getairplanefood · 7 years
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LYDIA LUNCH - interview by V. Vale 
In these uncensored, easy-to-read yet not dumbed-down interviews, Lydia Lunch spiritedly discusses her personal history and some of the many creative collaborations that have spiced up her life, art and travels. A master of cutting through creative gordian-knots, she discusses how she evolved her unique style of guitar-playing and song-writing. Simplicity and originality are the hallmarks of her recent Teenage Jesus and the Jerks concert performance tours. Lydia has not only survived but thrived as she has traveled the world making art, music, performance and installations -- always on her own terms. An incarnation of female Nietzschean will, Lydia Lunch continually surprises, provokes and evokes dark laughter in these "you-are-there" transcribed conversations. Hopefully, after reading this book, every reader will be inspired to make art, create blasphemous thoughts, and change the world... 137 pages. 11.85€
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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ANSWER ME THE FIRST THREE COMPILED - (+100 pages) by Jim & Debby Goad
ANSWER Me! is a big black slab of trouble. Originally released as a series of magazines, then a collected edition which sold thousands before going out of print, ANSWER Me! has been blamed for a White House shooting and a triple suicide. It has been banned in several countries and put on trial for obscenity in the USA. Chock full of well-written rants, interviews, and articles on topics ranging from music and subcultures to sex, love, hate, murder, serial killers, and suicide, this fat, gorgeous anthology contains the legendary rant-zine's first three issues in their entirety. It also contains sixty new pages of wistful ANSWER Me! memories and tasty new articles written by philanthropist and humanitarian Jim Goad.
 This was written in the late nineties, considered a classic in the fanzine days, and before Jim Goad turned into a rightwing lunatic. I’d say it’s an interesting read, but the misanthrophy can get on your nerves perhaps. Besides the 60 extra pages this compiles the three first issues:
Issue No. 1 Featured interviews with Russ Meyer, Timothy Leary, Holly Woodlawn, Kid Frost, Public Enemy, Iceberg Slim, and pieces on Bakersfield, California, Sunset Boulevard, masturbation in literature, and Twelve-Step programs. 
2 Featured Anton LaVey, David Duke (yeah, really..), Al Goldstein, El Duce of The Mentors, the Geto Boys, Ray Dennis Steckler, 100 serial killers and mass murderers, Vietnamese gangs, and Mexican murder magazines. 
3 Featured Jack Kevorkian, Al Sharpton, NAMBLA (a prank call to pro-paedophile organisation), the Kids of Widney High, Boyd Rice, Suzanne Muldowney, 100 suicides, guns, Andrei Chikatilo, pedophilia in Steven Spielberg's work, Mexican deformity comics, paintings and drawings by murderers, and a prank call to a suicide hotline. Trashy & evil. 40€
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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GOLGOTHA - THE BLACK CANDLE split zine (80 pages on thick paper + extras) 8€
review by thomas VVVeitmeayyyers: One huge fat fucker of a zine... 80 pages. Includes a mini poster and a sticker.
“The Black Candle part is 24 pages of dark as fuck chaos layout and has interviews with Runhild Gammelsæter of THORR'S HAMMER, THE WAY TO LIGHT, THE INFAMOUS... GEHENNA, fetish photographer Helmut Wolech, some reviews and other bits and pieces. The Golgotha part is cleanly designed and consists of interviews with AMESTIGON, OFERMOD, OLD ARRIVAL, CHAOS ECHOES, VLK, BONE AWL / RASPBERRY BULBS, visual artist Hafsteinn Viðar Ársælsson and author Ulrike Serowy.”
This zine is almost out of print. Order up if you like your metal black, it’s an amazing read and you won’t finish this one in half an hour. 
Check out http://dieschwarzekerze.bigcartel.com/product/golgotha-x-the-black-candle-split-zine for future projects of Thomas!
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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The Hospital Suite - by John Porcellino John Porcellino writes the long-running comic zine King Cat and has published numerous book-length collections and graphic novels. In his past stories he has often alluded to the various physical and mental health issues he’s struggled with since the late 1990s. This book chronicles these issues in three parts, each of which focuses on one thread of his health history. While John’s comics are almost always autobiographical to some degree, this book contains the most intimately personal work he’s published so far. He lays bare all the pain and torment he’s experienced, and the detrimental effects it’s had on his personal life. But it is not only a dark story. Through a self-styled combination of all kinds of therapies, coupled with a steady devotion to Zen Buddhism, John has since gotten to a much healthier place. It’s also a fine achievement for a cartoonist and writer now working at the peak of his creativity. 22.50€  
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Anderson
“Are you a special snowflake? Do you enjoy networking to advance your career? Is adulthood an exciting new challenge for which you feel fully prepared? Ugh. Please go away. This book is for the rest of us. These comics document the wasting of entire beautiful weekends on the internet, the unbearable agony of holding hands on the street with a gorgeous guy, dreaming all day of getting home and back into pajamas, and wondering when, exactly, this adulthood thing begins. In other words, the horrors and awkwardnesses of young modern life. “ 9,85€ 
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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Hard-core - life of my own - Harley Flanagan
A story that begins with young Harley as a kid during the hippie era, through the 70's New York Punk explosion, CBGB, the birth of Hardcore, Krishna Consciousness, LSD, street fights, skinheads, drug addiction, Jiu Jitsu Wizards, true friends, fake friends, and redemption. A MUST READ for Cro-Mags/NYHC fans. 19,85€
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getairplanefood · 7 years
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Black Metal - evolution of the cult by Dayal Patterson
Spanning 600 pages, Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult traces the progress of the genre, from its infancy in the early 1980s to today’s scene. Combining dozens of interviews with iconic photographs, this epic tome examines the artistic, musical, spiritual development of this controversial genre. Included are interviews with: Venom • Mercyful Fate • Bathory • Hellhammer • Celtic Frost • Sodom • Slayer • Kreator • Destruction • Vulcano • Sarcofago • Blasphemy • Samael • Rotting Christ • Necromantia • VON • Tormentor • Master’s Hammer • Beherit • Mayhem • Vomit • Thorns • Darkthrone • Burzum • Thou Shalt Suffer • Emperor • Gehenna • Gorgoroth • Trelldom • Cradle of Filth • Dimmu Borgir • Mütiilation • Vlad Tepes • Belketre and the Black Legions • Dissection • Watain • Marduk and Funeral Mist • Shining • Graveland • Infernum • Behemoth • Enslaved • Satryricon • Isengard/Storm • Ulver • Windir • Negura Bunget • Hades • Primordial • Arcturus • Manes • In the Woods • Ved Buens Ende • Fleurety • Sigh • Dødheimsgard • Mysticum • Aborym • Blacklodge • Amesoeurs/Alcest • Fen • Wolves in the Throne Room, Lifelover
A three decades journey of corpspe paint written by care.
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Things are Meaning Less by Al Burian
Hands down one of my favorite graphic novels ever. Found a second copy between the stack of other unsold stuff. Words & time fail to describe how much I love this book. So shamelessly, I’m stealing a review from microcosm:
“Opening with a quote from punk band Black Flag ("Drink black coffee/drink black coffee/drink black coffee/and stare at the wall"), Things Are Meaning Less is a strong, funny, heartbreaking look at young, disillusioned American life.You might know Al from his zines Burn Collector and Natural Disasters, or from the band Milemarker, or his so-true-it-kicks-your-face-off column in Punk Planet. This however, is Al's collection of comics originally published in the late '90s by designer and fellow zinester Ian Lyman. From Portland to Providence, Al views his world with a dark, stoic humor. He's a Saul Bellow-ian every-man, up against the wall, suffering the blows, looking for love, and loving the metal. Like Al's issue of Burn Collector (the comic-heavy #14) the drawing here is simple, but it's the kind of simple that doesn't come with beginner's luck. The stuff here is the result of years of fighting and trouble-making, of mistakes made and life scratched out among the sticks and stones.As Al says, "These are things drawn on napkins in airports, xeroxed illicitly during work." So goes the work and world of Al Burian.” My favorite part are teenage angst, him listening to heavy metal while his mother stands by the door and doesn’t know what to do. His observations while walking around at dark, without any aim, are as sharp as a knife despite being sleepless. Highly, highly recommend.
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Train Wrecks & Transcendence - a collision of Hardcore & Hare Krishna by Vic Dicara
Vic's memoir book describes not only what it was like to be in bands with people like Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine, Ray Cappo of Youth of Today, and Tom Capone and Alan Cage of Quicksand... it also describes what it was like to search for Krishna while being a Hardcore Straightedge Punk, and what it was like to struggle with the simultaneously wonderful and horrible International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishnas. 339 pages on these subjects right in your face, yo. 19.50 €
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Hello, Cruel World by Kate Bornstein
..is a sweet, insightful book that's edgy and relevant. Written by Kate Borstein, author of "Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us," this book is packed with suggestions for overcoming life's toughest times, no mater what age, sex or something in between.
 Why believe what the bullies say? Some of the 101 alternatives include: Give Yourself Permission, See Yourself in Everyone You Meet, Send Out A Distress Signal, Make Longer-Range Plans, and my favorite, Stay in Bed. This book encourages you to be afraid, be upset, but also find the courage to be alive. 13.50€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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The Snake Pit Book - by Ben Snake Pit
Review stolen from a friend of Ben: “It's hard to explain what is so compelling about Snakepit. Ben himself admits that it's not particularly well drawn (he often calls himself out within particularly badly drawn panels), and more often than not the focus is on some boring aspect of his day...working, playing video games, etc. In these earlier years, there's quite a bit more partying, drinkin', druggin' and shenanigans than in his later domesticated years. But that's not the draw. It's something about the rhythm and flow from one day to the next. Full disclosure: I'm old friends with Ben and published a couple Snakepit books (2009 and 2010-2012), so I can say with authority that you should be reading Snakepit (and on the toilet)”
The tenth anniversay edition! 13.50€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Burn Collector #15 by Al Burian
The expatriated Al Burian reflects on a year spent living in Berlin, Germany. His wildly free-range topics include: freedom, happiness, animal liberty, Aristotle, modern dentistry, riots as rituals, uncomfortable proximity to drunken teenagers, and how to best color co-ordinate an outfit that includes a Black Flag T-shirt and a baby stroller. Plus: “when you realize the freedom,” an illustrated essay by Anne Elizabeth Moore. "Burian is one of our generation's great storytellers, a wily and insightful observer of the human condition,” says Davy Rothbart of Found magazine, and this zine is “the best one yet,” says Al. Who are we to argue? 3.5€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Burn Collector #14 by Al Burian
Heck yeah, it's the new issue of Burn Collector! Here, in Burn Collector #14, zine superstar Al Burian lays down 156 pages of truth, trouble, and everyman blues. Whether battling the cops in Chicago, essaying the frenetic nervous breakdown of city life, spilling the secret truth of all religions, or talkin' comix and punk shows, Burian does so with class, humor, and a timeless feel for language. Burn Collector 14 is heavily illustrated, dense with stories, and ripped right from the headlines of Burian's hard, hilarious, rowdy life. 8€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Burn Collector #13 by Al Burian
stole this review from Emily : 
“A traveling Al is in his best form. my favorite part: when al meets gunther on the train in Germany. Gunther of the 80s style wraparound shades persuasion. He travels to hamburg for work and back to berlin on weekends; his girlfriend of 32 years just died two days ago; his son is in the hospital, and he's got a dead end job. Al's take? "i too might wear wrap-around shades if faced with a landscape of such dimensions." “.
Highly amusing though, no matter how depressing this bit sounds, there are absurd situation he observes in his typical sarcastic way. Along with the stories he can’t help but share his historical knowledge on monuments and dictators, with a slight touch of, yup, sarcasm. One of my favorite parts of this issue is Al hanging around with a girl who is a lazy art student while stranded in Trastevere, Rome, Italy. She needs to finish her thesis but can’t help but party on. The day before she needs to hand in her stuff Al goes over,  yells at the window, the mother opens up, he steps in and does the work himself in a night because he ‘s bored either way, and she passes the day after. 4€    
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Burn Collector #12 by Al Burian
This magazine, layout as a small booklet is quite old but still holds up as a classic, just as anything Al did basically. He explains his interpretation of life in Chicago. He talks about different economic neighborhoods, trying to break up with his girlfriend, his mom coming to visit from Germany and telling him he should break up with his girlfriend, working at a bookstore, hanging out in bars, and his fascination with trains. Beautiful layouted, 50 pages bundled in a6 format. 3.50€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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HRVST is not a music magazine. It´s not about telling you how a new record sounds or how the tour of our favorite band went. Instead we „harvest“ experiences, ideas and stories of people from the DIY music and art scene and produce a magazine that focuses on their individual stories and experiences, shedding light on a very up and close personal level, building on a bigger, more complex and truthful picture of who they really are. Beyond the stage, beyond the canvas, beyond what you seem to know about them, already. The first issue of HRVST focuses on the topic of „Death“. It contains diverse contributions by the likes of Chuck Ragan (known from Hot Water Music), Rob Moran (Unbroken, Narrows), Wesley Eisold (American Nightmare/Give Up The Ghost), Steve Brodsky (Cave In), Eugene S. Robinson (Oxbow), Chris Colohan (Cursed, Left For Dead), Geert van deer Velde (Shai Hulud, The Black Atlantic), Ryan Patterson (Coliseum), Alex from the almighty Daughters among many others. 166 pages, layed out in color. 11€
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getairplanefood · 8 years
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Reflections #15. The very last magazine they did. Featuring interviews with:Black Cross, I Defy, Terror, Face Tomorrow, Give Up The Ghost, Circle, Converge, the final interview with Count Me Out (done by the members themselves) and more. Articles on booking tours, an amazing documentary made by Greg Bennick (Trial), Reaching Forward's ‘epitaph' and tons of reviews and much more! 3.50€
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