There wasn’t enough salt on Twitter about the Italian elections, so I came over here - and was not disappointed. 
Congratulations to the Italians who got their wish. To those who are mad at the results, realize that it’s sometimes necessary to suck it up and move on.
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That’s because Asians are smart - they go to medical school, not theater school.
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2 actors in 33 damm years
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I’m understanding of everyone’s points here, but this is a fake channel that hires actors.
These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
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This is cringey as hell.
Previously on ‘How Fucking Immature Can You Be?’
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Warning about obesity
Obesity will result in major problems with your health. I know many people don’t want to hear this, especially those on sites like Tumblr where they’ve convinced themselves that size doesn’t impact health, but it’s true. 
One of my friends is obese. Even though she’s in her early twenties and her obesity is at a lower stage in terms of BMI, she’s had health problems that I don’t yet have to worry about, namely knee issues and trouble with mobility. Again, she’s not close to morbid obesity, and her weight is still at a point where she can get a bit healthier and drop down to just being overweight.
A family friend of mine is morbidly obese. She just turned fifty, and she takes seventeen pills a day. SEVENTEEN. From being in her home and her telling me stories, I can piece together some of her health issues, such as high cholesterol and blood pressure, acid reflux, sleep apnea, fatigue, and high glucose levels. In comparison, my grandmother is seventy-five and has several health issues as a result of old age and genetics, mainly problems with her blood pressure and heart. She takes about five pills a day and can stay relatively active, not only going for walks but also doing housework and cooking constantly. 
I’m bringing up these stories to warn you that feel-good posts may satisfy you for a while, but you must lose weight if you are obese and medically able to. Not only will you be healthier, you’ll also feel better day-to-day. I myself was once at the threshold of obesity, and although losing weight wasn’t easy, I feel much better about myself and I feel more physically capable. Please consider all of these things, and don’t listen to fat activists that only want to encourage you to stay in a state of unhealthiness so that they’ll have someone to sympathize with.
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How desperate do you have to be to reach back to Columbine (which was in 1999)? 
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And you bitches thinking the enemy is foreign…
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My roommate has a cat who she claims is underweight; I asked her why, since she doesn't seem to have any of the identifiable features (protruding ribs and spine, general lack of fat). My roommate's response wasn't that a vet verified her cat's skinniness, but that her "waist feels small". I don't think it's a coincidence that my roommate is obese.
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Social Experiment: Reblog if you are Pro-Life
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Reblog if you are an Anti-Feminist and believe in Traditional Gender Roles so we can find each other!
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People sure are getting salty over this... at the end of the day, you either believe abortion is murder or you don’t, and an alarming amount of people think of a fetus as nothing more than a tumor. 
A fetus is a child. There is no minimum age on human rights. Reblog if you agree with this statement.
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Austrian Election!
Thank God there’s an EU country that’s not completely spineless.
PS. Citizens being called fascists for expressing concern about their future is the reason they voted the way they did.
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Nobody cares about what preteen SJWs on Tumblr think about the n-word. Calling anyone who says it a Nazi or racist further illustrates why you’re not taken seriously.
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These people are all obese, and it WILL impact their health. Extra fat in the torso increases the fat surrounding the organs, increasing the likelihood of diabetes and heart disease. So, yes, they should lose weight, and you should stop spreading misinformation.
Aight fuckers listen up
Lets get ready TO LEARN
We’re going to address fatphobia and what is and isnt acceptable.
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Let’s start with this picture. Now in my opinion, this girl looks pretty healthy. If she maintains that healthy weight and a reasonable diet, she’ll make it through. It wouldnt hurt really to shave a couple of pounds but thats her decision. 
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Now on with this hot sonavbitch  dude. Like the girl above, hes pretty healthy. He’s not too chubby, he looks happy and comfortable, just some chub on him. Might not hurt to work on those arms a little, get rid of that access fat, but thats his decision. Also, it seems some of that theres some muscle in that fat. Which means he’s maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it may just be harder for his body to get rid of fat.
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Now this, this is definitely healthy. She’s nowhere near obese, her body just has some chubs. You can tell that she doesnt have any fat rolls really (other than shes slanting a little) which indicates a healthy body. This girl is also really really fucking beautiful. Like damn woman come over here.
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Now this, is fucking disgusting. She’s living such an unhealthy lifestyle that it makes me want to choke down some apples to make sure im healthy. At this rate, if she doesn’t lose weight she can be obese, have heart attacks, and have serious joint issues. And with that much weight in her stomach. she’ll definitely have joint issues in her knees
So yeah, just having moderate chub is nothing to be too concerned about. It’s just making sure your lifestyle is healthy. Your body size doesn’t entirely mean youre lazy and unhealthy. But your health and routine does. So, body posi for my chub homies. And body posi for my skinny homies. But no body posi for you obese pieces of crap, go work out
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