glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
i’ve got so many opens here! if anyone may like to play with me. if you don’t find something you like. hit the heart and i’ll come look thru your opens!
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( stranger. )
♛ ░▐     SUCH A TEASE, showing so much skin while looking so damn innocent. she didn’t talk like the money on this boat did, so that won taylor over a lot faster than anything else. the view wasn’t bad either. a cute little blonde number didn’t seem to have a problem showing off her legs, and he had stolen a glance to see she wasn’t covered by anything but a robe.
❝real nice for the skin.❞    standing up he kept his towel around his waist, though it didn’t keep the outline of his bulge from showing. walking by where she was seated, he scooped some water up and poured it on the rocks, sending steam int the air with a loud hiss.
turning around he eyed the girl, smiling at the cute thing sitting there enjoying herself. instead of returning to his former seat, taylor took up the space her friend had left behind. reaching a hand out he ran fingers along the calf of her leg.    ❝don’t seem like you need much help for that skin though, but i’m sure it doesn’t hurt anything.❞    settling back on the bench he stretched out.    ❝that your sister?❞
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—————————————————————— « glittrdust »
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—— ● —- YOUNG & ANYTHING BUT INNOCENT; liana was adorable, and naive perhaps, innocent in ways but corrupt in many others. this, was innocent however, she was sitting with no intention of being a tease - though she was, endlessly. the little blonde shifted slightly, closing her eyes and enjoying the plume of steam that billowed into the air - good for the skin, great for the lungs. she was thankful to be in such a lovely place, with handsome company. liana wasn’t shy about her body, or touch, so when his fingers trickled along her bare flesh, she gave no reaction to him; though it sparked thought - ❝ only thing better, is if they have a - uh, what they are called, massage person in here. would be so nice yes? ❞ liana brought her hands up, adjusting her robe to open the top a little more, letting some of the air rush over her. it was getting quite hot under the robe. ❝ no my friend, she brings me with this vacation so she doesn’t have to spend all this time with her family. ❞ —— @emptymcney.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( tiernan )
If he were being honest, his guests were not what he was expecting. These people were….unsettling. Tiernan simply wished to become acquainted with some of his neighbors, but somehow this turned into a formal event for several people to talk with people their already friends with. 
“It is quite alright.” he said turning to her. “You are hardly looking through my cabinets. Are you here with anyone Miss….?”
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—— ● —- ROLLING dainty fingers along the length of the safety bar, gabriela smiled out over the world; what a magnificent view - oh, to think that one day shed have a place like this of her own. how silly.   she glanced softly up to him, pushing hair out of her face and over her shoulder, nodding slightly at his comment - she wasn’t snooping, exactly, but she wasn’t sure what was off limits. some people didn’t like strangers walking around their apartments. ❝ no of course - thank you for understanding, sir. me - yes sir, i am here with my boss, he wanted me here if he needs to make appointments maybe. ❞  —— @godlywarriors​.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( remy)
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— ✕ — That slap woke him up to reality or at least part of it that is. She was alive, and she wasn’t who she used to be. Remy used to be her protector, the big brother looking out for her and keeping her company on lonely nights, but that was when they were kids. She was clearly not a child anymore.
As soon as he made eye contact with her there was no ignoring that look. She was serious, she thought there was danger there and that she needed to save him. ❝Right now you’re the only threat to me.❞ His feelings for this girl was going to get him caught sooner rather than later. ❝What the hell do you want me to do?❞
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—— ● —- LIFE hadn’t been all rainbows and roses for anyone, but maybe less so for her. ever since that day, everything had been rolling downhill, snowballing into this massive force that could wipe the whole town clean. he had no idea how awful it had been for her, and maybe she didn’t know what had been happening to him - but what noelle knew, is that if he didn’t get out now. he’d die. maybe she was coming across as cold; but only because it was remy. any other of these red banded idiots, she’d let them be torn limb from limb and fed to the mutts. ❝ remy, you need to fucking get out, that’s what i want you to do. if ANYONE recognizes you as -- things are tense with your crew right now, it’s not like we put up the alert for you all to stay out but here i am, giving it to you. STAY OUT.  ❞  —— @givemysinagain​.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( remy )
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— ✕ — If you would have told Remy that he would be saying damn everything and risking his job, all so that he could have his fingers buried in the date he knew he wasn’t good enough four, he would have told you that you were crazy. Yet here he was on the verge of getting fired if someone caught him for public indecency.
As she rocked forward he pressed deeper, the feeling of her muscles engulfing him felt amazing. He would give nearly everything to bury himself inside her even deeper, but something like that would really call attention to them, and he didn’t feel like getting arrested. Getting laid was at the top of his list now.
That single word was commanding, it made all the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and his skin feel like fire. With a stronger thrust of his fingers inside her, Remy pulled his hand free and hooked his fingers in her mouth. Gently pulling her off the wall he removed the fingers in her mouth and found her lips with his, stealing a taste of her from the tip of her tongue.
❝Tell me what you want.❞ Huffing as he broke the kiss, Remy absently shifted her from the all and towards a doorway. If he remembered right this was one of many exits to the outer courtyard. Seeing as everyone was in the room socializing, it was a good bet they would have more privacy outside.
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—— ● —- CONTAINING her moans was difficult; she did her best to choke them down and keep herself hushed - she didn’t mind public play, but he was here for work, not fun. though, she was making it both. malia was desperate for him, she wanted nothing more than to feel more than fingers inside her. the feeling of his fingers flexing, however, was intensely pleasurable. with her next rock forward, he pulled free, and when his fingers met her mouth she rolled her tongue along them teasingly. the kiss that came shortly after made her shiver with anticipation; he wanted more, and so did she, but he was playing games. malia grunted at his words, bringing hands to shove him while he started to guide her outside away from the crowd. it was almost a disappointment.
❝ what, not pretty enough to fuck in front of all your friends? ❞ she hummed the words, hands coming down to her sides and bunching her dress, tugging slightly as they walked past people - malia was a tease, and endlessly so - she had no qualms knowing she was yanking her dress further and further up her thighs.  ❝ maybe he’d be more eager to just... ❞ she glanced over her shoulder, swaying her hips side to side, shooting a wink at the waiter who was checking her out.  —— @givemysinagain​.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( daddy)
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— ✕ — In the dead of sleep he was awoken by a scream, something that startled Remy from his dream and back into a confusing reality, forcing him to rub the sleep from his eyes so he can better focus on the girl. ❝It’s okay, are you alright?❞
Pushing up onto his elbows he tilted his head and eyed her, she was beautiful even in the state she was in. As thunder rolled in Remy realized a possible reason for the scream.
Edging ever closer to the end of the bed, he reached out to her, trying to catch the edge of his overly large shirt loosely hanging on her slender body. ❝What do you need?❞ His tone was soft, voice scratchy from sleep, and hardly above a whisper. ❝Tell Daddy how to make it better, babygirl.❞
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—— ● —- HEART pounding, fear flooding everything she was, liana grabbed a pillow and tugged it close to her, crushing it to her chest. she hadn’t meant to wake him, but the rolling thunder outside had tainted her dreams before shocking her awake. her muscles were all tense and aching, her lungs filled and deflated with such deep breaths that it made her stomach flip. along with the overwhelming fear, the guilt of waking him from a soft slumber was making her feel all the worse. he was tired, and deserved to rest; she didn’t want to borhter him, even when he sat and grabbed at the shirt dangling off her body, the guilt was overwhelming.  lia scooted closer and gave him a sorrowful look before climbing into his lap, nuzzling her face into his neck while arms wrapping tight around remy. ❝ im sorry i don’t mean for you to have to be awake ❞—— @givemysinagain​.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
✼ —— good samaritan.
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     As he walked back to the raised patrician at the counter to return to his nightly duties, he threw a quick glance over his shoulder and noticed the recognizable logo on her phone. He scoffed slightly. “Good luck gettin’ one a’ those out here,” he said, “Worst part a Brookyln? Ain’t no Uber gonna click that…” He picked up one of the rags he used often to dry the counter and handed it to her. 
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—— ● —- THUMBING through her apps, she checked out the uber tab - it didn’t really look like there would be anything to come to her area. she popped up a notation and a great incentive, but like he said, no one was going to come out here, not at this hour. frowning and putting her phone back into her pocket, she hoped she’d hear the telltale buzz to let her know someone would be coming ❝ i - yeah, maybe they will come i hope? i need to get home somehow. ❞ lia stepped toward him, taking the rag and running it down her bare arms to catch some of the droplets collected there. ❝ thank you, is very cold tonight. ❞  —— @thedevilsbartender​.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
✼ —— stranger.
♛ ░▐     VACATION spent on a boat worth millions or billions of dollars, and yet taylor was completely bored. rubbing elbows with the snobs was never his scene. which is why he was hiding away in the sauna sweating out last nights drinking.
while the two of them were in the room together he was quiet, listening to the complaints of the other girl while rolling his eyes behind his eyelids. once the other girl left taylor spoke up.    ❝if you can’t take the heat, get out of the sauna, right? feels great if you ask me – want more steam?❞
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—————————————————————— « glittrdust »
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—— ● —- ALONE with a stranger was always dangerous, but liana wasn’t worried, what was the worst that could happen, they were on a boat with hundreds upon hundreds of others. all considerably more poncy and well mannered than her; obvious by her complete lack of modestry. lia shifted slightly, legs bare up to the thigh and showing. she should have been wearing panties, but... isa hummed and smiled to the stranger, leaning forward slightly.❝ i agree, is best she goes to get comfortable - me i like the heat, nice and steamy, feels nice for the skin yes? ❞ she stretched slightly, putting both legs up and bringing hands up and down; a layer of condensation had built up on her skin, and she rubbed it in. the steam was thick and had some essence drops in - some spa type thing that enhanced the experience all the more. ❝ yes please, i would not mind this. ❞  —— @emptymcney.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( LIKE THIS POST for a starter tomorrow )
specify which character from if it’s important.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
~play with me?
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( stranger )
Tiernan was hosting a housewarming party in his home. He recently bought the penthouse at the top of the apartment building and decided he should invite a few people in the building for a get together. Mostly everyone came, out of curiosity more than anything if he had to guess. Everything seemed to be going well for the most part, however he did see a young woman make her way to his balcony, and he decided to follow her. Tier walked up beside her, somewhat close, looking out at the view. “It is beautiful isn’t it?” he said looking over at her. 
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            ● gabriela felt out of place at the party, but her new employer had insisted she come. being a personal assistant was a simple job, with many benefits - like standing in this building, with this crowd. the atmosphere was welcoming, however strange she felt here. her boss was busy captivating the minds of a small gathering of socialites so she managed to slip out for some air. the view was something else; right out of a movie. looking out across the beautiful scenery ahead of her, gabriela placed hands on the guard railing before her, enjoying the soft breeze that kissed her cheeks - when suddenly a voice echoed from behind her, causing a slight startled squeak, then a smile.
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greeting her new company with a gentle grin and a sage nod, gabriela turned her gaze to them, as to not be rude; ❛ it’s lovely, sir - i apologize for exploring, am i not to be out here? ❜ she realized she’d not even bothered to ask anyone if this was appropriate; it wasn’t her home to explore, after all.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( remy )
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— ✕ — Everything around them melted away, the guests, the music, the sights and the smells. All that existed in the world right now was her. The way her body felt pressed and rocking against his, how her folds accepted his probing fingers. Then the glorious moment that one finger slipped along wetness to find entrance inside her warmth.
A soft growl and a strong tug of his hooked finger, the only way he can get her back for that comment. ❝No.❞ Hot breath is forced out thanks to her kiss, and soon his hips are rocking forward. Now a hardening length would e felt against her thigh, his foot wedged between her own to keep legs spread.
Remy leaned further to leave fresh kisses of his own on her neck. Finger pressed in deeper, seeking out that heat, the way her walls accepted and hugged to him. Just the thought of his cock in place of his digit caused him to groan. Thanks to his thoughts there was no getting away from the restless and eager twitching of his length. ❝Fuck.❞
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          ● well, maybe the party wasn’t all bad. malia was a thrill seeker; she wasn’t shy about her body, and less so about sex. most people had sex, and more so most people wanted to - they were all so reserved about their desires, their fantasies, their needs. well, malia was more open about it. remy was her type; he was some bad boy with reservations, attachment issues, and a no good reputation. she followed trouble home like it would feed her; if she was lucky, he’d satiate her appetite. this hadn’t been the plan, though; she wasn’t anticipating his fingers inside her in the middle of some poncy party, surrounded by men who’d cream themselves if the noticed, and women who’d either burn her at the stake, ask her advice, or be jealous of the man touching her. and yet, here they were. her plan had been to tease him, take him home, and see where things went - ah, she’d never been good at planning anyway. malia rocked forward, aching for his fingers to press deeper; her lungs took in short breaths, enough to fuel the moans that rolled softly off her lips. the wicked grin stayed plastered when she leaned in, hands coming to his sides and gripping tightly. the whimpers of desperation would fall against his skin, along with the utterance of a huffed word; ❛ please? ❜
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
( daddy )  | @givemysinagain
            ●it was a field that rolled across the expanse into infinity with blooming wildflowers that adorned the lively green grass pasture. the sky was glistening the perfect shade of blue - the one so soft and powdery, beams of gentle sunlight kissing the tops of the thin, fluffy clouds. it was something out of a painting, or a calendar. liana smiled, laying on her back, enjoying the suns gracious gift of warmth on her rosy freckled cheeks. something shifted; a growl from the belly of the earth. the birds stopped singing, the clouds thickened into swollen dark lumps that were ripe with heavy, cold water. the pale blue of the sky faded to a dreary grey and the sun disappeared, leaving an overcast and grim aura across the land. liana was up at her feet, but where to go? field as far as the eye could see, and beyond the hills - more of it. it was like all the colour had drained from the world, and the happiness along with it - the silence was deafening. and then, the tell-tale rumble from the storm clouds above. their bellies opened to release a thick wall of rain, drenching the world below. dark as the sky was, it became darker still - until BOOM! CRACK! thunder & lightening.
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before liana could realize it was a nightmare, she let out a scream while scrambling to her knees. the realization that the storm brewing outside had tainted her dream hit hard - she was horrified of storms. so nightmare or not, the fear was real, and overwhelming. she was quick to lean sideways and pull on the light - hands to her thighs, breathing heavy and slowly.  with shaky hands and a trembling voice, liana glanced to the body in bed beside her, sighing heavy with guilt as she moved to slide out of the bed - there was no way she’d be able to go back to sleep now. ❛ i am so sorry i don’t mean to wake you, go back to sleep. ❜ she hated to feel like a burden.
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glittrdust-blog1 · 7 years
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