I was actually going for her rebirth recently, but what are they planning here…
also ouch that realism hits hard
Sumireko might be the most interesting of any of the Fantasy Rebirths. Because it shows that the Lost Word incident is a hell of a lot more concerning as it's affecting the outside world.
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Oh and how Sumireko actually views you.
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Just. The lonely comment is kinda hilarious but also kinda right.
5 notes · View notes
Book I: The Lost Word Incidents
“We first thought the jewel-like cubes falling from the skies were the bulk of a new incident. Man, were we SO wrong. First, those cubes… Seal Crystals… they rained throughout all of Gensokyo. Next, a young girl lands in Gensokyo, where me and Reimu found her at Alice’s house with no way to send her back home. Thank Yukari for that.” -Marisa
“Oh, but she’s been such a great help so far. Give her more credit.” -Yukari
“We get it, Yukari. I’ll write it down. And what’s next? According to the journal that our new friend carries with her all the time, words are going missing and making things in parallel worlds disappear, and there’s absolutely no way to get anyone to say those words unless you force them out. And it turns out that she’s been the key to solving these incidents. Between deciphering clues, dealing with other humans, gods, and obviously youkai getting in the way, and a large number of bullet battles, things have gotten VERY interesting here.” -Marisa
Touhou Lost Word is a mobile role-playing game set in Gensokyo… and a number of parallel Gensokyos. Yes, alternate universes are canon in this game. You take on the role of a young girl who loses her memories and gets sent to the Gensokyo of what we could see as our timeline (in which the cast of characters has most gone through the events of basically every mainstream and official spinoff Touhou game, as well as the various mangas and printed media published by ZUN and Team Shanghai Alice). Once there, she helps Reimu and Marisa solve the Lost Word Incidents as they appear while cooperating with and facing off against parallel versions of many Touhou characters from both mainstream and spinoff games. Is it the first game to look back on an expansive timeline? Not by a long shot. Is it a reason to canonize alternate universes? That’s all up to you.
Mod’s Legal Notice: The posts produced for this Tumblr blog are records of a personal project derived from making an informational source for the game Touhou Lost Word, which is an online mobile game based on the Touhou Project. I am not affiliated with ZUN, Team Shanghai Alice, the LW developers, or the developers of the general Touhou wiki and LW wiki (although I will sometimes source the wikis as references) in any way; this is an independent project being run by one person.
Section I: Collections - The Journal
The primary means for collecting which bolsters game progression.
Story Cards
The Main Character
Section II: Lobby - Hakurei Shrine
Things you can access from the main menu.
Chatting with Friends
Offering Box
The Library
Section III: Economic Pages
Aspects involving the game’s economic structure and microtransactions to accelerate progress and gain more opportunities to add to your collection.
Nitori’s Shop
Primary Currencies
Event Exchange
Arena Exchange
Tokens & Token Exchange
Coin Exchange
Fortune Dust
Section IV: Exploration & Danmaku
The actual gameplay and storylines that make up this whole game.
How to Use Danmaku - Battle Rules & Breakdown
Main Story: Resolving The Lost Word Incidents
Hifuu Investigation Notes
Daily Explorations
Special Stages
Scarlet Devil Tower
Hakugyoku Arena
VS Divergent Spirits
Kourindou - Reimu’s Great Exorcism
Section V: Buddies
A social feature where you can add other players as Buddies and help them out using your Friends as Helpers.
How to Add a Buddy
Buddy P
Buddy P Exchange
Section VI - The Control Panel
Less-important administrative stuff found in things like the settings and your profile.
The Settings
Player EXP
Linking Accounts
Bunbunmaru Specialty News on the Incident
News posts on new events in the game.
To be posted
0 notes
The Grimoires of Several Magicians
An Incident-Recording Project led by Marisa Kirisame
Contained in these collections are the findings of me- Marisa Kirisame- as well as some friends of mine and some locals in other worlds, many of which are beyond the borders of Gensokyo. Each of them tends to have incidents to resolve, and other resolvers to resolve them while we note them for anyone else who might face them. Who knows? Someone might find this stuff useful like the Kirisame Magic Shop or my grimoire on Spell Cards! Wanna see it? [Click here to access the Wiki’s post about “The Grimoire of Marisa” that inspired this blog’s theme]
But Sumireko and our Editor (me, this blog’s mod) just call a lot- if not all- of these notes “informational guides for mobile games.” Why? So they can make that information more accessible on a social media site like this one… yeah, this one. While Sumireko is our go-to source for a lot of firsthand outside world knowledge, we’ve got other friends here to help out.
While borrowing information from existing sources like those might be simple for this, the others insist on having those sources cited so you can see what they wrote and if it’s right, wrong, or missing. We’re only doing this because our two knowledgeable outside world people started talking about the problems with “borrowing” information, the legal penalties the outside world has for this sort of thing, and how others can’t “take back the stuff I borrowed after I die” because of credit where credit is due.
But if you wanna ask us about stuff here in Gensokyo or anywhere else really, just send us your questions! We’re ready to answer!
Editor Mod’s Note: Considering the rather unusual message Marisa wrote for this cover page, this blog is a collection of informational guides on mobile games with a creative texture in the form it’s written. The blog’s purpose is to make such information from the games and wikis more accessible on Tumblr. Sources found that are of considerable value will be attached as so: (link to external source 🔗)
The ask box is open for character asks (see the Staff Board section to see who’s available), questions about the stuff I post, stuff about the games we cover, or really anything about Touhou. The last part is mainly for the blog’s theme and perspective and because the fandom thrives off the vast creative side flourishing under such an open-creativity IP, and that I really just wanna talk about this stuff with other people since I sank into this fandom not too long ago. Anyways… happy reading!
Bookmark Tags
Tags for sorting & easier blog navigation.
#pages of the grimoires - Posts that are part of our informational grimoires.
#grimoire’s table of contents - The primary master post full of links and text leading to other posts.
#grimoire chapter - A secondary master post linked directly from a grimoire’s table of contents. Also usually has a large number of links.
#reblog that page - Posts from somewhere else that would fit so well into a grimoire we have here that we reblogged it.
#resolving the main incidents - Content about the “main/story content” that surround each game.
#a party a day - A party a day keeps all the youkai at Hakurei Shrine! Need to find some dailies we covered? Check here!
#the collectors of magic items - Need to horde or farm high-end items and coins for something big? We’ve got you covered.
#alice’s collection of dolls - Content that requires the presence of a friend or an entire guild to access. Everyone needs to play their part here!
#lunatic difficulty - Watch out, these stages are VERY hard to beat, either seen on the label or via experience.
#patchouli’s one week routine - Covering the weekly cycling routines in everything.
#isolated incident notes - Limited-run event coverage.
#aya’s bunbunmaru news coverage - Game news for the stuff we’re observing.
#more than four seasons - Seasonal and/or monthly stuff we watch and announce.
#the whims of joon - Offer seem kinda sketchy? Here’s our take on it before you cave in and spend your money on in-game content you’ll definitely regret later!
#the fairies’ box of mischief - Gacha or luck-based content that relies mainly on luck (and usually a pity factor) to get the main content.
#editor’s notes - Primarily mod posts that usually don’t cover anything.
#staff rambles - Random dialogue from the staff board, either by themselves or by responding to other interactions like asks or reblogs. Can be roleplay oriented to a certain extent.
#chats about gensokyo - Just miscellaneous talks about Touhou since that’s the overarching theme of this blog, even though the things we cover aren’t always that.
Staff Board
The people helping out with making these tomes and the jobs they have. A few of which come from the outside world…
—————Upper Management—————
Marisa Kirisame (L1) - Lead Author, Project Director, Magic Research
Reimu Hakurei - Assistant Director, Miscellaneous Incident Resolution
Sumireko Usami - Information Gathering, Outside World Informational Source, Proofreading
Yukari Yakumo - Sage Reference, Rapid Transportation, General Management
—————Alternate Universe Branch Office—————
Marisa Kirisame (K4) - Information Gathering, Communications Across Other Worlds
Renko Usami (K4) - Geographical Research, Communications Across Other Worlds
Maribel Hearn (K4) - Rapid Transportation, Field Research
Marisa Kirisame (L80) - Rapid Transportation, Magic Item Research, Apocalypse Theory
—————All-Purpose Workshops—————
Kosuzu Motoori - Information Gathering, Fact-Checking, Keeping Books In Check
Hieda no Akyuu - Information Gathering, Archive Management
Patchouli Knowledge - Magic Research, Proofreading, Keeping Books in Check
Alice Margatroid - Shop Maintenance, Magic Research
Aya Shameimaru - News & Information Amplification
Nitori Kawashiro - Shop Maintenance, Reconstruction & Testing of Large Mechanical Systems
Reisen Udongein Inaba - Theory and Bullet Tester, Medical Professional
Sunny Milk, Luna Child, & Star Sapphire - Additional Assistants
Kagami Kitakami (Original Helper) - Architecture Maintenance, Information Gathering, Deliveries
—————West Mountain Original Editors—————
“Meringue” - Lead Editor, Representative of the West Mountain Anomaly
Yukari “Kit” Kamimaru - Assistant Editor, Greater Representative of the West Mountain Anomaly, Dimensional Research
Hinako “Ninefluff” Takahara - Dimensional Research, Outside World Reference
The Grimoire Collection
Book I: The Lost Word Incidents (Touhou LW) - Ready
Book II: The Squad Rift Incidents - fast-tracked due to recent launch
Book III: The Millennium Suitcase Incident - planned
Book IV: The Salem Time Loop Incident - planned
Book V: The Revenant Garden Incident - planned
Reference Books & Additional Bookmark Tags
Generally organized lists of things sorted by topic. Noted items are collected from every tome we add here. These will also have their own tags and secondly tagged as #reference grimoires.
Tome of Teamwork: For the Friends & Colleagues We Meet Along the Way - planning in progress
Marching Orders: Your Guide to the Servants & Fairies You Lead Beyond Your Mansion - planning in progress
Not-A-Spell Spell Cards: A Collection of Spell Cards, Not-A-Spell Cards, Not-A-Card Spells, and Not-A-Card Tactics that May or May Not Be Allowed In Other Danmaku Battles - planning in progress
Youkai & You, But Not Every Enemy is a Youkai: A Common Guide to Definitely Not-Friendly Enemies - planning in progress
Unfair Struggles: Be The Boss, Beat The Boss! A Field Manual to Boss Battles: Limited Edition - planning in progress
Grimoire of Relics: Records of Magic Items With Varying Magical Powers - planning in progress
Lunar Founded Engineering Hangar - Version K4: A Builder’s Manual to Materializing Structures & Vehicles of the Past & Future with Ingenious Kappa - planning in progress; content warnings in effect, suggestions proposed to reallocate publication to another blog
Spell Card Battle Rulebook - The Rules of Different Games of Danmaku & Strategy - planning in progress
Editor’s Cookie Bookcase
The Cookie Run series will be covered in considerably low depth in our research here because I have a whole Bookcase of content about it. More stuff might be added in the future. After all, I found that rabbit hole first. And I’m not adding those tags to this post.
@crepearchives - Basically this project but Cookie Run information archival
@bakersstreetirregulars - Basically this project but Cookie Run news
@timekeepertwister - A Cookie Run AU which has Touhou character references planned within its other mobile game themes. Will periodically share content with this blog’s collections
@lilywhite-space - Another side of the above blog’s AU story, but more in-depth stories of one world in particular
Kirisame Print Shop Journal
Where all the lore surrounding this blog and other blogs run by the same blog mod is posted. These things are original writing content and are not canon to anything else. Posts like these will be tagged as #kirisame print shop journal entries. Sometimes crossposted/reblogged/re-link to @starcloud-spires as that is a central writing blog of mine.
The Resolvers’ Incident
Someone’s Summer Home
Red Seal Crystals…
The Right Team
The West Mountain Anomaly
Marisa’s Grand Opening
Universe K4
Universe L80
0 notes