griefmartyred · 2 years
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others: afraid of hurting natasha / yelena natasha and yelena: lol as if
Captain America: Civil War (2016) Hawkeye (2021)
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                 tim was well aware that he was a pawn, but at the very least he was a pawn of use in the eyes of waller and the us government, unlike wyatt here and the rest of the so called suicide squad. it was quite the sight, to see rhodes in action. tim had never seen anything like it, and he was loathe to admit that it garnered some amount of interest in him. it was annoying–tim didn’t want to be attracted to this type of man, he just often happened to be. “’m not leavin’, dumbass. it’s my job to keep you safe.” tim pointed his rifle at the men in front of wyatt, killing a score of them in quick succession, bullet right between the eyes. 
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                wyatt knew where they ranked and it didn’t bode well for any of them. it was only a matter of time before they were all gonna wind up dead. he tossed another man as he all but ran through him grin widening. while he didn’t think this was a good retirement plan he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t a good time at the very least. especially since he’d been explicitly told not to hold back from the fight. even better. he heard the shots ring out eyes widening as he looked over at him and gave a mock salute before he took off again circling closer to their goal studying the men guarding it. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                it was never an expectation to have someone be in your car when you got in it, but today appeared to be gene’s lucky day. of course, like it hadn’t been shit enough already, why not add this to the mix? gene’s hands clenched into fists at his side, though trust that at the moment of opportunity, he would wail into his attacker with all the strength his frail frame offered. “sure seems like you’re gonna hurt me. why the knife if y’intend otherwise?” gene swallowed hard, the motion pressing his skin closer to the blade. “i don’t know who the hell leland frost is.” 
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                aislinn figured this was all just means to an end. if she found leland frost and took him out then she could erase the timeline she was from and stop all of this. which was about all she wanted. if they  could erase it from ever happening then that meant the horrible things she’d seen and done were gone too. and that was the only thing she wanted. “a threat and a reminder not to do something stupid like scream.” she retorted as she looked at him shifting the knife as his throat pressed against it. “what? you have to know where he is. you’re the one who sent out the message.” 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                “sorry to say, jo, but y’know danger always follows close behind me.” it was the very nature of being a hunter, tim supposed. every death of an evil creature brought tenfold more to his door, as if they could smell the blood of their kin. could feel it in their very bones. tim was quick to follow jo, feeling a tad trepidatious and mildly anxious, though he knew if anybody would be, both he and jo were aptly prepared to handle any sort of situation such as this. “’m thinkin’ shot guns filled with silver bullets. spray blasts will maim and down them, even if they’re not down for good.” 
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                “yeah yeah i know danger follows you like fleas on a dog.” jo said mildly as she lead him down a hall and pushed a door open. “i got shotguns already full of rock salt and holy water already blessed. is there anything else you can think of.” she moved into the room grabbing a couple knives sticking them in her boots. “there is already salt over the windows and doors and the traps are set as well. i think once we got some weapons we are as prepared as we can be.” she said as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow as she reached for a shot gun checking it over before stuffing shells in her pockets. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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         though ethan was quite aware of the importance of the mission itself, he couldn’t contain how he bubbled over with excitement, thrilled at the prospect of his first great adventure, like that hobbit in the books that his daddy loved. more than that, it was an honor being so trusted by his sister, someone he so admired and looked up to. he had never thought less of her because of her past, he had only ever loved and adored her. ethan was quick on yelena’s heels with a pep in his step, grin on his features. “never thought you’d let me come with ya.” 
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        yelena knew that there was no way this was going to go as easy as she hoped. not that she really thought that there would be too much they could do. however she was going to make sure that her little brother made it back one way or the other. the alternative was unfathomable. “what you’re saying you wouldn’t follow me if i told you ya couldn’t come?” she asked eyebrow raising as she looked at him with a smirk. she headed for the car tossing her bag in the backseat sliding into the drivers seat. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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             tim heaved a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb. jesus, this was going to be a lot more difficult than their handlers had made it out to be, wasn’t it? “i thought we had a sorta thing, y’know? what did they do that y’can’t go back to? i was with ya, weren’t i? was it me? am i just that shit company?” 
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            lilith looked at him pursing her lips as she studied him. she snorted and rolled her eyes as she shook her head slightly. “you’re not this stupid.” she retorted folding her arms over her chest as she regarded him. “it’s the shit company we work with trying to strap me to a table and see how i use my power.” she retorted with a sharp shake of her head. “i’ll die before i go back.” 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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              “not always, no. she is often out adventuring. i’m interning at a library here, anyway.” why did tim feel the need to seek approval from this random stranger? that wasn’t…very him, was it? it must be her. she was worming into his thoughts in the worst way possible. “what? what’s so wrong with a librarian?” after all, it was a very logical job. there would always be a need for education, for the preservation of all that was old and good, would there not? “something? like what, exactly?” perhaps the foreboding feeling was simply because it was an undisturbed grave, a very rare thing when the brits loved to rob egyptian history and sell it to the highest bidder. 
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              “ah that makes sense.” aislinn said with a slight nod of her head as she looked at him. he didn’t seem the type to go out adventuring. rachel she could see going off and doing adventures. “i didn’t say there was anything wrong with being a librarian.” she rolled her eyes as she looked at him. “this place is dangerous. i’m the only one from my garrison that made it out of there.” she replied as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “don’t know. but you ever go somewhere and it sets the hair on the back of your neck on end. cause that’s what this place does. i never got inside the place so i’m not sure what’s under the sand there but it’s not something i’m looking forward to tangling with.” 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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              yelena and tim had come to an agreement on this subject many years ago, now that they were healed and honed into their utmost strength and ability, they felt like they were up the the challenge of this task. someone had to take out the red room, and if it wasn’t going to be shield, then it had to be them, people who knew the complex from the inside out. “okay, then let us go.” tim replied, gesturing for yelena to collect her gear. he gathered his own, sliding pistols into holsters and slinging a rifle over his shoulder. “are we ready?” 
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              yelena knew that they were the only ones who could take the red room down. which she wasn’t looking forward to. but someone had to take them down and stop them from harming more girls like her. she nodded her head and grabbed her gear and started packing it on her body and in a bag as she looked at him. tossing her bag over her shoulder she nodded her head slightly. “yeah i’m ready.” she nodded her head as she walked towards him. “let’s get this done and ruin dreykov’s day.” she said with a small grin. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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           was this the scary dog privilege that so many youths cracked jokes about? ‘cause steve had to admit, bucky was quite frightening when he wanted to be. though he’d never scared steve, even when he was fully brainwashed in winter soldier mode. he supposed that happened when you really loved someone. “i can only hope that my cold, frigid attitude would scare away even the most eager suitors. i don’t know how i can be any more off putting without being outright mean.” steve wrapped an arm around bucky’s waist, tugging him closer. “i’m not as intimidating as you, i don’t think i could pull it off.” 
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          he watched them go and pursed his lips slightly before he focused back on steve. he’d never been the kind of guy to tell someone no. which was probably how steve had wound up in the position he was in in the first place. “yeah most people don’t pick up on those signs. think they can be the one to change your mind.” he snorted with a shake of his head as he looked at him with a cock of his head. a smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arm around his waist and tugged him closer. his arm wrapped around steve’s shoulders. “yeah you aren’t very intimidating. might if you really had a reason to.” 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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      mark was a lot of things, but he had never been stupid. it was clear as day to him that there was a leak, a mole, and all he knew was that no one on his team would do anything that might compromise tim. the shield agents, however, he did not know well enough to trust fully. and they were missing a member, it seemed suspicious enough for him, but he would wait for aislinn to come to that conclusion herself. mark’s gaze was focused, flashing between his palms on tim’s scalp, holding his brain inside his skull, and his best friend’s eyes, which were too covered in blood to be seen as they were supposed to be. “’s okay, tim, we’ve got ya. they’re almost here.”         tim had begun to cry, but he was sure that it wasn’t visible through the blood and sand that coated his features, the splatters of his own gray matter that he could feel on his skin, gelatinous and wet. his fingers were wrapped tightly around mark’s wrists, holding onto him like he were the only anchor keeping him on the earth. “i don’t wanna die,” his voice was weak, small; it trembled.         “the army ain’t gonna get rid of their best just ‘cause. tim hasn’t done anythin’ to warrant being killed, he serves a purpose. it had to be an outsider, it had to be someone else.” freddie liked the shield agents, they were perfectly nice and entirely capable, but did he trust them well enough not to fucking betray them? after all, where was rhys right now?        “hang in there, tim. help’s comin’,” jack murmured into his comm, hoping that tim could hear him, even through all the radio chatter and his own pain. he tore a piece of his shirt off, tying it around his thigh about three inches above to wound to stem the blood flow, a makeshift tourniquet. “my leg’s fuckin’ fine. i’ve got it in a tourniquet. y’all worry ‘bout tim.”         henry pulled his cellphone from his ass pocket, quickly snapping a picture and sending it to lyla. “he’s just some fucking kid. there is no way in hell he just got lucky enough to pop a perfect shot at tim. he knew exactly where our sniper would be.” 
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      she had a couple ideas how someone could have leaked information. unfortunately that meant someone from her team was a rat. cause there was no way the intel had been able to know where tim had set up he’d chosen it when they’d gotten here. the thought of one of her team being a rat made her stomach twist. it wasn’t something she wanted to think of the people she had fought and bled with. they had gone through hell and come out the other side. betrayal was about the last thing she suspected from any of them. either way she would get to the bottom of this and handle it... violently.        the sound of the helicopter announced their coming before anyone could spot them. “’m gonna go flag ‘em down and get ‘em in here.” aislinn said softly leaving her medical bag and running out to meet them as they got closer. “gsw to the head he’s awake semi alert. we got it packed and i gave him some morphine.” she reported as the medics came out with their stretcher following her back.        shield wasn’t exactly... above getting rid of agents. but those were their own agents. he imagined the army would have a complaint or... ten about them shooting a sniper like tim. which left the intel being dirty. or someone watching them which just plain didn’t add up. not with where and how tim was shot that was far more than just luck.        “we can worry about both though tim is more pressing considering you’re still talking.” sloane replied mildly frowning as her fingers flew over the keys hacking into all the files for this mission. they had to have missed something. or someone had caught something the rest of them hadn’t. either way she was going to make whoever did this pay.        “that’s great. track him back and it’s a bigger conspiracy.” lyla retorted with a roll of her eyes as she pulled the picture up and started running it through every database she had access to. and a couple she wasn’t supposed to. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                consider ethan successfully admonished. it was kind of funny when you looked at both wyatt and tim and one might consider tim of all people the good cop of parenting. though, to be fair, he was sure that daddy would have given him the same sort of warning, just slightly more gently. “yes, papa.” ethan nodded, ducking his head, a mite ashamed. it was just an exciting experience, being let into what one could consider the family business. everyone in their family was a sharpshooting gunslinger, perhaps he was a little bit anxious to be included. “don’t point it where you don’t intend to shoot?” it was a guess, this wasn’t normal curriculum one could find in school. 
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               he took all of this seriously. some jackass would probably claim too seriously but he knew the destruction a gun could cause. saw it first hand and inflicted it more times than he cared to count. no matter how justified the shootings were they weighed heavy even if he knew that it was them or him or whomever he was protecting. “half right.” he said as he looked at him. “no matter if you took the clip out and removed all the bullets. always always treat it like it’s loaded. including not pointing it at anything you aren’t intending on shooting.” he said looking at him frowning slightly. “and if i ever ever hear about your pointing it at someone as a joke i will take you over my knee and you won’t see another gun until the day i’m in the ground.” 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                       there was a voice at the back of anarion’s mind, breath at the back of his neck, prickling the hairs ‘till they stood upright. the language was unfamiliar, a bastardized version of his mother tongue, quenya. the words sounded sound similar, but it couldn’t be more different tonally. harsh, full of hate, striking like thunder against the side of his skull. and yet, anarion couldn’t help but listen as though he could understand, striking down all who stood in his path. this was for isiliel, anarion had to remind himself, he had to protect he by slaying the men who kept her captive. “i am saving you from those who keep you caged,” anarion replies, his words simply a mirror of what the voice was saying, darkness washing over him in waves. “please, step out of my way. i will not ask again. i must kill ar pharazon.” 
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                      isiliel couldn’t begin to fathom what had happened to him this was not her anarion something... someone was controlling him. and she wasn’t sure that she could get him back. licking her lips she watched his face trying to decipher what it was that he was thinking. when he spoke of saving her from those would would keep her caged her eyebrows furrowed slightly. “you killed all those people.” she said softly shivering as she heard the edge to his voice. it no longer even sounded like him. “and if i don’t step out of your way? are you going to kill me to save me anarion? i do not know what has come over you but please stop this. we can leave you and i like we planned but please stand down.” she made no move to step out of his way watching him with furrowed brows. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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            “it is not that i do not enjoy their company, it is just that i fear that their company brings danger. such danger wrought via two very small packages,” packages that daeron happened to adore, but were foolhardy nonetheless. what dae feared the most was what could happen to them because of their mischief, especially as they neared saruman’s grasp, closer by the minute, if not there already. “one might even say that you’ve known me more intimately than anyone,” dae replied, beaming as a blush settled atop their cheeks. “c’mon, then. race you.” a cluster of laughter fell from between daeron’s lips as they turned and sprinted through the trees, footfalls light upon the spread of leaves across the forest floor. 
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           “unfortunately I fear regardless of if we were part of the company or not we would be faced with danger. it is only a matter of time before sauron comes after everyone.” lomion said with a shrug of her shoulders. it was all coming to an end one that she wasn’t sure they would all be making it out of alive and unscathed. looking at dae she smirked noting her blush eyebrow raising as she looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “mm and such an intimacy.” she said in a teasing light tone as she looked at her with a grin as she studied her. when she said race ya her grin widened and she took off following her through the forest following the trail of the hobbits as footfalls barely making a sound on the forest floor. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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            “thank ya,” tim knew it was hard for yelena to meet new people, especially men, and he didn’t blame her. he was aware that was a side affect from his own fear, but it couldn’t be helped. and, at the very least, it prepared his daughter for the reality of the world. tim began to set out plates and glasses, setting the table for two of the most important people in his life. 
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              “i can imagine. i remember back in the rangers, tim wouldn’t let anyone else cook, when henry ‘nd i were plenty able to do so ourselves.” it was tim’s caregiving nature, and pure stubborn bullshit. jack let out a hardy laugh, shaking his head. “alright, maybe that’s true, but i do try, at least. 
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             yelena didn’t particularly like new people. certainly didn’t like men. though of all the men she might encounter one of her dad’s buddies from the rangers was probably about as safe a man as she could find. however that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to give him a ribbing for all she was worth. “pretty sure the only reason he lets me cook sometimes is because he wants me to be able to take care of myself.” she said with a cock of her head as she looked at him. “yes i would imagine it’s difficult for you.” she said snickering slightly. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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                   tim didn’t have any real, direct answer to aislinn’s question. he had always thought like this, considered his life worth less than others around him. the overwhelming need to be the protector and not the protected, it felt ingrained into his very DNA because of the self sacrificial nature of his mother. in the grand scheme of things, nothing mattered but getting those that he loved through each and every day. and if that meant that he had to take blows, even fatal ones, then so be it. “yeah. ‘m stupid.” tim agreed, teeth clenched, forcing himself to hold back his tears. it wasn’t fun, seeing his best friend in so much pain, but he would rather aislinn be hurting than dead. “’m only doin’ this ‘cause i love ya. stay the fuck down.” tim removed his boot from aislinn’s body before he turned and sprinted toward the edge. 
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                   in a lot of ways she felt like she knew tim better than she knew anyone else. she wasn’t in the least bit surprised that tim was trying to sacrifice himself like this. however that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try and stop him. tim couldn’t die not like this not on this planet... not that really either of them should be going over this cliff. though if she was fully honest the irony of a fight to the death to be the one to kill yourself was probably about as ironic as anything could get. her arm ached the bone felt like it was throbbing at the break. “yeah i love ya too jackass i ain’t saying down.” she retorted as he pulled his boot from her body and started sprinting for the edge. rolling to her feet she grimaced as her arm was jostled and she took off sprinting at wall. kneeling down she picked up a smallish rock and chucked it at tim’s feet trying to stop him. 
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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              peter couldn’t help but grin, a bashful blush overtaking his cheeks, pads of his fingertips rubbing at the back of his neck. “thank you, it’s sorta my thing.” it was as close to a compliment peter figured he could get from the famed black widow, one of the coolest supers on the avengers roster, who just so happened to have an arachnid name as well. “oh, geez. okay, no pressure.” peter inhaled, trying to steady the bought of anxiety that rose within him. he had super strength which wasn’t always predictable. “okay, so do i just jump or should i launch myself off something?” 
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             natasha looked at him smirking slightly when she noted the blush on his cheeks. “well it’s not a bad thing to have be your thing.” she said with a grin as she studied him with a raised eyebrow. “unfortunately from here on out kid it’s going to be a lot of pressure.” she said with a shrug of her shoulders as she nodded slightly. “i usually do a running jump. launching yourself off something is a bit more complicated than just using your own speed. we can work on that one next.” she offered with a grin, “c’mon then.” she lifted her hands gesturing him forward.
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griefmartyred · 2 years
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             jack had never been good at delicacy, really, he lacked all social graces aside from charm, and this was a situation where delicacy was a necessity. he summoned all the gentleness he had in him and took a deep breath, attempting to keep an even head. “don’t–don’t,” jack wrapped his fingers around aislinn’s, pulling her hand away from her head. “don’t touch that. it’s still healin’.” nothing that aislinn was saying made much sense, so he let her sit for a few moments, simply regaining her composure, before he tried again. “’m sorry, darlin’, y’ain’t makin’ much sense. try again, go real, real slow, okay? don’t wanna hurt your head.” 
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            she blinked looking at him when he pulled her fingers away from her head. her head was throbbing. not necessarily painful but still a dull throbbing. her tongue slid over her lips as she took a slow breath. “rumlow and rollins took me to that building. rumlow is my supervising officer... was...” she trailed off making a face as she licked her lips looking back at him. “they wanted information out of this guy i don’t remember his name... he wanted me to torture his girl... kid.” she said swallowing hard as she tried to follow the train of thought clinging to jack’s fingers. “i told them to fuck off that i wasn’t gonna do that. he shot me when we walked out of the building.” 
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