foxes-n-hunters · 10 months
remembering things;
wednesday, august 23th 2023
something slipped through my mind when my lecturer told me, "write, so you can remember what you started and continue from where you left behind. continue to improve and grow as we humans always seek to be the best version of ourselves each day. write, so you can keep track of your progress every day by reading what you've done or accomplished in a day," he said. and thinking about that.. i think it's also the same reason why i choose to write to remember things instead of other ways.
there are other ways to remember things or memories, as everyone knows. one prefers to take lots of pictures or videos in order to live in the moment, one chose to collect things as a way to keep the memories, and many more ways i cannot mention one by one. for me, i choose to write. it's my way to express how i feel since i was little; as i wasn't brave enough to voice out my thoughts out loud so i prefer to do it with writing. it's comfortable, at least for me.
if i ever write to you something be it letters or anything pls take a note that it's my way to remember you nd you're lucky enough!!!
love, q
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foxes-n-hunters · 10 months
we’re a crooked love in a straight line down,
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foxes-n-hunters · 10 months
who could ever leave me darling but who could stay?
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foxes-n-hunters · 10 months
what does turning 22 feels like?
saturday, august 19th 2023
birthdays are a big thing for me. it's my big day, my special day. it's a great day to look back and amazed by how many things changed on my life over the past one year. but more importantly, it's a day to think over all the mistakes i did, and how to not make them again. it's a day where i feel delighted, special, and appreciated; which i don't get it daily. i feel loved, i feel special, i feel remembered by others.
i always try to make bday each year memorable so i can remember it for the rest of my life. on the first day of august, i told myself i expect nothing on this year's birthday; i just lost someone who means a lot to me. the month before was a pretty rough month, at least for me. what more i could wish for? a holly jolly birthday, where the day would be filled with lots of love, or a lonely birthday, without someone i love most? oh, i wish. last year's a pretty.. traumatizing birthday and i don't want it to happen this year.
well to answer the title above, turning 22 feels like drinking a hot chocolate on a rainy day; it warms me. it's.. the most heartwarming birthday i've had in years. not the happiest, but i'm soooo thankful for everyone around me. (lil tmi: it's my first birthday here in dad's hometown and i felt his presence through the people here). who would've thought i'd wake up with nasi kuning & ayam kecap (my fav of aLLLL TIME) nd it's cooked by a relative who cooked for my fam since i was little. it brings back soooo many childhood memories here 🥺🥺
turning 22 feels like walking down a memory lane. wishes from long-lost friends i haven't talked in months or maybe years, wishes from people i once despise but as i matured i learned to forgive them, wishes from one you rarely talk to but kind enough to wish me a happy birthday, and wishes from sooo many people in my life who've been with me throughout the years. t you t you t you ;;
before the day ends, happy turning twenty-two to me!! thank you for staying alive. you deserve the same amount of love you've given to others.
xo, q
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foxes-n-hunters · 1 year
‘m back again
sunday, jan 8th 2023
helloOOOO it’s been months krn aku br inget email yg dipake buat tumblr ini x( emg bego anjir pdhl niatnya buat daily diary ya. but!!! happy (late) new yearrrr omg udh januari lg. ngga banyak sih wishes buat tahun ini aku cm mau stay sane aja soalnya omg udh smt 6 lg?!?!?! time flies so fast rasanya br kemaren osjur mantengin zoom smp mampus smp trauma bgt gamau nginget-nginget osjur, zoom trs from 8 to 5 smp gapunya waktu ;> AH KEPANJANGAN OPENINGNYA UDH. intinya di 2023 ini i want to reflect on my past mistakes and want to be better. believe me, i’m always trying.
hari ini ngapain ya.. nothing much sbnrnya bangun agak siang trs bikin nasi goreng katsu (duh maaf smg ga bosen), trs mandi dan beresin kamar decluttering some things, pasang karpet & set up my all-pink workspace *-* nyaw, nontonin le sserafim omg LG SUKA BGT LE SSERAFIM SEMUA ORG HRS TAU my faves are yunjin n chaewon!! SEMUANYA HRS DENGER NO CELESTIAL!!!!!!!!!1111
neeways!! kynya byk org akan menghujat ini krn aku gasabar smt 6 sejujurnya hahahHAHAHSH. matkulnya cukup bikin excited smg bs seexcited smt 5 kemaren ya. i got good results sih.. not as what i expected but i’m grateful still!!! yaudah deh gt aja doain semoga smt 6 ini lancar karenaaaaaaa ada kemker means 10 days di hutan/pantai!!! ngukur full!!! gpp dmnpun ngukur i’ll always give it my all on everything i’m working on ok OK YAY. oh and also br inget aku jg dpt proyekan dosen smt ini!! hehe v v grateful seneng bgt baby steps, smt 5 kemaren dpt kesempatan bantuin riset kating skrg dpt proyekan dosen daaaan smg bs dpt proyek dr perusahaan abis ini ehehehe. i really love learning new things and challenge myself into something bigger. pokoknya semoga semuanya lancaaaaaaaaar x c u l8
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foxes-n-hunters · 2 years
first pOoooSt
thursday, may 12th 2022
ngga penting sih but hi i decided to make this just to tell abt my daily life to cope with my loneliness bc talking to ppl won’t help they’ll just forget me after so here i go,
hari ini ngapain ya numb just like the other days soalnya yaAAAaaa ujian. i don’t like today’s matkul tbh soalnya ngga pernah masuk sih pas kelas hahdhahha but i understand it still, cuma ngga advance aja. but all good i can do the exam, no socializing today soalnya cAPEKKKKK BGT PUSING abis ujian sakit kepala so i decided go back home. talked to sum of my friends today saying i look good today aAAAaaa seneng bgt kl dicompliment outfitnya bagus or my hair’s good or my makeup’s on point today. bought chicken cheese katsu to eat, soalnya di rumah sepi n i’m too lazy to cook sum foods udh chaos duluan mikirin ujian besokannya. trs aku blm bikin makalah 8 halaman buat ujian deadline bsk malem hahahhdha *die*. kayanya ngga akan tidur sih but we’ll see later soalnya ternyata kejarannya banyak bgt ya.. quite stressful tp yaudah i can ace it i CAN CONQUER EVERYTHING #girlboss #gatekeep #slaybitch ‼
g’night mau lanjutin belajar hiks pusing bgt ‘m gonna do sum self reward tumoro
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