genxwitch · 3 years
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🌾 What will you do now to prepare for winter?🌾
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genxwitch · 3 years
an apocalyptic cult prophetically warning that the world won’t end, ever
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genxwitch · 3 years
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So JoyOfSatan is hiding business cards in occult books now.
Dont fall for their shit. If you get any of these cards, throw them away, destroy them.
JoyOfSatan is a neonazi cult using Satanism as an excuse for their bullshit. They primarily try to indoctrinate young/new satanists. Don't fall for their lies.
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genxwitch · 3 years
Please don't tell Witchlings what paths they can and cannot learn because you think it is dangerous.
Please don't tell Witchlings what they can and cannot do in their craft (with the crucial exception of cultural appropriation).
Just because you think something is dangerous doesn't mean another person does. For example, I don't believe in Hell so telling me a Christian demon is going to possess me legit means nothing to me.
In my worldview, we give spirituality whatever meaning we want. Some of us are going to be afraid of things like demons and the Fae. And others are going to work with them. Witchlings should always educate themselves on their path, but don't tell Witchlings they can't learn certain ones (with again the exception to closed practices).
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genxwitch · 3 years
We can't pretend pseudoscience has any scientific validity. It's chill to enjoy some pseudoscience, to partake in it and have fun with it, but we gotta acknowledge that's what it is. We can't pretend it's actual science when it's just not because that can and does harm people (i.e. thinking crystals can heal mental illness).
I like astrology but I know that it's not science based, same with the ideal that crystals vibrate in ways that affect us as people, same with divination. They're fun, but not a science. I'd actually consider it more of an artform.
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genxwitch · 3 years
Gentle reminder: you don't have to believe in something whole heartedly in order to learn it, try it, and have fun with it. Things like astrology, divination, deity work, spirit work... you should go into these fields with skepticism. A sense of doubt is helpful, not detrimental to any practice. It keeps your senses in check. Discernment is how you separate the mundane from the supernatural. Critical thinking is what keeps you from falling into spiritual traps.
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genxwitch · 3 years
I haven't been around much at all lately. I'm at a point where I'm feeling disconnected from my practice and from my faith. It feels like a crossroads, maybe that's exactly what it is.
Because of this, I haven't been feeling very social on Tumblr and other witchy places I frequent so I've been staying away. Which may not be what I need to do. I'm still evaluating.
Hopefully I'll figure out what I need to figure out. I know I'm not the first witch, pagan or otherwise, to deal with this kind of thing. I don't actually feel alone, but I need to be alone if that makes sense. I thought reading other people's posts about their practices and their faith would help. Sadly, it doesn't.
I like it here, and I don't plan to disappear completely but it seems a semi-hiatus is definitely in order, even though I practically just got here, LOL
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genxwitch · 3 years
People post Greece as an aesthetic whether it's our mythology or our beautiful islands. Now we need you more than ever. Our country is literally burning, we have no help, no resources and new fire fronts are developing each hour and heading towards villages. People and animals are in danger. The fires are not going out and it's windy. Please share this, spread awareness. Greece is always first to send help when other European countries are in need of help. Please share.
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genxwitch · 3 years
Melinoe, ghost lady of the night
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It is believed that she brings nightmares to those in her paths. It is said that mortals who cross her will go insane from fright. But to me, the thought of her walking the earth at night is a comforting one. She is a soft, gentle, mysterious presence. Those who don't know her might fear her, as they might anything in the dark, any being that roams in the night.
She takes in her train the restless spirits who rightfully wish to exact vengeance upon those who led them to their wrongful and premature deaths, and allow them their haunts. Those who cannot move on, unable to let go of those whom they have left behind, she brings them to look in and console their loved ones.
The creatures who are awakened by her passing them by, she caresses them fondly. She befriends the nocturnal animals who, like her, find peace with the night. She will stop to play with the dogs and cats who can see her through darkness. She is a friend of theirs.
She watches, as the world sleeps. She finds and gathers lost souls who were left wandering, perhaps even yet unaware of their own passing. She might float by a window, pick up a stuffed animal dropped by a sleeping child, and tuck it back underneath their covers. And she visits her mother, in the spring and summer months when she resides above earth.
She returns to the Underworld before the first light of dawn, with her new and old spectral companions. Her father and sister greet her lovingly, another night's work done.
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genxwitch · 3 years
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Self Love & Appreciation Spell Bottle
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
↟ Lavender ↟ to bring love, peace, protection, happiness, healing, & for cleansing ↟ Rosemary ↟ to bring love, peace, happiness, protection, healing, mental clarity, & banish negativity ↟ Sea salt ↟ for protection, cleansing & purification ↟ Himalayan pink sea salt ↟ for love, protection, healing, cleansing & purification ↟ Jasmine ↟ to bring love, calm, & appreciation for beauty ↟ Rose buds/petals ↟ for love, appreciation, beauty & healing ↟ Full moon rainwater ↟ for peace, healing, cleansing & purification ↟ Rose Quartz ↟ peace, love, healing, cleansing, calms emotions, banishes negativity & amplifies loving energy ↟ Amethyst ↟ peace, protection, calming, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being, banishes negativity ↟ Aura quartz ↟ calming, healing, releases negativity, balances emotions, brings mental clarity & lifts spirit
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I added glitter for extra magicalness and tied a pink ribbon around the neck of the bottle ♡ charged & sealed with a kiss
Instagram 🌿↟ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛓᛟᛉ ↟🌿Main blog
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genxwitch · 3 years
shitty witch tip #233
tie a bunch of incense sticks to a firework to create a spiritual nuke
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genxwitch · 3 years
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genxwitch · 3 years
shitty witch tip #231
in honor of the olympics, hold witchcraft-related events such as
- track and field but the town is chasing you with torches and pitchforks
- who can hex jeff bezos the hardest
- synchronized spellcasting
- skateboards
- shot put but it’s chunks of crystals
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genxwitch · 3 years
🚩 Witch Red Flags 🚩
These are some things that I consider red flags in witches I have come across before:
Believes only women can be witches.
Believes that magic/spirituality/energy/crystals can cure mental illness, physical illness, chronic illness, and disorders.
Doesn't respect closed paths or practices.
Tells others how their paths should be.
Won't stop telling witches they need to protect themselves from deities.
Thinks they are more powerful than anyone else, won't stop talking about how powerful they are.
Judges all witches with Wiccan rules.
Treats baby witches like they are somehow idiots and don't deserve respect.
Calls themselves a fancy title without being able to back it up.
Thinks hereditary witches are more powerful/better than first generation witches.
These are just a few I've noticed. If you know of any others, add them in reblogs or replies!
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genxwitch · 3 years
shitty witch tip #230
recite every spell in rap form
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genxwitch · 3 years
Offerings for Deities
It’s been a while since I’ve made a post. I’m going to address one of the most frequently asked questions I receive: How do I give offerings? For some reason, many beginner books don’t dive into the specifics of this religious practice which many are unfamiliar with. Hopefully this will help.
General Rules:
Offerings are given as thank-yous, as little gifts to say that you appreciate the deity’s existence. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should be special in your eyes. For example, I often offer donuts or wine simply because I don’t buy those two things often.
Offerings should be appropriate for the deity you’re giving them to.
You’re allowed to get creative with offerings–in fact, the Gods even prefer that you do!
How often you give offerings in accordance to your practice is up to you.
You may give apology offerings for any offense you think you may have made.
Prayers, songs, playlists, and there intangible gifts still count as offerings.
You do not need an altar to give offerings. You can give offerings anywhere, at anytime.
Simply saying “This is for you” makes the object an offering.
Food Offerings:
Most food offerings are eaten after being offered. The main exceptions are Greek chthonic deities, and ancestors, in which case you do not eat the offerings. Research your specific pantheon to make sure if eating is appropriate or not.
There is no set amount of time to leave out food offerings. In fact, many worshippers will eat said offerings right after they offer them.
If you do not eat food offerings, you may throw them away, saying something like, “Though I discard these physical offerings, the spiritual offering remains”.
You may also bury the offerings. Make sure that the offerings will not harm the surrounding environment or animals. Do not bury them in a jar or plastic bag.
If you offer herbs, you may either burn them using a charcoal block or cauldron, or you may throw them out/bury them. While burning is certainly traditional in many pantheons, do not feel the need to if you will be bothered by the potent smoke or handling fire.
Liquid Offerings:
Liquid offerings are handled in the same way food offerings are, with the exception of oils.
You do not have to drink oils after offering them. (Drinking straight olive oil is pretty gross, and please DO NOT drink harmful essential oils!) I recommend pouring them into the ground outside, or into the trash can.
You may pour liquid offerings into the offering bowl, or, you may keep the liquid offering in a cup. I have a special teacup that I often use for offerings such as tea, but any regular teacup will do. After all, you are offering the liquid, not the cup.
Incense and Candle Offerings:
According to tradition, these offerings must be left to burn out on their own. I recommend lighting small tea light candles for these offerings, as big candles burn for a long time. However, some modern Pagans may blow, rinse, or snuff them out early to prevent a fire hazard.
Make sure to be present while the offering is lit, and make sure nothing catches on fire.
If you are bothered by incense smoke, using an essential oil diffuser or unscented candle works fine.
Although many Pagans recommend incense as a general offering, you do not have to offer it, or any candles, if they bother you.
Plant Offerings:
If you offer a plucked flower, you may leave it on an altar or table until it withers. Afterwards you may throw it away. Basically, you handle it as any other friend would had you given them a plucked flower.
If you offer a growing or potted plant, tend to it as you would your other plants. If it dies, that’s okay. Simply discard it as you would normally. The Gods understand that plants die, and They appreciate the beauty of plants while they last.
Other Offerings:
For objects such as stones, shells, or family heirlooms, keep them on the altar or somewhere else special. Ideally, you will not need to throw these away. If they get damaged somehow, and if you cannot repair them, you may throw them out, but give an apology offering and try to replace them.
For artworks or crafts, place them on the altar or hang them somewhere. Don’t sell your offerings; they are gifts you gave to the Gods and not yours to sell.
For songs, play or sing them anytime you’d like to connect or give something to your deity.
For writings, you may keep them, or some people might burn them to “send” to their Gods. Whichever way is up to you.
For e-shrines or other technological offerings, keep them saved in their own folder, keep them nice and up-to-date.
For magical tools, such as grimoires or wands that you dedicate, feel free to use them as normal. Just take care of them, and remember to thank the deity you devoted them to once in a while.
For daily or private actions, such as cleaning, giving to others, etc., simply think “This is for you” or send your energy to the God, and finish the action.
You may say prayers out loud, write them down, or simply think them in your mind. All are perfectly legitimate.
I hope I got all of this. Feel free to reblog or message with corrections, since I know I don’t know everything about every pantheon. Have a beautiful day, and have fun worshipping!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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genxwitch · 3 years
Was just informed by my mom that I do in fact have ADHD and the reason I thought I didn’t was because ever since I was seven whenever I got super energetic my mom would have me go chop wood so now when I’m feeling The ADHD I go chop wood and I thought it was just some sort of routine I started when I was little and wanted to blow off steam
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