furcht1 · 5 months
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"Ein Ersatz. Gut aussehend und hässlich"
Kapitel 1, Seite19.
Dann ertönte der erlösende Anruf, und sie eilte in die Klasse. Aber ich habe gerade angefangen, in die richtige Etage zu steigen, als jemand sie an der Hand packte und mit solcher Kraft zuckte, dass das Mädchen vor Schmerzen rief. Sie fiel fast um, stand aber auf ihren Füßen und sah Arthur Garins weißes Gesicht ganz in der Nähe von Tollwut.
- Niemals! - er hat geschrien. - Wage es nie in deinem Leben, dich für mich einzusetzen, und lass dich überhaupt nicht in meine Augen fallen! Sie ist hässlich!
Und stürzte die Treppe hinauf.
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furcht1 · 6 months
Als ich diese Zeichnung malte, wusste ich nicht, wie im alten Russland Väter genannt wurden.
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Damit mein Kanal nicht leer ist, habe ich beschlossen, meine Arbeit von ВК hierher zu legen.
Jahrhunderts, und an einigen Orten bis heute, nannten die Kinder ihren Vater Tata, Schwiegervater, Vater und schon gar nicht Papa, da das letzte Wort aus dem Französischen zu uns kam und aus «Papa» gebildet wurde, das Wort Tata, das expressiver gefärbte «Schwiegervater», das respektvolle «Schwiegervater» und das «Vater» («Vater») waren im Südwesten Russlands, in Pskow und in den Provinzen Archangelsk weit verbreitet. (der Artikel stammt aus weekend.rambler.ru ).
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furcht1 · 6 months
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Damit mein Kanal nicht leer ist, habe ich beschlossen, meine Arbeit von ВК hierher zu legen.
Jahrhunderts, und an einigen Orten bis heute, nannten die Kinder ihren Vater Tata, Schwiegervater, Vater und schon gar nicht Papa, da das letzte Wort aus dem Französischen zu uns kam und aus «Papa» gebildet wurde, das Wort Tata, das expressiver gefärbte «Schwiegervater», das respektvolle «Schwiegervater» und das «Vater» («Vater») waren im Südwesten Russlands, in Pskow und in den Provinzen Archangelsk weit verbreitet. (der Artikel stammt aus weekend.rambler.ru ).
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furcht1 · 6 months
Tut mir leid, dass ich Sie erschreckt habe und ich entschuldige mich. Es ist nur ehrlich gesagt, dass ich meistens in der ВК (russische App) bin, ich bin dort wohler, und ich bin mit Lektionen belastet, aber ich verspreche, dieses Mal werde ich hier oft erscheinen. Noch einmal, es tut mir leid😅
Jewgeni Jewtuschenko
Folgendes passiert mir: Mein alter Freund kommt nicht zu mir, aber alle möglichen Leute gehen in kleinlichem Getue. Und er geht mit den falschen Leuten irgendwo hin und versteht das auch, und unser Streit ist unerklärlich, und wir leiden beide mit ihm. Mir passiert folgendes: Eine ganz andere Person kommt zu mir, legt ihre Hände auf meine Schultern und stiehlt mich einer anderen. Und dieser - sagen Sie mir um Himmels willen, wem legen Sie die Hände auf die Schultern? Derjenige, dem ich gestohlen wurde, wird auch aus Rache stehlen. Er wird nicht sofort mit dem Gleichen antworten, sondern mit sich selbst im Kampf leben und unbewusst jemanden umreißen, der ihm fern steht. Oh, wie viele nervöse und kranke, unnötige Verbindungen, unnötige Freundschaften! Wo gehe ich davon aus?! Oh, jemand, komm, breche die Einheit und Uneinigkeit der nahen Seelen anderer Menschen!
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
This is what happens to me: my old friend doesn’t come to me, but the wrong ones go around in petty fuss. Here’s what happens to me: a completely different person comes to me, puts her hands on my shoulders and steals from another. He will not immediately answer the same, but will live with himself in a struggle and unconsciously outline someone distant to himself. Oh, how many nervous and sick, unnecessary connections, unnecessary friendships! break other people's unity and disunity of close souls!
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furcht1 · 6 months
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Ich habe es satt zu malen crepepasta. Ich beschloss, den Inhalt zu diversifizieren.
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furcht1 · 6 months
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Ich wollte eine faule Zeichnung zeichnen. Düster.
Kann ich es nennen creepypasta?
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furcht1 · 8 months
Many people have some questions regarding to the choices we've made. The purpose of this post is to provide a clear understanding of the situation, to prevent the spread of misinformation or baseless criticism.
So, let's start with the first character we want to discuss: Rosco. There were people who didn't approve of his design and appearance. In the animated series, Rosco was on the heavier side, but in the comics, currently, he is thin, even skinny. Then why? We want to be honest with you instead of trying to kiss your ass and make excuses. We see him like this. Yes, it's that simple. It's like how Connie sees Sheba as being full, even though she is not portrayed that way in the canon. (And right now, I'm talking about this person's creative work, not the person themselves. I have never criticized Connie's creativity.)
By the way, we'll get to Sheba a little later.
I want to highlight a crucial aspect that many people have overlooked. Roscoe was a plump kid since his early years, and he faced bullying from his peers due to his weight. Our intention is to shed light on the challenges that overweight individuals, especially children, may face.
To be honest, I myself was a witness to bullying at school. Regrettably, it is a common issue that many children have to experience. However, it is important to note that we strongly disapprove of this behavior and, on the contrary, aim to raise awareness about this problem.
No one should be subjected to humiliation based on their physical appearance or any unique features they may have. This applies to people of all body types, regardless of being overweight or thin. Unfortunately, some individuals choose to overlook this and instead resort to intimidation and derogatory remarks, accusing us of being fat phobic.
Now, let's address the questions concerning Sheba. Some people, particularly those who are fans of Connie, have been upset with her physique. These people argue that Sheba being overweight is normal while being thin is not, and accuse me of being fat phobic for not portraying her that way.
Let's make something clear. These people claim that Sheba as overweight, and some have even attempted to prove that she was depicted as such in the original work, despite the fact that I have previously provided evidence (which can be found below) that debunks this rumor.
I am not judging their interpretation of the character in any way. Clearly, they appreciated how Connie illustrated the character, and for that, I am happy for them. However, it is unnecessary for them to shove their personal head canons on everyone else. No one is required to draw the way you want them to. Many people hold various opinions on this character. However, I, personally, along with my assistant Leila and our translator Kalu, perceive her like this and it's NOT BAD. Surprisingly, the negative reaction towards the portrayal of Sheba came as a shock to us. It seemed as though everyone prefers exclusively caring for overweight individuals, while negatively judging thin individuals solely based on their body size. This situation seems to exhibit a double standard.
Do you enjoy Connie's artwork? Well, why are you still here? Instead, you should be on her blog. I've come across several artists who portrayed characters differently from how I imagined them. What do you think I did? I simply continued to browse through their artwork without resorting to trash-talking or discussing it in a chat room with my friends.
There's a simple truth: if you appreciate someone's work, you follow them; if you don't, you just move on. I have no intention of apologizing for my work or belittling myself in front of those individuals who think it's acceptable to insult an artist based on their perspective. By reacting this way, you only reveal that you have nothing better to do.
Let's recall our most memorable April Fool's JOKE, which left a lasting impression on many people. I never thought people could get so offended by a really harmless joke.
Interestingly enough, it was Connie's fans, as well as Connie herself, who seemed to be the most offended. It seems that the significant age difference in the prank was taken quite seriously.
However, let me explain everything in order. Bendy, at the age of 18, is naturally inclined towards romance and has always followed his heart's desires. Regardless of anyone's attempts to dictate his dating choices, Bendy's rebellious nature ensures he remains unaffected, simply pursuing relationships with whomever he chooses.
Moreover, it is important to acknowledge that in my country, the transition into adulthood begins at the age of 18, and this fact cannot be denied. From the age of 18, individuals have the freedom to make their own decisions and shape their own lives. Consequently, once I reach the age of 18, I can start a relationship with a man who is 50 years old, since I will legally be considered an adult and capable of making my own choices. If you don't like it then you should direct your arguments towards the laws and regulations of my country, rather than towards me personally. You can try to reach out to Putin himself for a response.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the same principles apply not only in Russia, but also in certain states across the USA.
I also find it funny to see the hypocrisy of individuals, who consider Bendy to be a child, while behaving in a deceitful manner. Why don't you bring up Bendy's 18+ content? Why don't you express surprise and concern about Bendy's age, saying something like, "Wait, Bendy is only 18!" It seems dishonest, doesn't it?
I did not draw anything like this based on the Oswald and Bendy pairing, because it was meant to be a joke. It's surprising to realize that there are individuals who need even the simplest things to be explained to them.
And of course, there will be those who will immediately ask, "Well, if Bendy doesn't care, what is Oswald's perspective?"
Just like any guy who has discovered his perfect match.
A relationship isn't just about one person; it's a mutual connection. If Bendy had an issue with Oswald's age, he would have rejected him. And I'm certain Oswald would have respected that. It's surprising how others feel the need to criticize Bendy, an adult who can stand up for himself, for being content with his partner's age. He will find his way in life without their judgment.
(Leila: Speaking from my own life experience, my mom and dad are 11 years apart. They live normally, and it hasn't caused any problems so far. :b ✌️)
That marks the end of this post. I sincerely hope that, through this, you are able to understand and empathize with the opposite perspective. As I said, this post is purely explanatory, as there are still individuals who remain unwilling to understand. I will not apologize for my artistic expression or any of the actions taken. I do not perceive them as insignificant or as errors requiring forgiveness.
They simply represent my creativity, personal interpretations, and humorous anecdotes, which some of you may view as subpar.
In that case, kindly refrain from visiting my blog again.
Thank you for your attention. ♥️ Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to Leila, Kal, and my dedicated audience for their unwavering support. You all hold a special place in my heart. 😭💝
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furcht1 · 9 months
Judy Engel
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furcht1 · 10 months
Oliver Herdenson
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furcht1 · 11 months
Thank you for taking the time to express your displeasure with my interpretation of a character in my art. However, I am surprised that some individuals still don't understand that art is subjective and everyone possesses their unique approach to it. Instead of confronting me in a respectful manner, you chose to talk about it behind my back on a discord chat, which requires a considerable amount of tolerance. It is upsetting that some people will bully others over their artwork, just because it doesn't meet their personal preferences and standards.
I just want to say I'm sorry for any hurtful words that may have come from my followers. They were only trying to defend me, but I don't condone any negative or rude comments. However, I'm grateful for those who stand up for me and have my back.
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Furthermore, I would like to share some examples from the cartoon with those who support the canon Sheba, as I hope it will bring clarity to their understanding. I hope that the individual who talked so much about Sheba's weight in the canon will take note of this. Again, I believe that everyone has the right to draw characters the way they want.
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furcht1 · 11 months
Blutiger Künstler
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furcht1 · 1 year
Jeff Hodek
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furcht1 · 1 year
Jewgeni Jewtuschenko
Folgendes passiert mir: Mein alter Freund kommt nicht zu mir, aber alle möglichen Leute gehen in kleinlichem Getue. Und er geht mit den falschen Leuten irgendwo hin und versteht das auch, und unser Streit ist unerklärlich, und wir leiden beide mit ihm. Mir passiert folgendes: Eine ganz andere Person kommt zu mir, legt ihre Hände auf meine Schultern und stiehlt mich einer anderen. Und dieser - sagen Sie mir um Himmels willen, wem legen Sie die Hände auf die Schultern? Derjenige, dem ich gestohlen wurde, wird auch aus Rache stehlen. Er wird nicht sofort mit dem Gleichen antworten, sondern mit sich selbst im Kampf leben und unbewusst jemanden umreißen, der ihm fern steht. Oh, wie viele nervöse und kranke, unnötige Verbindungen, unnötige Freundschaften! Wo gehe ich davon aus?! Oh, jemand, komm, breche die Einheit und Uneinigkeit der nahen Seelen anderer Menschen!
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
This is what happens to me: my old friend doesn’t come to me, but the wrong ones go around in petty fuss. Here’s what happens to me: a completely different person comes to me, puts her hands on my shoulders and steals from another. He will not immediately answer the same, but will live with himself in a struggle and unconsciously outline someone distant to himself. Oh, how many nervous and sick, unnecessary connections, unnecessary friendships! break other people's unity and disunity of close souls!
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furcht1 · 1 year
Elena Asaturova
Der Fall ist ein ständiger Begleiter der Angst, und die Angst selbst ist ein Gefühl der Leere. Wer wirft uns Steine ​​aus der Höhe zu, Und der Stein leugnet das Staubjoch?
Elena Asaturova
Fall is a constant companion of fear, And fear itself is a feeling of emptiness. Who throws stones to us from a height, And the stone denies the yoke of dust?
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furcht1 · 1 year
Augenloser Jack
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furcht1 · 1 year
Yeeeaa..this is the beginning of my comic, I will draw parts of it if possible.👉👈
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furcht1 · 1 year
Sally Williams
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