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So we should boycott eating chocolate until children aren’t being used like slaves to create the chocolate 🍫
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Most of these kids barely get paid enough to survive
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Little kids are forced to work instead of go to school and get an education
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Young kids live hundreds of miles from their homes
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Children in d’Ivoire work in unsafe cocoa farms
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What it takes to have Gold
Malis a relatively large country in north west Africa. It is known for its massive export of gold in which they brought in about 60.8 tons as of 2018. However, a lot of people don’t know the causes of mining that much gold. Moli also has a relatively young population were over 60% of the population is under 25 years of age. That also means the death rate is particularly high. The cause, well comes from the agricultural lives the most Malians have. Let’s take a look at Ramata for example. According to UNICEF.org, let’s start with the fact that she doesn’t even know her own age. Why? You may ask. Unfortunately, most Malian children drop out of school and can’t even manage to obtain basic knowledge because they no longer have the time to go to school. Ramata Starts her day at 6 AM so she can cook for her children. After she finishes cooking, she works long days in the mines with her 11 month old wrapped around her back. Just imagine bending down for hours at a time having a baby on your back and other children not having the ability to learn besides sifting for gold. It’s completely saddening. Speaking of which, I learned that between twenty and forty thousand children work amongst these mines. For those who don’t know, Analistal Mines are labor-based and usually, are dangerous when using these methods. Children start working at around 6 years old doing very dangerous tasks down in the mines. The most common injuries from mining include: falling into shafts, fatigue, major to permanent spinal damage and the worst of them all, Mercury poisoning. According to “ A Poisoness Mix” located on her.orgvmentions that mercury attacks the nervous system which can cause neurological problems that more server towards children. Alongside the practically guaranteed injuries, these young minors don’t have access to basic healthcare either. They just continue to dig and suffer until they can’t anymore. The Malian government is trying to assist with the education crisis as well as finding more high-tech machines so that analistal mines aren’t needed as much. Mali is also working on finding other natural resources when gold isn’t their major export anymore. Currently they found elements such as aluminum, lithium, and uranium. It’s funny how we just wear this sparkly jewelry not realizing what someone else had to go through so we could get it. Gold, what s beautiful thing, isn’t it?
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Here is Ramata sifting for gold with her baby.
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They work many hours in one day to get compensated so little they can barely survive.
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Its crazy that there are over 2 million children working on cocoa farms and no one is talking about it 🤦🏾‍♂️
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Welcome to the Child Labor Watch
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