foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
“Don’t worry, darling. My job is to be bothered with such things. I’m all ears, if you need to keep talking…”
Lala just offered an easy smile in return, looking up from the counter to meet his eyes. Sure, people occasionally got obnoxious or tedious, but she sure as hell didn’t start running a bar because she loved mixing drinks. She sighed, mulling over his dilemma a little before saying anymore.
“That’d be smart, I think. You only know how you perceive things, what you see as ‘true beauty’, and is the purpose of art not just to share how you see the world with people who probably don’t see it that way? Not everyone will get it, but that’s just how the world works…”
     Yusuke bit his lip, mulling over her words for a moment. Eventually he began to slowly nod and the shadow of a smile gradually crept onto his countenance. 
     “...You’re right... Of course... How could I have been so blind...? I will then make it my goal to find my own source of true beauty. Once I am successful at that task, I will do whatever is in my power to let the world see my own view of the world.” 
     He was ever so grateful to have been graced with a voice of reason. The clouds that once obscured his mind had parted. 
     “Thank you. You have been a great help. ...However, I was wondering... Would it be alright if I were to continue to visit here on occasion?” He knew that it was strange for someone his age to show up at a bar, however, his newfound respect for Lala made him wish to return. 
     “I might be able to draw inspiration from here even. After all, this is where I was saved from one of my darkest moments.”  
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    “What exactly were you searching for in artwork that would lead you to something like this?” Admittedly, she wasn’t well versed in art, so such a thing could very easily be commonplace with artists.
    Soon he spoke up again though, carrying on about the second company he had discovered as corrupt. That one, she hadn’t heard of, at least not that she knew of.
    But he asked a question…
    A quiet hum left her, and at first she shrugged. “You’ve tried the internet?” Books would always be her go to, but this was a current event so she quickly realized that wouldn’t be very useful. “Or perhaps news papers?” She wasn’t entirely sure they would cover brutal treatment of a large cooperation, but it was worth a try. Stories like that would likely make big news, if people weren’t paid off to keep their mouths shut.
    Speaking of the people– he said there had even been reports of them disappearing. “I’d say employees, but they may be unwilling to talk to you if you can find them. But if there are people disappearing, maybe the families of the victims can be of help?” How a random kid would be able to find them though, she wasn’t sure.
    Looking back, she noticed authorities had indeed arrived to assess the situation. Some had gone inside to speak to the employees, but others remained outside.
    In response to that, she moved a bit closer to the stranger. She was wary of her actions, needless to say, because she hated shedding layers as it was, but… He was actually trying to help, and he’d do no good if he wound up arrested over this. He was being a good person, and thus, deserved to be let free.
    She slipped back her top layer, a knit cardigan, and offered it over to him without a word.
     He nodded his head in response to her first couple of questions. He had gone through everything that was available to the public, yet, he could not find what he needed. 
      When she brought up the families, he pondered the idea for a moment. “Had we the method to find them, they would surely be of some help. Although the task of finding them may prove to be quite the struggle.” He sighed, scouring his brain for some semblance of a solution. 
     The moment she handed him the cardigan, he was snapped back to the reality of their situation. Now was not the time to stand around thinking. They needed to get away and fast. He gingerly took the article of clothing and quickly slipped it on, making sure to cover up any splotches of paint that stained his outfit.
     “Thank you. I appreciate the gesture. However, I doubt we can linger here much longer. Might you know a place to lay low for a while?” He tilted his head, though his eyes continuously cast wary glances towards the officers. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    Tya’s head tilted at first, eyes narrowing as she looked at his hands and let his words sink in. She was trying to figure out whether or not she’d actually just heard something so ridiculous, and when it was confirmed that he had indeed said that, she smiled and shook her head.
    That was a pretty good one, she’d give him that. Enough to get a quiet laugh from her, which was honestly rare.
    Her weight shifted to one side, and her arms crossed. While she’d originally intended only to briefly humor him since she had some interest in what he was doing, she decided then that he may have been worth spending a bit more time with.
     “So then, you know much on the subject?” She nodded toward the building but took a step back so her body would tell him that she intended to leave the scene.
      Yusuke followed suit, taking a couple paces away from the area as he nodded in response. 
      “I have been looking into this issue for a while now. I initially stumbled across it while seeking a new subject for my artwork, however... When I began following up on it, I knew that something had to be done. There are many corporations in question. However, I am sure that you are aware of a couple of the more well known ones; Ferric Force Inc. and Altru-Terra Industries. Ferric Force Inc. is known to the general public as merely a manufacturing company, when in reality, they own thousands of various smaller companies all over the world under various aliases. That building over there is one of their own. I realize that this may be one of more difficult companies to change, but, I still believe it is possible.”
     He paused for a moment to take a breath and let the info sink in, only to hop right back into the sea of words once more;
     “Altru-Terra Industries has been able to cover up many of their problems, however, there have been occasional information leaks. Even so, I do not know all too much about them. That said, there have been rumours of physical abuse and even accounts of employees disappearing. I am determined to find more about them, though I know not where to even begin searching. Might you have anything in mind?”
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
Lala had definitely seen this before: the whole dramatic, existential rant about whatever the person was working on. Usually, it at least took a drink or two to get there, but suddenly this kid, completely sober and hopefully completely intending to stay that way, just slid into a seat and expected her to have all the answers.
She sighed heavily, getting him a glass of water to buy herself some time, but eventually just folding her arms and looking him in the eye.
“Well… I won’t claim to be some fancy artist, but I can tell you a little about painting.” Lala smiled a little to herself, rolling her eyes and gesturing to her face. “I spend at least an hour a day painting on this face, yet every single day I’m told it’s ugly, or I’d look better without all of it. But Hell, I paint my face to make myself beautiful, so I pull through on that alone… Still keeping wearing it all to work and getting judged.”
Lala just shrugged it off before it became too much of a rant, absentmindedly wiping down the bar with a rag.
“Beauty? Well… That’s all in your head. Beauty is different for everyone.”
     Yusuke nodded slowly, meditating on her response for a moment. He knew that she spoke the truth, even if it acted as a catalyst for a myriad of additional questions. If beauty is purely subjective, how could he ever create something that would be perceived the same way by the masses? Was beauty not what he was meant to portray? But if not beauty, what else...?
      “I see... Then... Does that apply to everything else as well...? Every emotion... Would it even be possible to make everyone perceive a piece the same way...? For so long I sought to depict true beauty... If such a task is impossible, what am I to do...? Is there even a truth behind anything or is everything merely composed of individual conceptions...?”
      He paused after he realized how far his mind had wandered. However, after reining it in, it then turned back towards Lala’s prior comment. 
       “...You do not bother with the misguided conceptions of others... Perhaps... I should focus on my own beliefs... My own conceptions... Yet, that contradicts my initial intentions...”
       He sighed, resting his head in his hands. Although he was relieved to be able to deal with the thoughts that plagued his mind, he knew that this was a lot to be telling a stranger he had just met. The guilt of having placed such a burden on their shoulders surged through his veins. 
        “Ah... My apologies... I should not have bothered you with such things...”
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    His response made her smile a bit, and she shrugged lightly, as if to say it was no big deal.
    Looking back at it for a minute though she paused and realized he was still the criminal who had done this. She looked at him, noting the remnants of paint on his hands and clothing.
    “Would it not be in your best interest to leave the piece be for the moment? I don’t think one should assume the authorities haven’t been notified of the odd kid vandalizing a business.”
      Yusuke glanced back at the painting for a minute and then noted just how much of it had ended up on him. His tainted attire did scream that he was the culprit... He had been so enthralled by his mission that he had not taken the time to determine the consequences of his actions. 
       “That would indeed be the best course of action... After all...” He paused, raising his right hand that was coated in splotches of crimson paint in preparation for his next line; “I do not want to be caught red handed...” 
       A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He was all too pleased with his joke. Of course, he realized that it may not have been the best time to make one. After all, the police could be arriving any minute. However, he simply could not pass up the chance. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
The first thing Lala noticed was that it was far too early for anyone but Ohya to be coming in.
The second thing was that the poor kid looked like a kicked puppy, and Hell if she wasn’t going to at least let him sit down and talk.
“Please, sit down.” Nodding to the bar, Lala just raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to look so concerned that he’d feel pressured. “Anything I can do for you? I don’t serve minors, but I can lend an ear?”
       Although he was receiving the attention he desired, he was unsure of what to say. He bit his lip, letting his eyes wander around the interior of the bar as he tried his best to make sense of the chaos that lingered in his mind. 
       After a moment passed, he looked back at her. If he was going to say anything, why not go all out? 
       “I have... Come to an impasse... No matter what I do, there are so few that find any beauty in my paintings... I made it my mission to depict the beauty in the world and yet... I have been unable to do so... What am I missing...? What am I doing wrong...? The pieces I have managed to get in the gallery receive nothing more than harsh judgement... All I wish to do is create something that evokes a multitude of emotions in its audience... Something that truly captures this concept of ‘beauty’... However, I now find myself wondering... What exactly is beauty...?”
        Yusuke stared at her, desperately seeking an answer though he knew that no singular solution existed. That said, he just needed to hear something. Anything that would help put him back on track. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
Not so usual drawing prompts
Send me a symbol to draw my muse as
🐱= Animal that represents them the best 💎=In luxurious outfit 😰=As a silent hill monster 💀=As a robot or animatronic 🌹=As fairy tale character 👗= In a historic period of either muns or sender choice 💎= As a gem(Steven universe kind) 🐭= As a fanmade pokemon(basicly make new pokemon that looks like your muse) 🐧=As a dere type(Tsundere ,Yandere etc..) 🐉=As a dark souls characters 🐸=As a meme
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
       Yusuke merely stared at his painting from afar; his heart shattered and his resolve but a fleeting memory. The gallery was bustling with both fresh faces and those that were more well-known. Yet, few dared to venture too close to his piece that hung lifelessly up on the wall. Those that did merely assaulted it with criticism. Not a single soul uttered anything positive in regards to it. 
       The young artist simply couldn’t handle the harsh reception. Overcome with anguish, he made his way to the exit. He did not know where he would end up, but, anywhere was better than that gallery. He simply needed to get away. 
        It took a long time for him to return to reality. By the time he did, he found himself wandering the streets of Shinjuku’s red light district. He could not fathom just how he ended up there. He was now not only depressed, but, incredibly confused. It was possible to simply head home by train, however, he was an absolute wreck. Being alone was the last thing he wanted. The emotions that boiled within him would merely suffocate him. 
        It was then that he noticed a series of neon lights that made up the word “Crossroads”. The Crossroads? Well, he certainly felt as though he’d come upon them both mentally and physically. He could not figure out where to go or what to do. Everything was jumbled up in his head.
        Taking in a deep breath, he allowed his legs to carry him towards the establishment, though he had no idea what to expect within. As he entered, he found himself stop dead in his tracks. Just what was he doing...? However, upon seeing someone present behind the bar counter, his desire for interaction got the better of him. 
         He quickly took a seat by the bar, his pain evident upon all of his features. Unable to force himself to start a conversation, he sat and prayed that he would be approached. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    She arched a brow, looking it over to see what it was he meant by something missing.
    A small smile flickered onto her lips and she looked back to the stranger for a moment. “Personally, I believe everything needs a little fire.” Perhaps she was a bit biased, but she was indeed being honest. Having crushed workers march forward into the flame of destruction whilst holding an unbearable burden on their backs would be quite the symbolism, would it not?
    Of course her smile wasn’t long lasted– they never were.
    But his second question did call her attention back to him, meaning she returned to her usual state.
    “I see the need for such actions, yes, but I don’t believe I am in any place to make change. I’m nothing overly important.”
      Yusuke tilted his head, keeping his gaze fixed on her as he took a moment to process everything she had said. 
       “Many would say that importance is measured by action and potential. Many would also say that I am unimportant and yet, I still take a stand. My actions will make me important, even if it is only in the eyes of a few. I for one refuse to let these people endure this abuse any longer. So, if you wish to be important, you make it so.” 
       He nodded to himself, pleased with his response. However, it did not take long for his mind to drift towards her prior comment. Fire... It could add additional shock value to the piece. Not to mention, the contrasting pigments might draw more attention to it. 
       “...You might be onto something with the fire...” He muttered. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
Cool costumes meme~
Send me a word and a muse to see them drawn in that outfit!
Honour: A goodly knight's armour
Pain: An evil knight's armour
Woodlands: A fantasy elven outfit
Crown: A fantasy noble outfit
Gears: A steampunk outfit
Atom: A post-nuclear apocalypse outfit
Braaains: A zombie apocalypse survivor outfit
Morphin' Time!: A Super Sentai (power ranger) outfit
Transform!: A magical girl/boy outfit
Beep boop: A cyberpunk outfit
Whoosh: An anime-style mech suit
Gruff: A kigurumi of their favourite animal
Snooze: Their pyjamas/relaxation clothes
Eek-!: Their underwear
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
You have found my muse’s photo album!
👶 for a childhood/baby photo!
👪 for a family/group photo!
👤for a photo of a friend!
👫 for a couple/date photo!
👅for a silly photo!
👀 for an inappropriate photo!
👩for a formal photo!
✈for a photo on vacation/travel!
🏠 for a photo of home!
💟+ any of your choice! 
(note: if icons do not work, please use 1-10 instead!)
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    “It certainly would.” Tya replied with a rather aggressive seeming shrug. She looked back, aggravation growing at the sounds that assaulted her ears. She sneered a bit, before looking back at him.
    “Is that not what you wanted? Acting as vigilantes, we are already in deep. Shall we not make our marks, or would you prefer to keep it as is?” Of course, her preference was to burn it to down, but she was biased.
     The proposition was rather fascinating... Such an action could potentially lead to society having more of a focus on the issues regarding the corporations. The people would hear of a break-in regardless. Why not use some additional theatrics and attempt to obtain a greater following? Sure, the idea presented many risks, however, the rewards could prove to be well worth it. Not to mention he still wanted some inspirational material for his next painting...
      “As dangerous as this is... I will second your idea. However, we must secure a safe escape route first and with haste. The authorities will be arriving by the entrance soon enough. Do you have any suggestions?” 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    She had planned to only stand and watch. Again, confrontation was far from a strong point of hers. So when she realized it was her she was approaching, she stood from her post. She took a step back, preparing to turn away and start off to avoid conversation, but it seemed it was too late for her.
    Before she could turn her back to him, he spoke up, and unfortunately she couldn’t play it off as if she didn’t know it was her he was speaking to. She was looking directly at him, just as he was her.
    She took in a deep breath, tensing up completely and watching him close the remaining gap between them.
    He continued on, speaking of the interest she had in his actions and the poor behavior of the company who owned the building he’d just vandalized. She waited until he finished, furrowing her brow when his sentence seemed to cut itself short.
    Ice blue eyes flickered back to his ‘piece’, then returned to him, and she shook her head. “Whether your art speaks it or not, your actions surely do.” She told him at first, but then quieted and looked back to the painted wall.
    Generally, she’d give short answers to not provoke or prolong conversation, but she was truly intrigued. Perhaps just once, she could actually attempt conversation…
     Stepping forward, her head tilted gently as she admired what he’d done.
     “You have made them look as if what they carry is much too heavy for them to bear… Your symbolism is very well done.” Even if she believed his not painting related execution to be sloppy.
      Yusuke nodded slowly, turning over her words in his head. He too turned his gaze back to the piece, narrowing his eyes as he scrutinized every detail it contained. 
      “I still feel as though something is missing...” He muttered quietly, crossing his arms as he began to contemplate what it could be. “It needs to be perfect... It must evoke the need to take action. The audience must be swayed by one glance alone... Only then will I have helped pave a path to their eventual freedom.” 
      It was then that he resigned himself to a moment of silence as he stared at his work. What would he have to alter? Was it simply not bold enough? It certainly seemed like a great statement piece in his mind. 
      However, it was then that something occurred to him. His grey orbs flicked back towards her as he tore the veil of peace that draped over them; “You see the need for such actions, do you not? Might you also harbor the desire to make a change?” 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
    Tya was never much one for confrontation, as much was clear the moment anyone would speak to her. She would avoid contact, pretend to not hear people when they came too close, or just straight up ignore people because speaking was difficult and tedious.
    Meaning it was incredibly rare for her to so much as look in the direction of someone on the street, especially if said person was calling attention to themselves in such an elaborate manner as painting on a building.
    No, not graffiti. A bucket of paint upon the side of a building that seemed vaguely familiar to her. She’d heard about it before, rumors here and there, of mistreatment toward employees. Exploitation and underpayment, she’d heard.
    She could recall being aggravated upon hearing such things, simply because mistreatment in her mind was stupid. The abuser, to her, was a “fucking idiot”, as she’d say, because it was common sense to treat someone nicely if they are spending their time to work for you. But she simply sighed and rolled her eyes, because what was she to do?
    Evidently this boy didn’t think the same thing she did though. He did not back down, no, instead he took a stand, with some mild vandalism and fanciful wording to passersby.
    She’d admit, she was intrigued. But that didn’t mean she was going to approach him. Certainly not. Instead she stood, shoulder against a (hopefully) unpainted wall, and eyes carefully watching the way he worked. He was brave to do it so blatantly– she wouldn’t be surprised if cops were on their way at that very moment.
    So many had to suffer and to what end? Did a valid reason for such abuse even exist? Yusuke saw it far too often as of late and he was simply fed up with it. He would find himself wandering about the city seeking beauty, only to find that it had been tarnished by the greedy and inconsiderate slave drivers that ruled the many multi-million dollar corporations around the world. What beauty could he find in the pain of those around him? He was disgusted by the very thought of what these individuals had to endure on a daily basis. It was time to act and he would do it in the only way he knew how: through the medium of art. He had taken it upon himself to go out and spread the word. Something had to be done and every revolution began with but one person. If no one else would be that one, he simply had to take on that role. So there he stood, amidst the crowds, trying desperately to get through to someone. Anyone. For a while he merely shouted to the general masses that wandered by as he painted, though it did not take long for him to realize that such was not terribly effective. It was then that he devised a rather simple plan. He decided it was best to finish a few statement pieces first in order to set it in motion. Picking up his brush, he returned to work. This particular piece depicted the workers struggling under the weight of a corporate building they carried. He believed it spoke for itself: the corporation would be nothing without its workers and yet, it continued harm them regardless. As he finished the piece, he decided to take a step back. Alright. Step one completed. As he began to wipe off his brush, he started to scan the crowds again. He would take this time to scope out anyone who seemed intrigued by his work. It was then that he noticed a particular gaze from afar. A gaze belonging to woman he hadn’t noticed before. Even from that distance, those icy eyes pierced through him. How long had she been there? Had she been there all along? He had no idea. However, it seemed irrelevant to him. What mattered was that he found another target. He stealthily weaved through the river of people and headed straight towards her. “Greetings. You have heard of the the corporations’ wrongdoings, have you not? I noticed your interest in my art. What do you see in it? I must know what the general public is seeing in my work. If it does not speak the volumes I desire...” He glanced down at the ground apprehensively, stopping mid-sentence. It seemed he had little interest in finishing his thought, as though it was a possibility he did not wish to even consider. His eyes returned to the individual before him as he waited feverishly for a response. 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
“We’re burning this place to the ground!” -Tya
Yusuke’s silvery eyes darted about the once undisturbed store. Though it was within the late hours of night, there remained a flashing light that infected his very being with immense horror. Coupled with it was the blaring call of the alarm system that threatened imprisonment. It seemed as though they were running out of time and ideas. Lifting a hand up to his mask, he released an audible sigh; “must we?” He muttered under the cloak of the sirens. “Would that not simply draw more attention to us?” Granted, he realized that all eyes were practically on them as it was. He took a moment to ponder what could come of the action. It could act as a diversion, couldn’t it? Not to mention the tongues of fire lapping at the canvas of stars above could truly make for an exquisite painting... 
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
Partners in Crime Sentence Starters
“You’ll never take us alive!”
“We swore that death would do us part.”
“They’ll call our crimes a work of art.”
“We’ll live like spoiled royalty.”
“Lovers and partners in crime!”
“This is a tale of reckless love.”
“Living a life of crime on the run.”
“Everybody freeze!”
“Nobody move!”
“Put your money in the bag, or we will shoot!”
“Empty out the vault!”
“If the heat comes close enough to burn, then we’ll play with fire!”
“Here we find our omnipotent outlaws fall behind the grind tonight.”
“The lone store owner won’t go down without a fight!”
“Where we gonna go?”
“He’s got us pinned!”
“Baby, I’m a little scared…”
“Now don’t you quit!”
“He sounded the alarms!”
“I hear the sirens closing in!”
“We’re burning this place to the ground!”
“Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded.”
“Put your weapons down, put your weapons down!”
“Ready, men? Aim… Fire!”
“This is the night that young love died.”
“We live as ghosts among these streets.”
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foxkitagawa-blog · 7 years
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「txt」: maybe new york?
「txt」: anything works though just tell me and i can buy the tickets
「txt」: if you want to that is
Haru fidgeted anxiously with her phone as she awaited a reply. She was indeed glad the other had accepted, but her previous worries regarding the matter still nagged at her. It was nice to have people see her as something more than her status, and certainly did not want Yusuke to view this offer as her rubbing in her affluence.
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「txt」: Ah, it would be fascinating to see some of the artwork there.
「txt」: Such a change of scenery would also be advantageous in my search for inspiration. 
「txt」: I believe that New York is a worthy destination.
「txt」: I will be sure to pack a few canvases. 
As the phone’s screen lit up again, so too did Yusuke’s eyes. New York? He took a moment to ponder what a trip to the state could entail. Perhaps this was his chance. The change in scenery and culture could very well act a catalyst that would lead to him obtaining the necessary inspiration he desperately sought. He shot a glance towards an empty canvas that lifelessly sat amongst a chaotic mess of art supplies. No matter how many times he tried to pick up a brush, the face of the canvas remained but a blanket of newly fallen snow. Things had to change. He shifted his attention back to his phone and quickly replied. 
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