foxy-tea · 3 hours
For this I get a feral urge to bite something and then having to work out the energy which lead to now 6 pages of written content. It's this or going onto Twitter to look at art for hours on end until the biting instinct fades
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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foxy-tea · 3 hours
seeing a long text post that begins with "eddie" and scrolling down to cheat with the tags because it's like, what if that's not about MY eddie. is it 9-1-1 eddie. is it stranger things eddie. is it IT chapters one and two eddie. is it monsterfucker venom eddie. like, what eddie are we putting into gay little situations today.
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foxy-tea · 8 hours
My prof was like 'yeah there was this experiment where they like made a casino for rats with mini slot machines n everything and made those rats into gambling addicts it was so cool' n i looked up the article n hes the lead fucking researcher
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foxy-tea · 8 hours
As someone who had to learn a lot of social skills as an adult because I was super sheltered and didn’t have a lot of friends as a kid, one thing that’s kinda frustrating to realize is that yes there are some actual unspoken social rules that most people have learned through pattern recognition but also sometimes a person is wrongly expecting you to read their mind and they’re the one making the social faux pas here and not you.
However, sometimes it’s really difficult to figure out the difference between these two situations. Like have I done a bad job of reading the room here or has this person just expected me to know what they’re thinking? Sometimes even people that are generally good at social etiquette can’t figure it out.
Sometimes it’s especially a problem when talking to someone from a different culture as well. I’ve found myself doing research on certain cultural attitudes so I could figure out how to get certain people I know from other countries to talk to me. The social dances are intricate and they vary quite a bit between cultures. It’s like an accent or something. It’s really hard to change it when you get older.
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foxy-tea · 8 hours
You are trapped with two Supernatural characters (spin the wheel: first and second) in an elevator for two hours.
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
Honey badger
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
game companies should be fucking EMBARRASSED about being inaccessible. it should be mortifying to ship a game with shit captions or no UI scaling options or no option to disable flashing / strobing effects. games lauding their character customization should be laughingstocks for not including hearing aids or congenital disorders or prosthetic limbs. EA should be publicly fucking humiliated for the sims series being 23 goddamn years old and include cats and dogs and horses and werewolves and zombies and mermaids and star wars and not FUCKING WHEELCHAIRS.
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
There’s this guy in town who owns this little house, and a while back he rescued a street dog that was going to get put down. Turned out she was pregnant.
Problem is, he has mental health & drug issues and couldn’t afford to get them all spayed & neutered, so now there are 6 grown bitches with 15 puppies total, and they’ve dug under his fence in multiple places but he can’t afford to fix it so they go roaming all around town. (When I say can’t afford it, I mean his house is currently running on a generator because he can’t afford his electric bill.) He’s also a day laborer so he cannot take multiple full days off work to take them to the vet an hour away. He’s in a really rough spot.
He’s not a bad person. He’s just overwhelmed.
And this little conservative town with 6 churches for 300 people, have they tried to help their neighbor? Have they adopted the puppies he’s been trying to give away? Have they offered resources?
NOPE! All they wanna do is talk shit about him and complain about the dogs but never lift a finger of their own. And they come to his house to yell at him and cuss him out about the dogs, which does not exactly engender in him a cooperative attitude, as you might imagine.
So after a while of this going on, my mom gets fed up with all the NIMBY bullshit and starts talking to the guy, because she’s done animal rescue for 20-odd years and has Connections. He’s resistant at first, but when he realizes she’s not being an asshole to him on account of his addiction or the dogs, he decides to let her help.
She gets to work organizing and networking. Finds a non-profit that will cover vaccinations, spay/neuter, and flea treatments for all the dogs. Talks the next-door neighbor into paying for materials to fix the fence, since this guy can do the work of it himself. Gets him in touch with another non-profit that will adopt out the adult dogs.
Less than 2 weeks after she decided to do something, all puppies have been to the vet, 10 puppies and 4 adult dogs have been adopted out, and the second non-profit is coming by next week to pick up the remaining 7 dogs to ship them out for adoption.
I’ve learned a lot of things from my mom—some good, some bad—but I think the most important positive message she lives as an example of is this: sometimes, when something needs done and no one else is willing, you gotta stand up and say “I’ll do it.”
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
they should not put ads on the dog tv (eight hours of birds) i put on for my dog to watch. she doesn't understand capitalism. she doesn't even understand that the birds aren't really there in the room with her. sometimes she tries to bite the ipad when a really funky one shows up. you can't advertise to her. she's not going to buy a swiffer wet jet
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
Fire Lord Zuko passing a law that forbids challenging anyone under the age of majority to Agni Kai
Fire Lord Zuko waiting until the day he reaches the age of majority to pass this law, lest anyone think he is a coward
(No one. Literally no one would have thought that, but it’s generally regarded as a very classy move regardless)
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foxy-tea · 9 hours
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Did my friend and I travel to Copenhagen for yarn and collectively spend over €270? yes. so worth it.
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foxy-tea · 19 hours
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foxy-tea · 19 hours
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foxy-tea · 19 hours
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I NEED to understand how this guy’s brain works
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