ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
Do me a solid and follow my new blog if you’re still interested in interacting with me! If you’re NOT interested in interacting anymore, this is your out !!!
I’m keeping all the threads that were in my drafts UNLESS you choose not to follow! So like, if you follow my new blog, I’ll keep whatever threads I have in my drafts that I owe you and continue them there! If you don’t follow/follow back, I’ll just drop the threads!
To those of you with whom I have signed a soul-binding contract to be mutuals forever, I’m sorry but I’m not giving you a choice in the matter. Follow my cool new blog.
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
(   *   &.   –   MORE POPULAR TEXT POSTS.
‘  i’m a snack but everyone seems to be on a diet.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they’re in for a surprise (the knife)  ’ ‘  let me just flirt with you and be a brat and send you cute half nudes.  ’ ‘  blue-flavored candy is always the best flavor of candy like what the fuck. blue raspberries aren’t even a thing. we are literally eating the color blue as a flavor and it’s fucking magical.  ’ ‘  touch id is pissing me off. ‘try again’ the fuck? it’s me with a lil chicken grease.  ’ ‘  call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can’t sleep without me.  ’ ‘  healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake.  ’ ‘  me to my alarm in the morning: i was literally sleeping but go off i guess.  ’ ‘  do i blame my zodiac sign or my childhood traumas or both  ’ ‘  *eating microwaved ramen noodles and watching kitchen nightmares* i cannot believe this asshole didn’t use fresh chicken in his paella, unbelievable.  ’ ‘  my specialty: the accidental 12 hour nap in broad daylight  ’ ‘  quiet little moans while making out is the hottest thing ever  ’ ‘  date somebody who will go on a road trip with you to see america’s 10 most haunted places  ’ ‘  any vampires who need permission to enter my house…. you have my permission… you wanna come through my window in a flurry of fog and wind?  you can do that… wanna drink my blood and take me away to your big vampire castle? alright friend, go for it  ’ ‘  i’m the guy from the lady and the tramp who gives stray dogs pasta and stands in an alleyway playing an accordion for them  ’ ‘  *nervously calls crush bro*  ’ ‘  i don’t have trust issues. i have ‘seen that shit happen before my own eyes’ issues.  ’ ‘  fuck summer. i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october.  ’ ‘  concept: we are holding each other in bed, we look at each other and know that all that waiting all that distance was worth it to be close now  ’ ‘  i’m so lucky to have gotten to watch you grow so much this past year. i’m so proud of you.  ’ ‘  i’m so protective of me now, i’ll cut somebody off for simply having the wrong energy  ’ ‘  why are you trying to make me horny. bitch, you know i’m making macaroni.  ’ ‘  date a boy who curls up on your lap, even though he is 6’2" because he loves cuddles  ’ ‘  going out on a date is cool and all; but what about simply sharing a bed with someone, listening to music and discovering everything about one another, together.  ’ ‘  we are drunk and i ended up sitting on the bathroom counter with my legs wrapped around you, but when i wrote ‘marry me’ on your hand with a sharpie, i wasn’t joking.  ’ ‘  you’re equivalent to my favorite color. you’re the human version of what is safe.  ’ ‘  one of the most toxic things i’ve ever done is ignore the bad in someone because i love them.  ’ ‘  you think you want me to shut up? i have to listen to myself even when i’m not talking  ’ ‘  why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had your back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary.  ’ ‘  i like wearing your clothes. they smell like you and your scent is home to me.  ’ ‘  *therapist voice* you are stupid and gay.  ’ ‘  i like to blame myself for everything just in case.  ’ ‘  the realist thing you can do for me is keep your word.  ’ ‘  love yourself enough to set boundaries. your time and energy are precious.  ’ ��  i haven’t done anything but i sure could use a break.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just need to hear how much you mean to someone.  ’ ‘  who needs april fools. my entire life is a joke.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be near you, my heart misses you.  ’ ‘  i’m not trying my hardest but i’m very tired which i think should be taken into consideration.  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  so what’s next? you heal. you grow. and you help others.  ’ ‘  my kink is not setting an alarm for the next morning.  ’ ‘  if you think i’m cute send me money.  ’ ‘  one day i will take a good selfie and you will be sorry….. you will all be sorry.  ’ ‘  not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore.  ’ ‘  there is no reason not to love with you whole heart.  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and send that text.  ’ ‘  ‘i can see your nipples through that shirt’ first of all stop being ungrateful.  ’ ‘  so much is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s too much!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just want to sleep in the forest for 190 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m tired leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ’ ‘  i heard you like bad girls. well i’m bad….. at everything.  ’ ‘  yes, i am fully aware that I’m The Worst™ but i still wanna be like……. loved and stuff.  ’ ‘  i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  let me show you just how good i can be.  ’ ‘  i’m just tryna chill on a beach somewhere at 3 am.  ’ ‘  i have a serious weakness for thigh grabbing and hickeys.  ’ ‘  i’m a snail and god is salting me.  ’ ‘  i hate texting people who don’t use a billion emojis and a trillion exclamation points in their messages. just say you hate me and want me to die.  ’ ‘  being called baby?????? holding hands????!? being KISSED?!!!?!???????  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  my heart busts a nut every time someone tells me they saw something and they thought of me.  ’ ‘  i have hella heart eyes for you.  ’ ‘  you’re cute. i wanna kiss you for a whole hour.  ’ ‘  it’s pretty iconic to like yourself.  ’ ‘  i am so jealous of animals that get to hibernate, like what the fuck, why can’t i just sleep for four months and then return to real life.  ’ ‘  stop feeling sad and acting weird you bitch (the bitch is me)  ’ ‘  i’m still obsessed with you like it’s day one.  ’ ‘  to quote hamlet act iii scene iii line 92, ‘no’.  ’ ‘  i would have a cuter room if i wasn’t a goblin who threw all her shit on the floor.  ’ ‘  on two hours of sleep i’m either way too happy or violently homicidal.  ’ ‘  let’s go on a date and by date i mean lay in bed and make out for three hours.  ’ ‘  alphabet soup. more like times new ramen am i right.  ’ ‘  tbh it’s okay if no one else thinks i’m funny because i think i’m a riot.  ’ ‘  catching feelings is bullshit. i’m just eating french fries, why i gotta think about kissing you? fuck you.  ’ ‘  smiling is so weird like you stretch your eating hole to show happiness.  ’ ‘  self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta.  ’ ‘  you didn’t go through all of that for nothing.  ’ ‘  get you a girl who loses her shit every time you send a selfie.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be there to take care of you right now.  ’ ‘  home is where the heart is and my heart has always belonged to you.  ’ ‘  i just wanna have soft glowy skin, long eyelashes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, lots of cash, and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  ok but platonic forehead kisses.  ’ ‘  my heart is guarded but like… very poorly. the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an r-rated movie.  ’ ‘  what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me (unfortunately).  ’ ‘  do you ever look at a boy and wonder if he moans as pretty as he looks.  ’ ‘  life tip: if nothing goes right go to sleep.  ’ ‘  by cute do you mean you wanna frick frack or do you mean i look 12?  ’ ‘  cats are very pickupable and i think that was a really good choice on their part.  ’ ‘  don’t depend on anyone. handle your own shit.  ’ ‘  there isn’t one alternate reality where i didn’t fall in love with you.  ’ ‘  being my ex must be the worst thing. imagine losing me?  ’ ‘  if i say ‘backstreet’s back’ and you do not say ‘ALRIGHT!’ we’re not friends. burn in hell, you sick fuck.  ’ ‘  i love every cat in the entire world. every cat on the planet. if there are any cats in outer space, i love them too.  ’ ‘  my mom is really that bitch and i’m that bitch jr.  ’ ‘  you know you’re fucked when their voice turns you on.  ’ ‘  don’t look at my fucking boner when we fight.  ’ ‘  not all heroes wear capes. a lot of them wear collars and are called dogs.  ’ ‘  it’s you. it will always be you.  ’ ‘  why do tattoos cost so much? i’m paying you to injure me.  ’ ‘  thank you for being the biggest light in my life and saving me from the darkness.  ’
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
💘💝💖💗 starter call 💓💞💕❣️
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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sketch commission for @pretty-chuckalicious of Danny and Jazz!
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
                  love, simon  → sentence starters
slightly edited in some cases to work for rp purposes. features quotes from Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda as well. feel free to change phrasing or pronouns to fit your muse(s)!
❝ I’m just like you. ❞
❝ I have one huge-ass secret. ❞
❝ Nobody knows I’m gay. ❞
❝ Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck on a ferris wheel. One minute I’m on top of the world, then the next I’m at rock-bottom. ❞
❝ I’ve been thinking about why I haven’t come out yet. ❞
❝ Who you are to the world is pretty terrifying because what if the world doesn’t like you?❞
❝ It doesn’t seem fair that only gay people have to come out. Why is straight the default?❞
❝ Sometimes I feel like I’m always on the outside, there’s this invisible line that I have to cross to really be a part of everything and I just can’t ever cross it. ❞
❝ Sometimes I think I’m destined to care so much about one person it nearly kills me. ❞
❝ He’s wearing a woman’s sweater and he’s drunk. ❞
❝ When did you first realize? ❞
❝ I haven’t told anyone. Announcing who you are to the world is pretty terrifying. ❞ 
❝ I have something to tell you. I’m straight. ❞
❝ I like girls. ❞
❝ I’m heterosexual. ❞
❝ I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore. ❞
❝ I’m supposed to be the one that decides when and how and who knows, and how I get to say it, that’s supposed to be my thing! ❞
❝ I’m done living in a world where I don’t get to be who I am. I deserve a great love story and I want someone to share it with. ❞
❝ Have you ever been in love? ❞
❝ These last years, it’s almost like I can feel you holding your breath. ❞
❝ Disclaimer, this is about to get romantic as F. ❞
❝ She’s cute, but she’s just not really my type. Not because she’s black. I love black women. Not like, you know, I have a thing for black women, I just, I just, I just love all women. ❞
❝ I might not know your name or what you look like, but I want to find you.❞
❝ I’m done living in a world where I don’t get to be who I am. ❞
❝ White shouldn’t be the default any more than straight should be the default. There shouldn’t even be a default. ❞
❝ Sometimes it seems like everyone knows who I am except me ❞
❝ Straight people really should have to come out, and the more awkward it is, the better. Awkwardness should be a requirement. ❞
❝ I mean, I feel secure in my masculinity, too. Being secure in you masculinity isn’t the same as being straight. ❞
❝ I’m just so sick of straight people who can’t get their shit together. ❞
❝ I’m too busy trying not to be in love with someone who isn’t real. ❞
❝ Really, though, there are only two kinds of weather: hoodie weather and weather where you wear a hoodie anyway. ❞
❝ Did you just tell us you’re gay? ❞
❝ Nothing is worse than the secret humiliation of being insulted by proxy. ❞
❝ I fall a little bit in love with everyone. ❞
❝ People are shameless when it comes to cake. It’s a beautiful thing to see. ❞
❝ There’s something about you that makes me want to open up, and that’s slightly terrifying to me. ❞
❝ I knew you had a secret. ❞
❝ I wanted to ask you about it, but I didn’t wan to pry. Maybe I made a mistake. ❞
❝ You get to be more you than you have been in, in a very long time. You deserve everything you want. ❞
❝ I like no endings. I like things that don’t end. ❞
❝ You may actually be the only person who gets more than 140 characters from me. That’s kind of awesome, right? ❞
❝ I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re not 100% committed to your Oreo diet. ❞
❝ I can’t imagine a scenario where I don’t want to kiss your face off as soon as I see you.❞
❝ I feel irrelevant. ❞
❝ They put me in a box, and every time I try to nudge the lid open, they slam it back down. It’s like nothing about me is allowed to change. ❞
❝ It’s really amazing, isn’t it? Someone can trigger your sexual identity crisis and not have a clue they’re doing it. ❞
❝ There’s no such thing as a good idea when you’re in seventh grade. ❞
❝ I feel like I’m supposed to make some comment to underscore the ridiculousness of it all, but honestly? It’s sort of nice not to have to be cynical for a change. ❞
❝ I try not to change, but i keep changing, in all these tiny ways. And every freaking time, i have to reintroduce myself to the universe all over again. ❞ 
❝ You make everything a big deal. ❞
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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Jazz got really excited about joining the “specter squad” and decided that it wasn’t fair for Danny to be the only one with a secret identity.
DannyMay 24 - mask
(edited for language)
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
〚 geneticmisfit『 bug boy ! 』〛
     Okay, maybe this town was a bit too much for him to handle. His bread and butter were two-bit thugs who got their hands on some fancy technology, or guys who really loved National Geographic and styled themselves after the jungle. Flat out ghosts who could phase through you like Voldemort in that first Harry Potter film? Yeah, maybe he should just stick to the animal kingdom. 
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     “ Oh, it’s a Union thing.” A long, drawn out groan leaves him as he slowly opens his eyes to unfamiliar surroundings, his hearing and the bad quip making side of his brain waking up before anything else. “ Every five near-death experiences, we get a free coffee.” He slowly sits up, one hand propped up behind him for support and another going to his head to rub his forehead. His very naked, not at all masked forehead. 
     “ Uh–” His hand pats around his head to make sure that– Yep, no mask! Gaze finally moves to the source of the voice, eyes widening as recognition hits. “ Uhh— Jazz! Hi! You would NOT believe what happened! Spider-Man, right, he came up to me and he just– knocked me out! And put me in his outfit! That’s just– That’s so crazy.” Yeah, that lie was a bridge too far even for him. But, hey, at least he made an attempt!
     “ You know, you removing my mask when I’m all unconscious and vulnerable is a total violation of my superhero privacy.”
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          Jazz was not impressed with Peter’s attempt at dry humor. She was thankful for the sign that he was at least thinking like his usual self -- most likely no concussion -- but now wasn’t the time for jokes. It was time for Peter to take her concern seriously.
          “Don’t even get me started on the negative effects coffee has on your developing brains -- If you guys are so worried about keeping your energy up, you should try full night’s sleep!” It was obvious that Jazz’s scolding was meant for others as well as Peter, even though he was the only soul around to hear. It was as if half of her was there in the lab, and the other half was was recording lines for a new teen-superhero self-help podcast.
          Peter gained her full attention when he finally said her name. She matched his wide gaze with her own narrow one. “You’re right, I don’t believe that, because I saw what happened -- but thanks to me, no one else did. So -- secret identity saved. You’re welcome. Oh, and privacy is a privilege that they revoke when you’re dead, which you’re not. Again, you’re welcome.”
          Jazz slid the first aid kit away and crossed her arms over her chest in a huff. Once she felt like she’d gotten the point across that her actions were justified and she was right, her whole demeanor softened. Her knotted brows relaxed and her immaculate posture deflated the slightest bit.
          “Stop moving around so much, you’re going to ruin all the work I just did.” She reached out to adjust a bandage on his forehead and let out a tired sigh. “And for the record, I figured it out a while ago. You’ve got all the tell-tale signs of a boy with a big secret. Lucky for you, I’m pretty good at keeping those.”
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
vlad: *is thrown into the cold and unforgiving vacuum of space* jazz: I just wanted to say to you before you go that being a billionaire is morally indefensible
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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drag him !!!
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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you ever wonder what it would’ve been like if they were all friends?
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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          Jazz watching these powerful girls join forces. “Can you believe Danny had the audacity to demote me to reserve member of Team Phantom? It’s like he doesn’t even appreciate the value of a well-organized spreadsheet!”
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
what’s your goth vibe ?
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Punk Rock
Loud music and strong opinions, combat boots and ripped jeans, badges and patches, brightly colored hair, thrift shopping, standing up for your friends. You would totally argue with a conservative family member over the dinner table, if you haven’t already.
tagged by: @hivebreed​ <3
tagging: @untouchbles​ & anyone else who feels like it !
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
Fun Jazz Facts
this girl is really smart and mature for her age, but she still dresses her teddy bear up in a tiny lab coat because he’s an esteemed intellectual.
she’s great at public speaking and diplomacy. if danny had hired her as his pr manager from the get go, things would have worked out a lot better for him.
she cracks corny jokes that never land, and she gets the biggest laughs when she says or does something that she didn’t even realize was funny.
she has the patience of a saint, enough to put up with dash during their tutoring sessions, and even more impressively, enough so that he actually comes out of those sessions having learned something.
she’s one of the most caring, nurturing, protective people out there, but a lot of the time she can come off as condescending and patronizing so most people don’t stick around to really get to know her. which is fine because she devotes all her time to her academics and looking out for her superhero brother anyway. 
her parents are the most embarrassing people on the planet, but she’ll never forget the pride in her father’s eyes when she used Fenton Tech for the first time, and she’s written about ten drafts of her college essay explaining why her mother is her hero.
she always thinks she knows what’s best for her brother, but on the day when danny told her she shouldn’t be trying to grow up so fast, he taught her more in that one instance than she’d taught him in fourteen years.
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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“Good morning!”
“Okay, fine, but we have to be fast.”
“It’s not me, it’s you.”
“Hey ___, will you kill me?”
“Please, I’m begging you, do not bring our drama here, okay?”
“That’s a weird smile.”
“Today, tomorrow, yesterday, it’s all the same.”
“Come on, throw me a bone.”
“Here you are, standing on the precipice of something so much bigger than anyone here.”
“Whatever, I don’t need a lecture.”
“So what’s your deal, you don’t dance?”
“But you don’t actually believe any of the shit you said?”
“You don’t want to maybe go someplace where we could be alone, do you?”
“I can’t say I ever liked her.”
“Don’t you kiss me.”
“What the fuck is happening?!”
“Uh, unfortunately, that’s never going to happen.”
“You don’t wanna go there.”
“So…I decided a while ago to sort of give up and stop trying to make sense of things altogether.”
“I think your best bet is just to learn how to suffer existence.” 
“And then I passed out in a couple of minutes and woke up back here.”
“This is the greatest night of my life.”
“So I vowed never to bring anyone into this life ever again.”
“Material matters don’t really concern me.”
“I try to live my life at this point with as little effort as possible.”
“What’s going on with your sex life?”
“We’ve never had sex?”
“This place is a nightmare.”
“Put the weapon down!”
“I’m not that old, though, am I?”
“If you want to know someone deeper, it does matter. It does. You have to know the whole package.”
“Ignoring all that would make me destined to repeat it.”
“Oh my god, do you see them, too?”
“What’s there to talk about?”
“He’s trying to kill me!”
“Being a source of terror is not fun, okay? It’s not fulfilling. I know this from experience.” 
“I actually did you a favor, so fuck you.”
“I love ___.” 
“You cannot be here.”
“I guess I had my head up my own ass.”
“Did you learn nothing from all this?!”
“I think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore.”
“I am done being shitty.”
“Okay, sounds like you don’t need my help.”
“You…you look great.”
“You can’t lock me out of my own room!”
“I don’t want you setting yourself up for disappointment again.”
“I love you.”
“How can you even know that?”
“I don’t care about that stuff, that’s like my whole thing!”
“People don’t break up with me!”
“Take a look around. Whatever you’re after, it ain’t here.”
“I don’t want another one of your speeches.”
“You get one more sentence.”
“I’ve realized that I’m completely codependent, but I’m cool with it.”
“You’re my favorite person that I’ve ever met.”
“That was a grammatical nightmare.”
“What if we get sick of each other?”
“I can survive just fine without you, you know.”
“There’s a chance that this life could be a little less mundane with you in it.”
“That’s a super low bar. That’s a great place to start.”
“That is a pretty crazy theory, you really think it could work?”
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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Jazz Fenton prior to and during “Secret Weapons” (or as I like to call it, “the one where Jazz played Danny and Vlad and got away with it”)
But seriously, I think that everything Jazz did in this episode was intentional. She got Danny mad enough at her that she could sneak off to investigate Vlad without him noticing (Vlad was even going to buy her story when she found the lab until Danny and Skulker showed up). She probably has a flash drive hidden somewhere of some of Vlad’s business papers showing how corrupt he is and a video of him transforming for blackmail.
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ghostgetter-moved · 4 years
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Danny Phantom reboot ideas. I was never kidding, five season bible planned. 75 episodes and loving it.
I just wanted to show the off the basic idea of their character designs. Maybe I’ll show off Valerie, Dani, Vald, and the cool kids someday.
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