fusionling · 1 year
Throwback to that time I predicted all of SU (aside from the Yellow Diamond thing lmao)
Steven Universe fan theories be like “Pearl shapeshifted into Rose to shatter Pink Diamond who is now Rose Quartz who had help from Yellow Diamond who is actually Onion”
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fusionling · 1 year
What Everybody Gets Wrong about Future Vision
Basically, while this power can cause legitimate plot holes, there are also many people who get it wrong on such a fundamental level that I just had to make this to set the record straight.
So without further ado, let’s begin.
1. Garnet is not omniscient.
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She cannot see everything and her possibility pool is not endless. Let’s start with something that basic. The show even outright says this:
Pool Hopping
Garnet: My future vision allows me to see down the rivers of possibility, granting me insight into the possible realities our actions lead us towards. But that doesn’t mean I can predict everything.
1. a. Garnet can’t actually see the future.
Once again, we’re starting with the fundamental blocks before we get on to the heavier stuff. This is outright stated once more in the first episode we really get a taste for Future Vision:
Future Vision
Steven: So, can Pearl and Amethyst see the future too?
Garnet: No one can see the future. I can see options and trajectories.
2. Garnet’s Future Vision is limited by personal bias and personal knowledge.
Let’s start with that first bit.
Future Vision
Garnet: I have the map and I steer the ship.
Garnet has to choose the direction she wants her Future Vision to go in. She is in control and she is not always neutral either. She has her own biases and opinions.
This is why she couldn’t see Pearl rebuilding the hub in her vision.
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She was looking for Peridot. She fine-tuned her Future Vision for futures where they could catch Peridot. Pearl was never even a variable she considered.
This is why she had no idea Steven would be in Peridot’s escape pod in Joy Ride. 
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That literally makes no sense to her. The more probable outcome for her is again, Peridot landing somewhere where they can track her. And of course Peridot would be the one attacking the Cool Kids; why would it be the result of Steven accidentally setting the pod off?
Same for why she was completely blindsided by Homeworld’s return as well. 
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She didn’t know anything about their weapons, their technology, Era 2 gems, or anything like that. How could she, when she wasn’t around for that stuff?
Pool Hopping is even clearer with this personal filter. She admits that she’s been fine tuning her Future Vision wrong with Steven. She needs to stop seeing him as a helpless child; she has to see him as someone who’s grown up, who can make his own creative decisions, then she can see the possibilities more clearly.
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Garnet: I think I get it. Why my future vision has been so off. I have to change the way I think about you. 
I’ve been looking into probable futures where you act like a child. I keep expecting you to run from responsibility and to turn to me for help. 
But you don’t do that anymore. Those futures aren’t probable at all. 
There’s nothing wrong with this timeline or my Future Vision. I just have to factor in that you’ve grown up.
3. Garnet’s Future Vision is used in short bursts, not nonstop.
She literally can’t afford to do that, as she loses focus of all of her surroundings and priorities if she gets too caught up.
Arcade Mania has her turn into a literal zombie when playing Meat Beat Mania because she became locked in all the patterns of the dance game and lost all track of time or self.
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Keystone Motel showed us what happens if Sapphire focuses entirely on a far off future while ignoring how her actions affect others in the present. She ended up hurting Steven and completely ignoring Ruby, which only made the situation worse.
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I bring this up because people unrealistically expect her to account for absolutely everything at all times, like a 24 hour radar when guys, she has a LIFE to live and doing that is absolutely draining and not completely helpful.
4. Some things are so outside the realm of possibility that not even Garnet can predict them.
Which means that no, Garnet probably didn’t see Rose creating Steven as that’s absolutely bonkers, even to the audience at times! 
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We’re still scratching our heads as to how she did it so how was Garnet supposed to guess at it? Especially since Rose essentially performed an unprecedented act that had never been done before in gem history and in Garnet’s own words:
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I even heard one person criticize Sapphire for not foreseeing Pink’s whole ruse as Rose Quartz. I’m sorry, but, are you kidding me? 
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Once again, the AUDIENCE is still wrapping their heads around such a convoluted scheme! You expect any plain old Sapphire to see something like that? She has to consider it a possibility first! There’s no WAY she would see that as even PROBABLE let alone a likely outcome!
This has happened multiple times throughout the series. 
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Blue Diamond: The rebels have fled. Sapphire, this is not the scenario you described!
Sapphire: This is- not what I saw! I don’t know what happened, I-!
That Will Be All
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Holly Blue: What! Is! The meaning of this?! Why are these two outside the containment area?!
Sapphire: Holly Blue, I can explain!
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Holly Blue: No need, Your Clarity. Not even you could have foreseen how incompetent these Amethysts are. 
Pool Hopping
Garnet: You’ve made so many decisions I didn’t expect. 
Giving yourself up to Homeworld: 
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Coming back through Lion’s mane:  
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The future that you created was so improbable that I didn’t see it coming at all.
So yeah, that’s it. This was me defending an unfair criticism of Steven Universe. It’s the unfair part I want to highlight, because there are many real problems. We don’t wanna focus on misconceptions or misinterpretations do we? We wanna know what we’re talking about, so I hope that was educational guys! 
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fusionling · 2 years
Unintentionally funniest part of Steven universe was just how dead Rose Quartz is the entire show. They were never like "oh maybe she isn't alive??? Hm??? A mystery??" Like no. Rose quartz is dead, no part of her is alive except for the part thats part of Steven and that part is no longer rose quartz the person. Incidentally pink diamond is also dead. Incidentally incidentally they were the same person but still dead not hiding in a cave or still here as a spirit guide or a literal ghost or reincarnated with memories intact, no time travel to meet her, no necromancy, no cloning Steven's gem or her hair or something, no robotic replacement, no disembodied spirit stuck inside a journal or an object, nothing zada zilch nothing. She's ded.
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fusionling · 3 years
would y'all mind helping my sister win this instagram contest to receive some free scented slime? she's currently being beaten by an account that literally already has and sells their own slime. it would mean so much to her if she won! all you have to do is like her comment (her username is "awholepeach") on slime_og's post in the link below. i'd really appreciate it <3 <3 <3 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CTYQcbZJEJA/?utm_medium=copy_link&fbclid=IwAR05HZpFGXslkBMhaDBM2ToX2DvuvJNQom--U5rYHI7bRELbHnKguyGrIM4
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fusionling · 3 years
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fusionling · 3 years
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fusionling · 3 years
I feel like, and this is just my opinion, Larimar head and arms looked liked the way they do pre corruption, since Gems can have non humanoid appearances. I think, if she has any corruption scars, it’d be her black sclera (which no one can see due to her eyes being closed).
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fusionling · 3 years
Hey arti! 👋 what you think a Smoky Quartz and a Sapphire would make?
Hello! Musgravite comes to mind. It comes in colour variants that range from grey-browns to purples and blues
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fusionling · 3 years
Do homeworld gems has economic division, like gems who assigned as CEO, bussiness tycoon, marketing division, merchant or trader, executives, etc or maybe homeword has corporate sector like in Star Wars? If you have headcannon, maybe you can share about it.
Ah yes i bet there was competition among gems on who could make the best or most resources, materials, and technology. As for currency it might’ve been just items for trade,
I created a cinnabar who works as a merchant (didn’t post her cause Ima redesign her)
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fusionling · 3 years
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Smoky Quartz w/ Chowder’s Color Scheme
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fusionling · 4 years
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fusionling · 4 years
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Obsidian concept art 😍😍
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fusionling · 4 years
Some of the things I appreciated about Steven Universe as a fat person who experiences oppression for their weight:
The main character is fat
That is not portrayed as a negative thing
Steven is allowed to eat food. He never has to earn or justify it. He nourishes his body, and the show doesn’t mock him for it. He’s even shown eating foods that aren’t nutrient-rich, and it’s still portrayed positively.
None of the fat characters are ever shown to love food because they’re fat from what I remember.
The fat characters are allowed to bond over food.
Steven’s weight is never really mentioned. It’s just his identity, and he’s allowed to be who he is.
Rose Quartz is portrayed as beautiful, even the epitome of beauty to many of the characters, and she is fat.
Pink Diamond chose to look like a Rose Quartz, and she never once hated her fat body type. She liked how she looked. Becoming fat was never a negative thing. And although weight is not a choice in real life, the fact that a skinny character chose to be fat while never viewing it as some sort of fault is really just…so meaningful to me.
Rose doesn’t wear shoes, and other fat characters like Steven wear flip flops. Usually fat people are forced to cover up, including their feet. A fat person’s feet are often viewed as gross or unsightly due to fatphobia. However, the fat characters in Steven Universe are allowed to wear what they want!
Fat characters were not designed with tiny hands and feet. Many artists design fat characters with small hands and feet to infantilize and cute-ify them. It’s done to make the fat character an “acceptable” version of fat. Sometimes it’s done to make a character look smaller, other times it’s done by artists like fat fetishists who want to emphasize a character’s weight by drawing disproportionate fat bodies. Instead, characters like Steven and Rose are allowed to be big!
There are a plethora of fat body types drawn. They don’t just draw one body type and call it a day, and they definitely don’t just draw a “thick” body either.
Rose and Steven’s gem are on their STOMACH. Their power, what makes them special, what makes them a DIAMOND and powerful and strong and graceful is connected to their stomach!!!!!! Their stomach isn’t shameful, it’s something to be proud of! Rose even shows part of her stomach with her dress!!!
Did I mention grace? Because the fat characters in the show are allowed to be graceful, elegant, beautiful, fast, evasive, and strong! Being graceful in particular is never allowed of fat characters in almost any media. Steven and Rose have their own unique powers that other gems don’t, and one of those powers is floating! They’re allowed to be graceful and light! 
Their weight isn’t used as a stereotype nor does it affect their powers. I’m tired of all of the fat characters who are forced to be defensive tanks and walls, only strong because they’re big, and unable to be moved because of their weight. Finally there are fat characters whose abilities don’t rely on fatphobic stereotypes!!!!
Fat and feminine are never shown as mutually exclusive in the show. 
The fat characters have relationships with skinny characters. This is incredible since that feels rare, even in real life. Fatphobia affects people so much that many fat people feel a skinny person liking them is impossible. This show tells fat people that they CAN be liked by skinny people. They don’t have to limit their dating lives and feel scared at the idea of a skinny person seeing their body.
Steven stays fat!!! No matter how much he ages, he’s always fat! They don’t use an excuse to make him skinny later on. Even as a monster in the last episode, he’s still fat!!! They never took away this representation for fat people!
There’s more than one fat character! And the fat characters aren’t walking stereotypes!
Fat people are actually…capable of love?? What??? All other shows had told me fat people aren’t able to have romantic lives!!
The humor isn’t based on abusing and oppressing fat people.
There are fat characters of multiple different identities!
Not only are there a lot of fat characters, but many of them are part of the main cast!!
When Steven wore Sadie’s dress, the humor wasn’t because “Fat guy wearing a dress, haha!” It was funny because it was cute and such a Steven thing to do. It was never about his weight.
Tall fat characters? Check. Short fat characters? Check. The heights of characters aren’t used to emphasize their weight either!
This show was seen not just by adults but also by fat children. Children who will grow up with at least one piece of representation. Children who now have a chance at a childhood without hating their bodies.
There’s so many other things as well. These are just off the top of my head. Steven Universe is probably the most fat positive show that currently exists, and I’m very grateful for the series. Hopefully other shows will take notes and start treating fat people as fellow human beings too.
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fusionling · 4 years
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Steven “I’m fine” Universe.
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fusionling · 4 years
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fusionling · 4 years
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This is possibly the funniest way Steven could’ve responded to being scolded again
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fusionling · 4 years
one of the stupidest fUNNiest gags in Steven Universe is when Steven wants to help PeeDee who keeps getting chased by seagulls in the fry suit and you THINK Steven is going to use the magic gem crystal thing in his backpack that can bring fabric to life, then it just fucking cuts to Steven wearing the costume and getting chased by the seagulls instead
The delivery,,the comedic timing,,This is my favorite ffcking joke
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