go1104-blog · 4 years
Barangay NSTP Blog
According to the brgy. Captain of brgy. Karuhatan the flooding is one of the most visible hazards. Some others are the fires happening in the area from time to time and the recent earthquakes impacting the stability of buildings. Low-lying areas in the barangay are subject to rapid and heavy flooding whenever a significant downpour of rain occurs. Homes and buildings in particular the company around this area are impacted by these factors. This issue is not new to the barangay region as rain often occurs and the barangay has developed ways and methods to handle it appropriately and face these problems. The barangay has developed workshops and discussions on how to deal properly with these circumstances. We have regular hours for cleaners around the area to the the obstruction of the canal that leads to the Barangay area's apparent flooding experience. Places like SM Valenzuela and the barangay hall are the safest area in heavy rain due to the fact that their place is higher than most.
The problem that most affects the city is the rainfall flooding. The problems arise because of the tropical nature of the geographical location of our country. A more basic reason is due to the barangay ground. In the barangay, there are many parts of land with low-lying areas that make it a rainwater basin for flooding. Although this problem is a natural disaster that can not be man-made, certain steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of these floods in the region. The government should fund road elevations to uniformly disperse flood water, preventing the area's flood water accumulation.
The rain in the Philippines has been a problem in our country ever since. It has caused destruction of property and numerous tragedies. This sort of calamity is apparent throughout the world, but due to our position in particular in ours. The Philippines is a tropical country that is more vulnerable to disasters of this kind.
We spoke about accidents that can't be stopped by human means while on the trip, but that doesn't mean we can't plan for it. Disasters occur at unexpected times so we do our best to learn about the potential disasters that threaten our regions and formulate a plan to prepare and mitigate the damage that the catastrophe could do.
Issues in the country should be discussed and planned for because if we are insensitive about it, these issues will cause chaos in our society and severe casualties. We will live with the following disasters because it affects us, it affects the world as a whole, and it will affect our economic and national identity. Depending on the situation, the question can be approached in many ways. With disasters triggered by earthquakes, we should tackle it by evaluating the occurrences of the type of disaster and find ways to minimize the impact of the disaster in affected communities.
I will help with the means I can as a member and student of my community and country. Surveys and tabulations are one of the ways. The government will tackle it more precisely and more efficiently by offering information and data on the community's condition on a micro scale. In the way I live my life, I can also aid through my acts. For example, proper waste management to avoid problems with sewage.
The photo below is a picture of a part of brgy Karuhatan flooded during a typhoon.
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