goat-a-go-fast · 20 hours
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the flash vol 2 #36
at least he’s self-aware
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goat-a-go-fast · 20 hours
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alice notley, from in the pines / crisis on infinite earths #12
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goat-a-go-fast · 6 days
it drives me insane how wally views his relationship with barry because he's always been of the mind that he needs to somehow "earn" his love whereas barry has literally never imposed that stipulation onto him, ever. and yet still wally feels this unending pressure to live up to the standards barry set during his tenure of the flash to the point where one of his greatest insecurities is about the possible negative reaction barry would have to wally stepping into the role of the flash himself. all of this fear and longing for approval and in reality there is literally nothing wally could do for barry to stop from unconditionally loving him. just. yeah.
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goat-a-go-fast · 7 days
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goat-a-go-fast · 13 days
i love how no one in keystone gave a shit about wally's alter ego except for when it affected their taxes. statistically irrefutable "if you reveal your secret identity your loved ones will all die" fact untrue for wally rudolph west in particular all that happened to him is that the hoa made him move to a different area code because supervillains kept blowing up their front lawns.
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goat-a-go-fast · 17 days
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Breaking news!! Local Nebraskan man can’t stop turning into eldritch beings!!
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goat-a-go-fast · 20 days
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Linda & Wally  By Jo Cheol-Hong (Mi-Gyeung)
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goat-a-go-fast · 2 months
wally west is a guy of all time for me. funny haha jokester kid who had to take on a huge amount of responsibility he was definitely not ready for, developed the worst imposter syndrome known to man and instead of coping made it everyone else’s problem. will be sooo petty and selfish about small things but also sacrifices his life with 0 thought like it’s a regular tuesday. had an abusive dad and absolutely refused to acknowledge that shit or think about it ever again. completely unrelated to this he immediately cuts off his entire family the minute he reaches twenty-one. incapable of hiding his emotions and will unfairly be a bitch to you if he’s struggling with something. said himself that no one loved him until his aunt iris. would actually not hesitate to burn the world down for his wife. claims to be a laid back go with the flow guy but also will spiral at the slightest provocation. is allergic to nuance when people he loves make mistakes and will be in their corner no matter how wrong they are.
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goat-a-go-fast · 2 months
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Kyle: exists Wally: Bitch.
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goat-a-go-fast · 2 months
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I missed drawing him
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goat-a-go-fast · 3 months
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Getting a vasectomy after your third child is a type of love language
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goat-a-go-fast · 3 months
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fidel castro communist dictator of cuba a real one for this
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goat-a-go-fast · 3 months
wally, who quit the titans like 10 times to focus on college, having to take up the flash mantle bc barry just had to go and die
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goat-a-go-fast · 3 months
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The Flash (1987) #130
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goat-a-go-fast · 3 months
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mike wieringo's wally, the man that you are
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goat-a-go-fast · 4 months
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Remember when Wally joined a cult
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goat-a-go-fast · 4 months
I think I’ve already confessed that I’m not a big birdflash fan, but there is something I really gotta point out because it’s bothering me.
I see a lot of people use specific comic panels to try and show how close these two characters are, but completely miss the whole point of the comic itself.
For example, I’ve seen a lot of people use panels from The Flash 1987 210, in which Wally reflects on his relationship with dick.
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The problem with this is they are literally cutting out the next part of the page that explains that they have drifted apart
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Wally is extremely different from dick, and once he takes up the flash mantle, it becomes clear that these two characters are on different paths. Wally wants to uphold the legacy of the flash, dick desperately wants to escape the legacy of Batman. Wally has a wife, three children, and a stable job. Dicks life changes at a moments notice, one minute he’s broke, one minute he’s rich, sometimes he has a job as a police officer, sometimes he’s dating one of his many red headed girlfriends, he’s the opposite of stable.
And that’s not to say the different characters can’t be friends or be together, but as this same comic shows, these two often struggle to understand one another once adults
Wally, after zoom caused his wife Linda to have a miscarriage, went to Hal as the spectre for help, which no one liked, including Dick. He is somewhat miffed Wally didn’t come to him, be he also sides with Bruce about how reckless and stupid the action was
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He definitely empathizes with Wally’s situation, but he’s not really there to give support. Later on, dick does start to get the point, and the two take down gorilla grod. Dick apologies for his actions and both agree to stay in touch more. Obviously every good friendship is going to have some moments of tension and disagreement, but I think this really shows why Wally and Dick fell apart as adults.
And this really is the crux of why I’m personally not a big fan or birdflash. These two characters are inherently different and it’s so rare for me to see any birdflash content that acknowledges this. They can be together in a way that acknowledges and builds off of this, but it really hasn’t been done.
More importantly, I’ve noticed that to make burdflash work, a lot of fans completely erase Wally’s character to ignore these differences. His own goals, his own backstory, his own relationships, are just gone so he can be with dick. There is never any acknowledgment of the canon of Wally’s own motivations, such as living up to the flash mantle, or any mention of his connections to characters outside of Dick.
Even more so, I think erasing the presence of his wife and kids from his life so he can be with dick is really hard on the character. Linda is so essential in Wally’s life. She is the character in which speedsters learn the importance of having a lightning rod. She is the one to often push Wally to keep going. His kids redefined his life. He literally broke the source wall in order to keep them in his life. These are essential relationships that are just erased from Wally’s life.
As someone who truly prefers Wally over Dick, it hurts to see a potentially good pairing erase the good aspects of Wally like this. There is plenty of erasure done to other dc characters because of how popular the Bats are, and this ship, at least to me, is one of the worst examples. These characters are different, and often times it makes it hard for them to understand each other. Ignoring that issue doesn’t make the ship good in my eyes.
Anyways, I really don’t want to poop on birdflash as a whole. It is by no means a bad ship, I personally just don’t really like it. It has a lot of qualities that bother me. Despite all of this though, I do love seeing people’s art of it and I actually do think it can work a bit better when they are young and apart of the teen titans. I also know as a halbarry shipper I’m throwing rocks in a glass house lmao. But please ship what you like, I really don’t care, I just needed to shout into the void about my feelings around it :)
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