frontiermotel · 6 years
Demystifying the Root Canal
Your dentist just gave you the news everyone dreads hearing; you need to have a root canal. Given all the misconceptions of endodontic treatment it is reasonable that the idea of having the procedure would be stressful. Going “blind” into any situation will cause trepidation; so here we will define what a root canal is and what you can expect. Then hopefully, realize that all the worrying is useless. That a root canal is to be looked forward to oddly enough because it will relieve your pain not cause more.Scientific advances today have made the procedure almost entirely pain-free, and possibly even accomplished in a single visit.
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines root canal as “dental operation to save a tooth by removing the contents of its root canal and filling the cavity with a protective substance. Endodontic treatment can be required for a number of reasons; some examples are deep tooth decay,a cracked or chippedtooth or gum disease. Symptoms of a root canal infection depend on the causebut can include sharp pain,a dull ache with pressure as well as swelling and tenderness of the gums. No matter what the cause is having the treatment when needed is essential to saving the tooth, also because of the possibility of infection in the tooth. Which left untreated could spread to the bone; although unlikely it is still best to get the tooth treated as soon as possible.
Although all general dentists are trained in endodontic treatment,they will usually refer root calls to Endodontic Associates. These specialists have studied two or more year’s longer than general dentists in all areas concerning dental pulp; including diagnosing and managing of disease.
Now let’s discuss the actual procedure and what to expect. Before beginning the treatment, your endodonticwill administer a local anesthetic, causing the process to cause no more pain than a filling. Atiny hole madeon the affected tooth for access to the pulp chamber. Specializedinstruments are used to clean out the diseased pulp. Don’t worry this is not painful. Once removed the tooth is no longer able to feel pain. Now the inside of the canals are cleaned and filled with a root canal filler and sealant. The sealer prevents the tooth from infection with bacteria. The last step of the treatment is to fill the access hole. That’s it; the root canal is finished!
You may expect minimal painafter the procedure is completed. Ibuprofenand aspirin should be utilized to ease any discomfort or tenderness. An antibiotic might be prescribed to prevent any infection from setting up during the healing process. You will have to have a permanentfilling or crown applied to restore any lost tooth structure. Your endodonticwill refer you back to your general dentist to discuss your options in this area.
Armed with the correct information you can arrive at your root canal appointment confident in the knowledge that you know what to expect to happen and why it’s necessary.
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frontiermotel · 6 years
How Long Will My Root Canal Last?
A root canal or Endodontic Treatment is a procedure performed by a specialist,where diseased and infected pulp is removed from a tooth. A filler and sealer are then put into place on the affected tooth. The case is done to “save” your tooth from being removed and the infection from spreading into the bone.
Now say that you have had and survived this much hated and misconstrued root canal,you are still leftwith one last question: how long will my teeth last?
There is no set answer to the question. The tooth your endodontic fixed could last anywhere from years to decades, and in some instances your lifetime. The amount of time the tooth continues depends on a variety of issues. One of which is how long you go for the endodontic treatment(root canal) and having the permanent filler or crown applied. Of course adding in how quickly you had the original procedure after the problem began. Whether there was the presence of infection in the root that spread to the bone is also aconsideration. As with any medical treatment the earlier treated, the better the results.The complexity or simplicity of the procedure is another thing to consider in this question. There is a reason most root canals are carefully done by Endodontic Associates, not general dentists;these are the specialists who treat failed root canals.
The next consideration in how long a saved tooth will last is the tooth itself. Some teeth are easier to handlethan others,depending on how many canals they have and accessibility. Back teeth require a more complicated procedure, as they are harder to get to and contain two or three roots. While front teeth have easier access and only one source,making for a simpler treatment. Also, although most back teeth require a crown the front ones don’t. That brings us to the importance of placing crowns to help protect against stress,which in turn contributes to the tooth’s longevity. Add the tooth sage into the equation as well. Over time as we age our teeth can become more susceptible to cracking and turn brittle.
The placing of crowns is important because this will help protect against stress that in turn contributes to the length of time the treated tooth lasts. Even with all these considerations there is still no way to pinpoint an exact, clear answer to how long a root canal will last. Just like in every other medical condition many factors are considered in thetreatment, diagnoses,and aftercare. Every person,every case, every tooth is different. One thing is clear though a well done root canal,taken care of afterward will last many years. Many studies have shown that root canals the best,easiest treatment for infected,diseased teeth.Most other options can fail and even cause more problems in the future. But only you and theendodontic can decide which course of treatment is best for you.
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frontiermotel · 6 years
Root Canal Retreatment
A root canal is performed to relieve the pain of an infected tooth as well as “save” that tooth from having to be extracted (pulled). Most endodontic treatments are a success; although there are rare occasions that a root canal fails. So, how can you tell if yours has failed? Some pain or tenderness is expected after a root canal, but this should start to recede in a couple of days. Increasing pain or pain that continues without dissipating could indicate a problem. In some cases though there are no symptoms for months to years after the original procedure. It is even possible to have no symptoms at all, yet have chronic re-infection detected only through an x-ray.
Causes of a failed endodontic treatment can vary. The first treatment could have been performed poorly,where the roots were not cleaned well or filed and sealed correctly. There is also the possibility that some canals remained undiscovered or that the tooth just did not heal properly causing bacteria to eat into the canals. The case can also occur due to the applying of the crown or molding too late after the root canal was performed. Other causes could be from new issues where the crown breaks and exposes the root to new infection.
When you have found that one of these things have caused re-infection,you need to get together with your dentist or endodontic is to discuss your options and whether or not Retreatment is viable. There are a couple of choices which can be reviewed,nonsurgical retreatment along with surgical retreatment. However, if neither of these issustain able, you are left with extraction as the only course. Though, with a tooth having healthy gums and robust bone support the best possible option is always to keep your tooth.
Root canaretreatment is relativelystraightforward with the same procedures as the primary root canal. Crowns or posts that were placed are removed along with the original filler as well. And as with any Endodontic Associates treatment the canals are then cleaned and reshaped. It is during the cleaning process that your endodontic will discover how simple or complex the procedure will be, and decide whether you will need an additional appointment to finish the treatment.
The next step is to add the filler and sealant to the tooth after the canals have been deemed thoroughly cleaned. Then the temporary crown is placed. Again as with the first root canal treatment a permanent crown will need to be applied quickly in order to prevent any bacteria leakage. The case is crucial, putting off returning to your dentist for placement of the permanent crown can cause seal deterioration. Which in turn can cause infection or decay requiring yet another retreat mentor possibly even loss of the tooth?Always listen to your dentist’s instructions and follow them. Keep all consequent appointments and check ups. A good root canal re treatment can last year’s up to your lifetime with proper aftercare.
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