gothamscowls · 6 years
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Damian had snuck down into the Bat Cave. Late at night, body exhausted, but the restlessness wouldn’t allow him sleep. He needed to do something, anything really. No… not anything. He wanted to train, he needed to train. It’d been nearly a week since he had been shot. Nearly a week since he’d been taken out of the field. His carelessness had gotten the better of him and in the end he’d wound up bleeding out on the ground. Embarrassing.
So now he was standing in the training pit of the cave. Eyes dark with anger and frustration. His sword held firmly in his hands as he shifted his body into position. “Training Program Robin 1″ voice echoing into the darkness before the ai system replied swiftly, training program robin 1 activated.
As soon as the first hologram appeared Damian was lurching forward to swing, but instead felt a painful sting run through him which caused him to drop to the floor. “FUCK!”
If it happened in Wayne Manor, Bruce knew it happened. Whether through extensive nosiness, security cameras, or Alfred’s loose lips, Bruce Wayne made sure to stay on top of things. After what nearly happened to Damian at the gala, he had been hawking over his son as much as he could. 
He still didn’t make it in time to prevent the drop, arriving just a moment too late. “Damian!” he called out, trying to mask his concern with level-headedness. “Override, Wayne-1.” He pushed through the door and hurried to Damian’s side, lowering down to his knees, a hand outstretched. 
“You’re not supposed to be down here,” he said in a low voice. “You’re supposed to be resting. Not getting your butt handed to you by the amateur robots.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
Harley had been leaning percariously over a rooftop, jaw chomping up and down as he chewed on some bubbalicious pink chewing gum. Eyes staring at the mass of people below as they scurried along in the middle of the night. A large bubble blowing up up and up until it popped just as he heard a voice coming from behind him. The young blonde nearly jumped in place, before turning around and giving a wide smile at the dark knight who’d come to his tower. “I would never skip town on you batsy… And I don’t know why you sound so surprised, I’m an honest woman… An honest woman looking for her pay day…” Harley grinned wickedly as he eyed the other man up and down.
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“That’s just what I like to hear,” Bruce said, still minding the gap between them. Harley had given him no reason not to trust her, but Batman knew better than to let slip any more trust than he needs to. It was hard to look past the rogue’s charm and spunk. Spunk. “I’m an honest man, Quinn. You held up your side of the deal, I’m holding up mine.” 
His feet crunched over the rooftop’s gravel, deliberately taking wide steps, almost encircling the rogue. “Here? Now?” he asked, head tilting. Hard surfaces aplenty, but not exactly the most comfortable lay. “We have a long night ahead of us. I want you to be comfortable.” From beneath the mask, he let out a weak laugh.
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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Finding Harley was harder than Bruce had expected it to be. The man had a way of standing out in a crowd, but despite his best efforts, it had taken a little time for the Bat to keep his word. “There you are,” he said with a low grunt, appearing out of nowhere from the darkness of the muggy Gotham night. “I was starting to think you’d skipped town. Hard for me to keep up my end of the bargain when you’re laying low.”
Beneath the Bat mask, his face relaxed, a brow raising. “Your intel proved to be right. Wasn’t perfect, but we managed to save a lot of people. Which leaves just one question: why are you hiding from me, Quinn?” ( @harveyxquinn )
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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@kryptonianveins @gothamscowls
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gothamscowls · 6 years
To think that Bruce had wards that he practically clashed on with on the daily with how much they liked to break off of what Bruce had told them to do—to think that Selim always got away with what he wanted more than Bruce would dare admit—it was almost a miracle that Zain didn’t laugh out loud at Bruce’s attempts to rebuff him. Though he scoffed, trailing on with how the broody billionaire finally had teeth to show that was neither frothing or seething. Zain had always taken pride in being one of the few, really—it’s always nice to see Bruce beyond his usual stoicism. All the reason to push on. “Sure—” Zain hummed, taking a sip at his champagne before his lips tightened to keep the temptation of a louder mock of a chuckle at bay. 
      “——— because we all look to Bruce Wayne when it comes to humor…”
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“I’m calling security,” Bruce said with the faintest hint of a smile. He bridged the gap between himself and Zain in a few quick steps, a hand loosely taking hold of the magician’s arm, playfully ushering him toward the door. He couldn’t believe he’d been bested in verbal combat like that. By Zatara, of all people. “If I wanted to be insulted at my own party, I would go find a Robin.”
He even let slip a low chuckle, his grasp a little firmer now. “This is why I don’t take you places, Zatara. I can’t take you anywhere without causing a scene.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
his beloved.
bruce wayne and talia al ghul would have never worked, not in the real world, not with ra’s always around the corner plotting and preparing for whatever massive takeover that he had on his agenda this time. did they try? debatable but despite their own shortcomings there was still the biggest reminder of their failed relationship. their consummate heir, damian.
“things are very different now. can’t you tell? i’m here of my own accord. ra’s is gone. dead… dead to me, i can’t be sure, nor do i care.” talia had very few weak spots. for the assassin weakness was not something that he could afford in his position. he prided himself on keeping his life weakness free but damian changed things for the better. his one weakness quickly became his strength and whether or not it was apparent, his son was the reason for many of his actions. “damian is in no danger. i am just as apart of his life as you are. one could argue even more. and that agreement you speak of, it was always doomed. my son has always been my priorioty.”
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Bruce found himself struggling to breathe. He was a man slow to anger, but Talia brought conflicting emotions to the surface. Touching him, even without feeling, just to ensure that he brought no harm, had a strange electric surge to it. “I’ve heard that line a lot. Things are different now.” He sighed, pulling back, stepping clear of Talia’s space. “And then they break out of Arkham and go right back to tormenting Gotham. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t take his eyes off Talia. As handsome as ever. “Our son, Talia. He’s not your son.” The words came harsher than he had anticipated, but he had meant it with venom. “I can’t stop you from being in his life, but I can stop you from hurting him. He’s happy here. Healthy. Better. If you’d like to see him, by all means. If he wants you in his life, I can’t stop him, either. But what you won’t do is show up announced to make a scene. You know where I live. You know how to knock.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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It was strange how a part of him actually felt like he was in trouble. He hadn’t felt that way in a very long time. He watched as Bruce carried the gun away and suddenly he felt naked. The only other way he could be of use or help was using his abilities but in doing so he would show people what he was. A part of him was angry, but he pushed the emotions aside and moved closer to the male. Standing with his back to the wall, his arms were crossed over his chest and he turned his head towards Bruce. Of course he’d take note in how the bed was unused, how there were empty, disposable coffee mugs in the trash, how even though he was there to act as a protector, he couldn’t help the billionaire sleep. He took note on how he seemed to be failing. “What would you like to talk about?” He asked with a soft sigh, thinking things he’d rather not think.
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Bruce had a habit of scolding harder than he should, particularly when dealing with charges old enough to resist grounding. With Cyrus it came naturally, not because he was young - he wasn’t - but because Bruce was reminded of his Robin’s when he saw the man. The bond between them had felt instant, a soul he could assist, someone who needed him. 
“We can talk about anything," he reasoned. “I have time.” He didn’t press when Cyrus chose not to sit with him, offering a small smile before a nod, bowing his head. “How are you adjusting to things? I know I’ve been too busy to spend much time with you directly, but I hope you’ve been making yourself at home?”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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“I am practically 21, and you can’t really believe we are not partaking a little bit in the festivities tonight, Bruce,” he said, almost frowning when his glass was taken away and he just had to shake it off with a laugh. “Hey, you should be focusing on all the villains you let in here tonight, not on your own Batfam, we are the chillest in the group, you need to loosen up,” he nodded, reaching over and smiling, purposefully messing up Bruce’s tie just enough that it was loosened. “See, now you can breathe better.” The touching was mildly flirtatious, but he always had that with Bruce. // @gothamscowls​
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“I didn’t invite villains,” Bruce protested weakly, but he certainly should’ve been more thorough with security. Talia’s arrival had been unexpected, to say the least. He allowed Beau’s intrusion, looking down at the tie. “You know I’m going to have to fix that, right?” he asked with a small chuckle, reaching out to do the same to his former protege. “It’s not breathing that’s the problem, it’s the socializing.” His fingers lifted up to briefly prop up Beau’s chin, flashing him a smirk. “Give me a reason to not go back to making the rounds and maybe I’ll look the other way with the next drink.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
Some other man in some other day, Zain would have found himself taking offense at insult—but it was Bruce; have him speak out more than five words, insult or not, is a feat on its own that Zain was bound to be nothing but amused. He had always dared to admit that Bruce Wayne opting to back into a corner all from stale company held some kind of adorable charm to it with the man that he is— though nonetheless, it didn’t come to spare him from the very thing he accused Zain of pressing onto him.
“Bothering you in your man cave is like doing stand-up comedy in an empty room—and I’m no Dane Cook,” the magician was just as quick to throw back as he set his own brawn against a marble planter that had him perch closer to the other. “Besides, your place is dingy and with all of you swinging around in there in your tights had it all reek like its some fraternity basement—” Zain’s words trailed off as he took his turn to sip.
      “——— and I’m no Dane Cook.”
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“The cave is a magic-free zone,” he said simply, with a smile that betrayed his tone of voice. Few people knew him well enough to rile him up the way that Zain did. Few people had known him long enough. His jabs and jibes were usually barbed for amusement, but if the words stung the magician? It was all the better. Anything to lower the man’s ample self-esteem.
He pushed off the railing and took a few steps closer. “It’s also a Zatara-free zone. I really should up the security on these events.” Head bowing, he downed the dregs of the champagne. “Dane Cook might be an apt comparison, though. You’re both equally unfunny.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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Damian smiled fondly at the way his father explained his past. He grew excited at the fact that he had some kind of similarity with Bruce, the word headstrong now firmly planted in his head as he tried to imagine what that must have looked like. Had he been as unruly as Damian had when he’d first arrived. Had he been as brutal, probably hadn’t tried to kill his parents, but had he lashed out. “I wish I had gotten to meet them Father… But I can’t help but worry that I might have driven them insane.” He let out a small chuckle, eyes glancing up to meet Bruce’s.
At his father’s words Damian felt himself starting to choke up. The tie around his neck was far too tight now, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he needed it for tonight he would have ripped the damn thing off then and there. Instead he pulled on the collar as he tried to relieve some pressure. His eyes starting to sting, but he refused to cry. This was not something to get emotional over. “Thank you Father.” His voice came out broken, and Damian cursed himself for speaking up so soon. “I wish… I wish we’d… I just want more, and I’m sorry Papa kept me away. Do you ever wonder what… what it would have been like if you’d known me from the start?”
“Just as who I invite to the gala is my own business, Father.” Damian echoed his father’s sentiments back to him. Cocky grin spreading across his lips as he stared down the older man. “I know enough father, and snooping? Do you really think I would snoop on my own family?” Of course he would, he was his father’s child, and he did so with pride. He had a file on everyone in the family, along with data on how he could take them down if necessary. “The Cat may have also come to see me, she made it a point to introduce himself.”
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He chose not to answer Damian. It didn’t take the world’s greatest detective to tell that Damian was feeling choked up by the conversation. He let his hand drop to the side as he fidgeted more with the tie, letting out a soft sight while staring at his son’s reflection. Luckily, the topic of Selim was one he was more comfortable discussing, even if it still wasn’t with somebody who really didn’t need to know.
“You really should tell me when my friends come to visit you.” His hand ran down Damian’s arm, giving his bicep a small squeeze. “And I’ll be sure to let him know not to drop in unannounced.”
Still, his curiosity was piqued. “What did the two of you... talk about, exactly? Anything I should be concerned over?”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
Bruce’s body was very different from Selim’s. Whereas the burglar’s form was smooth and muscular, with nary a blemish in sight, Bruce’s was weathered, a bit sinewy in places but bulkier in others, and displayed slightest dusting of chest hair… Selim loved every part of it. 
“If you haven’t said it in words, your actions have led me to believe so,” purrs Selim, now standing fully nude before the Bat, as though he were a piece of art himself. “Are you kidding? I’d love the publicity that would give me, Brucie. This is all for you… one-hundred precent confidential.”
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“A cat burglar with publicity doesn’t sound like a particularly successful cat burglar.” Bruce’s breath hitched, fingers running down Selim’s back. The conveniently retconned location, the gala, devoid of life but for the pair of them. His hand took hold of Selim’s hip, the other continuing over the plump curve of his ass, fingers slipping between the cheeks. The tip of his middle finger pressed against his hole, holding him firmly in place while his lips ghosted against the top of his lover’s back.
“You could always give up the mask,” he considered allow, his finger probing now, curling just slightly to stretch him loose. “Maybe if I’m lucky, you’ll actually still be in bed when I wake up in the morning.” He let out a low laugh. “I’m never lucky.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
Talia had no business being here tonight. there was no denying that.
the father of his son, bruce wayne, holding a gala for some frivolous reason that only bolstered his identity as a billionaire playboy. it was sickening in his eyes to see such potential squandered in the shadows. talia’s own business dealings were clandestine and kept in the dark, the league and ra’s would have it no other way. however, the demon heiress had little to hide when it came to his personality and how other’s perceived him. the assassin was just as ruthless as the businessman, neither should be crossed or trifled with. but still he showed up, not quite looking for trouble though he knew his presence would put most on high alert. with the carnage ra’s last stunt left in his wake, no al ghul would be welcomed.
“pulling me out here won’t make me leave. do you worst.” talia scoffed, yanking his arm away from the other’s as he was brought to the rooftop of the building. whatever the conversation was to be had, doing it away from a crowd would have no effect on how the man planned to spend his night. “you can’t be that surprised to see me.”
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“Surprised? Not in the least.” Bruce had tried his best to avoid a scene, to get Talia out of the room before attention could be drawn their way. Too many things were going wrong, too many things that had spiralled so far out of his control that he was ready to call the evening a wash. This, him, was the last thing that Bruce needed. “Disappointed? Sorely.”
His hands went to his face, using his palms to apply some pressure, hiding his visage as he seethed in annoyance. Only when he was certain he had control of his temper did he lower them again, staring Talia down intently, ensuring that the gap between them now was sizeable enough to protect himself should the man try anything funny, though that wouldn’t be his way of describing it. “Why, Talia? Why was I so blinded by you to believe that things would be different now? Is this really what you want? To endanger Damian? I thought we had an agreement.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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Wandering the party, he had been pretty much trailing one of the servers for the last 15 minutes, using every bit of detective work he had in his skillset and making sure that his mission would be a success. Stealthy, quiet and determined, the red head dressed in a black tuxedo, offset with purple and yellow because he was maybe too obvious sometimes, he was fixated. He needed this. Needed to succeed and get this reward, because everything required it in that moment. Luckily, he was quick, hand agile hands and was able to swipe a glass of champagne from one tray, and another with some shrimp, and paused when he turned back with his prizes and saw Bruce standing there. His eyes narrowed, playfully, as he quickly drank his champagne before Batdad could tell the 20 year old not to.
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Despite every other distraction afforded to him during the gala, Bruce found himself checking on his former charges statistically more than intended. Like a pack of mischievous hyenas, they had spread across the room clearly armed with nothing but intent to drive him absolutely over the edge. “A little young for that,” Bruce said, but allowed Beau to down the drink before reaching for the glass to take it from him. “Do you think you can out-sneak me, Beau? Really?” He cracked a small smirk, quirking his brow. “I have eyes. Everywhere.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
Succumb into solitude long enough and it’s practically a date that’s bound to build up into some lifelong commitment. Habit. Hell, even he had found a liking to it too. That while Zain saw how Bruce heaved that sigh that would have probably brought a looming axe of Armageddon in one of his conference rooms with how much weight it had in it, the former was a tell enough. They knew each other since they were kids after all ——— if anything, lavish parties and galas are more of a chore that Bruce had to do than something he had himself to indulge with; keep up faces with the men and women he rubs elbows with and keep them from thinking that he finally lost his mind.
“How you maintain your secret when it comes to your proclivities for animal costumes and leather harnesses, and then lie horribly like this is the true magical mystery,” Zain teased, tilting the flute to his lips as he took a gentle sip.
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“Zatara.” Bruce played the part of long-suffering billionaire well, but there were choice few people in his life who could see through it. His smile fell defeated, letting out the low laugh of a sad man surrounded by strangers he didn’t really care about at an event that never seemed to stop needing planning. “I remember inviting you, but I don’t recall actually wanting you here.”
His laugh became less troubled, and he cracked a new smile. “That’s how magic works, isn’t it? You only show up to trouble me minutes after thinking I sure am glad Zain isn’t here to complicate things further.” As he took a long swig from his champagne, he shook his head and let out a loud, gruff sigh. “How are you, old friend? Why have you come to torment me tonight of all nights?”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
“Oh? It wasn’t all your brilliant idea to get all the superheroes together for this fantastic event?” Ro looked up at the billionaire and smiled. He knew that he had been pretty stressful for the man to organize and set up these events, but Roro knew that it would be well worth it and that they would all have a great time. Hopefully.
“Oh, plenty to discuss?” He cocked his head with a smile and nodded his head. “Let’s start with our discussions first and then halfway through we can get something. Hopefully the bar would have died down by then.” Ororo chuckled and held the man’s hand, pulling him to a more reserved and quiter location. “So what did you want to discuss, Mr. Wayne.”
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“Business first," Bruce said with a smile. “I appreciate a man willing to get the boring stuff out of the way.” He allowed himself to be led, the first brief moment of quiet he’d gotten that entire evening. It was difficult not to be drawn in by Ororo’s charm, already finding himself under the man’s spell.
After a moment of thought, he began the spiel. “It’s simple. And... complicated. But I wanted to ensure that you knew you, as well as your cause, have Wayne Enterprises’ support.” It had been a hard fought battle with his board of directors, but he’d been insistent. “I’m sure you understand the politics involved, and there are details to hash out, but we’d like to start small. Perhaps a scholarship for the Xavier Institute, or even an exchange program with Gotham Academy. It isn’t exactly Paris, but it may help foster some better relations.”
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gothamscowls · 6 years
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His eyes closed at the content and part of him just wanted to lean back into the touch. However his question caught one of curiosity as he did finally turn his head back to look at him. “No, I’m not packing. Not yet at least.” He let his voice come out low, maybe tired, maybe uncertain. It wasn’t fair how a simple touch down his back to his spine would cause such weakness from him. His muscles tensed and his breath caught in his chest, but he reached behind and took the gun from his belt. “You’re more than welcome to take this one if you want. I have others.” Perhaps it was a defiance on his part, but he opened the cartridge and handed it to him. “They’re never loaded.” He whispered, showing him there were no bullets in the gun. Cyrus promised to never kill a human. Guns were simply a scare tactic of self defense. Usually if one saw a gun, their first instinct is to take cover or run.
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Bruce took the gun without another word, even carrying it in hands felt strangely foreign to him. “Loaded or not,” he finally said as he pulled away, going to set the weapon down at a far table. “No guns, Cyrus. Not at the gala, not outside of the gala. This isn’t one of those things you can question me on.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, his sheets still perfectly maintained, unslept in. “Come. Sit down. Let’s talk.”
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