[just so so many pictures of Sprig currled up with Eve, sleepy lil baby and her mom]
I can't stop taking pictures of them,,,,
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oh a baby!!!!!
[picture of a baby sprigatito, with a leafeon curled around them]
I am calling her Sprig, she's all nice and healthy, offically registrated to me, and is now being taken care of by Eve who has, like previously stated, decided that she is this lil gal's mom now. I'm still gonna have to be the one to feed Sprig, and such until she's old enough for actual food, but Eve can very much take care of everything else
she is so adorable I could scream
omg, omg this is a code green, the egg is hatching, the egg is hatching
I am so prepared for this I promise, been a while since I had watch an egg that was like for me, not like the reserve, not counting Baby cause they were like originally in my mind like gonna like another for there, but like they have adopted me as their mother and I can't fight that, so thus I just have them around with me all the time
anyways, hopefully Eve isn't going to be too protective of the child she has declared her own, so that I can make sure it hatched nice and healthy
I'm sure she understands and it won't be that bad
... oh boy I hope Baby isn't gonna get like jealous or anything from all the attention this lil baby is gonna get
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omg, omg this is a code green, the egg is hatching, the egg is hatching
I am so prepared for this I promise, been a while since I had watch an egg that was like for me, not like the reserve, not counting Baby cause they were like originally in my mind like gonna like another for there, but like they have adopted me as their mother and I can't fight that, so thus I just have them around with me all the time
anyways, hopefully Eve isn't going to be too protective of the child she has declared her own, so that I can make sure it hatched nice and healthy
I'm sure she understands and it won't be that bad
... oh boy I hope Baby isn't gonna get like jealous or anything from all the attention this lil baby is gonna get
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They are very silly! I say it's a new way of amusing themsleves, but this is also an old one, they keep doing different things, and old ones come back, and this is a classic favorite of theirs
[picture of a pile of apples, all neatly stacked on top of each other]
[a second picture showing that they're all applins]
they're figuring out new ways of amusing themselves
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Eve has taken the sprigatito egg from me, and has set up, what is a little place to take care of it in my closet... Well looks like she decided she's the mother now, and that she will be the one to hatch it.
Good for her honestly.
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[picture of a pile of apples, all neatly stacked on top of each other]
[a second picture showing that they're all applins]
they're figuring out new ways of amusing themselves
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Seasonal leaf dogs
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A real shame honestly, I'll been sending them over to you sometime soon
So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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[a picture of an Appletun and a Flapple next to a large number of eggs]
Well let's give a slut congratuation to Pumpkin and Cider, both of my girls having just recently shown me that they have eggs. Would love with whom did these sisters each have them with, but since I basically live on an Applin orchard, that is a question that is never going to be answered.
Welp, what like 8 more onto the like vast number I help take care of already, and not like the first time this has happened with them
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Will do! I'll send them off within the hour, not sure off the top of my head when they'll arrive, so keep an eye and an ear out
So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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Oh wonderful, we have the resources to take care of them if no one volunteered, but it would be great if you would.
Just tell me how to send them over to you, and I'll do so as soon as possible.
So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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Alright so, it's been a week, and no one has taken all of them in, so I'll be sending you the absol and noibat eggs that were dropped off, if you are still willing to take them in.
So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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oh wonderful, I was going to check how we were in terms of being able to care in case no one said anything, though off the top of my head we'd be able to care for the first two eggs for sure if no one wants to take them off of our hands.
So if no one speaks up in the next few days about taking in either of the absols or noibats, I'll send them along to you that sound good?
So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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So eggs that were given a bit ago, there are about 7 of them in total, but one has already had a home figured out, so that's 6 left for people to find homes for.
Of those six there are:
A phantump egg, a pumpkaboo egg, two absol eggs, and two noibat eggs
Now if we can't find anyone who is open to taking care of them for each egg, that's alright we can figure something out.
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can't believe this, at long last one of my dreams is coming true...
so like for a variety of reasons there are many why I was like nah this wasn't going to happen, with me not really traveling out of galar that much cause work, as well not really being one for trading if I'm being honest. To name a few reasons.
But anyways someone, an absolute gem of a person, for making this dream a possibility, who stopped my the main building today was like, was basically like I've got some eggs I can't take care of, is it alright if I leave them here for you guys to find a home for them or something?
And we were like yeah, we can either like hatch them find them a trainer for them, or find a trainer that wants one of the eggs to hatch themselves, of if they're native to galar help hatch them to be realsed into nature after they grow up enough to fend for themselves, or like to just like on the reserve and such, however things turn out and such for these babies.
anyways tldr, one of them was a sprigatito egg, and I as a very in charge person was able to be like, first dibs, helped also by the fact I was the person who took the eggs from the person as well, on being caring for them, and such.
I'll post a list of like the other eggs in a bit for those that are perhaps interested in taking them, but if no one is, well we'd be able to figure this out ourselves
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i had the thought to draw a variegated version of the leaf cat and then i also wanted to see it in autumn leaf colors and then i thought “hehe but what if it was not a flower cat hehe” and then i also had to make a wet beast version and then the layout of this post was bothering me so i made another one and…….. yea 👍
anyway i wanted to make one of these years ago so it was fun to finally do it tbh. enjoy these creatures
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