goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Unless you stake a claim for what you truly want. Life will sweep you away with it. Without this touchstone you’ll get lost in what other people want, the constant busyness, people pleasing, being nice. And in the process you will lose you. 🌟So, just in case you forgot. Here’s your midweek reminder that YOU are in charge of your life, your choices, your feelings. No one is coming to save you, no one knows what you need or want. This, my fabulous friend, is down to you! So I’m curious, what do you want? (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4kEebM_rd/?igshid=kawsf91ygj8
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Ok, ok Autumn 🍂 I get it you are officially here. I held onto my fabulous friend Summer for as long as I could (and I may still be walking around in my summer Birkenstock’s) but the more I hold on to what’s gone, the less I can fall into what’s really happening around me. Ah, Autumn you glorious soul. Here to teach us about letting go, releasing what no longer serves us. An invitation to slow down and tune into the wisdom of bodies. I hear your calling and I’m listening (and packing up those summer Birkenstock’s and replacing them with my warm boots, snuggly jumpers and bright coats). When we stop fighting with reality we free up so much energy (and our midlife energy is precious) and we gift ourselves space (and we all need so much more space right now) to BE in the moment, to feel what we need to feel, to breath. What’s Autumn 🍂 teaching you my friend? (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGo8BLrscBF/?igshid=1favjin8vkke8
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Fuckity fuck everyone else’s opinion. What matters most is YOUR own. Want to feel really good about you/your body in midlife? Then stick with me. My fabulous (and free) summer online festival: Make Your Midlife Magnificent is a-coming, 24-28 August. All the deets dropping this weekend. In midlife, we RISE! 🦋💃🐅👙🦄💯🌈🧚🏻‍♀️⚡️🍉💜🥰🔥🔥🔥 (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD01TFFM16P/?igshid=b073cg2o0p57
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Say whaaaaaaaaatttttt!!!! The sensational @steviebstylefashion is joining me right here on the ‘gram this Friday 7 August at 7.30 pm U.K. (2.30 pm ET for my American friends) and I’m so excited I may have peed a little 🤣💜👏🏻 Stevie B is a force of absolute brilliance, she is rocking out her own body acceptance journey with absolute joy and honesty, a celeb stylist to the stars and all round good egg!!! We are gonna be diving into how you can ditch that pesky body shame and come over to the sparkly, liberating world of body acceptance. And of course I’ll be asking Stevie alllllll the questions on how you can reclaim your style in midlife! Tell your friends, heck, tell everyone!!!! And come join us this Friday ✨🇬🇧🦄👙⚡️🌈🍉🦋💜🥰✨👑 (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgALQsMicc/?igshid=19bkjmw3w49xs
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Tell me something GOOD about this week....🌈🛍🌴👙💜👏🏻💃🥰 https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8EOySlWAk/?igshid=1p1qxasgh2qc9
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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What do you REALLY WANT? 🌈 Is this a question you ask yourself often? 🌈 If not, then start doing it Ms Fabulous. 🌈 And it’s perfect perfect for this kinda questioning as it's a NEW MOON 🌑 today (the most powerful time to set intentions for what you want). 🌈 Remember we live in a culture that brainwashes us into believing if we ask for what we want we will come across as needy, greedy or selfish. 🌈 You gotta burn🔥that shit💩to the ground. 🌈 Time and time again throughtout my 30+ years of working with women, the happiest women are the ones who are doing way more of what they really want to do. 🌈 So, it's over to you. 🌈 What do you really want? 🌈 Figure it out and declare it to the world!!! (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC29dVWlCkV/?igshid=16grbkrvsmyhy
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Sunday VIBES = ON. 🌻 Enjoy your day Ms Fabulous! 🌻 I’m gonna walk my dog, enjoy the sunshine and I’ll be back tonight 7 pm U.K. (2 pm ET) talking about my journey from body hate to body love. 🌻 I spent most of my life hating my body, suffered from various eating disorders, manipulated my body with diets and exercise. I was always trying to be something I wasn’t. And that caused me so much unhappiness. 🌻 Creating a better relationship with food and our body IS possible. 🌻 If you have ever struggled with food, got seduced by diet culture, feel confused around the terms self love, body acceptance or believe there is no way you could ever have a good relationship with your body come join me later today. 🌻 I’ll be LIVE right here on the ‘gram and on my Facebook page. 🌻 (at Star Monroe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCiVPeLMppd/?igshid=1dgxxodyldm8h
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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If 2020 is the year you decide to get out of your own way and start doing way more of what brings you joy and happiness then you are going to love my fun planning soiree The Fab-plan-a-thon tomorrow 28 December 4 pm GMT. ⠀ I've designed this online workshop to help you get clear on how you want to feel, what you want and then asking the right questions so you can make it all happen. ⠀ It's a glorious 90 minutes and I'll be there with you every step of the way, answering all your questions and giving you feedback (oh, and there may or may not be a couple of dance breaks involved too!!!) Let's make 2020 the year you step into your Queen and do way more of what you love. ⠀ Why leave your happiness to chance when you can start creating it now! The price is just £47 and the link to join is in my bio. ⠀ See you there!!! https://ift.tt/2QmKqPa
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Hello darling If, like me, you want to sashay into 2020 with more confidence, commitment & clarity and do this without all that frantic over the top "I'm going to make 2020 all mine" energy then you are going to love my fun online planning workshop coming up on this Saturday. ⠀ THE FAB-PLAN-A-THON. 28th December 2019. 4pm - 5.30 pm (GMT). ⠀ I've designed this workshop to help you get clear on how you want to feel, what you want and then asking the right questions so you can make it all happen. ⠀ It's a glorious 90 minutes and I'll be there with you every step of the way, answering all your questions and giving you feedback (oh, and there may or may not be a couple of dance breaks involved too!!!) Let's make 2020 the year you step into your Queen and do way more of what you love. ⠀ Why leave your happiness to chance when you can start creating it now! The price is just £47 and the link to join is in my bio. https://ift.tt/2sl16OY
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Whatever you are doing, wherever you are happy Christmas 🎅🏻🎄💜fabulous one! ⠀ Personally I don't celebrate christmas but relish the time off so I have spent the day sleeping, decluttering my wardrobes, unpacking my suitcase from my travels and watching trash TV! ⠀ Here's to spending Christmas Day (and all the days that follow) doing way more of what makes you truly happy! https://ift.tt/379Whac
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Miami you have been delightful. 🇺🇸🛫🇬🇧 https://ift.tt/3768SLE
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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MIDLIFE DILEMMAS🤔 If we listen to the outside noise getting older is the worst, we have nothing to look forward to, our bodies are decaying, time is running out. ⠀ FLIP THE SWITCH. ⠀ It’s time to ditch this narrative and DECLARE loudly and triumphantly what's AMAZING about getting older. Here are my TOP TEN AMAZING GETTING OLDER DECLARATIONS 1. I am wiser and have learned so much from all my life’s lessons
 2. I have more confidence in who I am and where I am going
 3. I know who I am and embrace all of me unapologetically
 4. I give way less fucks about what society or anyone else wants for me
 5. I trust myself so much more
 6. I actually love my body, cellulite, wrinkles, sagging skin et al
 7. I have better sense of style and love experimenting with clothes
 8. I am robust and powerful and know deep down I can get through ANYTHING
 9. I believe the best is yet to come
 10. I have found my voice and am using it for good! ⠀ What are you celebrating about getting older?⠀ Let me know in the comments below🙋‍♀️⭐️👑 https://ift.tt/36UCwDo
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Want to make your midlife magnificent? ⠀ Have more fun and don't take yourself too seriously! https://ift.tt/2PMAPSD
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Awareness is our portal to immense personal growth. If we are not growing, we will stay stagnant and stuck. When we shine a light on our patterns of behaviour we gift ourselves the opportunity to change, to grow, to transform. Midlife is calling us to do the work on ourselves so we can become the woman we have always wanted to be! Now is the time to RISE! https://ift.tt/38XM5mJ
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Things to do in Miami when it's raining = visit @artechouse https://ift.tt/35Dg6WZ
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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Florida Keys you’ve been delightful! Now onto Miami 🌴🍾 https://ift.tt/2PZ05nC
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goddessstarmonroe · 4 years
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MIDLIFE WISDOM ⠀ Now IS the time to take up as much space as you damn well please. https://ift.tt/34vIhph
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