freelancerhasib · 3 years
PhenGold Review 2021: Best Fat Burner for Women
PhenGold is a diet pill by Swiss Research Labs Ltd. you'll solely pass on-line and therefore the company claims people that take 3 pills per day can melt off quicker and easier than ever before.
It contains a strong formulation of natural ingredients and has wonderful client reviews.
PhenGold remains a comparatively new product however it supports a group of ingredients that are clinically evidenced to assist you burn excess body fat and reduce your hunger – cutting daily calorie intake.
Supercharge your metabolism and burn stubborn fat. You’re going to read our brutally honest PhenGold Review
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PhenGold Benefits
Suppresses appetite
Curbs snacking and cravings
Supercharges your metabolism
Enhances your body’s aptitude to burn fat
Boosts concentration and focus
How Does PhenGold Work?
PhenGold helps you to melt off quicker by creating it easier to regulate the number of calories going into your body. It helps you to burn further calories as well.
The combination of fewer calories going into the body and a lot of being burned creates an energy deficit that forces you to begin burning fat.
The formulation of natural ingredients in PhenGold helps you to control your calorie intake by removing the distraction of hunger. It helps you to burn more fat by increasing metabolism.
Hunger Suppression
Hunger is one among the worst aspects of the weight-loss process. It may be very distracting and it’s improbably straightforward to offer this hunger suppression
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 is arguably the foremost vital diet pill good thing about all.
When hunger is sufficiently suppressed, it becomes easier to be happy with smaller parts of food. Lack of hunger additionally terminates the need to snack. This is often wherever PhenGold very states it’s claim.
Of course, if you've got plenty of will power, you'll be able to go it alone. However, most dieters’ notice they have facilitated during this space so, if you're one amongst them, don’t worry. It’s nothing to be embarrassed of. You’re not on your own.
Metabolism controls the method you extract calories from food and place them to work. It will plenty of alternative things also however the link between metabolism and fat burning may be all we'd like to concern ourselves with here.
When metabolism increases, you burn more calories. Exercise is an easy thanks to increase metabolism. The additional exercise causes a requirement for more energy and metabolism becomes faster.
Certain natural compounds increase metabolism as well. Even during times of rest. The rise in metabolism can last for many hours. a number of the most effective natural fat burners might increase metabolism for up to twenty four hours.
Every organ in your body is fueled by calories. That has your brain. Not surprisingly, low-calorie fasting can create it tougher to target physical and mental tasks. For that reason, PhenGold contains ingredients which will facilitate keep you feeling mentally “sharp.”
What’s the Most Effective Way to Use PhenGold?
The dose is 3 capsules, once per day, crazy food and, ideally, shortly before working out.
Although Swiss Research Labs fails to create this suggestion, it's going to be best to begin with only 1 capsule per day and so work your high to the most dose.
PhenGold contains caffeine. Beginning with a lower dose are going to be an honest thanks to monitor for tolerance issues.
Ingredient Profile
Three PhenGold capsules provide:
Niacin (15 mg)
Vitamin B6 (1.3 mg)
Vitamin B12 (24 mcg)
Green Tea (500 mg)
L-Tyrosine (300 mg)
Rhodiola Root (250 mg)
L-Theanine (250 mg)
Caffeine anhydrous (225 mg)
Cayenne Pepper (200 mg)
DMAE tartrate (150 mg)
Green coffee Extract (100 mg)
BioPerine (5 mg)
PhenGold Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are very positive, it's obtaining a lot of praise. a couple of average customer comments read:
“I have been using PhenGold with a healthy diet and exercise and can confirm that it works. After a month of taking the pills I stepped on the scales and saw I’ve become 10 pounds lighter. My appetite is under control and there have been no side effects at all. I’m tickled pink and have just placed an order for some more.” RR – London, UK
“Wow! This stuff works really well. The weight is dropping off me like nobody’s business. Highly recommended.” Kathy P – Oregon, USA
“I was kinda skeptical because of bad experiences in the past but PhenGold is the real deal. I no longer feel the need to snack, am losing 1-2 pounds each week and feel a lot of energetic and alive.” P Chana – Montreal, Canada
Is There a Risk of Side Effects?
No side effects are reported however ladies who are pregnant or nursing a toddler mustn't use any style of dietary supplement while not obtaining approval from a doctor first.
People who have existing health problems are suggested to urge a doctor’s approval before mistreating the merchandise for the primary time. As is anyone who would wish to use it abroad medications or is coming up with on building a supplement stack.
Can You Slim down With PhenGold?
PhenGold is a superb product. There will be no distrust of its ability to assist folks to lose weight.
Customers report outstanding success with this product and, once you consider the standard of the ingredients and formulation, it’s straightforward to grasp why.
Needless to say, it’s not a magic pill. It’s no smart taking PhenGold and so continued to eat a poor diet.
Even though the natural appetence suppressants it provides will assist you to eat smaller parts you won’t do yourself any favors if the food you eat is loaded with sugar and fat.
If you specialize in a healthy diet and use PhenGold it'll do precisely what the manufacturer says—help you melt off quicker and easier than before. If you exercise as well, you may see even larger benefits.
PhenGold is a superb product which will give you the support you need—that’s rock bottom line.
Where to Buy PhenGold
PhenGold is available only from the official website.
Let’s Wrap Up!
From the research studies about the ingredients, it’s very clear that PhenGold is the best fat burner for women in 2021.
Click below to order Now.
Order Now
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freelancerhasib · 4 years
HASIB Digital Marketing & SEO Solutions Best Service Provider
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freelancerhasib · 4 years
Top 5+ Best Easy Ways to Make Money Online Fast at home in 2020 full free
The web is a pretty supply of memories and leisure gossip. Today, tens of billions of bucks are being exchanged by way of a mess of legit activities. More and extra-human beings are beginning their personal companies on the net and making cash online. Some are even turning their online ventures into full-time net businesses.
Are you in a position to flip your passions into income and commence your very own online enterprise however undecided the place to urge started? Let's take a look at seven methods to structure cash on-line that will now not require lots of your time or dig your everyday routine. reflect onconsideration on these selections as supplemental sources of profits with the viable in some instances to be a complete lot more.
1-Starting Your Own Blog
One of the primary famous approaches to shape cash on-line is by means of beginning your very own blog.
You can begin your weblog round nearly any theme that you're hooked in to, however, you will desire to suppose about selecting a worthwhile area of interest market if you diagram to shape cash collectively with your blog.
Use your weblog to share hobbies, thoughts, and passions with others and use your weblog to shape actual connections with people. The mechanics are straightforward, and you will be equipped to earnings collectively with your weblog by online marketing (e.g. Google Adwords), an affiliate advertising and marketing (see below), and subscriber-based lists to provide a mild circulation of income. There are some methods to structure cash with a blog.
This is one amongst the quickest approaches to urge your very own piece of "virtual actual estate".
One factor to continue to be in thought is that recently there certainly is a small distinction between a net website and a blog. Most web sites are actually run on weblog primarily based on content material administration systems, like WordPress.
Your weblog does not simply want to consist of weblog posts, however, it can consist of normal web sites, income pages, e-commerce, product pages, etc.
2-Affiliate Marketing
Even if you do no longer have your personal merchandise or offerings to sell, affiliate advertising and marketing offers you a possibility to earn sturdy commissions through a sequence of one-time income (or ongoing month-to-month sales). Online retailers grant you with an affiliate internet site (or a convenient affiliate monitoring link) and advertising guide – all you've got obtained to strive to is promote the company collectively with your hyperlink with the aid of social media, search engines or possibly ideally your personal internet site or weblog (see above).
With all of these strategies, we're discussing you may be trying to make positive to create your email listing so you may constantly observe up collectively with your subscribers and generate extra sales.
The exceptional factor about affiliate advertising is you do now not want to create your very own products, you do no longer want to supply any consumer support, and you do no longer want to create your very own advertising materials.
All you have bought to attempt to is pick out a worthwhile market, promote the merchandise as an affiliate, and earn a fee every time a buy is fashioned. Affiliate advertising is one of the quickest and best approaches to structure cash online.
Even if you are providing your personal merchandise and offerings man human beings decide upon to additionally promote different people's merchandise as an in addition earnings flow to what they're already doing.
3-Start Your Own E-commerce Website
Another wonderful possibility to shape cash online is with an e-commerce website/store.
This is the place you are promoting bodily merchandise from your website. the major frequent (and hassle-free) thanks to doing that is by drop shipping; the place you basically take the orders on your internet site and use a third-party supplier that manufactures and ships the merchandise for you.
The key component you may be looking to attempt to specialize in one particular niche and be a keep that simply caters thereto market, do not try to be all matters to all or any human beings like an Amazon.com.
Speaking of Amazon.com, although you will choose to faucet into different web sites like Amazon.com, eBay.com, Etsy.com, etc. as to how of attaining extra human beings you would like to make positive that you clearly have your very own net presence collectively with your personal shop in order that you have bought one hundred percent manage over your business.
4-Online Publishing (E-books)
Regardless of your modern-day occupation and lifestyle, there may be in all likelihood an ebook inner you that is screaming to urge out. Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform has given heaps of people a possibility to emerge as posted authors and earn money. it is going to additionally characteristic how to urge observed via professional and standard publishers.
Not solely are you in a position to promote ebooks on structures like Amazon.com; however, you will additionally promote ebooks at once from your very own internet site additionally. this allows you to promote your ebooks at greater expenditures and gain all of the profits.
You can additionally repackage more than one ebooks into large "packages" or use the ebooks as a basis to promote higher-ticket online publications or possibly teaching and consulting offerings
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2VahA7U
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freelancerhasib · 4 years
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Upgrading Your Novels and Mark Lawrence
I’ve been writing for a while (years) and have reached the point where I want to pause and evaluate what I have done. The advantage of self publishing is that you can do this. Amazon permits you to revise and then re-publish at no cost. For a Tweeker like me, this is a boon.
So, if you have written several books, especially those in a series, you might want to think about how you can refresh your work.
A new cover might be in order. You can retitle too. A few years ago, another author added her book to Amazon under the title Caught in Time. I was furious. That was my title, but titles are not copyrighted. So, too bad for me. You would think she could have done a search on Amazon to see if anyone else had the title, but she didn’t. Then a few weeks ago, the title Cosmic Entanglement came on and popped up ahead of me on the search list. Don’t think I was pleased about that. I thought about a re-title, but that would only confuse my readers. So, check out your title for a duplicate before you publish. Even so, I can re-title if I feel the need.
Back in the day, early writers were eager to get published and some drew their own covers or had an artistic friend put one together. That was good enough for a beginning author. Now, several years later, they have networked with other authors, attended conferences, and realize the advantage of a professional looking cover. I know a few who have revamped the look of their entire series.
Sales bumped up.
Okay, the outside is all spiffed up. What about the inside? If you are writing a series like I am, your earlier books don’t have your most recent books listed in the front matter. You might want to add them. Also, in the back matter, make sure you have a short teaser for each book with a link. Best time to catch a reader is when he has just finished and is interested in reading more of the story. One click and he’s there at your buy button.
Self publishing used to have a bad rap. Authors would read over their works and think it was just fine. We can’t see our own mistakes … trust me on this one. Commas. And repetition. My downfalls. Try as I could, I didn’t catch them all, even though I have a Masters Degree in English, speech and journalism.
That’s why I’m now going back through my third book, Cosmic Entanglement and making it even better. Yes, it was edited by someone who was not only a science fiction and fantasy writer, but who also edited for several New York publishing houses. I paid a professional level fee, but still, guess what? … There were errors.
This time, I’m not going back in alone either. I use the ProWriting Aid program and Grammarly. It’s an eye opener. Prowriting Aid is reasonably priced at the premium level. ($70 per year) It gives a summary and then breaks down the writing for grammar, style, sentence structure, repeats, over-used words, offers correcting suggestions, and has a thesaurus for your words. Other reports are also available.
Grammarly is widely used. It has a free version, but mentions frequently that you have more errors which a premium version could fix. Unfortunately, it runs thirty dollars per month ($30) or cheaper per month if you pay either quarterly or in a lump sum. Lump sum is $139.95 which averages out to $11.66 per month. But then you are committed if you don’t like it.
I use the free version, however, if you’re writing hot and heavy, the premium might be your choice. It is cheaper than an editor. Or, is a good way to clean up before presenting to an editor, so her time isn’t wasted with minor spelling and grammar errors.
Now you know what I’m currently doing in the writing field. This aspect of the job is important, but it takes a different skill set than creating a story. Perseverance is critical. You must be able to forgive yourself for how many times you used the word just in the manuscript and never noticed. ( or various other words you may be fond of ) Editing again takes time, but it is time well spent.
Another place I’m spending time is in reading. I recently finished Mark Lawrence’s series Book of the Ancestor: Red Sister, Grey Sister, and Holy Sister.
I highly recommend the series.
If you like strong female protagonists, magical abilities and antics in an Abbey, you’ll like this story. I also enjoyed the allusion to a previous race that left behind strange technology, and a past starfaring race that visited the planet and incorporated bits of their genes into the current inhabitants, giving a select few extraordinary abilities.
Sound familiar?
Also, the world itself was intriguing. Covered in cold and ice, a narrow corridor rings the land, which is kept warm by an artificial moon. Its laser beam heats up this section at night, staving off the ice. Unfortunately, the sun is dying and the world’s getting colder. The corridor is narrowing. The people are getting squeezed for land, causing wars and violence as various nations fight for room and survival.
Into this mix arrives a young, dirty, recently orphaned girl called Nona. Kidnaped by a child trader and sold to the fight arena, she kills the son of the richest lord in the land by defending herself and a friend. She is saved from the noose by Abbess Glass who runs the Convent of Sweet Mercy and recognizes something special in her. But, there’s nothing sweet about the abbey or Abbess Glass who trains certain genetically gifted young girls to kill.
Four alien starships visited this world at one time, each carrying a certain trait now disbursed into the genetic mix. Nona is a rare child that carries three of the four. Speed, envisioning the path, and conjuring magic are her gifts. Size and strength is the fourth combination talent. A prophesy predicts one child will come with all four traits and save the world.
Nona’s abilities gradually unfold as she trains at the Abbey, becoming an instrument of destruction for whoever crosses her path. She finds friends, makes an enemy of the richest lord of the land, his older son, and the deadliest woman of power. Within the girls themselves hide spies and traitors. Be prepared for twists and turns, betrayal and loyalty. Plan to lose sleep if you read at night.
Mark Lawrence writes a powerful book with a powerful storyline that I hope you’ll enjoy.
from ScifiBook Review https://ift.tt/2ohNxxO via from Blogger https://ift.tt/2ooA9Is
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
A Second Chance for a Hugo Winner
Hey there:
Sometimes you have to give someone a second chance.
In this case, I tried to read N. K. Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and not only was I confused, but bored. Gods meddling with humans is not my thing.
So, I shunned her novels for years until the acclaim became so great I felt I should try again.
After all, winning the Hugo three years in a row is quite a feat. Lois McMasters Bujold, my favorite author, has won four times and only Asimov, Willis, and Vinge have won three times, and not sequentially. All other authors have won two or less… or not at all.
So I started with The Fifth Season.
Right off the bat, I want to say that I did enjoy the whole series. But first, I had to get over being angry. At the very beginning, Jemisin writes as if the reader is sitting next to her in an easy chair and Jemisin is telling her a story … that flips back and forth through time.
Her first sentence : “Let’s start with the end of the world, why don’t we? Get it over with and move on to more interesting things.”
Start at the end? Talk straight to the reader?
What she moves on to is a detailed description of the land using an incredible amount of telling in third person ubiquitous. She also describes two people, one a man who raises his arms and creates a gigantic earthquake and breaks the land. You have no idea who he is or why he does what he is doing. Even, how he can do it. His description isn’t woven in the story as so many experts tell an author to do, but told… Telling not showing.
We have an award winning author writing from a point of view that many so-called word police say you shouldn’t. Keep your author’s comments and voice out of the story, they say. Also, “show, don’t tell.”
She didn’t. Lots of description. Voice intrudes throughout the series.
“Don’t jump back and forth in time, you’ll only confused the reader.”
She does.
Then after long descriptions of the land, a city, and a strange metamorphosis of rock to a human shape, in the next chapter, she switches to the second person to tell the story of Essun who discovers her son dead in her home.
Second person narrative. Tricky at best.
With little background at this point, the reader has no idea what is happening until Nemisin hones the story down to Essun, a middle-aged, impoverished woman who walks into her home to find her son murdered by her husband, his father.
So, now the reader is interested. Why?
We find out Essun is an orogene, which means she has the ability to move the earth and control certain elements of the ground … and other scary stuff.
Her kind is hated and feared, and she has to hide what she is. Her children are to be eliminated to protect humanity. So, her son is murdered by his father when he realizes what his son is. For some reason he doesn’t kill the daughter, but runs away with her with plans to kill her.
But how did Essun come to this state?
Next chapter, we skip back to her childhood where as a young child she is sold by her mother to frightening warrior called “a Guardian.” He takes her to the Fulcrum, a place where orogenes like her are controlled and trained. The first thing the guardian does, once he finds her hiding in the barn under the straw, is place a tracker inside the back of her head. He smiles and says nice words, but doesn’t mean any of it.
So, the story takes off. You become used to being addressed directly at various points in the story and the changes in viewpoints, and the jumps through time. The land becomes almost another character as it affects the lives of the beings on the planet, not all of them human.
By the end of the first book, when I realized the planet was unstable due to a missing moon, I was ready to read the second in the series, The Obelisk Gate. This follows Essun as she searches for her daughter to try and save her. Only her daughter is growing more and more powerful, and can do a few things of her own.
I was interested in following more of the life of Essun, first known as Damaya, and also other names. Keep track.
The second book jumps back and forth between her and her daughter’s experiences. Yes, a bit confusing, but I wanted to know how they were going to save the planet from the many episodes of upheavals called “the Stillnesses.” These are dramatic upheavals of the dangerous planet that create devastating events such as plagues, floods, etc. and can happen at any time and last ages, or not.
Would the moon ever return? And if it did, would ancient technology left by a previous race, enable them to capture it and stabilize the planet?
So, I read The Obelisk Gate and then The Stone Sky.
I was hooked.
I realized an original and interesting story often trumps certain rules of writing.
Often the guidelines are there to strengthen your writing. Yesterday, I read Diana Wallace’s blog and finally understood “filter” words and how they weaken your writing.
Read her blog for more details at:
In commerce, the middle man is being taken out of the transaction. Amazon goes directly to the buyer, eliminating the publishing house or consumer. In the same way, words such as heard, felt, thought are filters that diminish the reader’s experience. Here is an example taken from Diana’s blog that will explain.
Ex: Greta stood on her front porch. She felt the long-awaited spring call her with a rustling of leaves and patter of hummingbird wings. A smile brightened her face as she watched them battle around the feeder that she’d remembered to fill yesterday.  She supposed she wasn’t the only one enjoying the languid morning. On the porch rail, she saw her lazy tabby stretch and heard his rumbling purr as she rubbed his ears. She knew he liked the sunshine; she imagined he always had.
Correction without filter words: Greta stood on her front porch. The long-awaited spring called her with a rustling of leaves and patter of hummingbird wings. A smile brightened her face as they battled around the feeder that she’d filled yesterday.  She wasn’t the only one enjoying the languid morning. On the porch rail, her lazy tabby stretched, and he rumbled a purr as she rubbed his ears. He liked the sunshine; he always had.
See the difference?
For more explanations and other great insights, check out her blog.
Yes, yes, I know that I just ranted and raved about a triple Hugo winner breaking all the rules, and then I turn around and give you a rule.
Who said writing was easy?
Not me.
from ScifiBook Review https://ift.tt/2Ox7nzK via from Blogger https://ift.tt/2LZW3dU
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Hugo Announcements and Richard Morgan’s Thin Air
The Hugos are in. Wahoo.
The Awards were presented last night, Sunday August 18th, 2019 at a ceremony at the 77th World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Afua Richardson and Michael Scott.
Winners for the 2019 Hugo Awards and the 1944 Retrospective Hugo Awards appear in bold.
Members of the convention cast a total of 3097 votes, all online except for eight paper ballots. Congrats to the finalists and winners!
Best Novel
The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor) Record of a Spaceborn Few, by Becky Chambers (Hodder & Stoughton / Harper Voyager) Revenant Gun, by Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris) Space Opera, by Catherynne M. Valente (Saga) Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik (Del Rey / Macmillan) Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse (Saga)
Best Novella
          Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing) Beneath the Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGuire (Tor.com Publishing) Binti: The Night Masquerade, by Nnedi Okorafor (Tor.com Publishing) The Black God’s Drums, by P. Djèlí Clark (Tor.com Publishing) Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson (Tor.com Publishing) The Tea Master and the Detective, by Aliette de Bodard (Subterranean Press / JABberwocky Literary Agency)
Best Novelette
“If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again,” by Zen Cho (B&N Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog, 29 November 2018) “The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections,” by Tina Connolly (Tor.com, 11 July 2018) “Nine Last Days on Planet Earth,” by Daryl Gregory (Tor.com, 19 September 2018) The Only Harmless Great Thing, by Brooke Bolander (Tor.com Publishing) “The Thing About Ghost Stories,” by Naomi Kritzer (Uncanny Magazine 25, November- December 2018) “When We Were Starless,” by Simone Heller (Clarkesworld 145, October 2018)
Best Short Story
“A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies,” by Alix E. Harrow (Apex Magazine, February 2018) “The Court Magician,” by Sarah Pinsker (Lightspeed, January 2018) “The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society,” by T. Kingfisher (Uncanny Magazine 25, November-December 2018) “The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington,” by P. Djèlí Clark (Fireside Magazine, February 2018) “STET,” by Sarah Gailey (Fireside Magazine, October 2018) “The Tale of the Three Beautiful Raptor Sisters, and the Prince Who Was Made of Meat,” by Brooke Bolander (Uncanny Magazine 23, July-August 2018)
Best Series
          Wayfarers, by Becky Chambers (Hodder & Stoughton / Harper Voyager) The Centenal Cycle, by Malka Older (Tor.com Publishing) The Laundry Files, by Charles Stross (most recently Tor.com Publishing/Orbit) Machineries of Empire, by Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris) The October Daye Series, by Seanan McGuire (most recently DAW) The Universe of Xuya, by Aliette de Bodard (most recently Subterranean Press)
*                                 *
For the complete list go to: http://www.thehugoawards.org/
Once again the women swept the awards, putting to rest the old belief that men dominate the science fiction genre. Still, as an author, I have to be aware that men read more science fiction than women. And as a female, I have to cheer the fact that we are doing so well in the genre. We don’t have to use initials before our last name to hide the fact as many female writers used to do.
I have mentioned that I have met and talked to Mary Robinette Kowal, and she is a delightful person who used to live in the Portland area. (Bit of name-dropping here)
Her Calculating Stars is on my 2019 reading list, and now I’m more than ever eager to read it. So stay tuned. I’ll let you know what I think. I have mentioned several of her other novels in earlier blogs.
Currently, I’m reading Becky Chambers’ Record of a Spaceborn Few and enjoying it a lot. I’ll discuss my reactions once I’m finished. I also have blogged about her other novels in the Wayfarer Series.
However, this blog needs to catch up, so I’m going to report on Thin Air by Richard Morgan. Richard Morgan is more a male’s read with lots of violent action and gritty dialog.
I just re-binged Altered Carbon, his more famous novel that was made into a series for Netflix. Watch it if you haven’t yet. Lots of clones, re-sleeving (putting a consciousness into a different body), violent fights, artificial computers who act like humans, and a twisty murder mystery.
Thin Air follows this trend with an ex-corporate enforcer who is stranded on Mars and just wants a ticket back home to Earth. Hakam Veil has all the equipment a military-grade body needs, along with plenty of attitude. When the Earth Oversite Corporation offers him a way home in exchange for finding a missing lottery winner, the gig sounds too easy and Hakan grabs the offer.
But, of course it isn’t.
As Hakan digs deeper into the disappearance, the once easy job gets more and more complicated … and dangerous.
I love the action, the high tech gizmos, and the future worldview. Just make sure you’re ready for what Morgan dishes up as he pulls no punches.
Here’s the trailer for Altered Carbon on Netflix:
  from ScifiBook Review https://ift.tt/2P2Fr8U via from Blogger https://ift.tt/31R1ZuR
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Where are the Aliens?
Happy soon-to-be Fourth of July.
A few announcements first :
I was listed in the top fifty science fiction blogs (#29 to be exact) So that’s nice. https://blog.feedspot.com/science_fiction_blogs/
Also, I wanted to mention my author’s website https:/sheronwoodmccartha.com. It goes into more detail about my life and books. Check it out.
I encountered an article on the Live Science website that offered nine more reasons (in addition to Fermi’s from my previous June blog) on why were haven’t found aliens. So, I thought I’d share.
1. Aliens are all under the ice where we can’t see them. We know several moons where ice covers the planet, but water exists under it. If in our solar system, then possibly it’s a prevalent condition throughout other parts of the Milky Way.
2. Aliens are trapped on super planets. Super planets have ten times the mass of Earth along with 2.5 times the escape velocity. Aliens may just be stuck on their own world without the technology to reach their escape velocity just yet.
3. We’re looking in the wrong places because the aliens are robots. We ‘re looking for analogues of ourself, but maybe the aliens have evolved to intelligent machines and live in places inhospitable to humans.
4. We’ve already found aliens but we’re to distracted to realize it. Maybe we have let our preconceived notions of aliens prevent us from recognizing them.
5. Humans will kill life or already have. The thinking here is that humans bulldoze their way through the galaxy, not noticing smaller in-the-way organisms… Much like a construction worker bulldozing through ants.
6. The aliens triggered climate change and died. So, maybe we should take care.
7. The aliens couldn’t evolve fast enough to survive planetary change and died.
8. Dark energy is creating increasing distances between us and none of us has the technology to span the widening gulf.
9. We are the aliens. This is a popular theme for science fiction. I used it. Earth is a seeded colony from meteors carrying bacteria from other worlds. Scientist call this the Panspermia theory. I went with Alysia being an earlier and forgotten Earth colony.
You got a theory? Just let me know. It’s all good fodder for science fiction stories.
For the complete article, go to: https://www.livescience.com/63208-alien-life-excuses.html
For this blog I’m discussing Sideris Gate: Paradisi Exodus: book 1 by Cheri Lasota.
This is one of the books in the Paradisi collection where various authors are writing books within the same universe. I previously read Faces of Janus and The Janus Challenge by Andy McKell. Andy presents a different viewpoint on the escape from Earth for the last ship, the SS Challenge.
Between Mountain and Sea by Louisa Loci was also an enjoyable story that I reviewed earlier. That adventure takes place on the colony planet and describes the founding families that arrived there first, and the conflicts they encountered.
Paradisi Exodus describes the frantic escape from an Earth on the verge of nuclear winter. The SS Challenge is the last ship out of eleven and contains the families and friends of the builders and scientists who constructed and developed the fleet. They had a contract that if they would build the ships, their families would earn a place on the last ship out. Days before lift off, one of the leaders, Solomon Reach, of the group called Reachers, discovers a plan to replace them with some remaining founding families and associates who didn’t qualify (illness or age) for the previous ten ships.
Thousands of founding families’ associates still remaining behind are smuggled onto the space station into the Serica section with a plan to evacuate the Reachers and replace them. But Solomon Reach gets word of the betrayal and gathers a small band to prevent the takeover. Violence erupts in the corridors, Reach is tortured in order to discover his sabotage plans, while nuclear weapons are let loose down below on Earth. In the midst of all the commotion is a romance between Reach and the daughter of a founding member who wants his people off the ship.
I feel Lasota leans a bit heavily on emotional elements of the story. Everyone has a back story of lost lovers, sisters, family ties and left behind wives. The angst gets to be a bit much as each one feels they should have a place on board. Lasota explores this ethical question of who has a right to decide which person stays behind to face sure death, and who gets a place on the ship for a possible new life.
There are many more offerings by authors in this exciting and interesting collection. Reading the same event or visiting the same location and experiencing it through different authors brings new levels of understanding to the total story.
from ScifiBook Review https://ift.tt/2Nufm1U via from Blogger https://ift.tt/2XQOrRW
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Throw Away Your Marketing Plan
Want to sell more books?
Get lucky.
I often write about marketing and how difficult it is… And then I read JA Konrath’s blog, Your Book Marketing Plan Won’t Work.
How did he know?
It was an eye opener. For the complete blog: http://jakonrath.blogspot.com/2019/06/your-marketing-plan-wont-work.html
He says social media won’t sell your books. How often do you buy books due to social media?However, he does go on to say you should have a social media presence. He suggests commenting on Facebook and writing a newsletter which mentions upcoming books, ways to pre-orders, and general information on your writing. He also endorses commenting on Twitter, but cautions that your time would be better spent on writing than desperately and endlessly engaging in every sort of social media.
Advertising also should be judiciously employed. He admits to throwing tons of money at advertising of all kinds and barely getting a return on his investment. Still, it does get the word out to those readers who might not know about you. But budget time and effort wisely.
How to Market books gets a sneer. He has a good point. If an author knows how to write a best seller, why are they writing a marketing book, and not another best seller? He suggests you investigate the ranking of the author’s other books. If they aren’t in the top one thousand, the advice isn’t worth your time and money.
Forget publicity. The right kind is difficult to get… But if you can, then the pop in sales is normally fleeting.
I have found that he’s pretty close to the mark and refreshingly honest about this business of writing.
So, what works?
Luck. Right time, right place. And write books.
Oh, great. We have to depend on the whimsy of Lady Luck?
He admits that when Amazon came out with the Kindle, he had ten shelf books, rejected by publishers, ready to self publish. At the cheaper price for e-books, they were popular and sold well. So, he got more of his backlist from his publishers and was soon making over eight hundred thousand a year.
Then, Kindle Unlimited came along and cut that income in half.
Still, he had traction with Amazon and that, along with writing more books, kept sales going.
So bottomline?
Write more books. Do a once a month newsletter. Chat in an informative manner on Twitter and Facebook and not an annoying buy-my-book tone. Be consistent. Write in one genre with one name, and write five 75,000 word novels a year. That’s a more efficient use of your time and effort. Make sure they’re interesting, well-edited, and have attractive covers. Do some advertising and…
Your luck might improve.
So, good luck everyone.
For this blog, I’m going to suggest a book and author who has followed these guidelines with amazing success. She has written over seventy books in the science fiction genre, winning three Hugos and numerous other awards—one being the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award.
I’m talking about one of my favorite authors C.J. Cherryl. I have mentioned other books of hers in previous blogs, so check them out. She lives in the Northwest in Washington State, not too far from me. Alliance Rising takes place in the Alliance-Union Universe and is a prequel to many of the Alliance Universe stories. It’s been a long time since a book in that series has come out, and I eagerly awaited it.
Cherryl co-authors with Jane S. Francher for this story. The partnership follows the same intense introverted style, retaining Cherryl’s familiar cadence of writing.
At first, I liked it, but eventually, I got impatient with all the nuanced, dense, introspection concerning an approaching Pell ship that has come to investigate an Earth Company ship, Rights of Man, docked at Alpha station and shrouded in ominous mystery.
We get an early peek at James Robert Neihart, captain of Finity’s End as his younger self and the developments that lead to the Alliance-Union-Earth war of the later novels. In fact, Captain Neihart is instrumental in putting together the alliance of merchanter ships that try to band to gather to protect their interests against the dominating Earth companies. Hence the title: Alliance Rising.
A story, not as good as some of the others, but well worth a read if you’re a fan.
from ScifiBook Review http://bit.ly/31RfgEG via from Blogger http://bit.ly/2x3Bq8k
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Where are the Aliens?
Where are they? You know… The aliens. It boggles the mind how big our universe is and how many stars with planets are out there. … And yet, crickets. Groups of humans are searching for any signs of life. Like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which has been around for a long time and has found nothing so far.
  And yet, do we know what we should do if we find anything? Is there any plan in place for dealing with aliens?
Do we really want to find them? You know, considering how very co-operative we are with our own species. Would finding other intelligent species work out all that well?
Here’s a recent Hubble picture of star Monocerotis V838. Might alien life be there?
There is a series of explanations that you may be familiar with called the Fermi Paradox due to the famous Italian Enrico Fermi.
He gives several reasons why we haven’t found aliens so far. I wanted to share these thoughts with you.
Do you have any other suggestions as to why we appear to be alone out here?
I picked The Fold by Peter Clines this time around because his story has man’s first encounter with aliens in it, and it raises the question: Do we really want to find them?
Secret experiments, supposedly involving teleportation, are being conducted out in the desert of California somewhere, but Reggie Magnus, the Department of Defense official in charge of overseeing the project, feels that something is off. He has already authorized hundreds of millions of dollars, but the group of scientists on the project are still dragging their feet on releasing any significant details of their work. The funding committee wants more information, and the scientists will not disclose their process. Reggie goes to his long time friend who currently teaches high school English and is brilliant. (Why, naturally!)
Leland (Mike) Erickson has eidetic memory and an off-the-chart IQ. He hides out teaching high school English in order to live a normal life. However, when his old friend, Reggie, high up in government comes calling, the idea of teleportation intrigues him. He agrees to observe and report on a top secret project called the Albuquerque Door.
And indeed, during an experiment, he watches one of the scientists walk through the gate, disappear, and arrive at an installation several miles away. All seems as advertised until Mike begins to notice discrepancies in behavior and gaps in explanations. Something is amiss.
He begins to suspect The Albuquerque Door is not as advertised. The scientists are too focused on fame and fortune that will soon come their way if only they can iron out a few disturbing kinks. They feel Mike is trying to stop their precious project and distrust him. Mike believes they are hiding things. And they are. Then, events begin to spiral out of control, leaving Mike as the only one who understands what is happening. But it may be too late.
This book asks the questions: What responsibilities do scientists have for their discoveries? If we can do a thing, should we? Who decides what science can or cannot do? Should or should not do?
It also presents the question of aliens, and what would we do if they were really dangerous?
Questions we should be thinking about before it’s too late.
To continue in this universe, you can also read 14 by Peter Clines.
And here are kittens… because they’re fun, even if this pair sometimes acts like wild aliens..
  from ScifiBook Review http://bit.ly/2HH93CZ via from Blogger http://bit.ly/2EDK5CI
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Squishy Robots and Book Ad Promotions
Are we Indie writers shooting ourselves in the foot, so to speak?
Today I’m running a promotion on Book Barbarian for Caught in Time. This is my first in series and I’m offering it free. Often the first of a series is the one that ad sites want. I did this to reach out to a pool of readers of science fiction who may be interested in my books. Discoverability is difficult for most Indie authors, and promotions are one easy way, but they cost. I chose Book Barbarian because it targets science fiction and fantasy and is at a reasonable cost. The top site is Bookbub where I recently ran into an article that was really a promotion piece, which raised some questions I wanted to ask.
Below is the last section from the piece I discovered on Flipboard that extols their site. Bookbub is considered the top ad site for books, difficult to qualify for, and very expensive. However, authors swear it’s effective. It’s the last sentence of the “article” that is causing me concern.
Book lovers are Obsessed with this Site. (Flipboard May 9) By Bookbub.com
…”Book lovers have now become practically obsessed with this concept. In many cases, they’ve downloaded hundreds of books and saved hundreds of dollars using the service.
“I now have more books than I can read in a lifetime,” said Suzie Miller of Auburn, WA. She said she has downloaded more than 350 free ebooks using the service.”
As a reader, I use the service, and like Suzie Miller, (a real person?) I have downloaded more books than I will be able to read this year.
But is this a good thing for authors?
Your book gets downloaded, but may sit in a reader’s library for ages. Or, maybe they read it and buy out the series. I’ve had both things happen. But I’m afraid authors are devaluing their hard work, and readers are not as eager to download the offerings as much as they used to, or buy books at retail. Why pay full price when you can get a similar book free or heavily discounted? Are we harming future revenue?
Am I right or wrong, or somewhere in between?
Do I, as an author, have a viable alternative?
No answer here. Just putting it out there.
What do you think of when you hear the word robot? Probably something made of metal with hard edges.
Maybe not. Often I throw in interesting science pieces and this article on building soft robots, with space in mind, caught my eye. I wanted to pass it along.
…”The advantage of a soft robot is that it’s flexible and, in some ways, better able to adapt to new environments. Soft robots move in ways similar to living organisms, which expands their range of motion, perhaps making it easier to squeeze into a tight spot, for example.”
Also, probably easier to transport when weight is so much a factor.
…”By design, the actuator has chambers, or air bladders, that expand and compress based on the amount of air in them,” NASA said in the statement. “Currently, these two interns are operating the design through a series of tubes in the air bladders, allowing them to control the movement of the robot. By adjusting the amount of air in the chamber of the soft robotic actuator, the robot can flex and relax, just like a human muscle.
In particular, the interns are investigating four key properties of the actuators — mobility, joining, leveling and shaping — and how to use them in space exploration. Mobility refers to how the soft robot moves in its environment, while joining concerns how robots can link together (for example, to make a large temporary shelter). Leveling refers to how actuators can create a surface, such as filling in space underneath a lunar habitat, while shaping examines ways of adding strength to materials like dust shields.”
Once you hear the idea, it makes so much sense. Of course, I’m wondering about the computer components and how they operate the robot and the toughness of a material that can stand up against a space environment.
But NASA is working on it. Thinking outside the hard metal box.
This week I’m talking about Sea of Rust by Robert Cargill. Mainly because I mentioned robots in the blog, and this story is all about robots.
The story begins thirty years after the apocalypse and fifteen years since the murder of the last human at the hands of robots.
We’re extinct, and the world is dominated by an OWI or One World Intelligence that shares consciousness and is trying to upload all the remaining robots into its mainframe.
Enter Brittle, an independent robot trying to survive a wasteland that once was our Midwest. But its mind is deteriorating and body parts are losing function. The only way to replace them is by scavenging other parts from similar robots
So it’s a bit gruesome to start.
There are other solo machines wandering the wilderness, and they form a pack with Brittle, trying to escape assimilation.
If you can handle the grimness (think Madd Max), then the story is interesting from the robot’s point of view, and the interaction, almost human, of the robots that struggled to survive and evade assimilation makes for a worthwhile story.
And finally,
I want to give a shout out to Tabby’s fantastic book club. They were a warm and amazing bunch. I don’t think they expected someone who could talk as much as I did. Enthusiasm does that to me. So, thanks for your hospitality.
It was a fun way to meet new people… and show off my books.
from ScifiBook Review http://bit.ly/2VUmwiK via from Blogger http://bit.ly/2HceoSL
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Liked on YouTube: ifttt semantic mastery linkwheel tiered network
ifttt semantic mastery linkwheel tiered network Tier links are most effective network & can generate forcible, vast & automated links Utilizing The Imaginative Innovation Of Ifttt, are more potential & sticky. Also have a huge range of benefits & can help protect from future Google Algorithm updates Offer: Similar As Semantic Mastery IFTTT SEO Tier Network, Two-Tier, 4Rings (One T1+Three T2) Setup Live Network (Media Activity), Stream Syndication, Dramatically Increase Biz *Livestream Profiles: About, Alternion, Rebelmouse, Flavors, Paper, Dipity, Soup, Kuratur, Gravatar *Humanized Profiles (Preferred Logo/pic, Bg image, bio, address, Site url, etc) Tier links are most effective network & can generate forcible, vast & automated links Utilizing The Imaginative Innovation Of Ifttt, are more potential & sticky. Have a huge range of benefits & can help protect from future Google Algorithm updates Offer: Setup Similar As Semantic Mastery IFTTT SEO Tier Network, Circle 5-TIER-Setup (OneT1+FourT2) FOR MORE: https://ift.tt/2T0zHcB via YouTube https://youtu.be/wYz2P3dqiBo from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Hy4D1U
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Liked on YouTube: Manually Create And Optimize Top Social Media Sites.
Manually Create And Optimize Top Social Media Sites. Proper & quality optimization of high PR social media helps to build website’s foundation & improves online visibility, also helps to make branding & high reputation for any business or website & most effective off-page SEO strategy ranking higher on Search Engine. I'll manually create unique profiles on high PR web 2.0 social media sites & customize /optimize all profiles very properly & professionally. Then will setup automated social syndication tiered Network system with those profiles on your website/blog RSS or YT channel to engage the audience and spreading business. Service include: Top quality web 2.0 profiles/accounts Verified by email/phone Full manually/hand-built Humanized & interlinked Verified gmail / yahoomail Detail job report In excel sheet Added login & recovery info Customized with logo, cover photos, bio, address, website url Custom url for all possible media [I.E: twitter.com/user] Fully branded with links & topical info Perfectly SEO optimized & connected in Semantic Hub Built on Semantic Mastery SEO Standards Top Livestream profiles For details please click the link below: https://goo.gl/azREZ2 via YouTube https://youtu.be/1EXCsWl_kgE from Blogger https://ift.tt/2HhMlm1
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
Liked on YouTube: How to Design a Logo with Shadows in Illustrator
How to Design a Logo with Shadows in Illustrator In this live-stream we'll be taking a look at how to add drop shadows to a logo design in Adobe Illustrator. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 📦 Download UNLIMITED Assets for Designers Get access to over 600,000 ready-to-use photos, illustrations, templates, effects, fonts, brushes and more! https://goo.gl/V3VSe2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⭐️ The BEST Web Design Tool for Designers Design responsive websites with powerful interactions, zero coding required, and it’s free to get started! https://goo.gl/gVd9a5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎁 My partner POPPY makes handcrafted jewellery and bookmarks Poppy always supports me, and hopefully this link will help support her https://ift.tt/2tFp3h1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Support me on Patreon https://ift.tt/2A7VE4m Follow me on Instagram https://ift.tt/2D4rzVP Say hi on Twitter https://twitter.com/ForeverDansky - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tutorial Playlists Adobe Photoshop: https://goo.gl/4yQx1e Adobe Illustrator: https://goo.gl/rt3PFX Adobe InDesign: https://goo.gl/eZtdnR Adobe XD: https://goo.gl/UYAngG Adobe Premiere Pro: https://goo.gl/4XDHSF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - via YouTube https://youtu.be/P5sDjpNCS-A from Blogger https://ift.tt/2HCmwwa
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
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FREELANCER HASIB"""Imagination is Invention.What you Imagine today will be Invented Tomorrow"'" from Blogger https://ift.tt/2NTe64Z
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freelancerhasib · 5 years
FREELANCER HASIB"""Imagination is Invention.What you Imagine today will be Invented Tomorrow"'" from Blogger https://ift.tt/2TulOsf
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