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i know i've been inactive please take these as an apology—my giorno who MOST resembles dio, and then my giorno who LEAST resembles him
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AllGios: “All at once tell me if you want to go to a theme park?”
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sm giorno!
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knifegio I have more knives for you 🥺 [hands him a whole box] for you, good sir
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SMGIO: What’s your thoughts on how vampires are portrayed in media?
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sm gio: My father...was a vampire, after all. And back then, most still viewed them as a myth or just a scary story. Vampires are a much bigger presence now than they were before. Many view them - us - to be a much greater horror and danger than works of then-fiction made us out to be. The novels today are much less explorative or enthusiastic than, say, Dracula.
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sm gio: You can’t drown in the ocean if you never step out into it. Lucky for me, it’s grown more difficult to view myself in that light when it comes hand-in-hand with seeing Bucciarati and others in that way, as well.
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[->A young blond woman lies on the ground, seemingly outcold. In her right hand is a sword, still gripped tightly, on her face is. A bloody handprint? Despite the clear mark of a hand she seems unharmed at first glance.] (FS Erina; dio-theshitpost-brando @ sm gio)
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[He’s confused and a bit concerned when he spots a body, thinking by impulse that whoever it is must be dead only to note that he can still hear a pulse. She seems to be alright, at least.]
[The katana in her hand indicates to him that she must be a fighter of some kind, but she probably shouldn’t be left out here on the street unconscious. This area is safe for now but it won’t be for much longer. He thinks maybe he should try to rouse her or take her to safety.]
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[Giorno has half-decided to try to wake her when he notices - well, she looks familiar. But he keeps the thought to himself as he reaches for a phone to dial Bucciarati with a status update, then steps closer to the human, coming to a stop a meter or two away.]
“Excuse me. This isn’t the best place for a nap. Are you alright?”
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@Anygio what's your thoughts on werewolf style social deduction games, Do you prefer playing as werewolf or town? Sorry for asking so much.
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knifegio: Social deduction? Sure, I’m good at that sort of thing - but I’d rather be the werewolf. Sounds much more fun.
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first and most important question. which one of you can I hug. I feel like at least one of you needs a hug and I am Here To Deliver.
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softgio: Oh, a hug?
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softgio: Sure thing!
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@ any gio, how are you lately?
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gio2: Doing great! Gently placed frog on Mista’s head today. Watched the chaos unfold. Effervescent.
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have you ever wanted to interact with several different giornos on one blog? well now you can!
ask box is now open for questions and interactions!
please reblog!! / about this blog
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hey guys good to see ya!
this is a multimuse askblog so i can put all my aus in one place and also interact with people about them
behind the cut is a rundown of each of my aus featured on the blog with a synopsis, as well as featured characters with refs + the tags I'll use (not every character has a ref, those will happen....eventually)
before we get started, points of note: all my big aus are giorno-centric and thus most are centered around the events of part 5. some adhere to canon more than others, some play around more than others, etc etc
with that said, let’s get going!
stelle castate [abbreviation: SC]
stelle castate (“cast stars”) is my most developed au, set in a medieval fantasy style world. characters use magic instead of stands and ride horseback instead of driving cars, but this is one of my aus that adheres most closely to part 5 canon.
synopsis: giorno is a gladiator who joins bucciarati’s team to enact vengeance against diavolo, who keeps the colosseums and duels up and running while also enabling (and encouraging) the drug trade and corruption of the government. after defeating diavolo, they are joined by two crusaders from a team built a decade ago who have one more mission for them: bring dio’s reign of terror to its end at last.
main characters: giorno, fugo.
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post tag: #stelle castate
viti contorto [abbreviation: VC]
viti contorto (“twisted vines“) has the same setting as canon part 5 and in terms of worldbuilding has no real differences. this is my other au that follows canon pretty closely.
synopsis: at the tender age of six, giorno’s stand develops as a defense mechanism. a gentle boy scared of the world’s harshness gains the ability to manipulate life, and fears himself for it.
main characters: giorno, abbacchio.
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post tag: #viti contorto
paradosso dell’anima [abbreviation: PDA]
paradosso dell’anima (”soul paradox”) begins after the events of part 5 as they are written in canon. there are two universes tied together in this au.
synopsis: giorno has agreed to allow the speedwagon foundation to study gold experience requiem. on one fateful morning, kujo jotaro gets into an argument with giorno which triggers a reaction from the requiem stand. giorno loses control and is flung over a century back into the past to a world where dio was defeated.
main characters: giorno, erina, and...other giorno.
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post tag: #paradosso dell’anima
sangue maledetto [abbreviation: SM]
sangue maledetto (”cursed blood”) begins in part 1 and carries on through to 5. the state of the world starts out pretty alright, but see. things can change. this one is pretty new so i don’t have many designs yet.
synopsis: born to erina and dio, giorno grows up in a household of cobwebs alongside his brother george. he casts his birth name aside and flees the country when he’s turned into a vampire against his will. many years later, he saves bucciarati’s life and receives a name in return. burdened with his past and mistrusting the future, giorno agrees to travel with bucciarati and the rest of his team.
main characters: giorno, bucciarati.
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post tag: #sangue maledetto
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