This is the best piece of artwork in all history
One of my favorite things in the Harry Potter fandom is how we all *know* Lucius Malfoy is so fucking tired of hearing about Harry Potter.
It (of course) starts when Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, the gossip and hero worship (or hatred) he could not escape, he’s a well known public figure he needs to be able to socialize with the general population. It’s fine, he told himself, it will die down in a few years. Then I will be free of Potter.
Then comes his son’s first year. September 1st 1991 he gets a letter from his son. The first words are “Harry Potter refused to be my friend” nothing about the sorting besides a footnote. No he gets five paragraphs detailing his son’s interaction with Potter. It’s fine, he told himself, my son will eventually get over this (he never does). Then I will be free of Potter.
Then Voldemort is resurrected. And all he talks about is Harry Potter. Capturing him, torturing him, killing him. Doesn’t matter what the conversation starts as. It will always turn back to Harry Potter. It’s fine, he tells himself, my lord will eventually kill the boy. Then I will be free of Harry Potter.
The battle of Hogwarts. Harry Potter is dead. Lucius feels a deep sense of relief for the first time in roughly 8 years. His son can’t keep complaining about the boy, the dark lord has succeeded and the general public will surely be banned from speaking of the boy. He’s finally free.
And then. After being hit by a killing curse in front of his eyes. Harry Potter takes off his invisibility cloak and shows everyone he’s alive. And then he wins the war.
And Lucius dies a bit on the inside. Not because his lord is dead. Not because he will probably be locked away in Azkaban.
No. It’s because now more than ever, everyone will be talking about Harry Fucking Potter.
I’d like to believe it drove him to a mental breakdown.
(And then, post war he’s just chilling as a hermit or something, maybe in Azkaban, relieved that he can’t really talk to people so they can’t bring up Harry Potter. And his son walks in and says he wants to introduce his new boyfriend.
And it’s Harry. Fucking. Potter.
He tries to jump out a window.)
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I don't usually publish anything, but I have found this out, and It is now my need to share it with the rest of the planet.
Rewatching Avatar (2009) I have found a small detail that maybe others didn't notice.
Neteyam dies by a shot in his chest, after coming back to save Spider, he gets shot by one of the marins and he spend like 15 minuts dying. And against all their hopes he dies and they end up having an awesome fight against the sky people and end up winning.
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Does that sound familiar? Because it is!
Do you remember how Tsutey died in the first movie? He got shot, in hist chest, after getting in a human rocket, and while fighting them. He spends like 15 minutes dying, and everyone, including Jake and Neitiry, gather around him cannot save him, watching him die. And after this the have an awesome fight against the sky people and end up winning.
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It is the exact same thing.
Neitiry an Jake had to watch their first born die the same exact way one of their friends or even best friend did years ago.
After all they has suffered, and after the war, they thought the finished, they thought that everything had ended. And after watching how the sky people come back to Pandora, AGAIN, they hope that things end up fine.
They leave their home after realising that they cannot protect everyone, they leave their homeland, the place they have raised their kids, for the sake of protecting them.
And they truly believed that that was it, but no, the sky people found them because they wanted to help their daughter after literally nearly dying, and now they are fighting against them all, again, fighting the same people, again, having them injure their loved ones again, and even watching them kill their loved ones, AGAIN, just to end up winnig, without them, again .
Yes, I think they had a dejavu when they saw their son shot in the center of his chest, and I firmly believe that their world went down, not only because they lost their first child in such brutal way (which is more than enough), bjt because they actually saw it coming, and they praided to Eywa to stop it from happening again, and it still happened, they saw their son dye just like their best friend from years ago did, the exxacg same thing.
And just to finish: a lot of people from the fandom say that Neteyam was actually a reincarnation of Tsutey. Which would men that he died the same way twice.
Good night.
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