gay-muja · 6 years
my rpg stuf will be here
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gay-muja · 6 years
my rpg stuf will be here
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gay-muja · 6 years
i might just make this into a blog for rp games i play since. i dont really have any other use 4 this anymore. however since theres info here like my deadname and i probs have some gross or embarassing things attached 2 this acc i might make a new blog n link it here
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gay-muja · 6 years
List of my RPG accs, to be updated
Toram: Estival
Monster Super League: Forestss
Im gonna try n make most of my accs named Forestss
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gay-muja · 6 years
Im Estival on toram incase anyone wants 2 friend me
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gay-muja · 6 years
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gay-muja · 6 years
i choose a terrible day to post this. ill just be constantly rick rolled in ym desperation to play more games
hey folks
toram is legit the only rpg i play. please suggest FREE rpgs for me to play. preferabbly on pc but mobile works too, but if its mobile it must eb avaliable for samsung
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gay-muja · 6 years
hey folks
toram is legit the only rpg i play. please suggest FREE rpgs for me to play. preferabbly on pc but mobile works too, but if its mobile it must eb avaliable for samsung
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gay-muja · 6 years
You played Toram?
sorry that this took me 1 billion years to answer, but i did!! Since i can’t access the phone i had my account on, i need to start a new game
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gay-muja · 6 years
Dev has lied and manipulated Reddit (as well as the rest of the YanSim fandom).
It’s about time I made another one of these; apologizes for entering the main tag.
On this reddit comment chain, Dev speaks about how he’s been having to deal with this and that, and if you don’t like how he’s using Easter eggs to cope, then you should just not follow the development. While that in itself is sketchy, if you continue through the chain and see Dev’s second comment, he says one thing in particular:
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This is a lie.
How do I know it’s a lie, might you ask?
Well, the last three days (and tonight, as I’m typing this), on my discord server I programmed a Mee6 bot to watch for when both YandereDev and EvaXephon go live.
“But Dev doesn’t go by EvaXephon anymore!”
Oh, but his account is pretty active. YandereDev typically streams around 11 PM EST, (my timezone) which would be 8PM his time; excuse my language in the evidence, but this clearly shows that EvaXephon’s twitch is still active:
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Clearly, EvaXephon is being used still, especially as displayed in tonight’s example.
I’m not surprised considering he wouldn’t want his dear loyal fans finding out that he streams longer than he claims.
So, why can’t you see his previous streams on EvaXephon, you may be asking?
Well, that’s because you need a special invite to get into the stream; I happened to get my hands on this, and the first thing to pop up is a disclaimer:
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“This is a private webpage. The only people who should be here are a handful of my close friends.”
You may call this an “invasion of privacy”, but I call it exposing a manipulative liar.
Oh, he isn’t a manipulative liar? You see, that’s where you’re wrong: I already shown him lying directly to Reddit, which is a manipulation technique itself which enables them to wrong-foot their victim and confuse them, but his other manipulation techniques are also easy to identify.
1. He isn’t willing to change or take blame for his own actions. Constantly makes excuses for himself and denies he did any wrong, as well as bends the truth.
This has clearly been shown in situations such as the Art Theft incident, Chidiscourse, Mei Mio Hair discourse (his wording in a wordpress blog made him sound annoyed about having to change Mei’s hair back to the bun from negative response), Ex Volunteer incident, and other similar caliber.
The Chidiscourse incident also includes victim blaming, which is a common manipulation technique used where they make the victim defend themselves while the manipulator is masking their own manipulation techniques. This shifts the focus on the victim, not the accuser. It can also make the victim feel guilty of their actions, constantly apologize, and try to redeem themselves, which typically is an after effect of being manipulated.
He doesn’t officially apologize to the victims here, and even bends and leaves out facts within the truth by being vague in an anti-harassment post. Not telling the entire story is also a common manipulation technique to put their victims at a disadvantage.
2. He constantly minimizes the damage of his actions, plays victim, and completely dehumanizes those who criticize him.
You can see this in action through the prior mentioned Art Theft post; Let me focus on the end part.
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He states that his actions are “not a big deal” “a trivial matter”, and a “non-issue”. Saying this three times (which is unnecessary) by itself is suspicious, but the act itself is called minimalism, to which they make their actions not as much of an issue as they really should be.
He also continues to state that those who criticize him’s mission is to “characterize everything he does as an evil, immoral act”, that we would “crucify” him, that those who questioned him were being “irrational”.
He plays the victim, saying that critics and anti-devs are hellbound to make him miserable. Saying that “they’re just starting drama for no reason”. That those who question him are “convincing themselves that everything I do is an unforgivable, evil crime.”
The vocabulary used here is purposely exaggerated in order to characterize critics and anti-devs as absolute monsters. Words are powerful, and those words can change someone’s view 180° depending on how they are described. This isn’t any new technique, either: books you read do this, articles attempting to sway arguments will do this; it’s a simple way to make the mind feel a certain emotion.
The fact this is at the end of a post on the art theft situation shows he is not only unexpectedly changing topic (another common manipulation technique to confuse the victim), but he’s also shifting the problem away from him and onto critics/anti-devs, putting blame on them while at the same time making himself the victim.
3. He flatters and rewards those who follow him while punishing those who don’t: This can be referred to as human conditioning.
Remember how Dev constantly shamed us for sending him emails? Well, this was our punishment: nagging us about our actions, and offering reward for obeying him by promising the game’s development to go twice as fast.
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This is just one of many times where he used this technique, practically saying at times that as long as you obey, you won’t have any trouble with him.
I would go into further detail and make more specifications, but that would make this post way longer than it needs to be: I’m going to leave it here, and also provide a link to the wiki for Psychological Manipulation, which has a list of manipulation techniques.
Alex Mahan wants you to believe he is innocent and always in the right. You probably have already stated that his actions are moral, and have defended him countless times, and that is exactly what he wants.
If this has not gotten through to you, you may be in denial of my words. If it does, you will be upset and angry. Both of these reactions are part of the 5 stages of Grief, to which a victim either doubts themself or others’ words, as well as become angry when they finally realize they have been wronged.
I went through the same thing, and I denied constantly anything that hurt my manipulator; the same I expect to happen here. Once I found out I was being manipulated, it hurt and angered me. I denied it at first, saying “there must be a reason why they’re doing this”, and, after it finally clicked, all I wanted to see was them getting the karma they deserved… but none-the-less: I know you all must be upset at me or Dev, whoever you think is wrong or right, but please consider every detail.
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This is exactly what he wants.
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gay-muja · 7 years
i realized my genetically accurate firesand fam tree isnt as accurate as i thought now tha i know more about genetics so im gonna hopefully have an updated version up tomorrow or wendsday
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gay-muja · 7 years
I’m sorry but I seriously need help
I’m an autistic trans lesbian and I’m in major financial trouble because my new boss has slashed everyone’s hours. I was already having trouble getting by, and now my whole team’s cut down to 20-25 hours, which is not enough for me (or any of us) to live on.
My next paycheck will be completely wiped out by rent, my medical insurance, and my phone bill, all of which hit at the same time and total just shy of $700.
Since I just paid my other bills, this means I only have $100 to make it from today, Nov 19th, to Dec 8th!
I just got groceries, but my commute to work is 30 miles each way (60 miles total), plus I have medications to buy.
There’s no way I can make $100 stretch for 19 days! I have no family or support system to fall back on, and I’ve already sold everything of value I can realistically sell (I’m not allowed to donate blood).
If I can just get maybe another $200 or so it would really save my ass. If I can’t afford gas I’ll end up missing work, which will just make my next check even smaller and I’ll be in an even worse position next month.
Please, please help! I am genuinely begging. I know I’ve had donation posts circulating off and on for the past couple of months, but in that time I’ve barely gotten $50 in donations.
If you can afford to make even a small donation (seriously, an extra $5 can be a life-saver), please, please follow this link to My Paypal.
I am so incredibly scared right now and I don’t know what I’m going to do.
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gay-muja · 7 years
Living with my parents has become a hell to endure, and my dad has been upping his abusive asshole game continuously over the past months thinking that was somehow going to convince to not be a transman anymore. Nearly a month ago I came back home from work to find that he threw out my “boy” clothes because he was sick of “dealing with my delusions”, he keeps threatening to send me to a concentration camp or to force me to see a religious counselor and misgendering me while putting an emphasis on the she whenever im around while my mom just stands there in the background doing nothing. His actions have been getting more and more hostile, and I can’t take it anymore. 
So I’m going to run away to go live with my brother since I’ve just turned 18, he agreed to it but we’re both practically broke we can’t afford the entire cost of the trip from Vermont to Kentucky. I still need an extra 120 dollars.  Guys if you can please spare a dollar or two I would forever be grateful, or please just reblog this or boost it !! 
I really need to get away from my trashy transphobic parents as soon as possible, so any donation or reblog would be sooooo appreciated !!
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gay-muja · 7 years
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do we really think he’d pay his volunteers? plus, why couldn’t he pay them (his volunteers) before?
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gay-muja · 7 years
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gay-muja · 7 years
Some people in the Warriors fandom: dont give too many cats powers!!! making warriors blogs about fanclans with powers isnt realistic so thats bad!!
Me, smart: just because others might not like it doesnt mean i cant do it. making a clan about cats with powers isnt bad. let me have fun
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gay-muja · 7 years
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Me and a friend discussed a universe where Osoro is blinded
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