freetenshi · 3 years
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Real Christians?
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As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe that we are real Christians. Why? Consider the basis for our beliefs, the name that sets us apart, and the love we have for one another.
To read the full article, please click https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/enjoy-life-forever/section-2/lesson-19/
Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How to Identify Real Christians
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Billions of people claim to be Christian. But they do not all share the same beliefs, nor do they live by the same standards. So how can we identify real Christians?
1. What is a Christian?
Christians are disciples, or followers, of Jesus Christ. (Read Acts 11:26.) How do they prove that they are Jesus’ disciples? He said: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples.” (John 8:31) This means that real Christians must obey Jesus’ teachings. And just as Jesus relied on the Scriptures to support his teachings, real Christians base their beliefs on the Bible.​—Read Luke 24:27.
2. How do real Christians show love?
Jesus told his followers: “Love one another just as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) How did Jesus show that he loved his disciples? He spent time with them, encouraged them, and helped them. He even gave up his life for them. (1 John 3:16) Similarly, real Christians do more than talk about love. They show by their words and actions that they love one another.
3. Real Christians are busy in what activity?
Jesus gave work to his disciples. “He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:2) The early Christians preached, not only in their places of worship but also in other public places and at the homes of people. (Read Acts 5:42; 17:17.) Real Christians today likewise preach Bible truth wherever people are. They love their neighbors, so they gladly use their time and energy to share the Bible’s message of hope and comfort.​—Mark 12:31.
Consider how you can distinguish real Christians from people who do not follow Jesus’ teachings and example.
4. They search for Bible truth
Not all who claim to be Christian value Bible truth. Play the Video How Christianity Was Corrupted and then discuss the question that follows.
How have some so-called Christian churches failed to teach what Jesus taught?
Jesus taught the truth from God’s Word. Read John 18:37, and then discuss this question:
According to Jesus, how can we identify Christians who are “on the side of the truth”?
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The early Christians valued God’s Word
5. They preach Bible truth
Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave his followers a mission that continues today. Read Matthew 28:19, 20 and Acts 1:8, and then discuss this question:
To what extent would the preaching work be done?
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The early Christians preached to others
6. They practice what they preach
What convinced a man named Tom that he had found real Christianity? Play the Video I Gave Up on Religion and then discuss the questions that follow.
In the video, what had caused Tom to give up on religion?
Why is he convinced that he has found the truth?
Actions speak louder than words. Read Matthew 7:21, and then discuss this question:
What means more to Jesus​—what we claim to believe or what we prove by our actions?
7. They love one another
Have Christians really risked their lives for fellow Christians? Play the Video He Offered to Surrender His Life, and then discuss the questions that follow.
In the video, what moved Lloyd to risk his life for Brother Johansson?
Do you think that he acted like a real Christian?
Read John 13:34, 35, and then discuss these questions:
How would Jesus’ disciples (real Christians) treat people of another race or nation?
How would they do so during wartime?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “Christians have done terrible things​—how can they have the true religion?”
What scripture could you share that shows how we can identify real Christians?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
What Is Jesus Like?
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As we learn about the things Jesus said and did on earth, we discover qualities that draw us closer to him and to his Father, Jehovah. What are some of these appealing qualities? And how can we imitate Jesus in our own life?
1. In what ways is Jesus like his Father?
In heaven, Jesus has watched his loving Father and learned from him for billions of years. As a result, he thinks, feels, and acts just like him. (Read John 5:19.) In fact, Jesus reflects his Father’s personality so perfectly that he said: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) As you learn about Jesus’ personality, you will come to know Jehovah better. For instance, Jesus’ compassion for people shows how Jehovah feels about you.
2. How has Jesus shown that he loves Jehovah?
Jesus said: “For the world to know that I love the Father, I am doing just as the Father has commanded me to do.” (John 14:31) While on earth, Jesus showed his great love for his Father by obeying him even when it was difficult to do so. Jesus also loved to talk about his Father and to help others cultivate a friendship with Him.​—John 14:23.
3. How has Jesus shown that he loves people?
The Bible says that Jesus is “especially fond of mankind.” (Proverbs 8:31, footnote) He demonstrated this love by encouraging and selflessly helping people. He performed miracles that showed not only his power but also his compassion. (Mark 1:40-42) He treated people kindly and impartially. His words gave comfort and hope to all honesthearted ones who listened. Jesus was willing to suffer and die because of his love for all mankind. But he especially loves those who follow his teachings.​—Read John 15:13, 14.
Learn more about Jesus’ personality. And consider how to express love and generosity as he did.
4. Jesus loves his Father
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Jesus loved his heavenly Father and spoke to him often in prayer
Jesus’ example teaches us how to express our love for God. Read Luke 6:12 and John 15:10; 17:26. After reading each scripture, discuss this question:
In imitation of Jesus, how can we show that we love Jehovah?
5. Jesus feels for people in need
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Jesus put the needs of other people ahead of his own. Even when he was tired, he used his time and energy to help people. Read Mark 6:30-44, and then discuss these questions:
In this account, what are some ways that Jesus showed concern for others?​—See verses 31, 34, 41, and 42.
What motivated Jesus to help people?​—See verse 34.
Because Jesus reflects Jehovah’s personality, what does all of this teach you about Jehovah?
What are some ways that we can imitate Jesus’ concern for others?
6. Jesus is generous
Jesus was generous even though he did not have many material things, and he encouraged us to be generous. Read Acts 20:35, and then discuss this question:
According to Jesus, how can we be happy?
Play the Video There is More Happiness in Giving, and then discuss the question that follows.
What are some ways that we can give, even if we do not have much materially?
Did you know?
The Bible teaches us to pray to Jehovah in Jesus’ name. (Read John 16:23, 24.) When we pray in that way, we show that we recognize what Jesus has done to help us become Jehovah’s friends.
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “God doesn’t care about our suffering.”
Since Jesus reflects his Father’s personality, how do his actions prove that Jehovah cares about us?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
What Did Jesus Do While on Earth?
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Many people think of Jesus as a helpless baby, a wise prophet, or a dying man. But can we learn more about him from examining his life on earth? In this lesson, we will consider some of the most important things that Jesus did and how they affect you.
1. What was Jesus’ main work?
Jesus’ main work was to “declare the good news of the Kingdom of God.” (Read Luke 4:43.) He preached the good news that God would establish a kingdom, or government, that would solve all of humankind’s problems. * Jesus tirelessly shared this positive message for three and a half years.​—Matthew 9:35.
2. What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles?
The Bible describes many “powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through [Jesus].” (Acts 2:22) With God’s power, Jesus was able to control the weather, feed thousands, heal the sick, and even bring the dead back to life. (Matthew 8:23-27; 14:15-21; Mark 6:56; Luke 7:11-17) Jesus’ miracles made it clear that God had sent him. They also showed that Jehovah has the power to solve all our problems.
3. What can we learn from the way Jesus lived?
Jesus obeyed Jehovah in every situation. (Read John 8:29.) Despite opposition, Jesus faithfully did what his Father asked of him right up until his death. He proved that it is possible for humans to serve God, even under difficult conditions. Thus, Jesus left “a model for [us] to follow his steps closely.”​—1 Peter 2:21.
Consider how Jesus shared the good news and performed miracles.
4. Jesus shared good news
Jesus walked hundreds of miles on dusty roads, sharing the good news with as many people as possible. Read Luke 8:1, and then answer these questions:
Did Jesus preach only to people who gathered to listen to him?
What effort did Jesus make to find people?
God foretold that the Messiah would share good news. Read Isaiah 61:1, 2, and then answer these questions:
How did Jesus fulfill this prophecy?
Do you think people today need to hear this good news?
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5. Jesus taught valuable truths
In addition to preaching the good news about God’s Kingdom, Jesus taught practical lessons. Consider a few examples from his famous Sermon on the Mount. Read Matthew 6:14, 34 and 7:12, and then answer these questions:
What practical advice did Jesus give in these verses?
Do you think that this advice is still helpful?
6. Jesus performed miracles
Jehovah empowered Jesus to perform many miracles. To see one example, read Mark 5:25-34 or play the Video A Sick Woman is Cured. Then answer the questions that follow.
In the video, of what was the sick woman convinced?
What impresses you about this miracle?
Read John 5:36, and then answer this question:
What did Jesus’ miracles “bear witness” to, or prove, about him?
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Did you know?
Most of what we know about Jesus comes from the four Bible books called the Gospels​—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each Gospel writer included different details about Jesus. These details all fit together to provide a fascinating picture of his life.
MATTHEWwrote his Gospel first. It emphasizes Jesus’ teachings, especially what Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God.
MARKcomposed the shortest Gospel. It is fast-moving and action-packed.
LUKEgives special attention to prayer and to how Jesus treated women.
JOHNreveals much about Jesus’ personality by relating many conversations that Jesus had with his close friends and others.
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “Jesus was just a good man, and nothing more.”
What do you think?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
Who Is Jesus?
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Jesus is one of the most famous people in history. Yet, other than his name, many people do not know much about him, and many have different ideas about who Jesus really is. What does the Bible say about him?
1. Who is Jesus?
Jesus is a powerful spirit who lives in heaven. He was created by Jehovah God before everything else. For that reason, he is called “the firstborn of all creation.” (Colossians 1:15) The Bible refers to Jesus as God’s “only-begotten Son” because Jesus alone was directly created by Jehovah. (John 3:16) Jesus worked closely with his Father, Jehovah, helping Him to create all other things. (Read Proverbs 8:30.) Jesus continues to enjoy a close relationship with Jehovah. He loyally serves as God’s spokesman, “the Word,” delivering His messages and instructions.​—John 1:14.
2. Why did Jesus come to earth?
About 2,000 years ago, Jehovah miraculously used his holy spirit to transfer Jesus’ life from heaven to the womb of a young virgin woman named Mary. In this way, Jesus was born as a human. (Read Luke 1:34, 35.) Jesus came to earth to be the promised Messiah, or Christ, and to save humankind. * All the Bible’s prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in him, enabling people to identify Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God.”​—Matthew 16:16.
3. Where is Jesus now?
After Jesus’ life as a human ended, he was resurrected as a spirit and he returned to heaven. There, “God exalted him to a superior position.” (Philippians 2:9) Now, Jesus has a position of great authority​—second only to Jehovah himself.
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Find out more about who Jesus really is and why learning about him is so important.
4. Jesus is not Almighty God
The Bible teaches that although Jesus is a powerful spirit creature in heaven, he is subject to his God and Father, Jehovah. Why can we say that? Play the Video Is Jesus Christ God to see what the Bible teaches about Jesus’ position in relation to the almighty God.
The following scriptures help us to understand the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus. Read each scripture, and then answer the questions that follow.
Read Luke 1:30-32.
How did the angel describe the relationship between Jesus and Jehovah God, “the Most High”?
Read Matthew 3:16, 17.
At Jesus’ baptism, what did the voice from heaven say?
Whose voice do you think that was?
Read John 14:28.
Who is older and has more authority? A father or a son?
What did Jesus mean when he called Jehovah his Father?
Read John 12:49.
Does Jesus think that he and his Father are the same person? What do you think?
5. Jesus proved to be the Messiah
The Bible contains many prophecies that would help people to identify the Messiah​—God’s chosen one to save humankind. Play the Video Jesus Fulfills Prophecy for a brief introduction to some of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled when he came to earth.
Read these Bible prophecies, and then answer the questions that follow:
Read Micah 5:2 to learn where the Messiah was to be born. *
Did Jesus’ birth fulfill this prophecy?​—Matthew 2:1.
Read Psalm 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10 to see details that were prophesied about the Messiah’s death.
Were these prophecies fulfilled?​—John 19:33-37.
Do you think Jesus could have influenced the fulfillment of any of these prophecies?
What does this prove to you about Jesus?
6. We benefit from learning about Jesus
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The Bible stresses the importance of learning about Jesus and his role. Read John 14:6 and 17:3, and then answer this question:
Why is it vital to learn about Jesus?
Jesus opened the way to become God’s friend. He taught the truth about Jehovah, and through him, we can gain everlasting life
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in Jesus.”
How would you reply?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How Can Our Worship Be Pleasing to God?
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As discussed in the preceding lesson, not all religions please God. However, we can worship our Creator in a way that makes him happy. What is “the form of worship [or, religion]” that pleases him? (James 1:27, footnote) Consider what the Bible teaches.
1. On what should our worship be based?
Our worship should be based on the Bible. Jesus said to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Some religions ignore the truth found in God’s inspired Word, the Bible. They replace it with human teachings and traditions. But Jehovah is not pleased with those who “disregard the commandment of God.” (Read Mark 7:9.) On the other hand, we bring joy to his heart when we stick to the Bible and follow its advice.
2. How should we worship Jehovah?
As our Creator, Jehovah deserves our exclusive devotion. (Revelation 4:11) This means that we must love him and worship only him, without the use of any idol, image, or icon.​—Read Isaiah 42:8.
Our worship must be “holy and acceptable” to Jehovah. (Romans 12:1) This means that we need to live by his moral standards. For example, those who love Jehovah love and follow his standards for marriage. And they avoid harmful practices, such as the use of tobacco or the misuse of drugs or alcohol. *
3. Why should we worship Jehovah with fellow believers?
Our weekly meetings give us the opportunity to “praise Jehovah . . . in the congregation.” (Psalm 111:1, 2) One way we do this is by singing praises to God. (Read Psalm 104:33.) Jehovah asks us to attend meetings because he loves us and he knows that they will help us to enjoy life forever. When we meet together for encouragement, we benefit ourselves.
Examine why Jehovah does not approve of the use of images in worship. Learn important ways that we can praise God.
4. We should not use images in our worship
How do we know that doing so would be displeasing to God? Play the Video Does God Approve the Use of Images in Worship and then answer the question that follows.
What happened when some of God’s people in Bible times tried to worship him with the help of an idol?
Some people try to feel closer to God by using images in their worship. But could doing so actually push him away? Read Exodus 20:4-6 and Psalm 106:35, 36, and then answer these questions:
What objects or images have you seen people use in their worship?
How does Jehovah feel about the use of images?
How do you feel about using images?
5. Worshipping only Jehovah liberates us from false ideas
See how worshipping Jehovah acceptably can liberate us from false ideas. Play the Video Liberated by Truth.
Read Psalm 91:14, and then answer this question:
What does Jehovah promise to do for us when we show that we love him by worshipping only him?
6. We worship God at congregation meetings
We praise Jehovah and build each other up by singing and giving comments at congregation meetings. Read Psalm 22:22, and then answer these questions:
Have you enjoyed hearing comments at the meetings?
Would you like to prepare to give a comment?
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7. Jehovah is pleased when we share what we learn
There are many ways that we can share Bible truths with others. Read Psalms 9:1 and 34:1, and then answer this question:
What is something you have learned from the Bible that you would like to tell someone else about?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “It’s impossible to please God.”
What do you think?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How False Religion Misrepresents God
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If God is love, why have so many evil acts been committed by religions that claim to represent him? Put simply, these religions are false; they misrepresent God. How have they misrepresented him? How does he feel about that? And what will he do about it?
1. How does false religion misrepresent God by its teachings?
False religion has “exchanged the truth of God for the lie.” (Romans 1:25) For example, most religions have not taught their followers God’s name. However, the Bible says that God’s name must be used. (Romans 10:13, 14) Some religious leaders say that when something terrible happens, it is God’s will. But that is a lie. God is never the source of evil. (Read James 1:13.) Sadly, religious lies have pushed people away from God.
2. How does false religion misrepresent God by its actions?
False religion does not treat people as Jehovah does. The Bible says that false religion’s “sins have massed together clear up to heaven.” (Revelation 18:5) For centuries, religions have meddled in politics, supported wars, and caused or approved the death of countless numbers of people. Some religious leaders enjoy a lavish lifestyle and demand money from their followers to pay for it. These actions prove that they do not even know God, let alone have the right to represent him.​—Read 1 John 4:8.
3. How does God feel about false religion?
If the things done by false religion make you angry, how do you think Jehovah feels? He loves people, but he is angry with religious leaders who misrepresent him and mistreat their followers. He promises that false religion will be destroyed and “will never be found again.” (Revelation 18:21) Soon, God will put an end to all false religion.​—Revelation 18:8.
Examine further how God feels about false religion. Learn more about what it has done, but also learn why this should not stop you from getting to know Jehovah.
4. God does not approve of all religions
Many people believe that religions are like different roads that all lead to God. But is that true? Read Matthew 7:13, 14, and then answer this question:
How does the Bible describe the road that leads to life?
Play the Video Does God Accept All Forms of Worship and then answer the question that follows.
Does the Bible say that there are many religions that please God?
5. False religion does not reflect God’s love
Religions have misrepresented God in many ways. One notorious way has been their involvement in war. To see one example, play the Video The Churches' Role in World War II. Then answer the questions that follow.
What position did many churches take during World War II?
How do you feel about the position they took?
Read John 13:34, 35 and 17:16. Then answer these questions:
How must Jehovah feel when religions get involved in war?
False religion is responsible for many bad things. In what ways have you seen religions fail to reflect God’s love?
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False religion has not reflected God’s love
6. God wants to free people from false religion
Read Revelation 18:4, * and then answer this question:
How does it make you feel to know that God wants to save individuals who have been misled by false religion?
7. Continue learning about the true God
Should false religion affect your view of God? Imagine a son who rejects the wise direction his father has given him. The son leaves home and leads a corrupt life. The father does not approve of his son’s actions. Why would it not be fair to blame the father for the way his rebellious son is living?
Would it be fair to blame Jehovah and stop learning about him because of the actions of false religion?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “I’m not interested in God because religion is the cause of so many problems.”
Do you feel that way?
Why should the actions of false religion not affect our view of Jehovah?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
What Will Help You to Keep Studying the Bible?
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Studying the Bible is a rewarding journey. However, it may not always be an easy one. At times, you may wonder if you will be able to keep studying the Bible. Why is it worth making an effort to continue? What can help you to persevere despite difficulties?
1. Why is Bible study valuable?
“The word of God is alive and exerts power.” (Hebrews 4:12) The Bible is valuable because it reveals God’s thoughts and his feelings toward you. It helps you to gain not only knowledge but also true wisdom and hope. Most important, the Bible helps you to become Jehovah’s friend. When you study the Bible, you allow its power to have a positive effect on your life.
2. Why is it important to recognize the value of Bible truth?
The truths in the Bible are like precious treasures. That is why the Bible encourages us to “buy truth and never sell it.” (Proverbs 23:23) When we keep in mind the value of Bible truth, we work hard to keep studying​—even when we face obstacles.​—Read Proverbs 2:4, 5.
3. How can Jehovah help you to keep studying?
As your almighty Creator and Friend, Jehovah wants to help you learn about him. He can give you “both the desire and the power to act.” (Read Philippians 2:13.) Thus, if at times you need additional motivation to study or to apply what you learn, he can help. If you need additional strength to overcome obstacles or opposition, he can provide it. Regularly ask Jehovah in prayer to help you to continue studying the Bible.​—1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Learn how you can keep studying the Bible despite a busy schedule or opposition from others. Then consider how Jehovah will help you to persevere.
4. Make your Bible study a priority
Sometimes life gets so busy that it seems we do not have enough time to study the Bible. What can help? Read Philippians 1:10, and then answer these questions:
What do you feel are some of “the more important things” in life?
How can you make your Bible study a priority?
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A. If you fill a bucket with sand and try to add rocks, the rocks will not fit
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B. If you put the rocks in first, you will have room to add most of the sand. Similarly, if you put “the more important things” first in your life, you will be able to accomplish them and still have time for other things
Studying the Bible satisfies our spiritual need​—our need to know and worship God. Read Matthew 5:3, and then answer this question:
How do we benefit when we make study of the Bible a priority?
5. Persevere in the face of opposition
At times, others may try to discourage you from studying the Bible. Note Francesco’s example. Play the Video Rewarded for Persevering and then answer the questions that follow.
In the video, how did Francesco’s friends and family react when he told them what he was learning?
How was he rewarded for persevering?
Read 2 Timothy 2:24, 25, and then answer these questions:
How do your family and friends feel about what you are learning?
According to these verses, how should you respond when someone is not happy that you are studying the Bible? Why?
6. Rely on Jehovah to help you
As we draw close to Jehovah, our desire to please him increases. Still, we can find it difficult to make adjustments in our life to meet his standards. If you ever feel that way, do not give up. Jehovah will help you. Play the Video Jehovah Helps Us to Make Changes and then answer the questions that follow.
In the video, what changes did Jim make to please Jehovah?
What impresses you about his example?
Read Hebrews 11:6, and then answer these questions:
What will Jehovah do for those “earnestly seeking him”​—that is, those who try hard to get to know and please him?
What does this tell you about how Jehovah feels when he sees your efforts to study the Bible?
SOMEONE MAY ASK: “Why are you studying the Bible?”
How would you answer?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How You Can Get the Most Out of the Bible
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Have you ever felt overwhelmed at the thought of starting a big project? To make it seem less challenging, you might have broken it up into smaller, easier tasks. The same is true when it comes to reading the Bible. You may ask, ‘Where do I start?’ In this lesson, we will consider some simple things you can do that will help you enjoy reading and studying the Bible.
1. Why should we read the Bible regularly?
A person who regularly reads the Bible, or “the law of Jehovah,” will be both happy and successful. (Read Psalm 1:1-3.) To start with, try reading for just a few minutes each day. The more you get familiar with God’s Word, the more you will enjoy your Bible reading.
2. What will help you to benefit from reading the Bible?
To benefit the most from reading the Bible, we need to pause and think about what we are reading. We should both read it and “meditate on it.” (Joshua 1:8, footnote) As you read, ask yourself questions such as: ‘What does this tell me about Jehovah God? How can I apply this in my life? How can I use these verses to help others?’
3. How can you make time to read the Bible?
Do you struggle to find time for Bible reading? Many of us do. Try to make “the best use of your time.” (Ephesians 5:16) You can do this by setting aside a specific time to read the Bible each day. Some people make time to read the Bible early in the morning. Others choose a time later in the day, perhaps during their lunch break. Still others read the Bible in the evening before going to bed. What would be the best time for you?
Learn how to make your Bible reading more interesting. See how to prepare well so that you get the most out of your Bible study.
4. Learn to enjoy Bible reading
It may not be easy to begin reading the Bible. However, we can “form a longing” to do so, just as someone can develop a taste for a new food. Read 1 Peter 2:2, and then answer this question:
Do you think that if you read the Bible every day, it could become something you would enjoy and look forward to doing?
Play the Video Youths Learning to Love God's Word to see how some people started to enjoy reading the Bible. Then answer the questions that follow.
In the video, what challenges did the young people overcome?
What helped them stick to their goal of Bible reading?
How did they make their Bible reading more interesting?
Tips to help you get started:
Choose a reliable, modern-language translation. Try the New World Translation if it is available in your language.
First read portions that appeal to you the most. For ideas, see the chart “Get Started Reading the Bible.”
Keep track of what you read. Use the “Track Your Bible Reading” chart in this publication.
Use the JW Library® app. With it, you can read and listen to the Bible anywhere, using a smartphone or other such device.
Use the appendixes in the New World Translation. They include maps, charts, and a glossary that can make your reading more interesting.
5. Prepare for your Bible study
Read Psalm 119:34, and then answer this question:
Why is it good to pray before reading the Bible or preparing for your Bible study?
How can you get the most out of each study session? As you prepare a lesson in this course, try the following method:
Read the opening paragraphs of the lesson.
Look up and read the scriptures, and try to understand how they relate to the material.
Highlight key words or phrases that answer each question; this will help you to discuss the lesson with your teacher.
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Did you know?
Jehovah’s Witnesses have used several different Bible translations. However, we especially appreciate the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures because it is accurate, it is clear, and it uses God’s name.​—See the Web article “Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Their Own Bible?”
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How Can the Meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses Benefit You?
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Have you been invited to a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses? If you have not yet attended, you may feel a little nervous about attending for the first time. You may wonder: ‘What happens at these meetings? Why are they important? Why should I attend?’ In this lesson, you will learn how meeting with others can draw you closer to God and help you personally.
1. What is the most important reason for meeting together?
Note how a Bible writer expressed the most important reason for meeting with others: “In the great congregation, I will praise Jehovah.” (Psalm 26:12) Likewise, Jehovah’s Witnesses find great joy in meeting together. Around the world, they meet each week to praise God, to sing, and to pray. A few times each year, they also attend larger gatherings for worship.
2. What will you learn at our meetings?
At the meetings, we focus on God’s Word, “clearly explaining it and putting meaning into it.” (Read Nehemiah 8:8.) By attending, you will learn about Jehovah and his wonderful qualities. As you get to know more about his love for you, you will draw closer to him. You will also discover how he can help you to have a satisfying life.​—Isaiah 48:17, 18.
3. How can you benefit from associating with others at our meetings?
Jehovah directs us to “consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together.” (Hebrews 10:24, 25) At our meetings, you will meet people who truly care about one another and who, like you, are interested in learning more about God. You will hear them share encouraging thoughts from the Bible. (Read Romans 1:11, 12.) You will also be able to talk to others who are dealing successfully with the problems that single and married people face. These are just some reasons why Jehovah wants us to meet together regularly!
Find out what meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses are like and why it is worth the effort to attend these meetings.
4. Meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses
In the first century, Christians regularly met together to worship Jehovah. (Romans 16:3-5) Read Colossians 3:16, and then answer this question:
How did the early Christians worship Jehovah?
Today, the Witnesses also regularly meet together at their places of worship. To see what their meetings are like, play the Video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall then answer the questions that follow.
What similarities did you notice between what happens at a Kingdom Hall and what you read at Colossians 3:16?
In the video , did you notice anything else about the meetings that appeals to you?
Read 2 Corinthians 9:7, and then answer this question:
Why are meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses free of charge?
Did you know?
On jw.org, you can find out where and when meetings are held all over the world.
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A. Our meetings include talks, demonstrations, and videos. Meetings begin and end with song and prayer
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B. During some parts of the program, the audience is invited to comment
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C. Everyone is welcome​—families, single ones, the elderly, and children
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D. Our meetings are free. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not charge admission or pass a collection plate
5. Effort is required to attend meetings
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Consider the example of Jesus’ family. To attend a yearly event, they had to walk some 60 miles (100 km) through mountainous terrain from Nazareth to Jerusalem. Read Luke 2:39-42, and then answer these questions:
Do you think that this journey to Jerusalem took effort?
Why might you have to put forth effort to attend meetings?
Do you think it is worth it? Why?
The Bible says that meeting together for worship is very important. Read Hebrews 10:24, 25, and then answer this question:
Why should we attend meetings regularly?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “You don’t need to meet with others. It’s enough to study the Bible at home.”
What scripture or Bible example reveals what Jehovah wants?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
Draw Close to God Through Prayer
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Do you ever feel that you need guidance in life? Do you have important questions that you want answered? Do you need comfort or reassurance? Would you like to feel closer to Jehovah? Prayer can help you fill all of those needs. But what is the right way to pray? Does God listen to all prayers? What can you do to make sure that he will hear your prayers? Let us see.
1. To whom should we pray, and what can we pray about?
Jesus taught that we should pray only to our heavenly Father. Jesus himself prayed to Jehovah. He said: “You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens . . .’” (Matthew 6:9) When we pray to Jehovah, we strengthen our friendship with him.
We can pray about practically any matter. Of course, for God to answer our prayers, they must be in harmony with his will. “No matter what we ask according to [God’s] will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14) Jesus gave examples of appropriate things to pray for. (Read Matthew 6:9-13.) In addition to praying about our personal concerns, we must not forget to thank God for what he has done for us and ask him to help others.
2. How should we pray?
The Bible encourages us to “pour out [our] hearts before [God].” (Psalm 62:8) So our prayers should be sincere and heartfelt. We can pray aloud or silently and in any respectful body position. We can pray at any time and in any location.
3. How does God answer our prayers?
He does so in a variety of ways. Jehovah has provided his Word, the Bible, where we often find answers to our questions. Reading God’s Word can “[make] the inexperienced one wise.” (Psalm 19:7; read James 1:5.) He can give us peace of mind when we face challenges. And he can move his worshippers to help us when we really need it.
Examine how you can offer heartfelt prayers that are pleasing to God, and find out how prayer can benefit you.
4. God has requirements for prayer
What factors determine if our prayers are acceptable to God or not?Play the Video Does God Listen to All Prayers.
Jehovah wants us to pray to him. Read Psalm 65:2, and then answer these questions:
Do you think the “Hearer of prayer” wants you to pray to him? Why, or why not?
We must try to live according to God’s standards if we want him to hear our prayers. Read Micah 3:4 and 1 Peter 3:12, and then answer this question:
How can we make sure that Jehovah will listen to our prayers?
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5. Our prayers should come from the heart
Some people have been taught to repeat certain prayers word for word. But is that how God wants us to pray to him? Read Matthew 6:7, and then answer this question:
How can you avoid saying “the same things over and over again” in your prayers?
Each day, you might think of one specific blessing in your life and then thank Jehovah for that blessing. Do this every day for a week, and you will have prayed about seven different topics without repeating yourself.
6. Prayer is a gift from God
How can prayer give us strength, both in good times and in bad? Play the Video Prayer Helps Us to Cope.
The Bible promises that prayer can help us to find real peace of mind. Read Philippians 4:6, 7, and then answer these questions:
Although prayer does not always make our problems go away, how does it help?
What are some things you would like to pray about?
Did you know?
The word “amen” means “so be it” or “surely.” Since Bible times, “amen” has been said at the end of prayers.​—1 Chronicles 16:36.
7. Make time for prayer
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Sometimes we may get so busy that we forget to pray. How important to Jesus was prayer? Read Matthew 14:23 and Mark 1:35, and then answer these questions:
What did Jesus do to make time for prayer?
When could you find time to pray?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “Prayer is just a mental crutch.”
What would you say?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
You Can Be Jehovah’s Friend
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Jehovah wants you to know him better. Why? He hopes that the more you learn about his personality, his ways, and his purpose, the more you will want to be his friend. Can you really be God’s friend? (Read Psalm 25:14.) What can you do to become his friend? The Bible answers those questions and reveals why friendship with Jehovah is the most important relationship you can have.
1. What invitation does Jehovah offer you?
“Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.” (James 4:8) What does this mean? Jehovah is inviting you to become his friend. Some may find it difficult to imagine being friends with anyone they cannot see, let alone with God himself. Yet, in his Word, the Bible, Jehovah reveals everything we need to know about his personality in order for us to draw close to him. When we read God’s message to us in the Bible, our friendship with Jehovah grows even though we have never seen him.
2. Why is Jehovah the best Friend you can have?
No one loves you more than Jehovah does. He wants you to be happy and to turn to him whenever you need help. You can “throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) Jehovah is always ready to support, comfort, and listen to his friends.​—Read Psalm 94:18, 19.
3. What does Jehovah expect of his friends?
Jehovah loves people in general, “but His close friendship is with the upright.” (Proverbs 3:32) Jehovah expects his friends to try to do things that he views as good and to avoid things that he considers bad. Some may feel that they could never live up to Jehovah’s standards of good and bad. However, Jehovah is large-hearted. He accepts everyone who truly loves Him and does his best to please Him.​—Psalm 147:11; Acts 10:34, 35.
Learn more about how you can become Jehovah’s friend, and discover why he is the best Friend you can have.
4. Abraham was Jehovah’s friend
The Bible account of Abraham (also called Abram) gives us a glimpse of what it means to be God’s friend. Read about Abraham at Genesis 12:1-4. Then answer these questions:
What did Jehovah ask Abraham to do?
What did Jehovah promise him?
How did Abraham respond to Jehovah’s instructions?
5. What Jehovah asks of his friends
We usually expect certain things of our friends.
What are some things that you like your friends to do for you?
Read 1 John 5:3, and then answer this question:
What does Jehovah expect of his friends?
In order to obey Jehovah, we may need to change our conduct or our personality traits. Read Isaiah 48:17, 18, and then answer this question:
Why does Jehovah ask his friends to make changes?
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A good friend would remind us of things that can protect and benefit us. Jehovah does the same for his friends
6. What Jehovah does for his friends
Jehovah helps his friends cope with problems. Play the Video Jehovah Has Done So Much For Me and then answer the question that follows.
How has Jehovah helped the woman in the video to deal with her negative thinking and emotions?
Read Isaiah 41:10, 13, and then answer these questions:
What does Jehovah promise to do for all of his friends?
Do you think Jehovah would make a good Friend? Why?
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Close friends give you help when you need it. Jehovah will help you too
7. Friendship with Jehovah involves communication
Communication strengthens bonds of friendship. Read Psalm 86:6, 11, and then answer these questions:
How can we communicate with Jehovah?
How does Jehovah communicate with us?
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We speak to Jehovah through prayer; he speaks to us through the Bible
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “It’s impossible to be close to God.”
What scripture would you use to show that we can be Jehovah’s friend?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
What Is Jehovah Like?
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When you think of Jehovah God, what comes to your mind? Is he awe-inspiring but far away from you, like the stars of a distant galaxy? Or do you imagine him to be powerful but without a personality, like a thunderstorm? What is Jehovah really like? Through his Word, the Bible, Jehovah reveals some of his qualities, as well as his interest in you.
1. Why are we unable to see God?
“God is a Spirit.” (John 4:24) Jehovah does not have a physical body. He is a Spirit who lives in heaven, a place that we cannot see.
2. What are some aspects of Jehovah’s personality?
Although Jehovah is invisible, he is a real Person with qualities that endear him to those who know him. The Bible says: “Jehovah loves justice, and he will not abandon his loyal ones.” (Psalm 37:28) He is also “very tender in affection and merciful,” especially toward people who are suffering. (James 5:11) “Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; he saves those who are discouraged.” (Psalm 34:18, footnote) And did you know that Jehovah is affected by the way we act? A person who chooses to do bad things disappoints him and makes him sad. (Psalm 78:40, 41) But a person who does what is right makes him happy.​—Read Proverbs 27:11.
3. How does Jehovah show that he loves us?
Jehovah’s most outstanding quality is love. In fact, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) Jehovah reveals his love, not only through the Bible but also through the things he created. (Read Acts 14:17.) Consider, for example, how he made us. He has given us the ability to see beautiful colors, hear delightful music, and taste delicious food. He wants us to enjoy life.
Learn what Jehovah uses to accomplish amazing things. Then see how Jehovah reveals and expresses his appealing qualities.
4. Holy spirit​—God’s active force
Just as we use our hands to do work, Jehovah uses his holy spirit. The Bible reveals that holy spirit is, not a person, but the force God uses to get things done. Read Luke 11:13 and Acts 2:17, and then answer these questions:
God will “pour out” his holy spirit on those who ask for it. So do you think holy spirit is a person, or is it God’s active force? Why do you say that?
Jehovah uses his holy spirit to accomplish amazing things. Read Psalm 33:6 and 2 Peter 1:20, 21, and then answer this question:
What are some ways in which Jehovah has used his holy spirit?
5. Jehovah has an appealing personality
Moses was a faithful worshipper of God, but he wanted to know his Creator better. So Moses said to him: “Make me know your ways, so that I may know you.” (Exodus 33:13) In reply, Jehovah revealed to Moses some aspects of His personality. Read Exodus 34:4-6, and then answer these questions:
What aspects of Jehovah’s personality did he reveal to Moses?
Which of Jehovah’s qualities especially appeal to you?
6. Jehovah cares about people
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God’s people, the Hebrews, were slaves in Egypt. How did their suffering affect Jehovah? Play the Audio Jehovah Cared About Their Suffering and follow along, or read Exodus 3:1-10. Then answer the questions that follow.
What does this account tell you as to how Jehovah feels about human suffering?​—See verses 7 and 8.
Do you think that Jehovah really wants to help humans and that he is able to do so? Why, or why not?
7. The natural world reveals Jehovah’s qualities
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Jehovah reveals his qualities through the things he created. Play the Video Creation Reveals Jehovah's Love - The Human Body. Then read Romans 1:20, and answer the question that follows.
What qualities of Jehovah do you see in the things he has made?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “God is not a person, he’s just a force that is everywhere.”
What do you think?
Why do you feel that way?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
How Did Life Begin?
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“With [God] is the source of life.” (Psalm 36:9) Do you believe that? Some people think that life came from random, undirected events. If that is true, then we exist only because of an accident. But if Jehovah God created life, it would have a purpose, would it not? * Consider the Bible’s account of the origin of life and also why that account is reasonable.
1. How did the universe begin?
The Bible states: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Most scientists agree that the universe had a beginning. How did God create it? He used his “active force”​—his holy spirit—​to make everything in the universe, including galaxies, stars, and planets.​—Genesis 1:2.
2. Why did God create the earth?
Jehovah “did not create [the earth] simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) He made our planet to be a comfortable and permanent home for humans. (Read Isaiah 40:28; 42:5.) Science reveals that the earth is unique. It is the only known planet that can sustain human life.
3. What makes humans unlike the animals?
After he made the earth, Jehovah created life on it. First, he filled the earth with plants and animals. Then, “God went on to create the man in his image.” (Read Genesis 1:27.) What makes humans unique? Since we are made in God’s image, we can reflect his qualities, such as love and justice. He also created us with the ability to learn languages, appreciate art, and enjoy music. And unlike any animal, we can worship our Creator.
Consider the evidence that life was designed and that the Bible’s creation account is reasonable. Learn what the qualities in humans teach us about God.
4. Life was designed
Humans get credit for the designs they copy from nature. So who should get credit for the originals? Play the Video Belief in God, and then answer the question that follows.
What have human designers copied from nature?
Did you know?
You can find articles and videos about this topic on jw.org in the series “Was It Designed?” and “Viewpoints on the Origin of Life.”
Every house is designed and built by someone. But who designed and built the things in nature? Read Hebrews 3:4, and then answer these questions:
What designs in the natural world impress you?
Is it reasonable to believe that the universe and everything in it were designed? Why?
“Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God”
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5. The Bible’s creation account is reasonable
In Genesis chapter 1, the Bible describes the origin of the earth and life on it. Can you trust that account, or is it just a myth? Play the Video Was the Universe Created, and then answer the questions that follow.
Does the Bible teach that the earth and life on it were created in six 24-hour days?
Do you think that the Bible’s account of creation is logical and reasonable? Why, or why not?
Read Genesis 1:1, and then answer this question:
Scientists say that the universe had a beginning. How does their conclusion compare with what you just read in the Bible?
Some people wonder if God used evolution to create life. Read Genesis 1:21, 25, 27, and then answer these questions:
Does the Bible teach that God made a simple life-form and then let it evolve into fish, mammals, and humans? Or did he create all the basic “kinds” of life? *
6. Humans are a unique creation of God
We are unlike the animals that Jehovah created. Read Genesis 1:26, and then answer this question:
Because we are made in God’s image, what does our ability to show love and compassion suggest about God’s personality?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “The Bible’s account of creation is a myth.”
What do you think? Why?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
The Bible Is God’s Message to Us
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Jehovah has given us a wonderful gift​—66 books collected into one volume, the Bible. But you may wonder: ‘Where did the Bible come from? Who is its author?’ To answer these questions, let us discuss how God’s message in the Bible has come to us.
1. If men wrote the Bible, how is God its Author?
The Bible was written by some 40 writers over a span of about 1,600 years, from 1513 B.C.E. to about 98 C.E. And the writers came from many backgrounds. Still, all parts of the Bible agree. How is this possible? Because God is the Author of the Bible. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13.) The writers did not record their own thoughts. Rather, they “spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.” * (2 Peter 1:21) God used his holy spirit to inspire, or motivate, men to record his thoughts.​—2 Timothy 3:16.
2. Who has access to the Bible?
“Every nation and tribe and tongue and people” can benefit from the good news found in the Bible. (Read Revelation 14:6.) God made sure that the Bible would be available in more languages than any other book in history. Almost everyone has access to the Bible. This is true no matter where people live or what language they speak.
3. How has Jehovah preserved the Bible?
The Bible was written on materials that do not last long, such as leather and papyrus. But men who loved the Bible carefully copied and recopied it by hand. Even though powerful people tried to eliminate the Bible, others were willing to risk their lives to safeguard it. Jehovah has not let anyone or anything stop him from communicating with us. The Bible says: “The word of our God endures forever.”​—Isaiah 40:8.
Learn more about how God inspired men to write the Bible, how he preserved it, and how he made it available to humankind.
4. The Bible reveals its Author
Play the Video Who is the Author of the Bible. Then read 2 Timothy 3:16, and answer the questions that follow.
If men wrote the Bible, why is it called the Word of God?
Do you think it is reasonable to believe that God could transmit his thoughts to human writers?
5. The Bible survived attacks
If the Bible is from God, we would expect him to preserve it. Throughout history, powerful men have tried to destroy the Bible. Religious leaders have tried to hide it. But despite opposition and the threat of death, many people have risked their lives to protect the Bible. To learn about one such man, play the Video They Valued the Bible.
Read Psalm 119:97, and then answer this question:
What has motivated many people to risk their lives to translate and distribute the Bible?
6. A book for all people
The Bible is the most widely translated and distributed book in history. Read Acts 10:34, 35, and then answer these questions:
Why does God want his Word to be so widely translated and distributed?
What appeals to you about the Bible?
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SOME PEOPLE SAY: “The Bible is just an old book written by humans.”
What do you think?
What evidence suggests that the Bible is God’s Word?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
Who Is God?
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Nearly as long as humans have existed, they have worshipped many gods and goddesses. Yet, the Bible refers to one God who “is greater than all the other gods.” (2 Chronicles 2:5) Who is that? And what makes him greater than all the other gods that people worship? In this lesson, learn how this God introduces himself to you.
1. What is God’s name, and how can we be sure that he wants us to know it?
In the Bible, God introduces himself to us. He says: “I am Jehovah. That is my name.” (Read Isaiah 42:5, 8.) “Jehovah” is the translation of a Hebrew name that evidently means “He Causes to Become.” Jehovah wants us to know his name. (Exodus 3:15) How can we be sure of that? In the Bible he included his name over 7,000 times! * The name Jehovah belongs to “the true God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.”​—Deuteronomy 4:39.
2. What does the Bible reveal about Jehovah?
The Bible says that among all the gods worshipped by humans, Jehovah is the only true God. Why? There are several reasons. Jehovah has supreme authority, and he alone is “the Most High over all the earth.” (Read Psalm 83:18.) He is “the Almighty,” which means he has the power to do whatever he chooses to do. He “created all things”​—the universe and all life on earth. (Revelation 4:8, 11) Unlike anyone else, Jehovah has always existed, and he will exist forever.​—Psalm 90:2.
Examine the difference between God’s titles and his unique name. Then learn how and why he revealed his name to you.
3. God has many titles, but one name
To see the difference between a person’s title and his name, play the Video Many Titles, but One Name, and then answer the question that follows.
What is the difference between a title, such as “Lord,” and a name?
The Bible acknowledges that people worship many gods and lords. Read Psalm 136:1-3.
4. Jehovah wants you to know and use his name
What shows that Jehovah wants you to know his name? Play the Video Does God Have a Name? and then answer the questions that follow.
Do you think Jehovah wants his name to be known? Why?
Jehovah wants people to use his name. Read Romans 10:13, and then answer these questions:
How important is it to use God’s name, Jehovah?
How do you feel when someone remembers your name and uses it?
How do you think Jehovah feels when you use his name?
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5. Jehovah wants you to get closer to him
A woman from Cambodia named Soten said that learning God’s name helped her to enjoy “the best feeling on earth.” Play the Video My Search for the True God.
Before you become someone’s friend, you usually learn his or her name. Read James 4:8a, and then answer these questions:
What does Jehovah invite you to do?
How might knowing and using God’s name help you to feel closer to him?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “There’s only one God, so it doesn’t matter what you call him.”
Do you believe that Jehovah is God’s name?
How would you explain that God wants us to use his name?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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freetenshi · 3 years
Can You Trust the Bible?
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The Bible makes many promises and offers much advice. Likely you are curious about what it teaches, but perhaps you are also cautious. Should you trust promises and advice from such an old book? Can you really believe what the Bible says about enjoying life now and in the future? Millions of people do. Let us see whether you can too.
1. Is the Bible a book of fact or fiction?
The Bible claims to be a record of “accurate words of truth.” (Ecclesiastes 12:10) It relates real events that involved real people. (Read Luke 1:3; 3:1, 2.) Many historians and archaeologists have confirmed the accuracy of important dates, people, places, and events described in the Bible.
2. Why can we say that the Bible is not out-of-date?
In many ways, the Bible has proved to be ahead of its time. For example, it touches on scientific subjects. Much of what it says on those subjects was controversial when it was written. However, modern science confirms that what the Bible says is accurate. It is “always reliable, now and forever.”​—Psalm 111:8.
3. Why can we trust what the Bible says about the future?
The Bible contains prophecies * that foretell “the things that have not yet been done.” (Isaiah 46:10) It accurately foretold numerous historical events long before they occurred. It also described today’s world conditions in striking detail. In this lesson, we will examine some of the Bible’s prophecies. Their accuracy is amazing!
Examine how modern science agrees with the Bible, and investigate a few impressive Bible prophecies.
4. Science agrees with the Bible
In ancient times, most people believed that the earth rested upon something. Play the Video The Earth Hangs Upon Nothing.
Notice what was recorded in the book of Job some 3,500 years ago. Read Job 26:7, and then answer this question:
Why is the statement that the earth is suspended “upon nothing” surprising?
It was not until the 1800’s that the earth’s water cycle was well understood. Yet, notice what the Bible stated thousands of years ago. Read Job 36:27, 28, and then answer these questions:
Why is this simple description of the water cycle remarkable?
Do the scriptures you just read strengthen your trust in the Bible?
5. The Bible foretold important events
Read Isaiah 44:27–45:2, and then answer this question:
What details did the Bible foretell 200 years before the fall of Babylon?
Play the Video The Bible Foretold the Fall of Babylon.
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History confirms that King Cyrus of Persia and his army conquered the city of Babylon in 539 B.C.E. * They diverted the river that protected the city. After entering the city through gates that had been left open, they captured it without a battle. Today, over 2,500 years later, Babylon lies in ruins. Note what the Bible foretold.
Read Isaiah 13:19, 20, and then answer this question:
How does what happened to Babylon confirm the fulfillment of this prophecy?
6. The Bible foretold things we see today
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The Bible refers to our time as “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1) Notice what the Bible foretold about this time period.
Read Matthew 24:6, 7, and then answer this question:
What significant conditions did the Bible say would exist during the last days?
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and then answer these questions:
What common attitudes of people during the last days did the Bible describe?
Which of these attitudes have you observed?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “The Bible is a book of myths and legends.”
In your opinion, what is the strongest evidence that the Bible is trustworthy?
Disclaimer: The articles I post are not mine. I am merely sharing them to those who really want to learn about the Bible. Please visit JW.ORG for more Bible topics that might interest you.
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