gooseofthevoid · 2 months
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Ok, one day I will see a cool beholder mini and not be consumed by the need to paint it.
That day clearly isn't today though, and I'm not sorry.
Really happy with how this guy turned out, especially the eyes. Doing a sort of fade from the pupil rather than a hard edge to the iris worked really well with the black I think.
I took two tries to get the base colours of the skin down, my first attempt was more purple than pink/red in the recesses. I think the red version makes it much more fleshy in all the worst (best) ways.
This mini is Eye Tyrant 02 by Daybreak Miniatures
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gooseofthevoid · 3 months
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Cool dragonborn wizard!
This was a great mini, I got to play with drybrushing metallics which is always fun, and I've been looking for a chance to play with layering red on robes a bit.
That coat trim was kind of a pain to paint, especially since it was a yellow going over the dark red I'd already painted the robe with. I like how it came out in the end tho, worth the effort!
I tried out using some colourshift paint for the orb on the staff, with a painted gradient under it. It worked ok, but the overall colour is a lot less striking then if I'd just painted it with a bright, regular paint. Still, its got a kind of cool effect, I might play with that more in other minis I think.
I'm also really happy with how the base turned out, only for it to mostly get covered by the mini. Tried out painting the cobblestones a variety of colours and tying it together with a wash and drybrush in the end.
This mini is Zuldikis DragonBorn Mage by Miniatures Blueprint
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gooseofthevoid · 3 months
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Cool dragonborn wizard!
This was a great mini, I got to play with drybrushing metallics which is always fun, and I've been looking for a chance to play with layering red on robes a bit.
That coat trim was kind of a pain to paint, especially since it was a yellow going over the dark red I'd already painted the robe with. I like how it came out in the end tho, worth the effort!
I tried out using some colourshift paint for the orb on the staff, with a painted gradient under it. It worked ok, but the overall colour is a lot less striking then if I'd just painted it with a bright, regular paint. Still, its got a kind of cool effect, I might play with that more in other minis I think.
I'm also really happy with how the base turned out, only for it to mostly get covered by the mini. Tried out painting the cobblestones a variety of colours and tying it together with a wash and drybrush in the end.
This mini is Zuldikis DragonBorn Mage by Miniatures Blueprint
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gooseofthevoid · 3 months
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Latest project, this big dragonborn guy.
I took the opportunity to do that classic red scales/yellow underbelly dragon scheme since I realised I've never actually painted a dragon(-like creature) that way yet. I struggled with getting that yellow tone right, but I'm happy with where it ended up in the end.
The original print is supposed to have two horns, but I had a misprint, that fortunately was easy enough to just lean into. I like the asymmetrical look it ended up with, so call it a bit of good fortune.
This mini is Gunnonth The Life Taker from Miniatures Blueprint.
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gooseofthevoid · 4 months
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Painted a cute little goblin squire :3
Not much to say about this one, just a quick fun paintjob I did in a night. Trying to get back to painting more regularly, and this is a good step in that direction!
One note for myself is that I think I went a little too dark with the darkest green. Or possibly didn't shade lighter tones across enough of the mini. Particularly the tail I think is a tad too dark for a lot of its surface. I was trying to push my dark/light contrast a bit more, but I think I overcorrected. Something to experiment more with though, because I do love some places with that darker green.
This mini is Goblin Squire by Twin Goddess Miniatures
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gooseofthevoid · 4 months
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Painted a cute little goblin squire :3
Not much to say about this one, just a quick fun paintjob I did in a night. Trying to get back to painting more regularly, and this is a good step in that direction!
One note for myself is that I think I went a little too dark with the darkest green. Or possibly didn't shade lighter tones across enough of the mini. Particularly the tail I think is a tad too dark for a lot of its surface. I was trying to push my dark/light contrast a bit more, but I think I overcorrected. Something to experiment more with though, because I do love some places with that darker green.
This mini is Goblin Squire by Twin Goddess Miniatures
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gooseofthevoid · 8 months
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Can't be bothered to take proper pictures.
Painted a super quick and easy mini to chill after the undead dragon. Just a red base, metallic copper drybrush, and a couple of derails.
Model is FREE Flamehorn Wyrmling by Dragon Trappers Lodge.
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gooseofthevoid · 8 months
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BEEG undead dragon! (I gotta stop painting dragons, I only have so much shelf space 😭)
The model is Undead Dragon by Clynche Art on MMF.
I ended up painting this one one and a half times since I started doing a black base and working up with reddish purples for the flesh. It looked ok, but a bit too cartoony for what I wanted.
So I started over with a dark red base, added brown, green and blue splotches, and then dry brushed black all over, which I think looks a lot more like rotting flesh! It was a lot of fun working on those colours though!
I just did a mix of an off-white, bright green and brown for the bony sections, followed up by a burnt umber ink to get that old bone look, and to help blend between flesh and bone.
The horns, teeth and claws I struggled with a bit, before deciding to do dark silver+dirty down rust+drybrushed dark silver. I really like the effect of rusting horns for an undead dragon, but I do worry that it is a tad lacking in contrast, with all the other dark reds and blacks going on here. I considered redoing it with a tarnished bronze look, but tbh after having already had this on my desk for over a month, I was ready to just get it out of the way so I could move on to other minis.
I'm also still messing around with camera settings, trying to get nicer pictures, but it's a bit of a process since I don't super know what I'm doing. Getting everything I want in focus, especially on a mini this big, is hard and I didn't really manage it in the end. It's fun to play around though, even if there's a lot of "is it better with setting A or setting B? hmmmmmm" repetition.
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gooseofthevoid · 11 months
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Painted up a knight... somewhat recently, then took a while longer to figure out how to paint her base. Really happy with how the marble on that one turned out though.
I originally intended to use this figure to try and learn non-metallic metal, but after a couple of tries I decided, actually, I value my time XD
Honestly, I'm really very happy with how it looks with regular metallic paint anyway, nice and shiny.
I'm also glad I took my time with the base until trying out a technique for marble with some dried-out wet wipes and the airbrush. Definitely going to see if I can find more excuses to use that in the future.
This figure is Knight 05 by Galaad. (scaled up by an amount I forget for this print).
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gooseofthevoid · 1 year
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I tried painting this mini with a bit more focus on lighting than I normally do. Most of the time I'm just hitting the upward facing surfaces with some highlights, but this time I went for trying to highlight as if he was facing into the light. I'm not sure it totally works, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out all the same.
I also got to play around with foam a bit making the rock for him to stand on, which is always fun.
This mini is Allanor by Lunaris Figures.
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gooseofthevoid · 1 year
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I tried painting this mini with a bit more focus on lighting than I normally do. Most of the time I'm just hitting the upward facing surfaces with some highlights, but this time I went for trying to highlight as if he was facing into the light. I'm not sure it totally works, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out all the same.
I also got to play around with foam a bit making the rock for him to stand on, which is always fun.
This mini is Allanor by Lunaris Figures.
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gooseofthevoid · 1 year
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New mini! The cutest lil wizard :3
This is my character Noda for an upcoming game! They're a racoon folk student mage who definitely got their invitation to wizard school through 100% legitimate means.
I painted them a little rough in places, but its a small mini so its less noticeable :D
I'm also experimenting with the picture-taking process a little. Got a glossy piece of black acrylic, which is cool by holy cow does it like to pick up every little spec of dust around. I really need to do some serious dust-busting sometime XD
It also jars really badly with the backdrop I've been using. I might need to pick up some black felt or something. I should also probably look at actual guides and stuff rather than yoloing it, but oh well :)
This mini is Callum the Tabaxi Wizard by Twin Goddess Miniatures
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gooseofthevoid · 1 year
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New mini! The cutest lil wizard :3
This is my character Noda for an upcoming game! They're a racoon folk student mage who definitely got their invitation to wizard school through 100% legitimate means.
I painted them a little rough in places, but its a small mini so its less noticeable :D
I'm also experimenting with the picture-taking process a little. Got a glossy piece of black acrylic, which is cool by holy cow does it like to pick up every little spec of dust around. I really need to do some serious dust-busting sometime XD
It also jars really badly with the backdrop I've been using. I might need to pick up some black felt or something. I should also probably look at actual guides and stuff rather than yoloing it, but oh well :)
This mini is Callum the Tabaxi Wizard by Twin Goddess Miniatures
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gooseofthevoid · 2 years
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Another dragon! One day I might get sick of painting dragons, but it sure isn't today!
This was a great mini to relax with, its got a lot of detail that just worked great for doing a brass base coat, turquoise contrast paint, and brass drybrush to get that corroded look.
I also did a little wet blending to go from the brass base colour to a redish copper on the tips of the wing membranes, though I might’ve gone a little too subtle. It's real hard to pick out, especially with the shine. I do like it when it's in just the right light to show it off though.
This mini is a Young Brass Dragon from Nolzurs Marcelous Miniatures. Big thanks to @sleepyforestbeast for giving me this mini! Excellent taste right here :D
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gooseofthevoid · 2 years
I realised I can use some RGB LEDs I have to cast a blue light over the whole thing and really get that LOTR night look!
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Dipping my toes into dioramas with a thief on the run from the slightly too-slow guards :)
I had a lot of fun putting this together.
It was a bit of a challenge painting to make the scene look like nighttime. I tried desaturating my colours a lot, and mixing my highlights with blue-white to try and get that lord of the rings, 'its night because the light is blue' effect. I'm not sure I got it quite right, but I'm still happy enough with it.
Doing some foam carving for the bricks was a nice change from just printing everything I paint. Its a little rough in places, but learning new skills is always worth it.
The real hard part though was wiring the LEDs for it. I got some flickering candle tea lights to resolder for this (though unfortunately the flicker ended up quite subtle). Glad I got a fair few more than I needed, because I broke the circuit boards for four before figuring out my solder iron was set too low for whatever solder they had on them. Then I yolo'd soldering the LEDs to some wires and realised I'd misunderstood how the circuit boards had to be attached and uh. Adapted. It all worked out, but I can't say it was neat. Fortunately, copious amounts of hot glue cover a multitude of sins.
Behold my solder sins:
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The guards in this piece come from Town Guards Bundle by TytanTroll miniatures.
The thief in this piece is from Adventuring Party by Across The Realms.
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gooseofthevoid · 2 years
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Dipping my toes into dioramas with a thief on the run from the slightly too-slow guards :)
I had a lot of fun putting this together.
It was a bit of a challenge painting to make the scene look like nighttime. I tried desaturating my colours a lot, and mixing my highlights with blue-white to try and get that lord of the rings, 'its night because the light is blue' effect. I'm not sure I got it quite right, but I'm still happy enough with it.
Doing some foam carving for the bricks was a nice change from just printing everything I paint. Its a little rough in places, but learning new skills is always worth it.
The real hard part though was wiring the LEDs for it. I got some flickering candle tea lights to resolder for this (though unfortunately the flicker ended up quite subtle). Glad I got a fair few more than I needed, because I broke the circuit boards for four before figuring out my solder iron was set too low for whatever solder they had on them. Then I yolo'd soldering the LEDs to some wires and realised I'd misunderstood how the circuit boards had to be attached and uh. Adapted. It all worked out, but I can't say it was neat. Fortunately, copious amounts of hot glue cover a multitude of sins.
Behold my solder sins:
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The guards in this piece come from Town Guards Bundle by TytanTroll miniatures.
The thief in this piece is from Adventuring Party by Across The Realms.
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gooseofthevoid · 2 years
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I'm holidaying at the beach, so of course I painted something in a snowy theme XD.
Pretty happy with this result! Probably could be a little cleaner in spots, but for a one day paint job I'm not complaining.
In particular the icy base turned out way better than I expected.
Big thanks to @dropattackbear for sharing his paints when I forgot to pack my metallics XD.
This model is Skadi the Barbarian by Twin Goddess Miniatures
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