fragrantwisp · 4 months
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We may not know where our wishes will end up. But together, they will light up the night sky and turn it as bright as day.
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[NEW YEAR MARKETS] - With so many vendors setting up shop, now is the best time to purchase a trinket as a reminder of the new year, or to get some much needed errands done.
[WANMIN MEAT CART] - Despite how short a trip it is, Chef Mao has some classic recipes right on the water, along with some brand new cuisines just for the Lantern Rite. Try some classic Mora Meat pastry, Dragon Beard Noodles, or his latest: Rex Lapis’ Delight! 
[XINYUE KIOSK DESSERT CART] - If sweet treats are more your thing, just a few spots down is a stand specially reserved for Xinyue Kiosk’s brilliant desserts! Buy one dessert, get one free “New Moon Cake,” with not one, not two, but SEVEN original fillings.
[TEA TASTING] - Third-Round Knockout is offering a rare, once a year opportunity to personally taste test some of their newest flavors. Jasmine Pearl, Dragon Cinnamon Oolong, Aged Golden Dawn, Phoenix Fire Oolong, why not indulge in some of the finer things in life?
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[DRAGON DANCE] - Join the Lantern Rite parade! With so many dragon puppets needing twice as many hands, join the show and dance until you drop.
[MAHJONG] - How about one of Liyue’s quickest games? Mahjong, known for its lightning rounds and fast-paced gameplay, is a classic this time a year. Surely you won’t be here all night…
[SHADOW PUPPETS] - Puppet shows are quite popular this time of year, using lights and small paper designs to convey thrilling tales. Comedies, Romance, Tragedies, woe, these poor hearts will be forever changed.
[DRESS UP] - Red and gold, the colors of each festival this time of year, are absolutely stunning. Glimmer and shine for the kamera, dress up and serve on the runway.
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[LANTERN MAKING] - Each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. Create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night.
[CUSTOM FIREWORKS] - Art is passion and desire, fleeting as it is eternal. With brilliant dyes, light up the night in a wondrous explosion for just a moment, and create those lasting memories.
[DRAGON CHARMS] - Representing good luck and strength, creating a little charm of the dragon itself can often inspire hope while passing into the next year. Though, many Adepti now have become popular faces of such ornaments.
[JADE TALISMAN] - Pure and indestructible, jade is the embodiment of virtue and benevolence. Taking days to etch at a time, these talismans are truly a rare and valuable gift.
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[WORSHIPPING ADEPTI] - The protectors of Liyue are often secluded and forgotten about per their distance, though for the Lantern Rite, small shrines of each prominent Adeptus are made. With incense burning, make a prayer or offering to the illuminated beasts.
[PROSPERITY TOSS] - A common tradition to signify the end of the year and the birth of a new one is to create a bowl of fruits, vegetables, fish, and other fresh foods, and to feast. Many restaurants host these during the Lantern Rite to bring us together.
[RED ENVELOPES] - Though much more common, a sign of good faith and friendship often comes in the form of a red envelope. Containing a small sum of mora, each envelope is a gesture of amity.
[FEED THE KOI] -  Koi represent harmony and wealth in Liyue, and a common tradition is to visit when the moon is at its highest. A small sacrifice, in the shape of some crackers or bread crumbs will often please these simple creatures.
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fragrantwisp · 5 months
despite begging lan to accept her as an adventurer, few commissions perked hu tao's interest. she cherry picked requests based on how fun they seemed. or if they could help further her original agenda: to promote wansheng funeral parlor and expand its business. so having the freedom to decorate an outpost was a good next step.
the rising sun kissed the horizon. which signaled the ghost member's waltz outward with boxes in tow. she sings to pass the time while she works. the morbid lyrics being masked by a jubilant tone. "in the whispering woods a tiny tombstone guards the cold corpse of a hilichurl~ ♫"
pride swelled as she basked in her progress. she was even able to hang up a poster whose letters read: out with the old, in with the new! we'll help you start the new year right. however lumine seemed to hold a different opinion upon arrival.
"no, no, no!" the girl shakes her head, ready to defend her creative decisions, "everyone is doing the same thing so we should stand out. ghosts and skeletons are perfect to showcase the transition of the year's end into a new beginning after christmas is over. plus they can help families remember the departed. all the while reminding people to enjoy the holidays as if it was their last."
she then picks up two pumpkins and stacks them together, "also i know these are out of season, but it's such a waste when there's so many leftover. so i was thinking we could just paint them white. no one will notice the difference anyways."
Merry Boo-mas ・December Commission w/ Hu Tao
When the Adventurer's Guild initially reached out to her for help during the busy holiday period, Lumine assumed that she would be assigned as a guard to one of the trade routes - or perhaps asked to forage materials in the wild which they would then in turn use during the festivities.
ー But no, the task given to her was a simple yet unexpected one.
"Fit out your nearest outpost with as much holiday cheer and decorations as possible."
Which brought her here - to Liyue Harbor - where the nation's very own Adventurer's guild is stationed. As easy of a task as it may seem, it should not be underestimated. Decorating can take an awful lot of time, especially when one has to do it alone.
Fortunately, they showed some mercy and called some back-up to aid her in this task. Who was the lucky individual who would get to decorate the Liyue Adventurer's Guild with her? None other than the 77th Directing of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor ー Hu Tao.
The Traveller was relieved to find out it was someone she knew and on relatively good terms with. Hu Tao is known to be a cheerful and talkative girl, so there surely would not be any awkward silences either. There was just one little issue...
"Hu Tao...We are decorating for Christmas, remember?"
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A heavy sigh fell from her lips as she peered inside the cardboard boxes filled with little props and decorations which seemed more fitting for a certain holiday at the end of October.
"You know...Snowmen, stars, wreaths and reindeer. All I'm seeing in here are ghosts, skeletons and pumpkins!"
But that was not the worst, oh no. When she looked to the side, there was a huge poster advertising the Parlor's 'holiday services', offering some nice discounts for anyone who kicks the bucket between Christmas and the New Year. Because surely your own death is what you want to think about during the holiday period.
"I don't think this is what Katheryne had in mind when she said 'festive'..."
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fragrantwisp · 5 months
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someone to lean on 
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fragrantwisp · 5 months
"let's see.." hu tao hums under the sunlight with a list in hand. she reads while seated carefree on top the harbor's rails with a leg crossed. "a dozen apples, check. some salt and fish, both check. juyuen chilis, cabbages, lotus heads... all here! we're just missing matsutake, ham, and raw meat. then we can go finish this commission."
she jumps back onto stable ground before passing the bags of groceries to zhongli. only the weight of mora burdened her so she moved swifter. once she's several paces ahead, her foot pivots so she can twirl back to face him with a grin.
"by the way, mr. zhongli, how did you end up being an adventurer—?" the curiosity of the question seemed innocent enough. if it weren't for the subtle teasing tone that came with it. "i can't imagine you going out and fighting hilichurls or big ruin guards. if your back is giving too much trouble to deal with them just call for your director, ok?"
light giggles flow out of her lips, half-covered with the back of her hand. "kidding, i'm just kidding! fighting is too tiresome even for me."
an apple a day won't keep the funeral parlor away
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fragrantwisp · 5 months
"right this way then, honored customer." she gestures towards the side for him to follow. a short and straight path. whispers from onlookers filled the street as they walked. their doubts and suspicions were as natural in her life as death itself. however no amount of normality could stave off the stings their words brought.
"poor boy. he has no clue what he's getting into."
"quick. walk away before the director tries to reel us in as well."
"we're here, but watch your step." hu tao warns. the light from the parlor's windows painted her friendly smile into an unsettling one. "we wouldn't want you to end up having to use your new home too early now, do we?"
there were those who believed the entrance of wansheng funeral parlor was a gateway to the afterlife. but to hu tao the building was just a regular office. a quaint, boring one in fact. the undertakers inside greeted the two. with a wave of her hand they resumed their duties as she continued to lead kaveh down the hallway. the smell of incense grew stronger as they drew closer to their destination.
"i can't have you getting in to check the comfort out firsthand since it's currently occupied." she speaks with a bright and pleasant voice next to a large coffin in the dim room. "but as you can see the wood we use is second to none. and you wouldn't have to worry about lugging them all back with you. we're actually trying to expand outside of liyue. our new timely delivery services will always be ready for when you reach the end of yours!"
no refunds.
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fragrantwisp · 5 months
hu tao's head tilts to the side, eyes blinking in a slow rhythm as she listens. acceptance was not one of the reactions she had been anticipating. she was no expert however. so who's to say her half-hearted suggestion wasn't a bad idea? her baking partner didn't seem to oppose. and vague recollections stirred in her mind of xiangling creating miraculous tasting dishes despite the odd ingredients used.
"o-of course we should use them!" as albedo reached for the calla lilies, it became too late to back out now. the long twin tails she sported were tied into two tight buns after she rolled her own sleeves.
perhaps today would mark the birth of the hottest new cake that even celestia couldn't replicate. her mind began to race. a savvy entrepreneur such as herself could always smell a business opportunity. she could bring the recipe back home and start a promotional period: buy one coffin and receive a complimentary cake at your funeral!
however her excitement had ended before it could bear fruit. the smoke burnt her dreams into cinders while denying mercy to the defenseless cake.
"urgh.. i announce that this cake is.. dead." she speaks between coughs. with hands clapped together, she gave a short prayer. "such a short-lived life with unfulfilled potentials."
"err, well." her attention moves back to albedo. a foot moves nervously on the messy floor as she attempts to salvage the situation, "we still have lots of chocolate! so let's go with your previous idea and besides the sun is still out."
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everything seemed to have been going well— should've been going well. the ingredients and recipe was followed with strict perfection. but it wasn't just smoke that began seeping out from the sides of the oven door. in just a half-hour the cake itself had combusted into flames.
"...i think you need a new oven."
Bake It or Leave It
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
"..so the whopperflower grows— big, bigger, and bigger yet!" hu tao's voice grows alongside the flickering of the campsite's fire. "and just how exactly you ask?"
the eerie glow of wuwang hill illuminates her pale face in front of the frightened spectators. captors best described them though. her words captivated them into a stunned stupor. she rises from her seat and stalks behind with steps quieter than a ghost, "it's all thanks to you."
she leans, whispering into the ear of an unfortunate adventurer partied with her. a cold hand rests against his shoulder, causing his teeth to chatter more noticeably. it wasn't enough to scare just one however. so another hand finds its way on top someone else as she shares her attention. a wicked smile carves upward as her voice drops to a hushed whisper. "you too of course."
"only after feasting on the flesh and blood of delicious, green adventurers are they able to become regisvines!" the flames of the fire suddenly roars, burning and cackling brighter than before. startled, someone jumps in surprise only to be caught between the clutches of hu tao's arms. "but after tasting such delicacies how could they ever stop?" her fingers taps against his tear-streaked cheek, "they need more so they learn to adapt and fly to chase after their ne—"
she's interrupted by a new voice, the logical reasoning piercing and shattering the haunted immersion she had craftily built. right at the best part too. everyone turns around to meet the stranger: dressed in unfamiliar clothes and fitted with furry ears and a tail. she's reminded of the small calico girl that had attended the poetry gala. but most who were born and raised in liyue would be unfamiliar.
"y-you're right!" the man on her right started, his pants half-wet. tighnari's presence was quickly becoming the sun towards what would have been a very long, dark night. "with s-so much trees around... we'll be safe. we can't be e-eaten, right?"
"aiya." hu tao shakes her head with a sigh. her hand, still on top his shoulder, began to pat it in mock reassurance, "don't you remember what i said earlier? that's clearly a mimicry. obviously he's here to—"
her throat began to imitate the sound of a growling monster that was chewing on its prey. and perhaps right now, she was the monster. not ready to give up her three toys to such a bore that almost broke her spell.
"be careful. if he comes any closer he'll reveal his true form and wrap his vines around you before flying off!"
quick! into the anti-geovishap circle
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
his interest is a fresh breath of wind. she was used to do the usual dance: closed doors, parents covering children's ears, and stone cold expressions. in liyue, talks of death were frowned upon. a bad omen the superstitious wanted no part of. and in their fears, wansheng parlor was seen as a nesting ground for abyssal beasts that profited off their grief.
"miniatures? trinkets?" she repeats before giving a short laugh. given how infamous her work was, the thought that the stranger wasn't aware of the exact nature of their dealings had yet to cross her mind. "of course they're not that small! i sleep in one every other day and, trust me, the space is perfectly snug and comfortable."
"since you've been so kind how about i sweeten the deal more?" a handful of more coupons were taken from the bag, "buy three instead and you can have five more for free! a special offer that doesn't always happen. giving out too many freebies is bad business practice. and there's too many out there already trying to put us out, aiya."
no refunds.
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
"no, silly, this will help give flavor to the cake!" she speaks with confidence. a bravado that's backed less on skill and more with experience. every failed dish was just another lesson to learn after all. but given how delectable the previous cake was, it was probably in hu tao's best interest to follow the one with more expertise. she couldn't ask for the vase though. not yet. something about albedo's stoic demeanor made her feel mischievous. a small prank shouldn't hurt, right? she was curious to see which button pressed would give his voice a different inflection and face a new contortion.
"if we're going with chocolate though.." carefully she keeps the calla lilies steady in her arm as she reaches back into the bag. her fingers curl around the edges of a large pinecone before brandishing it in front of the blond's face, "how about this? will definitely add some interesting texture!"
Bake It or Leave It
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them / / — accepting.
she's thirteen when she learns the fragility of life. her grandpa, built sturdier than the peaks of mt. tianheng, had grown ill. his large hands, thrice the size of her own feeble ones, could only squeeze with fading strength.
she knew that with life comes death. and following death comes new life. a cycle that never rests. only mortals were allowed that luxury at the end. lessons that were instilled since a younger age. however, the weight of such lessons never became fully realized until now.
"please don't leave me." she's knelt by his bedside. hushed prayers masked as whimpers echoing off the room's walls. precocious she may be, in the end, she was still a child. a child who couldn't bear to lose family.
he chuckles in response, aged lines creasing further across his face. not a hint of fear could be found: in his voice, eyes, demeanor, nor heart. to the 75th director, death was akin to an old friend. a friend kind enough to wait. so he cherished the precious time remaining to be with little hu.
because even on his death bed, old hu was very much still alive.
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
it was no exaggeration to state that all of liyue knew of beidou and her legendary exploits. so when the opportunity finally came to come work alongside the crux, hu tao took the bait without a second thought. in her excitement she forgo reading the fine details of the commission. and if she had, perhaps she wouldn't have found herself submerged half way in the sea.
legs waded underneath to keep herself afloat. surrounding her were husks of dead crustaceans that had been painstakingly scraped off since morning. the stench, which seemed to worsen the more progress was made, quickly engulfed all her senses. it was nauseating to think about going underneath again.
"hey, hey—?" alongside her were other beidou-meeting hopefuls and unlucky crew members. one in particular expressing concern for the green-faced girl that felt too weak to respond back, "if you're not feeling well you should go home! we still have a lot to do."
she knew that. of course she knew that with one wave of defeat she could leave this sea of misery. but a single thought remained a constant source of strength: beidou.
"oh, captain, my captain, barnacles are nothing if it means we can be friends!" hu tao thinks to herself before inhaling enough air to continue scraping the ship's hull. no matter how endless the task seemed, she remained diligent.
barnacle buddies.
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
GLIMPSES OF THE PAST: a headcanon / prompt collection because sometimes it's not enough to write about your muse's past and how it affects them, you just gotta write a little scene. these prompts are designed to be a little writing prompt related to your character's past, essentially!
send FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
send REMINDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they encountered something that reminded them of a difficult experience / trauma
send CONFESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they revealed a secret about themselves to someone
send TRICKED for a scene from my muse's past in which they misled, tricked, or lied to someone
send IMPRESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successfully or not
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life
send DIFFERENT for a scene from my muse's past that they feel changed their outlook / personality / etc, for the better or worse
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
send SCOLDED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone told them off, justifiably or not
send STRAINED for a scene from my muse's past in which they interact with someone they have a difficult relationship with
send SOBBED for a scene from my muse's past in which they broke down in tears
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively
send BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
send HELPED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone helped / saved them
send CAUGHT for a scene from my muse's past in which they were caught doing something they shouldn't
send BLUSHED for a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them
send VICIOUS for a scene from my muse's past in which someone said something cruel that really got to them
send SWOONED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were infatuated with someone
send PINNED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were stuck somewhere, literally or figuratively
send GRIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they had recently lost someone / something
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
hu tao accepts his kindness with eagerness. with his help, the task to clean up was a swift one. after placing all but one tile back into the bag, she looks back at him with beaming eyes.
"a night alone with naught but the cold wind blown," a rhyme leaves curled lips as she gets up to dust off her knees. the lone tile being tapped against her cheek in rhythm as she finishes the couplet, "but with a friend, there's hope for the night to never end."
"these, my new friend, are coupons! that i, hu tao, did indeed make." there's a hint of pride in her voice as she gives a slight nod. "but no one seems to understand the value of these. still, what's an entrepreneur without risks?"
"but maybe..." a pause. she examines the stranger closer, eyes darting up and down, "you're different from my usual customers? wansheng parlor guarantees absolute durability for any new home bought from us. and with this buy one get one free coupon, you can even gift your loved ones the best resting space mora can buy!"
no refunds.
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
"of course i'll help! the hu family always pays off their debts." her smile is ever present as she follows him into the apartment and made way into the kitchen.
although baking isn't considered one of her many talents, she did learn a trick or two about cooking from xiangling. plus she enjoyed whipping out a dish or two, or three, or well, six actually, at a time when the inspiration strikes.
while lost in thoughts, hu tao found herself pacing around in circles around the tiles of the floor. her fingers itched to start right away! but she knew better than to rummage through her new friend's cabinets and start pouring flour into a bowl. thankfully she remembered the wild foliage she had gathered during the journey to mondstadt.
"aha!" a proud exclamation as she admires the calla lillies, dusting the dirt off with her hand, "i bet this will go well with the cake!"
Bake It or Leave It
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
"oh, thank the archons, you're so understanding!" the guilt and unease she had initially felt dissipated. she leaned into him with a smile. the sweet aroma was so close that her finger couldn't help but to swipe the frosting off his shirt for a taste.
"mhm. so good..." the small bite left her mouth watering for more. through closed eyes she could see colors dancing as the flavors sang on her taste buds. "it's decided. you have to let me help you bake a new one!"
though the cream was soft, her resolute was stronger. rejection wasn't an answer she could accept. unless she wanted her tongue to be haunted by the aftertaste with years of longing.
"i'm hu tao. and together, my new friend, we'll surely make a cake that'll send everyone in the city straight to the afterlife!" she extends a hand towards him with an anticipated grin.
Bake It or Leave It
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fragrantwisp · 6 months
in the sea of clouds rests a harbor that knows no rest. when the sun sets, the lanterns are lit. and liyue, in its constant state of illumination, finds itself bustled with crowds. within the streets one could find those with the hopes to strike it rich. or, for the less ambitious, someone who wished to find a good deal from the array of eager merchants.
and tonight, the director of wansheng parlor was akin to those merchants. in her hand she carried a bag filled with wooden tiles. hours passed and the weight refused to lighten. even after the dozens of door-to-door sales attempt that hu tao had made.
"yicheng! how would you li--" she was cut off before she could finish.
"director hu, once again, i'm not interested." a heavy sigh escapes the patrolling millelith.
"but surely the dangers of your job warrants some preparation for your inevitable future!" her words flows out faster this time, not wanting to be interrupted a second time, "if you could just hear me ou--"
the loud grumbles of the man's stomach drowned out her words. he was quick to use the opportunity to excuse himself far from the director.
"not a single sale today as well." she shook her head, twintails following with each movement. fortunately the director wasn't one to be disheartened by such trivialities. but before she could take another step forward, she found herself on the floor. the impact of a running passerby that wasn't paying attention sending her light body flying along with all the wooden tiles that now laid scattered.
a groan escapes her lips. with one hand pressed against her side, she uses the free hand to gather the coupons while on her knees. "ai-yai-yai, today is just not my day. who would've thought that death would be so close." an exaggeration that was spoken aloud regardless.
"oh?" on top of a tile was a shoe, its design unlike any that was common in the harbor. as she peers upward, she finds herself greeted by a flash of blond hair. a smile forms once more as she found a new potential customer. "could you move this for me?"
no refunds.
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fragrantwisp · 7 months
hu tao found herself with an invitation to join for even more festivities in mondstadt after the success of the poetry gala. there were hardly any reasons to reject the offer. with business being on the slow side as of late, there were no anchor to keep the social butterfly from fluttering across the neighboring plains. it turned out to be no exaggeration that mondstadt was known as the land of freedom. song and poetry were found everywhere from the dew on blades of grass to the wind that caressed hu tao's cheeks. rather than swiftness, she found herself trailing off the path to explore and immerse herself with every inspiration that was stumbled upon.
eventually she reached the city after several detours. the sight inside turned out to be more spectacular than the vast nature outside. or perhaps that was just the bias of her empty stomach. in every corner and lining up the streets were an array of confectioneries. the sweet aroma began to line her mouth with water.
"how is it that no one's batting an eye with these around?" hu tao mused out loud, picking up one of the cake to examine it closely to her face. in the bustling crowd, she found herself to be invisible alongside all the untouched food surrounding her. the sparkle in her eyes shined brighter for a second before she shut her eyes and shook her head, "no, no. surely i can't and shouldn't!"
a sigh left her lips. she motioned her foot to pivot and turn to reluctantly place the cake back down. however the turn was a little too quick and the body next to her a little too close which resulted in the cake to unceremoniously make contact with the stranger's chest.
"ahh, oh no!" the concerned shout was more so directed at the ruined dessert. her voice dropping to a low, mournful tone. the frosting's colors smeared all over the shirt like a crude painting. it took a few, albeit long and perhaps uncanny silent, seconds for her to give attention to the unfortunate blond.
"sorry, but well, at least the cake didn't end up going to waste, right? ehe.." she clapped her hands together and gave a wink in an half-hearted attempt to try and ease the situation. a finger then pointed towards the male's shirt as she squatted, "if you squint and look to the side here, this part even looks like a qingxin flower!"
Bake It or Leave It
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