fvcksaraa · 1 year
“You walked into my life, and for the first time I felt seen. I had gotten so used to people looking right through me, but you…you saw me and you couldn’t look away. Suddenly I didn’t feel invisible anymore; I felt like the only thing you could see.”
— thank you for seeing me // m.e.k.
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fvcksaraa · 2 years
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fvcksaraa · 2 years
“I think you lost all interest in this world. You were disappointed and discouraged, and lost interest in everything. So you abandoned your physical body. You went to a world apart and you’re living a different kind of life there. In a world inside you.”
— Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
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fvcksaraa · 2 years
Start off gentle. Obviously. Lips capturing lips. I want to take it slow. Swipe my tongue along your bottom lip so we’re on the same page. Explore your mouth, your tongue, the roof, your front teeth. Little nips every now and then. Getting reacquainted even though it feels like it’s been a day, not hundreds. Fingers through your hair, on your face, dragging down your arms, under your shirt to run my fingers over your back. Kiss up and down your jaw, your neck, your cheeks. And then build intensity.
You on top of me, one hand down my side, ribs, waist, hips, back up, reacquainting. One forearm holding you up so you don’t crush me - yet. Your mouth down my neck, to my collarbone, leaving little red marks along the way, then back up. I’m wrapping my legs around your waist as your tongue begins working its way down my throat, I’m pulling your full weight onto me, rocking against you, trying to get as close as fucking possible. I’m moaning softly because every. nerve. is on fire. Reacquainting. My hands are gripping your hair tighter and tighter, and you’re pulling me to you as I arch up so there isn’t a single centimeter of space between us.
And you’re just fucking kissing me. Tongues all over, hands running wild, bodies moving but somehow totally in sync.
“you asked me how I wanted you to kiss me. this is my answer.”
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fvcksaraa · 2 years
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long distance love
wong kar-wai // e. e. cummings // jorge damiani // rocio montoya // frida kahlo // li-young lee // evan cohen // mary oliver // holly warburton // clifton gachagua // sanna wani // anne magill // craig santos perez // jungho lee
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
You're the kind of person I wanna be with when I want to be alone.
— Eleanor & Park
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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Sue Zhao - @blossomfully
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
“I so badly want to entwine our demons together and create a storm with you.”
- B.M.
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
“Sometimes I am quiet around you. Not because I’m sad, No. I’m afraid. I’m afraid that if I start to talk, I won’t be able to stop, and I’m afraid that I’ll say all of the things I’m not supposed to say and reveal all of the things that I promised I wouldn’t. Because I’m not supposed to feel this way, and you are not supposed to know. I sit in silence, giving you a closed-lip smile every so often to reassure you that I’m alright. I know you worry. I just can’t open my mouth or I may tell you how beautiful you look tonight. I just can’t open my mouth, or I may tell you that you invade my every thought throughout the day. I just can’t open my mouth, or I may tell you that I love you, love you more than you think I do. So I smile, mouth closed. And I go home, and I sob into the sheets of paper, because you are the subject of everything I write, despite how desperately I try to stop it - to stop all of this. Your name floods my mind and flows out with the ink, and it is out of my control.”
I can’t stop it. 
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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Sagittarius #4
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
Find your sign and choose the best in you
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
“Please hold me, but don’t fix me. I’m broken and the cracks run deeper than you’d imagine, but I’m still beautiful. These scars make me who I am, the girl you love, so I ask that you take me as I am.”
— tara love / love me as i am
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
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fvcksaraa · 4 years
ASTROLOGY: who are you attracted to?
Most people think attraction has to do with sun sign. Everyone’s heard: “If you’re an Aquarius, date a Gemini or a Libra!” This is due to the fact that mainstream astrology does not consider other factors besides your sun sign, and most people believe this. But actually, this is not true, because most of the time sun-sun compatibility has little importance - no more than giving a general vibe that the relationship would give off. Instead, we should really focus on connecting energies between two charts. Read my post here about how compatibility really works.
Here are some common connections that indicate attraction between two people. It says that they must be in the “same sign”, but note that if the two placements are conjunct the bond is even more powerful.
SUN/MOON - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s moon:
both people feel like they’ve found their other half
the moon person looks up to the sun person
the sun person helps the moon person shine
there is an ease with each other that is very natural
both people “make sense” to each other
both have a similar attitude towards life
SUN/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
the two people are very similar
there are many common interests
they both view life in a similar way
the sun person likes the energy that the ascendant person naturally gives off
the ascendant person feels like they can be themselves with the sun person
self-expression is easy and harmonious together
MOON/MOON - having the same moon sign: 
this is a powerful, soulmate-like relationship
both people feel a sense of security
the other person feels “familiar” somehow
sharing feelings is easy and natural
both are very sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs
there is an intense emotional bond, sometimes overwhelmingly powerful
one can read the other like a book
MOON/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
both people feel understood by each other
the moon person feels at ease expressing their feelings
the ascendant person feels understood by the moon person
there is a natural emotional connection
both are aware of and receptive to the other’s feelings
ASCENDANT/ASCENDANT - having the same ascendant sign:
both people feel very comfortable with each other
both people sense a similarity in the way that they project themselves to the world
both have many shared values and similar attitudes
both are attracted to the other’s self-expression
SUN/VENUS - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus: 
the sun person is the venus person’s “type”
the sun person feeds off of the venus person’s love
both people give and receive much affection
the venus person values everything the sun person represents
the sun person appreciates the venus person’s expression
MOON/VENUS - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the venus person makes the moon person feel comfortable
both care a lot for each other
both share a lot of values when it comes to a relationship
ASCENDANT/VENUS - 1st person’s ascendant in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the ascendant person embodies what the venus person finds attractive
the ascendant person appreciates the love the venus person gives
both are sensitives to each other’s needs and want to please each other
VENUS/VENUS - having the same venus sign:
both people are magnetically drawn to each other
there is an appreciation for each other’s personal style/aesthetic
both sense a similarity in each other’s romantic expression
both naturally understand each other’s romantic needs and satisfy them
VENUS/MARS - 1st person’s venus in the same sign as the 2nd person’s mars:
there is a sense of romantic chemistry
the venus person is attracted to how the mars person asserts him/herself
the mars person is attracted to the venus person’s charm and style
These are not the only indicators of attraction (there are many more involving asteroids or other points), but they are the most common ones involving personal planets. And also, having any of these connections does not guarantee a relationship will work out - they just give an indication of a strong connection between two people. There are both good AND bad sides to each of these connections, but here I’m showing the more positive side (meaning the reasons WHY you would feel the attraction in the first place). Having too many of these could potentially make a relationship overwhelming, while having only one might not be enough to keep a relationship going. It’s all about balance. :)
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