greenbean-246 · 2 years
Corey: Mase, you're taking depression naps again.
Mason, pulling up the covers: Can't mistakey if not awakey.
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greenbean-246 · 2 years
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Tom: What is this sorcery?! Harry: *sneaks another piece towards Nagini* Nagini: 🐍
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greenbean-246 · 2 years
Things that will make your computer meaningfully faster:
Replacing a HDD with an SSD
Adding RAM
Graphics cards if you're nasty
Uninstalling resource hogs like Norton or McAfee (if you're using Windows then the built-in Windows Security is perfectly fine; if you're using a mac consider bitdefender as a free antivirus or eset as a less resource intensive paid option)
Customizing what runs on startup for your computer
Things that are likely to make internet browsing specifically meaningfully faster:
Installing firefox and setting it up with ublock origin
adding the Auto Tab Discard extension to firefox to sleep unused tabs so that they aren't constantly reloading
Closing some fucking tabs bud I'm sorry I know it hurts I'm guilty of this too
Things that will make your computer faster if you are actually having a problem:
Running malwarebytes and shutting down any malicious programs it finds.
Correcting disk utilization errors
Things that will make your computer superficially faster and may slightly improve your user experience temporarily:
Clearing cache and cookies on your browser
Restarting the computer
Changing your screen resolution
Uninstalling unused browser extensions
Things that do not actually make your computer faster:
Deleting files
Registry cleaners
Defragging your drive
Passively wishing that your computer was faster instead of actually just adding more fucking RAM.
This post is brought to you by the lady with the 7-year-old laptop that she refuses to leave overnight for us to run scans on or take apart so that we can put RAM in it and who insists on coming by for 30-minute visits hoping we can make her computer faster.
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greenbean-246 · 2 years
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greenbean-246 · 3 years
have you ever noticed you pick up little habits and phrases from the people you love? it’s no wonder our hearts are so easily broken when people leave. we become a reflection of the people that we care about and those personality traits stick with us even if the people don’t
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greenbean-246 · 3 years
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
No greater betrayal than waking up after 9 hours of sleep and your body is sore. Like bitch I spent last night sleeping where the fuck were you
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
For all those trashing Jensen Ackles
FIRSTLY, It’s hilarious how 99 percent of you either haven’t watched the show or you haven’t seen it in years and are just jumping on the bandwagon to believe a rumor started by fans whose ship did not get validated by him.
Jensen Ackles is NOT homophobic. 
You know where this rumor has started? The fans of the ship have started it. And why? Because Jensen was true to his character? If the character was written straight, and was written in a way that Dean perceives Castiel as his FRIEND or brother ( as he has himself mentioned) Jensen will HAVE to speak for it as it is. That is how Dean Winchester was written, loyal, a good human, a badass hunter, a selfless being, who loves his family, and most importantly his brother to death. He’s loyal to a fault and once he befriends someone he doesn’t leave their side. THAT is what Dean Winchester is. And that is how he played him.  Jensen Ackles has played characters with varied sexual preferences before, you could probably research - He’s done so with Patrick Dempsey.  More than anything Jensen was just being true to his character - Whether on conventions or as he plays it. Dean was written straight and Jensen has always maintained he’s played him with that in mind because it was originally written.
Last I checked it is not a crime to be straight and neither is it a crime to speak for a character you have played for 15 yrs. What he speaks for his FICTIONAL CHARACTER does not define his real persona. 
Moreover, even if Castiel has feelings for Dean, IT IS okay for Dean to nor feel the same.  One person can love another without it being romantic. No matter how Cas views his relation with Dean or perceives his feelings for Dean. Dean Winchester has EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL DIFFERENTLY. Secondly
Hypothetically even if Dean did feel the same about Cas, mind you EVEN IF (I DO NOT believe he does) BUT IF HE DOES - HOW do you expect him to respond. Castiel is basically giving him a goodbye speech. JUST seconds ago he told Dean about a deal he made - with the price being his life. Billie is knocking on one door, The Empty is coming from another. Dean had no time to react. HE was stunned, shocked and numb. He has no time to let the news of Cas’s deal to sink in, then Cas is praising him and talking of the good Dean has done, of how Dean should value himself.  MIND YOU, THIS is not the first time Cas has said I love you, he’s said it to Dean and all of the Winchesters a while now. So this isn’t news to Dean. But it is news that Cas is about to sacrifice himself, his friend is about to die in a matter of minutes.  God forbid you are in a similar position with SO MUCH going on, will you be able to react or do ANYTHING in the span of 15 seconds? GET FREAKING REAL. Since you don’t watch the show, let me tell you - Dean has always reacted dumbfoundedly when praised or his positive aspects highlighted. THAT is how Dean always has been. His low self esteem and self deprecation always makes it harder for him to respond to praise. If you would have bothered to see the full episode, you’d see Sam praised him earlier and Dean did not accept or found it hard to accept the praise. THAT Is just how Dean is. I think Cas and Dean even without talking know this, that the way they view their relation or fondness for each other is different. Castiel knew this. HE SAID IT. THE SCRIPT SAID IT. 
So just stop accusing a good person, an incredible actor for doing something he hasn’t done. IT IS NOT HIS FAULT that all of you do not understand that love can be one sided. Relationships can go far and beyond romance. Relations can be profound in friendships, they can be platonic. NOT EVERYTHING IS SEXUAL OR ROMANTIC. This is in no way, any disrespect to the people who feel represented, who are from the LGBTQ community or even who aren’t but feel strongly for it. I DO TOO. I stand for it, I want it to be as normal in the world, as breathing is.   BUT by bullying a character and most importantly a PERSON/ A HUMAN BEING for just being honest to how his character is written, how he was told to play it. AND for simply speaking his part of the truth to the fans so as not to wrongly bait them is NOT HOMOPHOBIC.  If at every convention Jensen is questioned about a ship or the character’s sexuality is specified to be something he knows it isn’t - SHOULD he just lie to you to please you? When he knows Dean was NOT written like that?  As shippers you have every right to feel validated, and to view your ship the way you see fit. BUT then Jensen has the same rights over a character he knows since it originated.  Once again - feelings can be one sided and relations/love can be platonic… A joke or accusation that started in the fandom just because Jensen chose to stay true to his character and not lie has turned too big and notorious. PLEASE STOP.  Jensen Ackles does not deserve this. 
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
Stiles: You’ve heard of an elf on the shelf. Now get ready for…
Stiles: *putting a pot on Theo’s head* A thot in a pot.
Theo: *standing up* Get ready for a bitch in a ditch, because that’s where they’re gonna find your body-
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
Mason, drunk, standing on a table: The lord giveth and the lord taketh it back now y’all.
Stiles, also drunk: Two hops this time.
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
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This deserves a fierce Z snap! 
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
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Chinese emperor Ai of Han, fell in love with a minor official, a man named Dong Xian, and bestowed upon him great political power and a magnificent palace. Legend has it that one day while the two men were sleeping in the same bed, the emperor was roused from his sleep by pressing business. Dong Xian had fallen asleep across the emperor’s robe, but rather than awaken his peaceful lover, the Emperor cut his robe free at the sleeve. Thus “the passion of the cut sleeve” became a euphemism for same-sex love in China. — R.G.L.
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
Today marks the first day of Pride 2020.
It also marks the seventh day of protests held in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. It’s been 634 days since Botham Jean was murdered by a police officer, 233 days since Atatiana Jefferson was fatally shot by a police officer, 2,123 days since Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer, and 2,146 days since Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer. 
It has been five days since Tony McDade, a Black trans man from Florida, was shot and killed by a police officer.  
At the time of this post, it has been almost 19 hours since David McAtee was shot and killed by the authorities. 
This week has served as a stark reminder that those who have power in this country wield it recklessly and violently against Black people, non-Black POC, and trans people. For some, the power is found in their badge. In others, it’s their skin tone, their socio-economic status, their cisgender privileges, or any other number of privileges one can have. In 2018, with at least 26 trans people who were murdered, all but one was a trans woman, and all but one was a person of color. According to data collected by Human Rights Campaign, this pattern is all too common. It should also be noted that the number of trans people who are murdered is grossly underreported, with many families and newspapers often misgendering those who can no longer speak up for themselves. 
On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall riots began as a response to the constant police raids of nightlife establishments frequented by the LGBTQIA+ community. That night sparked a revolution, with many eye-witnesses crediting Black and Latinx trans women for being brave enough to ignite what would become one of the most pivotal nights in LGBTQIA+ history. Without Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, there would have been no uprising. Without them, there would be no Pride. 
At this moment, it would be tone-deaf and insensitive to commemorate Pride in the same celebratory fashion we usually do. Instead, we’re asking you to make the commitment to better the lives of the oppressed. Do the work to become actively anti-racist if you are not Black. Spread the word that Black lives matter. Spread the word that trans people deserve to feel safe wherever they go. Reblog this post, make your own, or find someone in your life who doesn’t understand and do your best to make them understand. Donate if you can. 
The first Pride was a riot. We stand with you.
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
Anon Hate IS Illegal.
Guys, I’m not kidding.
Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.
Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.
And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.
Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.
Next time you get hit with anon hate?
Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.
Your online actions have real life consequences.
Make sure they learn that.
(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.
Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.
Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)
Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.
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greenbean-246 · 4 years
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is it time for frank cho and milo manara to die or what
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greenbean-246 · 5 years
I saw everyone on twitter tearing Emma Watson apart for saying she’s self - partnered instead of single and decided to watch her interview for British Vogue to know what the hell was she trying to say with that. I was very surprised to find a 30 minute video in which amongst other things she talks about the following:
She felt undeserving when she was appointed as UN Women goodwill ambassador and sought out Gloria Steinem to learn about feminist activism.
She thinks the criticism she received for being a white feminist was useful because it made her educate herself.
She says there’s a desperate need to reform the education system in the UK to change the way they are taught the history of how Britain has been involved in foreign affairs and how they profited from slavery.
She felt anxious about approaching 30 because there’s a lot of pressure to have a husband and a baby by then and she’s still figuring her life out.
She was so young when she was casted in Harry Potter that she doesn’t remember much of her life before it and she went to therapy to deal with her issues with fame. She used to feel very guilty for being unhappy because she thought she should enjoy fame more.
The interviewer is a transgender woman and they discuss transgender issues for a while. Emma is in regular contact with a trans child which makes the topic of trans rights emotional for her because she’s very anxious for this kid’s safety.
She talks about her role as Meg March in the new Little Women movie and defends that unlike what many people say choosing to be a wife and a mother doesn’t make Meg a less feminist character and quotes a line from the movie, “Just because my dreams are different than yours it doesn’t mean they are unimportant.”  
She wishes more people would realize she’s not Hermione Granger but also understands why they want to see that in her because Hermione is a symbol for her too.
She used to think she could never be happy without a partner and now that she has learnt to navigate that better and is genuinely happy single she’s started to think of herself as self - partnered in contrast to the time when she thought of herself as single = lonely.
Every media outlet decided to focus in an out of context quote from the three minutes she talked about her dating life when the actual interview had a lot of depth and way more important things were discussed. I’m sad and angry but not surprised.
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