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Here's one batch of kofi-sketches! ^^ ♥ Still have a bunch of others to get through ♥ :]
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Anything… He pondered on the word. What could possibly be more worth to him in this place other than watching the blood pool out of the measly man beneath him?
“Like what? There’s not much to give in this place.” he let his head flop to the side and sat up to cross his arms. “Clocks ticking Dwight. Either the Entity will lose patience or I will.”
Frank glanced at the shining cracks getting larger across the floor they sat on. He’d hate to see the Entity get the kill, she wouldn’t be too thrilled with him about it either. But the pressure of his statement will definitely get a reaction out of Dwight.
“If you have some offer or reasoning worth while you better spit it out.”
He sat up, yanking his knife out of the ground and wiping it off on Dwight's sweater. "Pity. For the one I ran in circles around this place for. Honestly, I think I chased you enough already." He fiddled with his knife a little before pointing it down at the poor man. "I guess I do pity you though... Just not in this situation." He smiled under his mask, Frank just wanted to get this trial over with originally but watching Dwight squirm and beg to live was more enjoyable than rushing for the kill at this moment. "What's the point of me going into a frenzy when there's only one standing anyway? Seems like a waste of energy. Like I have much left after all this." he sighed. "The chase is over, Dwight, I caught you didn't I?"
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Frank sat in Ormond, he was confused as to why he was still around after a match, though not too irritated by it.
His last trial was… Unimpressive. One mori and nearly one hook if someone hadn’t been unbreakable, managing to throw themselves off and to the exit.
With a trial like that he enjoyed sitting around in the cold air, just him, his thoughts and the closest thing to a home he’s got in this place. If locking him here was the entities version of a punishment for only getting one, Frank loved it.
He leaned against a battered wall nearby the exit, peeling back his hood to feel the wind against his neck. Disbelief and wonder clouded his mind on how he messed up that trial so bad. He replayed what he remembered over and over in his head trying to notice where he could’ve done better.
As Frank dug through his cloud of thoughts he reached up to push his mask to the top of his head, craving the cold air against his face. Why does he even wear this thing in trials? It just gets hot and sticky cause of them. Gross.
While he began pushing it up he noticed a figure stepping out of the fog in the exit gate, wait what? Out of the fog? He shuffled to pull the mask back down and hood back up, scrambling to stand up while readying his little hunting knife. Unknowing it would do no good against the Iron-clad beast about to step into his domain.
The shrill screams of the hooked man permeate the air as Tarhos reaches down for his sword. An action that he has done thousands of times, but is cut short by an ever unwelcome sound. A loud mechanical siren blares out, the last generator has been completed. Tarhos pulls his blade from the earth, gripping the handle and gritting his teeth. He let them get too far and he will spare not an inch more. Tarhos brings his sword up in a pointing motion as green flames lick the steel of his blade. The flames coalescing into the figure of one of his companions, Alejandro. Without a word he knew exactly what he was supposed to do, the same role he always played in this macabre performance. He was to patrol the auxiliary exit gate, while Tarhos was set to punish the hubris of those who thought they could escape. With his target in sight Tarhos made his movements swift, darting between stone and smoldering piles of wood effortlessly. Before long he spots his prey, 2 men with their backs pressed against the portcullis as a third woman stands shaking visibly at the switch. 3 large red lights betray the beads of sweat rolling down her face as she alternates glances between the lever and Tarhos. However Tarhos is too late, as the gate begins to rise. Undeterred in his efforts to claim just one more life, he continues in full sprint. The frenzied survivors hurry under the gate in a desperate attempt to make distance. By the time Tarhos finds himself at the gate it has already fully opened, allowing him to pursue them unimpeded. The survivors disappear into the fog, however this time the entity does not stop Tarhos at the gate. Seeing this as a sign to continue the hunt, he continues his march into the unknown. After what seems like hours of running endlessly in the mysterious fog; Tarhos spots a strange light in the distance. Perhaps this is where his prey has hidden? He makes his way to this beacon in the darkness. Once he draws closer he finally makes out what it is, another exit gate. As soon as his foot steps in this open gate, a chill pierces through his armor. This is not his home.
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this is the dynamic they have going on in my head.
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this isnt even that funny but i made it because i think susie could probably chew through steel
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Hello, I'm Will but on this page I'm Tarhos (and his buddies i suppose). I'm trying to get into writing and have been told this is great practice, so I'm diving straight into the deep end. I'm trying to really wrap my head around Tarhos as a character, I'm also new to this whole thing so i will likely be slow and awkward for the first bit. 18+ only but no NSFW rp please.
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He sat up, yanking his knife out of the ground and wiping it off on Dwight's sweater. "Pity. For the one I ran in circles around this place for. Honestly, I think I chased you enough already." He fiddled with his knife a little before pointing it down at the poor man. "I guess I do pity you though... Just not in this situation." He smiled under his mask, Frank just wanted to get this trial over with originally but watching Dwight squirm and beg to live was more enjoyable than rushing for the kill at this moment. "What's the point of me going into a frenzy when there's only one standing anyway? Seems like a waste of energy. Like I have much left after all this." he sighed. "The chase is over, Dwight, I caught you didn't I?"
Frank was already exhausted, not able to keep his balance as Dwight tried to push him off. He fell forward, playing it off as an intimidating movement he stabbed the knife into the ground next to Dwight’s head, leaning over the shaking man.
If it wasn’t for the mask he adorned Frank would be breathing heavy into Dwight’s face, he reached with his free hand to grip onto the front of his green sweater.
“Wait?! Why the hell should I wait? Do you expect me to just let you go? Also not exactly a compliment but sure take it however you want.”
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Frank was already exhausted, not able to keep his balance as Dwight tried to push him off. He fell forward, playing it off as an intimidating movement he stabbed the knife into the ground next to Dwight’s head, leaning over the shaking man.
If it wasn’t for the mask he adorned Frank would be breathing heavy into Dwight’s face, he reached with his free hand to grip onto the front of his green sweater.
“Wait?! Why the hell should I wait? Do you expect me to just let you go? Also not exactly a compliment but sure take it however you want.”
Frank huffed, gripping the leg of the survivor roughly to pull him back. Letting out a strained chuckle.
“Finally got ya-“ he said as he flipped the knife in his hand. “Are we done with this fucking game? A guy like you I’d expect to give up as soon as shit got too rough. Maybe you’re less of a coward than I thought.”
He dropped down on top of Dwight, raising the knife into the air and breathing heavy.
“Doesn’t matter now, after all that pointless running I’m gonna gut you too.”
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Frank huffed, gripping the leg of the survivor roughly to pull him back. Letting out a strained chuckle.
“Finally got ya-“ he said as he flipped the knife in his hand. “Are we done with this fucking game? A guy like you I’d expect to give up as soon as shit got too rough. Maybe you’re less of a coward than I thought.”
He dropped down on top of Dwight, raising the knife into the air and breathing heavy.
“Doesn’t matter now, after all that pointless running I’m gonna gut you too.”
@frenziedtodiscordance | FRANK MORRISON
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A frenzied chase of predator and prey ended abruptly with a hot slash of metal against the sole survivor's flesh. Through the green fabric, the unforgiving edge of the blade still nicked him deep enough for crimson to begin pooling at the site as his body went down with an OOF. A pained cry left the hoodie-clad survivor as the breath was evacuated from his lungs by the rough collision. He would attempt to scramble himself to his feet, though the ache in his body dared him to even try. He still wouldn't give up. He would make every effort allowed to him by his weary bones to claw his way out of this and make it to hear the hopeful hum of the hatch . . .
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(louder than everyone else) HI VECNA 🩷
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Thats me everyone :3
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Reblog if your mori experience has been personally victimized by Leon Scott Kennedy
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since we're all drawing danny as our favorite little meme guys
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Ghostface and his stupid kids that he hates
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writing practice (maybe opening for rp?) ------- Frank sat on the cold steps of Ormond Resort, fiddling around with his knife deep in thought. As much as he loved slashing and dashing, it does seem to get stale after awhile. Especially doing it for some being. He sighed while standing up, brushing off any debris stuck to him. Even with his crew and the other killers keeping him company he wonders if maybe he'd enjoy spending time with any of the survivors as well. That brings the question, who? He paced around the building, tapping the knife rhythmically against his thigh as he walked. "Meg? No- She pisses me off too much... Dwight- God no- How does a wimp like him try to act like a leader?" He mumbled, chuckling at the thought of that shivering dweeb. Thinking about it he finds majority of them insufferable. Only positive thought in his head about any of them is that Sable chick is kinda hot. But maybe he only feels that way due to the trials. I mean it's all he knows about those people, hasn't had a chance to ever actually talk to any of them. Frank pulled his mask off his head and looked down at it. Maybe The Legion is all he really needs in this place.
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HI! I'm Val but here I'm Frank I suppose. I'm trying to get back into rp n some of my friends have blogs for it so I thought this would be a fun way to dive back in! I'm still trying to figure out how I personally will Portray Frank so I apologize if I may be awkward at all. I might also upload some art I do of him eventually! All I ask is no NSFW rp. I also only rp with people 18+.
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Ghostface is drenched coming back from a trial
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