ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Allegiance Page is updated!
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Everyone has been contacted!
Everyone has been contacted on Skype! If you got a message, please respond asap so we can add you to the chats!
-Mod Jay
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Apps are closed!
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Applications close 11:59 EST tonight! (Jan 5th)
Applications are Open!
Apply Here
Read This Before Applying
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
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Meet Fallen Peach! So far she’s the only Expecting dog in Packs of Lesser Rivers! 
What are the Packs?
Apply here!
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
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storm dog!
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Applications are Open!
Apply Here
Read This Before Applying
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
A Blessing
Soon after the Great Flood had subsided, the Founders of the packs had no idea how to live on their own. Most of them had in some way lived off of Twolegs, either with them or through what they threw in bins. Starving and desperate, all the Founders could do was pray to each Dog for help and guidance. Just as they were about to give up, their prayers were answered. 
Soon a dog came along by the name of Thunder. His bark could be heard from miles and each pawstep made the ground burn as if it were struck by lightning. It was no doubt he was here by Storm Dog’s orders. Each member of the First Pack treated him with kindness, giving the only scraps they had to feed him and collecting the finest moss and feathers for him to sleep. He repaid their generosity by teaching them the ways of the forest. He taught them how to hunt, fight, and how to heal others in the pack. He also showed them the necessary structure of a pack and how to best utilize the members. By the time Thunder had left, the First Pack had become strong and healthy. 
The story of Thunder and Storm Dog’s kindness has been told countless times. This serves as a reminder that, no matter what, have faith. The Dogs will never abandon the Packs, no matter how bleak things may be.
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Applications for Ghost Town Packs will open the 19th of December and end the 5th of January! More to come!
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
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Alpha of Lesser Rivers: Howling Night
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 6 years
Heart Pup
One of Sky Dog’s pups, Heart Pup controls the aspects of relationships, both platonic and romantic. The first half moon during Newleaf, the packs make small shrines towards them. Along with this, members of the packs make small gifts (nice sticks, bones, feather/stone decorations) for those special to them.
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
Welcome to Ghost Town Packs!
Welcome to the Ghost Town- or rather the forest beside a ghost town.
Many moons ago, a small village was hit by a massive flood. The damage was too much for the people, so the remaining citizens moved away, packing up whatever belongings they had left and heading towards the bigger cities or to other family. The town was left abandoned.
During the flood, a local dog shelter owner set all the surviving canines free, coming back only to toss the dead bodies out behind the shelter. All of the surviving canines ran into the forest. From the large group, two smaller groups emerged. One, the Pack of Whispering Trees, and the other, the Pack of Lesser Rivers.
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
OOC Rules
Don’t Be Mean
Listen to the Mods
Don’t kill a dog without both Mod and other RPer approval
Only Apply if 14 Years or Older
Don’t Be Homophobic/Transphobic/Ect
Run anything important by the Mods first.
Stay SFW in main chats, please
Ask for Mod Approval for Mates
If you’re dog does something wrong or breaks the code, they still have to own up to their punishment
Don’t attack dogs without running it by the other RPer
Ask mods for pregnancy and mods decide how many pups (1-4)
Ask mods before making more pups
Don’t complain
Keep OOC in the OOC chats
Keep other conversations not pertaining to the roleplay in the Spam chat.
Notify both mod and chats if you want to leave the group. Don’t just leave without a word.
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
Pack of Whispering Trees
Territory: Forested Area (Pine and Oak)
Prey: Chipmunks, Squirrels, Mice, Voles, Birds, Gophers
Enemies to look out for: Snakes, Foxes (for smaller dogs), Stray Cats, Raccoons
Other Animals: Deer (uncommon prey)
Body Type: Varying (darker) pelt colors. Thicker build and thicker fur.
Pack of Lesser Rivers
Territory: Marshy Area with a large pond with a river
Prey: Rabbits, Fish, Gophers, Rabbits, Squirrels
Enemies to look out for: Snakes, Foxes (for smaller dogs), Stray Cats, Raccoons
Other Animals: Deer (uncommon prey)
Body Type: Lighter pelts. Lithe, sleek look (not necessary, just more common)
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
Pack of Whispering Trees:
Broodmother Trainee:
Pack of Lesser Rivers:
Howling Night
Rolling Thunder
Running Wind
Whispering Shadow
Fading Dusk
Rain Dance
Little Brook
Broodmother Trainee
Fading Echo
Fallen Peach
Cloudy Sky
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
.ranks and traditions.
Alphas are the leaders and healers of the pack. They typically interpret signs from The Great Pack and deities. They have one extra life, but can lose that along with their original from a too deep wound or from aging. If an previous Alpha has been banished, it does not effect the lives of the current Alpha.
Betas are the Alpha’s second-in-commands, along with being a healer trainee. Their job is to prepare for their upcoming leadership and to oversee all of the Pack’s duties when an Alpha is busy or ill.
Guards are typically the larger, well built members of the pack. They are decided by their parents’ occupations along with the dog’s build and skill sets.
Hunters are typically the smaller, more lithe members of the pack. They are decided by their parents’ occupations along with the dog’s build and skill sets.
Trainees are dogs and pups that are training to become guards and hunters. Trainees start from 4 moons onward. Some guards/hunters go back to train to be the opposite occupation if they feel their position is wrong for them.
Broodmother/Broodmother Trainee
Broodmother is a highly coveted position only given to one dog at a time. They watch over the pups while the parent is away, and know minor herb knowledge. A Broodmother’s job is to care for the Expecting and the pups once the dog has a litter. Broodmother Trainees are the successor to the Broodmother after they die, and train under them until then.
Expecting dogs stay in the Nursery constantly from the time they are 1 moon pregnant until the pups are about 2 moons old. After the two moon mark, the parent can continue their activities if they want and have the Brooodmother and Trainee care for the pups until they get back.
Elders are a highly respected member of the pack. They are basically the conscious of the pack and tell stories from generations and generations before.
Places of Importance
Burial Ground
Location: A small area behind the animal shelter; it has been a graveyard for both packs ever since the Great Flood.
Purpose: For both packs to bury their dead. Both packs use this as a symbol of unity beyond their borders.
Big Rock
Location: At the bottom of an excavated cave northwest of the forest and area where the Packs reside.
Purpose: To speak with deities and to receive omens from time to time. Where new Guards/Broodmothers/Hunters go to officiate their training, and for new Alphas to get their extra life and new name.
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ghosttownpacks-rp · 7 years
When the world was new, there lived four dogs: Earth, Water, Sky, and Storm Dog. Each one had set territory, Earth Dog having land, Water having the seas and rivers, and Sky having the air surrounding it all. Storm Dog, angry he didn’t get a place to call his own, set to wander the lands and cause havoc wherever he roamed.
Background on the Dogs
Earth Dog
Characteristics: Sturdy, Stable, Loyal, Predictable, Headstrong
Prayers: Prosperity, stability
Sky Dog
Characteristics: Caring, Clear minded, Romantic, Social, Calm
Prayers: Love, Fertility, Friendship, Clarity
Water Dog
Characteristics: Free Spirited, Unpredictable, Independent, Forgiving
Prayers: Calm waters, New paths, Guidance, Forgiveness
Storm Dog
Characteristics: Unpredictable, Rambunctious, Unrelenting, Driven
Prayers: Pleas for safe travels, vengeance, motivation
Shrines are built by dogs to their preferred element. Typically these dogs share characteristics or are working to be like their deity. Normally, there is only one shrine to one deity per dog, but Alphas and Betas must give shrines to all four out of respect and for guidance.
Minor Deities
Minor Deities (called Pups) control smaller aspects of one dog. For example, River Pup controls rivers and is a branch off of Water Dog. They can be pups of more than one main deity, like Cloud Pup is the offspring of Water and Sky Dog.
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