gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Write your Witchcraft
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The thing is, we change. We are not the same person we were five years ago. Hel, a lot of us are not even the same people we were last week. We change, and our beliefs, favourites, thoughts and the way we see ourselves changes with it. 
The same is true for our witchraft, religion and spiritual beliefs. This is why I have a list of question that I like to answer for myself every couple of years. I first started this when I came across a list of questions by Juniper from Walking the Hedge (site no longer in use) in 2008, yes, over ten years ago. Every few years I filled in the questions and looked back at the answers I gave before. Some never changed, some changed quite a lot. 
When our coven started a new lesson plan, I gave out the list of questions as well. We sealed our answers in envelopes and plan to fill them in again, once we finish our lessons. Then open the envelopes and look at the answers side by side. To see how we have changed. 
I looked at the list last week and found it actually lacking a bit. The questions were very deity- and spiritual based, so I was missing some more questions about my personality and witchcraft. So I decided to make my own list of questions! 
Since I wanted to make this more a weekly journaling/grimoire prompt for myself I put together 52 questions. These can be answered weekly (maybe every year) or you can work through the list in one go and repeat that every few years or so. 
Some notes on the wording: I consider myself both a witch and a pagan, but to keep it easier to read I only used wording like “witch” and “witchcraft”, they can however be substituted for “pagan”, “paganism” or even “my path”, should that fit you better. When I talk about “sacred space” this can both mean a ritual space like a temple or casting of a circle, but also just your home or outdoors witchy environment.
I’d love it if you would tag anything you feel comfortable with posting online with the tag #writeyourwitchcraft!
What draws me to witchcraft?
How do I see the divine?
What in witchcraft makes me happy?
Do I want to follow a path that has to do with a little nature, or a lot of nature?
What areas of witchcraft would I like to learn more about?
Where do my witchy talents lie?
What kind of deities, if any, do I want to honor?
How do I believe magic works?
Simple or elaborate spells/rituals? Why?
What are my views on cursing/hexing?
Do I want to practice something similar to my ancestors?
What are the basic morals and ethics I feel I should live by?
What in nature am I drawn to; the ocean, animals, the trees, etc?
Which (witchy) holidays, if any, would I like to celebrate and how?
How do I believe divination works?
Would I like to work with a group some of the time, all of the time or not at all?
Which aspects of witchcraft appeal to me most, which the least?
What do I believe happens to us when we die?
How do I see mythological creatures?
When do I feel most magical?
How much is witchcraft woven into my daily life; is this too much, too little or just enough?
What kind of witch do I feel I am?
Which texts/quotes best describe my current path?
Do I like research and gathering info, or do I like things handed to me?
Which things about witchcraft worry or scare me?
What is my favourite element?
How do I see gender (roles) in witchcraft?
Am I interested more in magic, or spirituality?
Do I like to be told how to do things, or would I rather figure it out on my own?
What rules, if any, do I live by when it comes to witchcraft and magic?
What do I gain from witchcraft and magic?
Formal or informal rituals/spells? Why?
What subject do I love to study?
What is my favourite type of magic; candle, sympathetic, sigils, etc?
What would my perfect witchy day be like?
Would I want to be dedicated/initiated?
Who do I honor (ex: deities, ancestors, myself, etc), and how do I, or would I like to, honor them?
How do I create a sacred/witchy space?
What do I believe is needed for a succesful spell/ritual?
Which cultures do I draw from in my witchcraft?
What is my learning style; books, websites, videos, more hands-on?
What, if anything, in my mundane life influences my witchcraft?
What are my hobbys, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
Where do my non-witchy talents lie, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
What would my dream witchy life look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
What would my dream sacred space/witchy home look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
What symbols correspond with me; runes, animals, flowers, gemstones, etc?
Am I an open and proud witch, or do I (need to) hide my craft?
What are my favourite witchy items/tools; divination tool, ritual tool, décor, clothing, etc?
What is holding me back in my craft?
What is my pre-spell/ritual routine?
What are my ultimate witchy goals and how can I work towards them?
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
🌞Sun Recipes🌞
☀Sun Incense
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Bay
1 pinch Saffron
A few drops Orange oil
Burn to draw the influences of the Sun and for spells involving promotions, friendship, healing, energy and magical power.
☀Sun Oil
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Cinnamon
1 drop Petitgrain
1 drop Rosemary
For healing, Vitality, strength, promotions and all solar influences.
☀Sun God Ointment
4 drops Frankincense
3 drops Orange
1 drop Cinnamon
Mixed with beeswax or oil. Anoint the body to attune with the Solar God, especially on the Sabbats.
☀Solar Cleansing Brew
2 parts Fern
2 parts Juniper
2 parts Rosemary
1 part Cumin
1 part Yarrow
1 part Pepper
1 part Rue
Place the ground, mixed and empowered herbs in a red bottle half filled with water. Set this in the Sun, let steep, strain. For a gentle cleansing, sprinkle the brew around the house at sunrise for 3 or 4 days every month.
☀Sun Water
Set a glass or Crystal container of pure water outside just at dawn, in a place where the sun’s rays will shine on it all day.
At sunset, bottle and cork the water. Keep it in a sunny place.
Add to baths for energy, sprinkle around the home to remove evil, anoint yourself for purification and so on.
Found in The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Build-a-spell Basics
So you want to cast a spell to do a certain thing but the Google overlords are letting you down with being unable to find something that fits your exact needs? Well may I suggest weaving your very own spell together to do the thing? 
It can be daunting to make your own spell, especially if your new or have some idea that everything must follow strict rules. 
This list can be adapted to fit any type of ‘Crafting a person might practice. This are not hard rules, bend them in whatever direction you need them to go in order to fit into your situation. 
What do you want to happen? In your spell book, or online doc, write down what you want this spell to accomplish.
Pick the method of casting to best achieve results. Sigils are great for slow release spells, jars and satchels are best for area of effect spells, jewelry for enchantments, etc. 
Research. Look online for similar spells, what do others use for theirs? What do you want to change? 
Decide what you need for your spell. If you’re making a jar spell, gather ingredients that you already have to use in the spell. This means researching different meanings and uses of objects. Raid your spice cabinet, most of what’s in there fills out a large list of spell types. 
Keep it simple. Don’t over complicate things, the more items you add to a spell the more ways it has of going wrong. And the universe is kinda a dick so there will be things that go wrong. 
Don’t be afraid to ask an object if it’ll loan you it’s energy to your spell. If you’ve got a glass jellyfish and you’re casting an stinging curse it’s okay to ask it to help you. 
Create the energy key. You know those words people make you chant 3 times over a glass of whatever? That’s an energy key. It’s focusing your intent + energy and pushing it into the universe path to make it pay attention. Key’s don’t have to be long and complex. If all you want is ‘The best mac and cheese’ make that your key. If haiku’s are more your thing use that. Once the key is made you can use it again and again later because you’re inserting it’s blueprint into the universe at this moment. Sigils are the picture version of an energy key. 
Craft the object for the spell. Mix your ingredients, draw the sigil, stuff the jars. The ingredients should compliment the energy key’s purpose in life.
Weave, draw, whisper, or however else your energy key onto the object from step 7. 
Congrats! You’ve made a spell! 
Make more, write notes, test results, experiment. And most importantly don’t force yourself to fit in a square if you happen to be more octagonal shaped. Meaning, do what feels right not what the internet says is best. 
Oh, and clean between ‘crafting. Types of energy can be stick and you don’t want that curse goo messing with luck enchantments. 
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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Hullo everyone! 🌙 
Here is an illustrated set of instructions I made on how to make a Positivity Spell Jar for my illustration class this past quarter. 
What you’ll need:
A Jar
Salt- for protection
Glitter-for fun
Candle- light and let melt around edges of jar to Cast Spell
Rosemary- for mental strength
Lavender- to keep calm
Citrine- for abundance
Rose Quartz- for love
Blue Thread- for harmony
As you set each item into the jar focus on what they represent to you. Your magick and energy melding with each, coming from inside you and around you. Close off the jar and wrap the thread round the top of the jar. Light the candle, visualizing the flame as the energy casting the spell.  
This can be modified to make absolutely any type of spell jar. Use different ingredients and colors to symbolize different things.
*Please do not delete caption or take credit for illustrations* 
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
⭐️ Crystal Associations ⭐️
Some are not technically crystals, but shh no one cares
ARIES // MARS Bloodstone, carnelian, cinnabar, diopside, fire agate, garnet, pyrite, red jasper, rhodocrosite, sunstone, tiger eye, zoisite
TAURUS // VENUS Amazonite, aragonite, aventurine, calcite, chrysoprase, diamond, girasol, gold, herkimer quartz, jade, jasper, kyanite, labradorite, moonstone, moss agate, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby, topaz, tourmaline, unakite
GEMINI // MERCURY Apatite, chrysoprase, citrine, fluorite, fuchsite, garnet, hematite, kyanite, moss agate, rhodocrosite, rutilated quartz, scolecite, sodalite, sugilite
CANCER // MOON Aragonite, azurite, blue lace agate, borinite, chalcedony, copper, danburite, diopside, emerald, fuchsite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, manganocalcite, moonstone, obsidian, pearl, quartz, sapphire, selenite, seraphinite, silver
LEO // SUN Amber, carnelian, cinnabar, citrine, copper, diamond, fire agate, garnet, girasol, gold, labradorite, moss agate, opal, pyrite, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby, sunstone, tiger eye, topaz, zoisite
VIRGO // MERCURY Agate, apatite, blue lace agate, botswana agate, chalcedony, danburite, emerald, fluorite, hematite, herkimer quartz, howlite, jade, kyanite, lodestone, manganocalcite, pearl, peridot, rhodonite, seraphinite, snow quartz, turquoise
LIBRA // VENUS Aquamarine, aventurine, blue lace agate, chrysocolla, herkimer quartz, howlite, jade, kunzite, lepidolite, opal, pearl, peridot, pyrite, red jasper, rhodocrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, sapphire, scolecite, sodalite, sugilite, unakite
SCORPIO // PLUTO Azurite, borinite, chalcedony, diopside, emerald, iolite, jet, lapis lazuli, larvikite, lepidolite, malachite, obsidian, onyx, rhodonite, ruby, rutilated quartz, selenite, serpentine, smokey quartz, sodalite, sulphur, sunstone
SAGITTARIUS // JUPITER Amethyst, ametrine, apatite, bloodstone, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, cinnabar, citrine, copper, diamond, fire agate, fluorite, fuchsite, garnet, gold, iolite, lapis lazuli, moldavite, rhodonite, shiva lingam, tanzanite
CAPRICORN // SATURN Apache tear, aragonite, calcite, chalcopyrite, citrine, gold, hawk eye, hematite, jasper, jet, labradorite, larvikite, lodestone, malachite, obsidian, onyx, petrified wood, quartz, rhodocrosite, ruby, serpentine
AQUARIUS // URANUS Amethyst, aqua aura, azurite, diopside, hawk eye, hematite, jet, kyanite, malachite, moldavite, moonstone, moss agate, staurolite, tektite
PISCES // NEPTUNE Abalone shell, amethyst, ametrine, aqua aura, aquamarine, azurite, chrysocolla, danburite, emerald, girasol, howlite, iolite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moldavite, onyx, opal, quartz, silver, snowflake quartz, tanzanite, tektite, turquoise
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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Shower Disks for the Signs
If you’ve seen our lovely magical shower disk recipes, then you know that we love incorporating magic into all mundane things, including the maintenance of hygiene! We also love astrology as a great way to learn about the spiritual self and enhance one’s magical potential. This is our personal list of shower disks recipes based on the signs, intended to enhance the properties of each sign.
Directions: We recommend you follow the directions included in our original shower disk recipe, but for those that prefer a more visual means of directions should look here. Use to bring out personal properties according to your natal chart, or to get in touch with the qualities of signs during celestial movements. 
Aries:          Dragons Blood oil, Ginger, Paprika
Taurus:       Patchouli oil, Fennel Seed, Chamomile
Gemini:       Benzoin Resin, Camphor oil, Vanilla (bean or extract)
Cancer:       Jasmine Pearls, Lime Juice, Eucalyptus oil
Leo:             Marigold, Honey, Frankincense oil
Virgo:           Vervain (lemon verbena) oil, Thyme, Star Anise
Libra:           Gardenia oil, Lavender Buds, Orange Blossoms 
Scorpio:       Black Pepper, Ylang Ylang oil, Pink Rose Buds
Sagittarius:  Hibiscus, Allspice, Carnation oil
Capricorn:    Parsley, Sandalwood oil, Comfrey Root
Aquarius:      Passion Flower, Neroli oil, Sage Leaves
Pisces:          Lemongrass oil, Rosemary oil, Violet flowers
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
DIY Magical Shower Disks
So you have seen our lovely bath magic spells but you cannot take a bath. Maybe you don’t have a bath in your current residence, maybe you are physically unable to use bathtubs, maybe you’re just super stretched for time but want to get in some extra magical umph. Recreational Witchcraft is here for you. 
Shower disks are traditionally used in the aromatherapy world to relieve congestion and other flu-symptoms while showering via the use of essential oils, but we will be bumping up their magical potential.
Basic recipe:
1 cup baking soda 
1 tablespoon corn starch
1/3 cup of water
Muffin tins and muffin liners
Combine baking soda and corn starch (making sure there are no clumps), then slowly add in the water. Fill lined muffin tins about third of the way, then leave out for 24 hours to dry completely. Carefully take them out of the liners, add your essential oils, and place your disk somewhere in your shower that will allow them to dissolve slowly while you do your business. Bam. You’re done. 
Now onto the magic. All dry ingredients (herbs, spices, etc) should be added in with the baking soda and corn starch before the water is added. All essential oils should be added right before they’re used (so when they’re completely dry).
Cleansing and Purifying:
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essential oil of rosemary
essential oil of lemongrass
dried peppermint leaves
dried lemon rinds
dried rosemary
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essential oil of lavender
essential oil of eucalyptus
dried basil leaves
dried lavender flowers
pinch of ground cloves
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essential oil of sweet orange
essential oil of rose
essential oil of jasmine
crushed red rose petals
pinch of (body safe) glitter
Attracting Love:
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vanilla extract
essential oil of jasmine
essential oil of ylang ylang
apple seeds
1 lavender flower
pinch of cinnamon
Attracting Money:
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essential oil of patchouli
essential oil of juniper berry
dried mint leaves
dried thyme
pinch of allspice
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Mama Bree's Magical Powders
Finally, all my powder recipes in one place! Go nuts, witchlings.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Jackpot Powder
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Ruth Roy’s Wellcat Herbs - A highly reputable seller with quality herbs, teas, incense, and botanicals. Also runs a booth every year at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. (*HIGHLY RECOMMEND*)
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
The Magickal Cat - Online shop with just about everything you could want for your craft, from herbs to books to cauldrons, and everything in between. Reliable shipping and excellent customer service.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more online resources and information on herb magic and spells, check out my website here.
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Anti-anxiety Herbs
A list of herbs that help reduce stress & anxiety & how to use them. 
Chamomile: Top of the list because it’s my personal favourite. Chamomile is very calming, & also helps calm the nervous system, reducing physical & emotional tensions & helping to soothe, & calm the mind. Chamomile tea is very effective in relieving anxiety, & can also be used in combination with other herbs as an edible oil to take internally for an instant relief. The smell of Chamomile alone is very calming & for these reasons it can also be used in aromatherapy remedies as incense or facial mists. 
Lavender: Lavender is also very soothing & has a slight sedative effect. Use Lavender alone, or in combination with other herbs to place inside a pillow to aid in a restful sleep. Lavender can also be drunk as a tea to provide relief from emotional tensions & anxieties, & aid in soothing the nervous system, relieving physical stress as well. 
Green Tea: Helps by relieving heart rate, & blood pressure, & cleans & detoxifies the blood at the same time. Provides mental clarity & reduces anxiety whilst improving focus, preventing one from becoming lethargic. 
Hops: Used in sleep pillows, & edible anti-anxiety oils & tinctures. Hops has mild sedative effects.
Valerian: Valerian is a strong sedative herb & can help promote a deep, restful sleep. It produces an unpleasant smell, so is usually taken as a supplement or tincture, but can also be used in combination with other fragrant herbs to drink as tea.Valerian has such strong sedative effects that it is advised only taking this herb in the evening, before bed. A good aid for insomniacs. 
Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm has been used since the middle ages to help reduce stress & anxiety. It is useful in promoting both a calm, & more alert state of mind. Commonly taken as a tea, tincture, or capsule supplement. 
Passionflower: Passionflower has mild sedative properties & helps soothe & calm the nervous system & relieve anxiety. It is also a great aid for insomnia. 
Licorice Root: Helps by stimulating relaxing chemicals in the brain, it helps one in dealing with general stress. Soothes & calms the nervous system. Most commonly drunk in combination with other herbs as a tea, & used in sleep pillows. 
Note: All of these herbs can be used in herbal sachets & other magickal charms to relieve stress & anxiety. 
Remember these are only herbal suggestions, NOT prescribed medicine, if you are already on medication, ask your doctor if it’s ok to use some of these herbs internally as some come can react with medication. Do not take too many sedative supplements at once & consult your doctor before internal use of any herbal supplements if you are pregnant. 
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Stovetop Incense for Yule
Stovetop Incense, sometimes called stovetop potpourri outside of magic circles, is a mixture of ingredients with a liquid base, simmered on the stove in a pan to fill the air with a lovely aroma. This recipe is intended to be simmered all day during Yule to invite warmth and comfort into the home.
1 to 2 inches of water
5 cinnamon sticks
1 cup of cranberries
2 slices oranges  
2 teaspoons of whole cloves
optional: dash of vanilla extract 
Add water to pan and turn burner to medium-high. Add each ingredient while thinking of the winter season. Stir the mixture clockwise, inhaling deeply and letting its warmth raise your spirits. Wait until the water simmers, then turn down heat to medium. Stir periodically throughout the day, adding more water when necessary.
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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Non-Alcoholic  Mulled Wine for Yule
Y u l e is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Enjoy this hot heavenly drink with traditional Yule spices & help yourself to the delicious fruity remnants!
For the base I used hibiscus tea. If you want to substitute it, you can use various types of juice (apple, cherry, grape, pomegranate,  chokeberry, blackcurrant, etc) but make sure the juice is not too sweet. 
Ingredients: - Hibiscus Tea: 500 ml - Water: 500 ml - 1 Orange - 5 teaspoons of honey
Spices: - 1  cinnamon stick - 6-8 whole cloves  - Anise Star -2 stars Optional: nutmeg, ginger, or/and vanilla pods for extra sweetness in next year. 
If possible, try using cinnamon sticks, anise stars etc, rather then milled spices, if you don’t wan the ‘wine’ to look muddy.
Boil water in the kettle (I boiled 1 litre at once). Separate into two pots. I had hibiscus tea in tesbags, and i used four of them. Let the tea brew. Meanwhile, put another pot on the stove and add spices; let them have a nice one minute bath in the boiling water.
 Cut the orange, add it to the water with spices; pour in the tea. Add honey and stir until it is dissolved. 
Best served hot, with gingerbread.
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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Holiday Witch Ball Ornaments 
What’s a more inconspicuous way to add witchcraft to the holiday season than by combining the well-known concept of Witch Balls with widely used ornaments? Add the following ingredients to either clear, glass ornaments (so they can be charged by compliments) or to solid ornaments (to be even more unnoticeable) for the desired effects.
Family Peace:
lavender buds
two sprigs of thyme
dried cilantro
rose buds
three vanilla bean pods
whole allspice
dried tangerine or orange peels
sprig of pine
Love Drawing:
crushed rose petals
dried jasmine
dried lime peels
granulated sugar
New Year Prosperity:
whole chamomile flowers
one cinnamon stick
pine needles
juniper berries
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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DIY Natural Lip Balm
1 Tablespoon Beeswax or Candelilla Wax(Vegan Alternative)
1 Tablespoon Shea Butter
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
15-20 drops of Essential Oil
Lip Balm Container
Plastic Pipette
Double Boiler
If you have experience in making your own products, skip this section and get started on making your own lip balms! If not, keep reading for helpful information and tips!
Let’s get started!
First thing is first, have all ingredients out and ready for use! When working with wax and oils, the last thing you want is anything over-boiling or drying on you! For the Double boiler, you will need a saucepan & a small pot. 
Begin by adding water to your saucepan, just enough to heat your small pot. Place small pot inside of saucepan. Turn heat on high temp. After pot is heating, add 1 tbsp. of Beeswax, Shea Butter, and Coconut Oil to your small pot, and stir well until ingredients melt.
Add 15-20 drops of your essential oil. I used a mixture of Tea Tree for healing, Lavender for soothing, and Rosemary & Jasmine for an additional lovely fragrance. Feel free to play around with your essential oils to create your own signature scent, but be sure to only add 15-20 drops total!
Here’s the fun part! Adding the ingredients to your tubes! This is where your plastic pipette comes in handy. When you are done filling your tubes, do not put the caps on until it is completely dry so it can dry faster! Congratulations! You’re all done! Enjoy your new homemade Lip Balm!
Please contact me if you have any questions!
To purchase the product pictured, visit www.etsy.com/shop/jeditree
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
What should you put in your bath?
black tea: soothes sunburns [1] [2] and is antimicrobial [3] contains some essential polyphenols and tannin, reduces puffiness/inflammation [4] 
green tea: antioxidant and detoxifier [1] soothes rashes, increases healing rate, softens skin [2] heals sores and wounds, rejuvenates skin cells, improve psoriasis and dandruff [3] anti-aging, mood stabilizing [4]
apple cider vinegar: anti inflammatory and softens skin [1]
ground ginger: increases circulation, promotes sweating, opens pores, relieves pain [1]
lemon: antioxidant (brightens skin) [1] 
olive oil: moisturizes skin [1]
calendula flowers: soothes burns, inflammation, rashes, insect bites, skin disorders [1] useful for small children [2]
elder-flowers: anti-inflammatory and heals rashes cuts and wounds [1]
Himalayan salt: soothes insect bites, heals blisters, relieves arthritis pain [1] softens skin [2]
oatmeal: soothes, anti-inflammatory, calms angry skin [1]
rose petals: relax mind, relieve sleepiness, soothe headaches and stress [1] promote positive feelings [2]
valerian root: relax the mind, relieve sleepiness, soothe headaches and stress [1]
lavender: relax the mind, relieve sleepiness, soothe headaches and stress [1] [2]
mugwort: relax the mind, relieve sleepiness, soothe and headaches and stress [1]
chammomile: soothes nerves [1] good for dry skin [2]
passion flower: soothes nerves [1]
hops: soothes nerves [1]
rosemary: pain relief, soothes headaches and fatigue [1] relaxing, increases alertness and clarity of mind [2] soothes sore throat[3]
thyme: pain relief, soothes headaches and fatigue [1]
devils claw: eases joint pain [1]
juniperberries: soothes muscle aches [1]
peppermint: increase blood flow, relieve congestion [1]
eucalyptus: increase blood flow, relieve congestion [1] increases energy [2]
thyme: increase blood flow, relieve congestion [1]
jasmine: emollient and antiseptic, soothes skin [1] 
organic coconut flakes: nourish the skin [1]
sage: uplifting, good for oily skin and back acne [1] stimulating [2]
marjoram: decongestant, soothes muscle pain [1]
whole cow’s milk: hydrates and mildly exfoliates skin [1]
cow’s buttermilk: hydrates and thoroughly exfoliates skin [1]
goat’s milk: thoroughly hydrates and exfoliates skin, provides nutrients [1]
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
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Violation Salt Scrub
This scrub spell is made especially for anyone who has felt violated, experienced anything that crossed their personal boundaries or challenged their autonomy. It is made to cleanse the user of any feeling of violation or memory of someone else’s hands or eyes upon them. 
I am sharing this spell in hopes that it will offer healing and peace for its users.
Coarse sea salt - Purification
Eucalyptus oil - Deep healing & repair
Lavender - Peace
Basil- Courage & protection
Lemon juice - Cleansing
Mix the ingredients together, adding lemon juice until your blend becomes a coarse paste. Use the scrub over your body while bathing. Visualize the salt scrubbing away the dead skin from your body, and the negative memories being sloughed off with the old skin. Where your skin becomes soft and raw,  envision the herbs and oils settling over your skin and infusing it with its power. The dead skin is gone, you are new and clean. 
Repeat as necessary. 
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Masterpost of Simple Beginner Friendly Potions
Here is a masterpost of a ton of potions I have in my grimoire that are simple and easy to make with simple easy to get ingredients. 
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Tea Potions
Headache Relief Potion
Ginger Root
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Add herbs to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. Squeeze in lemon then let the wedge and skin soak for another 1 or 2 before drinking. 
Sour Tummy Be Gone Potion
Chamomile Tea
Ginger Root
Spoonful of Honey
Steps: Brew tea then add herbs to it, let them steep for 5 minutes before stirring in your honey counter-clockwise to banish the cramps and sourness in your stomach. 
Deep Slumber Potion
Chamomile Tea
Dried Rose Petals/Buds
Lemon Balm
Steps: Brew tea then add in herbs to steep for 5 to 6 minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink slowly before bed in a quiet place.
“Bring Me My Own Love” Self Love Potion
Rose Water or Rose Tea
Milk or Milk substitute 
Steps: Brew your tea or warm your rose water. Pour in milk and sugar to taste and stir it clockwise to welcome in your own love. Drink while doing something you enjoy.
Release from a Bad Day Potion
Green Tea
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Brew and steep your tea and catnip, squeeze in your lemon and stir it counter clockwise to banish the negativity that the day has given you. Add sugar or honey to taste
Give My Heart Strength Potion
Black Tea
Orange Peel
Steps: Brew tea and let orange peel steep for 5 minutes, stir in your honey clockwise to bring yourself emotional strength.
Open My Mind Awareness Potion
Black Tea
Milk or Milk substitute
(Optional) pinch of Mugwort (use with caution)
Steps: Brew tea and add ingredients. Sit in a quiet place and drink the tea slowly while centering yourself and if you can meditate.
Cleansing Potion
Moon Water
Steps: Heat your moon water and let herbs steep for a minute or two before drinking. You may add sugar if you desire
Protect Me From Parasites Potion
(protects from psychic and energy parasites)
Moon Water
Steps: Heat moon water and steep your herbs for 5 minutes. Drink at the start of your day.
Coffee Potions
Strength For a Big Day
Sugar to Taste
Like a Storm Confidence Potion
Hazelnut creamer
Fresh Orange peel
Spark of Creativity Potion
2 Drops Vanilla extract
Fresh Orange Peel
Spoonful of Caramel
Romancing Myself Potion for Self Acceptance
Hot chocolate mix
Red rose petal
To Good Friends Friendship Potion
A cherry
A good friend to share it with
Hot Chocolate Potions
Warm My Bones Happiness Potion
Hot chocolate
Marshmallow/Marshmallow fluff
1 drop vanilla extract
To Get Through Hard Days Potion
Hot Chocolate
Fresh Mint Leaf
For Enhanced Energy Potion
Hot Chocolate
Orange Peel
Gem Elixir Potions
Note! Unlike the others, these ones are NOT edible nor should they be ingested! These potions are for anointing or bath magic.
None of these potions are made with the crystals in the water! I ALWAYS put my crystals around a jar or cup of water to charge over night. SOME OF THESE CRYSTALS SHOULD NEVER GO IN WATER!!! So please just place them around your jar of water over night, not in it.
I am Beautiful Potion
Angel Aura Quartz
Clear Quartz
Coconut Oil (small amount)
Peaceful Thoughts Potion
A Pinch of Luck Potion
Divination Improvement Potion
Orange Peels
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gethighanddipdye · 5 years
Glamour Spell Perfume
(Part 1. This part is optional. You can use normal bottled water and dye if perferred)*
2 cups of rose petals
2 ½ cups of distilled water
Small saucepan with lid
Coffee filter
Wash the rose petals gently to rid of any dirt
Boil water in small saucepan
Add rose petals
Stir gently till petals wilt
Place lid on saucepan and lower to a light simmer
Stir gently every 5 minutes
Continue until water is a few shades darker then desired
Filter out the petals with strainer, make sure to squeeze all the pigment out.
Filter into airtight bottle using coffee filter.
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
6 tablespoons of vodka (100 proof)
2.5 tablespoons of water*
30 drops of jasmine essential oil
Small funnel
Coffee filter
Add coconut oil and jasmine essential oil into airtight container
Add alcohol
Shake until mixed
Secure airtight lid and store in a dark place for 24-48 hours (the longer you wait the stronger the scent will be)
Add 2.5 tablespoons of the rose water previously prepared and shake vigorously for 1+ minute
Use a coffee filter to before pouring the perfume into the bottle
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Optional Extras
Draw a sigil on a lable for the perfume bottle
Add clear quartz and/or clear quartz
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