gender-isafuck · 11 minutes
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You can't make this shit up
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gender-isafuck · 11 minutes
This shit is so hilarious I had to reactivate this blog just to share it:
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Enjoy that תסורח with your הצמ dumbasses.
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gender-isafuck · 15 minutes
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gender-isafuck · 7 hours
this is what these bastards want to globalize.
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gender-isafuck · 16 hours
Jiung’s pose is so cute 😿
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gender-isafuck · 16 hours
On Twitter there are currently a lot of Christians and Muslims getting really angry about ways that Jews work around restrictions on work during Shabbat, and, like, honestly I do not understand why they care? Just a lot of non-Jews telling nice Orthodox Jews that they’re doing their religion wrong for no reason.
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gender-isafuck · 16 hours
“go back to poland”
excuse me? to what exactly? the place my great grandpa was born because there was no where else to go for people like him? the place my family barely survived in? go back to the rubble of the once beautiful town? go back to the place my family fought for years to get out of? to forget?
it’s all gone. everyone that once lived there is gone, all the homes have been burned to the ground, the synagogue (once used for trash) is now demolished. i don’t have anything to go back to besides blatant antisemitism and death threats.
israel is the home of the jewish people, you’re an idiot if you think anything else. it has always been our home, even when we find ourselves living all over.
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gender-isafuck · 16 hours
Tbh I think a lot of the rank-and-file goyische anti-Zionists don’t really realize that a large majority of the Jewish community sees them as a new generation trying (and thankfully not succeeding—yet) to enact another full-scale genocide against us. They’re so insulated by their tokens—who have either been gaslighted into accepting abuse or are actively trying to avoid abuse by being Good Jews—that they honestly do not understand the Evil Jews they call Zionists (who may or may not actually be Zionists) are the majority of the Jewish community.
And we despise you. We’re disgusted by you. Some of us are downright terrified of you. We see you as no better ideologically than the genocidal maniacs who have spent the last 3000 years murdering us in increasingly horrific ways. And I cannot fathom how you can see yourself as a good person or ally to Jews when the majority of the Jewish community fears and hates you as much as we do the literal Nazis.
I know you won’t, because the truth is that you do hate Jews just as much as the Nazis and everyone who came before them did, even if you deny or justify it—but you should be ashamed.
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gender-isafuck · 16 hours
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)
Reblog to increase sample size!
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
Me: uses cane to ease leg pain
Cane: causes wrist pain
There's no winning
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
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what do you meaaaaaaan this is baby sturgeons youre lying to me.... you just Shrunk him
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
Yeah, no bro, you’re completely normal, I just can’t tell you I’m Jewish.
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gender-isafuck · 20 hours
my biggest gripe with the pro palestinian movement is the lying. you can have empathy and feel remorse for gazans without lying and peddling every antisemetic trope in the book
you can realise that palestinian arabs did not kindly welcome jews who made aliyah before and after the shoah, they are not indigenous or the canaanites, they have been violent against israelis and jews, a lot of them do support hamas, the nakba was a war started by palestinians that they lost to israel, the palestinian national identity is reactionary to the israeli national identity, palestinians are not genetically distinct grom other arabs in the middle east, palestine is literally a colonial name given to the land by the romans to mock the jews living there to sever our connection to the land and STILL have empathy for palestinians. you can realise that they arent a perfect innocent victim and still have empathy for them. the source of their suffering isnt israel or jews, its the antisemitic and imperialistic goals of islamist leaders AND STILL. FEEL. REMORSE
if you need to distort the history of this land and its people and use antisemitic tropes in order to support palestine, you are the fucking problem!!!!! arabs are to the middle east what white people are to the west, and they are not victims just be they face oppression if they live in the west. go speak to any person from the indigenous populations of the middle east and levant and they can tell u all abt what islamism and arabs have done to them snd their families if u refuse to believe us sneaky lying je- i mean zionists. oh wait, its gonna be so hard to do that bc the arab world is doing everything in its power to kill them all
tl dr, you dont need to lie to have empathy for palestinians. you can accept the dirty past of palestinians (just as many israelis still love this country despite it flaws, less then pretty history and incompetent, corrupt government) and still empathise and believe in their self determination alongside jewish and israeli self determination. the need to lie, distort and discredit the jewish and israeli story shows your true (antisemetic) colors
(this is a rant from feb that u put on my insta story, thought it should be seen here)
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