gldengod-a2 · 5 years
hey!!! i remade @gldngod  !! please follow me there if you wanna continue interacting with me
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
hey!!! i remade @gldngod  !! please follow me there if you wanna continue interacting with me
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
hey!!! i remade @gldngod  !! please follow me there if you wanna continue interacting with me
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
hey!!! i remade @gldngod  !! please follow me there if you wanna continue interacting with me
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
This blog is officially archived!
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
This blog has had a fair run. I've been rping as Dennis since 2016, and have had multiple blogs for him since. But, I'm gonna be officially archiving this blog. I'm not sure if I'm gonna remake tbh? Because the RPC is basically dead and similarly there are no sunny blogs to be found. Peace. If I do remake, I'll make a post here!
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
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mac looking at dee VS mac looking at dennis 
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
Here's a [1280×720HD] version of the It's Always Sunny season 14 trailer
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
♡  * `  &        ╯ MAC
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‘ I do, it’s a girls colour ’ but there is still appreciation for somebody like Dennis to wear it, especially when it’s paired against his silky skin. Dennis is every exception that he can think about and it turns those flips inside of his stomach into little butterflies - especially when he was happy. So often that smile was pealed from the features at the drop of a hat and so when it’s on there, permanent, the emotions are paralleled onto the older man’s features. He is grateful - Dennis should be able to see that in his face ‘ but you look great it in, Dennis, I promise. And you know I would tell you if you looked like shit ’ 
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    For a moment he is silent, his melancholy blue gaze gracing Mac with recognition.    ❝     It’s not a girls color, you fucking idiot. If you actually attended a god damn history class at Saint Joe’s, you’d have known that.    ❞     He’ll huff, straightening his spine.     ❝     Pink was always a masculine color. Until a bunch of jerk moms in the nineteen-twenties decided, ‘oh look, I’m gonna dress my stupid daughter in pink for no god damn reason at all.’ And now, we have a huge disparity in our society.    ❞     Dennis sighs dramatically, a slender hand pushing a stray curl from his forehead.    ❝     Known as sexism.    ❞
    Standing from his seat, he’ll gingerly place a hand atop Mac’s solid shoulder, nails digging into the exposed window of tan flesh.    ❝     A history lesson for ya’, Mac. You learn something new every day.    ❞
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
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season 14 hype……. 🤧 🤧 🤧
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
♡  * `  &        ╯ CRICKET
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“Hold up, hold up, hold up.” Cricket throws his hands up, gaze accusatory and lip curled. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what you’re planning, my trust issues are totally your fault.” He grimaced. “No fucking balls. I don’t want any balls involved. I’ll whore myself for anyone except you. What’s happening.” He’s too smart for his own good sometimes.
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     Azure hues grow wide and Dennis stares at Cricket in bewilderment.     ❝    I’m not trying to have SEX with you, you belligerent IDIOT. What - Where the HELL did I even imply that?!    ❞     He crosses his arms over his chest, giving a small huff. When he speaks, his voice is nothing short of a diminutive whisper, feet making circles in the ground, coyly.     ❝    ...I want. Crack.    ❞
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
♡  * `  &        ╯ MAC
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Is that what this was? Perfection. Mac will idolise at whatever shrine that Dennis puts out even if the other is unaware of just how simple that love was. Through the days of hip bones spilling over the edges of tightened pants and rib cages gripping at the material of his t-shirt, he had done his best to remain devout. He is beautiful regardless of the shape of his body or the curve of his dress, Mac’s brown eyes gleam with a delight at seeing that smile grace his lips - unaware as to why - but delighted for him nevertheless “ I liked the other one, the pink one” an ugly colour but one that brought out the porcelain complexion. It’s his favourite despite only seeing him in it twice.
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    ❝    Well, I don’t recall asking for your opinion, did I?    ❞    Mac could be the sweetest thing, but Dennis was ignorant. Stubborn. He saw only himself, and the world around him was merely tailor-fit to his requisites. Mac was simply just that: another footman meant to serve, encouraging Dennis’ existence to take form as a brighter, more fulfilling, one.    ❝     I don’t even remember where I put the other one, dude. Just be grateful I’m letting you be alone in a room with me.     ❞     Dennis sighs and plops himself dramatically atop a mattress, bony fingers fiddling awkwardly with the vinyl ankle strap of his shiny stilettos.    ❝    ...I thought you hated pink...    ❞    
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
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    ❝     Oh? Come on. I know it’s been a while.    ❞    He smiles that signature Cheshire cat grin of his.     ❝    I just wanted to see if it’d still fit.    ❞    A slender hand smooths over his waist; when he looks to his reflection, his expression is a Frankenstein cocktail of both grief and relief. He’s clinging, clawing, desperately at his youth - but its long since gone. He feels like a creepy old man in a dress with a fervent case of autogynephilia - not like Dennis Reynolds.    ❝    It’s been years since I’ve worn this old thing; but I guess perfection has no expiration date.    ❞    He’ll sigh, a deep sadness in his azure stare.     @lifeunravelled​    //   for Mac.
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
♡  * `  &        ╯ CRICKET
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There’s this constant ‘I want something’ tone whenever Dennis decides to bother him. It’s just another one of those days, isn’t it. Dead-eyed, filthy, Cricket lights himself a cigarette. (One he found on the sidewalk, for the record.) “What do you want.”
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    ❝     Shut up, I’m talking here man. Geez...     ❞     Dennis doesn’t wanna hear what Cricket has to say. Dennis never wants to hear what Cricket has to say. All he cares for - craves, even. Are the indubitable results .     ❝     Look shithead. I’m offering you a once-in-a-lifetime deal here. I’m thinking of bringing you back to the apartment cause I...    ❞    A pause. His cold cheeks flush pink; how embarrassing, is he- King of Kings- really going to stoop this low?     (    The answer: an absolute yes.    )     ❝     Just follow me. We can discuss the details back at my place.      ❞
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
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    ❝    Heyyyyyooo, Cricks! How ya’ doin’?     ❞     The way saccharine vocals drip from his tongue mark the evidence of his desire - he wants something from this poor, poor, decrepit man. And be it tooth or nail, Dennis Reynolds plans on having his way.         //    @dusterangel
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
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❝    A certain scripture mentions that humans are     SUPERIOR     to angels. Why? Because there are people who know of     EVIL    , but do not become     EVIL.     It’s different from angels, who know only of     GOOD     since birth. Humans have     EVIL    , but can live as GOOD    , so they are     SUPERIOR     to angels, who know only     GOOD.    ❞
 art cred.                                                                       Ind. Kirei Kotomine. Not affiliated with the Fate RPC.
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gldengod-a2 · 5 years
    I need to redo my icons and all that hot jazz. But, I just wanna thank everyone who’s continued to follow me on here despite the fact that I’ve been awfully inactive on this blog. It means a lot to me. I hope to post a starter call here soon!
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