gorefieldsworld · 2 months
Nah im the orginal original besides hikari has a big heart for all of us*cuddles hikari*
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Gorefield, you may have some competition
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gorefieldsworld · 2 months
*slodes a easter basket full of nice candy eggs and toys for her as john and his wife cuddle hikari gently of course heavy odie licking hikaris cheek*
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Easter Garfields (x)
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gorefieldsworld · 3 months
Hikari 2qnted to play dress up i wanted a drink
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Crossing characters with Garfield is going to become my thing if I'm not careful.
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gorefieldsworld · 7 months
Working my debt off with tom
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would you let him into your town
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gorefieldsworld · 7 months
The good witch smiled and tapped her head gently with her wand and handed her two large bars of chocolate and pointed her to another direction it was Alice in wonderland themed and the hatter and March hair was waiting for her . With goofy funny faces ready to give her treats and sweets
Hikari’s first big kid Haunted House (open rp)
Hikari felt super excited. She was going to a big kid haunted house. Not the little kid haunted houses with streamers and inflatables. This had real people who dressed as scary monsters.
She was going to prove she was brave. But when she got there, it was more than she bargained for.
It looked super intimidating up close and she felt her heart beat a mile a minute.
Can you help her be brave?
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @jaxxedup @puppy-boy-toby @ravensroleplays @gorefieldsworld @yourdarlingneighbor and anyone else who wants to join
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gorefieldsworld · 7 months
The cat nuzzles her as he was large smiling gently , his large claw pointed “look hikari it’s the good witch from the wizard of oz and she has large chocolate bars to give out .”
Hikari’s first big kid Haunted House (open rp)
Hikari felt super excited. She was going to a big kid haunted house. Not the little kid haunted houses with streamers and inflatables. This had real people who dressed as scary monsters.
She was going to prove she was brave. But when she got there, it was more than she bargained for.
It looked super intimidating up close and she felt her heart beat a mile a minute.
Can you help her be brave?
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @jaxxedup @puppy-boy-toby @ravensroleplays @gorefieldsworld @yourdarlingneighbor and anyone else who wants to join
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gorefieldsworld · 7 months
“Just so you @ask-paradox-and-friends i met hikari during this month so this month holds special to me
*Picks up Hikari*
This is a small.
Hikari giggled as she was picked up
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gorefieldsworld · 7 months
Slowly slithered in and gently takes hikari in his claws “Yes but she’s under my protection , and she’s not just tiny she’s also mighty “
*Picks up Hikari*
This is a small.
Hikari giggled as she was picked up
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
He nodded and trotted over ringing the bell it was the nice man who made the school lunches “hikari why so sad you okay sweetie ? “He asked abit concern he had large bars of candy
Halloween: Karen’s Favorite Holiday (open rp)
Hikari was happily trick or treating in her huggy wuggy costume until she heard a commotion at the mean Karen’s house.
She went to see what was going on, finding out that Karen is threatening to get the kids arrested for trespassing.
She then looked Hikari dead in the eyes and said “and once you little hoodlums are in jail, you will NEVER see your mommies and daddies ever again! And lets be honest, they won’t miss you.”
Hikari whimpered as the other kids started crying and ran away.
Karen looked at Hikari with a malicious glare. “What do you want, you little gremlin?!”
“T-twick ow tweat?” She held up her candy bucket.
Karen scoffed and snatched the bucket out of Hikari’s hands.
“Hey! Give that back!” She tried to reach up for her candy.
“I’m doing you a favor, kid! You already look like you have type one and type two diabetes! Now get off my lawn before I call the cops!”
“What?” She said in a mocking tone. “God you’re fat.”
Hikari whimpered and started crying.
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @yourdarlingneighbor @scammerpillar @gorefieldsworld @yourotherbrothers and anyone else who wants to join
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
It didn’t open as gorefiled came back and handed her a cookie “now now hikari on Halloween day the chest opens and inside it will create a candy meant only for you
Gorefield was preparing the candy chest for Halloween as he tapped it dragging it out into the living room
Hikari giggled and tried to sneak some candy from the chest
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
Gorefiled slowly came out the house with the Karen she gave hikari her bucket and a lot of candy saying happy Halloween in a nice tone and shut the door . Gorefiled changed into a long creature as he placed hikari on his back.” Now which house is next little hikari ? “Halloween was his time to do his part of course he say heavy odie with his bucket “help me cat !” He growled using his tail placing heavy odie with hikari
Halloween: Karen’s Favorite Holiday (open rp)
Hikari was happily trick or treating in her huggy wuggy costume until she heard a commotion at the mean Karen’s house.
She went to see what was going on, finding out that Karen is threatening to get the kids arrested for trespassing.
She then looked Hikari dead in the eyes and said “and once you little hoodlums are in jail, you will NEVER see your mommies and daddies ever again! And lets be honest, they won’t miss you.”
Hikari whimpered as the other kids started crying and ran away.
Karen looked at Hikari with a malicious glare. “What do you want, you little gremlin?!”
“T-twick ow tweat?” She held up her candy bucket.
Karen scoffed and snatched the bucket out of Hikari’s hands.
“Hey! Give that back!” She tried to reach up for her candy.
“I’m doing you a favor, kid! You already look like you have type one and type two diabetes! Now get off my lawn before I call the cops!”
“What?” She said in a mocking tone. “God you’re fat.”
Hikari whimpered and started crying.
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @yourdarlingneighbor @scammerpillar @gorefieldsworld @yourotherbrothers and anyone else who wants to join
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
She was greeted by kisses from her mother and father as they gave her waffles cut up and apple juice with syrup and a light whipped cream .
The creature under Hikari's bed is trying to wake her up "Arise child. You shall feast on the unborn and the flesh of swine while drinking the blood of apples." It was time for breakfast and her mommy was making eggs and bacon
Hikari yawned and rubbed her eyes softly as she woke up. She got out of bed to have breakfast, but dropped her huggy wuggy
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
He followed after her after sending the anon out the world while trotting behind her
The creature under Hikari's bed is trying to wake her up "Arise child. You shall feast on the unborn and the flesh of swine while drinking the blood of apples." It was time for breakfast and her mommy was making eggs and bacon
Hikari yawned and rubbed her eyes softly as she woke up. She got out of bed to have breakfast, but dropped her huggy wuggy
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
Gorefiled handed her huggy wuggy and smiled “morning hikari john and your mommy made breakfast.” His long tail was constricting the very bad anon .(( hello anon I can see you and what your doing isn’t nice I’m above the laws of reality and I don’t play fair . Corrupt little hikari or try to harm her I’ll skin you inside out slowly.”
The creature under Hikari's bed is trying to wake her up "Arise child. You shall feast on the unborn and the flesh of swine while drinking the blood of apples." It was time for breakfast and her mommy was making eggs and bacon
Hikari yawned and rubbed her eyes softly as she woke up. She got out of bed to have breakfast, but dropped her huggy wuggy
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gorefieldsworld · 8 months
*Freddy is eating a granola bar.*
Have you ever wonder what would your life would be like if you were the opposite gender? Or what if you did the opposite of every choice?
*he keeps eating and hands him a box of scooby snacks.*
“My current state is always been however as for turning into a girl @hoshi-neko-hikari turned me into a girl with her magic wand and said I look pretty
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gorefieldsworld · 9 months
Slides her over a bowel”here you go
angry kitten after failed attempt to steal the food crying screaming
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gorefieldsworld · 9 months
Seeing the terror he knew the plush understood what not to do and decided to smile gently and nuzzles up to hikari and falls asleep
/hikari's evil wally plush lol
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