gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
Permission to Dance On Stage LA (Day 3) 01 Dec. 2021
Spring Day
This always has been and always will be my favorite part of any 'Spring Day' performance. The way Yoongi rests his head on the back of Jimin's neck in total abandon, while making that beautiful harmony, gives me the goosies. My Yoonmin heart is oh so full! 💜
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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childe makes a pun at his own expense
(the joke here is that childe compares zhongli to a crab without claws: in chinese, no claws “没钳” is pronounced exactly the same as no money “没钱”)
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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That iconic scene, except here they're from rival clans stuck in the middle of a war, yet feel inexplicably drawn to each other after a chance encounter in the forest...
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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You leave me breathless
Cards on the table, "There is only one bed" is one of my favourite tropes, so forgive me for throwing caution to the wind and continuing on this utterly self-indulgent train of mine.
Taka has no idea, but he's trending on twitter again:
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takes place after [the yakuza incident] but before [hershey's kiss]
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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so i saw venom 2,
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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“whatever happens i just want Denji and Power... to survive... and be happy..."
Aki - Chainsaw Man
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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i love these idiots :)
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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So basically,
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
the way i was FUCKING screaming reading this page
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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I'm not crying you are crying 😭😭
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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The hayakawa family❤️
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
au where senku and gen knew each other before the petrification event
taiju is so focused on saving yuzuriha, that it takes him a while to really realize just how lucky he is that she was so close by, and that he knew exactly where to find her. and even though senku doesn't mention it, taiju knows he must be feeling bitter that he wouldn't know where to even start looking for gen
While running away from tsukasa on their way to hakone, taiju and yuzuriha both keep their eyes peeled for their favourite bastard, just like they know senku is doing, and even though he doesn't bring it up, he's so grateful to them
when gen is first woken up by tsukasa, his first thought is to wonder about senku and taiju and yuzuriha. when it quickly becomes apparent that tsukasa is a genocidal maniac, he goes into survival mode and starts thinking up a plan, to find out the recipe for the revival fluid, so he can make enough to save his three friends. as soon as senku is awake, he'll know exactly how to stop tsukasa. gen is certain of it
but THEN. they arrive back at the camp, and he lays eyes on yuzuriha and taiju, and feels his heart stutter. Taiju turns to look at them, and his eyes widen in delight, a grin splitting his face. "GEN!!!" he screams, dashing over and scooping gen into a crushing hug.
Tsukasa's eyes sharpen, and he's about to ask if they know each other, but yuzuriha comes dashing over, yelling at taiju to "put him down, taiju-kun!! you're scaring him!!" taiju reflexively lets him go, and yuzuriha punches him in the arm, looking annoyed. "Geez, just because you were a huge fan of his tv show don't think it means he knows who you are." Taiju doesn't know why they have to pretend they don't know gen, but he laughs and apologizes anyways, because he trusts yuzuriha. Tsukasa still looks suspicious, but gen just laughs airily and plays along convincingly enough that tsukasa eventually lets it go, thinking it was just taiju being an idiot again
After that gen keeps trying to find a way to meet the two of them in secret, and ask where senku is, and ask why they're working for tsukasa. but for now it seems like he's become tsukasa's favourite pet, and the man won't let gen out of his sight. And genisn't risking being seen talking to taiju and yuzuriha again for fear of raising his suspicions
Then tsukasa takes him to the shed, shows him the room left in a mess of broken pottery, explains that he had killed the man who had made this, the man who had discovered the recovery fluid, the most intelligent man on earth. and gen feels his blood turn to ice in his veins. Tsukasa watches him closely, waits for him to out himself as one of senku's friends, but when there's no outward reaction from gen, no stiffening of his shoulders, no slip in his smiling facade, tsukasa relaxes and gives him his quest. to head out towards hakone and come back with definitive proof that senku is dead
Gen forces his voice to come out light as he agrees to take on the quest. Tells himself that there's no way tsukasa would still be breathing if he had truly succeeded in killing senku. even the pacifistic taiju wouldn't have let him get away with it. And after all, if tsukasa is paranoid enough to send gen after him, then surely senku must still be alive?
gen sets off on his quest, with dread twisting his guts and desperation in his heart. he believes in senku, that he would have found a way to survive, but that uncomfortable knot in his chest doesn't loosen until the day the nostalgic scent of ramen hits his nose, and a painfully familiar voice carries towards him on the late summer breeze
He slinks quietly out of the trees, comes to a stand behind that familiar back, and watches him serve ramen to the villagers for a second. And when he's sure his superficial smile is steady enough to hide his desperate relief, he laughs a carefree laugh, and drawls out a playful "Senku-chaaan~"
the speed that senku whips around would be almost comical, but there's gen's own desperation reflected back at him in ruby eyes, and gen feels his smile slip off his face
within seconds he has an armful of scientist, and the world is still broken, and tsukasa is still out there on his murder spree, but senku is alive, and suddenly things seem a little more okay
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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doodle 🐸🐱💚💜
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gonzalesfreecs · 3 years
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