fuckkeith · 47 minutes
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Andrew has had the same conversation like five times
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fuckkeith · 57 minutes
I’m watching that documentary “Before Stonewall” about gay history pre-1969, and uncovered something which I think is interesting.
The documentary includes a brief clip of a 1954 televised newscast about the rise of homosexuality. The host of the program interviewed psychologists, a police officer, and one “known homosexual”. The “known homosexual” is 22 years old. He identifies himself as Curtis White, which is a pseudonym; his name is actually Dale Olson.
So I tracked down the newscast. According to what I can find, Dale Olson may have been the first gay man to appear openly on television and defend his sexual orientation. He explains that there’s nothing wrong with him mentally and he’s never been arrested. When asked whether he’d take a cure if it existed, he says no. When asked whether his family knows he’s gay, he says that they didn’t up until tonight, but he guesses they’re going to find out, and he’ll probably be fired from his job as well. So of course the host is like …why are you doing this interview then? and Dale Olson, cool as cucumber pie, says “I think that this way I can be a little useful to someone besides myself.”
1954. 22 years old. Balls of pure titanium.
Despite the pseudonym, Dale’s boss did indeed recognize him from the TV program, and he was promptly fired the next day. He wrote into ONE magazine six months later to reassure readers that he had gotten a new job at a higher salary.
Curious about what became of him, I looked into his life a little further. It turns out that he ultimately became a very successful publicity agent. He promoted the Rocky movies and Superman. Not only that, but get this: Dale represented Rock Hudson, and he was the person who convinced him to disclose that he had AIDS! He wrote the statement Rock read. And as we know, Rock Hudson’s disclosure had a very significant effect on the national conversation about AIDS in the U.S.
It appears that no one has made the connection between Dale Olson the publicity agent instrumental in the AIDS debate and Dale Olson the 22-year-old first openly gay man on TV. So I thought I’d make it. For Pride month, an unsung gay hero.
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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We are so back.
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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ive never made a comic before so idk if this will be comprehensible, read it left to right if that helps
also this was originally meant to be like “wooah laios sensory issues!”/“what if kabru was with the party during the sauna!” but it became something much more… sinister…
also this might be a character assassination… idk… i havent read the manga… this is just the vibes ive gotten from how manga readers talk about Laios and Kabru
ALSO woah a slightly different version of the drawing i posted yesterday… cool… ill tell em… thanks…
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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someone needs to take my pen away from me. ive contracted terminal hades art style fever
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calling myself out
others in this style (ish): lae'zel (bg3), wyll (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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CRINGE: The world is ending and you're in love with your best friend who is a nun. and your roots are showing.
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
Kabru getting a taste of his own medicine
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fuckkeith · 11 hours
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
I absolutely love when theres live music on the streets
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
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the man with a plan
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
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farcille sketches that broke containment so I might as well post them here
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fuckkeith · 15 hours
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let the old men kiss! (whoa who said that??)
inspired by this fic by unavoidablekoishi go support them!!
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fuckkeith · 19 hours
worrying is like worshipping the problem
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