geminus-virus · 1 year
Otherkin Ask Meme!
🐲: Are you otherkin or therian?
🐾: What are your kintype(s)?
☀️: What was your awakening like? When was it?
🤝: When did you first hear about the kin community?
💪: Do you experience phantom limbs?
💐: Do you experience any other shifts?
💙: What’s your favorite shift you get? Why?
🚫: What’s your least favorite shift? Why?
✅: Can you make yourself shift?
💫: Do you have shift triggers, or do they happen randomly?
🧠: Do you have memories?
💚: What’s your favorite thing about your kintype? (The species, creature, etc)
🌀: Do you think kins are spiritual or psychological in nature?
🗣: Does anyone know you are otherkin? Friends, family, etc? If so, how did you tell them?
👯‍♂️: Do you have any friends who are also kin?
🧘‍♂️: Do you mediate?
💤: Do you get kin dreams?
🐯: Do you wish you were your kintype? Why or why not?
🧝‍♀️: Do you own any gear? If so, what items do you have and do you like to wear them?
👀: Give a controversial opinion/your stance on some type of discourse.
🏔: What makes you feel closer to your kintype(s)?
✨: What are some things that validate you?
🌈: Talk about any other kin thing!
🍄: Anon asks any question they want about your kin stuff
Send an emoji !!!
Reblog to get some asks !
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geminus-virus · 5 years
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Stimboard for a Mituna with slime and different foods
Art by - @sereinede
-Mod Gamzee
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geminus-virus · 6 years
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Mituna Captor stimboard without slime or soap cutting.
Here you are; If you want anything adjusted, just shoot another ask.
If you want the sources, feel free to ask. As always, take care of yourself.
Edit: Unsure if soap cutting and honeycomb scraping look the same for you; if it does, I’ll replace it.
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geminus-virus · 6 years
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Nonbinary Mituna stimboard with no food and bright colours!!
[x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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This user is Dirk English
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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blue seadweller Eridan
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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Kin Helping’s 500th Follower Giveaway!!
Thank you all for making this happen! We are so grateful and so excited to have this wonderful giveaway with you! All of these items were on our survey for the most part! I hope you have a great time!
Let’s get to it!
Must be following this blog!
Reblogs only! Multiple reblogs count, but don’t spam! 
Side blogs are okay!
Must be 18+ or have your parents’ permission!
Be comfortable sharing your address!
Must be kin or questioning!
Do not tag as “giveaway.” (Can get taken down!!)
No giveaway blogs!
Likes don’t count!
New followers are welcome!
Winners will be picked via random number generator!
*** The questions have to be something that mod Virus approves of!
Ends on February 28th!!
First Place
3 Handwritten Letters! From Virus, Sylph, and Roxy!
Your choice of 3 incenses: Opium, Frankincense-Myrrh, The Moon, Sage, White Sage, Vanilla, Patchouli, The Blessing, Sandal, Clove, Anti-Stress, Against Jealousy 
Your choice of 3 raw crystals: Amethyst, Septarian, Green Opal, Desert Jasper, Red Jasper, Petrified Wood, Yellow Jasper
A personal tarot reading! Any spread, any question!***
A mini tarot reading in a letter! Any spread, any question!***
An aesthetic based around your blog!
A drawing of your kin!
A cheesy “I Heart New York” keychain!
A leaf!
Second Place
3 Handwritten Letters! From Virus, Sylph, and Roxy!
Your choice of 2 incenses that are left: Opium, Frankincense-Myrrh, The Moon, Sage, White Sage, Vanilla, Patchouli, The Blessing, Sandal, Clove, Anti-Stress, Against Jealousy
Your choice of 2 raw crystals that are left: Amethyst, Septarian, Green Opal, Desert Jasper, Red Jasper, Petrified Wood, Yellow Jasper
A mini tarot reading in a letter! Any spread, any question!***
An aesthetic based around your blog!
A drawing of you, but as a cat!
A cheesy “I Heart New York” keychain!
A leaf!
Third place
3 Handwritten Letters! From Virus, Sylph, and Roxy!
A personal tarot reading! Any spread, any question!***
A mini tarot reading in a letter! Any spread, any question!***
An aesthetic based around your blog!
A drawing of a dog! Any dog you like!
A cheesy “I Heart New York” keychain!
A leaf!
Runner up!
6 Handwritten Letters! From Virus, Sylph, and Roxy!
A mini tarot reading in a letter! Any spread, any question!***
A cheesy “I Heart New York” keychain!
A leaf!
Have a great time! 
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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! Punk/Dark Mituna Aesthetic ~
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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mystery skulls arthur fictionkin!
machine transfer tattoo
plush hamster (you can name him galahad!)
cotton wristband
acid wash jeans
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls Animated) aesthetic for anon!
Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
-Mod Lewis Neon
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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Stim Boards: Arthur (Mystery Skulls) (4/?)
credit: x / x / x / x / x / x / x
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geminus-virus · 7 years
i remember the first time i saw a trailer for Split in the movie theaters. i was with family and the theater was full and i’d been mildly enjoying the trailers and perked up a bit when the tell-tale ominous music of a horror movie trailer started, because i love good thrillers.
except then it was frame after frame after frame of a person with dissociative identity disorder being portrayed as everyone’s boogey man, the shrieks of the little girl protagonists as he appeared wearing different clothes and a different voice, people in the theater jumping and giggling every time they showed the man doing something horrific. and i felt frozen in my seat.
my sister leaned over to me when it was finished and said “i want to see that” with a look on her face like it was the greatest trailer she’d ever seen.
like it wasn’t a punch to my gut everytime i heard someone whisper “psycho” or “crazy” and other terrible things. like in that moment i didn’t feel like running away from all these people, like i didn’t feel unsafe and filthy. because these people getting their thrills from a demonizing potrayal of a mental illness.
and the thing is, it matters.
because if i bring it up people will say “oh but it’s not really mental illness, like depression or something. he was just fucking crazy which is totally scary haha”. yeah well, not haha. not haha because DID is a real mental illness but that’s not what it looks like. people with DID aren’t murderers or dangerous. but now, because movies like Split are all people have seen of illnesses like DID, that’s their frame of reference.
the media does it with DID, with schizophrenia, with every single personality disorder, with bipolar, with everything else that is “scary”. raising awareness for depression and anxiety is important, they’re valid and serious illnesses. but hardly anyone tries to protect people with “scary” disorders. this halloween when costumes of the main character crop up, people will giggle and buy it because it’s so creepy and cool.
i’m reminded that, although i don’t have DID, much of my mental illness is defined by symptoms that are used in other horror movies. that people who have “scary” disorders are the entertainment in everyone else’s world. and for people who do have DID, that movie is absolutely devastating.
so if you buy a ticket to see Split, please know that’s it’s not harmless entertainment or a good thrill. it’s fucking ableism and you’re being ableist if you go see it.
(please reblog, neurotypical or not)
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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geminus-virus · 7 years
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Beforan Sollux Megido - archaeology professor
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geminus-virus · 8 years
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Sollux Maryam ♠️ Karkat Megido! Please tell me if I need to change anything!! ~Mod Johnny
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geminus-virus · 8 years
hi! draw you and your sea of eridans.
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theyre all so perfect…….. i wvill protect em all i promise
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geminus-virus · 8 years
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Mituna Zahhak
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