geekypapabear · 6 years
I'm trash. I feel like it to boot.
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geekypapabear · 7 years
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Princess and I made snowflakes! More crafts soon!
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geekypapabear · 7 years
Hey I love you. @littlebabybunbun
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geekypapabear · 7 years
Scientists: “Climate change will be responsible for larger, more powerful storms.”
Deniers: “Irma is a Category 5, just like Andrew in 1992. Fake news.”
Scientists: “Did you miss the part where we said LARGER.”
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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Cute Pokemon master post!!
(can be used as icon just credit me)
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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Hyrule Warriors Cuties
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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OUR thanks to you for reaching 5k followers!
We’ve partnered with our friends on Etsy and put together this adorable   Daddy/Babygirl themed give-a-way.
ETSY shop’s featured in this promotion: 
When this post reaches 5K notes, we’ll announce a winner!
Win this FREE 13 piece set!  
 #1 - PINK “Baby girl” tote bag.                            Created by TwistedSkrews
#2 & #3 - “Daddy” and “Babygirl” his/hers matching sock set. (you get new ones..not the ones Daddy & I are wearing in the photo ;) Created by CeramicallyFunny
#4 & #5 - “Daddy” and “Babygirl” his/her matching Key chain tags.  Created by TwistedSkrews
#6 - Custom stamped “Babygirl” spoon.  Perfect for cereal binges :)  Created by WhisperingMetalworks
#7 & #8 - “Daddy” and “Babygirl” black coffee mugs.  Created by TwistedSkrews
#9 & #10-  Cute novelty naughty body parts SOAP.  Mini penis & a pair of boobs. Created by SlickeryBlends. @slickeryblends
#11 & #12 - “Daddy” and “Babygirl” double side engraved his/hers dog  tag necklaces. Created by TwistedSkrews
#13 - Custom “Babygirl” rubber stamp.  Created by ButthurtPaperGoods
How we decide the winner……
To keep things fair we use an online number generator.  When the contest ends, we’ll enter 0-5000 and hit ‘generate’..the system picks a random number…we start from the bottom (earliest note) and count the notes until we reach the generated number, we’ll check to make sure you follow our blog and if so…THAT’S THE WINNER!
BEGINS 4/06/16 - ENDS at 5k notes.  WE WILL REBLOG AND TAG THE LUCKY WINNER. You must reply to with your NAME and SHIPPING INFO within 24 hours.  We will contact the winner via Message here on Tumblr.
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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geekypapabear · 8 years
The owners of this business has no morals. This company keeps selling items to a woman that is giving the items to my Dom husband because she is trying to break up my marriage. I reached out to this company asking them to stop selling items to the woman or to my Dom husband and the company basically told me it's not their fucking problem but clearly the business is providing this bitch with the trinkets to give to him. BOYCOTT this business and teach them a lesson on morals!
Here’s the whole story!
-From Anon:
I’m sending you all a message as a business owner and a wife who’s Dom is in the BDSM LS. This bracelet was purchased two times by (——-) for my husband. I have found both of them. First one, was pitched in January and this one was recently given to him while we were in FL lady week. This one has been pitched in a river along with other stuff from her I have found. This persistent Beotch seems to keep buying jewelry and etc. for (—–). Not to waste your materials in something that shouldn’t be given by someone who is in a broken marriage coming after my husband and Dom. Please do NOT make anything for (—–) and or (—–).
Thank you ~ (——-)
-From Our Company:
Hi (—–),I’m very sorry to hear about your current circumstances. While I can sympathize with your situation, our company does not get involved in any personal matters that may result from past/future purchases.We get many orders from many different clients all over the world. Some clients purchase for their SO, some purchase for friends or even for themselves. We would never turn away our loyal customers based on information sent to us that is demeaning to their character. Once an item is purchased, it is our obligation to create the items and ship them as agreed upon with our clients. We do not grant requests to “NOT make anything for xxxx”.This would be a situation better dealt with between yourself and your husband.Thank you,FranTwistedSkrews 
-From Anon:
It has been but you feeding her with more trinket BS doesn’t help! Thanks anyways and I know as a business owner you know better
-From Our Company:
Ma'am, as a business owner and under Etsy TOS, I ‘know better’ and am not at liberty to discuss specific transactions related to my clients. If you have taken this up with your husband, then it should no longer be an issue.-FranTwistedSkrews
Sorry Anon….We run a business…not the Jerry Springer show.  If your husband valued your opinions/feelings, he would not accept gifts from women outside your marriage.  Your problem is not with our company, it’s with your cheating husband.  
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geekypapabear · 8 years
We had a nice weekend at the Renn Faire. The kids were annoying, but they can’t help it and it was a fun getaway before Daddy has to start working. I’m incredibly proud of him and all that he has accomplished. He has done so much in such a short amount of time and it’s unbelievable. I am truly thankful for him. I am still in a bit of shock from how quickly things have moved and I know that he is serious about our future together from the work he has put in. He could have easily just told me no and fuck off. Lol. I’m excited to help create a home that is truly ours where we can grow together, be ourselves, and not have to worry about answering or depending upon other people. I can’t wait to make Daddy dinner for the first time in our own place. And deliver it wearing nothing. :)
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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It’s not just men who think they are entitled to sex or a woman’s body. 
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geekypapabear · 8 years
@littlebabybunbun I think so. Even though I know it's okay and I didn't mean the things I say/do in a derogatory manner I still feel bad.
Things to Say to Someone in Top Drop/Dom Drop
I’m okay
I love you
Thank you
It’s alright
I’m not hurt
I’m not hurt too badly
You’re lovely/wonderful/kind
I enjoyed it
It was worth it
Take your time
Do you need anything?
Do you want a cuddle?
Do you want me to get dressed/take the collar off/put the crop away?
Do you want to talk about it?
I’m here
You’re not a bad person
Top drop/dom drop usually comes from shock, guilt or insecurity about the way you have just treated someone whose well-being you care about very much. Like sub drop, it is usually accompanied by a fall in endorphins and general energy levels. Especially for aces (who I find have a greater need to be in the right mindset/’zone’ for play and intimacy), a ‘snap’ moment where you break out of play mode can throw you emotionally, and the end of play causes a similar reassessment or double-take at what happened during the scene.
Dominants in drop require the same kind of care as subs, but a different kind of reassurance.
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geekypapabear · 8 years
Dear Tumblr Daddy Doms...
If you are not prepared to get your arse on the carpet and play tea parties, build Lego towns/fairy castles/intergalactic mega fembot battle stations or colour in MLP/Tinker Bell/Hello Kitty books…
Don’t you fucking dare think about putting that little over your goddam knee when she doesn’t do what “you want”!
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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geekypapabear · 8 years
Please enjoy this tiny twirling water owl.
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geekypapabear · 8 years
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