graveyard-ghoulish · 8 hours
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graveyard-ghoulish · 18 hours
Alrighty! Here goes. I saw that you write for r6siege. If it's okay, may I please request; Ash, Kali, and Ela, with a civilian s/o who creates dolls for a living? Plush dolls, porcelain, wooden, Annabelle, you name it.
apologies if this is bad, i literally never write for fem characters. skill issue (i am gay)
lowkey into it? I can see her appreciating crafts/crafty people of any kind. It's relaxing and fascinating in equal parts to watch you do your thing in your little work area with skilled and practiced hands, hardly a hitch in your getalong. she also just has a thing for your hands.
look, she's rich. whatever supplies you need, or even if you want to add a doll from someone/somewhere else into your own personal collection, don't even worry about the price tag. she's already opening her wallet.
have you seen her elite??? if anyone appreciates creativity and unorthodox things, then it's Ela. definitely the most hands-on involved in your craft if you let her be, giving color scheme suggestions or helping you come up with lil outfits for the dolls.
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Hello! I love your works, do you still do writing requests?
yea, i just recently opened them again! request away :)
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graveyard-ghoulish · 2 days
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graveyard-ghoulish · 3 days
y’all have got to start tagging things properly for fics. Tumblr’s system won’t ever be as good as AO3’s but we can help make it better by using good tagging etiquette. so here’s some tips/reminders for tagging from someone who’s been here for 15 years:
only tag the characters with a significant role in the fic. if your fic is about Alexios and Kassandra does not appear in it or doesn’t have a speaking part, then it should not get tagged as ‘kassandra’ or any kassandra related tag.
related to the above: if your fic is for ‘jon snow x reader’ then don’t add other ‘character x reader’ tags to it, unless the reader is actually being paired with another character too. it’s exhausting to go to a tag then have to scroll for five minutes to even find a relevant fic.
an OC is not the same thing as a reader. if your fic is for an OC then use ‘character x oc.’ it’s literally that simple.
tagging a fic as reader and then having it be about two canon characters or a canon ship is not a reader fic. if I wanted jonsa or jonerys fics I would search for them with their respective tags. they do not belong in a ‘x reader’ tag.
and on a related note, please for the love of all things use “read more” cuts. the fic info (title, pairing, rating, etc) and maybe 2–3 paragraphs then the cut is more than enough. I promise not using a read more and having to scroll endlessly makes me less likely to ever read your fic. and if your excuse is that you’re on mobile, here’s how you add a read more cut: type ‘:readmore:’ on a new line where you want the cut to be then hit enter/return. easy as that.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 9 days
Imagine The Entity banned survivors having anything better than flashlights/flashbangs/pallets because she realized they'd probably fucking mob the killers during trials. She uses her stupid spidey-bs magic to prevent them from grabbing a fallen hook and just decking someone like Frank or Danny (especially Danny) in the skull with it.
Let's face it- we've all thought about it. The Entity's realm is literally a 1v4, but somehow nobody gets the idea to just pick up one of the various sharp or broken objects lying around and start whacking some psychos?
I can easily see Bill or David being the first to try fighting with their fists, but unfortunately The Entity uses said bs-magic to buff the killers so they barely flinch and it only pisses them off.
But then they see the hook falls when a survivor is sacrificed, or the planks shatter into smaller, sharper sticks when a pallet is broken. All hell breaks loose.
Imagine the fucking surprise when someone from The Legion is interrupted mid-Frenzy because they got clotheslined by a fallen hook attached to its rope, stretched across a doorway at neck height. Frank left gasping for air on the ground while Meg mercilessly teabags him.
Imagine Ghostface being chased off from his usual routine of creeping around by David and Jake armed with sharpened sticks from the pallets. He actually gets nailed with one and is equally surprised and offended that he still can bleed.
It becomes such a problem that Tne Entity, an eldritch horror beyond comprehension, has to intervene because her pawns in her weird and sick sacrificial game are acting up in unexpected, unanticipated ways and physically wounding her magically buffed psychopaths.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 9 days
Who and What I Write for 2, The Electric Boogaloo
Dead by Daylight
AC: Valhalla
Rainbow Six Siege
Hell on Wheels
Baldurs Gate 3
What I WILL Do;
Fluff, mild smut, headcannons, etc. Essentially your generic tumblr fandom author starterpack.
I will do violence and things that feature gore because some (all) of these games have some level of violence and graphic content so it's unavoidable. But I'm not gonna go into excruciating detail.
MALE characters only, with a few exceptions. Like mommy Karlach. And The Huntress from DBD. Our muscular queens <3
What I WON'T Do;
Those kinks. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that literally fucking nobody writes for (shit and piss, for those of you that are dense). Also just generally horrendous shit like pedophilia, rape, etc.
Yandere stuff is also banned. Yandere content, for some bizarre reason, has a lot of minors that are fans of it, and I'd rather keep crusty little kids off my blog. Off with ye, vile rats.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 9 days
Finally got access to a console again and have been catching up on all my shizz. DBD, R6S, AC: Valhalla, and the likes.
I SUPPOSE I'll open reqs back up again, since I've got some motivation to write (and hopefully better skills? who knows.)
But whether or not I'll get to them all will be left to the gods to decide (the voices of Laziness and Procrastination in my head).
Anyways. Go crazy.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 12 days
Honestly it's fine to be sex obsessed. It's fine to rail your own ass once a day. It's fine to be ace. It's fine to not want sex even mentioned. It's fine to be kinky. It's fine to want gross or dangerous or unethical things to happen to you. It's fine to be vanilla. Do what you want. I'm tired of everyone nitpicking eachother. Go outside. Take a nap. Have a snack.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 17 days
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literally everybody at the minute im so worried hes gone 😥
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graveyard-ghoulish · 24 days
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graveyard-ghoulish · 24 days
Guys. Stop tagging your OC stories as X reader. It’s hard to sift through and I don’t go to the x reader tag for OC’s I don’t care about .
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graveyard-ghoulish · 25 days
Hey ... just wanted to say I love your work! I was thinking maybe you could write a Bohannon x reader where she's Durant's daughter/niece and we're looking at a secret/smutty story? Thanks!
Words: 784 /// Pairing: Cullen Bohannon x Durant!Reader /// Warnings: Slight hint of smut. MDNI. 18+ /// Notes: Finally got something down for this ask. Definitely think I may continue.
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It wasn’t every day you kissed a random stranger, let alone sleep with one. You weren’t sure what had gotten over you - you hadn’t been drinking, you’d never be caught dead in a saloon, and you were not a woman of the night who slept with men for a few coins come morning. 
But his intense gaze, soft smile, and even softer kisses had you falling head over heels for the man. 
Cullen’s lips on your neck, his hands on your waist as he bunched the fabric of your skirt up in the back of a wagon at some depot in the middle of nowhere was intoxicating. The six days you had spent traveling alongside him in the coach were enough to get to know the man on an amiable level, culminating in an intense night together. 
"Oh go get fucked by the horse you rode in on!"
Cullen's eyes widened at the words, and he spun on his heel, ready to break up a fight. He almost had to laugh at the statement, though, the words coming from a rather sweet sounding young woman. Across the muddy street, the working girls standing on the small porch of the boarding house were in fits of laughter, their heads thrown back and hands holding their sides at your outburst.
Clearing his throat, with a "'Scuse me, ladies" as he stepped up onto the small porch, he was barely able to dodge a slap aimed directly at his face. Catching the wrist, he met your gaze, eyes wide and a bemused smirk lighting his face.
At realizing the man you had almost slapped wasn't the man who had been catcalling and trailing after you all morning, your eyes widened and your wrist went limp in Cullen's grip as recognition hit. 
Cullen. The man you had shared a rather intimate ride in a coach with 3 weeks ago was standing in front of you. 
He had said he was heading to the Wyoming territory to work, but finding him here, in Durant - or Cheyenne as you learned it was now called - was something you weren’t expecting. 
“Terribly sorry.” You shook yourself, taking your wrist back and dusting off your front as you looked around the street. The drunk who had been pestering you wandering off in the direction he had come, waving you and Cullen off. 
Cullen bit back a smirk as he waved off your apology. "Heard a bit of commotion over here, everything all right?"
Eva nodded from her spot on the small porch. The girls around her filed back inside to go about whatever business they needed to tend to. "Miss here's got a mouth on her worse than my girls."
You blushed, ducking your head away. "I'm terribly sorry, it flew out before I could think."
Cullen laughed, a bark he couldn’t keep in as the crowd dispersed. "Hear a lot worse than that 'round these parts." He looked you over, catching your gaze. “Heading to Wyoming, you said.”
“Never said you were heading to Cheyenne,” you replied.
Cullen smirked. “You didn’t ask.”
You furrowed your brows. “Didn’t give me time with the way you were –”
“Ah, there you are!” The voice cut off your thought, making you clamp your mouth shut. 
You heard your name called from behind you and you spun, plastering a smile on your face. Cullen took a step to the side as Durant stepped up, cigar in hand and looking every bit pleased with himself. “Mister Bohannon,” he greeted. 
“Durant,” Cullen nodded, tucking his thumbs into his belt as he relaxed, one foot propped on the wooden walk. 
“I’ve just had lunch with General Grant,” Durant started. “He’s had some fine ideas I believe we can start to move forward with.”
“Looking forward to speaking with him,” Cullen replied before motioning to you as you stepped aside. “I was just speaking to miss …” he trailed off, realizing you had never given him a surname during your last meeting. 
“My daughter,” Durant interjected with your name, holding a hand out between you and Cullen. “Mister Cullen Bohannon, Chief Engineer of the Union Pacific.”
You noted the disdain lacing your father’s words as he introduced Cullen. “Pleased to meet you, Mister Bohannon.”
Cullen’s blue eyes were wide with shock, but he managed to tip his hat at you. “Pleasure, Miss Durant.” At your name, he shot you a glare. 
“We have much to discuss, and I am sure your mother is wondering where’ve you run off to,” Durant sighed, flicking the ash from his cigar with his finger. 
“Yes, of course,” you nodded, following after your father after nodding to Cullen. “Farewell.”
“Shit,” Cullen groaned, turning on his heel.
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graveyard-ghoulish · 2 months
coming out of hibernation for my yearly gripe about a particular fandom thing that drives me up the gd wall.
what the HELL is it with the COD fandom and the unholy amounts of dumbification of readers in x reader fics? I like big burly men who are protective and scary, this does NOT translate to me being a dumb naive cunt who can't do shit himself and has no idea how the world works. are y'all okay ??
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graveyard-ghoulish · 7 months
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graveyard-ghoulish · 11 months
You left me. You betrayed me.
🎵I'm sorry I'm bad🎵
🎵I'm sorry you're blue🎵
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graveyard-ghoulish · 1 year
Lawd… might catch shit for this but I gotta say it. I’m all for freedom with interps especially bc we don’t have much to go off with some these characters, but seeing people eradicate any semblance of König’s canon self to make him fuckin incompetent bc he has social anxiety makes me want to explode man.
It’s so frustrating to see any canon example of someone with SAD be warped into a useless bitch baby for other characters to take care of by people who don’t have it. There’s a difference between seeking comfort in fiction through imagining scenarios with someone in your position getting the support you want, and people tokenizing a disorder and making us out to be helpless. It ain’t flattering. Grahhhh.
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