goodslayernow · 11 years
Only after you set me up for it.
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Cult related shenanigans need virgins, right? Not gonna lie, that's always reassuring. Guess it wouldn't hurt to scavenge for more information. Maybe Red can look into police records, find out what they're not saying on the news.
You started the argument part. 
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Random stabbings are one thing. When there’s carving, that’s when we need to at least check things out. Though cultish spell caster people give me the wiggins. I hope it’s just a Batman fan.
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goodslayernow · 11 years
No real argument there anyway. Also, you started it.
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Yeah, I try y'know. Anything worth investigating? 'Cause to me it sounds like a Dark Knight fan gets his engine revved by carving joker smiles on people. I mean, hey, if you wanna rough up some demon scum for intel and call it research, then I'm in. 
If you’re trying to get me into an argument about who has more fun, not gonna happen. 
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Sounds very serious and responsible. Too bad that was ruined by the pesky dead body with a smile carved into her face. Shall we get with the investigating? 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
But brunettes do it better. Plus, we both know that ain't true - about blondes having more fun, I mean. 
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I would but then I'd have to stake you. Uh, sorry, wrong crowd. Wanted to hit the city, check out the vamp club scene. 
Hey, blondes have more fun… and I was only teasing. Kind of. Are you going to share what your plans were, anyway?
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Thought even you'd be able to tell I've changed, nevermind the fact that you're blonde and all. People mature, B, hard concept to grasp, I know.
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Plus, ten seconds before doin' it counts as thinking ahead. So, your point? Moot.
You had plans? As in… you planned something? Before doing it?
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Way to put a damper on my plans.
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goodslayernow · 11 years
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goodslayernow · 11 years
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goodslayernow · 11 years
If it's a pus demon, that bad boy's all yours. See, I can compromise.
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Thought you had enough babysitting duties as is - I can watch my own ass. 
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I’m thinking demon. Doesn’t sound like the standard barbecue fork victim. Gee, thanks for the contribution. But don’t think you’re going to go kill alone. Especially not in the city.
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Nice segue, wicked smooth. 
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The kind where victims are sucked dry or are we talking demon? I'm itchin' for some action so it does't make much of a difference. Tell you what; you do the investigating thing, I do the killing thing. 
Satsu isn’t jailbait, Faith. Plus, I think we have bigger issues at hand than how I choose to spend my free time– which, at the moment, I don’t have. There have been reports of unexplainable attacks in the city, so… the investigating thing. Must do. 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Honest, I doubt anyone thinks you're anything but strictly dickly, B. Not saying it'd be wrong to stray, just, maybe, you wanna find someone who's not jail bait to experiment with. Y'know, go from aware to active.
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Well that’s enough nostalgia for one day.
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I’ll uh… keep that in mind? I mean, not like consider it, but… I’ll be… aware. 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Dry humping on the dance floor? Well, I mean, maybe it wasn't so dry...
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Whatever floats your boat, B. Doesn't really make a difference. Yeah, everyone's confused 'bout it. 
A mentor she wants to screw. That kid's hot for teacher. You gotta have noticed, not like she hides it. 
Dance is a… nicer way of putting it. 
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Excuse me while I attempt to pretend like I don’t know that happened. I haven’t met him, so I can play ignorant, right? I’m still confused about the Darla thing and… well, I’m confused about the whole thing. 
As if. She just sees me as a mentor. Story, end of. 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Oh, I've noticed, princess. The way we used to dance at the Bronze, I woulda known for sure if you were hiding something. 
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Lather, rinse, repeat. At least the ones not obsessed with you skip the stalking. Yeah. Plus he has a kid that's almost as old as you are - be awkward for him to call you mommy. 
Plenty of people here that wanna give your secret garden their human touch; just ask Sushi.  
Thanks for noticing. 
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Must be the predator thing. Stalking, sneaking, attack, drink… all part of the vampire regime. Okay, there were tingles. But now the tingles are less… tingly. He’s got his thing in LA, and I’m here in the land of tea. 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
A Pain That I’m Used To - Depeche Mode 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
You're such a girl.
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What's with vampires and their stalkery tendencies? You really are a weirdo magnet, girlfriend. Big Guy only showed up at night, probably after you dusted some of his cousins... there definitely were tingles. All these years later, still not buying the non-fat yogurt crap.
I… maybe. I like strawberry daiquiris. 
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Not for a while. He was just some well dressed creep in the shadows who for some reason wanted me to live, so I thought “Hey, that’s nice of him. I don’t want me to die either.” Then one night we kissed and out came the forehead bumps. There were no tingles. …At first. Maybe.
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goodslayernow · 11 years
I woulda guessed you to be into those fruity girly cocktails. Check you out, B, a classy grownup. Wine ain't my thing, but beer I can dig - especially if it's a Sam Adams. 
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Hold up, you didn't know Soul Boy had fangs? Must've confused demon tingles for the low down kind.
Let’s call it sloppy drunk, just not that kind of sloppy. Alcohol also tastes terrible, so I really don’t see me gaining anything from it. Sure I’ll have a few beers when I’m around friends and sip some wine during dinner. I’m just not the sit down and take a line of shots then dance on the tables type.
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Well the first one didn’t tell me he was a vampire- no comment; I was young. He helped me for a while before I learned his… tendency to be undead. The next one became obsessed with me (first in a murdery sense, then it got lovey later on) so I seized the moment. So… yes, they did force me into conversations.
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Yeah? Well, that means it'd only be more fun, for me. What are you, an angry drunk? Wussy drunk? Horny drunk? Kinda hopin' for horny drunk - be a laugh riot. 
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Mhm. They just forced you into conversations using their tall, dark, handsome wiles, right?
I’m not alcohol’s biggest fan.
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…It’s not like I asked for it, initially. 
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goodslayernow · 11 years
Good point. I should get you drunk instead, you need to loosen up.
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Chit-chatting with vamps is more your thing, B. 'Sides, the ones here probably like soccer.
If you want to deal with a bunch of drunken Slayers, be my guest. 
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Congrats. Hey, I wonder if any vampires you come across on patrol were Red Sox fans when they were living. Maybe you would be able to strike up some conversation before you turned them to dust. 
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