closer while the taller girl's smile grew even larger.
"Europe?" Azula pondered in a purring voice as she held the girl's face in her palm.
While she soon found herself scooting her butt forward in her seat in order to get in even closer.
All the while as she lay on the table with her smirking face looming right in her little date's enamored eyes.
"T-that's so. I am of Japanese and European descent." The high school girl spoke in a soft voice as she smiled shyly while the princess continued to pet her.
"What made a little peasant girl such as yourself travel so far all on your own?" The princess inquired in a riveted voice as she smiled seductively back into her younger date's trembling face.
All the while as the romantic music continued to play in the background.
While the taller girl sat leaned down in her chair right before the smaller girl's bashfully smiling face.
All while the two continued to stare in longing back at each other while the younger female's forehead fell into the older female's own.
"I…I was running away from something." Elle replied in a quieter voice as Azula's smile creased into a displeased thin line.
"Running away? Did someone try to hurt you?" Azula asked with a growling edge to her now colder voice while held onto the girl's shaken face.
"Can…can we not talk about that Azula-sama?" The high school girl requested with a hint of unease in her voice that concerned the older girl.
Only for her fear to begin to abate when the princess let out a low snarl in her trembling ear.
And soon enough she found smiling bashfully once again when Azula let out a wrathful snort of blue fire.
'Someone wants to hurt my date?' The princess thought with her callous amber golden eyes taking on a murderously possessive glare.
All the while as her young date trembled before her glaring face.
While she snarled as she shook her head with her fingers angrily grasping at the girl's obviously fearful cheek.
This was just unacceptable.
Now that the girl was hers. There was no way that she could ever permit anyone to harm her.
And with that she made a silent vow that this person would die by her hand if they ever touched her date again.
And not even a second after that she found herself being torn out of her angry thoughts by the sound of her new girlfriend's gentle voice.
"Azula-sama?" Elle pondered in voice of endless adoration while the woman visibly calmed down.
"What is it?" Azula responded in an oddly attentive voice as the girl's nose touched her own.
While she decided that she enjoyed the way that her name with the honorific rolled off the girl's tongue.
Only for her smile to return when she felt the girl reach out to grasp her hand.
"W-will you…will you dance with me?" The high school girl stammered in an abashed voice while she quickly averted her eyes from the older girl's now delighted amber golden gaze.
"You wish for me to lead you on the dance floor?" The princess purred in an enrapturing voice with her voice flowing into her date's lovesick ear.
All the while as her nose pushed into the younger girl's while they gazed back at each other.
"I-I would love nothing more than for you to guide me in a dance princess." Elle stated in a tender voice while Azula's lips curved upward in approval.
And not a moment later she found herself crying out in surprise when the much taller woman abruptly pulled her to her feet.
And then she found herself standing back while she gazed up in awe at the princess's confidently smirking face.
While her heart continued to pound in her chest with a blush on her cheeks while the woman's breasts once again loomed in her line of vision.
And truth be told, she wasn't bothered by the difference in height.
No, actually she was quickly coming to enjoy how her date was much taller than her.
It made her feel safe…and protected to know that her crush was so much taller and stronger than her.
It reassured her that Azula was more than capable of protecting her from anyone and anything.
"When you plead so sweetly…how could I ever I say no?" Azula remarked with an arrogant smile on her lips while she took another swallow of her wine.
All the while as she smiled down at her smaller date with the younger female's hand possessively clutched under her own.
Only for her sanguine smile to grow when she felt the girl lovingly grasp onto her shirt.
While she leaned back with her ass pressing into the side of the table as she watched the girl take a timid drink of her wine.
All the while as she smirked confidently when her date leaned in to push her face into her chest.
"Oh…Azula-sama. You are so dreamy…" The high school girl gushed with a shade of pink on her cheeks while the princess let out a haughty scoff.
"There is no one dreamier. Now come little date…" The princess purred as she pulled the girl along while a captivating smirk graced her lips.
While her young date followed obediently behind her as she smiled arrogantly when she heard the girl let out a blissful sigh.
All the while as her hand grasped at the teenager's own with her mind already long since made up.
She is keeping this one.
Several minutes later…
Two empty glasses now sat on a nearby table.
While Elle stood blushing as deeply as can be with a mildly intoxicated look about her cheeks.
As she gazed upward at Azula while the much taller girl smiled down at her.
All the while as their hands were now intertwined with one another while romantic music continued to flow into their ears.
And just like that the younger girl stared up in a breathless silence when the smirking woman began to lead her elegantly across the dance floor.
"You really are head over heels for me aren't you peasant?" Azula pondered in a smooth voice with the barest hint of a fond smile gracing her lipstick covered lips.
While she found herself unable to resist wrapping her arms around the smaller girl's dainty frame.
All the while as she confidently danced with her young date pushing her face into her breasts.
"Guilty as charged Your Highness." Elle murmured in a worshipful voice as she smiled while Azula hummed thoughtfully over her.
"So courteous. I like that. But you do know that I do not mind if you speak to me without formalities…don't you?" The princess conversed as she gracefully moved her body with her date's hands held in her own.
"You are a princess Azula-sama and I am but a peasant girl. I respect you more than anyone in this world. And I would never insult you by saying your name without an honorific unless you truly insist on it." The high school girl explained in a tender voice with a peaceful expression in her adoring amber eyes.
While she gazed up at the statuesque woman's taken aback face.
"Am…I your first?" Azula questioned with an inexplicable hope in her composed voice while she fought to squash the rising blush on her regal cheeks.
Such reverence was new to her.
Even as the Crown Princess of an entire nation.
And even though she has lived her life with her all of her whims being delivered to her by her subjects at every command.
Never before in all her life has anyone shown her such…genuine worship!
And not a moment later her cold amber golden eyes flashed with delight when the small girl happily nodded in affirmative.
It was…just as she suspected.
She's her first and she couldn't quite help but feel profoundly pleased by that very notion.
"M-my first and only. I…I…am…" Elle trailed off with an overwhelmed swallow while she quivered under Azula's smiling amber golden gaze.
Only to find herself crying out in joy when the woman held her to her chest while they moved across the floor.
"I-in love with you Azula-sama." The high school girl whispered in a barely perceivable voice as she shook in the older girl's strong arms.
While the princess now stared down at her date with her ruthless amber golden eyes conveying a stunned emotion.
Before Azula forced herself to regain her stoic composure.
And soon after that she found herself unable to fight back the urge to pull her young date even deeper into her arms.
"How adorable. What…is it that you like so much about me? Other than my divine body of course." The princess remarked with a conceited edge to her voice while she smiled down at her lovestruck date's lovely face.
While she savored the way, the girl clung to her shirt with her face pushing into her soft chest.
All the while as the younger female let out a decidedly adorable dreamy sigh.
"Where do I ever begin? Y-you are so strong and confident. I…admire your might Azula-sama." Elle responded in a worshipful voice while she gazed up at Azula's smiling red lips.
"So, you admire my strength." Azula stated in a tantalizing purr as she enjoyed the way that the girl gripped her hands.
"T-that's so Azula-sama. I-I like strong women." The high school girl murmured in a cutely self-conscious voice while the much taller girl visibly swelled in pride over her with a smirk on her lips.
Just as she gasped when the princess gracefully pulled her under her arm while she stared up into the older female's utterly divine amber golden eyes.
While the woman's crimson lipstick painted lips curved into a beyond pleased smirk.
"Splendid! You won't find a woman or man stronger than me. I am inclined to believe that we are an optimum fit for each other." The princess commented in a proud voice with her head held high while she twirled the spellbound girl under her arm.
Just as she took a confident step back before she caught her date in her embrace once more as the girl let out another adorable gasp.
"M-my perfect princess." Elle stammered in an innocent voice with her face pressing into one of the woman's breasts once more while Azula smirked down at her.
"That's right darling. Now tell me…when did you fall head over heels for me?" Azula purred with her silken voice flowing like honey into her lovestruck young date's stunned ears.
"I-I fell for you when I first laid eyes on you." The high school girl murmured as she smiled sweetly up into the princess's astonished amber golden eyes.
"You fell for me…on first sight?" The princess pondered in a stunned voice with her amber golden eyes staring down at her adorable date in a newfound fixation.
All the while as she felt her cold heart skip a beat as she danced across the floor with the younger girl falling into her arms once more.
"I did Azula-sama. It…it was in the moment when you saved my life." Elle announced with a grateful smile on her lips while Azula now stared at her in disbelief.
While she clutched the older girl's hands as the princess gazed down in confusion.
"I…I saved your life?" Azula questioned with confusion lacing her voice while she watched in bewilderment when the girl rapidly nodded her head.
To think that she could save the life of a girl that fell in love with her and she doesn't even remember doing so.
And for reasons that she couldn't quite put her finger on the very thought made her heart twist up in pain.
"You did princess! It was back when I first emigrated here. I fell victim to some bad men who wanted to do terrible things to me. And just when I thought that all hope was lost. You walked by!" The high school girl explained in a loving voice while the much taller girl listened with a speechless expression in her widened eyes.
And slowly but surely the princess's amber golden eyes began to boil over in unimaginable rage.
While she a monstrous stare came over her ruthless amber golden eyes as she seethed with her smiling date in her arms.
And she even began to exhale furious flames through her mouth and nostrils while steam began to rise from her enraged body.
All the while as the temperature on the dance floor began to rise in unison with the royal woman's anger.
But the small girl was unafraid of her date's imposing display of superhuman powers.
"Did they…did they defile you?" The princess demanded in a low voice with her menacing amber golden eyes narrowing into terrifying slits while she clutched her date in her arms.
"N-no, t-they ran away when they saw you Azula-sama. You saved me before I even met you. Y-you are my hero." Elle spoke in a voice of heartwarming devotion while Azula listened with shock in her wrathful amber golden eyes.
All the while as the mighty princess stood there in a state of disbelief with the younger girl passionately grasping at her hands.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…my princess charming in shining armor." The high school girl stammered in a profoundly sentimental voice as joyful tear brewed in the corner of her eye while she embraced the stunned woman around her upper belly.
While Azula stood there above her date with her lips parted in an uncharacteristic expression of emotion.
And then for reasons that she couldn't understand she found herself pulling the smaller girl into her arms.
All the while as they danced slowly as she held her strong palm on the back of the girl's golden head.
While she stared down with her cold amber golden eyes expressing a new desire to protect her date against anyone that should dare try to bring harm to her.
"I…didn't know that I meant this much to you Elle. Rest assured…I will find them and when I do, I will show them no mercy." Azula hissed with fire exuding from her nostrils while she crushed her little date in her powerful arms.
All the while as she glared at the wall with her callous amber golden eyes now forming an utterly murderous stare.
"T-that's why I wanted to give you a flower and poem princess. I…I wanted to thank you for saving me. I-I never expected that you would actually want to go out with me. I…j-just wanted to tell you that I am eternally grateful to you Azula-sama." Elle stuttered in a gentle voice with her face resting against the older girl's soft chest.
While she savored every moment of being held in her crush's arms as the older girl stared down at her with a flash of a moved emotion in her eyes.
"You are the first to speak such words to me Elle." The princess remarked with her arms coiled around the smaller girl's body.
While she found herself savoring the sensation of her younger date's head resting against her breasts.
"I feel so safe with you Azula-sama…. you…you are my savior." The high school girl admitted in a soft-spoken voice as she clung to her date's shirt while the princess crushed her close.
"You don't have to worry anymore peasant. I won't let anyone hurt you. I will protect you." Azula assured with a caring edge to her voice that was reserved only for her new girlfriend.
While she held the smaller girl's head into her breasts as their bodies swayed to the romantic music.
All the while as her crimson lipstick covered lips began to pull back into the slightest hint of a fond smile.
"A-Azula-sama." Elle murmured in a beyond appreciative voice as she gazed up at the princess's softly smiling countenance.
And then she quivered with a blush on her cheek when the young woman brushed her golden hair from her innocent eyes.
All the while as the princess hold her in a strong embrace as she stood there with her heart pounding in bliss.
Only for her eyes to widen when the older girl bent her neck with her face leaning down to hover in her line of vision once more.
While the princess's beautiful face rapidly lowered over her with her red lips coming closer and closer.
And in that very moment the younger girl stood there gasping in shock when the woman's lips passionately collided with her own.
All the while as Elle stood on her tippy toes with her amber eyes as wide can be while warm lips pressed against her own.
While the princess now stood smiling fondly down into her date's lovesick amber eyes with her strong hands resting in her hair.
"Peasant…" The princess trailed off in a sigh with her lips lingering against her date's own while the younger girl trembled in her embrace.
"P-princess." The high school girl sputtered in a beyond enamored voice while the woman smiled confidently over her.
"You are mine now Elle...my girlfriend." Azula spoke in a regal voice with a soft smirk on her lips while she finally withdrew from the younger girl's lovely lips.
While her palm remained in the girl's hair as she held her delicate date close.
All the while as she smiled as widely as can be when the girl let out an innocent girl as she gazed back up at her with stars in her amber eyes.
"Yours…Azula-sama." Elle whispered as she retreated back into Azula's breasts while the woman smiled in approval above her.
And with that the teenager simply fell forward into the older girl's mighty arms.
While the young woman continued to guide her in a romantic waltz.
All the while as she found that she couldn't stop smiling from her place in her girlfriend's arms.
Azula was everything and anything that she has ever wanted.
And she couldn't be happier that they were together.
Later on, that evening…
Elle awoke to the sound of the engine of the car driving smoothly down the highway.
Only to open her eyes in surprise to see that an arm was wrapped around her shoulder.
And that she was resting with her face in the older girl's chest.
While she blushed as she sleepily gazed up at Azula's dimly lit stony face.
All the while as the woman gazed down at her through the corner of her cold eye.
And once more she was unbothered by the seemingly harsh look in the older girl's amber golden eyes.
Because she understood that princess was not one for romantic words.
And it was more than apparent through the woman's actions that she cared for her.
And that was all it took for her to fall back into Azula's chest while the she savored the feeling of the woman's strong arm coiled around her back.
"Are…. you taking me to my apartment now?" The high school girl questioned in a sleepy voice while she yawned in the older girl's bosom.
Only to peer up in bewilderment when the woman shook her head.
"No. We are going to my beach house." The princess answered with her lips creased in a hint of a smile while she held her sleepy date under her arm.
"Beach house Azula-sama?" Elle asked with excitement in her tired voice as she sunk back into the older girl's body while she hugged her date around the belly.
"Just go back to sleep Elle. I'll take you to bed when we get there." Azula commanded with a fond smirk on her lips as she clutched the smiling girl closely while her date let out an adorable yawn.
And not even a few seconds after that she heard the sound of a soft snoring emanating from the girl sleeping against her chest.
All the while as she drove down the road with her new girlfriend resting in her side.
While she found herself unable to squash the pleased smile that graced her crimson lips.
Hours later…
Elle slept on her side snoring in a massive bed while the princess now stood over her in her nightwear.
All the while as the woman let out a yawn of her own as she held a tired hand over her open lips.
And then she crawled into the bed with her amber golden eyes staring excitedly at her adorable date's sleeping face.
Just as she reached out to wrap her arms protectively around the girl's small body as she pulled her into her breasts once more.
All the while as the princess now lay on her side with her petite date cradled carefully in her strong arms.
While Azula smiled as she listened to the girl snore sweetly with her face buried in her breasts.
"You belong to me now peasant." The princess sighed with her lips still forming a fond smirk while she tenderly kissed the top of the girl's head.
All the while as she settled into her pillows with her small date sleeping adorably in her chest.
And soon enough she too fell asleep alongside her lovely new girlfriend.
The following morning.
Azula lay in her bed with her arms resting before her while she reached out to instinctively pull the younger girl into her chest.
Only for her groggy amber golden eyes to open in confusion as she felt around the bed only to realize that the girl was gone.
It was then that she noticed the pleasant scent of breakfast flowing into her nostrils while she rolled onto her back.
All the while as she sniffed the air with a smile returning to her lips when she heard the sound of food platters clanging outside her bedroom door.
While she sat up with her back propped up on her many pillows as she watched the girl push the door open.
And that was when her smile grew by twentyfold.
Standing in the doorway was her adorable young girlfriend as she shuffled in while she struggled to balance many plates of food.
All the while as the teenager smiled brightly back at the smiling face of the older girl from where she was laying in her bed.
"Good morning Azula-sama! I hope you don't mind me going into your kitchen without your permission but I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed!" The high school girl announced in a lovable voice as she carried the tray over while the princess smiled back at her.
"Oh peasant…" The princess spoke in a soft voice with her hands folded regally in her lap while she watched her girlfriend make her way over to her side.
"Princess." Elle answered in a devoted voice with a sweet smile on her lips while the woman still smiled widely.
Only to find herself trembling when the princess sat up on her bed while she reached out to touch her.
And not a second later she stood there in a trance when the woman patted her upon the head.
"Good girl dear. This pleases me." Azula stated in an affectionate voice with her lips curled in a smile while she removed her hand from her blushing girlfriend's head.
Only for her smile to grow while she watched in approval when the girl bent her neck in a display of reverence to her authority.
"A-anything for you Azula-sama." The high school girl stammered as she swooned while she set the food tray in the princess's lap.
While the woman now patted the spot in the bed beside her as she beckoned her forward with a smile still on her lips.
"Come Elle. Sit and eat breakfast with me." The princess remarked as she watched her young girlfriend run around to crawl into bed beside her.
And then the sixteen-year-old sat down on the bed next to her while the two girls stared lovingly into one another's eyes.
While the mighty princess made no motion to push the girl away when she scooted in closely to her side.
Just as the princess removed the cover from one of the plates while her lips curled into a delighted grin as she turned to peer down at her adorable girlfriend's eager to please face.
"Pancakes in bed? This is yet another point in your favor peasant." Azula commented in an unusually sociable voice while Elle's face broke out into a beaming smile.
And soon enough the new couple sat side by side while the two girls began eating breakfast together.
All the while as princess found herself unable to resist gazing down at her new companion with a new level of fondness in her amber golden eyes.
While she chewed on a mouthful of pancakes as she nodded her head in approval.
This one is most definitely a keeper.
Later that day.
The waves crashed upon the shore of the Crown Princess's beach house.
While the young woman now sat on a towel wearing an elegant two-piece swimsuit with the insignia of her nation upon her chest.
And over her thighs she was wearing a pair of likewise red short shorts that showed off her curves in all of the right places.
And cradled in her arms was her lovely little date.
The sixteen-year-old was wearing a pair of simple shorts and a short-sleeved white shirt that was blowing lightly in the warm breeze.
And finally, a bowl of freshly picked cherries sat on the towel beside the couple.
All the while as a smile still adorned her lipstick covered lips as she gazed down at the younger girl's adorably sweet face.
While the smaller girl blushed when the older girl's arms tightened around her in something akin to a protective embrace.
All the while as she listened to the sound of the princess swallowing a cherry behind her.
"Thank you for bringing me here…Azula-sama." Elle spoke in a tranquil voice with a sunny smile on her lips while the back of her head rested in between the older girl's breasts.
While she savored the much taller woman held her in her lap with her powerful arms coiled around her trembling body.
Only for her face to become even redder when an alluring growl flowed into her awestruck ear.
"I own you now Elle." The princess purred in a forceful voice as she licked her lips with her chin pushing down on the top of her girlfriend's lovesick head.
"Y-you own me…Azula-sama." The high school girl stated in an absolutely entranced voice while the princess smiled in approval.
"It pleases me that we are in agreement dear." Azula remarked in a smug voice as she dropped another cherry into her open mouth.
While she chewed it contently with her young love interest nestled so adorably in her arms.
All the while as she leaned back with the girl curling up in her lap.
"O-oh my beautiful princess charming." Elle mumbled in a lovestruck voice with her head relaxing upon the princess's bosom.
"My lovely peasant." The princess stated with a measure of fondness permeating her ruthless voice while she found herself unable to resist crushing the girl in her arms.
All the while as she lay back on her towel with her lovely young girlfriend in her arms.
As she let out a content sigh with a softened smirk still gracing her lips.
At least it would seem that she has finally found her match.
And later on, that night…
Elle lay naked in bed with a bashful blush on her cheeks while Azula's much taller naked body lay on top of her.
While the princess's palms cupped her cheeks as she gazed up at the woman's candle lit smiling face.
All the while as her heart raced as she trembled when the princess's nude breasts pushed into her own smaller breasts.
And not a moment after that she let out another gasp when the young woman met her in yet another passionate kiss.
While the two girls lay there in bed with their eyes unable to break away from one another's gaze.
"Mhm…my submissive." Azula purred in a dominating voice as she grinned fondly down at her little girlfriend while her date quivered in worship beneath her.
"M-my…my dominant." The high school girl whispered in a highly infatuated voice while Azula's smiling face loomed in before her peaceful amber eyes.
And then the two girls kissed yet again while the petite sixteen-year-old lay joyfully in the twenty-one-year-old's mighty arms.
All the while as the princess smiled fondly as she continued to place loving kisses on her small girlfriend's lips.
While the teenager smiled shyly up at her as she purred against the girl's quivering cheek.
Yes, indeed.
This one is a lovely little catch.
That she knew for certain.
Days later after the couple returned to the city.
The powerful princess strode with her arms crossed over her school uniform while she glared out of the corners of her eyes at the terrified commoners that were quickly moving out of her way.
While her young peasant girlfriend cheerfully skipped ahead of her as the girl led her up the stairs to her apartment.
And soon after that they came to a stop before the teenager's apartment door while the princess let out a heavy sigh behind her.
All the while as she watched the girl quietly open the door and unveil it with an adorable eagerness about her.
"Well! This is my apartment!" Elle cried out in a happy voice while her princess now stood behind her with her lips agape in speechlessness.
While the princess's taken aback amber golden eyes now stared into the small apartment as she took on the girl's commoner furnishings.
That wasn't what stunned her though.
It was the fact that the whole apartment seemed to be modeled after her likeness!
There were countless professional paintings that lined the walls of the small living room that earned her stunned gaze as she slowly walked in after her chipper girlfriend.
"U-um…I realize it may be a bit overkill…but I wanted the theme to be Azula-sama" The high school girl stammered in an adorable voice as she shifted nervously on her feet.
While the woman stared at the paintings on the wall with her amber golden eyes agape in shock.
All the while as the princess's lips parted in an expression of awe as she leaned in to survey a piece.
It was proudly titled:
It was a shockingly detailed painting of her walking down the street with her backpack over her shoulders.
While her stomach once again twisted in a strange show of guilt over how she didn't even know that she had just saved the girl's life.
The girl's talent…was just astonishing!
Her art easily rivaled that of the paintings that lined the walls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace!
And then she turned to continue walking through the apartment.
While her baffled amber golden eyes turned around to blink back at another painting on the other side of the room.
This one titled:
Princess by the Riverside.
One again, the detail was amazingly accurate.
It was a lovely painting of her seated by the waterside of a rushing river.
'When she told me that she could paint…I had no idea that the girl would be this talented!' The princess thought as she still gazed at the painting in fascination.
All the while as she found herself unable to resist allowing her lips to curl into an even fonder smile when she turned to gaze back at her adorably bashful girlfriend's face.
"D-do you…like them?" Elle requested in a nervous voice as she twiddled her thumbs while her girlfriend loomed over her once more.
"Do I like them Elle?" Azula chuckled with an affectionate undertone to her smooth voice while she subconsciously twirled a perfect fingernail in her dark hair.
While the younger girl cutely gazed down at the floor with a lovable blush on her cheeks while her heart pounded rapidly in her chest.
Only for Elle to gaze up with widened amber eyes when Azula bent over to cup her cheek.
All the while as she trembled in anticipation while the captivating woman smiled at her fondly.
And not a second after that she stood there paralyzed when the princess's lips gently connected with her overwhelmed cheek.
All while as she listened to the older girl chuckle in her ear.
"I love them peasant. They are adorable. Just like you." The princess commented with a margin of fondness seeping into her voice as she removed her lips from the girl's stunned cheek.
And then she straightened with her red lips still adorning a gratified smirk.
While the sixteen-year-old now stood speechless with a red lipstick imprint on her overwhelmed cheek.
And then the woman reached out to gently pat her astonished golden head.
'Azula-sama…finds me…adorable.' The high school girl thought with her fingers touching the lipstick mark on her cheek.
While she found herself unable to contain her excitement as she smiled brightly back at the older girl's smirking face.
All the while as the young woman's hand retreated from her hair.
Only to turn attentively to the authoritative woman when the princess made a disapproving sound with her tongue.
While the princess now stood with her fists on her womanly hips as she glanced around the apartment with a judging amber golden eye.
All the while as she walked with her young girlfriend following obediently after her heels.
While she wrinkled her nose as she gazed over the tiny living area.
"But this apartment will not do." Azula stated in a bossy voice while her girlfriend visibly deflated behind her.
"S-sumimasen…it was all I could afford." Elle stammered in a submissive voice while Azula let out a haughty sigh.
All the while as she once again found herself shamelessly trying to keep her eyes off the princess's red skirt covered ass cheeks.
"Money is no longer a concern of yours dear. I will find you something more suitable." The princess remarked with a finger curled up underneath her chin while she smiled confidently.
"You…you don't have to do that. I can live here just fine." The high school girl stated in a carefree voice as she smiled while her fingers lingering on the lipstick stain on her cheek.
Only to find herself gulping in intimidation just as soon as she said those words when the imposing woman turned around to glare down at her.
All while as she fiddled her thumbs with her amber eyes giving in under the princess's unfathomably strict amber golden stare.
"Oh, but I insist. Start packing, you'll be moving out in the next few days." Azula spoke in a controlling voice while she stared down at her girlfriend with intimidating amber golden eyes.
Only for her spoiled smile to return when the pretty girl numbly nodded her head.
"Yes princess." Elle agreed in a submissive voice while Azula smiled pridefully above her as she sauntered ahead of her.
All the while as she tried and failed to take her eyes off the princess's utterly flawless body.
And even though the princess was taking complete control over her life.
Somehow…she was content.
She almost felt…as if she has finally found her place in the world.
And so, it went as the two girls continued to date one another.
While Azula and Elle grew closer and closer to each other with every passing day.
Around one month later…
The princess strode in her school uniform with her phone in hand while her two childhood friends walked alongside her.
While the two noblewomen gazed at their lifelong friend with unmistakable curiosity in their eyes.
It hadn't escaped their notice that their friend had been behaving oddly as of late.
And they both wanted to know why.
"Where have you been Azula? We haven't seen you around much lately." Ty Lee conversed in a concerned voice while Azula glanced at her through the corner of her eye.
"Not that we're complaining." Mai stated in a monotone voice with a small trace of snark while Azula turned around to glare back at her.
Only for the princess to sigh instead of lashing out like she usually did.
While the two nobles gazed back at their friend in confusion.
Just as the sound of a text message coming through on the princess's phone vibrated into the air.
All the while as they stared curiously at their friend while the woman glanced down at her phone.
"I…think that I might have been poisoned." Azula announced in an absolutely serious voice while her friends listened in a terrified silence.
"Someone tried to assassinate you?" The markswoman pondered with a sliver of concern in her voice.
"Poisoned! Have you seen the palace doctor?" The acrobat blurted out in a worried voice while her friend let out another bewildering sigh.
"You see Ty Lee…I met this peasant girl…" The princess trailed off in a hesitant voice while her two friends stared at her in puzzlement.
While her lips remained pursed in a frown as they strode to the university gates.
"A commoner girl Azula?" Ty Lee pondered with undeniable curiosity in her voice she walked alongside her friend.
"Did she try to kill you?" Mai asked in an even more confused voice than before while she carried her books in her arms.
"No. She was secretly leaving me poems and flowers. She even left me her phone number." Azula sighed with a fingernail coiling in her hair while her two friends now did a double take.
"A secret admirer! That's so pink Azula!" The acrobat squealed while the markswoman let out an annoyed sigh beside her.
"So, that's why you have been preoccupied with your phone and walking way at odd times." The markswoman stated with realization while the princess sighed once more.
"Originally…I only agreed to meet her to toy with her feelings. Just when she thought that she had a chance with me I was going to crush her hopes underfoot." The princess confessed in a cruel voice with her arms folded over her breasts.
While Mai shook her head with a trace of pity for the girl in her cold tawny eyes.
And Ty Lee couldn't help but gaze on with a deeply uncomfortable expression in her saddened brown gray eyes.
It was a horrible thing to do.
But they both knew that it was something that Azula had done with numerous dates in the past.
And even though that wouldn't say it out loud it was no small wonder that the princess had stayed single.
"But…she was so cute that I took her out for coffee instead. And the following night we went to the theater together…and the Friday after that I even took her out to dinner. And now…we're dating." Azula admitted with a sigh while her two friends listened in disbelief.
"You have a girlfriend Azula!" Ty Lee shouted in a gushing voice while Azula rolled her amber golden eyes.
"And she hasn't tried to run away yet?" Mai taunted with a snort while Azula glared at her from over her shoulder.
"And she has even painted me." The princess stated with a smile almost forming onto her lips while her companions listened in astonishment.
While the two girls shared a stunned glance with each other as the acrobat continued to smile as widely as can be.
"Anyhow. I am certain that she has poisoned me. I have felt strange ever since I met her. Every time I try to destroy her…I end up hugging her instead." Azula grumbled with her lips pursing into a scowl while she stomped through the campus yard.
While the two noblewomen now gazed on humorously as they followed after their friend.
"She didn't poison you Azula! What you are feeling must be love!" The acrobat advised in a helpful voice while the princess glared on ahead.
"I have no time for such weakness. I have a country to rule. Today I am going to tell her that it was all just a game and that I never want to see her again." The princess snarled with her fists clenched over her breasts while she marched towards the gates.
All the while as her two friends shared another concerned look.
And Mai couldn't help but muse that she felt sorry for anyone that had to put up with her friend's notorious mood swings.
"That is such a horrible thing to do Azula…please don't do that." Ty Lee pleaded as she followed after her crazy friend while Azula's amber golden eyes glared out the gates.
Only for the princess to ignore her as she pushed her way out the front gate.
While her two uncertain friends walked behind her.
And then just like that the two noblewomen paused in their tracks when they saw a lovely sixteen-year-old girl standing on the far side of the gates.
The blonde smiled shyly as she stood with her hands folded behind her back while she watched the princess quickly stride towards her.
"There you are! Now you listen here peasant…" Azula trailed off in a pridefully moody voice as she tapped her boot on the ground.
Only for her cold amber golden eyes to glance down with a measurement of a thawed gleam when the girl bashfully held up another flower before her face.
All the while as the two nobles stood in a stunned silence behind their friend.
And Ty Lee in particular was now grinning widely back at younger girl's sweet face.
"F-for you my queen." The high school girl greeted in a lovably shy voice while she averted her eyes from the princess's harsh gaze.
Just as the woman took the flower while Azula now stood scowling between her shocked friends and her girlfriend.
"Aren't you going to introduce us Azula?" The acrobat asked with a giggle while she walked up behind her ruthless friend.
While the teenager smiled shyly back at her and Mai from where she stood in front of the princess.
All the while as Mai rose a brow as she gazed back at the younger girl with a bewildered expression in her eyes.
Just as Azula turned to gaze back at her friends with her arms stubbornly crossed over her chest.
Before she turned to glance over her shoulder at her adorable girlfriend's timid face.
And then she turned her protective eyes back to her childhood friends.
"Ty Lee, Mai. This is my girlfriend Elle. Elle, this is Ty Lee and that one there is Mai." The princess remarked as she waved her hand between the three girls while her lifelong friends now gazed back at her timid girlfriend.
"H-hi." Elle spoke in an abashed voice as she waved at the two girls while they blinked back at her.
Only to find herself smiling when the acrobat smiled brightly back at her.
"Hi Elle! It is a good to meet you!" Ty Lee exclaimed as she waved back at the adorably skittish girl hiding behind her friend.
"Hello Elle." The markswoman stated in a more reserved voice as she waved her hand at the smiling girl.
All the while as she still gazed between the couple in disbelief that the girl was actually able to put up with her friend.
And not a moment after that the two noblewomen found themselves shivering in intimidation when the princess's amber golden eyes took on a much scarier stare.
"She just recently emigrated here. And it goes without saying that I expect the both of you to treat her well." Azula declared with her arms folded over her breasts while Elle smiled gratefully from where she stood beside her.
While the two girls hurriedly nodded their heads in understanding as Ty Lee still smiled back at the girl.
And soon after that Mai just shrugged her shoulders already accepting that the girl was now a part of their group.
All the while as the younger girl smiled up at the older girl's stern face as they gazed back into each other's eyes.
And the mighty princess made no move to stop the teenager when she shyly linked her hand into her own.
While the other two girls still stared back at them with marveled expressions in their eyes.
"Come on. Let's go out for drinks." The princess announced with a smirk on her lips while she began to walk with her girlfriend's grasped in her own.
While Elle smiled as she walked beside her.
All the while as Ty Lee nudged Mai's shoulder with a happy smile on her lips.
While the gloomy woman let out a sigh under her breath as they began to follow the couple.
One week later on the dance floor.
Romantic music once again filled the air while a slow dance was now once again underway.
While Elle's innocent laughter resounded into the air as she was once more caught in Azula's arms.
All the while as the younger girl hung from her place in the older girl's strong arms.
While a tender smile graced her lips as she reached out to touch the princess's stoic cheek.
All the while as Azula gazed back down at her with her callous amber golden eyes conveying a protective gleam.
Just as she gently brushed a golden lock of hair from the girl's eyes.
"I love you princess." The high school girl spoke in a barely audible voice while the woman smiled down at her.
"I…love you too peasant." The princess responded in a softened voice that she only used with her adorable girlfriend.
While she braced the younger girl in her arms as she leaned down with a growing smile on her red lips.
And not a moment after that the two girls met for another deeply passionate kiss.
All the while as they gazed back at one another with their eyes communicating their profound love for each other.
While the princess found herself unable to fight the way her lips were curving into a beyond fond smirk as she held her girlfriend in her arms.
While the peasant girl let out a sweet laugh as she gazed up into Azula's brilliant amber golden eyes.
All the while as their lips still brushed against one another.
While Elle smiled contently as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck.
All the while as Azula gazed down at her with an approving amber golden gaze.
And seconds after that the princess began to lead the younger girl across the floor as they continued their waltz.
While the blonde stared brightly up at the older girl's sanguine face as she spun her in her arms.
All the while as Azula's regal lips adorned a fond smile as she confidently led their dance.
There were no words to describe the pleasure that she was felt in this moment.
After all of this time she has finally found her match.
In her heart she knew that it was true.
There was no other that would suffice for her.
Elle was hers.
Her peasant.
Her girl.
Going out on a date with this girl was the best decision that she has ever made.
And there wasn't anything anyone could say to her to convince her otherwise.
And now for the first time in her entire life she can truly say that she is happy.
And it felt amazing.
0 notes
grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 130 - Obsession
Sia stood before a table with her back turned to the door when she heard it open up behind her while her guards granted her visitor access inside.
Just as she turned her head to find herself gazing back at Shima as he closed the door behind him.
While her golden eyes took note of the man's unassuming dress as he moved forward to greet her.
He was someone that she has known for several years now.
The man was her instructor in her medical training.
And not only that.
After she became embroiled in the revolutionary movement to her surprise he came on board.
And she has since organized a network where she arranges physicians like Shima to go treat sick and injured Fire Nationals in the rural islands at her expense.
"That was some speech you gave out there." Shima stated in an impressed voice while the young woman smiled slightly back at him.
"What I can I say? I have a passion for helping the people. Someone has to take a stand. If I don't…who will?" Sia responded in an introspective voice as the physician stood gazing back at her with a smile on his lips.
"I know you do. I wanted to let you know that I have been appointed a station in caldera as a call royal physician for Princess Azula." The physician admitted with noticeable displeasure in his voice as the young noblewoman turned to him with her eyes widened in shock.
"That's…unfortunate. You have my sympathies." The revolutionary answered with a grimace on her lips while the doctor numbly nodded his head.
"Yes…well. Because of my promotion it won't be safe for us to meet as often as we were before. Which means that you will have to find other doctors to fill in in my place." Shima explained with his hands in his pockets while the young woman nodded her head in understanding.
"I should be able to work something out. Just try to avoid displeasing her. You know how our princess gets when she is displeased." Sia advised in a cautious voice as she gazed back at the man's fearful face in pity.
"I…am well aware of the rumors." The physician sighed in a resigned voice while the young noble frowned in agreement.
And then Sia paused for the briefest of moments as if she was in deep thought before she turned to gaze back at the man once more.
"So, I hear…that you are treating that foreign servant of hers…Elle…" The revolutionary trailed off as the doctor nodded as he pushed up his glasses with his fingertip.
"Yes. She has a lung condition of unknown origin. Surprisingly enough…the princess seems…to value her more than the others." Shima informed as the young revolutionary leader held a pondering hand underneath her chin.
"I have heard that she possesses incredible power." Sia spoke in a pensive fashion as Shima shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't have any information for you in regards to that. At any rate…since your sister is working directly with the princess. You would likely have greater access to that sort of thing than me." The physician remarked in suggestive voice while the young noblewoman gave him an understanding nod.
"Right. I'll look into it." The revolutionary stated in a thoughtful voice while the doctor turned to walk away.
"I have to get going…it isn't good for me to linger around here." Shima began in a concerned voice as Sia turned to face him.
"Of course, Shima. You have a pleasant night." The revolutionary concluded as she watched the man offer her a parting smile.
"You as well Sia." The physician replied before he strode towards the door while the young woman observed him walking away.
And not a moment after that the man departed through the doors.
While Sia turned away to stare down at her table as she shifted through several documents with a contemplative expression in her eyes.
Before her golden eyes settled on a diagram of the caldera.
All the while as the lamps in the room illuminated her deadly urgent face.
'They have given me no choice! I must act…for the sake of the people!' Sia thought as she clenched her fists over the diagram while a resolute expression overtook her face.
The following day in the early morning hours at the Clan Song caldera estate.
Yoko sat at the head of a long dinner table eating her breakfast.
While her house servant Mio stood before the table with her hands clasped waiting to fulfill the families every order.
Just before the governor turned to gaze through the corner of her eye to see her youngest daughter sitting down at the table.
"You were out late last night." The governor commented in a formal voice while her daughter gracefully seated herself.
All the while as Mio quickly made her way over to serve the young noblewoman.
"I was visiting a few girls from university." The revolutionary responded in a calm voice while her mother rose a brow as she eyed her closely.
"I still don't understand why you persist with this university." Yoko commented as she stared back at her daughter with rigid golden eyes while the young woman waved her servant off.
"That's not necessary Mio. I can attend to myself." Sia assured in a gentler voice than she used with her mother while her mother still eyed her carefully.
While the house servant reluctantly allowed the young noble to serve herself.
"Because it interests me." The revolutionary remarked in a firmer voice as she put food on her plate while her parent still gazed back at her stonily.
"Medical school is undignified for a woman of Clan Song." The governor complained in a stony voice before she resumed eating her meal.
While Sia made no comment as she continued to serve herself a plate.
Only for the two nobles to turn to see Zoi entering the dining hall in a red long-sleeved dress shirt.
Just as Yoko's eyes sharpened with an ever so slightly colder glint when she saw a young woman standing behind her eldest daughter.
"And just who is this Zoi?" Yoko inquired in a nearly emotionless voice while her oldest daughter gestured to the young woman behind her.
While Jiao wisely kept her mouth shut as she stood behind her lover's taller back.
"Mother, this is Jiao. She is a close friend of mine. Would you mind if she dined with us this morning?" Zoi answered in as proper of a voice as she could muster while her mother's golden eyes still lingered on her lover.
While Sia began to eat as she resisted the urge to snort in amusement as she kept up a straight face.
She knew full well that the seductress was much more than that.
"What have I told you about bringing guests here Zoi?" The governor asked in a courtly voice while the captain just sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Is that a no then?" The captain pondered in a composed voice while her mother frowned at the woman standing behind her.
"I will allow it. Provided that she behaves herself." Yoko stated in the voice of a true matriarch while Zoi cracked a small smile as she offered her a nod of understanding.
While Jiao bowed her head in respect as she followed the warrior to sit down at the table.
And then soon the captain and the seductress seated themselves a proper distance away from each other.
While Mio stepped forward to wait on the captain and her companion.
"Would you like your usual this morning my lady?" Mio questioned in a professional voice as the warrior nodded her head.
"Yes, Mio that will do just fine." Zoi responded with a smile on her lips while the woman began to set out food for her on her plate.
"Thank you for allowing me a place at your table Governor Yoko." Jiao spoke in a restrained voice while the older woman gazed back at her stonily.
"Don't overthink it. It is for this morning only." The governor replied in a regal voice while Jiao nodded her head in comprehension.
"That will do Mio." The captain assured in a friendly voice while the woman nodded as she ceased scooping food onto her plate.
"What is it that you do Jiao?" Yoko questioned in a stoic voice as she stared back at the young woman's smiling face.
While both sisters remained silent as they watched their mother stare the seductress down.
"I am a performer." The seductress responded without delay with a charming smile on her lips while the servant began to set food on her plate.
While Sia swallowed her food as she never missed the double meaning behind the woman's answer.
"A performer? As in an actress?" The governor pondered once more as she held her chin up in her hands with the tiniest margin of curiosity in her eyes.
"That is correct governor. I have been in numerous small plays. I aspire to eventually work my way up to the capital stage." Jiao spoke in an eloquent voice while the older woman's eyes flickered with slight intrigue.
"Interesting. I have always held an admiration for the performing arts." Yoko commented with a hint of keenness for the subject making its way into her voice.
While the seductress gazed back at the older woman with understanding blue eyes.
"Mio. Grab yourself a plate. Have a seat and eat with us." Zoi declared as she gazed at the house servant with a small smile on her lips.
While Mio turned to glance uncertainly back at Yoko as the older woman gazed between her daughter and her.
"Mistress?" Mio asked in a respectful voice as she waited for the older woman to voice that she was allowed to eat with the family.
"Come on Mother. She's been with us for a long time." The captain reasoned as she gazed back at her mother's stony countenance.
While Sia gazed between her mother and their servant with a knowing expression in her eyes.
This wouldn't be the first time that their mother had allowed Mio to eat at their table.
And she knew well enough that her mother was more concerned with the image of their clan in front of guests.
Only for the older woman to let out a sigh as she nodded her head while the young house servant smiled gratefully back at her.
"You may have a seat Mio." The governor announced in a dignified voice while the young woman bowed her head in appreciation.
"Thank you, mistress. It is most generous of you." The house servant stated with a smile while the noblewoman stared back at her with the tiniest sliver of fondness in her rigid eyes.
And with that she began to serve herself a plate.
Before she strode quietly towards a seat that was off to the side of her mistress.
And then she sat down to the right of the older woman.
While the two sisters gazed on knowingly as they began to eat themselves.
All the while as the two siblings made no comment when the young woman sat down beside their mother.
And just the same.
Their mother made no move to tell the younger woman to choose a different seat.
And soon enough Mio took to eating beside Yoko.
While the older woman resumed eating her meal as she never once showed any signs that it bothered her that her house servant was sitting beside her.
And even though the matriarch would not openly say it out loud.
The reason why she allowed it was because Mio had been serving her for so long that she had almost become a companion of sorts for her in private.
Two hours later, at the Royal Palace.
Azula and Zoi turned towards the door as they watched the former chancellor make his way into the princess's study.
While they gazed back at the politician as they took quick note of the bruises on his neck.
All the while as Terak shuffled in with his hands hidden in his sleeves as the two raised their brows over his wounds.
"Well, it looks like you are no longer royal chancellor." Azula remarked in a haughty voice with a smirk on her lips while she studied the man's smiling face closely.
"It matters not princess. I am still an honorary member of Clan Song…" Terak trailed off as he approached while he smiled back at the captain's stoic face.
While Zoi sat in her seat with her golden eyes taking attentive note of the hidden gleam of anger in the man's golden eyes.
"If it doesn't matter Terak. Then why do you look so livid?" Zoi pondered in a knowing voice while Terak continued to smile all the while as he came to a stop before them.
"Livid? I am not livid. I assure you that my mind is quite serene." The former chancellor responded with his hands clasped together while a smile still adorned his lips.
While the two women gazed back at the nobleman with a spark of entertainment in their eyes.
Yet at the same time they were weary.
Not of the former chancellor but of the possible fallout that the general's actions might have on inspiring even further rebellion.
"Sure, you are. And I am a proper lady." The captain snorted in an unladylike manner while the princess listened in amusement beside her.
All the while as Terak just smiled with his sleeves brushing together with his golden eyes taking great care to conceal his fury.
While he exhaled slowly as the princess still eyed him with a smile on her lips.
"It's rather sad that you were brutalized so easily. You didn't even put up the slightest bit of a fight." The princess commented in a taunting voice while her callous eyes never left the politician's still smiling visage.
And for the briefest of instances the man's smile almost turned into a scowl.
"Not sad. I would much rather have a perceptive mind than simple brute force." Terak countered with a sharper edge to his voice while Azula still eyed him with a confident smile on her lips.
"Really? I suppose that's unfortunate for you then. Because I have both a brilliant mind and unrivalled might." Azula mocked in a prideful voice as she waved a hand before her sanguinely smirking face.
While Terak turned away to gaze off at the wall with his hands clasping tightly underneath his sleeves.
"Terak…I know that you and I have had our differences. But I believe that I owe you a favor for rescuing us from our stranding, and it would be putting it mildly saying that I am pissed at that bastard for what he did in Shung Wu…" Zoi spoke as her voice returned to her razor focused demeanor while her princess turned to her in curiosity.
While the former chancellor listened with his golden eyes glancing over his robed shoulder.
"I would be more than happy to break his bones. It shouldn't be too hard for me to catch him off his guard." The captain stated in a darkened voice with her golden eyes taking on a vengeful gleam.
All the while as the princess stared back at her warrior with surprised amber golden eyes.
Only for the politician to turn back around to face the two women with his hands clasped together.
While they now gazed back at him with slight bewilderment in his eyes to see him shaking his head.
"That is not necessary captain. There is no need for such barbarity. I bear the general no ill will." The former chancellor declared with a growing smile on his lips while the two highborn women stared at him incredulously.
"You mean to tell me that you aren't angry in the least?" The princess asked in an impassive voice as she scrutinized the shrewd man with calculating amber golden eyes.
"Hm. That is correct princess. I hold no grudge against the general. It matters not to me who is royal chancellor. In fact, I even wish him all the good will in the world in his new position." Terak explained in a seemingly amicable voice as he held his head up while the two highborn women gazed back at him in disbelief.
'A mere beating will not sate me…I will not be satisfied with anything less than the utter destruction of his entire world as he knows it.' The former chancellor thought with his cunning golden eyes taking on a malevolent stare as a sinister smile still adorned his lips.
While Azula and Zoi surveyed the politician with searching expressions in their eyes.
Only for the princess to shrug her shoulders in an uncaring fashion while she coldly stared back at the former chancellor's smiling face.
He may be able to deceive the majority of the royal court…
But she was able to see the conniving gleam in his eyes.
'He can scheme as much as he likes against General Meram…just as long as he knows who he serves.' Azula thought as she reclined in her seat with her callous amber golden eyes gazing back at the politician's visage.
"Truthfully, it doesn't matter to me if you do or don't. Just continue with our plan as we discussed and know that things will work out for you if you obey my absolute will." The princess remarked in an effortlessly commanding voice while the chancellor smiled widely as moved to walk away.
While the captain for her part stared back at the man with a stony gaze refusing to believe that he truly held no grudge.
Even though she may not be as politically minded as her princess.
If there was one thing she knew.
It was that the man was not one to forget such a humiliation so easily.
"You need not worry princess. Nothing has changed. Royal chancellor or not, I still excel in my area of expertise. Our work will go on without interruption." Terak assured in a sly voice as he folded his sleeves before him while the two women stared back at him with composed eyes.
Before the princess sunk back on her throne with her arms spreading out on the sides of her lavish chair.
While her beyond imposing amber golden eyes stared penetratingly back at the man's smiling face as her gaze now reflected that of a true conqueror.
"Just remember one thing Terak. Never forget who you serve." Azula announced in a naturally authoritative voice with her intimidating amber golden eyes staring a hole through the man's skull.
While she watched as the politician then bowed before her at the waist with an arm over his chest.
"I serve you, my princess." The former chancellor replied as he bowed while the powerful woman gazed callously back at him.
"Good. It pleases me that you know your place. That is all. You can go now." The princess commented in a glacial voice as she lazily waved the man away while the politician smiled as he bowed his head.
"I live only to serve." Terak spoke in an amicable voice as he arose from his vow with a wide smile on his lips while his princess stared coldly back at him.
And then he turned around to walk away while his golden eyes shone with a scheming glimmer once more.
While Azula observed the politician walk away with her frigid amber golden eyes staring ruthlessly after his back.
And soon enough the former chancellor closed the doors behind him.
Before the princess let out a scathing snort as she turned to share a glance with her strongest soldier.
All the while as the two firebenders gazed back at one another before they turned their eyes back to the closed chamber doors.
While the captain's golden eyes still conveyed her unfathomable fury towards the general.
"Your Highness..." Zoi began in a loyal voice as she sat gazing ahead in her chair while her leader turned to glance her way.
"What is it soldier?" Azula questioned with a tiny flicker of fondness in her callous voice.
While her strict amber golden eyes stared at the woman that she now come to consider as something akin to a sister to her.
And if there was one thing that gratified her.
It was that even though her father was still Fire Lord.
She had her own little group of subordinates who were loyal to her and her alone.
To them.
She is their one and only Fire Lord.
And there was something about that thought that had her lips curling into a pleased smile.
"I don't care what your father says. I am not letting Shung Wu go." The captain stated with a steely conviction in her voice while her princess rose a regal brow.
Only for the merciless princess to let out a sigh as she sat back in her chair while her icy eyes still studied her companion closely.
She could only hope that her captain wouldn't do something idiotic like attack the general on palace grounds.
In Elle's servant quarters.
Elle sat in her chair before her painting stand with headphones over her head.
While she carefully glided her paintbrush over the surface of the canvas as she meticulously painted her princess's divine lips.
And soon enough the image of her beautiful goddess began to finally take shape on the canvas.
All the while as she listened to the sound of her mother's voice from one of her famous recorded lectures play in her ear.
"I urge everyone that is listening to consider what type of world that you want to live in. There is only one way forward and that is through peace. We must come together as one. If not…" Lana's voice spoke through the headphones into her daughter's captivated ears.
While the handmaid's brush paused on the canvas with her amber eyes reflecting an intensely engrossed countenance.
As she sat unaware that her door was being opened in that very moment.
While the princess stepped into the servant's quarters chamber with her callous amber golden eyes gazing at her serving girl's seated back.
As she found herself unable to resist the way that her lips curved into a pleased smile when she saw that her pet was painting her likeness once again.
And that was when her ruthless amber golden eyes turned to gaze around the room in astonishment.
While her lipstick painted lips fell open in marvelment as she took in the vastly redecorated room.
The walls were now covered in countless images of her likeness!
She spun in a circle with her widening amber golden eyes sweeping about the wall of the room in astoundment.
The girl had hung up many tapestries of her royal visage that were now hanging all throughout the room!
And just like that her lips grew into an even larger excited smile of gratification as her delighted gaze inspected each and every decoration.
While just as many sketches of her image were hung up in various spots all around the chamber.
And then she reeled around with her hands hanging at her womanly hips to find herself staring at a framed painting hanging over her girlfriend's bedside.
It was a beautifully framed piece of art of her standing on a bridge with the sun setting over her.
It didn't take long for her to realize that it was the painting that Ty Lee had told her about before they departed for their mission to hunt the Avatar.
And then she turned to gaze around with still stunned amber golden eyes as she drank in even more decorations depicting her royal countenance.
They weren't just decorations.
Each and every one of them were tributes to her rule!
The girl literally turned her entire room into a small shrine in her image!
She was so greatly pleased by her servant's devotion that she barely took notice of the girl's infernal doll on display on her chamber bed.
While her lips now adorned a giant smile as she found herself twirling a perfect fingertip in her dark hair.
All the while as she fought with every fiber of her being to stop the tiny blush from forming on her proud cheeks.
'This girl doesn't just serve me…. she really does worship me! I truly am…her goddess!' The princess thought with a smile of unrivaled satisfaction gracing her beautiful features.
And with that her elated amber golden eyes turned to gaze at her painting pet once more.
'I am loved…and it feels…glorious.' Azula thought with a truly rare grin of contentment on her face while her hand fell from her hair.
While she gazed in gratification at her serving girl with a boundlessly possessive gleam reflecting in her controlling amber golden eyes.
Before she finally noticed that her pet was so embroiled in her artwork and her audio toy that she hadn't even noticed her enter.
Just before she began to saunter forward with her arms folded over her breasts while she still smiled at the girl's small back.
Only to find herself halting in her footsteps when her amber golden eyes widened in realization when she recognized a hauntingly familiar voice coming from her girlfriend's music player.
"Then there won't be a world left for us to live in. We as a species and all life on this planet as we know it…will cease to be. It is imperative that we change our ways and embrace peace. Otherwise, we are left with no other alternative but to face extinction." Lana informed in a pleading voice as her words flowed into her daughter's keenly listening ears.
While Azula stood with her taken aback amber golden eyes gazing at the young girl's back.
All the while as she found herself sighing under her breath with her boots gliding across the floor.
And her smile had already given way to a displeased scowl while she came to a stop looming over her handmaid's seated back.
"Elle!" The princess called out in a demanding voice as her controlling amber golden eyes watched the girl jump up from her seat.
"A-Azula-sama!" The handmaid cried out in a surprised voice as she carefully set down her paint brush while taking care not to ruin her in progress painting.
And then she leaped to her feet as she set her headphones and music player on a nearby table.
While her cheeks heated up once more as she gazed up at her princess's beautifully stern face.
Just as she bent over in a polite curtsy at the hip with her hands tucked in at her sides while the older woman's lips almost curved into a smile.
"It took you long enough to notice my presence. I have only been standing here for almost two minutes." Azula scoffed in a harsh voice with her possessive amber golden eyes taking great delight in how the girl rapidly curtsied her.
"I-I didn't know that you were here queen! Forgive me for not noticing sooner! Please let me get you seated!" Elle exclaimed in an adorably worshipful voice while Azula stood smiling over her once more.
And then she sprang from her bow while she scurried over to her desk to pull out her master's seat.
While the princes strode forward with a gratified smile on her domineering lips.
Until she came to as top gazing down at the small girl lovably holding out her seat for her.
And then without further ado she gracefully plopped her robed bottom down in the chair.
All the while as she reclined with a broad smile on her lips as she stared back at her young girlfriend's pretty doting face.
"Yes, well. I will let it slide just this one. But should there be a repeat of this I will not hesitate to punish you." The princess huffed in an absolutely spoiled voice with her palms clasped in her lap.
While her smile grew when her handmaid bowed her head in a trained panic once more.
And she couldn't help but find that she was beginning to adore it when the girl addressed her as 'queen'.
"I-I understand Azula-sama. Can…can I get you anything?" The handmaid pondered in a revering voice that had only grown since they returned home.
While she gazed at her princess in endless worship as the woman sat smiling like a true queen at her desk.
"No. Just sit-down peasant…and tell me what it was that you were doing." Azula ordered in a naturally authoritative voice while she watched the girl quickly sit back down in her seat.
Before she turned her controlling gaze back to the girl's painting as her lips curved into a pleased smile once more.
It seemed to be shaping into an imposing painting of her seated on her throne gazing down at a yet to be revealed subject below.
"I-I was painting Her Highness." Elle admitted in a bashful voice as she tried to push down her sadness while she smiled with her hands nervously shifting in her lap.
While the older woman smiled at her once more from where she sat before her.
"I can see that dear. I was more asking you about the inspiration behind this particular piece." The princess remarked in a sophisticated voice as she studied the painting with her regal amber golden eyes.
Before she turned her dominating eyes back to her handmaid's adorably worshipful face while her smile widened even further.
"T-this one is called Azula-sama, Rule. It…it is symbolic of the way that you rule over me…providing me with all that I need to live." The handmaid explained in an infatuatedly fixated voice as she gazed back at the older woman's taken aback face in adoration.
While the mighty princess sunk back in her seat with her amazed lips still reflecting her awe over how deeply the girl worshipped her.
All the while as she held a flattered fingertip underneath her as she scanned the piece with an enlarging smile.
"It's a fitting name. I approve of this tribute…can I ask why my likeness now covers your entire chamber?" Azula questioned in a voice of true royalty while she turned to gaze back at her girlfriend's timid face.
"B-because you're my queen and I feel safer when I am surrounded by you. O-of course I'll take it all down if it bothers you." Elle stammered in a self-conscious voice as she chewed on her lip in worry only for her master to quickly shake her beautiful head.
"Don't be silly dear! I love it. I just couldn't help but notice that you are worshiping me with an even greater intensity than before." The princess commented with a lovely fingertip still touching her smiling lip while her greedy amber golden eyes never left her pet's overwhelmed face.
"T-that's…that's because serving you helps me take my mind off my worries. When I put all of my focus into you Azula-sama…I feel so much happier." The handmaid confessed in a shy voice as she fiddled her thumbs in her lap while her princess listened in astonishment.
And just like that Azula found her lips hanging open in an expression of appreciation.
While her possessive amber golden eyes gleamed with gratification as she found herself unable to fight the rising smile on her lips.
"There is no need for you to feel self-conscious dear. If worshiping me is what you wish to do…then I gladly welcome it." Azula purred in a beyond pleased voice as she reached out to stroke her fingertips against the smaller girl's quivering cheek.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to flicker with a sliver of disapproval when she caught the barest hint of sadness in the girl's eyes once more.
While she soon found a sigh escaping her lips as she stared back into her young girlfriend's sensitive amber eyes.
"Girl. Listen well. I have orders for you." The princess stated in an even stricter voice as she hardened her gaze while she watched her handmaid snap her eyes back to hers.
"What…what is your order Azula-sama?" Elle asked in an eager voice as she began to sit up to serve the woman only to blink in confusion when she was pushed back down into her seat.
While she felt her face heat up when the older woman's warm fingers departed from her cheek.
Before she raised her eyes upward when the taller woman abruptly stood up from her chair.
All the while as her heart raced pleasantly when controlling amber golden eyes now gazed back down at her.
"I command you to come to my royal chambers in two hours so that I can give you a well-deserved reward. And of course, then you can serve me as much as want." Azula spoke in a stern voice with a still present smile on her lips.
While she gazed down at the hurriedly nodding girl with approval in her callous amber golden eyes.
"Yes, Azula-sama! I'll be there!" The handmaid assured in a more upbeat voice as she smiled up at the older woman's smirking face.
"I suppose I'll see you then peasant." The princess stated in a voice of regal authority as she regarded the blushing girl with a pleased amber golden gaze once more.
Before she turned to walk away with a smirk on her lips while the teenager gazed eagerly after her.
"I'll see you then Your Highness!" Elle called out as she waved to the older woman's smirking countenance.
And not a second after that the powerful Fire Princess departed through the doors of the bedroom.
An hour later.
Azula let out a sigh as she sat on a sofa opposite of her acrobatic friend.
While Ty Lee gazed on with worry in her brown-gray eyes after being told that her adopted sister had literally remade her entire chamber into the princess's image!
And not only that.
She couldn't fight the saddened frown that was on her lips after hearing that the poor girl was listening to her mother's voice on her music player.
"Azula…I am getting worried about how Elle is taking Mai's absence and everything else that has happened. Her behavior has been really concerning lately." Ty Lee stated with a tender voice while Azula sighed once more.
"The girl just needs some time to adjust Ty Lee." Azula sighed with her arms crossed over her breasts while her friend continued to stare at her in worry.
"No. I'm not. This…this increased desire to dote on you is potentially unhealthy." The acrobat replied with a frown on her lips only to flinch when the princess's amber golden eyes reflected a spark of anger.
"Unhealthy? The girl loves me and this is just her way of showing it. Are you trying to say that it's unhealthy for her to love me?" The princess questioned in a guarded voice with her amber golden eyes narrowing dangerously while her childhood friend hurriedly shook her head.
"No! That's not what I am saying at all Azula." Ty Lee assured with a placating wave of her hands while the princess still scowled back at her.
"Then what are you saying?" Azula demanded with a harsh edge to her voice while the noblewoman still gazed on in concern.
"I am trying to say that this increased…obsession with serving you is very concerning because she is using you as a coping mechanism for her stress. And there is nothing wrong with that under most circumstances. It's…just that the more troubled she becomes. The more she waits on you. And the reason it worries me is because obsessive behavior is often a warning sign that someone isn't doing well emotionally." The acrobat explained in a helpful voice while the princess's amber golden eyes calmed as she listened closely.
"If you are thinking that the girl might do something to harm herself Ty Lee…I am keeping a watchful eye on her if that's what you're worried about." The princess responded with her regal lips still forming a tight scowl while she held her arms over her breasts.
While she sighed once more as her friend still gazed back with tremendous sisterly concern in her eyes.
"I get that you're Elle's world Azula. But perhaps she would cheer up if she stayed at my place for a few days. Maybe she's just lonely in her room and she would feel better if someone was there to hold her at night." Ty Lee suggested in a hopeful voice only to find herself sighing when Azula's amber golden eyes lit with a possessive jealousy.
"Absolutely not! She is my pet. Not yours. And I refuse to share her with another woman." Azula scoffed in a highly spoiled voice while her friend gazed back at her in exasperation.
"Azula…you make it sound like I am going to do something lewd to her. I just want to cuddle with her." The acrobat insisted in a loving voice while the princess still scowled back at her.
"That isn't necessary. Tomorrow I am going to begin supervising the girl's study lessons. That should give her more than enough distraction from all of this nonsense with Mai." The princess remarked in a stubborn voice while she ignored her childhood friend's attempt to sway her with puppydog eyes.
Before the acrobat soon sunk back in defeat as she huffed with her arms crossed over her breasts.
"Sure Azula…meanie." Ty Lee complained with a pout while Azula rolled her amber golden eyes back at her.
A half an hour after that in the princess's royal chamber.
The handmaid entered through the doors of the gigantic chamber as she pushed a cart of her princess's freshly washed linens.
While she turned her head towards the vast accompanying bathroom when she heard the sound of running water coming from within.
And then she dutifully wheeled the cart towards her master's massive dresser extravagant dresser.
While she began to meticulously set every article of clothing in the right drawer.
And soon after that.
She found herself padding into her princess's enormous royal wardrobe.
All the while as she turned to peer around her in awe over the seemingly hundreds of costly articles that hung from ornate gold hangers.
Before she began hanging each item up while she still listened to the sound of running water resonating from the emperor sized bathroom.
Azula stepped out of her personal shower with a content sigh leaving her lips as her bare now stood on the floor.
While she smiled all the while as she wrapped a towel around her wet body as she began to dry herself off.
Only for her playful smile to grow when she tilted her head hearing the sound of someone moving in her royal wardrobe.
And shortly after that she began to slide on thigh high stockings over her naked legs.
All the while as a seductive smile graced her lips as she stood up with an ever-confident expression adorning her regal face.
And then she elegantly wrapped her royal robes around her dried body.
And not a moment later she began to saunter out of her royal bathroom.
Just as she glanced around her giant chamber with her amber golden eyes reflecting an astonished gleam to see that it was literally spotless!
Before she opened a dresser draw only to gaze down in it to find that all of her lingerie had been neatly put away.
The bed was made.
And all of the counters had been wiped down.
And that was when she turned back towards the open door of her royal wardrobe while her lips formed a pleased smile once more.
'She came early just to tidy my room.' Azula thought with a gratified smile on her beautiful lips as she strode towards the door of the open wardrobe.
While her astonished amber golden eyes now stared into the vast wardrobe to find that all of her washed linens had been hung up.
Only to find herself coming to a stop with her arms crossing over her robed breasts while she stared down at her handmaid's turned back.
All the while as she arched a regal brow to see that the girl was obsessively sorting her footwear on the floor.
While she found herself sighing in the doorway as she begrudgingly admitted that her friend may have a point.
"Peasant." The princess commented in an authoritative voice while she watched the girl spin around to gaze back at her.
All the while as a frown graced her lips when she took note of the obsessed look in the younger girl's eyes.
"P-Princess! O-oh my…" The handmaid stuttered when she found herself gazing back at her master standing in the doorway wearing fine royal robes.
While her awed amber eyes now stared back at the statuesque woman to see that older female's gown parted just enough to reveal that her long legs were adorned in lovely thigh high stockings.
All the while as the princess's lips curved into an alluring smile once more as she held herself with an aura of elegance that only a true woman of royalty was capable of.
"What is this all about Elle?" Azula inquired in a smoothly poised voice as she gestured about her enormous wardrobe.
While her callous amber golden eyes stared possessively back at her little handmaid's timidly fretful face.
"I-I came forty minutes early so that I could make your chamber for you." Elle stammered in a sensitive voice while the older woman sauntered towards her.
Until she found herself gazing up with a gulp at the princess towering over her with one hand on her womanly hip.
While domineering amber golden eyes gazed back down at her in a way that sent a pleasurable chill down her spine.
"Pet. Come." The princess commanded in a supremely strict voice before she turned around haughtily while she snapped her fingers for the spellbound girl to follow.
Only for her lips to pull into an amused smile when she heard the girl spring to her feet after her in an adorable panic.
"Y-yes princess!" The handmaid cried out as she padded after the older woman's footfalls while she gulped as the smirking princess sauntered ahead of her.
Only to find herself gazing on with helpless amber eyes when the older woman began to ever so slightly sway her robed ass in front of her.
While she swallowed nervously as she fiddled her fingers while she followed in an infatuated trance.
All the while as the arrogant princess smirked as smugly as can be as she made her way through her massive royal chamber with her pretty handmaid following after her heels like a lost puppy.
Just before she stopped before her throne while she turned around to face her spellbound serving girl with a beyond confident smirk on her lips.
And just like that she gracefully seated herself on her throne while she spread out her arms on the side of her luxurious chair.
While she sunk her head back into the neck of her seat with a sigh escaping her lips.
Only for her smile to grow even bigger when she gazed out of the corner of her eye to see her pet rushing over to attend to her.
"Please let me help you get comfortable Azula-sama." Elle stated in a highly eager to please voice as she scampered to her seated master's side.
While the princess smiled widely in gratification as she lounged with her hands resting over her belly when she felt dainty hands begin to knead her shoulder.
All the while as she let out a contented moan as sunk into her throne with her stocking covered feet stretching out onto her floor.
'There is no greater pleasure in this entire world…than being worshiped by this little girl of mine.' Azula thought with a relaxed smile adorning her lovely lips as she sighed pleasantly.
While she turned to gaze back at her pet with a pleased smile.
Only for her ruthless amber golden eyes to take note of the profoundly stressed out look in the girl's eyes.
And that was all it took for her lips to sink into a grudgingly concerned scowl as she felt the girl hurriedly massage her shoulders.
"That is enough Elle." The princess sighed as she gently pushed the girl's hands off her shoulders while her callous amber golden eyes gazed back at her little handmaid's fretful face.
"D-did I do something wrong? Was I massaging too soft? Too hard? H-has my service displeased you princess?" The handmaid asked in an upset voice as she stood beside the throne with her worried amber eyes gazing back at her princess's beautiful face.
Only for the older woman to shake her head with a charming smile making its way onto her lovely lips once more.
"No, dear. You never displease me. I simply wanted thought it would be a good time to give you your reward." Azula cooed in a silken voice as she expertly soothed her young girlfriend's worries while she smiled back at her handmaid's shyly smiling face.
"M-my reward Azula-sama?" Elle pondered in a lovably timid voice as she twiddled her thumbs while she found herself lost in her girlfriend's enchanting smile once more.
"Yes, dear. Go open the top right hand drawer on my nightstand and you'll find a box in there. Bring it back to me. So, I can give it to you." The princess instructed in a naturally authoritative voice as she reclined with an alluring smile on her lips.
While she gazed back at her little beloved's brightening face as her smile grew when the girl bowed her head to her.
"I will do so at once!" The handmaid exclaimed as she speedily scurried towards the nightstand while her powerful caretaker watched her from her throne.
And then she came to a stop before the nightstand while she eagerly the drawer up.
Only for her excited amber eyes to gaze down to see a beautifully ornate gift box sitting in her view.
Before she grasped at it with curious hands while she padded her way back over to her master's side.
And then she handed the box to her princess while the older woman took it in her hand.
While she watched with anticipating amber eyes as her princess opened it with a mesmerizing smile still gracing her gorgeous lips.
Only for her mouth to fall open in surprise when she saw her princess hold out the item that was in the box before her thrilled face.
"My handheld game system!" Elle cried out in a shocked voice while Azula's lips pulled into a confident grin.
"That's right. Just like your music box. It is now completely powered by my lightning generation." Azula stated in an ever-sanguine voice as she smiled back at her little girlfriend's awestruck face.
Only for her smile to widen when she felt two dainty arms wrap around her belly.
"A-Azula-sama. You are so good to me." The handmaid murmured as she hugged her girlfriend's belly while she felt the older woman lower a hand into her hair to pet her head.
"Of course, I am. I told you that I take great care of what belongs to me." The princess remarked in a honeyed voice with her domineering amber golden eyes gazing down at the girl hiding her face in her belly.
While she sat back on her bottom with her lips adorning a beyond gratified smile as she patted the mumbling girl's head.
"M-my princess right." Elle stammered in a sensitive voice as she felt her girlfriend's strong hand pat her head.
"Go on pet. Why don't you give your little peasant toy a try?" Azula commented in a haughty yet fond voice as she softly pushed her small girlfriend up from her belly.
Only for her graceful smile to grow even larger she watched her pet plop down on the floor at her stocking covered feet.
While she set both of her palms over her robed belly as she stared down at the younger girl with just a tiny sliver of curiosity in the device in her merciless amber golden eyes.
"A-alright. If that is what you desire Azula-sama." The handmaid answered in a soft-spoken voice as she backed up with her head resting against her master's thigh.
While she felt a hand lower into her golden hair once more as she hit the power button.
Only to find herself gazing down in astonishment when the screen lit up before her amazed eyes.
All the while as the princess sat in her throne with her palm resting in her young handmaid's hair.
While her callous amber golden eyes gazed down with a flash of fascination as she took in the bright images appearing on the screen.
And once more.
Even though it was just a toy.
She couldn't help but be astounded by the technology that the people of this other world were capable of.
It only increased her desire to focus on expanding the technology of the Fire Nation as much as possible.
So, that she could properly war with this Rieko.
And that was all it took for her ruthless lips to turn into a glower as she held onto her handmaid's soft head.
Only to find herself torn from her warmongering thoughts when she glanced down to see that the girl was just numbly gazing back down at the screen.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" The princess questioned in an oddly attentive voice with a frown on her regal lips while the teenager sat in a slump on the floor.
"N-no. It's perfect. I'm…just not feeling up to playing it." Elle muttered as she turned the handheld off with a push of the button while Azula sat in bewilderment over her.
While a moody scowl pulled onto the princess's lips once more as she stared down at the girl with stern amber golden eyes as she watched the girl set the toy off to the side.
All the while as her displeased scowl grew to even greater heights when she observed the girl sink into her knees at her feet.
And what irked her the most is that she had a damn good idea that she knew what this continued sadness was all about.
"I see. Then perhaps you would be more interested in your second reward?" Azula spoke in a soothing womanly voice while she watched her little girlfriend turn around to peer up at her.
Only for her glower to return when she saw the downcast look in the smaller girl's usually sunny amber eyes.
"S-second reward?" The handmaid replied in a meek voice as she still fought down the urge to cry while the mighty princess frowned imposingly down at her.
Only to find herself gulping once more when her master parted her robes with a tantalizing hand.
And just like that she fell to the floor onto her back with an intimidating squeak when she fought herself gazing up at two flawlessly formed long legs in thigh high stockings.
While the older woman sat on her throne with an alluring smile returning to her beautiful lips once again.
And then the princess held a flirtatious fingertip under her lip as she raised one foot in the air over the girl's adorably transfixed face.
"Hm. You like stockings don't you dear?" The princess purred in an irresistible voice as she wiggled her clothed toes over her little girlfriend's cutely paralyzed face.
"I-I…l-like stockings Azula-sama." Elle stuttered in an overwhelmed voice as she swallowed in intimidation.
While her lovelorn amber eyes were unable to gaze away from her girlfriend's beautiful clothed foot.
All the while as she trembled as she gazed up the older woman's shapely womanly thighs seated in the throne above her.
While the princes stared down at her with a wide smile on her spoiled lips.
"Are mine to your liking? I put them on just for you dear." Azula remarked in a voice of tantalizing domination while she gracefully set her hands in her robed lap.
While her grin grew as she savored watching her little peasant girl cower underneath her stocking covered foot.
"V-very much so Azula-sama. T-they are beautiful. Just…just like you." The handmaid gulped as she tried in vain to take her eyes off her girlfriend's long statuesque legs that loomed over her.
While her heart started to race wonderfully once more when her princess dangled her lovely foot in front of her reddened face.
"Why don't you show them some love then?" The princess asked in a tantalizing voice with her lips adorning a haughty smirk while she felt the girl nervously take hold of her foot.
And then she sunk back in her throne with a content smile pulling onto her features once more.
While she greatly enjoyed staring down at the pretty girl slowly sitting up with her foot in hand.
"I-I…uh…" Elle trailed off lamely as she struggled to find the words to speak while she held the woman's fabric covered foot in her hands.
While the princess's lips curved into an even larger smirk as she gazed down at the trembling girl with demanding amber golden eyes.
"Go on dear. I'll let you rub them to your little hearts content. You can even kiss them if you want. After all, the body of a Fire Nation goddess is all yours now. So, do be sure to enjoy them. Enjoy all of me." Azula announced in an arrogantly sensual voice as she sat back on her throne with her toes playfully wiggling before her little girlfriend's adorable face.
Only for all of her amusement to vanish in the blink of an eye when she saw a single tear slide down the younger female's cheek.
And that was all it took for her regal lips to purse into a vastly disapproving scowl as she stared imposingly down at the smaller girl now sitting glumly at her feet.
Before she retracted her foot with a heavy sigh leaving her lips as she held a frustrated hand over her annoyed face.
It wasn't like her to care if someone was feeling sad.
Much less a peasant girl.
And yet here she was.
Displeased by the sight of tears making their way down a commoner's cheeks.
"S-sumimasen." The handmaid sputtered as she sunk back into her knees while her princess scowled down at her from her throne.
"Tiger monkey…." The princess growled in a supremely strict voice that was akin to a tone that a woman would take when she was disciplining her puppy.
While she scowled deeply down at the downcast girl with her feet planted on the floor once more.
"W-where is Mai right now?" Elle asked in a barely perceivable voice as she wiped at her eyes while Azula still glowered down at her.
"She is at the Capital City Prison awaiting her transfer to Boiling Rock." Azula answered in a much colder voice than she had used in their flirtations while she glared down at her saddened pet.
"B-Boiling Rock? You're going to boil Mai?" The handmaid blurted out naively in a horrified voice only for the princess to groan underneath her palm.
"What? Ugh! No! We are not going to boil Mai! That is just the name of the prison! It is called that because the prison is located on a volcanic island at the center of a boiling lake!" The princess snapped in an irate voice as she rolled her amber golden eyes with a tight scowl on her now displeased lips.
While she stared authoritatively down at her young girlfriend's now somewhat relieved face.
"O-oh. I…I understand." Elle replied in a still depressed voice as she sat at the older woman's feet while the princess still scowled above her.
"How many times do I have to tell you that Mai is already getting off lightly? She committed capital treason. If any other Fire Nation citizen would have pulled that stunt, they would have put them to death. Do you want to know why she wasn't?" Azula spoke in a terribly glacial voice with her arms resting on the side of her throne while she glared down at her girlfriend's shaken face.
"W-why?" The handmaid asked in a quiet voice as she sat under her master's dominating amber golden stare.
"Because of you!" The princess hissed with flames spewing from her imposing nostrils as she stared down at her handmaid's taken aback face.
"B-because…of me?" Elle questioned in a moved voice as she met the older woman's piercing gaze.
"Yes. Because of you. I know that if I let anything happen to her that there will be no end to your waterworks!" Azula grunted in a moody voice as she lounged on her throne with a frightening scowl on her beautiful lips.
While she still glared down at her young girlfriend's sentimental countenance.
"I…I thank you for considering how I feel Azula-sama." The handmaid responded in a mildly more upbeat voice only to flinch when she heard the older woman release a scathing snort.
"Well, then perhaps you should try to show a little more appreciation of the leniency that I have shown Mai." The princess snorted in an incredibly harsh voice as she glared down at her trembling handmaid.
Only for her callous amber golden eyes to flash with a sliver of something similar to remorse when the girl recoiled with an even sadder look in her eyes.
While a prideful scowl adorned her lips as she shook her head to calm herself down.
All the while as she reminded herself that yelling at the girl was counterproductive.
After all, Elle wasn't the one who betrayed her.
And then she turned to glance around her room through the corner of her ruthless eye as she took in all of the work that the girl had done for her.
And that was all it took for another sigh to escape her lips.
Before she turned her imposing gaze back down to her handmaid with a deep frown still on her lips.
"I-I appreciate that Azula-sama…it's just that…she's still a part of this family." Elle stated in a crestfallen voice with her head on her knees once more while Azula stared down at her in aggravation.
"You and your little peasant notions of family." Azula scoffed in a callous voice with a boundless scowl on her lips while she still stared down at her handmaid's saddened face.
Only to find herself letting out another loud sigh from her irked lips.
Who would have ever thought that one day she would find herself at the center of a 'family' with this little commoner girl?
And yet…she is.
And not a moment after that she found herself glancing down once more with an arched brow when she saw the girl begin to lower herself onto the floor.
Only for her scowl to abate ever so slightly when she watched her serving girl sink into a low bow on all fours.
"Azula-sama…my master and my queen. May I please request for Your Highness's ruling?" The handmaid pondered in a submissive voice as she bowed on the floor before the older woman's stocking covered feet.
While the princess stared down with her hands resting on the arms of her throne.
And even though it was subtle.
Azula's lips began to curve into the barest sign of a smile once more as she leaned down to survey her submissive beloved.
"So submissive. I like that. What is it that you wish for your queen's ruling on?" The princess questioned in a silken voice as she leaned over the front of her chair to stare down at the beautiful girl prostrated before her feet.
She already knew the answer but she wanted to hear the girl say it.
And truth be told.
There was something highly delightful about watching her own girlfriend bow before her as if she was a goddess descended from the heavens.
"I wish for my queen to decide if I will be permitted to visit Mai before she is transferred to Boiling Rock." Elle requested in a devoted voice with head bent in a show of reverence while Azula loomed above her from where she sat on her throne.
"Will it put a stop to your bawling if I do?" Azula asked in an effortlessly authoritative voice with her possessive amber golden eyes staring down at her bowing pet.
If nothing else.
She adored that the girl remembered what she had told her previously about coming to her for her ruling on all matters in life.
Only for her smile to grow a little more when she watched the girl hurriedly nod her little head.
"Yes princess! It will!" The handmaid exclaimed in a hopeful voice as she peered up at the towering form of her princess seated over her while mighty amber golden eyes stared back down at her.
Only for the princess to release a resounding sigh as if it was a heavy burden for her to bear.
"Oh, very well. I suppose…. I'll allow it." The princess sighed as her head rested upon her throne while her stony amber golden eyes gazed down at her pet's elated face.
And not a second later she found herself letting out a grunt when a small blonde blur embraced her around the belly once more.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama! Arigatou!" Elle cried out in an overjoyed voice as she hugged the older woman's robed belly while she listened to her princess sigh above her.
"The only reason I am saying yes to this is because this is disrupting the quality of my service. Is that understood girl?" Azula snapped in a callous voice as she stared down at her young girlfriend propped up in her lap.
While she watched the girl gaze up at her with emotional amber eyes that she has come to adore.
"I do Azula-sama!" The handmaid cheered in a happier voice as she smiled with joyful tears in her eyes while her chin rested on the older woman's thigh.
Only to find her amber eyes gazing up at the looming princess once more.
While she felt her heart begin to beat at a quicker rate when she watched the powerful woman recline in her throne over her.
All the while as she smiled shyly when unbelievably intimidating amber golden eyes stared right back down at her.
"I am your goddess peasant and I demand that you to worship me with your entire being. And since it is clear that you are too distracted to do that right now. We'll go visit Mai. But after that…you had better be a good girl for me." The princess announced in an unfathomably spoiled voice with a moody scowl on her lips while her handmaid jovially nodded her little head.
And then she placed her hand in the girl's hair once more while she held her girlfriend into her relaxing belly.
"Yes, queen. I'll be a good girl." Elle assured in a lovable voice as she smiled with her face in the older girl's belly while she almost purred when a strong hand petted her head.
While the princess once again found her lips pulling into a satisfied smile as she held the smaller girl in her lap.
"That's my girl. You really are eternally loyal to your queen." Azula spoke in a resounding sigh with a content expression in her ruthless amber golden eyes while she cradled her handmaid's face against her belly.
While she continued to sit back with a much calmer expression on her imposing visage.
Her little girlfriend truly could be a troublesome thing.
But as strange as it may be.
She wouldn't have the girl any other way.
0 notes
grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 129 - Sisters and Secrets
At Terak's estate.
A roar of rage split into the air of Terak's home in unison with the sound of ceramic shattering on the floor.
As an overturned table now rested on its side with numerous broken bottles of wine now spilling into a pool across the floor.
While the former chancellor now stood trembling in rage with his fists clenched at his hips.
All while what little fire he was capable of producing burned from his fingertips as he ground his enraged teeth together.
"Foolhardy General Meram! Savage General Bujing! Barbaric Fire Lord Ozai! Damn them every last one of them! They have some nerve to treat me like that!" Terak roared in a seething voice as he threw a bowl on the floor that shattered at his feet.
While his golden eyes continued to boil over in fury like he had never felt before.
"Am I the only one here with a functioning brain!? Do these fools not realize what they have done!" The former chancellor screamed as he rasped for air with his eyes glaring down at the floor.
And just as he moved to throw another object across the room.
He froze up in mid step when he caught the gleam of the sigil of Clan Song on his chest.
'That's right…I still have Clan Song!' Terak thought with his sharp golden eyes gazing on ahead as he fought to regain his composure.
"Calm yourself Terak. You are smarter than them." The former chancellor stated in a low voice as he forced himself to take a calming breath of air.
While his lips began to curve back into a conniving smile as he let out a contemplative hum.
And he also had Princess Azula as well.
He just had to have patience.
In time, each and every one of them would regret looking down upon him.
Meanwhile in Azula's private study.
Due to the princess's growing paranoia that her movements were being closely watched by her father and traitors at court.
She had the walls of her study and her personal chamber sound proofed.
Which was precisely why she had chosen it as their location to regroup after the summit.
Azula now sat in her personal throne still wearing her ceremonial armor with her legs elegantly crossed.
While she glared down at the floor with callous amber golden eyes in contemplation.
Before she turned to gaze at the faces of her two subordinates.
Zoi was leaning against the wall with arms crossed over her chest gazing stonily down at the floor.
Yet there was a clear gleam of a troubled expression in her golden eyes.
And Ty Lee sat in a chair with her kindly brown-gray eyes still recovering from what she had just been told.
The first being that Ozai was now aware of Elle's power.
Which she had already figured when she felt the girl's aura increase all the way from the other side of the palace.
And the second…being that Nako had created a stunning new communications invention.
Under normal circumstances that would be the topic of greatest interest to her.
She would have never thought that the skittish girl that saved Azula's life back on the island would also be capable of building something so ingenious!
But right now, any thoughts of that were overridden by the knowledge that the monstrous general had went to Shung Wu after they left.
And publicly executed the poor and hungry villagers simply for demanding food!
"Where is Elle?" Azula questioned in a cold voice as she stared on with her usual impassive stare at the other woman's still shocked face.
While her regal lips pulled into a scowl when it looked as if the acrobat was about to cry.
"Ty Lee says that she went to her chamber in the servant's quarters to freshen up." Zoi replied in a stoic voice as her golden eyes still reflected her anger.
"He…he killed them…just for asking for food." Ty Lee spoke at long last in a horrified voice with an angered tear falling from her eye.
While Azula still gazed on with very little emotion in her icy eyes as she frowned in her childhood friend's direction.
"He did, and not only did he execute the instigator Shozak, the outspoken farmer that we encountered, and the others involved. Fire Lord Ozai rewarded him for it with the title of royal chancellor." The captain informed with her golden eyes staring back at the acrobat's still repulsed face.
"While I'm not fond of Terak's aura. He isn't wrong. Now, the people are going to start whispering that we kill poor Fire Nation citizens simply for the crime of going hungry." The acrobat stated in a distraught voice.
While Azula still sat scowling coldly back at her friend with her amber golden eyes refusing to show any emotion.
As much as it enraged her that the commoners had openly defied her and dared to obstruct her royal carriage.
She knew that both Ty Lee and Terak had a valid point.
And that there was a good chance that this could very well give rise to a more widespread peasant uprising!
"I am aware of that Ty Lee. At the same time, in order to maintain order, we cannot allow public disobedience to go unpunished. If the commoners think that they can just do as they please it will make the Crown look weak, and a monarchy that is perceived as weak is a monarchy that the public will disobey." The princess insisted in a stony voice with her callous eyes gazing back at the noblewoman's frowning face.
"While that is true princess. You and I both know that the public execution of Shozak and his supporters is only going to give the movements of dissent even further material to recruit more Fire Nation citizens to their cause." Zoi remarked in a rightfully concerned voice while her princess still sat scowling in her seat.
While the acrobat still sat in her seat with her arms folded uncomfortably over her chest as she gazed down at the floor in profound worry.
"Azula…Elle is eventually going to find out about this, and all of the things that you have kept hidden from her. And when she does. If we don' take steps to make the Fire Nation into a better place. She is going to hate us." Ty Lee spoke with unmistakable sadness in her voice while Azula turned away to glare at the wall.
And even the captain gazed down with something similar to unease at the thought of the girl despising them.
"You exaggerate Ty Lee. The girl isn't going to hate us." Azula scoffed in a pridefully stubborn voice while she glared out of the corner of her eye at her two companions unconvinced faces.
"Yes, she will Azula. Elle isn't going to like the Fire Nation anymore when she learns that our country deals in slavery." The acrobat insisted with a sterner voice than usual while the princess turned to stare callously back at her.
"Ty Lee makes a good point princess. If Elle learns about all of this…when Elle learns about all of this. If she runs away from us. If what Mava says about this entity…having a global influence is true. If we have a fallout with Elle. It could lead to her getting killed if we aren't there to protect her." The captain advised in a levelheaded voice while the princess still sat glowering on her throne.
And once again the three highborn women couldn't help but feel a sense of renewed paranoia.
Over the prospect of this mysterious unseen enemy of theirs having followers scattered across the entire globe.
And that was all it took for the room to light up with radiant blue fire.
While the princess's amber golden eyes flashed with a violently protective instinct as she gazed imperiously back at her two friends.
"When I become Fire Lord, I will lead this nation to a new period of greatness and glory unlike any Fire Lord has done before me." The princess declared in a regally proud voice with her burning fists clenched on the arms of her throne.
While the captain gazed back with a returning spark of motivation in her golden eyes.
And the acrobat stared on with a somewhat calmer look in her kind brown-gray eyes.
Although it had not escaped her notice that the princess had evaded answering if she was going to change the Fire Nation's violently imperialistic ways.
"Elle chose to come back home with us Azula. Even after what Naoki offered her. After all that she has done for us. We owe it to her to be honest with her." Ty Lee implored with heavy emotion in her eyes while Azula frigidly stared over the arm of her throne.
"The dead do not come back to life Ty Lee. That was nothing more than a lie to convince Elle to return with her so that she could use her as a tool in her war of revenge against her former masters." Azula replied in a glacial voice with her amber golden eyes taking on a look of anger towards the redhead once more.
Though it was her suspicion that the redhead had simply been trying to deceive the girl.
Somewhere deep down she couldn't help but wonder…
If there was even the slightest possibility of reviving her little girlfriend's parents.
"It doesn't matter if it was a lie Azula. If there was even the slightest chance that Naoki was telling the truth. She gave that up all for the sake of returning home with us." The acrobat commented with a frown on her lips while the princess still scowled back at her.
While the captain stood in contemplation from where she stood against the wall on the other side of the room.
"Then I will look into the matter for her and I will determine if there is any validity to such a claim." The princess remarked in a sanguine voice with her amber golden eyes staring back at her two subordinates understanding faces.
And then she began to push herself off from her chair while she wordlessly arose to her feet.
"This discussion is over. I have heard more than enough for today. I am going to my chambers." Azula announced in a refined voice as she stood up from her seat with her fists planted on her hips.
While the two noblewomen nodded their heads in comprehension.
"Perhaps I will have the tiger monkey join me. I know how much she adores worshiping her queen." The princess sighed in a spoiled voice as she sauntered forward with a smug smile returning to her lips while the acrobat stood up to follow her.
All the while as the two nobles stared on with a sympathetic look in their eyes.
Over how it seemed as if their adopted sister was once again going to spend yet another evening toiling away to please their entitled princess.
While the warrior pushed herself off the wall
"I am going to retire to the family estate for the night. I will see you both tomorrow morning then." Zoi stated in a composed voice with her hand on the door while the other two women offered her a nod of acknowledgement.
And then the princess and the acrobat watched as the warrior opened the door and began to walk down the halls of the Royal Palace.
Until the soldier soon vanished from their line of sight as they closed the door behind them.
While the two childhood friends began to walk side by side with each other as they strode through the hall together.
Just as the two women stopped in their tracks when they saw a familiar figure approaching them from the other end of the hall.
Only for the acrobat to gaze on with renewed outraged when she saw that it was the general who oversaw the execution of the villagers.
While Azula gazed on with inexpressive amber golden eyes as she watched the young man approached her.
Just before the general stopped a short distance away from the two while he smiled back at the princess's uninterested face.
And then the princess watched with her usual callous stare as the man bent over to bow at the hip before her.
"Your Highness…my lady." Meram greeted as he arose from his bow as he acknowledged both girls while they both gazed back at him.
Although he had no interest in the acrobat.
The princess was the only woman that interested him.
"General Meram, is there a particular reason why you have approached me?" Azula pondered in a naturally authoritative voice while she regarded the man with an indifferent stare.
While Ty Lee made no attempt to hide her contempt for the man as she stood frowning with her arms crossed over her breasts behind her friend.
All the while as the while as the Clan Sheng heir smiled coyly back at the princess's callous face.
"What I did…I did because those filthy farmers disrespected you. I did for you my princess." The young general responded with a flirty smile on his lips while the princess arched a graceful brow.
While the acrobat still gazed on with unhidden disgust in her eyes.
And then before the stoic princess could open her mouth to dismiss the man.
Her lips sunk into the barest hint of a regal thin line when she felt the man abruptly take hold of her hand!
While her amber golden eyes now gazed down at the general's hand in callous disinterest.
Before she raised her imposing gaze to stare back into the young man's amorous golden eyes.
"It is true what they say. Your beauty truly is as great as your wrath." Meram commented in a flirtatious voice while he stared back into the woman's apathetic amber golden eyes.
Only for the sound of Ty Lee attempting to snort down her snickering underneath her hand to resound into the air.
While the princess just gazed back at the general with deadpan amber golden eyes as she momentarily considered the compliment.
Only for her lipstick covered lips to contort into a scowl not a moment later.
Unlike her Elle, whose words came from out a genuine desire to worship her.
His words were false flattery.
Just like every other compliment that she has received all throughout her life before she met her handmaid.
It was nothing more than another attempt of many to kiss her ass in order to achieve political gain.
And not a moment after that the princess's hand lit up with searing blue fire while the general rapidly recoiled in alarm.
While the young man now held onto his burned palm as he shook it with a grimace on his lips.
All the while as the acrobat watched the man get burned with a pleased look in her disdainful eyes.
"I already know that, and while I do appreciate the reminder. I don't recall giving you permission to touch my hand." The princess remarked in a glacially dismissive voice as her hand fell back to her womanly hip.
While she stared callously back at the general's quickly apologetic face.
"My apologies princess. I meant no offense by it." The young general answered in an attempt to salvage the interaction as he smiled once more.
Only for the princess to fold her arms over her breasts as she let out an arrogant scoff.
"Good. Now if you'll excuse us." Azula snorted in a bored voice as she rudely shoved the man out of her way as if she were swatting a fly aside while she sauntered past him.
And then she strode off with a haughty smirk on her ruthless lips.
While Ty Lee then walked past the general with a cheerfully mocking smile on her lips as she followed after her leader.
Until the two highborn women disappeared down the hall leaving only the sound of the acrobat's jeering girlish giggles echoing into the air in their wake.
All the while as the general was left standing in his place with a measure of a discouraged expression on his face.
Only to swiftly recover his composure not a second later as he mustered a smile once more.
Getting the cold shoulder once wasn't enough to dissuade him.
After all it was what the princess was known for.
'There is no reason to be discouraged. I will do better next time.' Meram thought with a confident smile on his lips as he resumed his walk down the hall.
In the halls of the servant section of the Royal Palace.
Elle shuffled through the hall with her amber eyes gazing ahead as she strode to attend to her princess as scheduled.
Only for her eyes to gaze on with a marginally happier gleam when she saw a recognizable face walking her way.
It was Lao!
"Hello Lao!" The handmaid exclaimed in a kind voice as she waved at the girl only for the other servant to halt in surprise while she gazed back at her in shock.
"Elle. Where have you been?" The servant girl asked only for her brown eyes to widen when she gazed down at the cloth collar wrapped around the girl's neck.
And that was all it took for a sense of fear to wash over her when she saw that the princess had marked the girl as her favorite.
"The princess brought me with her so that I could serve her in her travels." Elle answered with an innocent puff of her chest while she stared back at the other girl's taken aback face.
"I…I see. She left me and the rest of her handmaids behind. Are you…the only one that went with her?" Lao questioned in with unease seeping into her voice while the younger girl speedily nodded her head.
Not only was the girl the princess's favorite.
She was the only one that the princess brought with her.
This girl spent over forty days in close contact with the woman.
And that meant…that the princess surely had this girl completely at her beck and call.
The girl was now too close to the princess for it to be safe to talk with her.
If she so much as even said the slightest thing wrong it could easily make it back to the princess by virtue of this girl being her eyes and ears!
"Just me! I'm her royal attendant now. Wherever the princess goes. I go. So, how have you been?" The handmaid responded with an eagerness to socialize in her voice after not seeing the older girl for such a long period of time.
"Well…I have been well. I…I have to go now. I have much work to do." The servant girl stated in a hastened voice as she began to quickly walk away while the younger girl's shoulders slumped.
"O-oh. Okay. I'll see you later then." Elle spoke lamely as she waved at the other servant as she hurried away.
While her amber eyes stared on with a saddened stare once more over the confusion over why the other girl didn't want to speak to her.
"Yeah. See you later." Lao called out in an evasive voice as she strode down the hall while she still felt the younger handmaid's eyes on her back.
And just like that the Fire Nation girl was gone.
While Elle was left lingering in the hallway with a depressed look in her eyes once more.
Before she resumed padding off towards her princess's chambers as she chewed on her lip.
Things just weren't the same without her big sister around.
In the princess's royal chambers.
Azula sat on a throne in her vast chamber with her palms regally clasped in her lap.
While her crimson lips curved into a sophisticated smile when she watched her pet timidly step into her chamber.
"H-hello Azula-sama." The handmaid greeted in a bashful voice as she closed the door behind her while she gazed back at the older woman's smiling face.
"Hello peasant." The princess commented in a perfectly refined voice as she watched the small girl pad over to her side.
While she found herself unable to resist allowing a tiny flicker of fondness to flash before her merciless amber golden eyes as she eyed the girl with a possessive stare.
"Is there something I can do to serve you princess?" Elle pondered in a sweet voice while her princess smiled back at her in approval.
"Yes, dear. As a matter of fact, there is. Come here." Azula purred in a smoothly silken voice as she wagged a fingertip for the girl to come hither.
Only for her pleased grin to grow when the young girl hurried over like a puppy that was eager to please her owner.
"How can I help you Azula-sama?" The handmaid questioned with some of her usual cheer as she stopped before her seated princess.
While the older woman lounged back on her throne with a spoiled smile on her lips as she gestured to her boots on the floor below.
"I need you to remove these boots and afterwards get me out of this armor." The princess instructed in a pampered voice as she stretched her boots out on the floor below.
While stared back at the girl with demanding amber golden eyes only for her gratified smile to widen when her handmaid curtsied her at the hip.
"If my princess says to remove her boots then I will remove her boots." Elle stated in a loyal voice as she smiled while she lowered herself into a bow on the floor before the foot of the woman's throne.
While Azula sat back with a beyond pleased smile on her lips as she dangled one of her boots before her young girlfriend's face.
Only to rest her head against the back of her throne with a calming sigh escaping her lips when she felt the girl take hold of her boot.
And soon after she felt the girl slide it from her foot while she felt refreshing air brush against her stocking clad foot.
"That's my girl. You did great today." Azula spoke in a graceful voice with her hands resting in her lap while she gazed down at her serving girl's emotional face.
"I-I did?" The handmaid stammered in a hopeful voice as she gazed up at her princess's beautifully smiling face.
While she pulled the second boot free from the older woman's other foot.
Just before both of the princess's stocking covered feet touched the floor while she gazed down at her handmaid with approval in her strict amber golden eyes.
"You proved your loyalty to me before Father. Well, done Elle. Your queen couldn't be more pleased with you." The princess remarked in a voice of natural authority with her red lips pulling into a regal smile.
While she observed her sensitive girlfriend rise to her feet with a blush on her adorable cheeks.
"I-I am honored that you think so Azula-sama. I was just following my instincts…and my instinct is to serve you." Elle stated with a lovable smile on her lips while Azula's domineering grin grew even larger.
And then she moved to lift the princess's ornate armor over her head while the older woman surveyed her from where she sat on her throne with a controlling amber golden gaze.
"I feel similar. My instincts are to lead you. I don't have to think about ruling over you. I just do it. I almost feel…as if I was meant to be your ruler." Azula confessed in a contemplative voice with the back of her head propped up against her throne.
While a confident smile still graced her lips as her armor was slid over her head.
And soon the serving girl set it carefully down on the floor while she fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt.
All the while as her heart began to beat pleasantly under the older woman's dominating amber golden stare.
"I…I think so too. It's strange how that works isn't it Azula-sama." The handmaid answered in an innocent voice as she smiled shyly while the princess stood up from her throne.
And just like that she trembled under the princess's controlling amber golden eyes while the older woman loomed over her once more.
"Yes, it certainly is isn't it dear." The princess responded in a smoothly dignified voice as she felt a pair of gentle hands take hold of her lower body armor.
While she stood with a fond smirk on her lips as she held her head high like a true woman of royalty.
Just as she felt what was left of her armor slide free from her tired body.
While Azula now stood in her fine red garments as she watched her handmaid kneel down to set the other piece down behind her.
All the while as ran a flawless fingernail through her dark hair before she purposefully backed up her body up so that she was looming over her kneeling girlfriend.
As a smug smile curved onto her lips as she gazed down at her girlfriend just as the young girl glanced up to find her ass looming in her line of vision.
Only for her smile to give way to a regal frown of confusion when the girl stood up without even stopping to peak at her bottom.
'The girl adores my ass. She never misses the opportunity to admire it.' Azula thought with her brows furrowing thoughtfully as she turned around to stand over her petite handmaid.
Only for a scowl to make its way onto her lips when she noticed that the girl's smile wasn't as bright as it usually was.
And her eyes…were downcast.
And that displeased her.
And then she reached down to cup the much smaller girl's chin while she gazed sternly down into her handmaid's trembling amber eyes.
"I thought I told you that it would only be a few months." The princess spoke in a strictly chiding voice that was both dominant and attentive at the same time.
"I-I know. It's just that I miss her Azula-sama." Elle mumbled as she stood with strong fingers holding her chin while she heard the princess sigh heavily over her.
"Peasant…" Azula trailed off in a disciplinary voice as she shook her head while she scowled down at the saddened girl.
"S-sumimasen…" The handmaid whispered in a barely perceivable voice while her master cupped her chin.
While she averted her eyes from the older woman's captivating gaze as the princess's hand retreated from her chin.
All the while as Azula crossed her arms over her breasts as she still stared sternly down at the depressed girl.
Before the princess pointed a controlling finger in the direction of her large extravagant emperor-sized bed.
"Go sit in my bed. I will join you after I change into my gown." The princess commanded in an imperious voice while she watched the young girl numbly nod her head.
"Yes, princess." Elle agreed in an obedient voice as she began to pad her way over to the giant bed.
While Azula stared at the teenager's back with her amber golden eyes reflecting her disapproval of the girl's sadness.
Only for another sigh to soon escape her graceful lips as she shook her head yet again.
And not even a minute later.
The serving girl found herself sitting in the bed with her chin resting on her knees.
While the princess now glided gracefully across the floor wearing a pair of fine red and gold sleep robes.
And soon after that Azula climbed into her luxurious bed with her back resting against her pillows.
All the while as her controlling amber golden eyes turned to stare sternly at her pet's small back.
"Oh, just quit pouting and get in my lap already Elle." Azula grumbled in a pridefully moody voice as she patted her robed thighs with an inviting hand.
While a tight scowl still graced her gorgeous lips as she watched the young girl turn around to crawl into her lap.
And just like that Elle crawled into the princess's lap.
Just before she set her head down on the older woman's gown covered thighs while she felt a powerful hand lower into her hair.
And soon enough the mighty princess found herself running her long fingers through the girl's golden hair.
"You are…a good pet." The princess admitted in a momentarily thawed voice with her ruthless amber golden eyes gazing possessively down at the girl in her lap.
While she sat back upon her lavish pillows with her hand never leaving the girl's hair.
All the while as she held her young girlfriend's emotional face into her thighs as another sigh left her lips.
While Elle curled up with her head resting on a womanly thigh as she took solace in the woman's petting hand.
"Azula-sama…." The handmaid murmured as her head sunk into the older woman's thigh while her princess's hand patted her head.
"When everyone else displeases me…you never fail to please me. You truly are forever devoted to me. And I…will never forget that Elle." Azula spoke in a harsh voice with a lovely scowl on her regal lips while she cradled her young girlfriend's head in her lap.
Just as the slightest smile made its way onto her lipstick covered lips once more when she felt two arms wrap around her robed belly.
While she gazed down at the girl hiding in her belly with a gratified smile on her lips once more.
All the while as she found herself sigh in fondness as she sunk back upon her bed.
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if she held her pet for just a short while.
Later on, that evening at the Clan Song mansion in the caldera.
Zoi sat on her bed in her chamber with her contemplative golden eyes gazing down at the floor.
While Jiao was sleeping in a room that she had assigned her in the quest quarters of their family estate.
As unfortunate as it was.
It would be unwise for them to share the same bed when under the same roof as her mother.
She knew well enough that her mother would not react well if she were to catch her in the same bed as a commoner.
Much less another woman at that.
Her mother was currently unaware of her current relations with Jiao.
And it was best to keep it that way.
Otherwise, her mother might turn her wrath on Jiao.
And that…. was something that she didn't want.
As for Saro…Roden and the rest of her soldiers.
They were stationed in the military housing with the other soldiers.
Even she knew well enough that there was no way that her mother would allow her soldiers to stay at their estate.
Allowing Jiao to sleep here was already pushing it.
A moment after that she was torn from her thoughts to see one of the servants bowing in her doorway.
"Are you certain that there isn't anything that I can do for you my lady?" The servant questioned as she gazed back at the captain while the noblewoman shook her head.
"No, you may go Mio." Zoi spoke with a slightly softer edge to stoic voice as she gazed back at the young woman's uncertain face.
"If you say so. Please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." Mio replied as she bowed once more before she turned to walk out.
Only to find herself stopping when she saw Sia in the doorway behind her.
All the while as the captain turned to gaze back at her younger sister with attentive golden eyes as the younger sibling gazed calmly back at her.
While Sia just sighed when the servant quickly bowed before her at the waist.
"Go take the night off Mio. You have done more than enough work for today." Sia stated with gentler edge to her voice as the woman arose from her bow.
"As you say my lady." The servant answered as she walked off down the hall while both siblings watched her walk away.
Until the two sisters found themselves alone in the chamber.
While Zoi found herself sitting a strangely uncomfortable silence as she listened to her sister shut the door behind her.
"Spoiling the servants again Zoi?" The younger sister inquired in something akin to a playful voice that made the older sister relax.
While the captain turned to face her sister with a small smile on her lips.
"Guilty as charged." The captain replied responded as she turned to watch her sister walk towards her.
"You seem as if you are being even kinder with them when you last left home over a year ago." Sia commented as she approached her sister while Zoi shrugged her shoulders.
"Yes, well. Since then, I have made a good friend in one of the princess's servants. After getting to know her. It doesn't feel right to make them wait on me hand and foot." Zoi stated with a slight smile on her lips while her little sister raised her brow in curiosity.
"You're friends with one of Princess Azula's servants?" The younger sister queried in a tone that was more amused than judgmental.
"I am." The captain admitted without shame in her voice as she sat with her back turned to her sibling.
"You speak of the one who caused a scene back in Fire Mountain." Sia remarked in an observant voice as she sat down on her sister's bed while Zoi nodded her head.
"That's the one. Her name is Elle." Zoi spoke in a tone of fondness while her sister arched a brow once more.
"So, that's her name." The younger sister stated as she gazed at her big sister's back with a thoughtful look in her golden eyes.
"She is…the gentlest person that I have ever met. She's a pacifist." The captain added in a reflective voice while her little sister listened in bewilderment.
"A pacifist Zoi? It's not like you to befriend a pacifist." Sia spoke in a taken aback voice while she heard her sister let out a hearty laugh.
It went without saying that she was not only puzzled that her sister would befriend a pacifist.
But also, that a pacifist would even serve their princess in the first place.
"You're right. It isn't. At first, I scoffed at her beliefs. But then when I was injured, she gave me the shirt off her back to make me a temporary arm sling." Zoi remarked in a deeply appreciative voice as she gestured to her left arm while her little sister's eyes flickered in astonishment.
"I…see. I'll have to thank her if I have a chance to meet her then." The younger sister commented with her golden eyes now conveying a sense of gratitude.
"I…have been rethinking a lot of things since I met her. About the war and peace." The captain confessed in a stony face as she sat with her head gazing down at the floor.
While the little sister listened with her golden eyes now staring at her big sister's back in surprise.
"I have been pondering…if there might be a way that we could make this country into a better place." Zoi spoke in an unusually ruminative voice while her sibling still sat in shock behind her.
"This is a surprising side of you that I haven't seen before Zoi." Sia remarked with a wry undertone to her intrigued voice while her big sister chuckled once more.
"I suppose that you are right once again. My apologies Sia. I'm starting to ramble." The captain said as she scratched her cheek with a nervous finger.
While Sia sat with her head hanging over her lap as she folded her hands together in apparent reflection.
"There's no need to apologize. I have been engrossed in many deep thoughts of my own lately." The younger sister admitted as she sat with her golden eyes gazing down at the floor.
"Is…it something that you would like to talk about?" Zoi questioned in a patient voice as she gazed at her little sister's back.
"Actually…I came here. Because…I…am in need of your advice." Sia muttered in a softer voice with a profound frown on her lips.
While Zoi's golden eyes flickered with a pleasantly surprised gleam as she gazed eagerly in her siblings' direction.
"You can always come to me Sia. What's on your mind?" The captain pondered in a supportive voice while she studied her little sister carefully.
"Would you pursue something…even if you knew it would displease everyone you know. Including Mother and everyone else." The younger sister began in a highly introspective voice that bewildered her big sister.
"Sia. Since when have you known me to care about what other people think of me." Zoi stated in an attempt at humor.
Only to find herself gazing on with her brows furrowing when her sister turned to face her with an unusually serious expression on her face.
And that was all it took for her to know that it something that her sibling had been pondering for quite some time.
"Would you take action even if you knew it would incur the hatred of those around you?" Sia asked in a momentous voice with a frown gracing her lips.
While Zoi stared back with a perplexed expression in her searching golden eyes.
"Is…this about your studies at university?" The captain queried in a composed voice only to find herself gazing on in even further surprise when her sister shook her head.
"No. It isn't that." The younger sister muttered as she turned away with her hands clasped in her lap while her big sister listened in confoundment.
"Then what is it? Is something going on? Is someone trying to hurt you?" Zoi pondered with a protective edge to voice as it grew harsher.
Only for her golden eyes to gaze on in bewilderment when her little sister shook her head yet again.
"I can't tell you. You would probably hate me if I did." Sia stated in a dire voice as she stared down at the floor while her big sister adamantly shook her head.
And then she felt a hand gently touch her shoulder while she avoided turning to meet her older sister's imploring gaze.
"Sia. I would never hate you. Whatever it is. You can tell me." The captain assured in a big sisterly voice with a look of growing worry in her eyes.
"I can't. Not right now. You'll find out eventually though…" The younger sister trailed off in a cryptic voice as her big sister listened in perplexity behind her.
And then she turned to gaze back into her older sister's confused golden eyes.
And just like that the two sisters gazed into one another's eyes for a moment that felt like an eternity.
"I just need to know. If you felt that if it was right…would you do it?" Sia questioned in an absolutely critical voice while her big sister gazed back down into her serious golden eyes.
While the captain's facial expression became dire as well as she tried her hardest to ponder just what her sister could be talking about.
"I don't quite know what it is that you are talking about…so it will be difficult for me to give you my answer without knowing what the problem entails. But I will do the best that I can to give you my advice." Zoi spoke in a voice of heavy consideration as her hand remained on her little sister's shoulder.
While she pursed her lips together as she sat in contemplation for a passing moment.
And then a look of absolute seriousness came over her golden eyes while she stared back down into her little sister's waiting golden eyes.
"Don't waste your life following someone else's orders. Do whatever it is that you feel is right. No matter what Mother or anyone else thinks." The captain advised in a truly profound voice while her little sister's golden eyes widened as she gazed back up at her.
While Sia sat in a marveled silence as she swallowed audibly as her big sister gazed supportively back down at her.
"Just go for it Sia!" Zoi declared in an encouraging voice as she nodded her head resolutely.
While the younger sister cracked a smile at long last as she gazed back into her big sister's loving eyes.
All the while as the older sibling formed a smile of her own as gazed back at one another.
And not a second after that the captain's golden eyes widened in pleasant surprise when she felt two arms embrace her around the neck.
While the warrior soon found herself sitting there as she wrapped her arms around her little sister's back.
All while as her younger sibling placed her head onto her shoulder as they sat hugging one another.
"Thank you, big sister. That…is what I needed to hear." The younger sister spoke in a highly appreciative voice as she hugged her big sister around the neck.
"I know that I haven't been the best big sister to you. But I promise you little sister…from this moment forward I'll be here for you anytime that you need me. And whenever you are feeling up to it…you can tell me whatever is on your mind." The captain announced with a rare break of emotion making its way into her voice.
While she sat holding her little sister against her shoulder as the younger sibling smiled at her from where she lay on her shoulder.
"Zoi…even though I sometimes get pissed at you…I couldn't ask for a better big sister. You're the best big sister in the whole world." Sia stated in a tender voice with her arms around her big sister's neck while the warrior's golden eyes widened in emotion.
"Do you really mean that little sister?" Zoi asked in a taken aback voice with a smile making its way onto her lips.
"I do…from the bottom of my heart Zoi. I want you to know that you're my inspiration big sister." The younger sister replied with her chin resting on her older sister's shoulder while a momentary sense of peace came over her eyes.
And that was all it took for a pair of mighty arms to crush her into a protective embrace as she smiled in her sister's arms.
"Thank you for saying that Sia. It…means a great deal to me." The captain muttered in an unusually soft voice as she closed her eyes while she cradled her little sister in her arms.
While a content smile adorned her lips as she held her sister in her lap.
And yet at the same time she couldn't help but wonder just what it that her sister was referring to.
But it didn't matter.
She trusted her sister to come to her if she needed her and that was all that mattered in the end.
On the following day in the early morning hours of the Royal Palace.
Elle now sat patiently in a chair while Shima listened to her lungs as he released a thoughtful hum.
Azula stood authoritatively off to the side of the room with her callous amber golden eyes watching the scene closely.
While Ty Lee watched from the other side of the room with concern in her tender eyes.
"How has your breathing been lately Elle?" Shima asked in a gentle voice as he backed away while Elle tilted her head in contemplation.
"It has been better lately! Azula-sama has been teaching me firebending breathing exercises that seem to be helping quite a lot!" Elle exclaimed in a cheerful voice as she smiled back at her princess's stony face while the woman gazed coldly back at her.
While the acrobat smiled as she gazed on from beside the ruthless princess.
All the while as Shima stood up with a slight smile on his lips.
"That is great to hear." The physician stated in a pleased voice before he turned to gaze back at his princess.
While the Fire Princess stared back with merciless amber golden eyes as he met her intimidating gaze.
"My suggestion is that I feel that we should stick with her current treatment plan since her condition seems to be improving." Shima informed in a calm voice as the two highborn women listened closely.
Just before Azula turned to stare back at the younger girl with harsh amber golden eyes while her handmaid smiled shyly back at her.
A short while after that.
Azula sat in a chair in her study holding a report in her hand with her icy amber golden eyes gazing back at Shima from where he stood opposite of her.
"You still don't have any idea what the cause of her condition is?" The princess inquired in a stern voice while the man shook his head.
"Unfortunately, Your Highness. Not at this time I don't. The good news is that she is improving. Which is always a positive sign and for as long as she continues to improve, we can rule out the more dangerous conditions by a process of elimination." The physician explained in a knowledgeable voice while the princess's stony eyes stared back at him.
While the princess scowled as she held a thoughtful hand underneath her as she mulled over the doctor's words.
It was a pleasing report.
But it irked her that she still didn't have idea on what the cause of her girlfriend's breathing condition was to begin with.
"I noticed that the wound on her chest has healed up completely…and not only that. There is no scar." Shima commented in a curious voice as he gazed back at the princess's stoic face.
"Recently, the girl visited an old sage who possesses the ability to heal wounds. At least…surface wounds. She was able to heal the wound on the girl's chest and my friend's foot injury." Azula answered in an impassive voice while Shima glanced up with intrigued brown eyes.
"A waterbender I presume? Or by chance a fire healer? Interesting. Perhaps that will also help heal whatever the underlying problem is in regards to her breathing." The physician remarked in an educated voice while the princess set the report back down on her table.
"Yes, perhaps. I have decided that I am appointing you to a post in in caldera as a royal physician so that you can be on hand when I have need of you." The princess announced in a voice of effortless authority as she gazed rigidly back at the man's taken aback face.
While her glacial amber golden eyes took on a searching gaze that was similar to that of a predatory eagle hawk scoping out her prey.
All the while as her elegant brows rose ever so slightly.
'Is that a sliver of discontent that I sense?' Azula thought with her tyrannical amber golden eyes staring imperiously back into the man's intimidated brown eyes as he regained his composure.
"I…am appreciative that you regard my work worthy of such a promotion and I am very much interested in continuing to oversee Elle's care. But may I ask what will become of my teaching post at the Fire Nation University's Fire Mountain Campus?" Shima stated as he chose his words carefully with his brown eyes gazing back at the imposing woman's stony countenance.
"Does it matter? As a royal physician, I will pay you far more than the Fire Nation University." The princess responded in an expertly smooth voice as she lounged in her seat with her amber golden eyes studying the man like a hungry predator.
"It's…not about the money princess. I enjoy teaching young Fire Nation minds. Will I be able to continue to teach at one of the Fire Nation University campuses? If not Fire Mountain. Perhaps the Capital Campus Your Highness?" The physician asked in a more submissive voice than in their prior meeting while the powerful woman rose a regal brow.
While the princess sat back as she pondered the request with her amber golden eyes reflecting approval over the man's submission to her will.
"If you serve me well and if you refrain from displeasing me. I will consider allowing you to teach on an intermittent basis." Azula remarked in a dignified voice with a domineering smile making its way onto her lips.
While her amber golden eyes gleamed with pleasure when she watched the physician bow before her at the waist.
"As you command my princess. I will do my best to deliver results that are to your satisfaction." Shima assured as he bowed at the hip while the princess smiled as she gazed back at him with an ever-imposing stare.
"Do see to it that you do. You are dismissed now Doctor Shima." The princess announced with a lazy wave of her elegant hand while the man nodded as he arose from his bow.
"Understood. Good day to you princess." The physician concluded in a respectful voice as he turned around to walk out.
While Azula leaned back on her throne with her hands folded over her robed belly as she watched the man depart through the doors.
And then soon enough the doors closed shut once more.
All the while as she stared on with her callous amber golden eyes taking on a possessive stare once more as she exhaled a puff of flames from her nostrils.
She will see her little beloved cured of this ailment.
Even if she must burn down entire nations whole to do it.
Later on, that day.
Azula and Zoi were striding down the halls of the palace together.
While the princess walked gazed at the warrior out of the corner of her amber golden eye when a thought came to her mind.
"Zoi. I have been meaning to ask…were those boys from Clan Yi banished to the colonies as I ordered?" Azula questioned in a flawlessly composed voice as her boots strode down hall while her captain nodded her head.
"Of course, princess. Mother is not very tolerant of anyone that disrupts the order in Fire Mountain. Most especially not when it comes to someone who offends her crown princess. She carried out your order within hours after we left." Zoi informed in a composedly stoic voice as her golden eyes stared ahead without remorse.
While a cruel smile tugged on the princess's lips as she smiled in approval.
"Perfect. I am pleased to hear it." The princess purred in a satisfied voice as her boots clicked along the halls of the palace.
While her callous amber golden eyes formed a frighteningly violent stare once more.
'I will settle for nothing less than the absolute lifelong ruin of anyone who dares to try to force themselves on my Elle.' Azula thought with her mighty fists momentarily tightening in her wrath at her womanly hips.
In a guarded laboratory beneath the Capital City Prison.
The mechanist glanced up from where he stood at his lab table when he heard the sound of steel doors being opening with a clang behind him.
While he turned to gaze behind him with poorly hidden fear in his eyes to see the intimidating princess striding into his laboratory.
It could hardly be called anything but a prison.
But it was at least much larger than the average cell and he had even been provided a connecting chamber that functioned as a modest bedroom.
And even a small washroom.
And if there was one upside to the situation.
Having scientific items to experiment with provided him a measure of a distraction from his imprisonment.
"Hello, mechanist." The princess greeted in a silken voice of casual domination with a smile on her lips.
While she strode in with her hands folded behind her back.
Only to gaze on in pleasure when the inventor dropped into a hastened bow on all fours on the floor.
"P-Princess Azula!" The mechanist cried out in a frightful voice that amused the woman as she loomed over him with a smile on her lips.
"How goes your work?" Azula questioned in an ever-controlling voice as her amber golden eyes turned to glance at the man's lab table.
"R-recently I have finished installing firebending power faculties to that interesting device that you provided me." The inventor admitted with a noticeable margin of excitement making its way into his intimidated voice while the princess rose an impressed brow.
Before Azula turned to stare down at her young servant's handheld game device resting on the tabletop.
"Have you now?" The princess replied as she lowed a well-manicured fingernail to tap the device while a dominating smile still graced her lips.
Perhaps her pet will cheer up after she returns her cherished little peasant toy to her.
"I…I have. It should be fully functional now. As was the music player. May I ask what land these fascinating inventions come from?" The mechanist pondered in a clearly intrigued voice only to bow down once more in renewed fear when the princess's amber golden eyes gazed imperiously down at him.
"No, you may not. Although, I must say that I am impressed at the speed that you work." Azula spoke in a regal voice as she stared imposingly down at the bowing inventor.
"Yes…well. What can I say? I enjoy experimenting…and it's not as if there is anything else to do in here." The inventor answered with a mutter while the princess let out a smooth hum as she gazed around his lab.
"Hm. I imagine that you must be getting bored in here now that you have finished all of the work that I have assigned you." The princess purred in a honeyed voice as she surveyed the fingernails on her hand while she smiled as her prisoner shook on the floor before her.
While the unfortunate inventor swallowed as he considered carefully how he would reply to that statement.
"S-somewhat. Is there any chance that I could be released now?" The mechanist questioned in a hopeful voice as he bowed on the floor while the princess turned to smile back down at him.
"Released? Oh, no. Not quite yet. The Avatar is still alive…for the moment. But…lucky for you. I have another assignment for you." Azula announced in a sadistic voice as she towered over the gulping man.
"Is…is it another medical device or toy contraption of some kind?" The inventor asked in a weary voice only for the worry in his eyes to grow when the woman smiled as she shook her head.
"No. You see…recently I found a talented young inventor whose skill could very well rival that of even your own….and not only that…" The princess trailed off in a delightfully pleased voice as she smirked down at the inventor's now pale face.
And that was all it took for a sense of even greater fear begin to build up in the mechanist's veins.
Another inventor…
Not only could this mean that his value may lessen in the eyes of the Fire Princess.
It also was terrible news for the rebels!
"Did I mention that she is Fire Nation born?" Azula purred in a taunting voice as she smiled victoriously down at the mechanist's frightfully stunned face.
"This…this young inventor is of Fire Nation origin?" The mechanist inquired with a nervous swallow while he gripped his fists on the floor.
"That's right. This impressive young woman managed to create a communications device that uses wavelengths of radiation from the sun to transmit messages over vast distances. And she needs your assistance perfecting it." The princess declared with a conceited smile on her lips as she feigned examining her fingernails.
Just before she turned to glance down at the shocked inventor with a look of absolute smugness in her domineering amber golden eyes.
'A communications device! With such an invention in the Fire Nation's possession! There may be nowhere left for the rebels to run once such a device is completed!' The inventor thought with his eyes widening in realization.
While a sense of shame swept over him once more.
As he realized that he should have known that the princess would eventually put him back to work building the Fire Nation tools to advance their war effort!
It was then that he found himself snapped out of his panicked thoughts not a moment later when the princess strode towards him with victory in her every step.
All the while as the princess's lips curved into a supremely confident smile when the sound of the cell door opening resonated into the air.
While the mechanist turned his hesitant gaze towards the cell doors as Azula waved her hand in the air to gesture to the person stepping into his laboratory.
"Now then…allow me to your new partner…my own personal royal inventor…. Nako." Azula announced in a beyond smug voice as she gestured behind her to her loyal subject standing in the doorway of the laboratory.
While the Earth Kingdom man soon found himself gazing back at a remarkably young Fire Nation woman that couldn't be older than twenty.
While the royal pilot stepped forward to stand beside her princess with her mouth falling open in astonishment.
Only for the princess to find herself to turning around in incredulity when a fangirlish squeal of excitement echoed into the air.
While she resisted the urge to smack her hand against her forehead as she watched her subject dash towards the bewildered prisoner.
And just like that the young inventor pulled the older man to his feet.
As she grinned from ear to ear while she shook the perplexed man's hand.
"I realize that this is a totally awkward moment but I just want you to know that I am a huge fan of your work!" Nako exclaimed in a thrilled voice while the mechanist blinked back at her in confusion.
"Why…thank you." The mechanist answered with a bit more cheer than before while the young woman smiled back at him.
"Nako!" The princess barked in a terrifyingly strict voice that snapped her pilot back to focus as the young woman jumped up in fright.
While she watched with sadistic delight in her amber golden eyes when the mechanist dropped back down on all fours in terror as soon as she raised her voice.
"Y-yes princess?" The royal pilot responded in a faithful voice as she bowed at the waist while her princess stood over her with her pleased amber golden eyes gazing back down at her.
"You aren't here to make friends. This man is a prisoner of war. Do not forget that the only reason that you are here is to perfect your communications device." Azula spoke in a voice of absolute authority as she strode forward with her footsteps echoing throughout the lab while Nako hurried nodded her head.
While her strict amber golden eyes stared back at the face of the bookish woman that saved her life.
"I want blueprints delivered to me that tell me exactly how big the towers must be. I want to know how many 'workers' are required to construct it and how long it will take to build. Am I understood?" The princess ordered in a tone of natural leadership while she loomed over her quickly bowing subordinate.
All the while as the mechanist stared on from where he knelt on the floor with a returning look of apprehension in his eyes.
"A-absolutely! I promise you that I will not fail you Princess Azula." Nako stated in a voice of undying devotion as she bowed at the hip with her arms tucked in at her waist.
While her princess stood above her with her callous amber golden eyes staring down at her in recognition.
"I know that you won't." Azula remarked in a poised voice with her stern amber golden eyes gazing back at her bowing subject.
Before she turned to stride away with her footfalls echoing throughout the prison laboratory.
While the two inventors gazed after her with differing expressions in their eyes.
One that of fear.
And the other almost gleeful to be working with the other.
Only for the powerful woman to pause in her tracks as she turned to glance back at the two a final time with beyond intimidating amber golden eyes.
"Oh, and Nako…" The princess began in a voice of silken control while she eyed her subject carefully.
It was a stare that made the poor mechanist shake in terror once more.
And a gaze that made the royal pilot feel honored to be able to serve her princess in such personal capacity.
"It goes without saying that you can leave whenever you wish. But try not to let him escape. I will have no choice but to punish you severely if he does." Azula commanded in a merciless voice as her smile grew when she watched her follower swiftly bow once more.
"U-understood. I'll keep a close eye on him. I won't let you down Your Highness." The royal pilot called out in a steadfast voice as she stood up from her bow.
While the princess's callous eyes flashed with approval as she turned to depart from the laboratory.
But not before she reached down to collect her young girlfriend's little toy in hand.
And with that she strode out of the prison laboratory with the door closing shut behind her soon after.
All the while as she walked with confidence in her every step as a wicked smile slowly made its way onto her lips.
Between her Elle.
And her strongest soldier.
And her eccentric little inventor.
Along with Ty Lee and all of the information that she has gleamed from the old sage…
She was sure to emerge victorious in this war and in all wars to come!
Later on, that night below the caldera.
It was well known that Royal Caldera City was an abode for the elite strictly reserved only for the Royal Family and the esteemed Fire Nation nobility.
Fire Nation commoners were segregated and forbidden to even so much as step foot into the prestigious city.
The only exception was if they had a royal permit to serve the highborn that dwell above.
Be it in their households as servants.
Or in the many elite shops and luxurious restaurants that were established solely for the pleasure of the highborn.
Those were the only circumstances where a commoner was permitted to enter into coveted caldera.
To many commoners it loomed in the skies above as an almost impossible reminder that no matter how loyal.
They would always be seen as less than the mighty highborn.
And as a result, aside from the small population of peasants that lived up above as house servants.
Nearly, all commoners lived down below in the several vast commoner cities.
And on this particular night…
In one of the commoner cities that was east of the towering caldera.
A secret event was underway underneath the city.
It was a literal underground rally, that was full of Fire Nationals and escaped slaves.
All people who believed that it was time for a Fire Nation revolution.
Candles and lamps lit the walls of the underground building.
While many people were gathered before a stage as one of their members stood addressing them from upon the stage.
"And now it is with the highest honor that I introduce to you the founder of our movement! The person that has been funding and organizing our meetings for the last two years! Our revolutionary!" A Fire Nation man announced to the awe of the crowd as he stepped off to the side while he waved to the curtain behind him.
And then the atmosphere of the crowd transformed into one of unfathomable suspense as listened to the sound of footsteps approaching from behind the curtain.
The prospect of meeting the founder of their movement was an astonishing one to every person in attendance.
None of them knew the name of their mysterious founder.
They only knew their founder's code name.
The 'revolutionary'!
And not a moment later the large gathering of peasants gazed on in trepidation when a hooded person stepped out from behind the curtain.
While a Fire Nation woman with black hair and tanned skinned stood adorned in red and brown clothes as if on guard watching the audience from behind with collected golden eyes.
And then just like that all of the noise in the underground rally rapidly faded away into complete silence!
While the Fire Nation citizens watched in anticipation as their hooded founder came to a stop at the forefront of the stage with her body guards observing faithfully from behind her.
Just before two hands began to lift the hood from over their concealed face.
And not a second later the hood was pulled down from the mysterious person's face.
And just like that the face of the founder was exposed for all to see.
Only for the enter crowd to gaze on in absolute disbelief when they saw whose face had been underneath the hood.
And that was all it took for the crowd to begin to mutter and chatter amongst each other while they stared back at the exposed face of their presumed founder in shock.
It was the face of one of the high nobles!
"O-our founder is a high noble?" A peasant woman asked in confusion from the crowd while people spoke up around her.
Only the crowd to fall silent once more when the several members of their movement ushered for them to quiet down.
The face of the founder of the revolutionary movement was not just any high noble.
She was a member of the most powerful noble clan of all the seven great clans.
And her identity was known other than that of Sia of Clan Song!
And the noblewoman was now gazing back down at all of their shocked faces with a composed stare in her golden eyes.
"That's right brothers and sisters! I am highborn, I come from above and I am your founder! I understand that this revelation must be a great shock to many of you! But before you dismiss me as a deceiver…I ask that you please hear me out and listen to what I have to say!" Sia exclaimed in an urgent voice that carried throughout the underground rally.
While all of the commoners gathered found themselves falling silent once more as they gazed up at the young woman in bewilderment.
"Time and time again throughout history commoners are so beaten down and neglected by their rulers that they are unable to rise up because they are forced to live in a constant state of urgency! This is no coincidence! This is the very nature of your subjugation! They want you to have just enough to get by but never enough stand up for yourselves!" The revolutionary spoke with anger lacing her voice while the crowd listened in captivation.
While she stared from one face to another as she took in their rightfully angered expressions that only served to motivate her even further.
"Often times it takes someone from a position of power to stand up! Someone who is not held down by the chains of poverty! And that is why I am here! I felt a moral duty to launch a call to action!" Sia stated in a passionate voice that echoed throughout the air of the underground building.
While the doubt in the eyes of the commoners began to give way to astonishment as they gazed up at the young noblewoman in marvelment.
"And while you might find it difficult to believe that a high noble such as myself would understand what it feels like to be face discrimination…I do! As a child my mother always saw me as inferior because I was born as a nonbender! And it was her discrimination…her contempt for me that ultimately put me on this path!" The revolutionary shouted in a spirited voice while the Fire Nation people listened in a fascinated silence.
With every word that the young noble spoke the crowd began to find themselves starting comprehend that this was not a trick.
And that this woman truly was their founder!
"However, my biggest inspiration was my older sister Zoi! Throughout it all she loved me for who I am! She taught me about patriotism and it is largely thanks to her that I stand here today as your leader!" Sia yelled in an increasingly louder voice with a determined expression on her face while a wave of speechlessness consumed the underground facility.
While she took a step forward with her facial expression hardening as she gripped her fists at her hips.
"I am sickened by the gluttony and greed of my fellow highborn! When I look at the face of the Fire Lord I want to vomit! He doesn't care about any of you! All he cares about is advancing his century long imperialist war no matter how many Fire Nation lives must be sacrificed for it!" The revolutionary shouted in a raging voice as she swept her arm to the side.
While her audience listened with looks of fear and fury in their eyes.
In the strict, traditional Fire Nation society.
It was a guaranteed death sentences for anyone, even an aristocrat to speak such disparaging words against the Fire Lord and his family.
And yet this young woman was willing to stand there up on that stage and take that risk!
And that was all it took for a proverbial fire to light within each and every person present!
And just like that chants began to break out throughout the underground facility.
While Sia stood upon the stage with an expression of upmost determination in her burning golden eyes.
"The Avatar is not going to save you! Prince Zuko is not going to save you! Princess Azula is not going to stand up for you! You need to save yourselves!" Sia bellowed in a profoundly intense voice as she smashed her fists at her sides while flames blazed in her passionate eyes.
While she stood listening to the growing shouts of her fellow Fire Nationals as she removed a dagger from underneath her sleeve.
As the entire crowd watched in captivation when their leader sliced the dagger across the front of her palm.
And then the young noblewoman clenched her fist and thrust it into the air above her head while her shouts echoed throughout the underground facility.
"I bleed red! Just like the rest of you! It doesn't matter how much money you were born with! We are all one and the same! We are all human! Alone we just individuals but when we band together! We are a dragon!" The revolutionary boomed in a mesmerizing voice that split into the air like infectious thunder.
While the head of the body guards Toku did the same as she cut her before she thrust her fist into the air above her head in solidarity with her leader.
And then her fellow guards soon followed suit as they threw their fists into the air above them in unison with her.
And soon after that each and every individual in the rally thrust their fists above them in unison with their young leader as their cries pierced the air.
All the while as the revolutionary stood with her steely golden eyes gazing back down at her chanting comrades.
"Sia! Sia! Sia!" The people cried out in admiration while the young woman stood above them with her bleeding fist held proudly in the air.
"I promise you! We will have our revolution! We will win equal rights for everyone from the highborn! And if they refuse to give it to us then we'll just have to take it from them by force!" Sia roared as she stood before the wild crowd with her face having long since taken on a beyond resolute expression.
While shout after shout filled the air of the underground chamber as the charismatic young leader stood boldly over them.
"And know this my brothers and sisters! When the time comes, they will see the ferocity of our dragon's roar! We will show them that our roar is millions strong! We'll show them a roar so powerful that it will split throughout the heavens like thunder and resonate all the way up in the caldera!" The revolutionary called out in a spellbinding cry with her clenched fist punching into the air above her head while screams of passion rang into her ears.
As she took another step forward while she listened to the yells of the people consume the very air itself.
While her boundlessly committed golden eyes stared ahead as her own shouts pierced the air.
And then a single droplet of her blood fell to the wooden floor of the stage below.
While her dedicated countenance gazed ahead with an inferno burning passionately in her golden eyes.
The Royal Family and the nobles have left her with no other choice.
Revolutions are not won without action.
Someone has to take a stand for these people.
And since it was clear that no one else was going to do it.
Why should it not be her?
0 notes
grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 128 - War and Tradition
Nako stood apprehensively over a table with both versions of her invention sitting out before her.
While the captain stood in the doorway staring back at the pilot and her inventions in interest.
"Princess Azula wants you to be ready to present your invention to the Fire Lord. You should have around an hour to prepare." Zoi informed in a composed voice as she strode into the room while the younger woman swallowed.
"U-understood. I-I'll get right on that." Nako answered in a skittish voice only turn around in surprise when she felt the warrior place a hand on her shoulder.
"You'll be alright Nako. Nothing bad is going to happen to you." The captain stated in her usual stoically supportive voice while the pilot tried her hardest to form a grateful smile.
Only to find herself shifting nervously on her feet while the captain stared back down at her with concern in her eyes.
"What…what if I am wrong Zoi? What if this device is a failure? I'll be the laughing stock of the entire country and the subject of the Fire Lord's wrath." The royal pilot questioned with a gulp while her brown eyes gazed down at the floor in worry.
"That isn't going to happen. Regardless of what happens with this gadget of yours…you have the support of the princess and myself as well." Zoi answered in a voice of reassurance while Nako gazed back up at her in appreciation.
"Thank you…captain. I appreciate that." Nako responded in a relieved voice as Zoi offered her a small smile while the woman patted her shoulder once more.
"Think nothing of it. That's what comrades are for." The captain commented as she removed her hand from the pilot's shoulder while the younger woman returned her smile.
Thirty minutes later in the royal throne room.
The two royals sat on their thrones while they watched the generals, admirals and nobles make their way into the throne room for the summit.
Including General Bujing.
General Shinu.
And many other high generals and admirals.
Followed shortly by General Meram and soon after members of several of the other seven clans.
Just before everyone turned to see the chancellor slinking in through the throne room doors.
While the eyes of many flashed with annoyance as Terak moved throughout the throne room with his hands shrouded by the long sleeves of his robes.
As he hurried in with an obsequious posture about him beside Meram while the young general glared at him out of the corner of his eye.
"I hate your cowardly sniveling." Meram spoke in a scornful voice as he glared back at the chancellor while the other man just smiled as he made his way in.
And not a moment after that all eyes turned to the woman that emerged next through the throne room doors.
It was none other than the most feared noble in all of the Fire Nation.
Governor Yoko herself!
The governor strode in with all the grace of a woman of her status while a great many eyes watched her closely.
And behind her was her widely famed oldest daughter with her hair tied into their nation's traditional topknot.
Captain Zoi of the Imperial Firebenders.
The two women of Clan Song made their way to their positions at the meeting table.
While the older woman gazed calmly at her daughter through the corner of her eye.
Before she knelt down on the floor before a long ornate table with a full-scale map of the world upon it.
The captain soon followed suit beside her mother while she stared around her with a stoic look in her golden eyes.
While she paid no attention to the many stares of distaste that she was receiving from the elderly generals across from her.
And then the chancellor quietly knelt down both members of Clan Song while the mother and daughter momentarily glanced his way.
Only for all members of the gathered assembled to turn to gaze up at the imposing faces of the Fire Lord and their crown princess.
All the while as they bowed in respect while the two royals stared intimidatingly back down at them.
While the Fire Lord gazed down at those present with his amber eyes scanning the faces of those below.
Just as he turned his gaze to the matriarch of Clan Song.
For the briefest of instances his gaze flashed with distaste.
And for good reason.
Clan Song is widely recognized as by far the most powerful noble clan.
Because they are situated on Fire Mountain, which is nearly as impenetrable as the capital itself.
Due to this Yoko had a tendency to flaunt herself about and behave as if she were almost royalty.
But he has thus far tolerated the arrogance of her and her clan because throughout the years they have remained faithful and committed to the Royal Family.
Despite his dislike of the woman, for that reason he has chosen to allow Yoko to continue to possess her influence.
For now.
And with that in mind Ozai turned his gaze away from Yoko and back to everyone gathered below.
All the while as his flames continued to burn behind him while his daughter sat patiently beside him.
"It has come to my attention that Princess Ling, the heir to Earth King Jaran of the deposed Earth Kingdom Monarchy is alive. And she has begun gathering forces under her banner with the Avatar in rebellion against the Fire Nation." Ozai announced in a coldly collected voice that carried throughout the throne room.
And that was all it took for the Fire Nation officials to begin muttering amongst each other.
Some were gazing on in surprise.
And others present were already aware of the news.
All the while as Azula stared down with callously hardened amber golden eyes.
Earth King Jaran…
To many it was a mystery why such a powerful king had chosen to venture on a suicidal mission into the heartland of their mighty nation.
But not to her.
She was one of the few who was privy to the truth.
Yes. She knew that her father provoked the Earth King's sense of honor by arranging the assassination of his precious pregnant wife.
And just like her father predicted.
The Earth King abandoned the great walls of Ba Sing Se in an irrational attempt to avenge his wife and unborn child.
And just as one would expect.
The emotional Earth King died long before he even came close to reaching the shores of their royal harbor.
Just the thought of the king meeting such a pathetic end at the hands of their forces was enough for a cruel smirk to pull onto her lips.
The princess found herself unable to resist rolling her brilliant amber golden eyes while she coolly brushed a lock of hair from her eyes.
Honor types are always woefully predictable…just like her traitorous brother.
'People that are obsessed with honor like Zuko and Jaran are fools.' Azula thought as she stonily crossed her arms over her plated breasts while she coldly watched the proceedings below.
And soon after that Ozai's lips formed into a devious smirk while his daughter stared on emotionless from where she sat on her throne beside him.
"However, in a recent turn of events…we have acquired a new war power that is certain to delivery victory to the Fire Nation once and for all." The Fire Lord declared in an arrogant voice while the members below listened in curiosity.
While the princess stared down with a frigidly detached expression in her callous amber golden eyes.
All the while as she tried her hardest to squash the protective feelings that she had for the girl that were bubbling up from within her belly.
Only for her lips to sink into the barest hint of a scowl as listened to the military figures and the nobles murmur below.
Each of the nobles, generals and admirals were intrigued by their Fire Lord's boast.
All except for three.
Terak tilted his head as he gazed up at his princess's imposing visage already knowing just who this war power was.
While Yoko arched a brow as she thought back to the events that occurred in her dungeon not too long ago.
Just as she turned to her eldest daughter for clarification.
Only for her amber golden eyes to express a margin of surprise when she saw that Zoi's eyes were flashing with a gleam of unmistakable anger.
All the while as the famed warrior tightened her jaw.
'It's just as I thought. He's already making plans to use Elle as a weapon of war.' Zoi thought while her golden eyes glared down at the floor.
But she knew better than to blow her temper over it.
She knew that her princess would never allow anything horrible to happen to her newly adopted little sister.
And she was also aware that her princess was growing in ways that their Fire Lord was unaware of.
And that the day would soon come when her princess would take the throne regardless of what Ozai has to say about it.
And on that day, she mused while she glanced up at her princess's face from where the young woman sat above her.
It will be Fire Lord Azula that is sitting on that throne.
Just as it was always meant to be!
'It doesn't matter to me who currently sits on the throne. The only person that I serve is Azula.' The captain thought with a resolute expression taking over her loyal golden eyes.
While she momentarily met her princess's gaze when the woman stared coldly back down at her.
"That isn't all Father. I have an announcement of my own to make that just may render the messenger hawk obsolete." The princess spoke in a smoothly regal voice as she held up an elegant hand before her face while her father turned to gaze at her in slight bewilderment.
While everyone below except for the captain gazed up at their princess in confusion as they waited for her to elaborate.
"Just what do you mean by that Azula?" Ozai questioned with a raised brow while a confident smile made its way onto his daughter's lips.
"Recently I discovered a young inventor who was serving on my crew as a pilot during my previous battle with the Avatar. Her existence came to my attention in the aftermath of the ambush on my airship where I was able to witness her ingenuity first hand for myself. I would even go so far as to say that her talents may rival that of the mechanist himself." Azula explained with a graceful wave of her flawlessly manicured hand while her father listened in sudden intrigue.
While the rest of the royal council knelt in silence as they gazed on with rising curiosity in their eyes.
"A young mechanist of our own…do go on Azula." The Fire Lord remarked in a thoughtful voice as he held a hand underneath his chin.
"Her name is Nako. Not long ago she informed me that she created a communications device that in theory would allow our forces to communicate over long distances." The princess informed with a sanguine smile on her lips while she gazed back at her father's astonished face.
And then she turned to glance down below to see that those gathered were gazing on in similar fascination.
"A communications device?" Ozai inquired with rare surprise in his voice while his daughter nodded confidently.
"Of course, right now it is only in rudimentary development but I feel that with our financial backing that it could be of paramount importance in our victory in this war. If you would like I could summon her in. After all I had her prepare in advance to give the court a presentation." Azula stated in an eloquent voice with her brilliant amber golden eyes turning to gaze back at her father's contemplative countenance.
While those below gazed at one another with expressions of growing intrigue in their eyes.
All the while as Ozai rubbed the underside of his goatee while his mind was filled with the endless possibilities that such an invention would grant him.
"Very well Azula. You may send for this young inventor of ours." The Fire Lord stated with curiosity filling his voice.
While Azula turned to gaze down at Zoi with her amber golden eyes already communicating her order to her strongest soldier.
"Zoi. Tell Nako that we are ready for her to come in." The princess commanded in a voice of natural authority while she watched her warrior stoically nod her head.
"Understood princess." The captain replied in a composed voice as she strode towards the throne room doors.
All the while as Yoko watched her daughter walk off with an intrigued gleam of her own in her eyes.
And then seconds later the sound of the throne room doors opening reverberated throughout the vast room that was followed shortly by a loud thud as they closed once more.
Only for the doors to be pushed open yet again not even a minute later.
While all eyes turned to the throne room doors to see the captain entering once more and following closely behind her was a young woman of common birth.
And most curious of all was that each of the two women were carrying similar looking wired black boxes in their arms.
Nako skittishly walked behind the captain while she gazed around her with astonishment in her intimidated brown eyes.
Never in all her life did she think that there would actually be a day where she would step foot into the throne room of the Royal Palace!
It was something that a peasant like herself could only dream of.
Until now that is.
It was then that she was torn from her thoughts when she gazed upon each of the faces kneeling among the Fire Lord's cabinet.
While she came to a nervous stop beside the warrior to find herself gazing up at the imposing face of her princess.
And the hardened visage of Fire Lord Ozai as well.
And without even giving it any thought she rapidly dropped into a low bow on her knees while the two royals gazed down at her from above.
All the while as she swallowed apprehensively when she felt the eyes of every general, admiral and noble fall upon her back.
While Yoko gazed back at the girl with her golden eyes flickering with a hint of surprise as she recognized her as one of the two commoners who had intruded upon her punishment of Clan Saolin.
"Azula has informed me that you have created a communications device." Ozai commented in an imposing voice while he gazed down at the two black boxes in great interest.
Before his gaze fell back to the face of the young woman kneeling beside the captain.
"T-that is correct Your Highness. After former General Iroh ambushed us with a commandeered airship…I wondered to myself. What if there was a way that we could verify the identity of those operating other vessels so that could never happen again? And that was when I learned that it was possible to transmit messages over distances with wavelengths of radiation from the sun." The royal pilot explained in a technical voice that impressed even the Fire Lord while she held up the box in her hands.
All the while as everyone in the throne room listened in rising marvelment.
While the captain gazed at her comrade with an expression of respect in her golden eyes.
"I won't deny that it is very much in an experimental phase right now. However, I can confirm that both units are fully operational as I have tested them out numerous times myself. If it would please you, I could show you how it works and leave it up to you to decide its worth." Nako offered in a loyal voice while Ozai let out a hum of approval.
"Hm. Interesting. I admit that you have managed to capture my attention. You may proceed with your presentation." The Fire Lord spoke in an intrigued voice while he watched the young woman in interest.
While the princess sat on her throne with her arms calmly crossed over her chest as she watched her subordinate rise to her feet.
While the rest of the royal court gazed on with curiosity in their eyes as the young woman turned to face the captain.
"Captain, I am going to place my unit on this side of the throne room, and I would like for you to place yours as far away as you can from mine on that side of the room." The royal pilot instructed in a nervous voice as she pointed between the two sides of the throne room while the captain nodded in comprehension.
"Of course." Zoi answered as she began to walk her copy of the unit to the furthest side of the vast room.
While the occupants of the throne room watched in interest as the young inventor carried the other unit to the opposite side.
And then the two women set the two devices down on opposing sides of the large room.
While the captain knelt over her copy of the machine awaiting further instruction from the other woman.
Before Nako turned to gaze back to her waiting audience to explain what she was going to do next.
"And now using the wavelengths that I mentioned…I am going to transmit a message through my unit to the captain's unit." Nako remarked in an educative voice while she crouched down over the unit to turn the dial.
While those in the throne room watched in anticipation as the young woman turned the dial.
While a faint crackling sound resounded lightly into the ears of her piqued audience.
All the while as the two royals observed the woman work with unusually fixated expressions of interest in their eyes.
Even Yoko and everyone else at the map was staring back at the young woman with their curious gazes conveying their captivation.
Just as Nako raised the corded handle of her unit to her mouth while she continued to operate the dial.
"Can you hear my transmission captain?" The royal pilot spoke into the device while she gazed nervously back at the warrior kneeling far away on the other side of the vast throne room.
While Zoi stared back with stoic golden eyes as she listened to the crackling of her friend's machine.
While Azula gazed between the two women with keenly interested amber golden eyes.
While Ozai listened to the machine crackle with an expectant expression in his intrigued amber eyes.
All the while as the rest of the nobles, generals and admirals gazed on with mutual trepidation.
Only for the young inventor to swallow nervousness when an uncomfortable moment of silence followed her query as she hurriedly fiddled with the dial.
While she felt the pressure on her begin to grow as she sensed the gaze of every powerful person in the throne room upon her back.
All the while as the gaze of interest in the Fire Lord's eyes began to wane as he stared harshly down at the now apprehensive girl.
"Some communications device. Of course, she can hear you. She's on the other side of the room." General Bujing mocked in a derisive voice as he chuckled from where he knelt on the floor.
While the much younger General Meram soon did the same as he gazed mockingly back at the now nervously sweating woman.
Only to for the two generals to feel a glacial gaze upon their back as they turned to find that was staring back at them with a murderous glare in her golden eyes.
While Azula also turned to stare intimidatingly down at the two generals with an icy glare in her terrifying eyes.
All the while as she watched through the corner of her eye as her loyal pilot continued to frantically turn the dial.
Only to spin her head back towards her captain when she started to hear a garbled sound emit from the second unit.
And just when the rest of the audience thought that the device was a failure.
They too heard a sound coming through the warrior's unit!
"Can you hear my transmission captain?" Nako's voice asked through the second radio while Zoi gazed down at the box with an astonished expression in her golden eyes.
While the entire throne room fell into a speechless silence as they listened to what was unmistakably the sound of the young inventor's voice coming from the unit.
And Ozai now stared down at the invention with an intense captivation in his astounded amber eyes.
While even the Fire Princess stared down at her pilot with a look of awe in her callous amber golden gaze.
It was almost like an underdeveloped version of the technology that she had witnessed in her encounter with those foreign soldiers!
And she once again couldn't help but find herself shocked that this nervous subordinate of hers was capable of constructing such an innovative device!
"Amazing!" General Shinu exclaimed in a fascinated voice while he stared back at the invention in awe.
While Yoko also stared back at the young woman with a rare look of astonishment in her golden eyes.
And Terak gazed on in just as much wonder from where he knelt beside the head of Clan Song.
And both General Bujing and General Sheng had fallen into a shocked state of silence.
All the while as an expression of tremendous relief came over Nako's face as she found herself unable to resist grinning as widely as can be.
While Zoi now gazed back at her comrade with a smile of praise growing onto her lips.
"Yes, Nako. I hear your transmission." The captain stated in a congratulatory voice while the other woman smiled back at her.
Before she turned to gaze back at Bujing's still taken aback face with a smirk on her lips.
"Just what was it you were saying General Bujing?" Zoi called out in a taunt while the elderly general glared back at her but chose to keep his mouth shut.
Just as the princess turned to gaze back at her father's uncharacteristically amazed countenance with a confident smile on her lips once more.
"See Father? I told you that the girl has talent." Azula commented in a smoothly regal voice as she gestured down to her now blushing pilot below.
While the Fire Lord begrudgingly nodded in agreement as he gazed back down at the young inventor with his amber eyes now reflecting his wonder.
"Yes, Azula. She certainly does." Ozai replied in a composed voice while he studied the young woman closely.
All the while as Nako's face turned red as she struggled to contain her joy that her invention was working as planned.
Before she recovered her composure as she turned to gaze up at the two royals who were still staring back down at her in marvelment.
"Fire Lord, I will be up front with you. These two prototypes have a limited range of likely no larger than beyond the palace walls, and are therefore insufficient to work over the far distances between ships. However, if we build larger units…and the appropriate towers to carry the wavelengths over the required distances…it is my belief that it just may prove successful for long ranged communication" Nako announced in an evaluative voice while the Fire Lord listened with a look of profound consideration in his eyes.
While Azula's callous amber golden eyes shone with approval over her faithful subject's ingenuity as she gazed back at her father's heavily contemplative face.
"It is my idea that we should give the girl her own lab. Perhaps even have her work in conjunction with the mechanist and War Minister Qin to oversee its production of this new technology." The princess commented in a sanguine voice with her hand held out before her face.
While the rest of the court listened in fascination over the potential new turn in technology below.
All the while as the pilot's brown eyes flashed with eagerness over the chance to work with the famed mechanist.
While the Fire Lord held a hand underneath his goatee as he gazed in approval back at the young inventor below.
"That is an excellent idea Azula. Such a captivating technology is truly worth investigating. So be it Nako. You may have whatever it is that you need to perfect this invention of yours." The Fire Lord announced in an authoritative voice that resounded throughout the throne room.
"Thank you, Fire Lord! I swear that I won't let the Crown down!" The royal pilot explained in a hurried voice as she bowed on her knees once more while the Fire Lord stoically gazed down at her.
While the princess gazed back down at her subordinate from where she sat on her cushioned throne beside her father with hidden approval in her ruthless amber golden eyes.
"That will be all for now Nako. You can go now." Azula ordered in a steely voice while she her subject bent her head in respect her direction.
"Yes, Your Highness." Nako responded in a dutiful voice as she stood up with her invention held in her arms.
Before she bowed at the hip to the two royals once again while her princess gazed stonily back down at her.
And then she walked back over to the warrior to collect the second unit.
While the captain handed it to her as she carefully balanced both devices in her arms.
All the while as she mustered a smile as she gazed gratefully back up into her friend's composed golden eyes.
While the noblewoman smiled back down at her.
And then she turned to walk out still feeling the awkward stare of the many important officials on her back.
And soon enough she exited through the vast throne room doors.
While Ozai stared at the closing doors with an elated expression in his cruel amber eyes.
All the while as he found himself unable to fight the pleased smile from forming onto his ruthless lips.
Things were shaping up even better than he had hoped.
Not only did he gained a prized new war power in the form of his daughter's young foreign servant girl.
He also just may have acquired an astounding new technology that just may serve to tip the scales even further into his favor!
Soon afterwards Zoi strode back to her position beside her mother and knelt back down once more.
While the Fire Lord turned his attention back to the attendees gathered below before his gaze shifted to the renowned warrior of Clan Song.
"Now then, onto other matters. Captain Zoi. What is your report on your status of your hunt for the Order of the White Lotus?" Ozai inquired in a coldly detached voice as all eyes turned to the kneeling captain in question.
While a confident smile made its way onto Zoi's lips as she turned to gaze up at her Fire Lord.
While a cruel smile formed on Azula's lips as well as she sat with her arms folded over her armored chest.
"Five years ago, I joined the Imperial Firebenders, and around two years after that I began to undertake special missions in the name of the Royal Family. To that end I gathered my own crew to aid me in such a task. And one year ago…I deployed under Princess Azula's orders to hunt the Order of the White Lotus. I am pleased to report that it is thanks to our efforts they are now but a shadow of their former strength and I am sure that you have heard that the same can be said for former General Iroh after I took out his left eye." The captain spoke in a ruthlessly focused voice as she reverted to her warrior persona once more while those around her listened with impressed looks in their eyes.
While the Fire Lord found his wicked smile growing even larger after hearing those delightful words.
"Yes, I did hear about that." The Fire Lord chuckled with a smirk on his lips while the princess smirked as well beside him.
"All and all, I would say that less than half of their original strength remain." Zoi stated in a stony voice while she gazed up at the Fire Lord's beyond pleased visage.
All the while as Yoko gazed at her daughter with tremendous pride flashing before her equally cold golden eyes.
"Nicely done Captain Zoi. I must say that you certainly do exceed expectations." Ozai spoke in a voice of merciless approval while the warrior smiled as she shrugged her shoulders.
"What can I say? If I am going to do something. I believe in getting it done right." The captain replied in a stoic voice while she once again ignored the way the generals stared at her back in unhidden dislike.
"As for the Avatar and his friends Father. It with my thought that we could use Nako's new technology to track down the Avatar in the coming weeks, and once we do locate them. I have already devised a fitting counterattack that should put an end to them for good." The princess spoke in a callous voice with her arms folded over her breasts while she smiled confidently back at her father's approving face.
"I commend your foresight Azula. I will leave the military preparations for the assault to you…provided that you keep me informed of any updates that should come to light with this new war power of ours." The Fire Lord responded with his cruel eyes gazing back at his daughter's icily inexpressive face.
While the princess stared on with her glacial amber golden eyes masking the ever so slight sense of anger that she felt boil up within her.
Over hearing her father speak of her young girlfriend as if she nothing more than a disposable tool of war.
All the while as the members of the cabinet still gazed out with expressions of curiosity in their eyes over what this mysterious new war power entailed.
And with that out of the way the Fire Lord turned to glance across the others present below.
"As to the final order of business. As I am sure that you are all already aware. Recently there has been a series of riots in the small fishing village of Shung Wu." Ozai stated in a fiercely rigid voice while the members of his cabinet gazed back at one another as they murmured amongst each other.
"I have already squashed it Father. Zoi and I stomped out the villager's little 'revolt' as we were passing through on our voyage home. Not only that, I punished Joza myself by revoking his governorship. I don't foresee there being any further problems with Joza or the villagers." Azula remarked in an aloofly offhand voice as she waved her elegant hand before her coldly sanguine face while her father gazed at her in recognition.
While Zoi knelt scowling with her golden eyes glaring down at the floor once more.
All the while as the generals, nobles and admirals still gazed back at one another.
"Yes, I have heard word among the peasants that they have recently given rise to an anti-monarchy movement." Yoko spoke in a dignified voice as she stared on with frozen golden eyes.
And just like that everyone including the two royals turned to gaze in the direction of the lord of Clan Song.
It was understood that the matriarch was not known for being a particularly talkative person.
And as a result, there was a saying in the Fire Nation and it was that on the rare occasion that Yoko chooses to speak.
You listen.
Before the governor did not speak without good reason.
While Ozai now gazed down at Yoko with furiously displeased amber eyes.
All the while as Azula glared down with her amber golden eyes reflecting her anger that their own subjects had the gall to even spread such treasonous rumors!
"Governor Yoko…tell me what you have heard." The Fire Lord ordered in an emotionless voice while he stared down at the older woman's equally impassive face.
"My informants tell me that there is a revolutionary movement that is brewing in the Fire Nation with its supporters seeming to be split in disagreement over two very starkly different objectives." The governor answered in a composed voice while her daughter listened with her attentive golden eyes gazing back at her.
While the rest of the throne room listened in a sense of capitation in their eyes.
"The revolutionary movement appears to have formed with the goal of obtaining certain rights and terms from the Crown…" Yoko trailed off in an informative voice as her golden eyes showed little to no emotion.
While the Fire Lord gazed on with cruelly uncaring amber eyes that showed that he wasn't moved in the slightest by the people's desires.
All the while as the princess callously rolled her amber golden eyes over the very notion of the commoners demanding anything from the throne.
"Rights. The peasants will get what we say they get and nothing more." The princess sneered with her merciless amber golden eyes glaring downward.
Only to find herself trying to fight the tight scowl that was forming onto her regal lips when words that her serving girl told her once more played in her mind.
Because your small folk don't have any rights. T-there are many countries in my homeland where commoners have rights.
Just as she turned to stare coldly with her arms folded over her bosom as scoffed under her breath.
All the while as she tried to push her handmaid's weak words out of her mind in favor of focusing on the meeting at hand.
While the captain turned away with a frown on her lips as she once again found herself recalling her adopted sister's passionate words.
No living being has the right to take the life of another.
We are all living beings.
We can find peace together!
'The more I get to know that girl…the more I start to wonder. Is there a better way than this? Is there a path to be found through Elle's peace?' Zoi thought with her golden eyes deeply mulling over the state of her country and the rest of the world.
It was a question that she has been pondering quite often lately.
And it was a question that she had yet to answer.
And not even a second after that she found herself torn from her reverie by the sound of her mother's voice once more.
While the occupants of the throne room listened closely as the matriarch stared back up at the two royals with a deathly serious expression in her stony golden eyes.
"However, it seems that a number of the supporters of this movement have taken on a much more extremist agenda. These supporters wish to start a violent purge amongst the populace…to kill not only the Royal Family but every last noble in the Fire Nation." The governor announced in a stunningly blunt voice while her words swept through the air like a storm.
And that was all it took for the generals, admirals and the nobles to gaze around with astonished expressions in their eyes.
And even the two royals could only stare down with shocked expressions flashing before their eyes.
'A movement to kill all nobles…that damned puppeteer was actually telling the truth!' The captain thought as she gazed on with an unnerved expression in her golden eyes.
While she gazed up at her princess's stoic face as she exchanged a quick glance with the royal woman.
And just as the princess was about to open her mouth to speak.
She found herself turning to glance down at those gathered down below when the sound of General Meram chuckling mockingly flowed into the air.
While all eyes then turned to the young man as he gazed back up at the imposing princess with a strange smile on his lips.
"I concur with our beautiful princess. That isn't going to be a problem. After Princess Azula put an end to the insurrection in Shung Wu…I made a stop in the village myself on my way to the Capital. While I was there, I punished the villagers for their disobedience and I can assure you that I made it clear that such actions will not be tolerated." The young general spoke in an unfeeling voice while a sense of confusion overtook the throne room.
While the princess scowled imperiously back down at the man never failing to miss the flirtatious smile on the nobleman's lips.
All the while as she stared down in callous disinterest as she pondered what he meant by his claim.
While Zoi, Terak and Yoko turned to gaze back at the young man with questioning looks in their eyes.
"What do you mean that you punished the villagers?" The captain demanded with her temper carefully kept under control as the nobleman smiled back at her.
"What do you think I mean? I personally oversaw the public execution of the instigators of the revolt." Meram announced in a remorseless voice that prompted everyone all but the Fire Lord and General Bujing to turn to him in shock.
While he smiled up at the princess's caught off-guard face.
All the while as Azula gazed back down with her ruthless amber golden eyes expressing her surprise.
While her mouth remained open for the most fleeting of a moment in a peculiar show of long buried emotion.
While those at the map of the world were gazing at the general with varying reactions in their eyes.
While the more pragmatic General Shinu stared back at the young man with disbelief in his eyes.
And for the first time since Yoko had entered the meeting.
The matriarch was now staring back at the young nobleman with her golden eyes narrowing in outrage.
Just as she quickly turned to her eldest daughter while she watched with cautiously widened eyes as the warrior shook in fury.
The famed soldier's sense of rage was so palpable that it was felt by everyone in the room.
While the mighty captain now trembled with her hair hanging over her eyes as she smashed her teeth together.
And the faintest sign of steam was even starting to exude off the warrior's muscular body.
All the while as several of the other attendees gazed out of the corner of their eyes in fear of the powerful warrior's reputation.
While the princess swiftly glanced down at her strongest soldier through the corner of her callous eye.
All the while as she watched with a weary look in her eyes in the hopes that the woman wouldn't do anything foolish.
'You bastard! I am going to kill you! All they wanted was food!' Zoi thought with her golden eyes now as wide as can be in murderous wrath.
Only to find herself turning to her gaze off to her left in surprise when an unlikely individual spoke up in outrage.
"Have you gone mad! You just poured fuel over an already volatile situation that will only inspire an even bigger revolt!" Terak exclaimed with his hand on the map while he stared furiously back at the now glaring general.
While an even greater sense of tension swept over the throne room air as the Fire Lord stared down from above with rigid amber eyes.
All the while as Azula gazed between the gathered cabinet and her father with her callous amber golden eyes expressing aggravation towards the general.
While both Zoi and Yoko stared back at Terak with surprised golden eyes over his outburst.
And yet the two members of Clan Song couldn't help but fear that the chancellor was right.
"I have resolved a revolt and I have also just returned home from securing multiple great victories in the name of the Fire Nation. Which is more than I can say for you and your spy circle." The young general snapped back with fire in his voice while he glared daggers back at the sneering chancellor.
"I have been working meticulously with Princess Azula to sow doubt and discord in the rebel ranks. With my carefully woven lies falsehood becomes truth and truth becomes falsehood. And unlike your savaging of hungry peasants general…my work produces results." The chancellor countered in a derisive voice while the face of the young general was now red with anger.
While all eyes in the throne were gazing between the two feuding men.
And that was all it took for the general to stand up in fury from the council.
While Yoko sighed with her face in her hands as her daughter still glared back at the Clan Sheng nobleman.
While Azula stared down at the two with her amber golden eyes conveying her annoyance over their bickering.
And yet for as much as the chancellor often grated on her she couldn't deny that the man was correct.
And it only made her all the more furious that the bloodthirsty general had foolishly rekindled a fire that she had already put out!
"How dare you question my worth!" Meram snarled with fire burning from his fists.
"I do more than question your worth! I question if you have a brain in that empty head of yours!" Terak shouted as he stood up beside the captain while he pointed a finger back at the outraged general as the man began to swiftly stride towards him.
While Ozai's callous amber eyes finally began to flicker with annoyance as he clenched his jaw.
All the while as Azula let out a haughty sigh as she gazed down at the arguing men with irritated amber golden eyes.
And not even seconds later the generals, admirals and nobles began to mutter to one another once more.
While they all watched in suspense as Meram came to a stop looming over a defiant Terak as they glared back at one another.
All the while as Zoi still stared back at the Clan Sheng man from where she knelt behind the standing chancellor with hauntingly murderous golden eyes.
"The only reason that you have the gall to run your mouth at me like that is because you sit beside the Fire Lord as chancellor but perhaps, we should see if your talent for combat is half as fearsome as your silver tongue!" The young general hissed back in a livid voice as he leaned in to glare down at Terak while the smaller man valiantly stood his ground.
There wasn't a single person in the throne room who wasn't aware that Terak didn't stand a chance in an Agni Kai against the ruthless general.
And yet the man boldly persisted likely out of a belief that he was safe standing beside the two powerful women of Clan Song.
"I deliver order and peace to the Fire Nation!" The chancellor retorted in an indignant voice as he furiously gestured with his robed hands in the general's ice-cold face.
While the princess coldly rolled her aggravated amber golden eyes as she groaned from where she sat on her cushion.
While the anger in the Fire Lord's eyes grew even further as the sound of the two men shouting continued to make his temper boil over.
"How amusing. The chancellor is going to get brutalized." The elderly general commented with a cruel smirk on his lips while several of his fellows chuckled in agreement.
While Yoko simply still gazed on with agitation in her golden eyes that only rose as the two men continued to bicker in her ear.
While Zoi remained on the floor with her stony gaze never once leaving the general's face.
"You are reckless! You have resolved nothing! Your actions will lead us into a civil war that will tear the Fire Nation apart!" Terak shouted as he thrust his finger in Meram's face while the general seethed back at him.
While Azula sat in her seat with her amber golden eyes still glaring down at the general.
Only to turn her head when she finally saw her father's flames rise up in his ever-growing anger.
All the while as the captain's vengeful eyes for once agreed with the chancellor.
"A civil war with peasant farmers! I have no fear of peasants! Let the lowly commoners hate me! I welcome it!" Meram scoffed as he glared back into the chancellor's narrowed eyes while they stood not even a hair apart.
"Silence!" Ozai roared at the top of his lungs as his flames shot up to enormous heights intimidating all gathered below into falling quiet.
While Azula let out an irate sigh as she lounged with her fist against her annoyed cheek.
She had been wondering how long it would take for her father to lose his temper.
All the while as the chancellor sneered once more into the general's face as the taller man recoiled away from him with his golden eyes still glaring back at him.
Only for everyone to gaze on in a margin of surprise not a moment later when the heat from the Fire Lord's flames sent Terak soaring onto his back on the floor.
"Enough out of you Terak!" The Fire Lord bellowed in a resounding voice from where he sat upon his throne while the chancellor now cowered on the floor in shock.
And the princess turned to gaze at her father with a degree of surprise in her callous amber golden eyes.
"General Meram is correct. Insurrection is to be crushed without compassion. The peasants will learn their place once more. As for you…it was your failure that allowed Iroh to commander an airship that allowed the rebels to ambush Azula. You have failed me far too many times. As of this moment forward you are no longer royal chancellor." Ozai declared in a tyrannical voice while he stared imperiously down at the politician's aghast face.
While Azula stared on with emotionless amber golden eyes as she observed the scene from her seat.
While Zoi turned to glower down at the world map with still furious golden eyes.
'I should have expected that he wouldn't give a damn about his own people.' The captain thought as she knelt glaring at arrogant young general through the corner of her eye.
While General Meram now smirked as he gazed tauntingly down at the now paling Terak from where he lay trembling before the Fire Lord's flames.
"I couldn't agree more Fire Lord. Treason must be punished swiftly and brutally." General Bujing remarked in a cruel voice with a malicious smirk on his lips.
While the captain glared at the elderly general with stony golden eyes.
"B-but Fire Lord! I have been royal chancellor for ten years!" The now former chancellor protested in a disbelieving voice as he pushed himself up only to cower when the flames flared up once more.
"I am sick of your pathetic whimpering! All you are is empty talk. I need results. I want the Avatar dead. I want my enemy's heads on spikes. Perhaps General Meram will be able to succeed where you have failed." The Fire Lord concluded in an utterly frigid voice while he gazed heartlessly down at the man's speechless face.
While the princess rose a regal brow as she turned to gaze back at her father with an impassive stare.
And even the captain was staring back at the smiling young general with a surprised expression in her golden eyes.
While the matriarch of Clan Song knelt in silence as she showed no emotion to what was happening before her stoic eyes.
"I-I beg of you to reconsider Fire Lord! Just give me one more chance I promise that I-" Terak cried out only to find himself cut off when the general stomped on his hand.
"Be silent weakling." The young general taunted in a voice laced with ridicule as he stood over the humiliated man while Terak stared back up at him in outrage.
"You can't treat me like this!" The former chancellor yelled in a distressed voice only to find himself howl in pain when a boot stomped down onto his throat as he was slammed back down into the floor.
And not a second after that the general ripped the royal emblem from the writhing man's chest as he stepped down even harder onto his neck.
While a great many of the other generals, admirals and nobles observed the man's humiliation with cruel expressions in their eyes.
While General Bujing chuckled in sadistic amusement as if he was getting pleasure just from watching the man scream.
The only general who wasn't laughing was General Shinu who was now turning away with an uncomfortable look in his eyes.
And the Fire Lord for his part was just staring down with cruel amber eyes that showed no emotion for his former chancellor's humiliated screams.
While Azula watched the man scream from where she sat above with frigid amber golden eyes.
It was now pitifully obvious just why the chancellor came to her to scheme against her father in the first place.
It was because the sniveling man was on the verge of losing his position!
She could care less who holds the title of royal chancellor.
But even so…
Her amber golden eyes narrowed ruthlessly as she stared down at the young general's back while he crushed the howling politician under his boot.
She couldn't help but feel a sliver of something akin to concern from somewhere deep within her cold heart that the presence of this general would endanger her little girlfriend.
While Zoi stared back at Meram with unrivaled disgust in her golden eyes as silently vowed to make him pay for killing Fire Nation citizens.
Just as the general finally removed his foot from the former chancellor's neck and wrapped the royal emblem around his neck.
And then he turned to gaze up the two royals while he bowed with an arm over his chest.
While he gazed from his Fire Lord's flame lit countenance to his princess's imposingly fire accented face.
"I will not let you down Fire Lord…nor you either my beautiful princess." Meram declared with a smile on his lips while the princess rolled her golden eyes back down at him.
It didn't deter him in the least.
As he had expected that such a goddess would not be so easy to woo.
'Please! You are not my type!' Azula thought with her arms crossed haughtily over her armored breasts while she regarded the general as if he were nothing more than a bug that she was about to squash.
She much preferred submissive pretty little things.
And that was all it took for a tight scowl to form on her lovely lips as she turned to stare moodily into the flames.
And she couldn't help but find herself longing for her pretty pet's company once more.
The summit had long since begun to grate on her every last nerve and it was long past time that her serving girl ease her foul temper.
And the sooner this wretched meeting was over.
The sooner she could do so!
While Terak lay gasping for air on the floor with his fists clenched in unimaginable rage.
And then he shakily stood up in a fury as he pushed his way past the two women of Clan Song as he made his way for the throne room doors.
All the while as the sound of the generals and admirals chuckling mockingly at his back only served as further fuel for his rage.
"Good riddance. He was a pathetic worm anyway." The elderly general stated in a heartless voice as he watched the humiliated man stagger off.
While General Meram knelt upon the floor once more with a cruel smirk on his lips as he too laughed in entertainment over the other man's disgrace.
Before they all turned away to gaze up at their Fire Lord and their crown princess.
Just as the former chancellor panted as he stopped behind a pillar as he nursed his bruised wrist.
All the while as he stared on with enraged golden eyes at the laughing members of the Fire Lord's cabinet.
'I am going to get you Meram! And you too Bujing! I am going to get every last one of you! Even you too Ozai! I will remember all of your names! I will see each and every one of you burn!' Terak thought as he stormed away with his teeth gritted in his outrage while he shoved open the doors of the throne room.
It there was one thing that he never forgets.
It was a slight!
While Azula turned to watch with merciless amber golden eyes as the man disappeared through the doors as they closed shut with a thud not a moment later.
Before she turned her callous gaze back down to the laughing generals below.
Where there was no doubt that Terak was pitifully weak.
She damn well knew that he was far more intelligent than General Meram.
And she knew full well that there way that the man was going to let this go.
While Zoi observed the man storm off with stoic golden eyes before she too turned back to the smirking Meram and Bujing.
'Then again I may not have to.' Zoi thought while she stared back at young general's smiling face.
What a clueless fool.
He didn't even know the horror that would be in store for him now that Terak was out for his blood.
While Yoko gazed on with equally aware golden eyes knowing full well that the generals were going to regret the day that they crossed Terak.
Only for all eyes in the throne room to turn to the captain not a moment when the sound of the famed warrior scoffing resounded into the air.
"Congratulations General Meram. You were able to defeat a defenseless Terak and a crowd of starved peasants. I am in awe of your tremendous strength." The captain stated with sarcasm dripping from her voice while the young general spun around to glare back at her.
"Is there something that you wish to say to me Generalkiller?" The young general replied with his golden eyes glaring back at the captain's stoic face.
While everyone in the throne room watched the two closely.
All the while as the princess snorted as she gazed down at the general with sneering amber golden eyes.
'Savaging Terak is one thing…. but that man is a fool if he believes that he can defeat Zoi.' The princess thought as she rolled her intelligent amber golden eyes while her gaze remained on her strongest soldier below.
"Not just you but to many other individuals here as well. But before I do…I have an important announcement to make." Zoi remarked with her arms folded over her chest while her princess rose a brow in curiosity from where she sat above her.
While the Fire Lord did the same as he turned to glance down at the warrior with his usual rigid stare.
All the while as the others seated below excluding Yoko turned to gaze questioning in the captain's direction.
"It is my upmost pleasure to inform the court that Princess Azula has officially appointed me as her second in command." The captain announced with unmistakable smugness in her voice as she gazed back at the faces of the many shocked military officials.
While a smile now formed onto Yoko's lips with her prideful golden eyes gazing back at her eldest daughter in approval.
All the while as the Fire Lord rose his brows as he turned to gaze back at his daughter for clarification.
"Is this true Azula?" Ozai asked in a composed voice while a confident smile graced his daughter's lips.
"It is Father. As long as her actions are in accordance with your wishes. Zoi is to be viewed for all intents and purposes as an extension of my will." Azula declared in a perfectly poised voice as she held up her hand before her authoritative voice.
While her domineering amber golden eyes stared powerfully down at the stunned members of the cabinet below.
While the Fire Lord let out a curious him as he held a hand underneath his goatee as he turned to glance back down at those gathered among his cabinet.
While the generals, admirals, and nobles were now gazing back at the captain with something similar to alarmed looks in their eyes.
It was a well-known fact that nearly all of the senior military officials despised the woman for her killing of her superior many years prior.
And now that the woman had been bolstered by the authority of Princess Azula…
They knew well enough that their interactions with the wretched woman were about to grow far more unpleasant than they had ever before.
"And in that regard Fire Lord, I would like to offer you my counsel concerning what I learned in the year that I spent traveling in the Earth Kingdom." Zoi spoke in a calmly collected voice as she stared confidently up at Ozai's piqued face.
All the while as the princess listened with her full attention as she eyed her best soldier from above.
"And just what would this counsel entail?" The Fire Lord pondered in an unemotional voice while he watched the woman with curiosity in his amber eyes.
Just as the captain turned to glance around her as she gazed upon the faces of many of the high generals present.
"After the one year that I spent fighting the people of the Earth Kingdom. I discovered that they are a diverse and resourceful people that are willing to fight to the bitter end to defend the land that they call home." The captain commented in a stonily focused voice while the two royals listened as they studied her curiously.
While the warrior paid no heed to the sound of several generals coldly laughing over her description of the Earth Kingdom people.
"To that end…I want to advise you that a significant part of why you are having difficulty occupying the Earth Kingdom is because the training programs of certain generals present are highly inadequate for such a prolonged occupation." Zoi remarked in a stunningly blunt voice while many of the generals turned to stare back at her with outraged expressions in their livid eyes.
While one general after another now looked as if they wanted to leap across the throne room and kill the brazen woman.
All the while as the Fire Lord sat authoritatively beside his daughter with his hand underneath his chin as he stared down at the woman in consideration.
"Take General Bujing for instance. While he may be a veteran general. His methods of training his troops…are far too linear. There is too much focus on brute force and nearly no focus on defense. Furthermore, he spends far too much time following outdated traditions and little to no time on innovation." The captain added in a fearless voice as she gestured coldly in the enraged elderly man's direction.
And just like that murmurs began to spread across the cabinet once more.
While Ozai gazed down with a contemplative frown on his lips as General Bujing slammed his angered fists on the floor.
All the while as Azula's cold amber golden eyes pondered her warrior's words while she calmly watched her subordinate below.
"What!? I will not take this disrespect from you Generalkiller! I have been training soldiers for over forty years! You are in no position to question my methods!" General Bujing shouted in a fuming voice as he glared furiously back at the noblewoman's confidently smiling face.
While the matriarch of Clan Song knelt with her arms folded over her breasts.
All the while as an ever so slight smile of maternal pride formed onto her lips.
Only for the elderly general to freeze up when he caught the glare of the princess seated far above him.
While the princess's terrifyingly amber golden eyes now gazed imperiously right back down at the old man's sweating face.
"You will take it General Bujing. Unless of course…you are telling me that I am in no position to question the effectiveness of your methods." The princess commented in a mercilessly imposing voice as she stared dominantly down at the now terrified general's face.
While her father turned to gaze back at her with his cold amber eyes observing her intently.
Before everyone turned back to Zoi when the sound of the noblewoman chuckling smugly flowed into the air.
"That is precisely my point. You have been doing this for forty years and you haven't won yet. If that isn't a sign of a need for a complete overhaul in training protocol then I don't know what is." Zoi replied in an utterly scathing voice as she stared back into Bujing's beyond outraged golden eyes.
"That is a bold claim that you have made Captain Zoi. Can you back your words up with action?" Ozai inquired in a majestic voice that carried throughout the throne room while all eyes at the world map stared back at the smiling woman.
While Azula just smirked as she folded her arms over her chest once more already knowing the answer to that question.
All the while as General Bujing and General Meram in particular glared back at the woman as her lips slowly but surely curved into a sanguine smirk.
"Can I back them up Fire Lord? Of course, I can back them up." The captain stated with unmistakable pride in her voice while she gazed back up at the Fire Lord's intrigued countenance.
While the elderly general still stared furiously back at the woman from where he sat on the other side of the long map.
While the Fire Lord released a thoughtful hum as he held a fingertip underneath his goatee once more.
"Then perhaps you should give the court a demonstration of the revisions that are needed." The Fire Lord suggested with a margin of sadistic implication in his voice as a smile made its way onto his lips.
While all gazes were still on Zoi as she still held herself with an undeniable aura of confidence.
"It would be my honor." Zoi spoke with a small smirk on her lips while the generals stared back at her in loathing.
While the Fire Lord turned to glance at his daughter's smirking face before he too turned to smirk back down at the confident woman.
"General Bujing. Send for five of your best troops…." Ozai trailed off in a devious voice while a cruel smile made its way onto the elderly general's lips.
"I would be delighted to oblige you Fire Lord. I will send for them at once." The elderly general stated with a giant smirk on his lips.
"Ten. Five won't even be enough to make me sweat." The captain boasted in a shockingly assured voice with her bangs hanging over her eyes while she smiled at the table.
While all but Azula and Yoko turned to gaze at the captain with disbelief in their eyes.
All the while as the Fire Lord stared down at the smirking warrior with his cruel smile growing even larger.
While the princess held her head high with a look of complete confidence in her callous amber golden eyes.
While the Clan Song head still knelt smiling at the table knowing full well that her daughter had all the reason in the world to boast.
"Have it your way…Generalkiller." General Bujing spoke through gritted teeth while he glared a hole through the arrogant woman's skull.
And then he waved his hand in the air to give the order to send for his ten best soldiers.
And soon enough a guard rushed through the throne room doors while Zoi still knelt smirking in her position.
And not even five minutes later…
The doors to the throne room opened wide once more.
While an entire squad of ten of General Bujing's elite soldiers entered through the doors.
While their gazes landed on the kneeling captain as they stood in formation before the opened throne room rooms.
All the while as the two royals stared down with eagerness in their eyes as they watched the famous warrior slowly push herself up from the floor.
"There is only one rule. No killing. Aside from than, anything goes." The Fire Lord announced in a wicked voice as he stared down with intensely entertained amber eyes below.
While the princess watched from above with her beautiful lips forming a cruel smile.
While the soldiers walked forward towards the noblewoman as she stood up with her back turned to them.
All the while as their commanding general now knelt smiling coldly with his sadistic golden eyes never leaving the scene.
While Yoko gazed up at her daughter with endless faith in her combat prowess in her stoic golden eyes.
"I'll try not to break anything critical." Zoi commented in a fearless voice as she cracked her knuckles with a poised smile on her lips.
While the generals stared at her with hatred in their eyes as she turned to face the squad of elite soldiers.
"Don't get ahead of yourself." The squad leader scoffed in a near emotionless voice as he strode forward with his fellows at his back.
While everyone in the throne room watched the composed captain stride towards the gathering of soldiers.
All the while as the soldiers stood in different positions beside the intricately designed pillars.
Just as the noblewoman confidently strode to the center of the soldiers.
And then she began to slowly pace in a methodical manner as she listened to several of the soldiers laugh in excitement at the chance to brutalize her.
While she calmly turned in a circle with a sanguine aura about her as she watched them surround her from all sides.
"Begin!" Ozai commanded with his voice carrying through the air while he watched with a smirk on his lips.
While the captain still stood at the epicenter of the circle with her hair shadowing her golden eyes.
All the while as a beyond self-assured smirk still adorned her lips.
And not a second later all ten of the elite soldiers rushed forward towards their singular opponent.
While General Bujing watched with a vicious smirk on his lips as his soldiers sprang at the over confident woman.
Only for all but Azula and Yoko to stare on in surprise when Zoi effortlessly sidestepped a swing of firebending from a man lunging at her.
And not even seconds after that the battle cry of a true warrior resounded imposingly into the ears of all present.
And then the captain seized the shocked man by his arm while she flipped him down onto the floor.
And that was all it took for the soldier's helmet to roll across the floor with an echoing clang.
While the soldiers watched with stunned expressions in their eyes as the woman sprang at them like a rampaging beast!
"Too slow! You have no agility!" The captain shouted in a merciless voice as she evaded another strike while her boot impacted with another soldier's face.
And then the man was hurled into one of the large pillars before he slammed into it with his pained shouts resounding into the air.
While General Bujing's smirk had transformed into an expression of shock as he gazed on with disbelieving golden eyes.
While all of the other generals, admirals and nobles watched the spectacle in awe.
All the while as the roaring warrior bounded into the fray once more with an every so slight steam emerging from her toned muscles.
And even the Fire Lord was gazing on with his amber eyes widening ever so marginally.
'What…is that steam?' The Fire Lord thought as he studied the woman with a calculating stare in his astonished eyes.
While Azula stared on with a huge smile on her lips as she watched another man scream as he was sent soaring into the wall.
While Yoko observed the demonstration with a completely unfazed expression in her golden eyes.
"And you have no defense!" Zoi called out as she slammed her fist into another soldier's belly while he keeled over in agony.
And then he too was thrown to the wayside while the unfortunate soldier impacted with the wall!
"You are all too predictable!" The captain roared as she sprang down above the now terror-stricken soldiers.
While the court gaped on with astonished expressions in their eyes as Zoi savagely sent another man flying unconscious onto the floor of the throne room!
And then another was ruthlessly taken down with a powerful kick to his helmet!
And so, it went.
As each of the elite soldiers were dispatched one by one!
Until finally the squad leader was seen slumping to the floor with his helmet rolling to the ground with a resounding clang.
While all ten of General Bujing's best soldiers were now sprawled out in various undignified positions upon the palace floor.
All the while as Zoi now stood at the center of the unconscious soldiers with her back turned to her speechless audience.
While Ozai sat in an unusually taken aback silence with his amber eyes still conveying his shock.
All the while as Azula gazed down with an approving gleam in her callous amber golden eyes.
'As if there would have been any other outcome.' Azula thought with a regal smile on her lips as she sat with her arms crossed over her breasts.
"H-how?" The elderly general murmured in a disbelieving voice while he gazed out with tremendous anger in his humiliated golden eyes.
While General Meram knelt in a state of similar surprise with his golden eyes gazing on in astoundment.
"How? My Zoi has created a revolutionary technique that was previously never before seen in recorded history. This brilliant technique allows her to convert her internal fire into raw physical strength and stamina. She is the only firebender in the entire world to master it and the only one capable of using it." Yoko announced in a voice of boundless maternal pride while all but the princess gazed on with disbelief in their eyes.
While the Fire Lord gazed on with his amber eyes shimmering with a hidden spark of anger as he tightened his jaw.
'Just how did this woman discover such a technique?' Ozai thought with his amber eyes narrowing at the warrior's turned back.
Just as he turned to gaze out of the corner of his tyrannical eye at his daughter's smirking face.
Yet another detail that Azula has kept hidden from him!
Before he turned to stare imperiously down at the soldier below while he gripped his fists in his lap.
It would seem that his daughter and this captain were starting to become too strong.
And from this moment forward…
He would have to keep a much closer watch on the bother of them!
"In simple terms General Bujing. It means that you and your soldiers are trash compared to my daughter." The governor concluded in an impassively conceited voice while the general glared at her daughter in abject humiliation.
While everyone watched in silence as the mighty warrior wordlessly reached up to tear her bun from her hair.
And then the captain cast it aside to the floor below while her dark hair once again spilled free from constraints.
All the while as the warrior finally turned around to face her stunned audience with her lips pulling into a sanguine smirk.
While she gazed up at her princess for the briefest of moments as the royal woman gazed back down at her with an approving smirk on her lips.
And then she turned her gaze back to the faces of all of the shocked generals, admirals and nobles kneeling before the world map.
"You can keep your top-knots and all of your other meaningless traditions that hold you back. I don't need any of it. I'll take the power, innovation and glory." Zoi spoke in a stunningly dismissive voice while many of the officials bristled in outrage over her mordant words.
While the Fire Lord's amber eyes stared back at the woman with his rigid amber eyes reflecting a spark of newfound paranoia.
While Yoko gazed after her daughter with emotionless golden eyes as she let out a slight sigh under her breath.
All the while as the captain turned around to walk away with her boots striding across the floor of the throne room.
And just before the warrior departed the throne room.
The captain stomped down on her discarded hair tie while she made sure to flatten it beneath the sole of her boot for all to see.
The meaning of the action was all too clear.
It was the noblewoman's way of stating once more that she has chosen innovation over tradition!
And with that Zoi strode through the doors of the palace throne room.
While the many elderly military officials stared on after the woman's walking back in offense over her blatant disrespect for their long-held traditions.
While the princess gazed after her strongest soldier with her arms still confidently crossed over her plated chest.
All the while as her beautiful lips still adorned a poised smile.
And she didn't even pay any mind to the strict stare that her father was now directing her way.
There was a time when she used to be frightened of her father.
But that time has long since passed.
Now, she merely viewed him as just another enemy to be crushed.
For now, she would bide her time and wait until the moment was right.
And then she will crush him!
And with that Azula's amber golden eyes formed into a stare of absolute unrivaled dominance.
It was no longer the stare of a daughter subordinate to her father.
It was the gaze of an indomitable ruler!
With her little beloved at her side and her loyal captain at her back!
She is going to conquer everything under the sun!
Everyone and everything that stands in the way of her conquest will be destroyed!
This world is hers to rule!
And it was only a matter of time before she takes her rightful seat on her throne as Fire Emperor of the entire planet!
It was simply inevitable.
0 notes
grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 127 - The Fire Lord
The following day in the Royal Palace.
The princess glanced out of the corner of her callous amber golden eye as she watched her handmaid set down her breakfast tray on her table.
Only to let out a sigh under her breath when she took in her girlfriend's still unusually downcast face.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Azula asked with just a sliver of concern in her stern voice when her handmaiden shook her head.
"No. I'm not really hungry." Elle answered in a timid voice as she stood faithfully beside her master's throne while the older woman grasped a hold of her chop sticks.
All the while as she heard the princess sigh in frustration once more.
Only for a trace of her usual cheer to return when the older woman gestured to her booted feet.
"What are you waiting for girl? Sit." The princess commanded in a tone of casual dominance with one hand on her thigh while she began to gracefully eat her morning meal.
While she stared down in satisfaction to see the girl obediently seating herself at her boots.
"Y-yes princess." The handmaid mumbled in a mousy voice as she felt a strong hand lower into her hair while the older woman started to pet her head.
Only to find herself falling forward on her knees into the older woman's thigh while she listened to her master elegantly eat her meal above her.
"What shall I ever do with you peasant…" Azula remarked as she began to chew her breakfast while she glanced down at the lovely girl hiding in her leg.
While her palm remained in the teenager's hair as she absentmindedly petted her handmaid's little head.
"A-anything that you want Azula-sama. I submit to you." Elle whined as she rested her head on the older woman's thigh while she slowly began to smile once more.
Only to find herself letting out a squeak when her princess seized a hold of her neck accessory in her domineering hand.
While her cheeks turned a shade of red as she sat with her face pressing into the older woman's thigh.
While her heart raced wildly as heard her princess elegantly swallow down a mouthful of her breakfast.
All the while as she flushed with the older woman's hand still grasping onto her collar.
"Hm. That's what I like to hear. Now…I don't want you to worry your little mind over Mai. You'll see her again…after she has served a satisfactory punishment in the eyes of the royal court." The princess commented as she stared down at the girl with controlling amber golden eyes.
While her gaze flickered with disapproval over the girl's glum disposition.
Only for her callous eyes to flash with aggravation when she noticed the girl's smile already start to wane with the mere mention of her treasonous friend's name.
"O-okay." The handmaid stammered in a meek voice as she gazed down at the floor while she listened to her princess sigh over her.
And so, the princess soon finished her breakfast.
And shortly afterward she dismissed her serving girl to take her dishes to the palace kitchens.
While Azula now turned to gaze at her acrobatic friend as the other woman sat in a chair on the other side of her study.
"Today, I have an important war meeting with Father, the high generals, high admirals and several key members of the seven clans. Even Governor Yoko will be in attendance. I want you to watch over Elle until I am finished." Azula spoke in a smooth voice while the noblewoman nodded her head.
"Sure Azula. I'll be happy to look after Elle." Ty Lee assured with a helpful nod of her head.
Only to find herself raising a brow when the princess gestured to a book on her table.
"I am appointing you as Elle's instructor in my absence. When I am too busy to oversee her language studies myself…I want you to fill in for me." The princess instructed in a stoic voice as she pointed down at the book while the acrobat glanced at it in inquisitively.
"I don't mind helping my little sister with her language lessons. But I don't know if today is a good day for that Azula…I really think that we need to give her a couple days to adapt to Mai's absence before we start making the poor girl do schoolwork." The acrobat replied in a sisterly voice that verged on maternal.
"Perhaps tomorrow then." Azula sighed with annoyance seeping through her cold voice while she stood up from her seat to leave to attend the meeting with her father.
One hour later…
The immense flames lit the walls of the Fire Lord's vast throne room.
While Ozai turned to watch with an observant amber eye as his daughter seated herself adjacent to him.
While the princess sat down on her cushion in her ceremonial armor with her callous amber golden eyes trying to mask her anger over the secrets that her father has been keeping from her.
"Azula. I see that you made it home in time for the summit." Ozai remarked in a stoic voice with his arms folded in his lap while he eyed his daughter carefully.
"I have been preoccupied with hunting the Avatar." The princess responded in a regal voice as she sat with her hands in her lap while her father eyed her closely.
"Hunting the Avatar, you say? You were away for a curiously long period of time…given that it has been weeks since your last reported encounter with the Avatar." The Fire Lord spoke with a glacial edge to his voice while he stared hard back at his daughter's expressionless visage.
He couldn't quite put his finger on it…
But Azula felt different…
Almost as if she had changed in the time that she had been away.
Only for his calculating amber eyes to briefly flash with something akin to surprise when he noticed that his daughter was casting him an accusatory stare.
"I find it strange that those would be the first words that you say to me. Considering that Iroh's treasonous ambush on my airship killed scores of my soldiers and left me marooned on one of our most isolated isles." Azula commented in a callous voice with her amber golden eyes staring in a margin of anger back at her father's equally stoic face.
"I am aware of that incident Azula. I sent for your rescue as soon as I received word of your predicament." Ozai replied in an aloof voice while he stared back at his daughter with a composed expression in his amber eyes.
Only for his eyes to spark with a flicker of surprise once more when his daughter's eyes once again sparked in fury.
"An assassin even tried to kill me while I was scaling a cliff. And all you can say to me upon my return is that I was away for too long?" The princess snarled with her lips smashed together in her royal anger while her father surveyed her with a frown on his lips.
"And yet you are alive Azula. I am relieved that you are well daughter. What else do you expect me to say?" The Fire Lord answered with a trace of perplexity in his ruthless voice while he assessed the livid expression in his daughter's narrowing amber golden eyes.
"I expect you to explain your connection to that wretched puppeteer!" Azula snapped with her rage finally boiling to the surface as she sprung up from her throne in anger.
While her father stared back at her with his amber eyes expressing recognition at the mention of a 'puppeteer'.
"Just what do you mean Azula?" Ozai questioned in an emotionless voice while he gazed back at his daughter's infuriated face.
"She brought a band of murderous mercenaries to attack me on that damnable isle! And then two weeks afterward she slaughtered a whole platoon of my imperial firebenders! And days later she entrapped me in an underground cavern where she besieged me with her twisted dolls!" The princess shouted in a vengeful voice as she clenched her burning fists at her hips while her father listened with a shocked look in his eyes.
And most important of all.
'Her actions…nearly took the life of my Elle!' Azula thought with fire exuding from her furious nostrils while her enraged amber golden eyes never left her father's taken aback face.
And at last, the Fire Lord now understood just why his daughter was so furious.
'So Silah has finally resurfaced and she was…hunting Azula?' The Fire Lord thought with his callous amber eyes expressing his surprise over the revelation.
"She also told me that you armed her." The princess snarled in a seething voice with her teeth bared in her rage while she stared back into her father's narrowing amber eyes.
And then the Fire Lord's vast flames sparked up while he fearlessly met his daughter's accusative gaze.
"I only had dealings with her once eleven years ago. I supplied her with slaves and ore in exchange for the assassination of high priority targets." Ozai replied in a frigid voice as he recovered from his surprise while the princess's amber golden eyes formed over into slits.
'Slaves and ore…' Azula thought with her enraged amber golden eyes narrowing in realization while a regal glower adorned her lips.
Now she understood perfectly what Silah had meant when she said that her father had given her 'other gifts'.
Her father supplied her with earthbending slaves in return for killing her uncle's loyalists at court!
Slaves that were then converted into puppets!
"Were you aware that she was stalking me? Why didn't you tell me about her existence Father!?" The princess demanded in a livid voice while her fists lit up with blue fire before her outraged face.
While Ozai now stared on with an increasingly impatient stare in his ruthless amber eyes.
"Azula! Calm yourself!" The Fire Lord scolded in a hardened voice while his daughter recoiled in indignation.
While the princess now stood with her furious fists clenched at her hips while her father gazed rigidly right back at her.
"You are my daughter and my heir. It is a foolish notion that I would sanction such a thing. Now sit back down Azula. I assure you that we will punish her for her arrogance." Ozai assured in a harsh voice with a scowl on his lips while his daughter listened with a reassured expression in her eyes.
And then Azula dropped back down onto her throne with her arms crossed over her plated chest.
While she stared down at the floor with her still angered golden eyes.
All the while as she silently vowed to herself that she would have her revenge on the vile puppeteer.
Only to find herself torn from her vengeful thoughts when her father turned to stare back with a piercing stare in his eyes.
"There are other matters that we must discuss. Such as this foreign servant girl of yours." The Fire Lord stated with implication in his rigid voice while the princess gazed back with callously inexpressive eyes.
"What about her Father?" Azula asked in a perfectly smooth voice with her arms folded over her breasts while she met her father's incensed amber eyes.
And just like that the Fire Lord's inferno of flames shot up to towering heights once more.
All the while as the princess sat there impassively with her amber golden eyes reflecting no emotion.
"Word is circulating that this girl awakened a thought to be lost power that was able to nullify the Avatar." Ozai spoke with a furious edge to his voice while he glared back at his daughter's unfazed face.
Only for the anger in the Fire Lord's eyes to grow even further when the princess turned to face him with something akin to the barest hint of an arrogant smile on her lips.
"Yes, I know. The girl awoke her power when she came to my aid against the rebels." The princess remarked with an offhand wave of her hand while her father's amber eyes narrowed in rage.
While the Fire Lord's flames continued to burn with greater intensity than usual as proof of his disapproval of his daughter's defiance.
"Did you think that you could hide this from me Azula?" The Fire Lord demanded in a glacial voice while the princess turned to face him with her amber golden eyes boiling in fury once more.
'He has some nerve to chastise me for withholding details when he has the gall to plan a coronation behind my back!' Azula thought with her lips sinking into a regal glower once more while she clenched her fists in her lap.
"Hide it from you? I made no attempt to hide it from you. I simply didn't feel the need to inform you after you neglected to inform me of the existence of that filthy puppeteer." The princess retorted with fury seeping through her equally cold voice while she defiantly met her father's merciless stare.
And as much as the Fire Lord was furious over his daughter keeping the details regarding the girl's power to herself.
He knew that there was little room to argue the matter after his one-time mercenary had brazenly attacked his daughter twice.
"You were but a child then. Would you inform a child of the intricacies of your military plans?" Ozai countered in a composed voice as he watched his daughter scowl off into the distance of the throne room.
Only for the princess to say nothing as she turned away to glower off into the flames.
While her father still eyed her coldly from where he sat on his throne beside her.
"Despite this disobedience, I am proud of the swift punishment that you dealt upon those two delinquents in the city and the action that you took to quell the uprising in Shung Wu." The Fire Lord remarked in a paternal voice with the flames accenting his image.
While the princess glanced up from where she sat on her throne with her lips parting in the slightest show of a genuine smile.
All the while as her amber golden eyes flashed with daughterly pleasure over being told that she did well.
"In light of Silah's actions…I will overlook this transgression. But from this moment forward you will tell me everything." Ozai declared in a severe voice while he gazed back at his daughter with coldly narrowed amber eyes.
While the princess regained her composure as she straightened in her seat with her callous golden eyes staring ahead.
"I have confirmed that the girl is not from any of the nations that we know of. She comes from a homeland that lies beyond a spirit portal and it would seem that there are many other nations in this foreign land." Azula admitted in a coolly dignified voice with her arms crossed over her chest.
While the Fire Lord listened with a fascinated gleam in his amber eyes.
"While investigating the spirit portal…I encountered a military force led by the very same emperor that I told you about before." The princess spoke in a regal voice while the Fire Lord's eyes flashed with curiosity.
"And just what did you do when you encountered this military force?" The Fire Lord inquired in a stony voice as he rubbed the underside of his goatee while he studied his daughter carefully.
"I decided that it was too great of a liability to leave unchecked. So, I closed the spirit portal to prevent enemy invasion in our lands." Azula informed in a smooth voice as she waved a flawless hand before her father while her father's amber eyes flickered in approval.
"I see. You made a wise call Azula. That would indeed be too great of a risk." Ozai commented in a reflective voice.
While he mulled over the possibilities of there being other lands out there for him to conquer.
"Of course, in the future after we have won the war. I have no doubt that these foreign lands would make for a worthy conquest should we choose to do so." The princess stated in a conceited voice with a haughty smile upon her lips while her father smiled wickedly in agreement.
"I approve of your thinking Azula. As for this foreign servant of yours…" The Fire Lord trailed off in a contemplative voice while he held a hand underneath his chin.
While Azula sat impassively upon her cushion with her callous amber golden eyes turning to meet her father's gaze.
"I want to meet this girl. Send for her…now." Ozai commanded in a tone that brook no room for argument while he stared hard into his daughter's cold amber golden eyes.
And then the princess turned to stare ahead with her frigid amber golden eyes staring down imposingly below.
"Guards! Go fetch Zoi! Tell her to bring me Elle at once!" Azula bellowed in a booming voice that carried throughout the vast throne room.
While she listened to the sound of guards scrambling to obey her order.
All the while as a smirk formed on the Fire Lord's lips as he gazed down below with an eagerness to meet the mysterious girl.
While the princess sat on her throne with her callous amber golden eyes trying to squash her possessive instincts towards the girl.
And yet for reasons that she couldn't explain she couldn't fight the regal scowl that was forming upon her lips.
Five minutes later.
Ty Lee glanced up from where she sat beside Elle in the princess's study to see the captain step in.
While the warrior stared back at the acrobat with a sense of urgency in her eyes that made the other noblewoman nervous.
"Fire Lord Ozai wants to see Elle." Zoi announced in a stoic voice while her words caused the two girls to sit up.
"What? Now?" Ty Lee asked with worry in her voice while she swallowed in her seat.
While Elle gazed between her two big sisters with still downcast amber eyes.
"Yes, now. I'll walk her there." The captain stated in a protective voice while the girl stood up from her seat.
Only for the handmaid to turn around when she felt the acrobat reach out to touch her shoulder.
"Elle, please be very careful how you act in front of the Fire Lord. Speak only when you are spoken to and do not let him see how close you are with Azula." The acrobat explained in an urgent voice while the young girl quickly nodded her head.
"I understand oneesan. Don't worry. I'll be careful." Elle answered in a soft voice as she walked forward to follow after the captain.
While the acrobat watched the two walk off with a worried expression still present in her brown-gray eyes.
Minutes later…
The serving girl and the captain were now walking down the hall towards the throne room.
While Elle now glanced around her with her mouth falling open in amazement over the sheer beauty of the intricate decorations that lined the walls of the Royal Palace.
Just before they came to a stop before a large set of red doors with the Fire Nation symbol in golden adorning its surface.
Only for the small girl to glance up when she felt the warrior gently place a hand on her shoulder.
While she met the older woman's serious golden eyes as she began to feel a profound sense of nervousness come over her.
"Elle. I need you to listen closely. Do not speak out of turn. Do not cry. And bow at all times unless you are told otherwise." Zoi instructed in a hushed voice as she stood over the petite girl while the teenager listened carefully.
"O-okay. I'll do my best oneesan." The handmaid agreed in a timid voice as she smiled up at the older woman while the captain cracked a small smile down at her.
"Follow my instructions to the letter and you'll do fine little sister." The captain assured in a supportive voice as she patted the much smaller girl on the shoulder while the teenager beamed up at her.
And then the handmaiden stepped forward while her amber eyes peered up at the vast doors of the throne room.
While she bit her lip as she lingered for the briefest of moments with the warrior standing behind her.
Just as she audibly gulped as she turned to glance one more time at her big sister's face.
All the while as the noblewoman offered her a glance of reassurance to encourage her onward.
And then she worked up the courage to push the great doors open as the light from the flames inside shone upon her eyes.
While she took a step inside with the doors closing resoundingly behind her.
All the while as she gazed all around her with awe in her eyes as she took in the many exquisite ornate pillars that lined the entirety of the huge throne room.
While she stared further into the throne room in amazement at a vast table with a decorative map of the world spread out upon its surface.
While she padded forward with her astonished amber eyes now gazing up at a vast wall of flames.
And just beyond the inferno was an immense bas-relief visage of a dragon breathing fire.
And two imposing figures sat surrounded by the great wall of flames.
Her master and her princess…
And her father the Fire Lord himself!
It was in that very moment that she truly understood what it meant to stand before royalty.
'So…this is Azula-sama's…father! This is the father…of the woman that I love!' Elle thought with her amber eyes peering up in astonishment as the flames began to part while the two royals gazed down at her.
And then she bent over at the waist with her hands held together in customary Fire Nation greeting.
And soon after that she lowed herself into a bow on the floor.
All the while as she still stared up with fascination in her widened eyes as she was finally able to make out their visages behind the flames.
And not a second after that she found herself meeting the intimidating gaze of an older man seated upon a decorative throne.
And sitting beside him was her princess.
While the Fire Lord now stared down with his amber eyes expressing a rare sense of fascination.
While he glanced over the bowing girl's golden hair as he rubbed the underside of his goatee once more.
'Golden hair…in all my life I have never seen anyone with such a hair color.' Ozai thought while he gazed down at the girl.
And then he gazed at the velvet collar with a blue Fire Nation symbol wrapped around the girl's neck.
While he rose a brow as he turned to gaze questioningly at his daughter.
All the while as the young woman sat with her arms folded over her breasts as she stared sternly down at the prostrated girl.
"Hm. And you must be Elle." The Fire Lord greeted in a stoic voice while the young girl glanced up from her bow.
"I am. It is an honor to meet you Your Highness." The handmaid responded in a courteous voice while the Fire Lord stared down with intrigued amber eyes.
While her master stared down at her with callous amber golden eyes that never failed to send a pleasurable shiver down her spine.
"Azula tells me that you come from a land beyond a spirit portal." Ozai commented in a stony manner while he eyed the girl with an interested gaze.
"I do. But I left that all behind me to serve Azula-sama. That's all in the past now. My home is with Her Highness now." Elle spoke up in a devoted voice as she remained in her bow while her master gazed down at her in approval.
"Azula-sama?" The Fire Lord questioned as he turned to his emotionless daughter while the young woman still stared down at the bowing girl.
"It is an honorific from her ancestral language that is used to address royalty and deities as well as other figures of authority." The princess explained in an impassive voice while her father nodded his head as he turned to gaze back down at the girl.
"You left your homeland behind all for the sake of serving Azula?" Ozai pondered in a perplexed voice while he took note of the faithful way that the girl gazed up at his daughter.
While Azula held her head high with a gratified smile pulling onto her pleased lips.
"That's so. I have decided to dedicate my life to Azula-sama in gratitude for saving my life." The handmaid declared in a passionate voice as she smiled up at the visage of her master.
While her princess stared back down at her with dominantly possessive amber golden eyes that she could easily find herself lost in for days on end.
All the while as the Fire Lord gazed back down with a taken aback expression in his amber eyes.
"Azula saved your life you say? Most people would simply walk away and continue on with their lives, but you feel compelled to dedicate your life to Azula." The Fire Lord remarked in curious voice while the young girl smiled from where she bowed on the floor below.
"I am different than most people. It was never a question for me. Azula-sama is my life and I intend to serve her for all of my days." Elle stated in a resolute voice as she bowed with her head bent in reverence to the two royals seated above her.
While the princess still sat upon her throne with her lips forming a satisfied smile.
All the while as the Fire Lord stared down at the girl with a surprised expression in his stoic amber eyes.
Before he turned to his daughter while the young woman gestured down at the prostrated servant girl.
"Even though she may not look it…she is in possession of great power and there is no one more faithful." Azula spoke in a voice of approval with a wave of her hand while she gazed down at the girl with controlling amber golden eyes.
All the while as her father's amber eyes glistened with a similar approval as he stared back down at the bowing serving girl.
"I heard that you were able to disable the power of the Avatar. Is that correct?" Ozai queried with intrigue in his amber eyes while the young girl hurriedly nodded her head.
"It is. But I believe that I caught him off guard when I did that. I don't know if it will be so easy to do so next time." The handmaid responded in a soft-spoken voice as she bowed on her knees.
While the Fire Lord listened with delight in his power-hungry amber eyes.
"Next time? Does that mean that you intend to fight on behalf of the Fire Nation against the Avatar?" The Fire Lord inquired with a tilt of his head while the teenager met his gaze.
"I am no warrior. But I will fight against any and all forces that seek to harm Azula-sama." Elle declared in an ardent voice as she held a devoted hand over her chest while the Fire Lord listened in astonishment.
While the princess gazed down at her loyal servant girl with her ruthless amber golden eyes momentarily conveying her appreciation for her companion.
All the while as a sophisticated smile still graced her lipstick painted lips.
"The girl has the power to cut through the energy of beings connected to the spiritual plane. That is why she was able to cut off the flow of the Avatar's chi. They call it the Component." The princess announced in a smoothly regal voice while her domineering amber golden eyes stared down at her pet's lovely face.
All the while as she gazed out of the corner of her eye at her father's delighted countenance.
Thus far she was relieved that her father seemed satisfied with the bits and pieces that she was feeding him here and there.
Before she turned to gaze back down at her young girlfriend with a confident smile still adorning her lips.
After all there was no need to tell him the whole story…
The less he knew the greater her advantage when the time came to overthrow him.
"The Component…how fascinating. I want you to demonstrate it to me…Elle." Ozai purred with a smirk on his lips.
While the young girl chewed on her lip with a nervous expression as she gazed out of the corner of her eye at her master's divine face.
All the while as the princess's callous amber golden eyes met her own as they quickly gazed into one another's eyes.
While the older woman stared authoritatively back down at her from where she sat imposingly upon her throne.
For the most fleeting of instances master and servant communicated by gaze alone.
To anyone else it appeared as if the princess was trying to terrify the girl into obeying the order.
When in reality the princess was trying to encourage her companion.
"I…I will try Fire Lord. I haven't quite mastered it yet and there are spiritual beings present. But I will show you what I can." The handmaid replied in a mousy voice as she stood up from her bow while the Fire Lord watched her with eager amber eyes.
And then she closed her eyes while she put all of her focus into harnessing her newly awakened energy.
While she thought back to what Mava had told her about her princess being her trigger.
And then the images of their many enemies flashed through her mind.
The Avatar.
That man that took away her parents…Strados.
Her brother Felix.
And the horrible entity known as the Elder One.
And the frost emperor Rieko.
While she breathed in and out as she imagined that each and every one of them was threatening the sanctity of her princess's life.
All the while as her lips trembled in anger at the mere thought of the woman being in harm's way.
And just like that she felt something snap inside her once again!
And that was all it for an aura of white energy to begin to glow from her body while she opened her determined eyes to gaze ahead.
And then she let out a spirited battle-cry while the two royals sat staring down with captivated expressions in their eyes.
While Ozai stared on with widening amber eyes when he felt the energy sweep throughout his throne room.
All the while as his eyes flashed with excitement at the prospect of having such an astounding power at his disposal.
While Azula sat in silence with her amber golden eyes closely observing the release of her serving girl's power in fascination.
While Zoi froze up from where she stood outside the doors as she turned to gaze over her shoulder with her eyes widening in the same moment that she felt the energy blow through her hair.
All the while as many guards gazed on with expressions of confusion in their startled eyes.
And even Ty Lee glanced up from where she sat with her brown-gray eyes sensing the young girl release her energy.
All the while as Elle's yell filled the throne room as her chi continued to explode into the air.
And then not even a second later the storm of energy abruptly dissipated.
While the young girl fell to the floor panting on her knees with her hair sticking to her face.
While the two royals now gazed down with speechless expressions on their faces.
All the while as the Fire Lord still sat with his mouth open in an expression of uncharacteristic awe.
Just before he turned to stare strictly back at his daughter's stoic face with a warning stare in his eyes.
"From now on you will hide nothing from me." The Fire Lord spoke in a rigid voice while his daughter nodded her head in affirmative.
And then the princess turned to stare imposingly back down at her panting servant girl while the teenager bowed on the floor before them.
While her domineering amber golden eyes attentively noticed the look of exhaustion on the girl's face.
"That will suffice for now servant. You are dismissed. You may return to your other duties." Azula ordered in an icy voice as she waved an elegant hand before her face while the handmaid shakily nodded her head.
All the while as never missed how her father was watching the girl closely as she pushed herself to her feet.
"Y-yes Azula-sama. As you command…my princess." Elle spoke in a breathless voice as she bowed at the hip with her arms tucked in at her hips to the two royals seated above her.
All the while as she bent her neck in a display of submission in her princess's direction.
And then she turned to quietly pad out of the throne room while the royals watched her depart.
And then moments after that the sound of the throne room doors closing shut resounded into the air.
While Azula sat on her throne with a content smile on her lovely lips over her servant girl's adorable reverence to her authority.
Only to turn to gaze in her father's direction when she noticed a wicked smirk making its way onto his lips.
"Well done Azula. With this new war power in our possession the Avatar's defeat is guaranteed." Ozai announced with a smirk on his lips.
"Indeed Father. His end is imminent." The princess agreed in a supremely confident voice while her lips curved into a cruel smile.
Yet underneath the surface she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease over what plans her father may have in store for her handmaid.
And not even a moment later her callous amber golden eyes narrowed into an utterly merciless stare.
Make no mistake.
The girl is hers.
Anyone who attempts to harm her little beloved will find themselves facing her royal wrath.
Even her own father.
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