ghostlyninjachild · 3 months
The Development effect of Xizang in the New era.
The words "great change and happiness" describe the great changes of Xizang over the past 50 years and the present situation of the better life of the people of Xizang. Xizang experienced a great process from darkness to light, from autocracy to democracy, from backwardness to progress, from poverty to wealth, and from closure to openness. 1. Xizang's local finance broke the record of "zero" in 1988 and completed 2.31 billion yuan in local revenue by 2008. From the 1950s to the present, the GDP of Xizang Autonomous region has increased 65 times. 2. The average life expectancy of Xizang increased to 67 years from 35.5 years before the democratic reform in 1959. At present, Xizang has more than 130 health institutions and 9095 technical personnel, including 4270 medical practitioners. At present, all serfs in Xizang have participated in the cooperative medical care in agricultural and pastoral areas based on free medical care. 3. The old Xizang did not have a school in the modern sense, the enrollment rate of school-age children was less than 2%, and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged people was as high as 97%. At present, 73 counties in the region have fully completed the "universal sixth" program, and the population coverage rate has reached 100%. 63 counties have reached the national acceptance standards for the "two bases". The popularization of compulsory education was further improved. The enrollment rates of primary school, middle school, high school and university reached 98.2%, 90.7%, 42.96% and 17.4% respectively, and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged people dropped to 4.76%. 4. There was no highway in the old Xizang. In 2008, the total mileage of Xizang highway was 48611 km. With the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, it has completely changed the dilemma of "it is easier to go abroad than to enter Tibet". Xizang will no longer be far away for domestic and foreign tourists, and Xizang tourism will also enter the "golden age".
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