gabrielpereiras · 2 years
The confirmation that Gabriel hadn’t heard anything on his end was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because at least they weren’t to blame. If they were, Milena’s patience would have gone through the roof as it was tedious to do damage control. A curse because they didn’t have the intel they needed. Now it left her wondering who was involved and which groups were making their moves. The fall of the commission left a toll on all of them to do their own biddings, now it was just a matter of who was making the right choices to remain at the top. 
“No, that’s definitely not our scene.” agreed Milena with a playful grin. “But bloodshed has no value when the outcome is the same.” Gabriel’s assumption caused her to nod in understanding as her thoughts wandered off. It was reckless to make a scene, especially in the public eye. “Mhm, well that statement surely went across the city ten fold. My assumption is that it’ll open a window of opportunity for other organizations to take their chances and do the same. They’re either impatient or strategic, especially if they were to pin it on a particular group.” 
Meeting his gaze, she then asked, “I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead since I preferred seeing the others fuck up. However, the last thing I want is a slip up or missed opportunity on our end. Our advantage is that we have the funds to do as we please, plus I’d like to believe we’re smarter than most. Should we delve in the noise or should we remain at arms length and take precaution?” It was a no brainer that she trusted Gabriel with everything she’s got. There was a reason why he was her right hand man in both the Takers and Prime Financial. A light hearted smile soon graced her lips as she added, “—Or should we simply have FUN with it and roll with the punches?” 
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      “ the question is: do they have the intelligence and means to pull of fully blaming someone else? or are they patient enough to attempt to pull something like this off? lastly, are we sure it was a calculated incidence, or was it someone acting out and causing collateral damage that was unintended? ” he sipped more coffee, allowing the flavor to rewet his palette as if his mouth would run dry without it. yes, it was a detriment not to have been directly there, but at least he knew none of theirs were dumb enough to participate. ---if they were, there would be hell to pay. gabriel had no problem slamming down that particular gavel.
      “ so now we need to gather whatever information we can and discern those things. we need to be ready for another move, regardless of if it was planned or not. we don’t want to get caught with our pants down. ” perhaps someone did want war. with the dissolution of the commission it was only a matter of time before someone hungered for someone else’s territory, their slice of the pie. peace never lasted, and the fall of the commission was proof of that exactly. money, greed ... they were driving forces. why settle with one when you could have more? or all?
      for a long moment he was silent, judging the options presented to him on scales invisible to the eye. “ both. it would be stupid to stay in the dark about it. it would be stupid to throw ourselves into chummed waters. we need to send out feelers, get more knowledge before we commit one hundred percent anywhere. ” fingers drummed mindlessly against his coffee - a sound more hollow than not now that he’d drank most of it. “ while i love having fun, this doesn’t feel like a situation we let ourselves roll through. this feels dangerous. ”
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
      location: prime financial, first floor.       time: noon.       who: gabriel pereira & lars lind @damnedfm​
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      change could be a good thing, gabriel often needed to remind himself that, and after thirty years of having a similar logo ---or one that looked the same with minor variations, it was time for an overhaul. he’d vetted through prime financial’s own marketing team and shot down nearly every single draft they’d managed to scrounge up when it hit his desk. too much like apple, too fun, too much like what it was in 2015 ... the reasons were endless. it was hard to bleed a stone. and perhaps it was below his line of duties to reach out and contact an outside source on the matter, but he’d rather put this behind him than hear, “ and on the matter of the company logo redesign ... ” in one more board meeting.
      enter the meeting with lars lind - a name floated his way through someone in human resources. while he wasn’t fond of the location lars’ employer was from (suspicious, if not overly informed) he was ready to put this fucking logo bullshit behind him, already. and so, twelve o’clock on the dot, he exited the elevator and made his way to the front desk. he liked punctual people. it was a hidden test within a test.
      “ good afternoon. mr. lind, i presume? ” somewhere along the line he’d learned to be business. deprogrammed from that feral child the pereira’s had adopted so long ago and turned into the image of a human, he was quite good at this, now. he enjoyed it. and meeting new people was always a challenge of observation. for all he knew he was inviting an enemy into the hive mind of the takers ---he treated every person that crossed the threshold as such ... most simple didn’t know. “ thank you for taking the time to meet with me. i appreciate it. ”
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
✧* ☟​
“Good eye.” Milena mused as she looked away from her compact mirror. She recognized that voice anywhere given that both herself and Gabriel worked hand in hand with each other. “Perfect timing, I was in fact heading to the office. Let’s take our time though, I’m feeling
a bit lethargic this morning.” Putting away her lip items, she then quickly powder compacted herself before leaning back into her seat and getting comfortable. With everything that’s been happening, these moments to themselves were quite RARE and Milena knew that a storm was brewing sooner than later. Tensions were high after all.
Swirling her iced coffee, she fixed her gaze on the numerous individuals passing them by. Many of them were continuing to live their day to day lives, not fully knowing that they were surrounded by two of the most dangerous beings in London. The majority knew they were powerful due to their careers and public reputation, but a small percentile were aware of their nefarious doings. “Ugh tell me about it, hilarious.” she stated after much thought. “I’m kind of kicking myself in the foot though for missing out on the fun. The one weekend I chose to go offline, the city’s nightlife goes into shambles. Do you have any tea to spill? I’m hoping that it wasn’t our fault. The last thing I want is a major headache to clean up.” 
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      hand slipped from his pocket, thumb ceased its tireless tracing of the worn watch case, and gabriel simply let himself be at rest. it was difficult, he felt, to come to a place where he could maybe slip a little ---unload some of the stress from his shoulders and instead just accept the moment for what it was. and somehow, out in the open and even with the giant target constantly painted on his back, he gave himself those ten seconds just to breathe. ---and then the walls went up again. lethargic wasn’t quite the word to describe it for himself, he thought. lost would suit more, if only it meant he had no direction. his direction was set, and had been for a long time ---straight on, stop for nothing, don’t ever slow your pace.
      “ nothing to share on my end. at least the knowledge that it was none of ours, but i wouldn’t be caught dead in a bar that low class to save my life. ” there was no jest to his tone, and he clipped his words short with a sip of hot coffee. it was the truth. at this age he could afford to be that picky - he’d earned it. finally his eyes came to settle on milena once more, unreadable in their expression, but gentle as they studied her body language. they knew one-another well, or as well as people in their position could. he was thankful for it. “ the most hot-headed did this. my assumption is to make a statement. or maybe they’re getting edgy with how quiet it’s been otherwise. only a matter of time before one of the ravenous dog packs got hungry and itchy and couldn’t help themselves. ”
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
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( edgar ramirez , 45 , cis man , he/his ) wait , did you just see who got off the london eye? i swear , it was GABRIEL PEREIRA. how do you not know them? i hear they roll with the TAKERS as a SECOND IN COMMAND but what can you believe these days. most know them as a CFO at PRIME FINANCIAL with a reputation of being DEDICATED + RUTHLESS. i guess we’ll find out who they really are and why they hum the lyrics to STEPPING STONE by LEMAITRE in public soon enough.
Name: Gabriel Pereira. Age / D.O.B.: 45, Unknown, assigned February 27, 1977. Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis Man, He/His, Heterosexual. Hometown: El Socorro, Venezuela. Affiliation: The Takers, Second in Command. Job position: CFO of Prime Financial. Education: BSA in Business and Finance. Relationship status: Divorced. Children: None. Positive traits: Articulate, capable, focused, organized, steadfast. Negative traits: Abrasive, crass, demanding, moody, secretive.
Born in El Socorro, Venezuela to a mother far too young to raise or have a child, Gabriel (his foster name) has no memories of his youth before a certain age. How he came to leave Venezuela, or how he fell into the foster system in England and everything in between, are a mystery to him even to this day.
He spent a few years in foster care before he was adopted by a wealthy protestant family, the Pereira’s, at 11. Life was rough at first ---a boy nearly feral, used to fending for himself to keep what he was given in a system that cared very little for the young wards beholden to it. It took time for him to soften up, to realize that his new parents weren’t going to simply give him back or refund their adoption just because Gabriel was a little rough around the edges.
And that he was ---home-schooling was the first step to decode the boy, re-writing the parts of him that were more fight than any other response, until he became more refined. When he came of age he was sent to a prestigious boarding school and received a fine education.
He attended London Business School after graduating from college and received his MBA shortly thereafter. In the last two years of his degree he interned at his father’s company ---the first taste of the dark side of business.
The finances of the Pereira family were not lawfully gained. Through his father Gabriel learned how to lie and cheat in a way that went mostly undetected, how to twist money from one account to another, how to bump up his own earnings. 
Time spent at the company turned into a valuable asset for The Takers, who noticed Gabriel’s talent and recruited him at a low level, where he served for many years before being voted into the position of Second in Command.
At 31 he applied for and was accepted into Prime Financial, at first as an advisor before earning his way up the ranks. At 40 he was appointed CFO - a position he’s held for the past five years.
Was married from 30-38. His wife was completely unaware of his illegal dealings, or his involement with The Takers. Upon finding out she filed for divorce ---irreconcilable differences. Gabriel has yet to fall into another serious relationship - championing work over personal fancies. He did, however, love his wife very much. (wc on the main).
Has a cat named Cat. Cat is very spoiled.
Spanish is still very much a language he speaks fluently, something he speaks with his adopted parents. However Gabriel has formed an English accent over his many years in London.
Has very little memory of his birth mother and can be quite aggressive if pushed about his past before being adopted.
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
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Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - dir. Kathryn Bigelow
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
❛ ☟ ◟━ LOCATION: on the patio in a cafe near prime financial  ❛ ☟ ◟━ TIME: mid morning  ❛ ☟ ◟━ STATUS: open to everyone
It was mandatory to have a caffeine fix whenever Milena started her day. Luckily there were cafes and your typical coffee shop chains around Prime Financial to fulfill such needs. However, today was different as she was informed of the events that took place Saturday evening at Carwash Nightclub. So no, her morning AND start to her week was not going as planned, which is why she was prioritizing her iced coffee as it was the only constant thing that made her morning right. Sitting at the patio, she was forced to buy today’s paper to see what had taken place. As always, it was vague to the point where you’re unable to read between the lines. This meant that a blame game was bound to happen. The silver lining was that she planned on not putting her own organization at the forefront and would rather have the other impulsive groups have at it. Why make a move when you can go with the flow and use it in your favour? 
Glancing down at her Cartier watch it was time to get a move on with her day and so, she pulled out a couple of cosmetics items and did a few touch ups such as lining her lips before reapplying another coat of lipstick. The morning sun no longer dawned on her as an individual approached her side and provided her shade. “—Need the table or the newspaper?” she asked. Why else would they be near her? If it was work related, she’d rather have that conversation in PF at that point. “I’ll be done in a second, let me clean up.” 
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      he could be compared to something of a bat or bird, perhaps ---graceful in motion, the long tails of his coat always trailing behind him like the finer fletching of wings. more importantly he was quiet ---the rush of liftoff, lost among soft breezes, but only when he wanted to be. his own coffee occupied his hand, come to rest on the table at the outdoor patio as he seated himself (without invitation) before the CEO of prime financial. they worked close together so often, in more ways than what law dictated. a slight smile graced his features, though it was easily lost against the growing shadow of a beard not quite there, and the exhaustion that rest itself beneath his eyes in dark circles. for a brief moment he watched as milena applied her cosmetics, but let his gaze shift to passers-by while she touched herself up.
      “ i caught you in the window. if you’re headed to work, i figured i could accompany you. since we’re headed in the same direction. ” free hand shifted into his pocket to tinker with a watch that his own father had gifted him after high school graduation ---the old chain was connected to a belt loop and felt warm between his fingers, is if it and the watch back retained his body heat on purpose. it was an action of thoughtless comfort, not minded as he used his other hand to lift coffee to his lips and draw in a hot sip. “ i imagine you saw the paper. funny news, that. ” light conversation - anyone in the city could have been talking about it, he was sure that many were. they were anyone else, easily blending.
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gabrielpereiras · 2 years
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Ă©dgar ramĂ­rez as luis rojas ↳ the 355 (2022)
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